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Papal document establishing the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
An act of 'sheer boldness'
Archbishop Alemany
In 1853 Rome seized moment, founded archdiocese
By Kevin Starr State Librarian of California
a pattern that would prove prophetic of California as a whole, the establishment of the Archdiocese of San Francisco by His Holiness Pope Pius K on In 29 July 1853 represented a fusion of local, national, and international interests. First of all, there was the local challenge. Gold Rush California was requiring regularity in its ecclesiastical administration. The mission system had been defunct for nearly twenty years. And besides: the missions were never intended — even had they survived — to serve a civil population. They were intended, rather, for the evangelization and Hispanicization of the Native Americans of California. The mission system did not constitute a diocese. There was a father president but no bishop , and there were no diocesan clergy.
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On 27 April 1840, however, following the disestablishment of the mission system, Pope Gregory the XVI, responding to a request from the president of the Republic of Mexico, authorized the upgrading of Upper and Lower Californi a from a mission territory dependent upon the Franciscan Order to an independent diocese with its own bishop and diocesan clergy. The Holy Father chose San Diego as the seat of this diocese, since it was mid-way between Alta and Baja California, and he selected a Franciscan, Francisco Garcia Diego y Moreno, to be the first bishop of California. A philosophy professor at the time, Father Garcia Diego had spent two years as a missionary at Mission Santa Clara in the waning days of the mission system. Consecrated in Mexico City on 4 October 1840, Bishop Garcia Diego arrived in San Diego in early December 1841. Very soon, however, he moved his episcopal seat to the more thriving settlement of Santa Barbara. SHEER BOLDNESS, page 10
Detroit auxiliary to succeed Bishop Cummins in Oakland By Jack Smith Auxiliary Bishop Allen Vigneron of Detroit has been named Coadjutor Bishop of Oakland by Pope John Paul II, As coadjutor, Bishop Vigneron will succeed to leadership of the Oakland diocese upon the retirement of Bishop John Cummins. Bishop Cummins has headed the Oakland Diocese for 25 years. On March 3, he will turn 75, the age at which
bishops must offer their retirement under canon law. Bishop Cummins had earlier expressed his desire to have a coadjutor named in order to ease the transition of leadership in the diocese. Bishop Cummins will remain in office for several months while Bishop Vigneron gets to know the priests and people of the Oakland diocese. The Diocese of Oakland was established in 1962 CUMMINS, page 9
Bishop Vigneron
Bishop Cummins
M. Vincents plan is stalled . . 3 Remember reflections of lig ht ~ Page 15 ~ Death row decision wins p raise ~ Page 8 ~
Clergy appointments
Nuns suffer less abuse than women in general . . . . 7 'Roe' at 30
Catholic perspective on globalization