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Seniors Tlghfing fc Save our ' Homes!
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"I'm here to let people know that we seniors are not going away and we will continue to fi ght for justice, especiall y for affordable housing, " said Jose Morales (left) at the Oct. 24 Catholic Campaign for Human Development luncheon at St. Mary ' s Cathedral. At the event the program for which he volunteers, Senior Action Network , received a CCHD $25,000 grant. Displaying messages of "ri ghts for the elderly " on his shopping cart and baseball cap, Morales said, "I've seen too much pain, too much sadness, too much stress associated with the evictions of the elderl y in San Francisco. People have no idea what the elderly go through when forced out of their homes. " Morales also volunteers for the San Francisco Tenants Union and the Seniors Action Housing Coalition. Archbishop William J. Levada praises the CCHD in a letter carried on page 7. The collection will be taken at Masses on Nov. 18 and 19. Pages 7, 8, and 9 feature special advertising for seniors.
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