Professional Services Council
The Voice of the Government Services Industry Regular Membership is available to for-profit companies providing or seeking to provide professional or technical services to the federal government. ☐ New member application
☐ Renewal (save time by renewing online at
Company Information Company Name:_________________________________
HQ Address:___________________________________
Main Telephone:_________________________________ # of Field Offices:________
# of Employees:________
Company description of 50 words or less (to appear in the online membership directory) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Which category best describes your core business? ☐ IT Services ☐ Facilities Management & Logistics ☐ International Development ☐ Consulting
☐ Environmental Services ☐ Engineering ☐ Operations & Maintenance ☐ Other _________________________________
Business Classifications (check all that apply)
☐ Native American ☐ Native Hawaiian ☐ SDVO ☐ SB ☐ SDB ☐ VO ☐ WO ☐ 8(a) ☐ ANC ☐ MO ☐ Hubzone ☐ Other Business Classification _________________________________
Government Customers (check all that apply)
Core Issue Areas (check all that apply) ☐ Audits and Access to Records ☐ Affordable Care Act ☐ Accounting and Finance ☐ Appropriations Legislation ☐ Acquisition Policy ☐ Authorization Legislation ☐ Acquisition Workforce ☐ Conflicts of Interest ☐ Cybersecurity and Information Protection
☐ International Development ☐ Insourcing ☐ IT Acquisition ☐ Labor Issues ☐ M&O Contracting ☐ Small Business Policy ☐ Security Clearances ☐ Service Contracting ☐ Sequestration/Spending Cuts ☐ Transparency and Accountability ☐ Tax Policy
☐ Commercial Items/Services Acquisition ☐ Competitive Sourcing ☐ Contract Type ☐ Contract Vehicles ☐ Deployed Employees ☐ Debarment and Suspension ☐ Ethics and Compliance ☐ FFRDCs ☐ Industrial Base and Competitiveness
Financial Information & Membership Dues Most recent year’s Corporate-wide Gross Annual Revenue (GAR) $____________ Based on your GAR, select the dues category that defines your company:
☐< $2.8M ☐ $2.8M - $58.8M ☐ $58.9M - $100M ☐ $101M - $300M
= $750 = (GAR in millions x $300) ex. $10M GAR = 10 x $300 = $3,000
= $19,400 = $24,500
☐ $301M - $500M ☐ $501M - $1B ☐ $1B - $4B ☐ > $4B
4401 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1110, Arlington, Virginia 22203
P: 703-875-8059
= $28,200 = $32,000 = $34,000 = $36,000 F: 703-875-8922
Key Contact Information Please enter the names and contact information for the contacts that will manage your PSC membership along with the information of the functional roles listed below. Key Executives
Corporate Title
Phone Number
Principal PSC Contact* Primary PSC Contact^ CEO Asst. to CEO CFO General Counsel Head of Contracts Head of HR/Labor Head of Govt. Relations Head of PR/Communications Head of Marketing Head of Business Development *The principal point of contact is typically in a leadership role within your organization. They are the main billing contact and contact for association issues. ^The primary point of contact manages the PSC membership, is the main contact for updates to the corporate roster, and is the secondary billing contact.
Acceptance Affairs of the Professional Services Council are conducted in accordance with our Charter, Bylaws and Code of Professional Conduct. I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of PSC’s Code of Conduct and agree to adhere to its terms. Dues cover one year of membership, established by the acceptance date of this application, which is subject to approval by the PSC Board of Directors. Signature ______________________________________ Title_____________________ Date __________ Payment Information: Total Dues Enclosed: $_______ ☐ Check enclosed or in transit (make payable to The Professional Services Council) ☐ Charge to Card Number: _____________________________________ Expiration date: _____________________________________ Cardholder Name: _____________________________________ Cardholder Signature: _____________________________________ PSC dues are 96% allowable for inclusion in the rates of government contractors. 90% may be deducted for federal income tax purposes. According to IRS regulations, the portion of dues allocable to lobbying activity is not tax deductible. PSC estimates that the remainder of your dues is allocable to lobbying activities and, therefore, not deductible. Dues paid to PSC are not deductible as charitable contributions. Please consult your tax advisor for individual assistance for your specific situation.
Submit Your Application Submit by Email or mail this application with payment information to: The Professional Services Council Attn: Membership 4401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1110 Arlington, VA 22203
January 2014