October 8, 1999

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St. FrancisShrine celebrates 150th y ear and its selection f or national role

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BombingSy p iety,insp iration, education and energy allp art of Italianlegacy in the Archdiocese of San Francisco



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By Jeffrey M. Burns , Ph.D. rp

Parental notification petition

JL owering above San Francisco's Washington Square is the majestic Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, a monument to the hard work and faith of the Italian immigrants of San Francisco. Names such as A.P.Giannini, Joe DiMaggio, Clare Giannini Hoffman , Joseph Alioto, and Angelo Rossi have become commonplace to most San Franciscans and reflect the deep impact Italians have made on the city. It was Italians who brought higher education to the city with the establishment of St. Ignatius College (now the University of San Francisco) by several Italian Jesuits in 1855.

75,000 signatures sought from archdiocesan Catholics By Sharon Abercrombie

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ITALIAN LEGACY, page 10 At top, Salesian Father Salvatore Giacomini sprinkles holy water on vessels at San Francisco 's Fisherman 's Wharf in part of the Blessing of the Fleet ceremony, a tradition begun in 1938 b y Sts. Peter and Paul Parish. See related p hoto on page 10. Immediately above, parishioners steady the famed portrait of the Madonnna del Lume - protectress of fishermen carried in the procession from the church. i

6 More than 3,000 attend Holy Sp iritConf erence at St. Mary 's Cathedral

/\rchdiocesan organizations from the School Department and Family Life Office to Hispanic Ministry and Public Policy will be lending support to an effort to gather 75,000 signatures within the Archdiocese for the Parental Notification Initiative (PNI) as part of the statewide campaign to obtain the nearly 671,000 needed to qualify the proposed law for the November 2000 ballot. If passed, the PNI would require physicians provide parents or legal guardians of an unemancipated minor at least 48 hours notice before performing an abortion on that child. Exceptions would be allowed in cases of medical emergency, and a judicial bypass would be allowed in cases of abuse by parents or guardians. The state 's Conference of Catholic Bishops has collectively committed to helping gather a significant portion of the required signatures during the month of October, observed locally and nationally as Respect Life Month, said George Wesolek, director of the archdiocesan Office of Public Policy and Social Concerns. He said San Francisco 's Archbishop William J. Levada has endorsed the 75,000 local target. PARENTAL page 3

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