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All Rights Reserved to B. Gal-Or and M. C. Fernandez, 2011




All Rights Reserved to B. Gal-Or and M. C. Fernandez, 2011



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All Rights Reserved to B. Gal-Or and M. C. Fernandez, 2011



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All Rights Reserved to B. Gal-Or and M. C. Fernandez, 2011


This book fails

v v v

if the reader cannot acquire here

at least a few new verifiable knowledge items


and gain a world afresh outlook


on his or her pre-Suppositions regarding


science, philosophy and history.


Nine Lectures are provided within this


Updated Core Curriculum Course [CCC]


aimed to help readers


cross over their past traditional borders


in search of new horizons of truth and knowledge


that we all try to reach

• Readers who enroll to this CCC as Graduate students may be required, • in addition to reading these Lectures,

• to study individually-assigned updated references, • from Volumes I and II.

• Volume I is entitled Cosmology, Physics and Philosophy. • It provides mathematical derivations of Einstein’s Field Equations [general relativity],

• quantum-statistical thermodynamics,

• Quantum Chromo-Dynamics [QCD],


• gravity thermodynamics, astronomy, comparative religions v. EINSTEINIAN


All Rights Reserved to B. Gal-Or and M. C. Fernandez, 2011



All Rights Reserved to B. Gal-Or and M. C. Fernandez, 2011


Reviews of Volume I

A Master Piece. The well-known author bases his philosophy on a very sound knowledge of present-day scientific theories. Indian Journal of Physics The works of scientists like Gal-Or, Bohm, and (Noble Prize-Winner) Prigogine provide important resources. Prigogine&#39;s formalisms do not really tell us how irreversible change emerges from reversible [mathematics]. (in this Gal-Or is superior). The Crisis of the Sciences We are all Gal-Orians ! Editor, Foundations of Physics Gal-Or launches a new spirit of inquiry by his excellent and thought provoking writings. I would recommend awarding a prize and would hope that this would serve to focus attention on a most important subject.” T. Gold, Cornell University, To the N.Y. Academy of Sciences and the Arts Evokes a person heart !! Has generated a large number of responses from around the world, some declaring that it has turned them into “Gal-Orians”. Since the thought presented by this book is so rich, translators of our country should recommend this book with all their intellectual power. Chinese Academy of Sciences This is a great book, and an exciting book; readable, worth reading and enlightening. Sir Karl Popper Recommended by Encyclopedia Britannica, &quot;Nature, Philosophy of&quot; This is one of the most beautiful books that I have read. Outstanding Books List Tour de force. A magnificent and sustained piece of work! Gal-Or’s net is widely cast – it reaches as far as science policy and political philosophy. Sir A. Cottrell, Chancellor, Cambridge University Appeals to scientists of all disciplines who are prepared to open their minds. Shines a welcome light in some dark corners of science. 8

All Rights Reserved to B. Gal-Or and M. C. Fernandez, 2011


Sir Karl Popper, in a Foreword, correctly describes it “a great book”. New Scientist I do not know a better modern expression of science, philosophy and classical humanism than that of Gal-Or’s book. Haaretz “A comprehensive explication of a large area of science which the reader may study in many subjects. ” Contemporary Philosophy

“An interesting and original book, easy to read, interesting and fascinating.” Novo Cimento “This book has a wide-ranging scope. Dr. Gal-Or develops a philosophy of science which he calls Havahyism. Space Science Reviews Smithsonian - NASA Astrophysics Data Systems “ I do not know a better modern expression of science, philosophy and classical humanism than that of Gal-Or’s book.” Haaretz Recommended by Encyclopedia Britannica, Philosophy of Nature This is one of the most beautiful books that I have read. Outstanding Books List

Gal-Or’s “beauty” has always been the object of science, which, he lyrically observes as “a most fundamental aesthetic frame of mind, a longing for the run-away horizons of truth and symmetry that we always try to reach.” Order Amidst Chaos, Enlightenment Aesthetics &quot;Most astrophysicists, cosmologists and astronomers agree that the biblical account of cosmic evolution, in stressing &#96;a beginning´ and the initial roles of &#96;void,´ &#96;light´ and a &#96;structure-less´ state, may be uncannily close to the verified evidence with which modern science has already supplied us&quot; Weisskopf quote the author’s work in Scientific American as not negating the &quot;The Judeo-Christian Tradition”

“Gal-Or&#39;s remarkable book sees and seizes the world whole. He emphasizes that all scientists operate under some set of philosophical prejudices, and that failure to acknowledge this is self-delusion. Furthermore, he argues that a failure to attend to the philosophical base of physics leads to an empty scientism. His work is challenging on many levels, constituting a review &#39;with derivations&#39; of general relativity &#39;as applied to cosmology&#39;, thermodynamics, the current state of theoretical particle physics, astrophysics, as well as a summary history of western philosophy, &#39;especially the philosophies of


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time and mind&#39; and critiques of western society, the intelligentsia and the relationship between academic science and government. One &#39;and perhaps the central&#39; theme explored, is that of the interplay between symmetry and asymmetry. His primary interest is not in the recent progress in the unification of forces in gauge theory, although he finds support in it for his Einsteinian outlook, but is rather time, time&#39;s arrow, and the asymmetry between past and future. Around time are accumulated discussions, both mathematical and philosophical, of thermodynamic reversibility, time reversibility, the nature of causality, and the use of advanced and retarded solutions to wave equations. The second major theme is that of gravity and its overwhelming domination of the actual form of the universe, at all scales. The combination of these themes is not accidental; they are point and counterpoint to his thesis that the time asymmetries are connectable to and perhaps even determined by the master asymmetry given by the gravity of general relativity: the remorseless cosmological expansion. He argues that only the expansion can provide the unification of time asymmetries. The expansion provides, among other things, an unsaturable sink for radiation, which, in turn, permits the establishment of gradients in temperature and density, which provide the basis for the physical process that leads to life. He also criticizes the sloppy and improper use of the concepts of entropy &#39;and the related notions in information theory&#39; and quantum indeterminism, especially as covers for an inadequate understanding of temporal asymmetries. Taking an Einsteinian position on the interpretation of quantum mechanics, he looks forward to revitalization of Einstein&#39;s quest for a deterministic interpretation of quantum events. The value of this book lies in the challenging combination of ideas which Gal-Or presents, which goes far beyond what can be sensibly described in a review. [This] work may be too large to digest as a text in these days of the decline of academic institutions &quot;as Gal-Or describes them&quot;, but that will be the loss of both the faculty and the students.” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS

Lecture one [in Volume I] affirms that the stress placed by Genesis on ‘beginning’ and the initial roles of ‘void’, ‘light’ and a ‘structure-less’ state, “may be uncannily close to the verified evidence with which modern science has already supplied us. Christian Apologetics, Journal

Interesting to read, integrating much of scientific material. Deutsche Literaturzeitung Einstein&#39;s time-symmetric tensor was elevated by Gal-Or’s “New Astronomical School of Unified Thermodynamics” to the status of the source of “Master Asymmetry” controlling not only irreversible thermodynamics, but all physical and biological phenomena! Gal-Or calls “GRAVITISM” (his philosophy) that gravitation is the prime cause of structures, irreversibility, time, geo-chemical and biological evolution -- that the expansion of the universe is the 10

All Rights Reserved to B. Gal-Or and M. C. Fernandez, 2011


cause of the second law of thermodynamics -- that microscopic physics, and thermodynamics in particular, cannot be understood without reference to cosmology. He ties “irreversibility” to the “expansion of space itself”, i.e. as far as space is expanding, the contribution of all kinds of radiation in space is weakened “irreversibly” due to the expansion phenomenon itself. Such loss, or “degradation” of energy in the depth of inter-cluster expanding space, may then be considered as a universal sink for all the radiation flowing out of the material bodies in the expanding universe.” Advancement of Physics “One of the best books on the totality of the sciences &amp; the universe/ It was one of the favorite books of Sir Karl Popper. It looks at physics and the universe as a totality of the mathematical philosophical understanding. It also combines the physical concept of time with human psychological perception and brain understanding of languages.” Robin (forumhub.com/expr/@ Your book “was / is an inspiration in my life” a reader in January 2011/ FB

“One noted scientist [B. Gal-Or], even Einstein&#39;s time-symmetric tensor was elevated by Gal-Or’s “New Astronomical School of Unified Thermodynamics” to the status of the source of “Master Asymmetry” controlling not only irreversible thermodynamics, but all physical and biological phenomena. Gal-Or calls “GRAVITISM” (his philosophy) that gravitation is the prime cause of structures, irreversibility, time, geo-chemical and biological evolution -- that the expansion of the universe is the cause of the second law of thermodynamics -- that microscopic physics, and thermodynamics in particular, cannot be understood without reference to cosmology. He ties “irreversibility” to the “expansion of space itself”, i.e. as far as space is expanding, the contribution of all kinds of radiation in space is weakened “irreversibly” due to the expansion phenomenon itself. Such loss, or “degradation” of energy in the depth of inter-cluster expanding space, may then be considered as a universal sink for all the radiation flowing out of the material bodies in the expanding universe.” Advancement of Physics

“I have in the meantime studied your book, with great interest, and made pages of notes on it. I feel as if I had been on numerous walks and talks with you on the great questions, and know that would be great to go on with them! Who cannot be impressed by your love for the great men of all times and all countries, by your phrase “working back and forth between theory and fact”, by your belief that philosophy is too important to be left to the philosophers, by your concern for where thought and language lie in the scheme of things – and by so much more! 11

All Rights Reserved to B. Gal-Or and M. C. Fernandez, 2011


I continue to reflect, again and again, on your central thesis that expansion is the origin of all asymmetry in time. What an ingenious phrase is your, “smuggle irreversibility in without declaring the contraband”! I regard your book as seeking to accomplish two tasks – and being two books – at the very least. One is the exposition of your central thesis, with clarity, and careful mustering of every argument pro and con that can lead to testable consequences. I don’t see how it is possible to do proper justice to a thesis of such importance by mixing it in with the other great task. That is to give students an appreciation of the unity of philosophy and modern physics. You do both tasks far better than I could hope to. I give you my personal thanks for putting the two books into a package that I personally have found most thought-provoking.”

