Prof ound and pro -l if e . . . Resp ect Lif e EsMy winners 10 - 11
God made me a sp ec ial p erso n, God made u$ÂŁach diU crchti He JWw ^ J | abac **- me he-Por e I was born i H ^ vWll 1 alwav s We me ev en I f l ae+ in to trouhld * H & aoive me> S p ec ml tal eds \ Mv f~ a \*m- t is
St. Fmncis Church named U.S.national shrine to fa med saint
d ^a w i n a i ri& l ov&$ to |i^a p #?6
. lauahi H & a-m^e-ime ^^ 5 ^o he mmy i#0j fe ^Ok p ^Ti m^ +0 ao Jr o A ^ohmA?Re a <A</e mc my n ose to $>m&$ f~ k & p la n ts * We Qave .w\ e my le as Qmd -A-re-h to w a l k * Gad Wi l l f a mxAt-r * %f ap \ovina me * I lov e the way My HOW, God mad e mt ! Grand Prize Winner, Grades 1 & 2 St. Gabriel School, San Francisco
Santa Rosa Diocese f acinjj austerity measures, long road to recovery By Dan Morris-Young Bishop G. Patrick While the sudden resignation of Ziemann and revelations of his sexual liaison with a fellow priest rocked the Santa Rosa Diocese in Jul y, consequent exposure of what has been described as extensive financial mismanagement during the bishop 's administration has dominated headlines in the diocese during recent weeks.
Warriors^ coach throws enthusiastic supp ort to endowment campa ig n
During a two-hour Sept. 15 meeting with all priests of the diocese at St. Mary of the Angels Church in Ukiah , San Francisco 's Archbishop William J. Levada and members of a consulting team he formed quickly after being named Santa Rosa's apostolic administrator Jul y 22, reported the diocese faces a $15 million debt and a financial crisis which will si gnificantl y impact its parishes , schools and agencies. While Archbishop Levada said there will be "painful steps which must be taken to rebuild a solid financial base for the diocese," he also said the Santa Rosa Diocese does not fac e bankruptcy, that its total assets at current market value exceed external liabilities by "many millions of dollars." In addition to securing a $5 million loan from Wells Fargo Bank to address immediate "liquidity needs ", Archbishop Levada has "set in motion " several actions , according to a Sept. 15 press statement issued by the diocese. These include: â&#x20AC;˘ Removing the Chancery fro m the "consolidated account " SANTA ROSA , page 8