ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa magazine

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Resort No 1 / 2015

RESORT MENU No 1 / 2015

ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa

ALAR KRAUTMAN: pioneer in Estonian traditional massage Eesti pärimusmassaaži avastaja Healing power of water Vee tervendav jõud What to eat on a sauna day Toitumine saunapäeval PÄRNU: the legendary resort city

an entirely new concept for health and soul täiesti uus kontseptsioon tervisele ja hingele


Protects against more allergens and germs than any other pillow Start every day at your best

Alusta iga päeva parima enesetundega

SleepAngel™ is the world’s cleanest pillow, proven to block germs, bacteria and allergens, oh and even virus too. So tonight, you can lay your head down safe in the knowledge your pillow is completely clean inside – so fresh, so pure - it is just like new.

SleepAngel™ on maailma puhtaim padi, millel on tõestatud võime blokeerida pisikuid, baktereid, allergeene ning isegi viirusi. Nii võid täna pea padjale asetada kindla teadmisega, et sinu padi on seest täiesti puhas – alati nagu uus.

SleepAngel pillows are produced in Pärnu

SleepAngel padjad on toodetud Pärnus

.01 micron barrier* Filter pillow. Proven to stay clean inside * European ISO Independent Microbiological laboratory tests

Start fresh, every day ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa is #1 hotel in the world to use SleepAngel pillows

ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa on esimene hotell maailmas, kus kasutatakse SleepAngel patju

The SleepAngel pillow was originally developed to prevent the spread of hospital infections in clinical facilities and acquired an EU Class I Medical Device registration. The pillow uses a patented PneumaPure Filter Technology to block nasties and bacteria from contaminating the pillow. Our hotel guests can now enjoy the safety and security of the world’s first Filtered Pillow.

SleepAngel padi töötati esialgselt välja infektsiooni leviku tõkestamiseks tervishoiu asutustes. Padi on kantud Euroopa Liidu 1. klassi meditsiiniseadmete registrisse. Padjas on kasutatud PneumaPure filtritehnoloogiat, mis ei lase mustusel ja bakteritel patja saastada. Meie hotellikülalised saavad nüüd nautida maailma esimese filtriga padja ohutust ja turvalisust.

Experience complete Filter protection Our PureShield™ cover is waterproofand cool, it’s sealed with SafeWeld™seams and breathes with the PneumaPure™Filter. It blocks germs, bacteria, mould andallergens. And that’s scientifically proven.

SleepAngel pillows are available in reception SleepAngel padjad on saadaval vastuvõtus


Table Sisukord of contents 8 AJALUGU 11 HISTORY 14 EDULUGU




Vesi on inimesi tervendanud juba aastasadu.

Water has been healing people for centuries.


Active Spa kutsub aega maha võtma Take a break at Active Spa

Mida süüa-juua saunapäeval?


ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa juht räägib oma loo kehakaaluga võitlemisest.

The head of the Estonia Resort Hotel & Spa talks about his battle with excess weight.


What to eat and drink on a sauna day?

Suviselt kergelt ja tervislikult



Kliente ootavad erinevad saunad ja basseinid


A variety of saunas and pools for our clients


Summery, light and healthy


Ülevaade erinevatest hotellitubadest



Vesi hoiab vaimu virgena

Water keeps the spirit in vigour

Massöör Alar Krautman tutvustab pärimussmassaaži

Massage therapist Alar Krautman introduces traditional Estonian massage


Overview of the hotel rooms


Olgu seltskond suur või väike, ruumi leiab kõigile


Enough room for group of any size


Pärnu resort city: the ultimate summer attraction


Ülevaade erinevatest teenustest

No 1 / 2015



RESORT MENU No 1 / 2015

Overview of our range of services

ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa

ALAR KRAUTMAN: pioneer in Estonian traditional massage Eesti pärimusmassaaži avastaja Healing power of water Vee tervendav jõud What to eat on a sauna day Toitumine saunapäeval PÄRNU: the legendary resort city

an entirely new concept for health and soul täiesti uus kontseptsioon tervisele ja hingele

Hõrgutav restoran Noot


Exquisite restaurant Noot



Resort Menu

Väljaandja/Publisher: ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa A.H Tammsaare pst 4a/6 Pärnu Estonia Projektijuht/Project manager: Kaire Lerg Toimetaja/Editor: Tiit Efert Kujundus/Design: Profimeedia


Andrus Aljas

Estonia Spa Hotels juhataja

, a j e g u l a e H


a hoiad käes ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa värsket „pardaajakirja”. Me pakume Sulle lugemist nii meie enda tegemistest kui ka Pärnu linnale kuuluva ettevõttena laiemalt Pärnu kandi uudistest. Estonia Spa Hotels jätkab traditsioonilise ravispaa kõrval uue hotelli-, spaa- ja konverentsikompleksi valmimisega oma kuulsusrikast ajalugu Eesti esispaana. Olles nõukogude ajal laiemalt tuntud kui Sanatoorium number 1, oleme valmis selle positsiooni taastama ja tooma Eesti konkurentsitihedale spaamaastikule värskeid tuuli.

Meie nimi on üks meie suurimaid väärtusi ja meie pakkumine Sulle on ESTONIA:


ESTIMAINE – meie väljakutse on pakkuda Sulle tükike Eestimaast koos tõeliselt eestipärase hotelli- ja spaaelamusega. ÕBRALIK – oled saabunud sõprade hulka. Meid huvitab siiralt, kuidas Sul läheb ja kas Sa tunned ennast meie juures hästi. ERVISLIK – me väärtustame Sinu tervist ja elujõudu. Ei ole vahet, millises seisus Sa oled, me aitame Sind õigele teeotsale ja toetame seal püsimist. RIGINAALNE – me ei väsi Sind üllatamast. Iga elamus on uus ja iga külastus on kordumatu.

AUDITAV – me pakume Sulle tõeliselt nauditavat puhkust, alates voodist ja lõpetades hoolikalt valitud protseduuridega.

NDIVIDUAALNE – me mõtleme Sinule! Me tahame teada, mida Sa soovid, ja pakkuda just Sulle sobivat lõõgastust. KTIIVNE – meiega Sul igav ei hakka! Me pakume Sulle laia valikut tegevusi nii meie spaades kui ka oma heade koostööpartnerite juures Pärnus ja Pärnumaal. Tere tulemast!


Estonia Spa eksklusiivsetes numbritubades ootab Teid magus uni Wendres valmistatud Thinsulate tekkidega Thinsulate on laialdaselt tuntud spordirõivaste materjal, mis on nüüd leidnud tee ka magamistuppa. Need kvaliteetsest puuvillakangast valmistatud tekid tagavad Teile magamise ajal maksimaalse lõõgastuse. Thinsulate tekk on: • • • • • •

Eriliselt kerge Mõnusalt soe Väga hea hingavusega Niiskuskindel Masinpestav rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud Oeko-tex 100 sertifikaadiga

Magusaid unenägusid soovib

Enjoy sweet dreams in luxurious hotel rooms of the Estonia Spa under Thinsulate blankets made by Wendre Thinsulate is a commonly known material for sports garments which has now found another use in the bedroom. Our high-quality blankets made from cotton will make sure you are completely relaxed when you sleep. Thinsulate blankets: • • • • • • •

Exceptionally light Pleasantly warm Perfectly breathable Moisture resistant Machine washable Internationally certified, Oeko- tex 100

Sleep tight!


Andrus Aljas

Estonia Spa Hotels juhataja

, r e d a e r r Dea


ou are holding the fresh issue of the ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa ‘in-flight magazine’. We are going to give you something to read about our work as a company owned by the city of Pärnu and the news of Pärnu region. By completing its hew hotel, spa and conference complex next to the traditional medical spa, Estonia Spa Hotels continues its proud history as the finest spa in Estonia. Having been widely known as the ‘Sanatorium no. 1’ in the Soviet period, we are ready to reclaim that title and bring fresh breeze to the highly competitive spa landscape of Estonia.

Our name is one of our major values, and we offer you ESTONIA:


STONIAN: we accept the challenge of giving you a piece of Estonia alongside a genuinely Estonian hotel and spa experience. INCERELY FRIENDLY: you have arrived to stay with friends. We really care about your wellbeing and whether you feel good here. RULY HEALTHY: we value your health and energy. No matter what your condition is, we will help you step on the right path and stay on it. RIGINAL: we will never get tired of surprizing you; each experience will be a new one. Each visit will be unique.

ATURALLY ENJOYABLE: we will make sure you have a truly enjoyable holiday, from a comfortable bed to carefully selected treatments.

NDIVIDUAL APPROACH: we are thinking about you! We want to know what you would like and offer the relaxation option tailored for you. CTIVE: you will never feel bored with us! We will offer you a broad range of activities in our spas and in the facilities of our good partners in Pärnu and Pärnu County. Welcome to Estonia!






Vesi on juba iidsetest aegadest olnud inimese elus olulisel kohal – alustades sünnist, rääkimata eluspüsimisest kuni inimkonna üldisema arenguni välja.


uba aastatuhandeid tagasi avastati vee tähtsus ja selle kasulikud omadused, võime võidelda haigustega ja ennetada neid. Vett on peetud jumalikuks kingituseks inimkonnale, sellega on kaasnenud palju müüte ja legende ning veele on omistatud ka salapäraseid jõude. Inimene on alati otsinud veest tervist ja head enesetunnet.


Levinud arvamus on, et spaad kujunesid välja Vana-Roomas, kui sõdadest räsitud mehed lõõgastusid ja parandasid haavu soojas vees ligunedes. Arvati, et soojad allikaveed on parim vahend haavade ravimiseks ja lihasevalu leevendamiseks. Seetõttu asuti looduslike kuumaveeallikate ja -kaevude juurde rajama basseine. Sõdurite tervenemist hakati kutsuma ladina keeles sanus per aquam, mis tähendab tervist läbi vee. Usutakse ka, et nime levimisel mängis olulist rolli vormel 1 sõpradele tuttav Belgia linn Spa, mis sai 14. sajandil kuulsaks tänu looduslike tervistavate kuumaveeallikate avastamisele. Vallooni keeles tähendab sõna espa allikat. Teise variandina arvatakse, et tegu on lühema versiooniga ladinakeelsest sõnast spagere, mis tähendab pritsimist, laialipildumist või niisutamist.


Jõgedes ja meredes ligunemine ning hea enesetunde nautimine on ilmselt sama vana kui inimkond. Veega seotud rituaale teatakse vanade egiptlaste, pärslaste, indiaanlaste seas.


Spaade eelkäijateks võib aga pidada Vana-Rooma kümblusmaju, kus pesemise ja oma keha eest hoolitsemise kõrval peeti väga oluliseks ka sotsiaalset suhtlemist. Need piirkonnad, kus leidus kuumavee- ja mineraalallikaid, muutusid esimesteks ravipiirkondadeks, kuhu inimesed reisisid. Siit pärineb ka väljend reisimisest tervisvetele. Tervisvetele minek oli populaarne ning vee raviomadused olid üsna üldiselt teada. Tervisvetele armastasid reisida nii võimukandjad kui ka tavakodanikud, kel vähegi võimalust oli. Tervistav vesi ravis närvi- ja liigesevalusid ning vähendas pingeid. Tervistavat mineraalvett


Suurepäraselt säilinud, roomlaste poolt Inglismaale Bathi rajatud sooja aurava veega termid annavad hea ettekujutuse antiikaja spaamõnudest.



Selliseid protseduure pakkusid 1950. aastate Prantsusmaa spaad.


soovitati ka juua. Juba vanad kreeklased tarbisid mineraalvett ja võtsid raviotstarbel veevanne, vanad roomlased läksid aga veelgi kaugemale ning rajasid uhked veekeskused, mida nimetati termideks. Mineraal- ja kuumaveeallikate juurde tekkisid keskused, kus pakuti lisaks veeprotseduuridele ka majutust ja süüa. Hiljem tulid juurde kõikvõimalikud meelelahutusasutused ööklubide ja kasiinode näol.

Baden-Badeni terviseturgutuskohta võib pidadada ajalooliseks kuurordi etaloniks.


Alates 1800. aastast hakkas huvi vannikultuuri vastu jõudsalt kasvama. Arstid arvasid, et emake loodus on loonud iga haiguse vastu oma allika, mille vee keemilist koostist tuleb põhjalikult uurida. Arendati erinevaid ravikombinatsioone, mis koosnesid kuumast ja külmast vannist, taimsetest vannidest ja mudapakkidest, millele lisandusid aktiivsed füüsilised harjutused, massaaž ja dieet. Ravi tehti kättesaadavaks ka tavalistele inimestele. Mineraalvete kasutuselevõtt ja hotellide ehitamine allikate juurde muutis Euroopat ja Põhja-Ameerikat palju. Igal spaal oli oma teater, kasiino ja promenaadid ravimajade juures. Saksamaa kuurordist Baden-Badenist kujunes Mandri-Euroopa glamuurseim koht. Sõna kuurort tulebki saksakeelsest sõnast kurort, mis tähendab ravikohta. Kaasaegne spaa võib olla luksuslik kuurort või kuurorthotell, mis asetseb loodusliku terviseallika lähedal või sisaldab endas tervistavaid tehisallikaid, hüdromassaaži- ja mullivanne jms. Kuurordis ei tegeleta ainult haigestunud organi raviga, vaid tähelepanu pööratakse patsiendi kui terviku heaolule.


Puhkus 1960. aastatel Pärnus valminud sanatooriumides oli töörahva hulgas nõutud kaup.


Eesti kuurortravitraditsiooni alguseks peetakse ravimuda arstlikku kasutuselevõttu 1824. aastal, mil meremuda leiukohas Saaremaal Rootsikülas avati esimene väike raviasutus, kus protseduure tehti arsti kontrolli all. Järgmisena rajati kuurortraviasutused 1825. aastal Haapsallu, 1838. aastal Pärnusse, 1840. aastal Kuressaarde ja 1876. aastal Narva-Jõesuusse. Kõik need paigad on praegugi kuurordid. Enamasti paiknevad spaad rannikul (Haapsalu, Viimsi, Tallinn, Pärnu, Kuressaare, Narva-Jõesuu, Toila) ning vaid kaks asuvad sisemaal (Värska ja Pühajärve). Suurem osa spaasid on rajatud nõukogude ajal, mil nende tegevust rahastasid suuresti ametiühingud. Eesti taasiseseisvumisel 1991. aastal ametiühingute organisatsioon lagunes ja keskne rahastamine lõppes. Kuna sotsiaal- ja tervishoiuministeeriumis oli tol ajal prioriteediks haiglavõrgu ja esmatasandi arstiabi säilitamine, mitte rehabilitatsioon ega profülaktika, müüs riik enamiku olemasolevatest sanatooriumidest eravaldusse. Elatustase oli riigis madal ja kuna ametiühingud ravituusikuid enam kinni ei maksnud, asuti maksujõulist klientuuri otsima raja tagant. Soomlased moodustasid üheksakümnendatel ligi 90% spaade külastajaskonnast. Aasta-aastalt on suurenenud ka eestlaste


Ajalugu Keskliidu puhkekoduks, Saksa okupatsiooni ajal oli see Saksa sõjaväe puhkekodu, 1944. aastal aga algasid taas ümberkorraldused. Pärnu kuurortidest sai üleliidulise ametiühingusüsteemi puhkekodude ja raviasutuste osa.


osakaal, ulatudes juba kolmandikuni. Lisaks soomlastele on tuntavalt kasvanud teistest rahvustest külastajate hulk (peamiselt rootslased ja norralased), mis ulatub kümnendikuni.



Kuigi mugavusest jäi tubades puudu, kompensseerisid seda rikkalikud ravivõimalused.