John A. Wheeler, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton

Glossary Spinoza defines “things-in-themselves” in a way that has been well-integrated within the Einsteinian philosophy and gravity physics. [Lecture 3]. String theories (Lecture 4) unsuccessfully attempt to unify the Einsteinian gravity [General Relativity (Lecture 3)] with quantum physics to arrive at a “Theory of Everything”. Gravitism is an umbrella term that is elaborated on within Volume I and within these abridged online lectures. Havaism is the science of the whole. It is an integral part of Havaya (pronounced Hah-Vah-Yah) and thus within the boundless human concept called the tetragammaton: YHVA, in a reversed spelling. Havaya, means “the whole”, the essence of all existence, “things in-themselves”, reality and our perception of reality, nature, god, science, world history AND human cultures. Alternatively, it means “questions-and-answers”, philosophizing or dialectical discourse. The nature of havaya cannot be defined. [Lecture 8]. Hence, it may be illustrated by analogies and verified examples. [Lectures 1 to 9]. Sring theories and the so-called “Theory of Everything” [Lecture 4] raise questions such as: •

What are ‘things-in-themselves’? 12

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• •


Would the answer provide us with a meeting ground between science and religions? Can a ‘pre-creation creator’ be an axiom in philosophy of science? And if not, how and from where did the laws of physics ‘come in’?

To begin with we introduce two assertions.

Assertioin Aleph Knowledge is one. Its division is human weakness. In fact, no slice of nature can be isolated from the rest without introducing error. One reasons is that all facts are interconnected via the universal Laws of Physics, which, by verifiable evidence, hold unchanged throughout the observable universe at any scale. But these Laws are not “final”. A higher LAW may have been introduced to this world simultaneously with the Genesis, namely, simultaneously with the maximally curved space-time at physical time zero.

Assertioin Beth Scientists split about the origin of the Law, forming two groups: (1) The one that assumes that all the yet unknown laws of Physics were introduced by what is commonly termed the Creator, (2) The one that assumes that a Creator is not required in science. If one resorts to the language of the five Abrahamic Religions [monotheism, Appendix A], he finds many names of the Creator. Perhaps the first person to avoid a false definitions of the Creator, was Abraham’s son and grandson:

“The God of our Father; The God of Abraham.” What is compiled in this long Preface is a non-inclusive list collected over a period of a few years.

By resorting to U.S.-English pronunciation we attempt to spell most publicly pronounced concepts-names as they often sound in various languages, and/or as our own free translation.

All resulting mistakes are entirely oures. 13

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez

Abrahamic Monotheism, Abrahamic Religions, Absolute, Absolute Being, Absolute cause of all, Absolute duration, Absoute entity, Absolute Extension, Absolute in ever-lasting duration, Absolute in ever-lasting meshech, Absolute infinity of Being, Absolute infinity of meshech-space-extension, Absolute Law, Absolute of What It Is, Absolute Universal Mind, Absolute Moral Law, Absolute past and future, Absolute Reality, Absolute reason, Absolute reason of all reality, Absolute ruler of physical time, Absolute Spirit, Absolute Things-in-Themselves, Absolute undividable, Absolute universal being, Absolute unity, Absolute Zmann, Achaman, Ad-Daarr, Addir Bi-Mromav, Addirainu, Addonnai, Addonnai Ehaad, Addonnai Eloheychah, Addonnai Eloheyinu, Addonnai Eloheyinu U-moshyainu Addonnai Eloheyinu Ve-Elohay Avootainu, Addonnay Ha-Adonim, Addonnay Ha-Mashiach, Addon Ha-Aretz, Addon Kol Tolladott, Addonai Melech, Addonai Moshyainu, Addonai Tzvaoot, Addon Olamm, Addoshem, Agla, 14


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez Aj-Jaami^, Aj-Jaleel, Al-^Adl, Al-^Afuw, Al-Ahahaad, Al-&#39;Akhir, Al-^Aleem, Al-^Aliyy, Al-&#39;Awwal, Al-^Azeem, Al-^Azzeez, Al-Baaqi, Al-Baasit, Al-Baatin, Al-Ba^ith, Al-Badi^, Al-Bari&#39;, Al-Barr, Al-Baseer, Al-Fattaah, Al-Ghaffaar, Al-Ghafoor, Al-Ghaniyy, Al-Haadi, Al-Hafeez, Al-Hakam, Al-Haleem, Al-Hameed, Al-Hakeem, Al-Haqq, Al-Haseeb, Al-Hayy, Al-Jabbaar, Al-Khaafid, Allah, Allah Akbaar, All-Glorious Ruler of the Universe, All-Merciful, All-Observer, All-Peaceful, Al-Maajid, Al-Maani^, Al-Malik, Al-Mateen, Almighty, Al-Mu&#39;akh-khir Al-Muhsee, Al-Mubdi&#39;, Al-Mu^eed, 15


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez Al-Mughni, Al-Muhaimin, Al-Muhyi, Al-Mu^iz, Al-Mujeeb, Al-Majeed, Al-Mumeet, Al-Mu&#39;min, Al-Muntaqim, Al-Muqeet, Al-Muqsit, Al-Muqtadir, Al-Muqaddim, Al-Musawwir, Al-Mutakabbir, Al-Muta^ali, Al-Muthil, Al-Mu&#39;tiy, Al-Qahhaar, Al-Quddoos, Al-Qaabid, Al-Kabeer, Al-Kareem, Al-Khaaliq, Al-Lateef, Al-Qaadir, Al-Qawiyy, Al-Qayyoom, Al-Razzaaq, Al-Waahid, Al-Waajid, Al-Waarith, Al-Wadood, Al-Wahhaab, Al-Wakeel, Al-Waliyy, Al-Walee, Al-Wasi^, Amahan Namo, Ama Namin, Am What I am, Ang Gumaawa, An-Nafi^, An-Noor, Anu, Anwalda, Ar-Raafi^, Ar-Raheem, Ar-Rahmaan, 16


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez Ar-Ra&#39;uf, Ar-Raqeeb, Ar-Rasheed, Asher Hoo Addon Ollam, Asher Kidshahanu Be-Mitzvotaav, Asher Nattaan Lechah, Asher Tzivaanu, Ash-Shaheed, Ash-Shakoor, As-Sabboor, As-Salaam, As-Samee^, As-Sammaad Attah El, Attah Gibor Le-Ollam Addonai, Attah Hoo, Attah Addonai Eloheainu Melech Ha-Ollam, At-Tawwaab, Avvinu, Azboga, Az-Zaahir, Babaji, Being as cause of all, Bog, Boreh, Borainu, Bore Ollam, Blessing All, Blessed is Him, Brich Hoo, Cause of all, Cause of Natute, Cause of all being, Cause of the Laws of Physics, Cause of the World, Creator, Creator of all, Creator of all life, Creator of food from the earth, Creator of Order and Law of Nature, Creator of sky and earth, Creator of stars and their path, Creator of us, Creator of the world, Creator of all Beings, Creator of Holy Script, Creator of the Law of Nature, 17


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez Cyninga Wuldor, Demiurge, Deus, Dhatr, Dio, Dios, Divine Fire, Divine Teacher, Divine Personal Providence, Divinly Merciful, Divinity of Pre-Existence, Diyos, Dywok, Ehaad Elohainu, Eeheyeh Asher Eeheyeh, El, El Kannaei, El Kaddosh, Eleichah Eeinainu, El Ha-Shammaim, Eli, El Malle Rahamim, El Melech Hanoon Verahoom, Elohay Avvotainu, Elohay Avraham, Yitzhak Ve-Yaakov, Elohay Ha-Elohim, Elohay Ishaainu, Elohay Yaakov, El Elyon, El Shaddai, El Ollam, Elohainu, El Gibbor, Elohei Kedem, Elohim, Elokim, Et shimchah Malknu, Eternal Mind, Eyel, Ezramm Umaginam Hoo, Father, Father Alwalda, Final Reason of all things, Final reason of Nature, Frea Ealles, 18


