July 10, 2015

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LAUDATO SI’: Archbishop, local Catholics respond


Sisters’ chapter-by-chapter reflection



SVdP leader takes part in Catholic-Buddhist gathering


CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO Newspaper of the Archdiocese of San Francisco



JULY 10, 2015

$1.00  |  VOL. 17 NO. 18

Assisted suicide bill appears dead for 2015 VALERIE SCHMALZ CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO


Deacon candidates installed into Ministry of Reader

Thirteen archdiocesan deacon candidates were installed into the Ministry of Reader on June 19 at Our Lady of Mercy Church, Daly City. Their wives accompanied the candidates as they received the blessing and charge from Auxiliary Bishop William J. Justice to share the Word of God through their ministries and in their daily lives. First row from left: Griselda Gomes, May Cepriano, Christine McLoughlin, Mildred Rolandelli, Erlinda Te, Bishop Justice, Laura Campagna, Cora Mariano, Nariman Khoury, Josephine Nepomenceno. Middle row: Sergio Gomez, Ric Cepriano, Bill McLoughlin, David Rolandelli, Edward Te, Jossie Abad, Sal Campagna, Ferdinand Mariano, Abbie Nepomenceno, Katharine Ornido, Eileen Salcido. Top row: Deacon Mike Ghiorso, Olet Abad, Lucy Michel, Juan Michel, George Khoury, Deacon Rich Foley, Dino Ornido, Jimmy Salcido.

Housing crisis: Redwood City tenants protest eviction VALERIE SCHMALZ CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO

Eight families at 910 Clinton St. in Redwood City organized a June 30 rally to protest their eviction and to ask for more time to find housing – but the property owners issued a statement two days later saying all were legally required to vacate under rental agreements and California law. Following “significant construction,” the apartments will be leased “at market rate prices to qualified applicants,” according to FPI Management Inc., the property management company for the new owners, OAMC 910 Clinton Investments, LLC. The building was sold in April for just over $6 million, double its $2.98 million sale price in 2010. SEE HOUSING CRISIS, PAGE 5


A mother, holding her toddler, attended a rally in Redwood City June 30 by the residents who have been ordered to leave an apartment building that is undergoing renovation.

The primary sponsors of legislation legalizing physician-assisted suicide pulled the bill hours before a state Assembly hearing July 7, with its authors saying the bill is dead for this year. A group of Southern California Latino Democratic assembly members broke ranks with their party to oppose the bill, a move assisted-suicide advocates blamed on the Catholic Church, specifically Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles created a website, ahardpill.org, with information and advocacy tools. The bill had already passed the state Senate, largely on party lines. “The compassion that doctor-assisted suicide offers is hollow. And this legislation has dangerous implications for our state, especially for the poor and vulnerable,” Archbishop Gomez wrote. Effective lobbying by the coalition of all opponents was key, said Steve Pehanich, director of communication and advocacy for the California Catholic Conference, the bishops’ public policy arm. The bill’s authors, Democratic Senators Lois Wolk of Davis and Bill Monning of Carmel, had already postponed a vote by the Assembly Health Committee last month, because they did not have sufficient support from Democrats on the committee. “We are very pleased at the outcome and grateful for the hard work done by the assembled coalition at Californians Against Assisted Suicide,” said California Catholic Conference executive director Ned Dolesji in a statement, attributing the victory to the longstanding coalition of physicians, health care workers, disabled advocates and religious groups. “Those of us advocating on behalf of disability rights organizations understand that choice is a myth in the context of our health care reality,” said Marilyn Golden, senior policy analyst for Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund. San Francisco Chronicle columnists Matier & Ross had attributed the bill’s dwindling prospects to lobbying by Catholic parishioners, writing July 5, “The lawmakers’ hesitancy comes as the Catholic Church in Los Angeles, which is home base for many of the Assembly members and strongly opposes the bill, is urging parishioners to call legislators and voice their objections.” Primary advocacy organization Compassion & Choices is likely to fund an initiative to place physician assisted suicide before voters in 2016, Pehanich said.

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INDEX On the Street . . . . . . . . 4 National . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . 22

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