Peruvians celebrate L ' ord of Miracles
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I ore than 1,000 people of Peruvian descent or with ties to Peruvian culture filled Mission Dolores Oct. 17 to standingroom only for the annual observance of devotion to El Senor de los Milagros (The Lord of Miracles). A Mass , procession , music and food were included in the day 's activities in honor of the 300-year-old Peruvian devotion. Participants traveled from all over Northern California to take part in the event. Coordination was handled largely by members of the Brother of Our Lord of Miracles. Dolores Street was blocked off to allow the hundreds of devotees, musicians, incense bearers — many of them wearing the traditional purple habits of the Peruvian brotherhood — to carry the ornate image of Our Lord of Miracles and Our Lady of the Clouds around the block. Hymns and funeral marches are sung and prayed during the procession.
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At right. Brotherhood president Jose Alfredo Falcon raises his hands in applause as the local replica of the venerated painting of El Senor de los Milagros emerges from Mission Dolores Church. In photo at top right, Marina Pachas , wearing the habit of her father, is pictured with daughter Fabiola and son Charles , wearing his own habit.
All Saints/All Souls
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All Saints Day, Nov. 1, originated in the West in 609 when Pope Boniface IV dedicated the Pantheon to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It commemorates all the blessed in heaven. Pope Gregory III (731-41) changed the date from May 13 to Nov. 1. All Souls Day, Nov. 2, commemorates the faithful departed- 't was begun by Abbot Odo of Cluny in his monasteries in 998 and gradually adopte d by the whole Church- All Saints is a holy day of obligation, but the obligation is dispensed when it falls on a Monday as this year - Above , a procession of saints is shown in a window at St. Joseph Cathedral in Sioux Falls S.D.
Cardinal:p ap altrip still energizing Cuba