March 21, 2003

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Papal plea ¦



Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In one of his most impassioned public pleas, Pope John Paul II said March 16 that war would have "tremendous consequences " for Iraqi civilians and for the equilibrium of the entire Middle East and could foment new forms of extremism. At his Sunday blessing, the pope called on Saddam Hussein to cooperate urgently and fully with the international community "to eliminate any motive for armed intervention , " and asked member nations of the U.N. Security Council to respect their own U.N. charter, which allows the use of force only as a last resort, when all peaceful means have been exhausted. "I say to all: There is still time to negotiate . There is still room for peace. It is never too late to understand each other and to continue to work things out , " the pope said. Two days later, after President George W. Bush abandoned international diplomacy and set a countdown for war on Iraq, the Vatican warned that whoever gives up on peaceful solutions would have to answer for the decision to God and histo ry. The Vatican statement March 18 came a day after Bush gave Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his sons a 48hour ultimatum to leave Iraq to avoid military conflict. "Whoever decides that all the peaceful means made available under international law are exhausted assumes a grave responsibility before God , his conscience and history, " said Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Vails. The one-sentence statement did not mention Bush or any other international leaders by name. PAPAL PLEA, page 18

Sign for the times I By Jack Smith


A new ad campaign announcing the availability of help for women in crisis pregnancies is under way at high schools, colleges, churches and even Muni buses throughout San Francisco. An anonymous grant to Birthright agencies SIGN, page 18


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Members of Paz Y Bien j oin anti-war march last Saturday

Latinos spread gospel of nonviolence By Patrick Joyce

"There is so much discrimination and racism and fears of other cultures , " she said. "We want to focus on the positive - that we are ail brothers and sisters, that God has given us the beautiful gift of goodness, the spark of the divine within us. We want to develop that spark and share it with everybody."

embers of Paz Y Bien, a group of Bay Area Latinos , participated in marches opposing 2:\ a U.S. war against Iraq as a way of expressing their dedication to a nonviolent approach to life. The Sp anish words "Paz Y Bien " mean 'Peace and all good" and they reflect the group 's effort "to work to develop a culture of nonviolence from the perspective of Hispanics in the United States, " Franciscan Sister Graciela Martinez, a leader of the group, said. "We want to go out to all Latinos and nurture the seed of nonviolence given to all of us by God. We want to develop a spirituality of how we as Latinos experience nonviolence and then share that gift with other cultures , " said Sister Graciela, associate director of Hispanic catechesis for the archdiocesan Office of Religious Education and Youth Ministry.

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"Latinos for active nonviolence choose lite by living out of peace and all good, " a Paz Y Bien statement says. "Through practice and discernment, we deepen our understanding of how our Latino culture in the United States contributes to a vision of making present the Reign of God in our world today in active nonviolence. " Paz Y Bien, traces its roots to a group called Pace e Bene , Italian for "Peace and All Good," founded by Franciscan Sister Rosemary Lynch, Franciscan Father Louis Vitale and Allain Richard 25 years ago. That predominantly English-speaking and European-American PEACE, page 18




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Pastoral, scholarly leader ~ Pages 14-15 ~

Journey to limter ~ Page 20 ~


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