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez Gaall Israel, Ghuto, Gheu, Ginoo, Goallainu, Gott, God of Abraham, God of Abraham, Itzhack and Yakkov, God of Israel, God of the children of Israel, God of the world, God of all life, God of Heaven and earth, God of â&amp;#x20AC;Ś [see Lord of ...] God-the Father, Ground of all being and itself all being Ha-Boreh, Ha-El Avvinu, Ha-El Ha-Gaddol, Hahu, Hahu Tammir Ve-Neellaam, Hahvahyah, Hahvahyah Kullah, Halleluyah, Ha-Mattir Assorim, Ha-Kaddosh Baruch Hoo, Ha-Maitiv La-Kol, Ha-Makkom, Ha-Mavvdil, Ha-Maitiv, Ha-Mechahyeh Metim, Ha-Mehoollal be-rov Tishbachoot, Ha-Mekitz Nirdammim, Ha-Melech Ha-Tov, Ha-Melech Ha-Yoshev Aall Kisseh Raam Ve-Nissah, Ha-Menaheg Ollamo Be-Hessed, Ha-Meorer Yeshenim, Ha-Messiach Ylmim, Ha-Motzi Lehem Min Ha-Aretz, Hari, Ha-Yekum Koolo, Ha-Zokef Kfufim, Hannon Addonai Ve-Tzaddik, Ha-Rachmaann, Ha-Shem, Ha-Shochen Bamromim, Ha-Somech Noflim, Ha-Yesh Kullo, 19


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez Ha-Yekuum Kullo, Hetefi, Hetem, Hephep, He Who Is, He Who Gives Being, Hoo, Hoo Gmalainu, Hoo Ha-Maytiv, Hoo Yaasse Shallom Allainu, HNYBMhKhKRTK (read right to left) Hubal, Hwa-Taw, Ilah, Imminent, Ineffable Name, Ishvara Itnuw, Itmu, Jahowah, Jahovah, Jahovah Nissi, Jahovah Rapha. Jahovah Tsidkeinu, Jahovah Shallom, Jahovah Shabbatt Ka, Kaddosh Shmo, Kami, Kdoshainu, Kdosh Israel, Kewen, Khabkhab, Khetraj, Khoda, King of Majesty, King of Kings of the Kings King of the World, Kol Asher Hahffetz Assa, Krishna-Vasudeva, Kun, Lechah Ezbach, Leffannaav Lemi She-Assa Le-Avvootainu Ve-lanno, Le-Shimchah Ten Kavvodd, 20


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez Lord, Lord and Master, Lord of All Things, Lord of Glory, Lord of Hosts, Lord of Humankind, Lord of Men, Lord our God, Lordly Master of All, Makapang Yarihan Naming Diyos, Mashbiah Le-Kol Hai Ratzon, Malik Al-Mulk, Malkainu, Malkainu Tammid, Mekkaddesh Israel Veha-Zmannim, Melech Ha-Olam Melech Malchei Hamlachim, Melech Mehoolal Ba-Tishbachoot, Melech Raav, Mi Kamochah, Moral Order of Nature and Life, ‘MTKNA MTSP MYSPSP MYSNVYD’ (read code from right to left) Neter, Nethraj, Nekhbaj, Nehef, Nebirut, Nebi, Nebu, Neberdher, Non-existence is impossible for Him, ‘NTSIRQ zTTYGBA GTzTRTB SKYDGN QZPLGY INTDKhK TYzTVKS’ (read code from right to left) Notten Lehem Le-Kol Bassar, Nun, O Lord, One in Process, Osseh Niflaoot Osseh Orim Gdolim, Osseh Shalom Bi-Mromav, Osseh Shammaim Va-Aretz, Omnibenevolence, Omnipotence, Omnipotent Being, Omnipresence, Omniscience, 21


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez Omniscient, One Universal, Osiris, Our God, Our Father, Our Lord, Panginoon, Perfect goodness, Personal Providence Prime Mover, Prjapati, Primordial Consciousness, Protector, Protector of Mankind, Ramathel, Reason of all, Reason of duration, Reason of first Cause, Reason of meshech, Reason of Mind, Reason of space-meshech, Reason of duration-extension, Reason of time, Reason of Time Arrow, Reason of Zmann, Roainu, Roeh Israel, Ruler of the Universe, Sabbaoth, Sai, Saj, Sathya, Savitr, Scyppend, Sedga, Shaddai, ShangSha, Shesa, Self-able, Self-Powerful, Shaddai, She-hehcheyannu Ve-Kymannu, She-Hinchilanno, She-hotziannu Mimitzrraim, She-Karrah Lanno et Ha-Yaam, 22


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez Shem Addonai, She-Sippek Tzrachainu Ba-Midbar, She-Kirvvanu Le-Harr Sinai, She-Hichnisanu Le-Eretz Israel, She-Kipper Aall Koll Avvoonotainu She-Nattan Lanno et Ha-Shabbatt, She-Nattan Lano et Ha-Thorah, She-Banna et Beith Ha-Mikdash, Shemirah, Shemurah, Shochen Aad, Marom Ve-Kaddosh Shmo, Spinozaâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122;s God, Supreme Being, Supreme Reality, Sema Maat, Surya, Tehuti, Tetragrammaton YHVH, The Abaser, The Able, The Acceptor of Repentance, The Alive, The All-Embracing, The All-Forgiving, The All-Hearing, The All-Knowing, The All Powerful, The All-Seeing, The All Wise, The Almighty, The Appreciative, The Avenger, The Aware, The Beneficent, The Bestower, The Blessing Being, The Bountiful, The Capable, The Clement, The Compassionate, The Compeller, The Constrictor, The Counter, The Creator, The Creator of Death, The Defeater who is not defeated, The Deity, 23


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez The Delayer, The Destroyer The Dishonorer, The Dominant, The Dweller of the Upper Levels, The Elevator, The Enlarger, The Enricher, The Equitable, The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty, The Eternity of the World, The Eternal, The Everlasting, The Evolver, The Expander, The Expediter, The Fashioner, The Father, The Feeder, The Finder, The Firm One, The First, The Forbearing, The Forgiving, The Future, The Gatherer, The Giver, The Giver of Forms, The Giver of Life, The Glorious, The Glory, The God of Justice, The God of Our Fathers, The God of Einstein &amp; Spinoza, The Governor, The Gracious, The Grateful, The Greatest Conceivable Being, The Greatest Good, The Guardian, The Guardian of Faith, The Guide, The Guide to the Right Path, The Hearer, The Hearkener, The Heir, The Hidden, The High Exalted, The Holy, 24


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez The Holy Blessed One, The Holy One, The Honorer, The Humiliator, The Ineffable Name, The Imperious, The Imperishable, The Incomparable, The Independent, The Judge, The Judge of Judges, The King of Kings of Kings, The King of the Universe, The Knowledgeable, The Last, The Light, The Lord, The Lord of All, The Lord of All Creatures, The Lord of Majesty and Bounty, The Lord, Our Lord, The Loving, The Maintainer, The Maker, The Maker of All Things, The Manifest One, The Master who is relied upon, The Merciful, The Mercy of Allah is His will to endow upon whoever He willed among His creatures, The Mighty, The Most Exalted, The Most Glorious One, The Most High, The Name, The Patient, The Perceiver, The Perfectly Free, The Perfectly Good, The Powerful, The praised One, The Praiseworthy, The Preserver, The Promoter, The Propitious, The Pure Spiritual Being, The Perfect Peace, The One, The One attributed with a life that is unlike our life and is not that of a combination of soul, flesh or blood, 25


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment, Glory, Extolment and Purity from all imperfection, The One nothing is absent from His Knowledge, The One that exists without a place and proofs, The One that nothing happens in His Dominion except that which He willed, The Majestic, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, The One that nothing is absent from Him, The One who answers the one in need if he asks Him and rescues the yearner if he calls upon Him, The One who brings back the creatures after death, The One who brings everything from non-existence to existence, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdom and expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy, The One who count of things are known to him, The One who delays the punishment for those who deserve it and then He might forgive them, The One who deserves to be Exalted and not denied, The One who destroys His Enemies, The One who does not quickly punish the sinners, The One who forgives a lot, The One who forgives the sins of His slaves time and time again, The One who forms His creatures in different pictures, The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience, The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience, The One Who gives life by giving the souls back to the worn out bodies on resurrection day, The One who gives esteem to whoever He willed, none can degrade Him; But He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem, The One who gives the satisfaction and is relied upon, The One who grants repentance to whoever He willed among His creatures and accepts his repentance, The One who guides, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers, The One who has the perfect Power and is not unable over anything, The One who Hears all things that are heard by His Eternal Hearing without an ear, instrument or organ, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures and from resembling them, The One Who is clear from delusions and attributes of bodies, The One who is correct in His Doings, The One who is entitled to do what He does, The One who is greater than everything in status. The One who is Majid, The One who is related to the attribute of Knowledge, The One who is with High Status, Compassion, Generosity and Kindness, The One who is pure from any Imperfection, children and adversaries, The One who knows the truth of things, The One who loves His believing slaves and His believing slaves love Him, 26