Tänane Estonia Spa Hotels on kandnud nime Sanatoorium nr 1 ja ka lihtsalt Estonia. Kui 1838. aastal avatud supelasutuses pakuti peamiselt võimalust kümmelda ja veemõnusid nautida, siis esimene ravihoone avati Pärnus aastal 1890. Just siis hakati pakkuma mudaravi, aga ka mitmeid mineraal- ja rabavanne, ning tehti ka elektriravi. Pärnust sai toonase Tsaari-Venemaa üks lemmikkuurorte. Kuigi rahvast meelitas Pärnusse ka merevesi ja linna miljöö, ei jäetud kuurortraviasutuste arendamist unarusse. Üsna pea pakuti Pärnus abi verevaesuse, reuma, podagra, südamehäirete ning närvisüsteemi hädade vastu. Suhkruhaigus, naistehädad, luuja liigesehaigused – Pärnu targad arstid ja 20. sajandi alguse moodne tehnika pakkusid kõige vastu leevendust. Kuigi esimene maailmasõda puudutas ka Pärnut ja sealset kuurordielu, avas ravikuurort 1927. aastal taas uksed. Uus kord ja uued peremehed, kes Eestisse 1940. aastal saabusid, ei jätnud ka sanatooriume puutumata. Pärnu esinduskuurort muudeti Eestimaa Ametiühingute

1945. aastal avati uuesti mudaravila. Eriti populaarne oli rabavann. Aastast 1947 kandis tänane Estonia nime Sanatoorium nr 1, Estonia nimeni jõudmiseks kulus veel 15 aastat. 1962. aastal saidki kõik Pärnu sanatooriumid numbrite asemel nimed, nr 1 ehk esindussanatoorium ristiti uhkelt Estoniaks. Sellest ajast hakkas Estonia tegutsema ka baassanatooriumina, juhtides kõiki ENSV Kuurortide Valitsemise Nõukogule alluvaid ravi- ja puhkeasutusi. 1960. aastatel läks sanatooriumis käimine töörahvariigis väga moodi, tuusikud olid kõrges hinnas ja neil oli rahaga võrdväärne ekvivalent. Mida kümnend edasi, seda enam populaarsus kasvas. Ka ravivõimalusi uuendati ja arendati. Estoniast ehk esisupelasutusest astus oma visiidil läbi isegi toonane Soome president Urho Kaleva Kekkonen. Sanatooriumisse tuldi üle kogu Nõukogude Liidu. Toona polnud tubades erilist glamuuri ega luksust, ööbiti kolme-neljakesi ühes toas ning jagati omavahel ka toa ainukest luksuseset – kraanikaussi. Duširuum ja tualett asusid koridoris ning olid kogu korruse peale ühised. Tuusiku pikkus oli 24 päeva ning lisaks mudavannidele ja veeprotseduuridele nautis töörahvas vabal ajal ka Pärnu võlusid. Ravimas käidi enamasti kutsehaigusi. Kaevurite seas oli sanatoorne ravi nii populaarne, et 1970. aastatel kandis üks hoone suisa nime Kaevur. Estonia teine korpus aga oli tuntud kui Rahu. Tollel kaugel ajal muutus kõik, mis vähegi hea oli, kiiresti defitsiidiks. Näiteks pakuti juba toona sanatooriumis massaaže, aga et ressurss oli väike, ei jätkunud seda kaugeltki kõigile. Defitsiit oli ka veealune massaaž ja osokeriit ehk soojusravi mägivahaga. Arstidele anti kõrgemalt poolt kätte teatud kogus protseduuritalonge, mida nad siis ravivajajatele jagasid. Eesti taasiseseisvumisel sai ettevõttest AS Taastusravikeskus Estonia, mille ainuomanikuks on Pärnu linn. Aastatel 2002–2014 tegutses Estonia kolmes hoones: Pargi majas, Rohelises majas ja Valges majas. 2008. aastal avati Pargi maja juurdeehitusena sauna- ja basseinikeskus Termid. Tänaseks on ettevõtte ärinimeks saanud Estonia Spa Hotels ning jätkatakse kahe spaakontseptsiooniga. Rahvale juba tuttav Pargi maja hoiab oma tuntud headuses senist ravispaa suunda. Muutunud on vaid nimi ja logo – uus nimi on Estonia Medical Spa & Hotel. Rohelise ja Valge maja asemel on uue kontseptsiooniga kuurorthotell Estonia Resort Hotel & Spa, mis ammutab inspiratsiooni Eesti loodusest, rahvuslikest traditsioonidest, käsitööst ja kultuurist. RM

History Rubriik



Through the ages, water has played an important part in people’s lives from birth, let alone survival and the general course of the overall development of mankind. tekst: TIIT EFERT pildid: CORBIS, EESTI FILMIARHIIV


t was already thousands of years ago that the importance and useful properties of water as well as its ability to fight or prevent diseases were discovered. Surrounded by numerous myths and legends, water was considered to be a gift from gods to mankind, and mysterious forces were attributed to it. Man has always turned to water in his quest for health and well-being.


It is a widespread belief that the meaning of ‘spa’ emerged in Ancient Rome where warriors weary from battles would relax and recover from their wounds by soaking in warm water. Hot spring water was believed to be the best remedy for healing wounds and easing muscle pain. This is why the construction of pools started near natural thermal springs and wells. Healing soldiers in this way was called ‘Sanus per Aquam’ translated as ‘health by means of water’. Belgian city of Spa, well-known to Formula 1 enthusiasts, is also believed to have played a major role in the popularization of the ‘spa’ concept since it became famous in the 14th century as a place where healing hot springs were discovered. The word ‘espa’ means ‘spring’ in Walloon. Another version explains the

ANCIENT SPA: Print of Cross Section of Roman Baths

word as an abbreviation of the Latin ‘spagere’, which means spraying, dispersing or moisturizing.


The habit of bathing in seas and rivers to feel good and enjoy oneself is probably as old as mankind. Relevant rituals were practiced by Ancient Egyptians, Persians, Indians and many others. However it is Ancient Roman bath houses where social interaction was also very important in addition to bathing and body care that can be considered the ancestors of modern spas. The regions where hot and mineral water springs were found became first health resort areas where people would travel. This is also the origin of the phrase ‘travel to a watering place’. So-called going to a watering place was very popular, and healing properties of water were well-known.




Baden-Badeni terviseturgutuskoht võib pidadada ajalooliseks kuurorti etaloniks.


Public officials and ordinary citizens alike, whoever had any opportunity at all, loved going to watering places. Healing water relieved neuralgic and joint pains and reduced tension. Drinking healing mineral water was also recommended. While Ancient Greeks used to drink mineral water and have baths for therapeutic purposes, Ancient Romans took a step further and established luxurious water centres that they called ‘thermae’(public baths). The centres that emerged next to mineral and hot springs provided accommodation and catering in addition to spa services. Later various entertainment facilities, for example, night clubs and casinos, were added.


Public interest in the bathing culture started growing rapidly since 1800. Doctors believed that Mother Nature had created a special spring to fight any disease and that the chemical composition of water from such springs should be thoroughly researched. Various treatment combinations were devised comprising hot and cold baths, herbal baths and mud packs supplemented with rigorous physical activity, massage and diet plans. Treatments became available for common people. The introduction of mineral water as a remedy and the construction of hotels transformed Europe and Northern America. Every spa centre had its own theatre, casino, and a promenade along the medical spa buildings. Baden Baden resort town in Germany became one of the most glamorous places in Europe. The Estonian word for health resort, ‘kuurort’, actually originates from the German ‘Kurort’, a ‘place for treatment’. A modern spa may be a luxurious health resort or a resort hotel situated next to a natural healing spring; alternatively, it can feature artificial healing springs, hydro massage, bubble baths etc. A health resort is not only meant for treating the organs affected by a disease; attention is paid to the wellbeing of the patient as a whole.


The Estonian tradition of health resorts is believed to have started with the introduction of the medical use of therapeutic mud in 1824, when the first small medical facility was opened in Rootsiküla on Saaremaa where sea mud was discovered, providing treatments supervised by doctors. The establishment of other health resort institutions followed: in Haapsalu in 1825,


Suurepäraselt säilinud Roomlaste poolt Inglismaale Bathi rajatud sooja aurava veega termid annavad hea ettekujutuse antiikaja spamõnudest.


A woman receives a “water massage”, being massaged while lying under a shower of water, at the Vichy hot springs (France).

in Pärnu in 1838, in Kuressaare in 1840, and in Narva-Jõesuu in 1876. To this day, all of the above are health resort locations. Spas are mostly situated on the shore (Haapsalu, Viimsi, Tallinn, Pärnu, Kuressaare, Narva-Jõesuu, Toila) and only two places are inland (Värska and Pühajärve). The majority of spas were created during the Soviet era, when their operation was generally financed by labour unions. After Estonia regained independence in 1991, the labour unions organization fell apart, and centralized financing ceased. As the top priority of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs at the time was the preservation of the existing hospital network and primary health care, not rehabilitation or disease prevention, the state sold most health resort facilities into private ownership. The living standard of the population in the country was low, and there were no labour unions to pay for vouchers to health resorts, so the latter started looking for solvent customers abroad. In 1990s Finns amounted to a total of 90% of spa visitors. The share of Estonian residents gradually increased year after year, having finally reached one third. In addition to Finnish customers, the amount of visitors from other countries (mainly Sweden and Norway) has also grown remarkably, now forming one tenth.


What is the Estonia Spa Hotels today has been called ‘Sanatorium no. 1’ and ‘Sanatorium Estonia’ before. While the bathing facility opened in 1838 mainly offered opportunities for bathing and enjoying water activities, the first spa treatment building was opened in Pärnu in 1890. This was when mud treatments as well as various mineral baths, moor mud baths and electrotherapy became available. Pärnu became one of the favourite health resorts of the Russian Empire. Although people were drawn to Pärnu because of the sea and the pretty town, the health resort development was not neglected. Soon treatment for such



Kuigi mugavusest jäi raviasutuses puudu, kompensserisid seda nõukogude aja kohta head ravivõimalused.

diseases as anaemia, rheumatism, gout, cardiac disorders and nervous disorders was offered in Pärnu. Be it diabetes, women’s health disorders or bone and joint diseases, competent Pärnu doctors and the newest technology of the beginning of the 20th century would bring relief of any ailment. Although World War I affected Pärnu and its resort life, the medical spa opened its doors again in 1927. The new order and new masters who came to Estonia in 1940 did not leave health resorts untouched. The hospitality resort of Pärnu was turned into the recreation centre of the Estonian Confederation of Labour Unions. During the German occupation it was a recreation centre of the German army, and in 1944 restructuring began again. Pärnu health resorts became a part of the recreation centres and healthcare institutions of the all-Union system of labour unions.


Pärnu mud baths facility was reopened in 1945. Moor mud baths were an especially popular treatment. In 1947 today’s ‘Estonia’ was called ‘Sanatorium no. 1’, and another 15 years passed before it became ‘Estonia’. It was in 1962 that all Pärnu health resorts received names instead of numbers, and the hospitality resort under number 1 was proudly titled ‘Estonia’. This was also when ‘Estonia’ became the so-called base sanatorium, supervising all the treatment and recreation institutions subordinate to the ESSR Governance Council for Health Resorts. In 1960s going to health resorts came into great fashion in the proletariat state: vouchers were highly valued and regarded as cash equivalent. Popularity grew with each new decade. Treatment opportunities also were also updated and developed. As the main baths facility, ‘Estonia’ even became one of the points on the itinerary of Finland’s president Urho Kaleva Kekkonen during his visit to the country.

The health resort attracted holiday-makers from the whole Soviet Union. Hotel rooms were not exactly glamorous or luxurious at the time: they were meant for three or four people sharing the only item of luxury, the washing basin. Showers and toilets were located in the corridor and were to be used by the whole floor. The voucher covered a period of 24 days, and in addition to mud baths and hydrotherapy working people could enjoy other Pärnu delights in their free time. Occupational diseases were also treated here. Health resorts were so popular with mine workers that one of the buildings even got the name Kaevur (Estonian for ‘miner’) in 1970s. Another building of ‘Estonia’ was known as Rahu (‘Peace’). At the time anything of any value immediately became difficult to obtain. For example, officially health resorts offered massage, but human resources were insufficient and definitely not enough for every visitor. There was also a shortage of underwater massage treatments and ozokerite treatments, i.e. heat therapy using fossil wax. Doctors received a certain number of treatment vouchers from superior authorities and distributed them above those in need of treatment. When Estonia regained independence, the facility was transformed into the Estonia Rehabilitation Centre solely owned by the city of Pärnu. In 2002–2014 ‘Estonia’ operated in three buildings: Pargi (‘Park’), Roheline (‘Green’) and Valge (‘White’). In 2008 the sauna and pool centre called Termid (‘Thermae’) was opened in the extension of the Pargi building. Today the company’s business name is Estonia Spa Hotels, and it is developing two spa concepts. The Pargi building already known to the public continues as a medical spa in all its renowned goodness, having only changed its logo as well as name to the Estonia Medical Spa & Hotel. The Roheline and Valge buildings have been transformed into the Resort Hotel & Spa with a new concept that draws inspiration from Estonian nature, national traditions, handicraft and culture RM





Kuidas jõuda tervisliku elustiilini ja milliseid muutusi see toob kaasa elukvaliteedis, räägib oma kogemusest Estonia Resort Hotel & Spa juht HANNES TALL.

all on toitumisse ja treenimisse teadlikult suhtunud juba ligi seitse aastat. Enne seda sõi ja jõi ta nagu iga teine eestlane. „Hommikuks puder, lõunaks suur praad liha, kartuli, riisi või makaronide ning salatiga, lisaks kindlasti ka magustoit. Õhtul sama,” selgitab ta. Õhtuti rüüpas ta toidu kõrvale ka õlut, aeg-ajalt näksis saia ja nädalavahetustel võttis napsu. „Väga mures ei olnud, sest teadsin, et ma söön tervislikult. Ei tarbinud vorsti ega muid kahtlaseid pooltooteid, sõin puuvilju ja täisteratooteid, nii nagu soovitatakse,” sõnab Tall.


Kokkuvõttes oli mees rasvunud ja treenimata. Esimene samm toiduteadlikkuse suunas tuli siis, kui ta loobus sea- ja veiselihast. Selle tulemusena sai ta korda seedimise, mis juba iseenesest tundus ulmelisena. „Olin selline sajakilone tugev mees. Sisimas ikkagi tahtsin kõhnaks,” muigab Tall. Sellest teadmisest tiivustatuna proovis ta erinevaid võimalusi. Murranguliseks sai tema jaoks Fred Antsoni artikkel toidust, rasvapõletusest ja aju biokeemiast, mida saab lugeda fitness. ee lehel. Artiklis toodud näpunäidete järgimisel muutus Hannes Talli päevane energiatase juba paari päeva jooksul. Tarbides hommikul ja lõunal ainult valku ja rasva, kadus tal ära lõunasöögijärgne uni ja vähenes magusaisu. „Olin kord nädalasel


puhkusel Belgias Brugges, šokohooliku paradiisis, aga ei söönud seal tükkigi šokolaadi. Varem sõin 200-grammise Karl Fazeri tahvli pea iga päev vaid selleks, et peletada lõunast unisust. Keha lihtsalt nõudis,” kirjeldab ta muutust. Samal ajal treenis Hannes kõvasti – viis korda jõusaalis ja kaks jooksu või rattasõitu nädalas –, kuid 2009. aastal jäid trennid katki, sest ta kolis välismaale. „Kaasas trennikava ja teadmine, et hommikul süsivesikuid ei sööda,” naerab mees ise. Omal käel jõusaalis treenimine hoidis teda vormis, kuid areng jäi seisma. „Keskendusin jooksmisele ja jooksin ülepäeviti 10 kilomeetrit. Sellega sain lihastest lahti ja minu 97 kilost sai 88. Olin nagu riidenagi.” Rasvapõletusest ei teadnud ta siis veel midagi ning aeroobne treening tegi temast „kõhna paksu”, kel rasvaprotsent oli kõrge, kuid lihasmass väike. „Eesmärk kogu üritamise juures oli saada kunagi ka kõhulihas paistma,” muigab Hannes. „Jooksmisega ei saanud.” Ta jättiski selle katki ning vana kaal tuli kiiresti tagasi. Lohutuseks rääkis ta endale, et ta ongi raske kondiga ja lihaseline. „Praegu mõtlen, kui naeruväärne,” meenutab mees naerulsui.


