November 21, 2003

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Pope speaks out

Catholic san Francisco

Criticizes Israel for wall; condemns deadly attacks in Iraq and Turkey

Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper

VATICAN CITY — Pope John Paul II criticized Israel’s building of a wall to keep out Palestinians, and he called for a global movement against terrorism following deadly attacks in Iraq and Turkey. “In reality, the Holy Land does not need walls, but bridges. Without reconciliation of souls, there can be no peace,” the pope said at a Sunday blessing Nov. 16. He renewed his “strong condemnation” of all acts of terrorism in the Holy Land and said it was disappointing that the peace process seemed blocked. “The construction of a wall between the Israeli and Palestinian people is seen by many as a new obstacle on the road to peaceful coexistence,” he said. POPE SPEAKS OUT, page 22


By John Thavis Catholic News Service

Police and rescue workers search debris from car bomb blasts at two synagogues Nov. 15 in Istanbul, Turkey. Suicide bombers drove vehicles loaded with explosives into two synagogues where worshippers were attending bar mitzvahs.

Bishops’ meeting covers sex abuse crisis, farms, budget and devotions WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. bishops opened their annual fall meeting with a challenge from their president to direct “the energy of the whole church” to the eradication of sexual abuse and the healing of its victims. They also heard from the review board they established to respond to the abuse crisis. During general sessions the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops also discussed and voted on a vast array of issues from same-sex unions, agricultural concerns, popular devotions, socially responsible investment, stewardship, conflict-ofinterest policy and several liturgical matters. The bishops elected a new secretary, a pro-life committee chairman and chairmen-elect for eight other committees. The meeting, initially scheduled for Nov. 10-13, finished one day early as the bishops moved up their scheduled items of business to conclude at the end of the day Nov. 12. The bishops heard a presentation on the work of their National Review Board, formed last year in the wake of the clerical sex abuse crisis, and were told of major national studies on the crisis and the U.S. bishops’ response to it that will be released early next year. The studies will include a report on the extent of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic


By Catholic News Service

Auxiliary Bishop Ignatius Wang of San Francisco leads his fellow bishops during morning prayers at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' general fall meeting in Washington Nov. 12. priests and deacons since 1950 by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York and the review board’s consensus report on interviews with bishops, priests-abusers, victims and a wide array of professionals regarding the “causes and context” of the abuse crisis. On Nov. 12, the bishops overwhelmingly approved a short teaching document on why same-sex unions should not be given the social or legal status of marriage. The

bishops were told that rapid developments on the issue across the country led the USCCB Administrative Committee in September to seek development of the statement in time for the November meeting. The 2,000 word statement, “Between Man and Woman: Questions and Answers About Marriage and Same-Sex Union,” states that marriage between a man and a woman is God’s plan, seen in nature and in divine rev-

elation. It was approved in a 234-3 vote. The same day, they also unanimously approved their first new document on agriculture in 14 years: “For I Was Hungry and You Gave Me Food: Catholic Reflections on Food, Farmers and Farmworkers.” The document, which examines agricultural issues from genetically modified crops to crop subsidies and market forces affecting rural life both in the United States and in the nation’s trading partners, passed with a 237-0 vote. The bishops spent time Nov. 10 discussing the need for guidelines on how they should handle relationships with Catholics whose actions in public life are not in accord with church teaching. The guidelines, which are not expected to be in final form until after the 2004 elections, are meant to help bishops make distinctions between “respect for the office and approval of the officeholder ... to distinguish between fundamental moral principles and prudential judgments on the application of those principles,” said Bishop John H. Ricard of PensacolaTallahassee, Fla., chairman of a new task force charged with addressing the issue. On other political matters, Mark Chopko, the bishops’ general counsel, told the bishops Nov. 12 that the church faces a BISHOPS’ MEETING, page 22

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Massachusetts court . . . . . . 3 Fighting poverty. . . . . . . . . 8 Thanksgiving special . . 12-13 Catholic immigrants . . 16-17 St. Charles celebrates. . . . 18

First sunday of advent: November 30 November 21, 2003

Tom Burke’s Column

Vatican conference

Joan of Arcadia. . . . . . . . . 21

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No. 38

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