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or and Monica Catao Fedrnandez The One who Lowers Whoever He Willed by His Destruction and Raises Whoever He willed by His Endowment, The One who makes a distinction between the holy and everyday, The One Who makes the hearts alive by the light of knowledge, The One who nothing is absent from Him, The One who protects whatever and whoever He willed to The One who opens for His slaves the closed worldly and religious matters, The One who owns things and manages them, The One who puts things in their right places, The One who Remains and Does Not End, The One who renders the living dead, The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment, The One who started the human being, The One Whose Dominion is clear from imperfection, The One whose Existence is without a beginning, The One whose Existence is without an end, The One whose Existence Remains, The One who took out a living human from semen that does not have a soul, The One who truly exists, The One who victoriously prevails over His enemies and punishes them, The One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him, and witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him, The One who witnesses the saying and deeds of His creatures, The One with attributes of the Will and Kalam, The One with extreme Power which is un-interrupted and He does not get tired, The One with the complete Dominion, The One with the perfect Power that nothing is withheld from Him, The One Without a Partner, The Opener, The Originator, The Raiser (from death), The Reckoner, The Relenting, The Reliever, The Reproducer, The Responsive, The Restorer, The Resurrector, The Retarder, The Retainer, The Righteous, The Ruler and His judgment is His Word, The Self-Subsisting, The Self-Sufficient, The Source of All Goodness, The Source of Moral Obligations, The Source of Peace, The Sovereign Lord, The Strong, 27


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The Subduer, The Sublime One, The Subtle One, The Supporter, The Supreme Inheritor, The Sustainer, The Sustaining Cause of The Universe, The Trustee, The Truth, The Unique, The Vast, The Watcher, The Watchful, The Whole Havayah, The Witness, The Wise, The Withholder, The Zealous El, Thul-Jalali wal-Ikram, Ti, Tien, Tien Ti, Tot, Tratr, Tsao, Tvashtr, Universum, Uo-Leshimchah Naaeh Le- Zammer, Va-Yehi Li Le-Yeshuah, Vishnu, ‘VZVK ZSKVM VZVK’ (read sections right to left)

Vidhatr, Vishvakarman,

Waldend fira, Wealdend, Wholly Other, Wise God, Witig God, Wu che, Wuldres Hyrde, Wuldres Wealdend, Yaah, Yaah Elohainu, Yaah Addonainu, Yaah Shmo, Yahovah, 28

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YHVA Yotsrah


Gravitism extends Einstein’s World Outlook by minimized pre-suppositions an axioms. Though fragments of the facts presented and analyzed are scattered throughout th scientific literature on specific problems, there is yet no dedicated system that employs th methodology and unifies the facts under a single umbrella. This outlook is new partially because it covers a relatively new field of integrated studies, an partially because specialized fragments have not yet been interconnected, integrated an taught in class under a single dynamic set: From largest to smallest scale dynamics of physic and chemistry. As a result, different teachers and researchers have approached these subject from widely varying and sometimes misleading viewpoints, employing disjointed concepts t what should be a single unified methodology-system. Consequently, we depart from traditional, isolated texts in emphasizing th interconnectedness of updated facts in different and apparently unrelated disciplines. Thus we refrain from repeating isolated analyses, and, instead, stress the integrated consequence from the point of view of verified-unified physics and chemistry, differing only in terms o scale. For the sake of unification and simplicity this approach is first introduced in as simple manner as possible, using illustrated graphs and pictures that can lead to testabl consequences. Verified evidence cannot yet be admitted to a number of topics presented here. Therefore, scientists are counted as “moderate skeptics”, as no doubt they should, they must adopt th practice of “suspend judgment”. By this we do not mean radical empiricism, or the denial o any rational addition to specific disciplines outside physics and chemistry. We therefor refrain from leaving this unified study and teaching to the sole care of specialists. 29

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Lecture 1

Fig. 1.1: We begin with the largest-scale visible universe and examine its differentiation into expanding voids which irreversibly absorb all energy from the superclusters of galaxies shown.


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Fig. 1.2: The key tools of Gravitism are defined by this diagram Astronomical-astrophysical scales are expressed in terms of Light Years [“ly”], as demonstrated by Figs. 1.1 and 1.2. The “100 million ly” scale depicted in Fig. 1.1 is ten times larger than that in Fig. 1.2. (“Light Year” is the distance electromagnetic waves, including photons as light, travel during 100 million years at 300,000 km/sec.) 31

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Such scales also mean large delay times for light to reach us from the emitters. Fig. 1.3: Our neighborhood is home to thousands of galaxies that are wrapped around by dark SPACE-3 as defined in Fig. 1.2. (Image Source: NASA/Wikipedia) Located in the Local Group of about 30 galaxies [picture center], we feel its coldness each night. But there is much more to say about this information. Most of the shining galaxies shown are assumed to contain super massive black hole 6 at their center. Each Galactic Center that harbors a massive black hole acts as a gigantic matter-energy sink in the â&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2DC;immediate neighborhoodâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122; of its black hole. 32

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Black holes are neither universal nor the largest thermodynamic “sinks”. The gigantic amount of radiation energy poured out from all the shining galaxies is evenly dispersed in all space directions, and is always proceeding from Space-3 into Space-2. SPACE-2 wraps all clusters of galaxies [Fig. 1.2]. Therefore, only a very small portion of the widespread universal radiation energy reaches and is irreversibly dissipated in such galactic centers, while most of it escapes the limited space of Fig. 1.3. SPACE-1 wraps all super-clusters of galaxies [Fig. 1.2] and is the largest sink in the universe for all energy that is irreversibly dissipated in it. It is an UNSATURABLE SINK, simply because it is expanding forever at an accelerated pace. Most important, without the observed Space-1 expansion – the HUBBLE EXPANSION [1-11]) -- the density of radiation energy (Fig. 1.2) in all space would increase with time, eventually reaching the highest temperatures maintained by nuclear fusion4 in all active stellar cores, causing not only our roasting on earth and disintegrations of the all macro structures, but eventual equilibrium throughout all space. Space-1 expansion is the prime cause of cosmic time. Its expansion is defined as the Master Arrow of Time, the origin of all observed irreversibilities in Nature. It is also the most universal clock known.


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Fig. 1.4: The Earliest Visible World. The dark, ever-expanding, blue spots shown are the earliest differentiation and aggregations recorded by science. Their size and shape billion of years later are shown in Fig. 1.1. (Image Source: Wikipedia) The earliest expanding voids shown wrap around the yellow-green-red hot sources and irreversibly absorbs all the radiation poured into the voids from the gravitationally-condensing, and, therefore, heated material emitters. (Fig. 1.2). This differentiation-aggregation is isotropic and homogeneous. The dark cosmological voids shown are not only the first-ever macro-differentiation in the world, they constitute the central tools of Cosmological Gravitism.

Gravitism Assertion 1: Since we do not see and cannot study the entire universe (explanation below), the dynamics of a single adiabatic envelope that wraps around a typical emitter -- as defined and analyzed in Footnote 7 -- is strictly equivalent to the study and analysis of the entire universe. Why? The well-verified isotropic and homogeneous distribution of the observed cosmic dark voids vis-Ă -vis the shining emitters -- as illustrated by both Figs. 1.1 and 1.4, when combined with the physico-chemical dynamics of nuclear fusion (Footnote 4) and supernovae (Footnote 5), unequivocally mean that about the same max temperature characterizes all superclusters shown in Fig. 1.1. Most important, these qualities have been approximately preserved as the universe has expanded from what is shown in Fig. 1.3 to what is shown in Fig. 1.1. Therefore, the dynamics and thermodynamics inside each such a randomly chosen single virtual â&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x153;cellâ&amp;#x20AC;?, do represent those of the entire universe. This conclusion is very important because less and less of the observed universe [Fig. 1.1] can be seen with the progress of the accelerated expansion. In short, we harbor no option but to use adiabatic envelopes for we do not see and cannot directly study and analyze the entire universe. Assertion 2:


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The maximum speed of light is not violated by Hubble expansion. When sectors of the universe expand away from us at speeds higher than the speed of light, that law is not violated. The expansion of the universe generates a large-scale event horizon – an observational and theoretical limit for us to see the entire universe; namely, the light from such far away receding emitters is gradually being redshifted until the most remote sources totally disappear from our sights, for ever. Consequently, there is no option but to study adiabatic cosmological cells of the universe, like the one defined in Fig. 1.2 vis-à-vis Figs. 1.1, 1.3 and 1.4. RECAP: The portion of the universe shown in Fig. 1.1 is shrinking in time, but a ‘nearby’ selected at random adiabatic cell remains in sight. Thus, much of what we observe in Fig. 1.1 would be unobservable in the future; it would, forever, be a lost case for science.