Kuni läinud aastani ei proovinud ta midagi erilist, tegi oma trenni ja oli küll tugev, kuid samas ka parajalt paks. Siis aga võttis ta ühendust Fred Antsoniga, et küsida trennialast nõu. Muu hulgas räägiti ka toitumisest. „Leppisime kokku, et vähendan süsivesikuid drastiliselt. Nüüd tarbin


Hannes Talli sõnul ei tohiks inimesel kuskilt valutada ning midagi ei tohiks enda juures häirida – see puudutab nii keha kui vaimu.

Edulugu Mehe sõnul ei tohiks inimesel kuskilt valutada ning midagi ei tohiks enda juures häirida – see puudutab nii keha kui vaimu. Kõiki tekkinud harjumusi saab ise muuta, kuid arvestada tuleb ka vanust ja perekonnaseisu. „Märkasin, et olen varsti 40-aastane ja isa. Sain äkki aru, et kui tahan sajani välja visata, tuleb hakata mõtlema alalhoidlikumalt,” lisab Tall. Kõige suuremaks muutuseks oma elus peab ta suhtumise muutust. Tall ei tee enam asju, mis võiks kuidagi vigastada meelt või keha. Kui vaadata detailsemalt, siis olulised on neli tegurit – toitumine, liikumine, puhkus ja mõtlemine. Hannes toitub LCHF-süsteemi järgi (vähem süsivesikuid, rohkem rasva). Trennidest on põhirõhk jõusaalil. „Mõte jooksmisest või sportrattaga sõitmisest ajab kananaha ihule,” muigab mees. Tööle sõidab ta aeglaselt linnarattaga. Pärnu annab selleks super võimalused. „Ma ei tea oma tutvusringkonnas kedagi, kes saaks tööle sõita mitte mööda asfalti, vaid piki rannaniitu ja supelranda,” naerab mees. Magama läheb ta kella kümne ja üheteistkümne vahel, lülitades wifi-seadmed ja telefoni välja. „Proovin magada võimalikult rahulikus keskkonnas, aken lahti, tuba pime. Mõtlemisega on vast kõige keerulisem, aga üldjoon on, et mõtlemine oleks positiivne.”


Parem enesetunne on ainult igaühe enda tahtmise taga. neid ainult peale trenni. Loobusin nisutoodetest ja suhkrust, sealhulgas puuviljadest ja mahladest, ning ka alkoholist.” Seejuures selgus, et nisust loobuda polegi väga kerge, sest seda topitakse igale poole. Muutus oli aga murranguline, lausa imeline. „Seedimine sai korda, kõht kadus, rasv hakkas põlema. Muutusin kõhnemaks päevadega. Võtsin ette programmi lihaste kasvatamiseks ja jõu arendamiseks,” lisab Tall. Hannes Talli loomuses on proovida teha asju paremini ja katsuda piire. „Läbi inimkatsete iseenda peal olen saanud pihta, kuidas oleks õige. Mu eesmärk on – olla hea, kogu aeg,” selgitab ta.

Kogu see teadlik tegevus on andnud Hannesele suurepärase enesetunde. „Tunnen endas elujõudu. Muutunud on seedimine, eriti aga energiatase – peale sööki pole und, pea töötab kiirelt. Kuna söön harva, siis on toidu kvaliteet tähtis. Ma pole nõus sööma midagi suvalist, toit peab olema maitsev!” Siiski märgib ta, et libastub aeg-ajalt ja tarbib midagi lubamatut. „Mida aeg edasi, seda keerulisem on sellist toitu läbi seedida nii füüsiliselt kui vaimselt. Ja seda suurem on motivatsioon mitte libastuLCHF (Low Carb, High Fat da,” nendib Hannes. „Esimest korda ehk süsivesikutevaene ja vääratasin peale kahenädalast stardirasvarohke dieet) on meetod, tsüklit, kui sõin suure tüki torti. Tekkis mida on kasutatud juba mürgistuslaadne tunne – külm higi, 150 aastat. Süüakse vähem jõuetus, käed olid nõrgad. Olin minessüsivesikuid ja rohkem rasva. tuse äärel. See kestis tund aega. Väga Kõige tähtsam on viia suhkru naljalt enam tavalist kooki süüa ei taha.” ja tärklise tarbimine miiniOma kogemuse põhjal soovitab mumini. Hannes kõigil tegeleda oma tervisega Süüa tuleb: liha, kala, ja teha seda kohe. „Uurige välja, milline mune, maapinnal kasvavaid toitumine ja liikumine teile sobivad, köögivilju ja looduslikke rasvu selleks on palju võimalusi. Parem (nagu või). enesetunne on ainult igaühe enda Vältima peab: suhkrut ja tahtmise taga. Sööge puhast, tõelist tärkliserikkaid toite (nagu toitu ja vältige igasugu lisandeid. leib, pasta, riis ja kartul). Liikuge, tehke oma elu natuke ebamuToidukoguseid kaaluma ja gavaks, see karastab. Kui leiate, et kaloreid arvestama ei pea. midagi teie elus on piisavalt hea, siis Süüa tuleb näljatunde tekkides ja niipalju, et kõht kahelge endas. Kas ikka on? Äkki on saab täis. midagi veel paremat? Teada saab ainult siis, kui proovite.” RM

Mis on LCHF dieet?


Success story


HANNES TALL, the head of Estonia Resort Hotel & Spa, shares his experience of how he came to a healthy lifestyle and which changes in the quality of life it has caused.


all has maintained a conscious attitude to diet and training for almost seven years now. Before that what he ate and drank was similar every other Estonian’s choice. “Porridge for breakfast, a hefty lunch of meat with potatoes, rice or pasta on the side plus dessert, and pretty much the same for dinner.” He would also complement food with beer in the evenings, snack on wheat bread, and have some drinks at weekends. “I didn’t care much because I knew I was eating healthy. I never ate sausage or other suspicious convenience foods, and I made sure to eat fruit and whole wheat products, following general healthy diet recommendations.”


All in all, he was overweight and untrained though. The first step towards dietary awareness was made when Tall decided to avoid eating pork and beef. This had a beneficial effect on digestion, and that alone seemed incredible. “I was a strong guy weighing about a hundred kilos. But my inner ambition was to be thinner,” Tall says with a smirk. Inspired by the first results, he experimented with various options. It was Fred Antson’s article about food, brain biochemistry and fat burning (available on the page) which became his turning point. When Hannes Tall started following the tips given in the article, his daily energy level changes within a couple of days. Consuming only proteins and fats in the morning and afternoon relieved him from after-lunch drowsiness and curbed his craving for sugar. “I went to Bruges, Belgium, on holiday for a week, and that place is a chocoholic’s paradise. But I didn’t eat


a single piece of chocolate there. Before, I would put away a 200 gram Fazer bar almost every day to get rid of lunch-time drowsiness. My body would just demand it.” At the same time Hannes trained hard, going to the gym five times a week and jogging or biking twice a week, but in 2009 he had to stop because he moved abroad. “With a workout plan and the knowledge about no carbs in the morning,” Hannes laughs. Going to the gym by himself helped him stay fit, but there was not much development. “I concentrated on running, 10 kilometres every other day. This burned muscles, and my 97 kilos became 88 – I was thin as a rail.” At the time he knew nothing about fat burning, and aerobic physical activity made him ‘skinny fat’ with low muscle mass and high body fat percentage. “The goal of all my efforts was to get a six-pack at some point,” Hannes laughs. “Well, running didn’t work.” In the end, he quit that as well, and the old extra weight came back fast. He consoled himself by saying that he was a sturdy man with heavy bones. “Now I think it was totally ridiculous,” he recalls, smiling.


Until last year he had not tried anything special, working out and staying strong, but still rather fat. However, he contacted the author of the article mentioned earlier, Fred Antson, to ask for advice about fitness, and they also discussed Hannes’ diet. “We agreed that I should cut down on carbs drastically. Now I only eat them after the workout. I also had to stop eating wheat products and sugar, including fruit, juices and alcohol.” He soon found out that sticking to a wheat-free diet was not very simple because wheat is added to almost all foods. This decision was

Success story

LCHF diet plan LCHF (Low Carb, High Fat) is a method that has been in use for 150 years. It implies eating a lower amount of carbohydrates and more fat. The most important thing is to minimize sugar and starch intake. What to eat: meat, fish, eggs, above-ground vegetables and natural fats (such as butter).. What to avoid: ssugar and foods rich in starch (such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes). You do not have to weigh your food or count calories. Eat when you feel hungry and as much as you need to feel full.

life-changing though, and its effect could even be called miraculous. “My digestion improved, the bulging stomach disappeared, and fat started burning. I was getting thinner within days. I started following a workout plan to increase muscle mass and develop strength.” It is in Hannes Tall’s nature to attempt at better and better results and push the limits. “So human experimentation on myself helped me understand what is right. ‘Feeling good. Every day’ is my goal.” He believes that you should not endure pain or feel irritated about any part of yourself, which refers to the body and mind alike, and that old habits can be changed. One should also take one’s age and family into consideration. “I realized I would turn 40 soon, and I am a father. I suddenly understood that I had to make my way of thinking a tad more conservative if I wanted to live to be a hundred.” He considers the change in attitude to be the most important transformation in his life. Hannes Tall is never again doing things that could somehow harm his body or mind. If we take a close look, there are four important factors: eating, moving, resting, and thinking. Hannes has opted for the LCHF (low carb, high fat) dietary system. As far as movement is concerned, weight training is its main component. “I get goose bumps just thinking about running or riding a racing bicycle,” he admits. He cycles to work on his city bike at a leisurely pace, and Pärnu provides great opportunities for that. “None of my acquaintances can use a paved road passing through a seaside meadow or along the beach to ride to work,” he smiles. He goes to bed between ten and eleven in the evening, switching off all Wi-Fi appliances and his phone. “I try to make my sleeping environ-

ment as peaceful as possible, open the window, make sure the room is dark. Thinking is probably the most difficult part, but all in all I try to think positive.”


All of these conscious activities have helped Hannes to start feeling great. “I feel full of life. Digestion and the overall energy level have also changed: I don’t feel sleepy after a meal and my brain keeps working fast. As I have few meals per day, food quality is very important; I won’t eat just anything edible, my food must taste good!” Still he admits that every now and then he tends to slip and eat something ‘bad’. “But with time it’s getting more and more difficult to digest, both physically and mentally, so the motivation for not slipping gets stronger,” Hannes states. “The first time I slipped was after the two–week starting cycle when I ate a large piece of cake. I felt like I was poisoned, weak, in cold sweat, my hands were shaking, and I had the overall impression that I was going to faint. It took me an hour to get over that. Now I’m not likely to put down a piece of any ordinary cake as easily as that.” Judging by his experience, Hannes recommends starting to take care of your health today. “Research which eating and fitness plans will suit you. There are numerous options, and feeling better is in everyone’s own hands. Eat only clean real food, avoid additives of all kinds. Move around, make your life less cosy, and it will make you stronger. And if you think something in your life is good enough, start doubting. Is it really? Might there be something better? You will only find out if you try.” RM


Saunad / Saunas Pildid: TRIIN RAA, EGERT KAMENIK

SAUNAMAAILM WORLD of SAUNAS SPA & SAUN keskus pakub kõigile spaaja saunagurmaanidele uudseid elamusi. Keskuses on kaheksa erinevat sauna, väliterrass mullivannidega, suur bassein puhkealadega, Surnumere bassein ning Spaabaar värskendava ja tervisliku kokteilivalikuga. Saunamõnude seast ei puudu ka eestimaised saunarituaalid ja ürdivannid.

Our spa and sauna centre offers new experiences to all spa and sauna enthusiasts. Our range includes eight different saunas, whirlpool bathtubs on the outdoor terrace, a large pool with a recreation area as well as herbal baths and Estonian sauna rituals. In addition, there is the Dead Sea Pool and the Spa Bar offering a selection of refreshing healthy cocktail.

SOOLA saun

SOOLA sauna soovitame minna pärast AURU sauna või KUUMA kohta. Soolasaun on kõige leebem saunaliik, mõjudes karastavalt ja leevendades hingamisteede haigustega seotud vaevusi. Saunas hõõrutakse looduslik meresool kehale masseerivate liigutustega ja seda hoitakse nahal 5–10 minutit. Seejärel pestakse sool duši all maha.


SALT sauna

This is the mildest type of sauna which has a refreshing effect and alleviates the symptoms of respiratory diseases. We recommend going to the SALT sauna after the STEAM sauna or the HOT spot. In the SALT sauna, natural sea salt is also massaged onto the body, left on the skin for 5–10 minutes and then rinsed in the shower.


RÕÕMU saun JOY sauna RÕÕMU sauna ehk sanaariumi eelis on madal temperatuur, mis võimaldab sauna nautida kuni 20 minutit. Saunas on soojad istmed, kus on mõnus pikutada. Saun on sobilik just lastele ja eakamatele ning kõigile neile, kes ei pea lugu kõrgest temperatuurist.


The benefit of the JOY sauna also known as the sanarium is its low temperature allowing you to enjoy the sauna for a period up to 20 minutes. The sauna is fitted with heated benches where you can lie down and relax. It is suitable for children, elderly people and those who would rather stay away from excessive heat.

Saunad / Saunas


AURU saun

AURU saun on nagu nooruse allikas, mõjudes organismile lõdvestavalt ja tervendavalt. Tänu suurele õhuniiskusele ja kuumusele on aurusaun tõhus paljude tervisehädade puhul. Aur puhastab inimese kõige suuremat organit – nahka – ning aitab lihtsalt ja mugavalt välja viia kehasse kogunenud mürgid. Kuna verevarustus ja ainevahetus kiirenevad, paraneb naha tekstuur, elastsus, toonus ja jume.

STEAM sauna

The STEAM sauna with its relaxing and healing effect on the body is a genuine fountain of youth. High moisture content and the heat make the steam sauna very effective in case of numerous health problems. Steam also cleanses the skin, which is the largest organ of the human body. This is the easiest and most comfortable way to remove the toxins that the body has accumulated. Better blood supply and accelerated metabolism improve skin texture, elasticity, tone and complexion.


LÕHNA saun

LÕHNA saun ehk aroomisaun tugevdab tervist taimedest ja ürtidest saadud looduslike eeterlike õlide aurude abil. Aroomid mõjuvad positiivselt meeleolule, aitavad leevendada haigusi, kiirendavad ainevahetust ja ergastavad immuunsüsteemi. Saun lõdvestab ja vabastab pingetest. Sauna madal temperatuur on sobilik ka lastele ja eakamatele saunalistele.

AROMA sauna 70-800C


Traditsiooniline suitsusaun on saun, millel pole korstnat. Saunaruumis on suur kerisega ahi, mida köetakse mitu tundi – kütmisel täitub ruum suitsuga, mis soojendab sauna lisaks kerisekuumusele. Kui saun on köetud, lastakse viimane suits välja, tuulutatakse ruum ja saunalised võivad tulla. Õigesti ja korralikult köetud suitsusaunas ei ole vingu ega suitsu, õhk on kerge ja leil ei kõrveta.

