June 27, 2003

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At St. Marv's Cathedral Archbishop Levada ordains two p riests and two transitioned deacons By Patrick Joyce Archbishop William J. Levada ordained two priests and two deacons June 14 in a liturgy he called "one of the high points " of the Archdiocese of San Francisco 's 150th jubilee celebration and ventures into a new millennium and a new era for the archdiocese. "My brothers, thank you for stepping forward, part of a fresh start, " Archbishop Levada told newly ordained priests, Francisco Gamez and Augusto Villote and new transitional deacons, Andrew Johnson and Dennis Gooch. At the end of the Great Jubilee Year 2000, "The Holy Father gave us his wonderful apostolic exhortation 'Entering the New Millennium,'" Archbishop Levada told the congregation at St. Maiy 's Cathedral. "It is so appropriate for us here in our jubilee year, here in the archdiocese. It is especially appropriate for you, new priests and deacons." "Let us go forward in hope!" the archbishop said, quoting from the exhortation. "A new millennium is opening before the Church like a vast ocean upon which we shall venture, relying on the help of Christ. The Son of God, who became incarnate two thousand years ago out of love for humanity, is at work even today: we need discerning eyes to



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Bishop Wilton Gregory, president of the U.S. Confe rence of Catholic Bishop s , makes a p oint at a June 19 p ress conference in St. Louis , as Kathleen McChesney, director of the bishops ' Off ice f or Child and Youth Protection, and Bishop Josep h Galante, chairman of the bishop s ' Committee on Communications, listen. At their annual sp ring meeting, the bishops discussed their continuing efforts to deal with clergy sexual abuse. They also discussed statements or letters on missionary work, ag riculture issues , collaboration of women and clergy, and lay ministry formation. See story on Page 3.

Circle of Healing

Ap ology ceremony held at Presidio

By Jack Smith

People. About 100 people participated including vicA Ceremony of Apology bringing together vic- tims and their family members, priests, chancery tims of clergy sexual abuse, their friends and fami- personnel, parishioners, Bishops John C. Wester and lies, Church representatives and the faithful was held Ignatius Wang and Archbishop William J. Levada. June 14 at the San Francisco Film Center in the The ceremony was designed jointly by clergy abuse Presidio. Opening the event, Sister Antonio Heaphy, victims and Archdiocesan staff and included prayer director of evangelization for the Archdiocese, said and songs performed by victims as well as numerous the purpose of the "Circle of Healing" ceremony was statements by victims and church representatives. "to provide a forum for victims to be heard and for Large photographs of victims as children or young church representatives to apologize." adults served as a backdrop for the proceedings. The ceremony took place on the first anniverBishop John C. Wester, who has been meeting sary of the-approval of the U.S. Catholic Bishops' with a victims group called No More Secrets for more Charter for the Protection of Children and Young HEALING, page 25 —


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Archbishop Levada incenses altar at ordination Mass assisted by Deacon Charles Allen.

News in Brief


New John Paul II b o o k . . . 10

Sermons in art at the Legion ~ Pages 14-15 ~

New chapel blessed

Senior Living

~ Page 11 ~

Clergy Appointments.... 22

Paulist History


8- 11 19-20 24


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