October 13, 2000

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9ot)e entrusts worQf to p rotectionof Virg in QAary


Pope John Paul II blesses with incense the statue of Our Lady of Fatima during a prayer service in St. Peter's Square Oct. 7. The Pope was joined by 1,500 bishops and tens of thousands of pilgrims in praying the rosary, including a large contingent from the Archdiocese of San Francisco led by Archbishop William J. Levada. Father Kevin Kenned y, parochial vicar at San Mateo's St. Gregory Parish, and Marta Rebagliati of the Office of Communications, were both quoted as describing the event as "incredibly moving". In a service the following day the Pope entrusted the world and its future to "the motherl y protection " of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Archdiocese of San Francisco, the famous "Pilgrim Image" of Our Lady of Guadalupe has drawn crowds. See photos on page 7.

State 'coercion1 charged

RU-486 app roval adds new intensity to lawsuit

By Kamille Maher In light of federal approval of the RU486 "abortion pill," attorneys for Catholic Charities of Sacramento on Oct. 10 asked California 's Superior Court to re-consider its Sept. 28 denial of a petition for a preliminary injunction to prevent enforcement of new state laws requiring "contraceptive" coverage

Holy Land violence: Vatican comments; p ilg rimagecurtailed

in health insurance prescription plans. The suit argues that the laws ' "conscience clause" language defines a church or religious

See related story, page 20 employer so narrowly that it excludes most Catholic schools, hospitals , and social service agencies.

Catholic Charities of Sacramento, Inc. had requested the preliminary injunction in a lawsuit filed July 20 against the State of California. It was denied. The suit seeks to ultimately have declared unconstitutional Assembly Bill 39, authored by Assemblyman Robert Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys) and Senate Bill 41, authored by RU-486 , page 7


RU-486: p ro-lif ers roll out varied 'combaf tactics

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