SMOKE sauna

The AROMA sauna strengthens health by means of vapours of natural essential oils extracted from plants and herbs. The aroma sauna has a positive effect on the person’s mood, helps relieve symptoms of diseases, accelerates metabolism and stimulates the immune system. The sauna provides relaxation and releases tension. Relatively low temperature in this sauna is also suitable for children and elderly sauna-goers.

The traditional smoke sauna is a sauna without a chimney. The sauna room is equipped with a large stove with a heating stone, which take several hours to heat. In the process, smoke goes into the sauna room and provides more heat in addition to what the stone gives out. When the sauna has been heated, the remaining smoke is let out, the room is ventilated, and people can come in. A smoke sauna that has been heated in the right way has no residual smoke or fumes, the air is easy to breathe, and the steam is not scorching.


Saunad / Saunas

Kuni/up to


KUUM koht

Kuni/up to


KUUM koht on kuuma ja kuiva õhuga traditsiooniline Soome saun, kus temperatuur võib tõusta 100 kraadini. Saun põhjustab rohket higistamist ning leil muudab saunas viibimise nauditavaks ja lõõgastavaks. Sauna õige mõju tuleb esile siis, kui külmad ja kuumad faasid vahelduvad – igale leilivõtmisele peaks järgnema jahutamine külma veega. Saun kiirendab ainevahetust ja organismi puhastumist.

HOT spot

The HOT spot is a traditional Finnish sauna with hot and dry air, where the temperature can reach 100 °C. The sauna stimulates heavy sweating, and the heat makes it relaxing and enjoyable to be there. The proper effect of the sauna is attained when the hot and the cold phases interchange – cool down in cold water each time after you exit the steam room. The sauna accelerates metabolism and cleanses the body.

SOE koht

SOE koht on kuuma ja kuiva õhuga saun, kus temperatuur on kuni 80 kraadi. Saun põhjustab rohket higistamist ning leil muudab saunas viibimise nauditavaks ja lõõgastavaks. Sauna õige mõju tuleb esile siis, kui külmad ja kuumad faasid vahelduvad – igale leilivõtmisele peaks järgnema jahutamine külma veega. Saun kiirendab ainevahetust ja organismi puhastumist.

WARM spot

The WARM spot is a sauna with relatively hot dry air with the temperature up to 80 °C. The sauna stimulates heavy sweating, and the heat makes it relaxing and enjoyable to be there. The proper effect of the sauna is attained when the hot and the cold phases interchange – cool down in cold water each time after you exit the steam room. The sauna accelerates metabolism and cleanses the body.

Kuni/up to


VIHA saun

VIHA saunas pakume tõelistele vihtlejatele ja saunagurmaanidele eestimaiseid saunarituaale ja ürdivanne.


WHISK sauna

Our WHISK sauna offers herbal baths and sauna rituals to true whisking fans and sauna enthusiasts.

Saunad / Saunas Saunarituaalid

Saunarituaale viib läbi saunanaine või saunamees, kes teab täpselt, kuidas ja miks vanas Eestis saunas käidi. Ta soovitab vihasauna jaoks viha, ürdivanniks ürdikomplekti ning näo- ja kehamaskiks parimad segud. Saunaloitsude abil aitab ta vabaneda muremõtetest, et oleksime pärast sauna valmis uuteks väljakutseteks.

Sauna rituals Kuni/up to


KADAKA KLUBI JUNIPER CLUB KADAKA KLUBI on privaatsaun saunaõhtute korraldamiseks väiksemale seltskonnale. Klubisauna kadakapuust sein oma aroomidega loob saunakuumuses mõnusalt saaremaise meeleolu. Sauna eesruumis on piisavalt ruumi kuni 12 inimesele. Klubil on ka oma privaatne rõdu, kus on mõnus peale sauna jahtuda ja uueks leiliks jõudu koguda. Klubist pääseb otse nii basseinidesse kui ka teistesse spaa- ja saunakeskuse saunadesse (lisatasu eest).

The JUNIPER CLUB is a private sauna where you can host a ‘sauna party’ for a group. The club sauna has a wall made of juniper, and the smell combined with the heat recreates an enjoyable atmosphere of Saaremaa island. The vestibule of the club is spacious enough to accommodate a group of 12. The club has a private balcony where you can cool down after the sauna and muster strength for another go in the steam room. From the club, you can directly enter the pools and other saunas of the SPA & SAUNA centre (for a separate fee).

Sauna rituals are supervised by a male or female sauna attendant who knows exactly how and why saunas were used in Estonia in olden times. The attendant will recommend a whisk for the whisk sauna, a mix of herbs for an herbal bath and the best mixture for facial and body masks. Sauna spells will help you let your worries go and get ready for new challenges.


Mõnusates Eesti puidust ehitatud kaheinimesetünnides saab nautida ürdivanne, milles on kasutatud värskeid kodumaiseid taimi, näiteks salvei, piparmünt, meliss, pune, must sõstar, vaarikas, maasikas, kibuvits, pärn, angervaks, palderjan, mänd, kuusk jt. Teraapia ergutab vereringet, rahustab ja vabastab pingetest. Et ürtide mõju kestaks kauem, soovitame ürdivanne võtta spaakülastuse lõpus.

Herbal baths

Herbal baths can be enjoyed in hot tubs made of good Estonian wood and fitting two people. Our choice for herbal baths is fresh domestically grown herbs and plant leaves: sage, peppermint, balm mint, oregano, black currant, raspberry, strawberry, apple, rose hip, lime tree, meadowsweet, valerian root, pine, fir tree, etc. We recommend taking an herbal bath at the end of your spa visit to make its effect on your skin last longer.






Veejoomise üle on palju arutelusid peetud, aga pea kõik asjatundjad on üht meelt: sellega kokkuhoidmine on kehale ja ka vaimule kahjulik.


eg-ajalt ilmub meediasse küll seisukohti, et vee ja vedelike rohke tarvitamine on organismile kahjulik. Mõned väidavad isegi, et näiteks Ameerika Ühendriikides on elanikkonna rohke rasvumise üheks põhjuseks viimastel aastakümnetel juurutatud rohke vee joomise komme. Tõsi, vesi on selles suures riigis jookide loetelus auväärsel teisel kohal. Siiski näib, et selle nähtuse juured on pigem jookides, mis on tarvitamise nimekirjas esimesel kohal: need on kõikvõimalikud suhkrut sisaldavad karastusjoogid.


Enamik asjatundjaid, arste ning tervishoiuspetsialiste kinnitab üksmeelselt, et veetarvitamisega koonerdamine on inimesele kahjulik, vajadustele vastav tarbimine aga hädavajalik. Ühtlasi


rõhutatakse, et veetarbimisrežiimi tuleb eriti hoolega jälgida soojema kliimaga piirkondades, kõrgemal asuvates asualades ja suurema füüsilise koormuse puhul. Vett peaksid rohkem jooma ka vanemaealised inimesed, eelkõige selle tõttu, et loomupärane janutunne pole enam nii teravalt tajutav. Vesi on meie tervise seisukohalt võtmetähtsusega. Inimkeha sisaldab enam kui kahe kolmandiku ulatuses vett, seda nii kehavedelikes kui ka rakkudes. Veetaseme säilitamine organismis on oluline, et vajalikud ained jõuaksid keha igasse osasse ning rakkudes saaks toimuda elutegevuseks vajalikud protsessid. Samuti on vett vaja selleks, et seedetrakt saaks seedida ning organism väljutada jääkaineid. Vee vähesusel saavad need protsessid häiritud, samuti tekib probleeme kehatemperatuuri säilitamisega, eelkõige keha jahutamisega kuumemas keskkonnas. Väidetavalt aitab asjakohane veetarvi-

Organic Skincare from the Nordic Nature The meaning of our brand name “Sõsar” in our native language, Estonian, is sister. For us it represents the love and care we have for one another as well as for our incredible Nordic nature. In our products we incorporate ancient wisdom about the plants and their healing properties, as well as the modern day science. All of our products are 100% pure and natural, handmade, and never have nor ever will contain any harmful chemicals. Estonia Spa together with Sõsar natural cosmetics have developed a whole new range of spa treatments which are inspired by Estonian culture and folklore. The Sõsar spa-range products used in all treatments are not only made of the purest Estonian ingredients but also carry our ancestors knowledge about the nature, our local smells and specifically chosen plants to make each treatment unforgettably enjoyable.

Meie missiooniks on pakkuda puhtaid ja orgaanilisi loodustooteid kõigile neile, kes on leidnud oma tee mahemaailma. Loodame, et valmistame oma toodetega Sulle rõõmu ning meie loodu pakub kosutust nii Sinu kehale kui hingele. Meie unistuseks on, et ka meie lapsed, lapselapsed ja nende lapsed näeksid meid ümbritseva karge, puutumatu looduse ilu. Estonia Spa ja Sõsar looduskosmeetika tihedas koostöös on valminud uued ja unikaalsed hoolitsused, mis on loodud inspireerituna Eesti pärimusmeditsiinist. Hoolitsustes kasutatakse Sõsar spa-sarja tooteid, mille koostisosadeks on vaid parim eestimaine tooraine. Iga hoolitsus kannab endas kohalikku pärimust ja meie maa kultuuri, vanaemade tarkust, siinseid lõhnu ja hoolikalt valitud taimi, et muuta iga hoolitsus unustamatult nauditavaks.

Nõuanne RUBRIIK saanud eriti rohket veetarvitamist asjatundjad siiski ei soovita, sest liigne vesi lahjendab maomahlu ja koormab neere. Teisest küljest aga on alla liitri vee tarvitamine ööpäevas ka meie oludes igal juhul liiga napp.


Veejoomine aitab kehal hoida vedelikutaset tasakaalus, et ainevahetus toimiks tõrgeteta ja parimal viisil. Loomulikku janutunnet võib, muide, üsna tugevalt häirida alkoholi tarvitamine. Alkohol ergutab ühelt poolt vedeliku eritumist nii neerude kui naha kaudu, teisalt aga nõuab organismilt lagundamisel ise lisaenergiat ja vett. Veejoomine aitab hoida kehakaalu kontrolli all. Paljude kaalulangetusdieetide puhul on rohke vee tarbimist peetud oluliseks juba aastaid, eriti on rõhutatud suhkrurohkete karastusjookide asendamist veega. Lisaks tekitab söögi kõrvale vee joomine organismis küllastustunde varem. Organismi veetasakaal annab jõudu juurde ka lihaskonnale, sest elektrolüütidele vajaliku vedeliku vähesus viib lihaste kiire väsimiseni. On asjatundjaid, kes soovitavad enne treenima asumist manustada vett, näiteks kaks tundi varem ja kuni pool liitrit, ning lisaks juua vett ka treeningute käigus, et asendada higistamisel kaotatut. Lisaks mõjub veetarbimine hästi naha toonusele. Nahk sisaldab loomu poolest rohkelt vett, seda on vaja naha kui meie keha kaitsva barjääri edukaks funktsioneerimiseks. Ehkki veepuudusest võib nahk kortsu tõmbuda, manitsevad spetsialistid, et suurtes kogustes vee joomine ei aita siiski kaasa vanaduskortsude kadumisele. Neerud nimelt toimetavad ülearuseks osutunud vee organismist lihtsalt välja. Kortsude vastu aitavad niisutavad kreemid, mis „sulgevad” niiskuse nahapinna alla.

Vesi suuri laevu kannab, vesi palju jõudu annab! tamine vältida ka mõningat tüüpi liigesevalusid. Veekaotust ja vedelikupuudust ehk dehüdratsiooni tajub inimene enamasti januna, aga seda alles siis, kui olukord vajab juba parandamist. Veepuudus vähendab vere voolavust, seega on organismi hapnikuga varustatus kehvem ja süda saab suurema koormuse, samal ajal aga võivad tekkida näiteks peavalud ja lihasjõudluse vähenemine. Raskematel juhtudel halveneb inimese seisund veelgi ja tekkida võib isegi teadvusekaotus. Kuumades kõrbetes võib joogiveeta olek saada inimesele saatuslikuks juba kolme-nelja tunniga. Normaalsetes oludes ja mõõduka kehalise koormuse juures tarbib inimene meie kliimas keskmiselt kaks kuni neli liitrit vett ööpäevas. See kogus vajab taastamist regulaarselt. Osa vajalikust veekogusest saab inimene ka toiduga, muu hulgas näiteks puuviljadega. Viimastel aastatel kuumema kliimaga maade eeskujul kombeks



Piisavalt vett on abiks neerude normaalsel funktsioneerimisel ja ainevahetuse jääkide organismist eemaldamisel. Siiski ei maksa võtta tõe pähe uuemal ajal levitatud teooriaid, nagu saaks rohke veejoomisega organismist kõikvõimalikud, tihti paraku ka kujuteldavad „mürgid” välja uhtuda. Seda, kas vett on tarbitud piisavalt, saab hinnata uriini järgi: kui see voolab vabalt, on heledat värvi ning pea lõhnatu, on vedelikutase organismis õige, kinnitavad meedikud. Kindlasti on piisav veepruukimine vajalik normaalseks seedetegevuseks. Lisaks sellele, et toit lahedamalt liiguks, on vett vaja ka seedeprotsessi enda toimimiseks. Ja kindlasti ka kõhukinnisuse ning sellest tulenevate tõbede vältimiseks. Muide, iga toit vajab vett seedimiseks erineval määral. Zooloogid kinnitavad, et peamiselt hülgeid küttivad jääkarud hoiduvad söömast hüljeste liha ja tarvitavad vaid nende rasva, kuna polaarmeres on magedast veest suur nappus ja liha seedimiseks on organismil vett vaja tunduvalt enam kui rasva puhul. Kui eelneva lugemisel tekkis arvamus, et peaks hakkama rohkem vett jooma, siis nii tuleks ka teha. Veejoomisega pole võimalik endale viga teha, veenappus võib olla aga tervisele vägagi kahjulik. RM



SOURCE OF LIFE There has been a lot of discussion about water consumption, but almost all experts agree on one point: drinking too little can harm both your body and mind.



very now and then opinions quoted in the media claim that consuming water and other liquids in excessive quantities has a harmful effect on the body. Some go so far as to state that it is the habit of drinking plenty of water cultivated in the recent decades which is one of the reasons behind the high incidence of obesity in the population of the United States. Water does indeed come in a good second on the list of popular drinks in this large country. However, it is the category at the top of the ‘most consumed’ list – all kinds of soft drinks loaded with sugar – that actually seems to lie at the root of the problem.


The majority of experts, doctors and healthcare specialists are unanimous in believing that scrimping on water intake has a harmful effect on people and drinking as much as your body needs is absolutely necessary. They also emphasize that special attention to one’s water consumption pattern should be paid in regions with hot climate, at high altitudes and in case of considerable physical exertion. Elderly people should make sure to remember to drink more water, mainly because they do not recognize the natural feeling of thirst as clearly as before. Water is of key importance for our health. Water found in bodily fluids and cells makes up more than two thirds of the human body. Maintaining the water balance is important so that necessary substances can reach every part of the body and essential vital processes can take place in our cells. The gastrointestinal tract also needs water to digest food and to remove


toxins from the body. Lack of water disrupts these processes and causes problems with body temperature regulation, especially with cooling down the body in a hot environment. Sufficient water intake is also claimed to prevent certain types of joint aches. People generally perceive water loss and lack of water (dehydration) as thirst, but they only feel it when the situation already needs to be remedied. Dehydration reduces blood fluidity, so the body’s oxygenation worsens and the load on the heart increases; other symptoms include, for example, headaches and decrease in muscle strength. In severe cases the person’s condition deteriorates further, which can result in the loss of consciousness. In a scorching desert, the absence of drinking water may become fatal within three-four hours. In our climate in average conditions and with moderate physical activity, a person consumes between two and four litres of water per day. This amount needs to be replenished regularly. People get some of the necessary fluid with food as well, for instance, from fruit. Still, experts do not recommend drinking water in excessive quantities, which has recently become popular following the example of countries with hotter climate, because too much water stretches the stomach and overloads the kidneys. However, even in our conditions less than a litre of water per day is too little.


