In Rome: plea for peace At home: mourning Catholic News Service Pope John Paul II marked the 40th anniversary of the encyclical "Pacem in Terris" ("Peace on Earth") with a prayer th at the war in Iraq "ends quickly to make room for a new era of forgiveness, love and peace. " "I am thinking especially of the defenseless civilian population , which in various cities has been subject to harsh suffering. I pray to God that this conflict ends quickly to make room for a new era of forgiveness, love and peace, " the pope said at a noon blessing at the Vatican April 6. Several thousand people, many waving peace banners, applauded the pontiff as he pronounced his call for a speedy end to hostilities. On April 5, the pope discussed the Iraqi situation with French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin. Both men had been strong opponents of military action against Iraq. The Vatican said the two had spoken of "the need to abbreviate the suffering of the civilian population , with the hope that the international community can help the Iraqis themselves to be the architects of reconstruction. " At his Sunday blessing, the pope said Blessed Pope John XXIII's landmark encyclical, issued on April 11, 1963, underscored the fact that peacemaking must be a permanent commitment in today 's world. This requires both a spirit of faith and "realistic and farsighted wisdom, " he said. The encyclical rightly noted that disputes today should be settled "not through recourse to weapons but through negotiation , " the pope said , his voice rising sharp ly on the word "negotiation. "
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Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahony leads the way for the casket of Lance Cp L Jose Antonio Gutierrez who was killed in combat in Iraq. "Unfortunately, this constructive goal of civilization has not yet been reached, " he added. Meanwhile, several churches across the country were busy with funeral services in early April for soldiers who have died during the war. PLEA FOR PEACE, page 7
St. John's earns national 'School of Tomorrow' honor With head spinning speed, St. John 's School in San Francisco has gone from a school with no computer lab to a school so computer savvy that it has been named one of 12 national recipients of the "Catholic Schools for Tomorrow Award For Innovation in Technology" by the National Catholic Educational Association. To the right, four seventh grade students at work on a project at St. John 's. From the left: Ivanna Benard, Janet Herrera, Karen Aldana and Flor Larin.
Story: Page 5. More pictures: Page 20.
Seeking Divine Mercy
Honoring priests
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Jesuits come to California
Easter Services
Cardinals Dinner Busy week for pope
~ Pages 14-15 ~
~ Pages 9-11 ~
War in 'real time'
'Reluctant Saint'