Einstein’s General Relativity as Gravitism Base Einstein’s General Relativity (“EGR”) is expressed by his field equations [17 and Lecture III herein]. Without the so-called cosmological constant [20-51] EGR accepts no plausible static cosmological solutions. Thus, according to Einstein, the 1916 EGR had predicted the expansion of the universe before Hubble detected it in the mid 1920’s. From this point of view our new astrophysical school of systems dynamics and thermodynamics it is the agreement with EGR and said Einsteinian outlook, that this outlook is deeply rooted in EGR. A. If one retains the cosmological constant in EGR, which Einstein had rejected due to the Hubble discovery in the mid 1920’s, it may explains the role of the speculated dark energy and dark matter that are claimed, without strict observational evidence, to fill the universe and support claims for its observed accelerated expansion rate. [20-51]. 35

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B. Gravitism in general -- and its terrestrial and social branches in particular -- is subject to the same laws of physics and chemistry as in the large-scale universe. Hence, by down-scaling such dynamics we claim that no information is lost, as demonstrated and explained below and by Lecure 2.

Gravitism: From Large to Small-Scale Systems-Dynamics Group or clustering differences begin on the largest and earliest scales of the visible universe, as demonstrated by Figs. 1.1 and 1.4. We next focus on the group dynamics of shining emitters vis-à-vis the dark-cold cosmological Voids, as defined by Fig. 1.2. It is an undisputed evidence that the dark voids not only expand, but their expansion is accelerated [1-5, 7, 9, 10, 20-52, 55]. This expansion, we assert and discuss below, not only causes the 2nd Law of thermodynamics of living systems [12-16], but via the EinsteinianGravity-Physics has generated all life and its diversity. [17 and below].

SUPPLEMENTAL DEFITIONS and the SKEPTICS 1) The pillar of modern astronomy and astrophysics is the empirical HUBBLE LAW. It is based on verified observations since first discovered by Hubble in the 1920’s. [1-4, 7, 9, 11, 52, 53, 55]1,2. Hubble Law is marked in Fig. 1.2 as Uo=Hor, where “r” is the distance from earth to “CLUSTER I”. Here “r” represents superclusters or a cluster of galaxies shown in Fig. 1.1, Ho the Hubble Constant and Uo the recession velocity, namely, SPACE-1 expansion. 2) SPACE -1 wraps all superclusters of galaxies.3 It contains all expanding dark voids shown in both Figs. 1.1 and 1.4. It does not, however, includes the non expanding superclusters. 3) SPACE 2 wraps around but does not include the non-expanding clusters of galaxies, galaxies, stars, planets, moons, etc. 4) SPACE-3 wraps around but does not include the non-expanding moon, earth, solar system, and galaxies. [Cf. Figs. 1.2 and 1.3]. 36

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At this point one may wonder

How such remote dynamics can affect us here-now? To start with, we resort to a few additional assertions that relate to this common but certainly a legitimate question that must be asked: Assertion 3: To deny today the central role of astronomy and astrophysics in physics, is to deny the very methodology of science, and to a priori reject a large portion of its verified empirical evidence. Assertion 4: We are linked here-now to what is going on far out there by resorting to a thought experiment: SPACE-I stops expanding ‘now’, thereby the stellar radiation energy density marked in Fig. 1.2 gradually rises all over spaces 3, 2 and 1, eventually causing the entire universe to reach equilibrium [uniform temperature/energy-density], whereby all processes in the universe stop, including life on earth. Assetion 5: The Cosmic Blackbody Microwave Background Radiation of the Early Expanding Universe (discovered in 1964; Cf. Fig. 1.4), is the remnant left-over radiation that has been expanded and cooled by SPACE-1-Expansion during the 13.72 (less about 500,000) billion years since creation -- the so-called “Big Bang”. This radiation has been cooled down from about 4,000-3,000 K, and it engulfs us ‘here-now’, as a reliable reminder that it constitutes a most direct proof that SPACE-1 has indeed been expanding and is isotropic [the same in all directions] and homogeneous. Upscaling 1: Since Space-1 is expanding -- and its expansion rate has been observationally proved as being accelerated -- the universe is unidirectionally cooling down forever. The corollary is that, eventually, all energy density gradients depicted in Fig, 1.2 – and in the solar system8 -- would vanish, and all processes here and there would stop in what is called the final cold death. 37

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Downscaling 1: Said expansion generates the observed large-scale energy-density gradients [Fig. 1.2], which, in turn, generate small-scale stellar and planetary temperature gradients – the ones that allow life to emerge and be sustained. [17]. Downscaling 2: Einsteinian gravity is well-approximated by Newtonian Physics as one goes down the scales of size-masses. Accordingly, above a certain size-mass, all is structured by specific gravity, the heaviest components down in the core; the lightest up, at the ‘top’. We term this phenomenon gravitationally-induced selectivity or gravitationally-induced survival of the fittest. [Lecture 2]. Downscaling 3: Adiabatic envelopes7 in the observed homogeneous and isotropic universe are always located between any pair of superclusters or clusters of galaxies. [Fig. 1.2]. Collecting all said spots forms Space-1 “cells” (adiabatic surfaces-envelopes around superclusters or clusters7), each of which evolves as representative of the entire universe that we cannot observe due to the event horizon/Space-1-expansion discussed next. These matters bring this Lecture to a close. String theories, black holes, gravity-based linguistics, Limitations of Theories, dark matter and dark energy are treated in other online Lectures.

FOOTNOTES to Lecture I

Einstein General Relativity (EGR) is reviewed in Lecture III. It may also be referred to as Einstein’s Gravity Physics. EGR physico-mathematical derivation is provided in Ref. 17 in terms of Einstein’s Field Equations (EFE). EFE are FORMULATED in the same form for all observers – accelerating, linearly moving, rotating, standing on a minor astronomical body, like earth, or on a massive star. This need provides the basis for using translators from one such observer coordinate system to another. Such translators are called energy-momentum tensors. They include first and second mathematical derivatives in three space coordinates and in one time coordinate of the physical properties mass, energy and momentum [17].


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Change in the gravitational field, or in local gravity value is accounted for by change in the curvature of space-time, on one hand, and change in mass-energy and momentum on the other side of EFE. EGR includes Einsteinâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122;s Special Relativity [ESR] and the conservation equations of mass, energy and momentum Distances in cosmological models based on EGR are determined locally between two infinitesimally close points in curved space-time. It is, therefore, a relevant issue to determine within the framework of each model, how to evaluate large distances between two distant points. The issue should not be confused with the fact that SPACE-1 [the Master Black Sink] size increases with time. Yet, in debating the validity of each proposed model, one must specify its space-time-curvature -- the curve-path-of-light that connects two such cosmic-apart points. In the Commoving Distance Model, for instance, commoving distances cannot be fixed. In practice, the distance of distant objects are best measured by their luminosity -- which is reduced by the square power of the distance to the radiation source [17] and by redshifts of their incoming electromagnetic radiation. Cosmological models may be open or closed, bounded but unlimited in curved space-time, as explained in Ref. 17. Unlike quantum physics, EGR is scale-free and deterministic. We return to these important issues a Lecture on String theories. 2. The Expanding Universe and Hubble law Hubbleâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122;s astronomical observations prove that superclusters of galaxies [Fig. 1.1] are moving away from each other with speeds that are proportional to their distance from each other and , therefore, also from earth, [Fig. 1.2] Observations, including the 1964 discovery of the microwave black body radiation, prove that the expansion of SPACE-1 is the same in all directions (isotropic and homogeneous). Isotropic distribution across the sky of distant gamma-ray bursts and of supernovae also support this general conclusion.


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Our Net Motion in Space is about 400 km/sec. But this motion is not easy to comprehend. The direction of the earth’s net motion lies in the same plane as its orbit around the sun and at angle of 61 degrees tilted upward [northward] from the plane of the disk-like Milky Way. We travel around the sun at about 30 km/sec. These speeds should not be confused with the recession speed of clusters and super-clusters of galaxies away from each other. [R(t) Fig. 1.2]. This is the Hubble expansion. Our galaxy is deviating from this uniform expansion motion by about 600 km/sec. 3. Superclusters of galaxies, galaxies and our Milky Way The shapes of superclusters vary considerably; from that of Virgo, Coma and Hercules to long ‘filaments’. [Figs. 1.1 and 1.3]. 9,11 Our Milky-Way Galaxy 8 contains billions of gravity-compacted stars and other entities. Most stars are formed in the dilute regions of the rotating inter-stellar SPACE-3. Our galaxy is almost 100,000 light-years in diameter at its disk-like longest spiral arms. It is in the form of an almost flat spiral disk with an average thickness of about 1,000 light-years away from it center Fig. 1.5: The “Fog” visible around this galaxy is composed of millions of stars like our sun – a reminder of the scales we discuss [12-18]. All Superclusters are receding away ‘from us’ -- and from each other -- at great speeds -- the further away they are, the greater is the observed speed. This fact is termed the ‘EXPANDING UNIVERSE’. The receding superclusters follow the observationally-based Hubble Law [R(t) in Fig. 1.2]. 40

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Spaces 3, 2 and 1 contain the cosmic black-body remnant radiation, stellar photons, neutrinos, antineutrinos, gas, dust, etc. Intra-galactic gas may emit X-rays and other types of radiation. Andromeda (M31) is a member of our Local Group of galaxies. It is characterized by a spiral structure similar to ours, and is located about 2,200,000 light-years away. Andromeda and our galaxy are the largest in our Local Group, which is about 10,000,000 light-years in its largest spatial ‘diameter’, namely, the ‘size’ of our local group is about 100 times the size of our galaxy. Our local group includes M31 (Andromeda), M49, M58, M59, M60, M61, M84, M86, M87 and M89. Radiation pressure on any test-surface facing the lowest radiation-energy density value in the universe [adiabatic envelopes in mid cold Voids of SPACE-1, are less than that exerted by radiation impinging on that test surface from the other side, namely, from the one facing the source of radiation. (This is the familiar phenomenon behind “SOLAR SAILS” in space research.) The result is the universal driving force for energy transport from all hot radiation sources to cold SPACE-1, whereby the energy-density gradients inside adiabatic envelopes constitute the driving force of all irreversible processes in K for all the energy outpouring into it from all shining sources. SPACE-1 expansion is the prime mover of all irreversible processes in nature. Nature, and of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Conclusion: With or without localized black holes, only expanding, cold, SPACE-1 [the Master Black Sink] provides us, with the universal, UNSATURABLE SINK, the cause of the 2nd Law.