Drinking water allows the body to maintain its fluid balance so

RUBRIIK Advice that metabolism can work without failures in the best possible way. Among other things, natural perception of thirst can be seriously hindered by alcohol consumption. On the one hand, alcohol boosts the excretion of liquids by the body through the skin and kidneys, and on the other hand, its digestion requires energy and water. Drinking water contributes to weight control. Numerous dietary regimens aimed at weight loss have long considered consuming plenty of water extremely

important, emphasizing the replacement of sugary soft drinks with water. Moreover, drinking water while eating will help you feel full faster. The body’s fluid balance is also a source of energy for muscles because the lack of fluid necessary for electrolytes results in rapid muscle fatigue. There are experts who recommend drinking water before the workout, for example, up to half a litre two hours in advance, as well as during the workout in order to restore what is lost with sweat. In addition, water consumption has a positive effect on skin elasticity. Skin contains plenty of water by nature; it is needed for the skin’s efficient performance as the protective barrier of the body. Although dehydration may result in the appearance of wrinkles, specialists assure that drinking a lot of water will not make age-related wrinkles disappear. The kidneys will merely remove unnecessary water from the body. What can help fight lines are moisturising creams that “seal” moisture under the surface of skin.


Enough water helps the kidneys function properly and allows metabolism products to be removed from the body. Still, the theories that have become widely spread recently and claim that various and often imaginary “poisonous waste” can be flushed from the body by means of drinking very large amounts of water should not be taken seriously. One can determine whether water intake is sufficient by observing urination: doctors say that if the urine is light in colour, flows freely and has almost no odour, the body is sufficiently hydrated. Proper water consumption is definitely necessary for healthy digestion. In addition to easing the movement of food, water is needed for the functioning of the digestion process as such and is certainly helpful in preventing constipation and the ailments it causes. The amount of water necessary for digestion depends on the food. For example, zoologists have found out that polar bears who mainly hunt seals avoid eating their prey’s meat and only consume the fat because there is a shortage of fresh water in the regions of polar seas, and the body needs a considerably larger amount of it for digesting meat in comparison to fat. In case reading all of the above has made you feel that you should start drinking more water, this is what you ought to do. It is not exactly possible to harm oneself by drinking water, but the lack of water can be extremely harmful to your health. RM

Water carries ships at sea, water’s good for you and me!





PÄRIMUSMASSÖÖR Lahemaa Tervisekooli juhataja ja massaažiõpetaja ALAR KRAUTMAN on erinevaid massaažiliike õppides jõudnud iidsete kohalike loodusrahvaste tavadeni. tekst: TIIT EFERT, pildid: TRIIN RAA

Kuidas sinust sai massöör? Olin spordikooli 10. klassis, kui meile mingi õpetaja puudumisel anti ühe veerandi jooksul massaažiteooriatunde. Küsisin õpetajalt, kuidas saab massaaži õppida teoorias. Massöör Lea Jaakus vastas, et ega ei saagi, ja lubas mind soovi korral õpetada. Pärast seda hakkasid inimesed rääkima, et mul on väga head käed. Juhuse tahtel sai minust juba 18-aastaselt Eesti murdmaasuusatajate massöör. Mida on sulle õpetanud idamaised massaažid? Hiina tuina on õpetanud tööd energiatega, kohalolekut hetkes ja võtete perfektsust. Tai massaaž on õpetanud isetust, oma egost lahtiütlemist, intelligentset lohakust ja sisemist rõõmu. Ajurveda, tantrism ja abhjanga aga universumi ühtsust, voolamist ja minnalaskmist. Lisaks ka inimese aktsepteerimist, teadmist, et ta on sündides kaasa saanud ideaalsed omadused, mida tal eluks vaja. Meridiaani-shiatsu koos Jaapani šintoismiga on õpetanud energia pehmet liigutamist ja ülipeent meisterlikku tunnetust, mis on väga sarnane meie oma iidse kultuuriga. Kindlasti ühed suuremad tänusõnad kuuluvad Neijingi koolile. Tänu seal õpitule mõistan ma pisutki näha asjade taha, mõista asjade ja juhtumuste vahelisi seoseid ja saada aru šamanistlikust olemusest. Kuidas jõudsid Eesti pärimusteni? Eesti pärimusmeditsiinini jõudsin peamiselt kahte teed pidi. Esiteks, ema kasvatas mind läbi pärimusmeditsiini, mida ma aga ei osanud tookord mõista. Ükski loodusrahvas ei saa aru, et ta tegeleb mingi meditsiiniga, kuniks pole võrdlust teiste maadega. Ka minu jaoks oli ainumõeldav ravida esimese asjana „mitte

Eesti pärimusraviviisid: z saun, vihtlemine, saunamaagia, saunaravid; z ravimtaimed, mähised, kompressid, salvid, tinktuurid jms; z verelaskmised (märg kupp, aadrilaskmine, soonelaskmine): z kaanid, konnad, ussid, mesilased, sipelgad jms; z soonetasumine, kondiväänamine; z käte pealepanek, nõidumine; z vee-, tule-, maaravi; z harjutused (tervistavad, ennetavad, õpetavad, maagilised jpt); z toitumine, paast, hammaste eest hoolitsemine; z hiied, allikad, ohvrikivid; z loitsud, taiad ja sõnamaagia laiemalt kuni helide tervendava toimeni.

millegagi” ja natuke raskematel juhtudel ravimtaimede, tärpentinisalvi, vaigu, hanerasva ja muu sellisega. Lahkusin kodust varakult spordikooli ja siis tulid ka esimesed tõsisemad kokkupuuted arstidega. Mäletan toredat seika, kui kahekordse meditsiiniharidusega kooliarst määris mu külmunud kõrvadele briljantrohelist – nägin välja nagu tulnukas. Mõistsin, et vahel läheb ka talupojatarkust vaja. Teine tõsisem kokkupuude pärimusmeditsiiniga tekkis kümme aastat tagasi Tai rahvusvahelises massaažikoolis. Minu eestlaslikud arusaamad erinesid teiste tõekspidamistest tublisti. Tekitasin elevust, kui rääkisin viinasokkidest, ravimtaimedest, puude väest ja allikaveest. Veel samal aastal kogusin kokku umbes 30 inimest, kellega tegime Mohni saarel esimesed mõttetalgud. Seal otsustasime luua ka pärimusmeditsiini ühingu, õppekavad olid juba loogiline jätk. Praeguseks on kutsekojas kinnitatud ka Eesti loodusterapeudi kutsestandard. →



Millised need pärimused on? Selleks et maarahva meditsiinist aru saada, peab mõistma, et eelkõige tegeldi haiguste ennetamisega. Kogu elutegevus – alates tööst ja söömisest kuni rõivastumise ja ehtimiseni – oli seotud tervise ja õnne tugevdamisega ning haiguste ja õnnetuste vältimisega. Ravida tuleb inimest, mitte haigust. Haigus ei ole vaenlane, vaid üks looduse osa. Ta tuleb sinu juurde ainult siis, kui sa teda „kutsud”. Haiguse tapmine on väga lühinägelik tegevus. Kui aga tõbi on kehas, siis tuleb temast pärimuslike raviviiside abil vabaneda. Mille poolest tõstad esile pärimusmassaaži? Vana Eesti massaaž ehk soonetasumine on kokku pandud maarahva erinevate piirkondade massaažidest ja arvestatud on ka tänapäevaste vajadustega. Kliendi


keha õõtsutatakse, et panna see oma rütmiga kaasa minema või sellele vastu liikuma, mistõttu massaaž mõjub kergel moel, ent sügavatoimeliselt. Inimesed tunnevad, et nendega käiakse ümber väga tähelepanelikult ja pehmelt, kuid samas on neil tunne, nagu nad oleks saanud palju ja tugevat massaaži. Osa kliente alguses pelgab, et kui massaaž toimub matil ja riided on seljas, siis läheb kaduma kontakt või lähedus, mida massaažilt oodatakse. Massaažis käinud võivad aga kinnitada, et see mõjub hoopiski vabastavalt nii massöörile kui kliendile – massöör saab vabalt liigutada kliendi jäsemeid, klient aga tunda n-ö koos tantsimise tunnet, milles on palju enam „lähedust” kui õliga masseerimisel.

KÄTE MAAGIA Alar Krautmanile on öeldud, et tal on väga head käed. Sama on hakatud mainima ka tema õpilaste kohta.

Intervjuu Kuidas klient peaks valima endale sobiva massaaži? Massaaži valik sõltub sellest, milline oli massaažituleku eesmärk, milline on sobivus massööriga ja tegelik vajadus. Tihti saab seda teada alles järele proovides. Kui võimalik, siis proovige erinevaid massaažiliike ja erinevaid massööre. Ja kui midagi väga meeldib, siis jääge selle juurde. Alati tasub arvestada ka sellega, et hea massöör teeb mistahes massaažiliigi heaks ja halb massöör mistahes liigi halvaks. Kuidas väliskliendid on pärimusmassaaži vastu võtnud? Esimesed kogemused on väga positiivsed. Enamik on olnud väga üllatunud, et nad pole nii tõhusast massaažist varem midagi kuulnud. Üks Soome massöör kutsus mind kohe seda Soome õpetama. On ka öeldud, et see on üks loomulikumaid viise kehaga ümberkäimiseks. Mitmest massaažikorrast on reaalselt kasu? Nõukogude ajal oli lihtne – öeldi, et kuuri pikkus on kas viis või seitse korda. Tegelikult sõltub see ikka vajadusest. Vahel piisab ühest korrast, vahel on vaja rohkemgi kui seitse korda. Probleemid on erinevad. Enamikul juhtudel saab kolme kuni viie korraga hakkama. Kui turist käib siin paar korda pärimusmassaažis, siis millega ta peaks kodumaal jätkama? See on huvitav küsimus, et kas üks massaažiliik tingib sarnase massaažiga jätkamise. Eks mingil määral küll, kuigi ilmselt ei juhtu midagi, kui jätkata mõne teisega. Tulemus ei pruugi küll olla päris samasugune. Julgelt võiks kasutada jätkudena Tai massaaži, yumeiho’t, shiatsu’t, klassikalist massaaži. Millega peab arvestama massaaži tulles? Massöör peab arvestama väga paljude asjadega, nagu kliendi vanus, painduvus ja organite üldine olukord, tema ootused ja varasemad kogemused jne. Klient aga ei peaks hea massööri juurde tulles arvestama muuga, kui et ta oleks aus oma probleemide osas, eelarvamustevaba ja et tal oleks piisavalt aega massaaži nautida. Kindlasti tuleks julgelt teada anda igastki pisiasjast, mis segab protseduuri nautimist. Olgu selleks külm, pissihäda, kõhugaasid, ebamugav asend vms. Mida on enne ja pärast massaaži soovitatav süüa ja juua? Sööma peaks kergesti seeditavat, tervislikku toitu, mis aitaks kaasa massaaži ravitoimele. Pärast seanssi ei tasuks kohe suure prae järele kiirustada, võiks lasta kehal puhata ja massaažil toimida. Kuna massaaž paneb ainevahetuse kiiremini tööle ja klient läheb „puhka-seedi-paljune” režiimile, siis on söögiisu loomulik. Nälga kannatada pole mõistlik ja kerge eine võib endale julgelt lubada, sest massaaži jooksul kaotatakse kaloreid. Jookidest sobib kõige paremini puhas leige vesi või soe ürditee. Et aidata organismil vabaneda ainevahetuse jääkidest, võiks pärast massaaži seda jooki lubada endale pisut rohkem kui tavaliselt. Milline muusika mängib massaaži taustaks?

Sobib rahustav ja aeglane, maarahvale omane muusika, mis on madalamate toonidega ja mille puhul klient ei jääks liialt sõnu kuulama. Kindlasti sobivad loodushääled. Muusikavalikul on tegelikult väga palju kaanoneid. Oluline on tulemus ehk teaduslikus keeles öeldes – muusika peab aitama inimesel minna sümpaatilisest närvisüsteemist parasümpaatilisse.

Kui võimalik, siis proovige erinevaid massaažiliike ja erinevaid massööre. Milliste õlidega teed massaaži? Soonetasumise ajal on klient riietega ja õli pole vaja. Muidu aga kasutan ökoloogiliselt puhtaid kodumaiseid taimeõlisid, näiteks linaõli. Need on tihtilugu spetsiifilise lõhnaga ja vajavad segamist mõne eeterliku õliga. Baasõlidest meeldivad mulle ka seesami- ja sinepiõli.

Alar Krautman

Lõpetanud Tartu ülikoolis füsioteraapia eriala ning jätkab eluaegset õpet massaažide ja loodusteraapiate alal. On Soome kutsemassöör ning omab Tai ja Hiina loodusterapeudi kutsetunnistust. Lõpetanud Tai rahvusvahelises massaažikoolis õpetajakoolituse ning kolmeaastase põhikoolituse Neijingi koolis. Töötanud massöörina alates aastast 1989. Andnud kümne aasta jooksul kord nädalas füsioteraapilisi võimlemistunde ning töötanud 16 aastat massaažiõpetajana. Juhtinud oma massaažikooli ja töötanud seal õppejõuna 13 aastat. On Hiina, Tai ja Eesti loodusterapeudi kutsestandardi üks väljatöötajatest.

Millised sinu mõtted lähevad käiku ESTONIA Resort & Spas? Nad on teinud väga tänuväärse sammu, koolitades terapeute eestimaiste raviviiside baasil. Usun, et iga haritud välismaalane soovib vähemalt korra proovida traditsioonilisi raviviise maal, kus ta puhkab. Siin on suur rõhk just soonetasumisel ja meie saunakultuuril, mis on jõudnud ka maailma pärandkultuuri nimekirja, ning maarahva ravimtaimede tundmise kunstil. Kas valida nais- või meesmassöör? See on sisetunde küsimus. Massöör pole tegelikult mees- ega naissoost. Teraapiat tegev massöör on isetu, sootu, rassitu jne. See võib kõlada natuke suureliselt, aga tõeline terapeut on nagu kohalolev hing, kes püüab sind aidata tervise ja õige raja poole. Ta saab seda teha ainult siis, kui sa teda usaldad ja oled ise valmis kaasa aitama RM




MASSEUSE ALAR KRAUTMAN, head of the Lahemaa Health Academy and massage teacher, has come to the ancient practices of indigenous people by learning various types of massage. text: TIIT EFERT, photos: TRIIN RAA

How did you become a masseur? I was in the 10th form of a sports school when some teacher was absent and we had theory of massage for one term instead. I asked the teacher how it was at all possible to learn massage in theory. Massage therapist Lea Jaakus answered that it actually wasn’t and promised to teach me if I wanted. Then people started saying that I had ‘very good hands’. It was by chance that I became the masseur for the Estonian cross-country skiing team when I was 18. What have various eastern massage types taught you? Chinese Tuina massage has taught me to work with energies and stay in the moment in addition to polishing techniques to perfection. Thai massage has taught me selflessness, cultured carelessness, inner joy and how to renounce my ego. Ayurveda, tantrism and abhyanga massage have taught me the unity of the universe; how to flow and let go; how to accept a person; the fact that a person is born with the ideal characteristics necessary for life. Meridian-based shiatsu has taught me smooth energy movement and masterly superfine perception as well as Japanese Shintoism, which is very similar to our ancient culture. I am definitely the most grateful to the Neijing School, which is the reason I am able to ‘peep around the corner’ of things, understand the


interconnections of things and events and comprehend shamanic nature.

