Sesquicentennial Mass Catholic fa ithf ul f ill , St Mary 's Cathedra l to mark 150th anniversary By Patrick Joyce Catholics with roots in countries around the world filled St. Mary 's Cathedral in San Francisco July 27 to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the Archdiocese of San Francisco in 1853 - just four years after gold seekers from around the world had transformed a sleepy village known as Yerba Buena into the bustling new city of San Francisco. Joining Archbishop William J. Levada in celebrating the Sesquicentennial Mass were two dozen bishops from throughout California and from dioceses as far away as Salt Lake City and Las Vegas, which once had been part of the original territoiy of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. "Li ke a great tree planted 150 years ago, the Archdiocese of San Francisco has taken root . It is growing, " Archbishop Levada, the archdiocese 's seventh archbishop , said in his homily. "Its roots in the soil oi California go deep. It is destined to grow in age and , p lease God , wisdom and grace." The archbishop gave "thanks and glory to God for the many blessings we are heirs to, thanks to the sacrifices and dedication of the People of God - the priests , religious and laity - of th ese past 150 years. " "We thank God for the generations of people of such a rich diversity of backgrounds , Native Americans, Mexicans, Europeans , Africans , Latin Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders who, not withstanding our differences of language, race and culture , make up the one Body of Christ , the Church , " he said. "We admire the witness and achievement of their lives of faith and works of charity. " Representatives of these ethnic groups played prominent SESQUICENTENNIAL MASS, page 17
New Vatican document opposes same-sex unions By John Norton Catholic News Service
ng gay couples the legal protections and benefits of marriage. Massachusetts ' highest court is widely expected to Vatican City (CNS) — In a new document , the rule in favor of legalizing same-sex marriages; similar Vatican otters detailed arguments against legal recogni- legislation was enacted in 2000 in Vermont. Also in July, tion of same-sex unions and asks Catholic lawmakers to Canada's government proposed a draft bill to legalize fight growing movements to legalize "gay marriage. " same-sex marriage; Belgium, Denmark and Netherlands The 12-page document underscores church teaching already have legalized such unions. requiring compassion for homosexuals, but it says legal PAGE 18 Seefulltext of document recognition of gay unions is contrary to human nature and ultimately hannful to society, a senior Vatican.official said. Opposition to gay marriage, including opposition The document, prepared by the Congregation for the among white U.S. Catholics, has dropped significantly in Doctrine of the Faith is titled, "Considerations Regarding recent years, according to a poll released in July by the Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. Just 4l Homosexual Persons." percent of white Catholics today opposed legalized gay Release of the document coincides with a growing marriage, in contrast with 60 percent in 1996. Support movement in Europe and North America toward granti- for such measures among white Catholics has increased
Boston installs new Archbish op ~ Page 5 ~
in the same period from 31 percent to 47 percent. A senior Vatican official said the document "offers arguments from human reason " about the foundational role of marriage in well-functioning societies and "The complete absenceof an analogy between tire marriage of a man and a woman and the union of two men or two women." The document was intended to help local bishops present convincing arguments against legal recognition of gay marriages, to give direction to Catholic lawmakers, and "to help anybody who has to confront the matter," the official said. It warns Catholic lawmakers that it is "gravely immoral" to vote for such measures. At the same time, the official said the document "strongly insists on respect" for homosexual individuals and should not be interpreted as an encouragement of "unjust discrimination" against gays.
Cardinal slams media antiCatholicism ~ Page 21 ~
On the Street Where You Live
Overseas Adoption brings joy. . 8 Saint Anthony's celebrates founder
Chaput on Pryor Nomination . 15 Archbishop 's Sesquicentennial Homily . . . 16