4. Nuclear Fusion is caused by the force-pressure of gravity in the core of active stars. It transforms (fuses) hydrogen plasma into ‘heavier elements’, like carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, phosphor, iron. Fusion is the most important process in the universe. All active stars generate in their interiors all the basic chemical elements beyond hydrogen and helium; namely, all the heavier basic elements of matter that we observe on earth and in our body and brain. According to both Einsteinian and Newtonian physics, the bigger the mass of a star, the higher are its core pressures and temperatures and faster are the nuclear fusion processes in its interior [17]. How do we know that?


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On both fusion and fission scientists know much. Fusion is also the driver of hydrogen-bomb explosions, (not fission as in atomic reactors and in ‘regular’ atomic weapons). When a certain amount of iron is formed in the interiors of active stars, endothermic reaction replaces the exothermic one. (The exothermic reaction generates energy in the stars, while the endothermic one consumes it.) All active stars produce energy through such nuclear fusion. 5. Supernovae, Maximum Temperatures, Redshifts &amp; Measuring Astronomical Distances. All active (shining) stars generate the heavier chemical elements at the high temperaturespressures that gravity induces in their interiors. But the massive stars arrive to that ‘End-of-life Stage’ earlier than smaller stars do. That ‘End-of-life Stage’ may, however, be the ‘Beginningof-life-Process’ in case the supernova debris (‘ashes’) gradually form orbiting planets around stars, as is the case that we assert was the beginning of our solar system. Supernovae are gravity-induced phenomena that astronomers observe in galaxies when a massive star ends its life by internal collapse-implosion. The collapse begins when the fusion process that produces energy, ends. Supernovae are not only the originators of all chemistry beyond hydrogen and helium [by nuclear fusion.], but serve in astronomy as reliable ‘distance yardsticks’ [“candles”] on which much of astronomy rests. The reason for this selection is explained below. A supernova explosion throws into Space 3 its interiors in the form of glowing debris and gases that, initially, are much brighter than any other star in its home galaxy. Hence, certain types of supernovae serve in astronomy as the max-cosmic temperature standard for calibrating distances to far-away galaxies via the absolute luminosity (brightness) method discussed in CPP Volume I [17]. Supernova’s extremely bright glow has been studied since 1054, starting from the Crab Nebula. At its center there is a neutron star spewing energy and ‘elementary particles’ into Space 3, from which they proceed to Space 2 and, eventually, to Space 1. That end is reached when a threshold amount of iron is formed in the interior of a massive star. [CPP, Vol. I]. At that stage all net energy generation inside the star stops and the process reverses into an endothermic one during which energy is consumed. 42

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STELLAR COLLAPSE: At this stage the core pressure falls and the doomed star cannot support the gravity-induced ‘weight’ of its upper layers. This leads to a gigantic collapse-implosion of the entire star structure. A few general-relativistic ‘deterministic options’ then emerge, depending on the mass and details of the doomed massive star: i f the mass of the star is about 1.4 times that of the sun, the star slowly decays into a white dwarf,

i f its mass is larger, the formation of an extremely packed neutron star or a black hole is the end result (in which no atomic nuclei structure survives). THEY ARE AT LEAST AT THE CENER OF GALAXIES. i) a gigantic supernova explosion follows the collapse-implosion by bouncing back from a central dense body [neutron star]. Type Ia supernovae harbor consistent brightness (absolute luminosity) because their progenitor is accreting mass from a nearby star, always imploding into the central neutron star at exactly the same mass -- the Chandrasekhar Mass Limit. [Volume I]. The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey Supernova Program is designed to measure several hundred high-redshifted supernovae. Massive stars: Due to their high, gravity-induced, inner-core pressures-temperatures, massive stars are much faster than smaller stars, like the sun, to exhaust their ‘hydrogen-helium fuel’ by nuclear fusion. The resulting higher pressures-temperatures in massive stars cause faster releases of fusion energy in the interiors of these stars. From there the energy reaches the outer layers of the star and eventually leaves the star and spreads out in Spaces 3, 2 and, eventually, 1.

6. Black holes come into being by gravity and the expansion of unsaturable SPACE-1 [the Master Black Sink]. They act as additional unsaturable sinks to that caused by the expansion of SPACE-1. Like stars and galaxies, black holes cannot be formed without SPACE-1-expansion.



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Astrophysicists expect to detect black holes ranging between roughly the mass of a few suns to ten billion times greater. Such super-massive ones are postulated to be in the center of some extremely bright galaxies, including the ‘Milky Way’ and quasars.

Black holes are LOCAL, general relativistic cosmological sinks for all matter-energy arriving and falling into them. They are postulated to be highly concentrated, local gravity-sinks where the gravity field is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from them. General relativistic cosmology predicts them as one-way sinks in space-time. Some are assumed to be in the center of some galaxies. They may be associated with what is observed and termed quasars. Within a black hole all atomic and sub-atomic structures had already been crushed to become only geometrically-curved space-time. This is due to the extremely strong gravitational field within the black hole. The cause of that total ‘break down’ of all structures is only gravity. Quasars are assumed to be super massive forms of black holes. Hundreds have been detected by NASA&#39;s Spitzer space telescope, which measures infrared light, and by Chandra, which measures X-ray emissions. These quasars are in young (far-away) galaxies that are surrounded by relatively high-density gas that emits X-rays as it is being sucked into and accelerated towards a one-way sink of a massive black hole. 7. Adiabatic Envelopes and the Origin of Time-Asymmetries and Irreversibilities in Nature. An adiabatic “wall”, or “surface”, is a physical wall or an imaginary surface through which no NET energy flow takes place. In Fig. 1.2 we mark only three points on such imaginary surfaces, namely, where there is ‘No net energy flow’ across them. These surfaces wrap around superclusters of galaxies in 3 dimensions. No net energy flow means that radiation [and matter particles] somewhat similar to the ones detected within our solar wind – do not cross such adiabatic surfaces. The maximum temperature attainable in each galaxy is about the same. It is roughly the same as that generated initially by supernovae and is attributed to: the maximum temperature in stellar cores during fusion in all active stars, The maximum temperature during supernovae explosions. The maximum detectable temperatures attainable by at the external surfaces of quasars or galactic centers that harbor gigantic black holes. 8. The Solar System is composed of our sun, the orbiting planets, moons, asteroids, comets, rocks, gases and dust, all bounded together by the COMBINED attractive gravitational field of 44

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the sun, ‘our’ galaxy, ‘our’ local group of galaxies, ‘our’ superclusters of galaxies [Fig. 1.3] and the gravitational field of all the masses in the rest of the universe. The sun, like all active stars, is a self-gravitating massive sphere of sub-atomic particles in a state of hot plasma that is pressed-heated by the attractive force of gravity. It accounts for about 99% of the solar system total mass. Its diameter is about 1.392 million km and is slightly larger than of an average star in ‘our’ Milky Way galaxy. About 74% of the sun’s mass is hydrogen, with about 25% helium. Gravity-captured debris from previous generations of earlier gas or stars/supernovae, had started to condense and fall into or orbit the sun, gradually structuring the currently observed solar planets. During more than half of its present age, the universe did not harbor our solar system. The Solar System extends far beyond the farthest planets, asteroids, comets, rocks and dust in ‘our’ community. It is located inside non-expanding Space 3 that wraps our entire galaxy and is spatially interconnected with Spaces 2 and 1. The Solar System’s outer boundary is where the solar wind clashes with other ‘stars-winds’ emerging from ‘nearby’ stars. It may form there a gigantic shock wave called heliosphere. Our atmosphere comprises the following gravity-induced layers: Homosphere from sea level to 80km (Troposphere up to about 13km; Ozone layer about 13-43km; Stratosphere 13-50km; Mesosphere 50-80km); Thermosphere 80-175 km (dilute Nitrogen 80-15km, Oxygen 105128km, Helium 128-150km, Hydrogen 150-175km)]. On ATTRIBUTING CURRENT CLIMATE CHANGE to acts of humanity:


The monotonic increase in (automatically) measured global temperatures does not show the 11-YEARS SOLAR CYCLE during which the sun luminosity changes. These changes are the results of complicated sun-interior convection currents, granulation, magnetic field lines between changing sunspot pairs, huge solar flares, etc.