How did you come to Estonian traditions? There were basically two paths that brought me to traditional Estonian medicine. First, my mother brought me up in the spirit of traditional medicine, which I wasn’t able to understand at the time. None of indigenous peoples realize they are practicing some medicine until they have other places or peoples for comparison. For me, too, it was the only way a could think of: first trying to cure myself with ‘nothing’ and in slightly more complicated cases, with herbs, turpentine ointment, resin, goose fat and so on. After leaving home early to study in the sports school, I started having first more or less serious contacts with doctors. I remember one especially ridiculous case when the school doctor with two degrees in medicine applied ‘brilliant green’ antiseptic on my frozen ears: I looked like an alien! I realized that conventional wisdom could sometimes be useful too. Another major encounter with traditional medicine happened ten years ago in an international massage school in Thailand. My typically Estonian beliefs differed from the others’ a lot and were met with considerable excitement when a talked about using socks dampened with vodka as compresses, healing herbs, the power of trees, spring water and other things. That was also the

Interview Alar Krautman

z Graduated from the University of Tartu, specializing in physiotherapy, and practices lifelong learning in the field of massage and natural remedies. z Has a Finnish massage therapist qualification as well as a professional certificate in Thai and Chinese natural therapy. z Has completed studies in the International Massage School in Thailand and three-year basic training in the Neijing School. z Has been working as a massage therapist since 1989. z Has been coaching physiotherapeutic exercises once a week for ten years and teaching massage for 16 years. z Has been running his own massage school and teaching there for 13 years. z One of the developers of the professional standard for Chinese, Thai and Estonian natural therapists.

year when I gathered some 30 people on Mohni island and organized our first brainstorming session, which resulted in a decision to organize a traditional medicine association, and developing our curricula became just another logical step. By now the Estonian professional standard for natural therapists has been approved by the Estonian Qualification Authority.

What are these traditions? In order to understand folk medicine one has to comprehend that it mainly focused on disease prevention. All activities of daily living, - work, eating, choosing clothes and jewellery, - were linked to strengthening one’s health and fortune and preventing diseases and misfortunes. It is the person that needs to be treated, not the disease. The disease is not an enemy but a part of nature that only coms to you if you ‘call for it’. Killing the disease is a very short-sighted approach. However, when your body is ill you need to get rid of the illness somehow, using traditional methods of treatment. →



Estonian traditional remedies z sauna, whisking, sauna magic, sauna treatments z healing herbs, wraps, compresses, ointments, tinctures, etc. z bloodletting (wet cupping, withdrawal of blood, venesection) z leeches, frogs, snakes, bees, ants, etc. z ancient Estonian massage, ‘bone bending’ z laying-of-hands, witchcraft z water, fire, and earth treatment z exercising (for healing and disease prevention, educational or magical, etc.) z diet, fasting, tooth care z groves, springs, sacrificial stones z incantations, rituals, word magic in a wider sense, including the healing power of sounds.

What would you say distinguishes traditional Estonian massage from other techniques? Ancient Estonian massage is a combination of massage techniques used by country folk in various regions whereas modern needs have been taken into consideration, too. The masseur rocks the client’s body and tries to make it move in the same or different rhythm as the therapist, which allows this massage to have a mild but profound effect. People feel that they are being treated gently and with great attention, but the overall impression is as if they had a long vigorous massage treatment. At first some clients worry that the feeling of contact and closeness they would expect from massage will disappear because this technique implies that they lie on a mat and are wearing light clothes. Nevertheless those who have tried the massage can assure that it has a liberating influence both on the client and the masseur. The latter can move the client’s limbs freely and


feel as if they are both dancing a common dance, which provides much greater ‘closeness’ than merely massage with oil.

How should the client choose the suitable massage technique? The choice of massage depends on its goal, its actual necessity and your compatibility with the therapist. Trying is often the only way to find out. If possible, try different massage techniques and going to different masseurs, and if you like something a lot, let it be your choice. Naturally, remember that a good massage therapist will make any type of massage feel good, and a poor one can spoil it regardless of the method. How do clients from abroad find Estonian traditional massage? My first experience has been overly positive. Most clients were surprised that they had not heard anything about such an effective massage technique before. One Finnish masseur immediately invited me to teach it in Finland. I have also heard that this is one of the most natural methods of body care.

How many massage sessions does a person need for it to be of any actual use? It was pretty easy in the Soviet times when a standard schedule contained five or seven times. In fact, it depends on the particular case; sometimes one appointment is enough, and some will need more than seven. Three to five sessions are generally sufficient. When a tourist has had a couple of sessions here, what should he or she choose at home? Whether a certain massage technique requires the further use of a similar method is indeed a very interesting


question. It does in a way, but obviously nothing bad will happen if you go on with something else although the effect will not necessarily be the same. After trying this method, I would recommend proceeding with Thai massage, Yumeiho therapy, shiatsu or classical massage.

What should one keep in mind before a massage session? The therapist must take many aspects into consideration: the client’s age, flexibility, general condition of organs, expectations, previous experience etc. The only thing the client has to do before a session with a good masseur, however, is to be honest about his or her health problems, have no prejudice and allow enough time to enjoy the massage. Of course, let the masseur know about any little thing that prevents you from enjoying the treatment, be it the sensation of cold, the need to use the bathroom, flatulence, uncomfortable position or anything else.

What I find suitable is slow calming low-pitched tunes resembling traditional folk music that will not make the client listen for words. Nature sounds would certainly be a good choice. There are actually rather many rules for choosing the music. It is the result that counts: scientifically speaking, the music must help the person switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system.

Which oils do you use for massage? Ancient Estonian massage is performed on the client wearing clothes, so it doesn’t need oils. Other than that, I use domestically produced environmentally friendly oils, for instance, linseed oil. However, they often have a peculiar smell, which is why they have to be mixed with some essential oil. I also like sesame oil and mustard oil as base oils.

If possible, try different massage techniques and going to different masseurs.

What should one eat and drink before and after massage? Opt for healthy digestible foods that would complement the therapeutic effect of massage. Do not hurry to have a hefty dinner after the session; let your body rest and the effect of the massage linger. Massage accelerates metabolism, so the client goes into the ‘rest-digest-procreate’ mode, and an increased appetite is completely natural. Suffering from pangs of hunger is not sensible either; you can treat yourself to a light meal because getting a massage burns calories. As far as drinks are concerned, herbal tea or lukewarm water would be the best to accompany massage. You can drink slightly more than usual after the massage session in order to help your body get rid of metabolic products. What kind of music plays in the background?

Which of your ideas will be put into practice in the ESTONIA Resort & Spa? They have made a remarkable step deciding to train therapists who use local traditional treatment techniques. I believe that any educated foreigner would like to try the traditional medicine of the country where they are on holiday at least once. This facility will focus on ancient Estonian massage, folk herbal medicine and our sauna culture that has found its place on the world heritage list.

Should one choose a male of female massage therapist? Listen to your heart. Massage therapists cannot be regarded as men or women when they work with you; they have no self, no gender and no race. This might sound a bit too grand, but true therapists are like spirits present there to guide you to health and onto the right path. They can do it only to the extent that you trust them and are willing to cooperate RM




MIAMI Pärnu is undoubtedly one of the most impressive resort cities in these parts; otherwise it would not be called Baltic Miami. Let us have a look at its history.


he sea bathing culture that became popular with the upper class in Europe in the 18th century reached the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea in the first half of the 19th century. The onset and development of seaside resort locations in Estonia and Livonia was fostered by the therapeutic effect of the local climate, sea water and sea mud, which was subjected to increasingly comprehensive scientific research and confirmed by the practice of medical resort treatments.


Pärnu as a health resort is considered to have been born in 1838, when the first bathing facility started operating at the seaside. It offered its customers sea water baths, and the organization of bathing in the sea remained mainly a local phenomenon for the following decades. The beaches, parks, boulevards and stylish bathing architecture characterising Pärnu today started decorating the resort town only 40–50 years later. The elimination of the earthworks in Pärnu and the filling of moats started in 1860. By the end of the 19th century, this resulted in the formation of the green belt of parks and alleys around the urban nucleus, still effectively adding character to Pärnu’s cityscape; the boulevards connecting the centre with the seaside were also laid. The creation of the free shape natural park at



Cafés and tables where friends can sit down for a chat have always been a part of the beach.

the seaside (known as the Rannapark, ‘Beach Park’, today) was started in 1892 at the direction of the mayor, Oskar Alexander Brackmann. The city government adopted a more and more purposeful approach to the planning of the city, provision of urban amenities and the resort area. Unfortunately, visitors’ traffic remained modest until the end of 1880s due to economic instability, poor road connections, the city’s low profile and poor experiences of the organization of bathing. As far as numbers are concerned, no more than 150 summer visitors would come to Pärnu during the holiday season from May to September, mainly from Saint Petersburg and Moscow,


but also from Livonia and other areas of Estonia. Despite this, the operation of bathing facilities established on private initiative had a huge influence on the expansion of Pärnu towards the sea and the development of the city as a whole.


In 1889, the city government decided to create a new concept of the whole health resort and holiday area. The trends and principles of the development of the medical resort location were formulated. The plan for laying and extending Pärnu parks and alleys was prepared on the city’s order. It was already a year later that a new modern bathing facility started operation and Pärnu was registered on the list of Russian imperial resorts. This first recognition gave



There is nothing more compelling on a hot summer day than cooling down in the sea on Pärnu beach. And it has been so for centuries.

Facts IN THE 19TH CENTURY, men and women bathed separately. For this purpose there were bathing bridges built into the sea, located a respectable distance from each other. The use of bathing huts on the bridges and sea bathing was for a fee. By the end of the 19th century, bathing huts – pulled into the sea by horses – were also at the disposal of the bathers. IN 1904, the possibility of taking therapeutic nude sun baths and air baths was made available in Pärnu. For this purpose, a part of the beach area next to the bathing establishment was surrounded with a board fence.


an additional boost to the resort’s development. In the following years, new boulevards were designed, the seaside park area was expanded; arbours, sports grounds, children’s playgrounds and a cycling track with tennis courts were constructed, and the imposing villa district was planned. Resort life gradually concentrated in the seaside park and neighbouring areas. In the 19th century, men and women bathed separately. ‘Bathing footbridges’ stretched out into the sea at decent distances one from another. A fee was charged for using the bathing huts at the end of the footbridges and bathing in the sea. At the end of the 19th century holiday-makers could also have bathing carts pulled into the sea by horses at their disposal. In 1904, an opportunity for nude sunbathing and aerotherapy for medical purposes was created in Pärnu, for which a fence was erected around a part of the beach area next to the bathing establishment. The season of 1908 was the most successful, when Pärnu hosted over 2,500 summer visitors.


World War I, the War of Independence and Estonia gaining independence changed the situation drastically. The first years of the new republic were complicated and uncertain for Pärnu; nevertheless, resort activity was quickly

resumed. The health resort became an important key word describing the development and reputation of Pärnu once more. In 1920, Estonia saw the arrival of the European beach culture: mixed gender beaches and sun worship, i.e., the fashion for sunbathing and beach holidays that implied sports activities and socializing. The first Pärnu beach meant both for men and women (the so-called ‘paradise’) was opened in Raeküla in 1924, but already by the 1925 summer season it was relocated to the area of the present central beach. This was also when the borders of Pärnu bathing and resort area were defined, which, with later additions included, largely overlap with the present resort borders. Pärnu beach pavilion, the first of its kind in Estonia, was completed by the beginning of the summer season of 1927. For the first time in the country, comfortable sun beds and beach baskets appeared on the sandy shore. After the construction of the Rannahotell (‘Beach Hotel’) in 1937 and the new Rannahoone (‘Beach Pavilion’) in 1939, Pärnu central beach had basically taken on its modern appearance. On the initiative of the city government and with the support of Konstantin Päts, the head of the state at the time (future first president of the Republic of Estonia), Pärnu became the summer capital of the country, one of the most popular recreation and medical resorts.


In the Soviet era, Pärnu played the part of an all-Union medical resort functioning throughout the year and a popular albeit not officially recognized summer recreational resort location. The appearance of the resort city, ravaged by war, was completely restored only by the mid-1960s. In the Soviet period, Pärnu resort atmosphere created in the pre-war decades acquired a meaning of a nostalgic ideal landscape hiding the message of the epoch of the Republic of Estonia only visible to elderly locals. To the numerous holiday-makers arriving from the rest of the USSR to improve their health, the city was a Soviet but slightly foreign European location and, to many, the only ‘western’ experience they would have. By the mid-1980s Pärnu health resorts were annually hosting around 25,000 visitors who came to restore their health. Including the

Resort holiday-makers who came to guest houses and holiday homes sponsored by government agencies, to camping sites and on their own without any arrangements, the number of people who visited Pärnu reached 300,000 per year. Unorganized holiday-makers, i.e. those who came on their own, generally found accommodation in the homes rented out by locals. This is why any statistics adequately characterizing Pärnu’s summer visitor load in the Soviet period are non-existent, but according to the newspapers of the time, the number of Pärnu residents doubled or even tripled in summer months! The 150th anniversary of the establishment of Pärnu resort was celebrated in 1988, when the Soviet health resort system was already disintegrating. Fortunately, the Singing Revolution was the game-changer after which Estonia regained independence.


After Estonia regained independence in 1991, the system of health resort facilities that earlier functioned under the management of labour unions fell apart. The regular inflow of patients stopped. Some buildings were returned to former owners and some stayed at the city’s disposal. In addition to healthcare facilities, city authorities as well as hotels, catering and entertainment businesses, and city residents have also contributed to the restoration and maintenance of the resort city’s reputation. The beach, parks and boulevards are kept in order. Local residents have started renovating their dwellings and laying flower gardens enthusiastically, which has further improved the overall appearance of the resort city.

Numerous Pärnu medical resort institutions have managed to keep up with the rapid changes of the transition period. In 1996–1998 the rehabilitation facilities operating in Pärnu amounted to 65–70% of the overall potential of Estonian medical resorts. Pärnu hosted almost 60% of all health resort customers in Estonia, and almost 85% of holiday-makers arriving for treatment from abroad. Pärnu marketing greatly relied on its status as the internationally known and recognized finest Estonian resort location, which was first attributed to the town in 1890s and was finally established by the end of 1930s. In 1996, Pärnu won the title of the summer capital once again, its attraction and vitality mainly lying in the natural conditions due to Pärnu’s favourable location, the health resort legacy preserved for over 170 years and the hospitality of the local community. Surveys among Pärnu’s summer visitors conducted since 1995 show a steady growth of the numbers of foreign guests and the expansion of the geography of their origin. Pärnu has become one of the most visited recreation and medical resort locations in Estonia, whose volume of the provided and consumed services is second only to Tallinn. RM

Facts FOR THE 1927 SUMMER SEASON, the Pärnu beach house was completed – being the first of its kind in Estonia. Convenient deck chairs and beach baskets showed up on the beach sand, also being the first ones in Estonia. IN 1970s, the fortification Vallikäär had become one of the most imposing sites for organising outdoor events in summer. 1996 Pärnu became the summer capital of Estonia.


