January 31, 2003

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Opposition To war grows \, hi h p eacef ul sohii

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By Catholic News Service




Pro-life rs rally and p ray at the Cap itol in Sacramento on Jan. 22.

Do not receive Communion Sacramento bishop targets Davis for abortion stand By Catholic News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CNS) — Any Catliolic politi| cian who supports abortion should "abstain from receiving holy Communion until he has a change of heart," Bishop William K. Weigand of Sacramento said Jan. 22. In a homily at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, marking the 30th anniversary of legalized I abortion in the United States, Bishop Weigand singled I out California Gov. Gray Davis, a Catholic, for criticism.

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Archbishop Levada calls for action, compassion Vatican tells Catholic politicians to defend life




that anyone — politician or otherwise—who thinks it is acceptable for a Catholic to be pro-abortion is in very great error, puts his or her soul at risk and is not in good standing with the church. Such a person should have the integrity to acknowledge this and choose of his own volition to abstain from receiving holy Communion until he has a change of heart." ABORTION STAND, page 18



VATICAN CITY (CNS) - A day before a U.N. briefing on weapons inspections progress in Iraq, Pope John Paul II appealed for peace and watched as two doves were released from his window over St. Peter's Square. The release of the doves by two young Italian members of Catholic Action was a symbol "offering everybody a message of fraternity and hope, " the pope said at a noonday blessing Jan. 26. The youth section of Italy 's Catholic Action dedicates the last Sunday of January every year to projects for peace. The pope bolstered the appeal for peace as he noted commemorations of World Leprosy Day and the centenary of the birth of its founder, Raoul Follereau , "whose name is always tied to the fight against leprosy, poverty " and the marginalized. "How current is his appeal, which called for the destination of resources not to war-making arsenals, but to fight misery and illnesses," the pope said. The pope 's plea highlighted growing opposition by Catholic leaders around the world to a pre-emptive war against Iraq. A statement by German bishops Jan . 20 said war could only be justified as a response to an attack or to prevent "the most serious crimes against humanity such as genocide." "As the Charter of the United Nations organization and international law itself remind us, war cannot be decided upon except as a very last option, " the bishops said. On Jan. 24, the lay Central Committee of German Catholics said war against Iraq could only be authorized by the United Nations. The Central Committee said that the United Nations


Brothers, sisters in world


was justified to threaten Saddam with military action if the Iraqi leader did not comply with the U.N. resolutions, but that any U.N. action "must always stand under the primacy of peacekeeping. " The bishops said they recognized that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is a danger to the world, and that the threat of military action might be justified as a way of exerting pressure on Saddam to give up his potential for making weapons of mass destruction,

He praised Msgr. Edward J. Kavanagh, pastor of St. Rose Parish in Sacramento and director of St. Patrick's Home, for barring Davis from distributing Christmas gifts at the home in December because of the governor 's stand on abortion. "Thank you, Msgr. Kavanagh, for standing up for the unborn, for your dedication to truth and for your pastoral concern for souls, including the governor's, " Bishop Weigand said. "As your bishop, " he added, "I have to say clearly





On the Street Where You Live

Archbishop 's Annual Appeal


Heaven: The Heart 's Deepest Longing 5 Young couples invited \ to Anniversary Mass

« Pages 6-7 ~ Mission Dolores: link to past « Pages 10-11 ~

Family fiascoes . . . . . . . . . ] Wh rubrics? y

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