Such ‘short-time’ cycles may correspond to the unexplained ‘Little Ice Age” that chilled Northern Europe during the late 17th century, suggesting a causal link between solar total luminosity activity and climate change on earth.



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There have been 17 or 19 ‘ice ages’: From about 3,000,000 years ago until the last one, which gradually ended from about 12,000 to 8000 years ago. These ages have strongly affected ecological systems on earth, and each lasted about 50,000 to 100,000 years and each had lowered the surface of the oceans, resulting in climate-induced changes in life and all ecological systems. No Net Sun’s Energy Remains in Earth: This is the verified result of complicated thermal cycles in our atmosphere and on earth’s surface. The incoming sun energy [Cf, Solar Wind] is partially reflected [and scattered] from the upper layers of our atmosphere [about 30%] back to nonexpanding Space-3, and, eventually, to expanding SPACE-1. Most incoming short-wave energy [about 64%] is reflected back to Spaces 3, 2 and eventually absorbed in the ever expanding VOIDS/SPACE-1 as long-wave radiation that results from the sun’s energy undergoing complex processes in the earth’s atmosphere and on the earth surface. Thus, all incoming sun’s energy (plus about 6% of heat from the earth’s interior], is proceeding further into the depths of Spaces 3, 2 and 1. RECAP: On its way to SPACE-1, the ‘solar wind’ engulfs earth and the other solar planets. No equivalent amount of this incoming radiation energy remains with earth and the other planets, as many wrongly assume. Part of it is reflected immediately by our upper atmosphere to outer, cold-dark spaces 3, 2 and, eventually, to Space-1. The rest of the ‘solar wind’ enters our atmosphere, and following complicated thermalecological-hydrological cycles it dissipates irreversibly in outer cold-dark Space 1. The outgoing energy includes additional, small amount of energy from the earth’s interior. Together with similar ‘solar winds’ generated by billions of stars in our galaxy, this radiation reaches SPACE 1 -- the unsaturable, limitless, universal sink of all radiation energies pouring into it from all stellar and galactic sources [12-18]. 9. Galactic Centers. The center of our galaxy is called Sagittarius A. It is a source of radio waves that originate from matter heated to millions of degrees K as they “fall” into a supermassive black hole. Galactic centers of other galaxies may also harbor super massive black holes. These are postulated to be in the range of hundreds of thousands to tens of billions of the mass of the entire solar system. 46

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10. Symmetry-Asymmetry &amp; Super symmetries. These subjects are treated in other Lectures. At this point we only refer to a false primitive symmetry claim that states: If the universe is eternal into the future ‘it must be’ eternal into the past’, or ‘prior to creation’ [the “big-bang”], there must have been a ‘symmetric’ contraction into an ‘allcontaining’ black hole.. As the density “had” increased during that ‘pre-creation’ contraction, gigantic black holes are claimed to be formed, and, at the instant of maximum contraction, they had switched to expansion, and only one of them has turned into “our expanding universe”. Upcoming tests at CERN or by the Planck Satellite or by the ground-based LIGO and VIRGO observatories, may reveal slight variations in gravitational radiation that are claimed to be associated with such postulated effects, say, on the polarization of the cosmic black body radiation. 11. Merging-Colliding Galaxies The ‘fog’ shown in these colliding galaxies is composed of millions of stars. Our galaxy is predicted by some models to collide with the Andromeda galaxy in about 5 billion years. The rate of galactic collisions was much higher in the past, mainly because the galaxies were closer to each other. Andromeda’s system consists of Cassiopeia Dwarf, Pegasus dSph, M32, M110, NGC 147, NGC195, AND I-V, etc. The Triangulum Galaxy, the 3rd largest galaxy in ‘our’ local group, also includes the Pisces Dwarf as a satellite. 47

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â&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2DC;Ourâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122; satellite galaxies consist of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, Ursa Minor Dwarf, Darco Dwarf, Sculptor Dwarf, Canis Major Dwarf, Fornax Dwarf, Carina Dwarf, Sextans Dwarf, Tucana Dwarf, Leo I, Leo II, Leo A, Sag DEG, etc.

Lecture 2

Bio-Socio Gravitism

Assertion 2.1 hen a limited terrestrial space is divided into lots in a community, it carries economic and social standing, or &quot;lebensraums&quot;, involving &quot;well defined territories&quot; and &quot;Gravity-induced Natural Selection&quot;; from animals&#39; Gravity-induced changes develop territoriality in a given spatial region or in a given assembly of mating systems to animals&#39; monopolies on water resources; from natural food individuals, administration especially when key resources not sufficiently abundant and fossil stable through to the control of keyare strategic ridges; from controlling long periods of historical times. fuel resources to disputes over territories. We observe this phenomenon in both the animal and human domains of socio-biology. One species, or one sex, may control a larger quantity of resources, say, scarce water ponds, than the other, until a small percentage of the population monopolizes key resources. Inequality in human society begins with land demarcation and property, private and tribal, state owned or company run. Envy then drives competition, company ads, venture capital, TV and academic rating, political candidates, religious rivalry and key human traits, sometimes stronger than death.



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As history testifies, gravity-induced territoriality is often developed into nationality, imperialism and territorial conquest wars. Assertion 2.2 Many aspects of animals’ social organization and evolution can be predicted on the basis of gravity-induced environmental variables. Since biogeochemical evolution causes key natural resources to be distributed non-uniformly in the spatial and temporal coordinates of the biosphere, resource monopolization develops in all levels of socio-biological systems. The first local &quot;aggregates&quot; of matter in the solar system have already contained atoms and simple molecules, and it was gravity that stratified these compounds in ‘horizontal’ layers according to their “specific gravity”. The atmosphere and geological strata are ordered-selected by the specific gravity of their chemical components. It was gravity that put the early components of living systems at one and the same strata. “Gravity Selection” is therefore a key component of “Natural selection”. Gravity is also the universal builder of structures, including all chemistry in the cores of gravitationally pressed-heated stars [See fusion in Lecture I], geological strata, earth morphology the entire evolution of life, village/city structures, transportation systems, linguistic hierarchy, recorded symbols, letters, grammar vs. time, structure of sentences, pages, books. Assertion 2.3 The origin of temporal behavior in 1. Gravity-Induced Orientation, Order, Linguistics animals can be traced back in time and out to external physical influences. Even “innate patterns&quot; are Using gravity pointers up, down, left, right, we frequently associated with simple generate signs and record numbers and letters for a orientation movement in the field of later use and for other to read. gravitation, i.e., as &quot;up-ward downward&quot; balancing of the Animals are no exception. Each is &#39;conscious&#39; of the biological body vis-à-vis the gravity commonly-shared &quot;up-down&quot; surroundings, and pointer. Gravity periodicities around the sun emerge as prime sources of 49 order via time and the arrow of time.

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about &quot;weight&quot; and acceleration. Plants also harbor innate sensors that guide them in which direction to grow even on a mountain slope. Additional examples range from gyroscope inertial changes and gravity-induced changes involving the fluid in the vertebrate inner ear to a crystallizing suspension of organic spheres in water. 3. Gravity-Induced Plant Growth and Animal Behavior The sensing devices which plants and animals use for &quot;gravity perception&quot; (&quot;gravity receptors&quot;, &quot;g-perception&quot;, &quot;bio-accelerometers&quot;, &quot;gravity-induced biological clocks&quot;, etc.) are not yet well understood, even though a voluminous literature has been published on this subject. But what we already know justifies the central role we claim gravity plays in living systems and society. Assertion 2.4 If a growing higher plant is displaced with respect to the &quot;upright&quot; position, some tens of minutes later it Plants ‘know’ to grow vertically will adapt its growth in such a way as to restore its upward when they start growing in original orientation in coincidence with the gravity total darkness as seeds inserted deep vector. (If it is displaced only briefly and then into the ground; -- even when they restored to its original orientation well before the grow on a steep mountain slope. growth response can set in, it still responds to that As most high-growing trees they align displacement.) their growth under the control of the gravity vector. Gravity-induced orientation-adaptation of an organism may occur when an organism orients itself by a gravity-induced gradient of density differences or hydrostatic pressure. Small organisms (including all bacteria) may have no means for sensing gravity, but they are affected by it. Animals low on the evolutionary scale characteristically exhibit innate patterns that depend little on learning, and have a lesser adaptability to changes in the environment. Consequently, their dependence on heredity-geophysical-gravitational origins is ‘high’ in proportion to animals that are ‘high’ on the evolutionary scale. While the latter show some signs of innate patterns, they harbor a greater capacity to produce a much more flexible mechanism to respond to a variety of other external changes that stimulate them. The evolutionary origin of the so-called &quot;innate ideas&quot; may, therefore, be external rather than internal. 50

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Inequality vs. Wars

Inequality in human society begins with land demarcation and property, private and tribal, stated owned or company run. Envy then drives competition, company ads, TV and academic rating, political candidates, religious rivalry and key human traits, sometimes stronger than as death. One species, or one sex, may control a larger quantity of resources, say, scarce water ponds, than the other, until a small percentage of the population monopolizes key resources. We observe this phenomenon in both the animal and human domains of socio-biology. In humans these gravity-induced territoriality is often developed into nationality, strategy and wars.