Tervis / Health pildid: EGERT KAMENIK


Soonetasumine ehk iidne Eesti massaaž

Eesti massaažil on äratuntavalt eristuv käekiri, omapärane, justkui regilaulu meenutav rütm ja väga tõhus massaažitehnika. Massaaž on loodud selleks, et hoida organism korras ja tasakaalus ning leevendada nii füüsilisi, psüühilisi kui ka hingelisi probleeme. Meie esivanemate vanade tarkuste ja tänapäevaste teadmiste ühendamisel loodud efektiivne meetod aitab taastada keha väe ja tasakaalu, sidudes maa väe tarkade ja toimivate lihasetöötlusvõtetega, mis aitavad kaasa liigeste ja siseorganite tervenemisele. Soonetasumist tehakse läbi kergete ja õhukeste riiete ning massaaž toimub põrandal matil. See võimaldab sisse võtta erinevaid kehaasendeid ning massöör saab mugavalt läbi viia loksutusi, venitusi ja muid tõhusaid võtteid. Massaaž sobib kõigile, kes soovivad oma keha ja väge korrastada, eriti aga neile, kes armastavad lõõgastavat, kuid tugevat ja sügava mõjuga toimet. Vastavalt kliendi soovile ja vajadustele võib iidset Eesti massaaži teha kogu kehale või keskenduda vaid ühele kehapiirkonnale.

Ancient Estonian massage

60 min 45 €

The roots of the ancient Estonian massage reach probably back thousands, if not ten thousand years. Since knowledge was formerly passed on in families at slightly different levels and using different techinques, the activity was also called differently in various parts of Estonia. Vernacular names for it were kneading, ironing, touching, paying, etc. The word ‘massage’ came to use much later and is a foreign word. Ancient Estonian massage has its own distinctive handwriting, peculiar rhythm that reminds folk songs, and very effective bodywork. Ancient Estonian massage has been created to keep the body working and in balance, heal both physical and psychological problems. Like most other colder nature people’s treatments, anicent Estonian massage is given over light, thin clothes and on a mat. Although anicent Estonian massage can also be done with oil, lotion, honey, or some other substance (which used to be done in a sauna), we advise to try the massage over clothes first. This enables the masseur to freely perform shakes, stretches, take different positions, and use other effective techniques. The massage merges our ancestors’ wisdom and today’s knowledge. The result is an effective method, which has both the power of Earth and wise and techniques for working muscles. It helps to heal joints and internal organs and restores the general balance and power of the body.


Tervis / Health Väge andev taimekubu kehamassaaž

Väge andvat kehamassaaži tehakse soojendatud taimekubudega, kasutades kombineeritud iidseid Eesti massaaži võtteid. Eestimaistest ravimtaimedest valmistatud taimepallid koos toitvate taimeõlidega lõõgastavad lihase- ja närvipingeid ning väestavad meeli ja tundeid. Massaaž ergutab vereringet ja mõjub lihastele tugevatoimeliselt, kuid samas rahustab meeli ja tundeid ning vabastab pingeist. Taimed valitakse vastavalt aastaajale ning sõltuvalt nende toimest sobib massaaž valutavate liigeste, kõhuhädade, külmetuse, krampide, närvilisuse, valude, unetuse või nahahädade korral. Massaaž on väga sobilik peale päevitamist.

60 min 50 €

Empowering herbal massage

Empowering herbal massage is done with warmed herbal balls combined with ancient Estonian massage techniques. Herbal balls, consisting of Estonian herbs, along with herbal oils, relax muscle and nerve strains maximally, empower senses and feelings. Massage stimulates blood circulation, calms and eliminates strain. Based on the chosen herbs according to client’s individual needs, the massage is suitable for painful joints, stomach problems, colds, ulcers, cramps, nerves, infections, pains, insomnia, or skin problems.


Eesti väepuu kehahoolitsus

Väepuu kehahoolitsuse ajal saab nautida väevihtade tervendavat toimet, mis puhastab energiavälja. Hoolitsus algab tervistava kuivvihtlemisega, millele järgneb tugev eestipärane soojendusmassaaž läbi linase riide. Kui meeled on rahunenud, määritakse keha sisse kanepi-porgandiõliga. Koorimiskindaga tehtud suured ja laiad liigutused tekitavad ülimalt mõnusa tunde. Tänu naha eelnevale õlitamisele ja toitmisele ei kahjusta koorimine seda, vaid eemaldab ainult surnud rakud, jättes naha siidiselt pehmeks. Et hoolitsus oleks täiuslik, tehakse lõpetuseks lõõgastav peamassaaž. Meelte rahustamiseks ja inimese unnesuigutamiseks kasutatakse ka kiigutamist ja õõtsutamist.

Estonian power tree body treatment

90 min 65 €

Ancient Estonians have used whisking both in saunas and for massages. During the power tree body treatment, clients can enjoy power whisks’ healing and re-energizing effects. Treatment begis with a healing dry whisking with power whisks and is followed by strong Estonian warming massage over linen. In the course of the treatment, according to the cistoms of the ancient Estonians, the back is stamped on to eliminate muscle tensions caused by a strenuous working week. When the senses have calmed, hemp and carrot oil is applied to the body. Carrot root is known as a source of Porgandijuur on tuntud kui beta-carotene and vitamin B. Hemp oil softens and moisturizes skin and also alleviates allergic skin reactions. To make the treatment perfect, it is finished with a relaxing head massage.


Tervis / Health NÄOHOOLITSUSED /

FACIAL TREATMENTS Sundari näohoolitsus meestele

Spetsiaalselt meestele mõeldud näohoolitsus on loodud neemipuu tugevalt raviva toime baasil. Hoolitsuses kasutatakse neemipuul ja avokaadol põhinevat koorijat, mis pehmendab nahka ja leevendab raseerimisel tekkinud põletikku või ärritusi. Peale hoolitsust jääb nahk meeldivalt värske, puhas ja pehme.

Sundari gentlemen’s facial KEHAHOOLITSUSED / FOR BODY

Magneesiumi ja koduõlle vannihoolitsus

30 min kahele 30 €

Magneesium on üks tähtsamaid mineraalained, mida meie organism normaalseks funktsioneerimiseks vajab. Eriti hästi omandab keha magneesiumi läbi naha soojas vannivees. Magneesiumivannihoolitsus sobib hästi magneesiumipuuduse ennetamiseks ja leevendamiseks. Koduõllel on tänu humalale palju häid ja tervislikke omadusi, mis on kasulikud nahale, liigestele ja närvisüsteemile. Humal sisaldab B6-vitamiini, olles seega tugeva rahustava toimega. Magneesiumi- ja koduõlle vann leevendab pingeid, värskendab ja annab uut energiat. Pärast vanni masseeritakse keha rahustava ja niisutava ihupiimaga, mille tulemusel jääb nahk pehme ja enesetunne mõnus. Et hoolitsus oleks täiuslik, tehakse lõpetuseks lõõgastav peamassaaž. Meelte rahustamiseks ja inimese unnesuigutamiseks kasutatakse ka kiigutamist ja õõtsutamist.

Magnesium and home beer bath treatment

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals, which our bodies need for normal functioning. Body absorbs magnesium especially well through skin in warm bathwater. Magnesium bath treatment is good for preventing and relieving magnesium deficiency. Home beer contains a lot of good and healthy properties due to hop, which is beneficial to the skin, joints, and nervous system. Hop contains B6 group vitamins and has therefore a strong and calming effect. Magnesium and home beer bath relieves tensions, refreshes and gives new energy. After the bath and application of calming and moisturizing home beer massage lotion, the skin becomes especially soft.

30 min 30 € for two


60 min 60 €

Facial treatment specially targeted for men, which is created by taking into account the special needs of men’s skin, and strong therapeutic effect of Neem. This treatment uses enzyme peeler, Neem and avocado based moisturizer that softens the skin and heals inflammation or injuries caused by shaving. After the treatment, the skin stays pleasantly fresh, clean, and soft. Amrus candle gives energy and refreshes your mind.



Rukkilille jalahoolitsus koos pediküüriga

Soolalaua hoolitsused

Soolakristallide hellitus 20 min 20 € Soolakristallide hellitus 50 min 30 € Soolakristallide hellitus koos seljamassaažiga 30 min 35 € Jalatallahoolitsus soolakristallide hellitusega 30 min 35 € Soolakristallidega kaetud soojendusega laual toimub pidev mikromassaaž kogu kehale. Soolase õhu sissehingamine tugevdab hingamisteede kaitsemehhanisme ja immuunsüsteemi. Soolalaual lebamine leevendab efektiivselt lihasepingeid ja nahaprobleeme ning maandab stressi.

Salt table

Salt crystals treatment 20 min 20 € Salt crystals treatment 50 min 30 € Salt crystals treatment with back massage 30 min 35 € Salt crystals treatment with foot sole massage 30 min 35 € Salt table is the first wellness bed made to let the client lay on crystals of the salt, unique of its kind, it can offer a fabulous relax and, at the same time, transmit all the benefits of Haloterapy. The salt crystals have a very high bioenergetics value and contain all the necessary minerals and trace elements for the human organism.

Juba vanaemade emad teadsid, et rukkilill alandab turseid ja kiirendab vereringet. Mis võiks olla parem, kui panna jalad pärast pikka väsitavat tööpäeva, jalutuskäiku või auto- või lennureisi mõnusasse sooja jalavanni! Vanniveele lisatud lavendli eeterliku õli aroomid rahustavad ja toovad tasakaalu tagasi meeltesse. Magneesiumisoolahelbed aitavad ennetada jalakrampe ja lihasetõmblusi ning sooda puhastab jalad päeva jooksul kogutud mustusest. Männitõrvalõhnaline seep lisab antibakteriaalset toimet. Mesi pehmendab, ravib ja toidab ning linaõli niisutab ja turgutab jalgu. Luksuslik jalahoolitsus algab rukkilillevanniga ning jalgu pestakse tõrva-nõgeseseebiga. Seejärel kooritakse jalad seguga meresoolast, soodast ja nõgeseürdist ning tehakse pediküür. Hoolituse lõpetab kerge jalamassaaž mee ja linaõliga ning mähis jalgadele maavillastes sokkides.

Cornflower foot treatment with pedicure

90 min 55 €

The mothers of our grandmothers already knew that cornflower alleviates swelling and stimulates blood circulation. What could be better than putting your feet in a comfortable foot bath and let the lavender aromas calm you and restore your balance after a hard day at work or a long trip? Magnesium salt flakes help prevent cramps in feet and muscle tremors, soda deep-cleanses feet of the dirt that has accumulated during the day. Pine tar-scented soap addds an antibacterial effect; honey softens, heals, and nourishes; linseed oil moisturizes and refreshes your feet. Luxurious foot treatment begins with a cornflower foot bath, which also includes washing feet with tar-nettle soap, a scrub with sea salt-soda-nettle herb mix. It is followed by a massage with honey-linseed oil and a wrap in woolen socks. Upon request, a classical treatment for feet with pedicure can be given.


Tervis / Health

60 min 40 €

Saialille ja mesilasvaha kätehoolitsus koos maniküüriga

Saialill paitab ja pehmendab nahka ning on oma olemuselt leebe ja turvaline. Samas annab taim kehale võimsaid tervenemiskäske, luues sellega kehas tasakaalu. Saialilleõis esindab päikeseenergiat, tuues oma lõhna ja värvilise olemusega meie meeltesse rõõmu, päikesest pakatavat kuldset jõudu ja heaolutunnet. Magneesium on organismile väga vajalik aine, mida keha omastab kõige paremini just naha kaudu. Magneesium aitab leevendada stressi, unehäireid ja peavalu. Luksuslik hoolitsus algab magneesiumi-saialillevanniga kätele ning käed pestakse spetsiaalses vannis saialilleseebiga. Järgneb küünte viilimine ja küünenahkade korrastamine ning küünte toitmine mesilasvaha-linaõlisalviga. Hoolitsus lõpetatakse eestimaisest mesilasvahast ja parafiinist valmistatud mähisega kätele. Soovi korral lakitakse küüned.


Calendula hand treatment with beewax

Calendula caresses and softens skin and is by nature mild and safe. It is suitable for both young and mature skin. In folk medicine, calendula has been used for treating nearly everything. Calendula gives the body powerful orders to heal, thereby creating a balance in the body. Calendula represents solar energy by bringing joy and strength with its scent and color. Magnesium is an essential substance, which is best absorbed through skin. Magnesium helps relieve stress, insomnia, and headaches. Luxurious hand treatment begins with a magnesium-calendula hand bath and a handwash with calendula soap in a special bath. Nails are manicured and nourished with beeswax-linseed oil hand cream, followed by a beeswax paraffin wrap for hands. Upon request nails are painted.

Restoran / Restaurant


Kõiki hea maitse austajaid kutsub sööma peakoka Rudolf Visnapuu juhitud värskelt avatud restoran Noot.

The newly opened Noot restaurant headed by Chef Rudolf Visnapuu is waiting for all lovers of good food.

Uue a’ la carte restorani menüü on inspireeritud modernsest Eesti köögist. Kokkade kõrgeima auraha Cordon Bleu kandja Rudolf Visnapuu menüüvalikusse kuuluvad kohalikud toorained ja hooajalised mereannid. Suvehooajal saab head toitu nautida ka väliterassil.

The new a’ la carte restaurant NOOT serves a contemporary Estonian cuisine. Chef de cuisine Rudolf Visnapuu is a proud owner of the Cordon Bleu culinary award. The menu includes fresh local seasonal products and seafood. In summer the outside terracce is opened.

Avatud/ Open Hommikusöök/ Breakfast E-R/Mon-Fri 7-10 AM Sat-Sun 7:30-10:30 AM A´la carte E-P/Mon-Sun 12-23 Terrass/Terracce E-P/Mon-Sun 12-23 Lobby Baar E-P/Mon-Sun 10-23




AEGA Kuidas leida endale aega, et elu oleks mõnus kulgemine, mitte pelgalt kiirustades ellujäämine? tekst: TIINA SARAPUU, Active Spa Estonia juhataja pildid: EGERT KAMENIK


ilan Kundera on oma romaanis „Aeglus” öelnud, et kui asjad toimuvad liiga kiiresti, ei saa enam milleski kindel olla, isegi iseendas mitte. Ei, me ei kuuluta kiirusele sõda. Kellele meist meeldiks aeglane internet või hilinevad lennukid, aga... Uues aktiivspaas oleme külastajatele loonud võimalused tegeleda teadlikult oma tervisega ning keha ja meele tasakaalustamisega. Meie roll on aidata ja suunata klienti valikute tegemisel ning soosida aja maha võtmist, et teostuks isiklik teekond parema tervise ja täisväärtuslikuma elu suunas. Active Spa Estonia roll on olla teadliku elustiili suunanäitaja. Meie meeskond on erialase töö ja elukogemusega mõistnud keha ja meele seotust. Oleme tundide juhendamisel pühendunud, et olla toeks iga kliendi isikliku arengu, küpsuse ja tasakaalu leidmisel.


Keskendudes igapäevaselt peamiselt pingutusele ning jättes kõrvale taastumise – hea une, liikumise, toitumise ja ka head suhted –, kaotame tasakaalu. Sageli võib sõbralt või tuttavalt



tegemiste kohta küsides vastuseks kuulda, et tal on kiire, stress ja pinged. Küsi nüüd endalt – kas olen rahul oma elustiili ja suhetega? Kas minu uni on kvaliteetne ja piisav? Kuidas veedan oma vaba aega? Kas võtan aega enda jaoks, et olla parem sõber, abikaasa, isa-ema, inimene? Mida sa vastad? Jah... ja ei. Tihti me justkui teaks, mida tuleb teha, aga siiski tegutseme teisiti. Seda ehk mitmel erineval põhjusel, aga eelkõige seetõttu, et info teadlike valikute kohta puudub või siis pole aega sobilike praktikatega igapäevaselt tegeleda. Elame ajastul, mil võimaluste rohkus võib muuta valikute tegemise hoopistükkis keerukaks ning stressi tekitavaks. Meid ümbritseb pidevalt hulk informatsiooni, milles orienteerumine on muutumas omaette tööks. Aktiivspaas on meil ajakohane info olemas ning programmis piisavalt võimalusi, et saaksid oma päevakavasse sisse tuua tegevused, mis tasakaalustavad elutempot. Innustame teekonnal pause tegema, kutsume enda sisse vaatama, märkama kehaimpulsse, mõtteid, tundeid, soove ning avastama iseennast veelgi sügavamalt. Selleks pakume mitmeid uudseid ja põnevaid teenuseid, erinevaid jooga-, lõdvestus- ja lihashooldustunde ning rühmatreeninguid.


