August 14, 2015

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HANDICAPABLES: Archbishop joins group on 50th anniversary





A-bomb chaplain’s conversion recalled

Dioceses take time to focus on climate encyclical


CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO Newspaper of the Archdiocese of San Francisco


AUGUST 14, 2015

Helping altar servers master their craft LIDIA WASOWICZ CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO

St. Hilary Parish in Tiburon has introduced a ministry to help altar servers master their craft and worshippers mind the Mass. Seated to the right of the altar in a cassock and surplice, an adult master of ceremonies assists, guides and, when necessary, steps in for school age acolytes to promote a seamless rite. “My hope is that every Sunday liturgy will be as beautiful and well orchestrated as possible so the people of God may worship without distractions,” said parochial vicar Father Roger Gustafson, who implemented the program in January, six months after his arrival at St. Hilary as a newly ordained priest. His idea of extending the role of a master of ceremonies – typically reserved for more solemn liturgies – germinated last October during a visit to his childhood hometown of Atlanta. Wowed by the “military precision” of the five altar servers at the 6 p.m. Sunday Mass, Father Gustafson sought the secret to their perfect performance. He found it in the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, who spends every SEE ALTAR SERVERS, PAGE 8

WASHINGTON – The head of the U.S. bishops’ pro-life committee Aug. 3 urged U.S. senators to take the federal money that goes to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and instead fund women’s health care providers that do not promote abortion. “It has long been troubling to many Americans that the nation’s largest abortion network, performing over a third of all abortions, receives over half a billion taxpayer dollars a year,” said Boston Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley. “This concern has rightly grown in

Franciscan: Sainthood call to respect cultures CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE


St. Hilary Parish parochial vicar Father Roger Gustafson recently implemented a new adult ministry, the Master of Ceremonies, aimed at assisting, guiding and, when necessary, stepping in for the younger altar servers. Pictured are master of ceremonies Mike Bentivoglio and servers Carly Yoon, 12, and Peter Quill, 12.

Cardinal urges senators to defund Planned Parenthood CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

$1.00  |  VOL. 17 NO. 20

‘This concern has rightly grown in recent years.’ CARDINAL SEAN P. O’MALLEY recent years,” he wrote in a letter to the senators. The cardinal, who is chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, urged senators to support S. 1881, a measure that would defund Planned Parenthood and its affiliates.

Later that day, the Senate voted 53-46 to stop efforts Republicans said Democrats were using to delay and ultimately kill S. 1881. According to an AP story, 60 votes were needed to enable the defunding measure to move forward. The Senate action came just days before Congress was to begin its August recess. AP said the House is expected to vote on a similar measure when Congress returns. Cardinal O’Malley’s letter followed the release in mid-July of videos of the organization’s officials filmed undercover by a nonprofit CaliforniaSEE PLANNED PARENTHOOD, PAGE 14

ROME – The canonization of Blessed Junipero Serra honors a famous missionary who was motivated by love of God, but it also is a call to recognize how the process of evangelization must respect peoples and their cultures, said the head of the Franciscan order. Father Michael Perry, minister general of the Order of Friars Minor, will be present in Washington, D.C., Sept. 23 when Pope Francis canonizes Blessed Serra, the 18th-century Franciscan missionary who founded the string of famous California missions. The pope’s decision to canonize Blessed Serra has provoked some controversy, mainly because of the impact of the missions on native peoples and cultures and because of claims that Father Serra used corporal punishment on the Indians who lived at the missions. In an interview with Catholic News SEE SERRA, PAGE 14

Government funds 80 percent of Bay Area PP affiliates Planned Parenthood affiliates in the Bay Area receive more than 80 percent of their funding from the government, double the percentage of government funding for the organization nationally. More than half the government funding to the Bay Area affiliates is provided by the state Office of Family Planning, which serves 1.8 million low-income Californians. Story on Page 14.

Irish Help At Home QUALITY HOME CARE SERVING THE BAY AREA SINCE 1996 San Francisco 415 759 0520 • Marin 415.721.7380 • San Mateo 650.347.6903

INDEX On the Street . . . . . . . . 4 National . . . . . . . . . . . .10 World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . 22

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