BACKGROUNDER Federal, state laws focusing on end of life By Kamille Maher Two officials of the U.S.. bishops' pro-life committee recently issued strong support for federal legislation to promote pain relief and palliative care for people with advanced chronic diseases. The Pain Relief Promotion Act of 1999, introduced in both houses of Congress June 17 , would clarify federal law on the use of controlled substances and provide federal support for training in palliative care. Debate on the proposed law will coincide with similar dialogue on physician-assisted suicide legislation in the California Assembly, AB1592 , which remains viable for the next legislative session. Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore, chair of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee for Pro-Life Activities, said the national legislation would "serve the real needs of dying patients and their families," in a June 17 statement, reported Catholic News Service.
See "Guest commentary " on page 15 "Terminally ill patients deserve better pain control ," said Richard M. Doerflinger, associate director for policy development at the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, "precisely because they have the same innate worth and dignity as all other human beings and are in special need of our love and support." Doerflinger made his comments during testimony June 24 before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution. He added, "When a society singles out these patients BACKGROUNDER, page 21
Vatican bans priest, nun f rom any work withingay ministry By Jerry Filteau
j it opens next week
The 13th century altarpiece "Deposition " (above) is one 70 rare works of art to be available for viewing July 24 - Nov. 14 in the acclaimed "The Treasury of St. Francis of Assisi" exhibit at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, 100 34th Ave., San Francisco. Another scheduled piece is "Dossal of St. Francis " (c. 1250), one of the earliest known portraits of the saint and said to be painted on the board on which his body was prepared for burial. The exhibit also includes sculpture, metalwork and textiles. Admission is $8 adults; $6 senior; $5 children 12 - 17; under 12 free; $1 from each adult fee will be donated to the restoration project of the Basilica of San Francesco in Assisi, Italy, severely damaged in a 1997 earthquake. For information, call (415) 750-3638.
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WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has barred Father Robert Nugent and Sister Jeannine Gramick "from any pastoral work involving homosexual persons." In a public notification released Tuesday it said the two Americans, who have been engaged in joint gay and lesbian ministry since the early 1970s, advanced "doctrinally unacceptable" positions "regarding the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts and the objective disorder of the homosexual inclination." They have been under Vatican investigation since 1988. Father Nugent in a statement said his superior general called him to Rome and informed him of the decision before it was published. "As a son of the Church, a presbyter and a member of a religious congregation with a vow of obedience, I accepted the decision of the CDF and expressed my intention to implement it accordingly," he said. The congregation said its public notification, personally approved by Pope John Paul II, was necessary "for the good of the Catholic faithful." The "errors and ambiguities " promoted by the priest and nun "have caused confusion among the Catholic peop le and have harmed the community of the Church" it said. It also declared the two "ineligible, for an undetermined period , for any office in their respective religious institutes." Father Nugent, 62, is a Salvatorian priest. Sister Gramick, 57, is a School Sister of Notre Dame. Bishop Joseph A. Fiorenza of Galveston-Houston, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, in a separate statement July 13 stressed the Vatican ban was imposed because of "serious deficiencies in their writings and pastoral activities ... not because it was ¦a ministry to homosexuals as such." He said the U.S. bishops "share a commitment to this ministry. ... All Catholics facing serious moral questions deserve our care and respectas brothers and sisters in the Lord. Those with homosexual inclinations deserve this care and respect no less than any others." Bishop Fiorenza also expressed a "personal hope VATICANBANS, page 11