Laci and Conner
Unborn victims bill to be named for mother and son
WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Unborn Victims of Violence Act will be renamed. Laci and Conner 's Law in memory of Laci Peterson and her son, Conner, with whom she was eight months pregnant at the time of her death. Scott Peterson has been charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of his wife and son. Their bodies washed ashore near Richmond last month . The legislation , reintroduced in the House and Senate May 7, would recognize an unborn child as a legal victim when he or she is inju red during the commission of a federal crime of violence. The House has twice passed the bill but it has not come before the Senate. In a letter to the chief sponsors of the legislation, Sen. Michael DeWine, R-Ohio, and Rep. Melissa A. Hart, R-Pa., Laci Peterson 's mother, Sharon Rocha, as well as her stepfather, Ron Grantski, and four brothers and sisters urged passage of the bill and asked that it be renamed in honor of Laci and Conner. "This bill is very close to our hearts," the letter said. "We have not only lost our future with our daughter and sister, but with our grandson and nephew as well "Knowing that perpetrators who murder pregnant women will pay the price not only for the loss of the mother, but the baby aswell , will help bring justice foi these victims and hopefully act as a deterrent to those considering such heinous acts, " they added.
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A choir sings during a memorial service f or Laci Peterson at the First Baptist Church in Modesto The proposed law should be approved by Congress to provide "new legal protections " for women and their unborn children , Cathleen Cleaver, the U.S. bishops ' chief pro-life spokeswoman said.
"The murders of Laci and Conner Peterson have shocked the nation, " Cleaver said. "Women and their unborn children deserve the new legal protections this LACI AND CONNER , page 6 bill offers. "
Creative*, caring
Seton Medical Center f ocuses on mothers, babies
By Evelyn Zappia
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Adriana and her baby Danna:
the formal opening of the St. Elizabeth Ann AtSeton New Life Center on April 30, Mayor Adrienne Ussier of Daly City praised the Daughters of Charity for their bold step in expanding Seton Medical Center 's birthing facility Formerly named the Mother and Infant Wellness Program, the new program is an all-inclusive perinatal center for low-income women in the community. "In this day and age, With what we are dealing with regarding the budgetary side of things everybody * wants to dodge from trying to expand things that are ' needed to take place in our community but not the Daughters of Charity," said Mayor Tissier. The Mayor, holding a City Proclamation acknowledging Seton and the Daughters of Charity, said to the gathering of doctors, nurses , hospital staff , and Sisters, "This is really a thank you for what you
have done for our community. It is not only that you have a mission, but that you continue to keep seeking ways to fulfill that mission." Althoug h times are tough, she said, the Sisters looked for creative ways to provide this center for those who have nowhere else to go. Among the celebrants was a recent client, Adriana, a 32-year-old mother with her healthy baby girl of three months, Danna. Where would she have gone if the program did not exist? "I wouldn 't have any services," she said without hesitation, "The health of these young mothers and their new babies in our community is inextricably linked to the good of the whole society," said Kathy Green, a registered nurse and director of the New Life Center. "This comprehensive program provides these moms with on-site nutritional education, services of a CREATIVE, CARING, page 10
INSIDE THIS WEE K'S EDITION Back to basics for K of C . . 5
At 83, pope reflects on life ~ Page 3 ~
Courage and commitment ~ Pages 16-17 ~
Pope's view of Mary
Columbine witness
Abortion word play
Evolution and faith
Film reviews
Golden jubilee concert . . . 21