July 30, 1999

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Next issue will be dated August 13, 1999

are all born Beth handicaps ' By Evelyn Zappia


Nadint Callig hd ÂŚ


Nadine Calligiuri's message to the disabled is concise: "Come out into society, make an effort and God will do the rest." Her message to those without apparent disabilities is insightful : "We were all born with handicaps. Some you can see. Some you cannot." "But we are all called to help and love each other," she summarizes, "and that's what can make us Handicapables." In 1965 with only 20 members, Calligiuri founded the Handicapables organization for the disabled people of her city, San Francisco. Calligiuri's goal — then and now — is to bring prayer and friendshi p to the often lonely lives of the disabled and bring them out from seclusion and into society. Since then Calligiuri has helped establish 30 Chapters of the Handicapables in five states (California, Arizona, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York) and Washington, D.C. along with international chapters in Australia, Hong Kong, India and Japan. Thousands have withdrawn from isolation through Calligiuri's encouragement and unshakable dream. The San Francisco Handicapables chapter meets the second Saturday of the month at St. Mary 's Cathedral . "It's a time for prayer, meeting friends and discussing job possibilities," said Calligiuri. "It 's the Mass that really unites us," she added. "It's wonderful to see all denominations in prayer, sharing love and enjoying the Mass. We've even had a few converts along the way which has made it really special for me." Calligiuri was born with cerebral palsy. Unable to walk until she was six, her parents, Mary and Charles Calligiuri, carried her from place to place. After a series of leg operations at Shriners Hospital in San Francisco, life changed dramatically for the Calligiuri family. The six-year-old' s extraordinary strength of character showed itself in an unstoppable outburst of physical and mental courage. It appeared there were no challenges she would refuse, no matter how demanding. She learned to walk, ride a bike, swim, play the piano and even took ballet lessons. It was at that age Calligiuri was recognized for the first of many public accolades. She was named the Shriners Hospital "Sunshine Girl" for the East-West football game. Over the years she has been lauded in a dozen resolutions passed by the state legislature. In 1996 she was presented the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Award, an honor from Pope Paul VI. She has also received the ______________

St. Anthony prog ram helps teach students about today 's 'lepers '


St. Francis exhibit a lesson in fai th as well as art


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