5. Gravity-Induced Law, Seconds, Minutes, Days, Years

Whole cultures, civilizations and religions have been constructed on gravity-induced human orientability, concepts, spirituality, art, music, home structure, village structure, wells, canals, boats, trade, agriculture, and even law enforcement by hanging [17]. History testifies that such gravity-induced cultural

Assertion 2.5 Even the computer page is ordered by up, bottom, left, right margins and footnotes. And it takes time to read them and to comprehend them; the time that always advances from past to future; the time that we term Linguistic Arrow of Time. Similarly, gravity-induced ordering of shelves, files, documents and books in a library introduces order into our life.


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phenomena may proceed beyond grammar and social order far into the spiritual and hierarchical domains: High priest, low deck, high commissioner, and highness, heaven, lofty, go to the bottom of the subject, etc.

6. Gravity-Induced Social Standards and “Meaning”

We train our brain-mind to appreciate gravity-induced, configuration-order-orientation and reject chaos and disorder. In short, we reject what does not well align with gravity-induced posture, standing and sitting modes. Our brain-mind searches for what is &#39;right&#39; via gravitationally induced symmetries and asymmetry ‘standards’. Each picture we observe, and each letter-symbol, word and sentence that we read, or hear, forms in our brain-mind a specific aggregated, configuration-boundary, -- a gravity-oriented asymmetry. Each letter-symbol, each word and each sentence generates such an aggregated, configuration-boundary-asymmetry in our brain-mind, where it had been irreversibly recorded and compared with what had been forced on our brain-mind by previous forces of our education; -- the STANDARDS at home, school, social group, tribe, nation, religion or a specific branch of civilization. Time reversal of musical notes destroys our pleasure. One cannot enjoy it if it is played in reverse. The structure and modulation of voice and the sentences a human mind seeks to identify with are similarly affected. Even a minor deviation from one&#39;s pre-trained language, intonation, accent, symmetry and asymmetry -- in face, body and walking way -- destroys our gravity-induced concepts about what is &#39;right&#39;, young, healthy, and what is not. In observing a person our mind generates a gravitationally induced structural asymmetry that is compared with the stored standard Any picture is gravitationally oriented in our brain-mind: ‘up/down’ or ‘horizontal/left/right’. Thus, inversion of a picture, or reversing the direction of symbols, words and a meaningful text, destroys the meaning. 52

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We maintain that this process generates gravity-induced form-orientation-configuration of &#39;heading&#39;, ‘beginning’ and &#39;end&#39;.

7. Biological Clocks and Gravitation

The origin of temporal behavior in animals can be traced back in time and out to external physical influences. Gravity and geophysical periodicities emerge as prime sources of order and information in all non-living and living systems. Animals low on the evolutionary scale depend little on learning, and have a lesser adaptability to changes in the environment. Consequently, their dependence on heredity-geophysicalgravitational origins is high in proportion to animals high on the evolutionary scale.

8. Vertigo, Loss of Coordination-Balancing &amp; Gravity

Vertigo is a loss of coordination, balancing and orientation vis-à-vis space and the gravityinduced horizon. Biological structures in the inner ear include semicircular canals and a fluid that moves, by gravity force, with respect to the gravity vector and activates a system that transmits linear and rotational motions vis-à-vis the gravity vector to the vestibular nerve, which carries these signals through the brainstem to our brain cerebellum, which, in turn, uses them to control our balancing, orientation, coordination and movement. The vestibular system in our ears comprises two semi-circular ‘canals’, which are used to indicate our rotational movements, and otoliths, which indicate linear translations. The vestibular system sends signals primarily to the neural structures that control our eye movements, and to the Cerebellum-muscles system that keeps us upright and helps maintain clear vision-orientation vs. the gravity vector.


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\9. Biological Cells, Reproduction, Immunity System &amp; Gravity Gravity causes changes in cell division, metabolism and the immunity system. Reproduction is also impaired and the immune cells cannot differentiate into mature cells in low or zero gravity conditions attainable in space crafts. The size of a biological cell depends on the local gravity vector â&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x201C; its size increases in larger local gravitational field-force values. Bone cells must attach themselves to something and will die if they cannot. Without the gravity force-field they float around and perish. When animals evolve on land, outside the oceans, they develop stronger skeletons to cope with larger gravity forces vis-Ă -vis the reduced one due to buoyancy in the waters. Earlier lifeforms in the oceans were smaller and had a jellyfish-like configuration. Thus, without strong skeletons, land animals cannot evolve

10. Animals and Gravity-Induced Effects

Gravimorphism, gravitropism and tropism are directional movements of a plant with respect to a directional stimulus. One such tropism is gravimorphism -- the growth or movement of a plant with respect to gravity. Plant roots grow in the direction of gravity while shoots and stems grow against it. RECAP: Gravity generates structures and controls all geological layers and global phenomena ranging from mountain crests, gravity-induced tectonic folds, valleys, beaches, oceans and lagoons, to springs, wells, swamps, glaciers and rivers, and the bio-systems connected with them. Without gravity-induced orientation-order and grammar we are lost in any given written language. Gravity-induced grammar prevents us from vertical reversals. Similarly, horizontal reversals prevent us, say, from reversals of W to M. 54

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There are more complicated gravity-induced grammar rules. They range from preventing reversal of past into future, and vice versa, to use gravity-induced structures as reference: A mountain crest, valley, beach line, river bed, sky, earth, ocean, etc. Gravity-sensing cells function as detectors of the direction of gravity. The fluid-particles systems inside cells initiate inner convective currents that cease under zero gravity. Thus, the absence of gravity affects the contacts of cells via their membrane potential and their cytoskeletons.

11. Gravity-Induced Village and City Structures

Gravity generates structures and controls all geological layers and global phenomena ranging from mountain crests, tectonic folds, geological uplifts, valleys, village and city structures, transportation systems, oceans and lagoons, to springs, wells, swamps, glaciers and rivers, as well as the ecological-systems connected with them.

12. Gravity and Global Warming

Gravity affects global warming and all ecological systems. [Cf. Solar System in Lecture XX].

13. Gravity and Health

The evolution and everyday functioning of our bones, legs, hips, joints, cartilages, ligaments, femurs, tibia, pelvis and muscles, has been &quot;in response&quot; to the force and direction of gravity. Gravity plays a key factor in heart failure associated with swollen legs, in flooded lungs, walking, sleeping needs etc. Nevertheless, the cardinal role gravity plays in the treatment of gravity-induced disorders in biological systems, human perception, health and longevity, has been largely overlooked by


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health providers and researchers, partly because the key role of gravity as the universal generator of all socio-gravity-dynamics, has not yet been well understood and investigated.


Prigogine won the Noble Prize in chemistry for his formalism in converting symmetry dynamics to Irreversible Thermodynamics [18], he did not really tell us how irreversible change in living and non-living systems emerges from the reversible mathematical equations of physics. In turn, as we had debated in public during the historic Pittsburgh Conference on Classical and Relativistic Thermodynamics [18], Relativistic Gravitism [12-17] is asserted to be superior for it draws the same results [17, Lecture VI] from two undisputed, reliable and independent sources: The Theoretical Source: Einstein’s Field Equations -- EFE, or “Gravity Physics”, which accept no static solutions, namely, EFE is claimed to provide us with the best explanation about the origin and the very subtle nature of time, its macro-evolutionary arrow and of all irreversibilities in Nature.

Thus, according to theoretical Gravitism, these attributes of Nature originate not from gravity physics, and EFE is the proper theoretical framework of theoretical thermodynamics, which should not stand alone as a not-yet-fully-understood semi-foerign citizen of pure symmetric physics, but as an integral and fully assimilated component of it. In other words, we declared the death of a stand alone theoretical thermodynamics.

We therefore also claimed that there should not be any fundamental need to resort to the essentially anthropomorphic concept entropy, which is neither mass-energy, nor an equal member of EFE and gravity physics

We therefore concluded that the science of evolving dynamical systems and thermodynamics must only be based on the physically sound, directly measurable, dissipated energy that is directly derivable from the EGR or from Newtonian Gravity, as we had fully derived from EFE in Volume I of Reference 17.

But there is another important aspect: Prigoigine’s Lectures and publications on socio-dynamics should be re-assessed from the point of view of Gravity Physics. This, in part, is done within one of these Lectures. 56

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The Empirical Source: Measured astrophysical quantities and their locations, dynamics and chemical composition, especiallythose involving large-scale group-cluster dynamics and energy-dissipation in expanding voids between superclusters of galaxies [Figs. 1.1 and 1.2; References 1 to 11], represent dynamics that we claim give rise to the 2nd Law of thermodynamics, [17]. More specifically, Prigogine had introduced the concept “Symmetry Breaking”, which is actually breaking the law of symmetry conservation.

In turn, we had claimed that if one starts any formalism with time-symmetric (reversible) equations, he cannot end up with the asymmetric equations of evolving dynamic systems and the thermodynamics.

Correllary: It is not science to smuggle irreversibility into symmetric-reversible equations of physics, without declaring the contraband.

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