Interfaith coalition Religious leaders express concern fo r poo r in state budget impasse By Patrick Joyce SACRAMENTO , CA - As the state budget impasse entered is third week, a coalition of California religious leaders gathered on the steps of the state Capitol to exhort their political counterparts to come up with, in the words of Sacramento Auxiliary Bishop Richard Garcia, "a just budget now - right now." Criticizing proposals to "slash" state services to "the most vulnerable among us, " the Rev. John Freesemann told a crowd of 100: "Slashing is what you do in horror movies , not in well-run governments. Slashing disfigures and cripples and kills. We don 't need slashing. We need vision, and we need leadership.... willing to compromise politically but never willing to compromise morally." The state entered its new fiscal year July 1 without a budget and without agreement on how to bridge a huge gap between spending and revenue. Democrats and Republicans not only cannot agree on a solution - they also disagree on die size of the problem. Gov. Gray Davis says the deficit is $38 billion, while Republicans say the Democrat governor has inflated that figure by billions of dollars. While the religious leaders did not take sides in their remarks, posters displayed at the service criticized spending cuts proposed in a Republican budget plan , and several speakers called for tax increases. Republican legislators are refusing to agree to any tax increases. INTERFAITH COALITION, page 18
Students enjoy an underwater theme Scripture Camp at St. Charles. Left to right: Kevin Ponty,Anne Marie Falladino, Joey Guslani. Story on Pa0e 5.
Vatican official says major religions must work as allies for peace By Tracy Early Catholic News Service MORRISTOWN , N.J. (CNS) — Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Vatican Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, called July 19 for Jews, Muslims and Christians to work as allies to "build up a new human civilization of life. " In a time when many people, especially in the West, have "lost their direction and ethical orientation ," adherents of the three religions constitute "an enormous human, religious and ethical potential against the immense destructive potential in our world," he said. Cardinal Kasper joined a rabbi and an imam at a special assembly on "Children of Abraham: Journeys to God" at the College of St. Elizabeth, an institution run by the Sisters of Charity in Morristown. Identifying the Middle East as a place where the alliance was especial ly needed , Cardinal Kasper urged that Christians, Muslims and Jews work together to "end the
The differences "are not incidental," but go to the core of the respective religious identities, and for Christians involve the one , Jesus, through whom they become "by faith Abraham 's children , " he said. Noting that the church today rejects some approaches to missionary work and conversion used in the past, Cardinal Kasper said mission was nonetheless central to the New Testament, and that "to give witness of one's own faith belongs to our faith ." He also pointed out that while Muslims were free to build vicious circle of violence and counter-violence which has mosques in the West, Christians could not build churches in caused the death of so many innocentpeopleon both sides." some Muslim countries, and said that under the Shariah, or Jerusalem should be "a place of peace for Jews, Muslim law, Christian life "becomes difficult or is often even Muslims and Christians , and a sign of hope for peace for oppressed." all humankind , " he said. "Further dialogue for the sake of peace should focus on Cardinal Kasper warned, however, against "the dangers of these fundamental issues of human rights and religious a religious pluralism and lehtivismwhich would jeopardize freedom as the fundamental human right, " he said. the fundamentals of our beliefs," and called rather for living The College of St. Elizabeth event, which drew an ALLIES FOR PEACE, page 18 with the differences "in a peaceful way."
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On the Street Where You Live
News in Brief
Natural Family Planning . A12
Mexican Bishops aid poor
New Province Center
Harmony of Parish Bells
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Tony Hall interview