Spaa loomisel ning saalide kujundamisel pöörasime erilist tähelepanu meeleolu ja mugavuse loomisele, muu hulgas värske õhu suurendamisele ning müra ja kunstvalguse vähendamisele. Kõik meie saalid on õhutatavad ning nutiseadmeid tundi kaasa ei võeta. Lähtume tundide läbiviimisel põhimõttest, et kvaliteedis me allahindlust ei tee. Oleme jaganud


RAHU RUUM on mõeldud mediteerimiseks ja lihashooldustundideks. See on saal, kuhu võib minna lihtsalt niisama, et heita matile, sulgeda silmad ning lasta ajal endast mööda ja läbi voolata. ENERGIA SAALIST saab kiiremate liikumiste ja osade Les Millsi programmide kodu. Nagu saali nimigi ütleb, võivad kõik sellest ruumist ammutada energiat. Pöörame ka tähelepanu keha vabale liikumisele tantsu kaudu, näiteks vabatantsutunnis. Vabatantsutund ei vaja eelnevat tantsukogemust ning tants käib peamiselt iseendaga –oma keha-meelega kontakti leidmise eesmärgil.


Fitness Saalid

JÕU SAALIS viime alates septembrist läbi BodyPumpi tunde, ringtreeningut ja rühmade personaaltreeninguid. Siin saalis leiab põnevaid seadmeid, nagu TRX, aga ka „vana hea” sangpommi ning topispallid.

erineva sisuga tunnid eri saalide vahel, jälgides saali sobivust tunni iseloomuga. Meil on neli saali: Yoga Shala, Energia, Rahu ja Jõu saal. Lisaks on bassein veerandsajale veearmastajale ujumiseks ja rühmatundideks. Aktiivspaa tunnid toimuvad nii hommikusel, päevasel kui õhtusel ajal ning on avatud kõigile. Nii kohalikule linnarahvale kui ka hotelli külalistele. Meie grupid on väikesed, 10–20 inimest (olenevalt saalist), et saaksime võimalikult hästi vastata iga kliendi individuaalsetele vajadustele. Saalitegevuste valikust leiab erinevaid, nii tuntud kui ka täiesti uusi lõõgastumis- ja treeningviise. Sügisest alustame laia valiku Les Millsi konseptsioontundidega (BodyPump, BodyBalance jne). Eriti rõõmsaks peaks meele tegema uus lastetund Born to Move kõigil kahe- kuni seitsmeaastaste laste vanematel – hakkame pakkuma seda juhendatud lastetundi samal ajal, kui emad-isad teises saalis endaga tegelevad. Lisaks jätame tunniplaanis ruumi vabatantsutundidele, ringtreeningutele ja ka kõrgema intensiivsusega kehavormimisele.


YOGASHALA on eriline ruum, mis on täis valgust, rahu ja energiat. Shala on sanskritikeelne sõna, mis tähendab „kodu”, yoga shala on aga „ruum, kus elab jooga” – see on joogaõpilaste kokkusaamise ja kasvamise koht, kus jagatakse kogemusi ja praktiseeritakse joogat. Kõik meie joogatunnid hakkavadki toimuma Yoga Shalas, kus toome sinuni võimalikult laia ja läbimõeldud joogatundide valiku.


Uusim ja huvitavaim tund on FlyHighYoga. Selle joogastiili kasulikkusest ja mängulisusest sain osa Bali saarel. Tund võlus mind esimesest hetkest ning otsustasime – me toome FlyhighYoga aktiivspaasse. Tunnis tehakse spetsiaalsel lae all rippuval trapetsil läbi erinevad ashtanga-joogast inspireeritud asendid, mis mõjuvad hästi lülisambale ning aitavad taastada lihaseid ja lahustada pingeid nii kehas kui meeles. Lisaks loovad FlyHigh trapetsid tunnis mängulise ja rõõmsa atmosfääri. FlyHighYoga loob võimaluse end tundma õppida uues olukorras – rippudes pea alaspidi ja vaadates otsa gravitatsioonile. Tund on jõukohane kõigile, kuna alustame lihtsamatest asenditest, liikudes edasi loomulikku arengut mööda. Joogastiili looja Jose Luis Jimenez ise on öelnud tunni kohta nii: „FlyHighYoga mõte on usaldus ja selle kasvatamine endas. Me ripume pea alaspidi ja see nõuab usaldust, eelkõige enda suhtes. Alguses võib see olla raske, aga usaldus on nagu lihas – ajaga muutub see lihas tugevamaks. Usalda ennast.”


Tänu Active Spa Estonia asukohale vahetult rannapargi lähedal ja mõne sammu kaugusel mererannast, on meil hea võimalus viia ilusa ilma korral jooga-, jooksu- ja liikumistunde läbi ka õues. Aktiivsete tegevuste kõrval pakume erinevaid töötubasid ja koolitusi ning kutsume põnevaid külalisi, et aidata suunata tähelepanu ka sissepoole, teadmiste ja teadlikkuse arendamisele. Soovime, et meil veedetud aeg oleks külastajale kehaliselt arendav ning hingeliselt rahu toov, eelkõige aga, et see aeg oleks hästi veedetud! Tere tulemast Active Spa Estoniasse! RM



BE BETTER! In our new ‘Active Spa’ we have made sure to provide our customers with opportunities for taking care of themselves with greater awareness. In the environment that inspires to take a break and guides towards making better choices, our task is to help find that inspiration and give guidance in these choices.

text: TIINA SARAPUU, Active Spa Estonia manager photos: EGERT KAMENIK


e sincerely believe that numerous innovative and exciting services will contribute to making our customers’ experience here truly fulfilling. We are a group of people who know that the body and mind function as a whole and one cannot be put above the other; and we think that balance and finding it in life are the key to one’s harmonious existence. We are committed to our involvement in

teaching the classes as well as to self-improvement, and we can boldly claim that passion for work drives us – this is our life style and it’s in our blood. We are not here to tell you what is right or wrong. Active Spa Estonia aims to show the way to the conscious lifestyle. When a person only pays attention to making effort on a daily basis and neglects recovery – sound sleep, muscle care, healthy diet and relationships, – balance is lost. How often do you ask friends or acquaintances how they are doing and hear them say that they are stressed, tense and in a hurry? Or you can ask yourself, “Am I really happy with my lifestyle and relationships? Do I sleep soundly? How do I spend my free time? Do I actually have enough time for myself in order to be a better friend, spouse, parent?” What is your answer? Yes… and no. We often seem to know what to do but still choose otherwise. Reasons behind this are many, but we mostly do so because there is no information about conscious choices or no opportunity to deal with them every day.


Fitness Something entirely new

We want to help you make haste slowly, taking breaks on the ‘way’ to look around and inside you so that you learn to notice your feelings and experience yourself.


Active Spa Estonia offers various yoga, relaxation and muscle care classes as well as group fitness classes. We have four studios: the Yoga Shala, Energy Room, Quiet Space and Strength Studio. In addition, there is a pool for swimming and group classes that holds up to 25 water enthusiasts. Active Spa classes and workouts take place in the mornings, afternoons and evenings, and are available to city residents and visitors alike. Our services are meant for anyone who would like to use them. One principle prevails in our organisation of classes: we are not going to compromise on quality. This is why we have distributed various classes among different studios, making sure that the studio matches nature of the workout. The number of participants in group classes varies between 10 and 20 (depending on the studio) so that each one gets special attention. We are certain that the environment has an immense effect on well-being, and we have been especially thoughtful in making our studios comfortable: providing fresh air, reducing noise and dimming artificial light. All the studios can be ventilated, and our policy does not allow anyone to take smartphones or other similar gadgets to classes. Our range of studio activities comprises well-known as well as entirely new relaxation and workout techniques. This autumn we are going to start offering a large variety of Les Mills classes (Body Pump, Body Balance, etc.). We hope that mothers of children aged from 2 to 7 will be especially glad to see the new kids’ class ‘Born to Move’ in our schedule: the supervised activity for children will be taking place at the same time as their mothers take care of themselves in other studios. In addition, we will allow time in the schedule for free dance classes, circuit training and high-intensity body shaping workouts.


Our newest and probably the most intriguing class is FlyHighYoga. I became familiar with this useful but playful yoga style in Bali, and I liked it so much that we decided to be the first to bring FlyHighYoga classes to Estonia. The workout implies performing poses inspired by ashtanga yoga by means of special trapeze belts suspended from the ceiling, which has a beneficial effect on the spine, helps muscles to recover and releases tension in your body as well as mind. FlyHighYoga gives an opportunity to explore yourself in a new situation – hanging upside down and staring at gravity. This class is suitable for anyone who would like to try something new. Jose Luis Jimenez, the creator of the yoga style, has described it in the following way, “FlyHighYoga is about trust and building it in oneself. We hang upside down, which requires trust in ourselves in the first place. It may be difficult at the start, but trust is like a muscle: with time it grows stronger. Trust yourself.”


Room filled with light, peace and energy... THE FIRST IN PÄRNU

In addition to group fitness classes, we are going to open the first Yoga Shala in Pärnu. This is a special room filled with light, peace and energy. Shala is a Sanskrit word for ‘home’, and yoga shala is ‘the room where yoga lives’: this is a meeting place for yoga students to share experiences, practice yoga and evolve. All our yoga classes will be held in the Yoga Shala, where we will try to provide you with the largest possible and thoughtfully selected range of yoga styles. Quiet Space is meant for meditation and myofascial therapy classes. This is the place where you can simply go to lie down on the mat, close your eyes and let time flow through and around you. Energy Room is the home of faster movement and Les Mills workout programmes. The name of the studio implies that this is where everyone is welcome to recharge. Strength Studio is where Body Pump classes, circuit training and group personal training workouts will be held starting with September. As we are conveniently located next to the seaside park and just a short walk from the beach, we can have yoga, running and movement classes outdoors when the weather is too nice to stay in. Apart from physical activities, we intend to hold a variety of workshops and invite fascinating guest speakers to guide your attention inside your mind, to the development of knowledge and awareness. Welcome to Active Spa Estonia! RM





Saun vabastab organismi ainevahetuse ülejääkidest ning higiga saab organismist välja viia palju kahjulikke aineid. Pärast sauna tuleb need asendada puhaste, söögist ja joogist saadavate ainetega.


auna ei ole hea minna täis kõhuga, sest see koormab liialt organismi. Soojuse mõjul erituvad maomahlad, kiireneb käärimisprotsess ja valgud hakkavad intensiivsemalt lagunema. Enne saunaminekut ei ole soovitatav süüa liha- ega kalatooteid, parimaks valikuks on süsivesikurikkad toidud, nagu näiteks keedetud tatar, kartul või täisterajahust pastatooted. Väga hea on juua enne saunaminekut klaasitäis hapukapsamahla, see ennetab saunas tekkivat mineraalide kadu. Joomine on saunas vägagi soovitatav, sest inimene kaotab saunas kuni poolteist liitrit vedelikku. Juua võib vett ja mittealkohoolseid jooke. Eelistada tuleks vedelikke, mis sisaldavad


süsivesikuid. Väga hea valik on ka taimeteed, näiteks kummelist, pärnaõitest või vaarikalehtedest, sest need sisaldavad erinevaid vitamiine ja mineraale. Samuti sobib süüa lihtsaid puuvilju, näiteks apelsine, õunu, pirne või viinamarju. Alkohol – nagu ka saunakuumus – laiendab veresooni, mistõttu võivad ägeneda südameveresoonkonnahaigused. Liigne alkoholisisaldus veres võib põhjustada ka keha ülekuumenemist, seega peaks alkoholist hoiduma nii enne saunaskäimist kui ka selle ajal ja mõned tunnid hiljemgi. Pärast sauna tekkivat janu ja nälga tuleb ohjeldada mõistlikult. Isegi vee puhul on oht üle tarbida ja mineraalainete puudusest tekkivat näljatunnet tuleks peletada suutäie soolasega, näiteks hapukurgi või suitsukalaga. RM



Sauna releases metabolic end products in the body, and sweat removes numerous harmful metabolic substances. After that they need to be replaced with new clean substances from food and drinks.



oing to the sauna on a full stomach is not sensible because it can overstrain the body. The heat boosts the production of gastric fluids, speeds up the fermentation process, and makes proteins break down faster. Eating meat or fish before sauna is not a very good idea; foods rich in carbohydrates, for example, buckwheat groats, potatoes or whole wheat pasta would be the best choice. Having a glass of sauerkraut juice before going in would also be good to prevent the loss of minerals triggered by sauna. Drinking in the sauna is generally advised because a person can lose up to litre and a half of fluid in the steam room. Water and non-alcoholic drinks are suitable options. Choose liquids that contain carbohydrates or herbal infusions that contain various vitamins and minerals, for instance, chamomile, lime tree blossom or raspberry leaf. Simple fruit like oranges, apples, pear or grapes can also be recommended. Alcohol has an effect similar to sauna’s, dilating blood vessels, which can worsen cardiovascular conditions. Excessive blood alcohol may result in the body overheating as well, so please refrain from drinking alcohol before going into the sauna, in the steam room and for several hours afterwards. Be sensible in battling the hunger and thirst you will certainly feel after the sauna. Monitor even how much water you drink because there is a risk to overdo it, and have a salty snack, for instance, a pickle or smoked fish, to satisfy your hunger, which in this case will be caused by the lack of minerals. RM


Rubriik Toit / Food retseptid / recepies: Kristina Efert, pildid: SHUTTERSTOCK


Päikeselised ja kuumad ilmad ei meelita kööki vaaritama. Selle asemel valmistame lihtsat ja kerget toitu kodumaisest toorainest.

KANAVARDAD Neljale 2 kanarinnafileed, suupärasteks tükkideks lõigatud • 1 suurem küüslauguküüs, purustatud • extra-virgin-oliiviõli • värsket hakitud punet • 1,5 sl mett • soola, värskelt jahvatatud musta pipart • 1 punane sibul, sektoriteks lõigatud • 1 punane paprika, suupärasteks tükkideks lõigatud Sega kokku oliiviõli, küüslauk, pune ja mesi ning maitsesta. Tõsta kanatükid marinaadi ja lase neil paar tundi marinaadis seista. Lüki kanatükid vaheldumisi sibula ja paprikaga grillivarrastele ning küpseta keskmisel kuumusel 10–12 minutit või kuni kanaliha on küps. Serveeri värske salatiga.


Hot and sunny weather is not likely to lure anyone to spend time at the kitchen stove. Instead, make these light and simple dishes using local produce.

CHICKEN SKEWERS Serves 4 2 chicken breasts cut into bite-sized pieces • 1 large clove of garlic, crushed • extra virgin olive oil • some chopped fresh oregano • 1.5 tbsp honey • salt, freshly ground black pepper • 1 red onion cut into sections • 1 one red bell pepper cut into bite-sized pieces Mix together olive oil, garlic, oregano and honey; season with salt and pepper. Place chicken in the marinade and leave for two hours to marinate. Thread chicken onto grill skewers, alternating it with onion and bell pepper; place on the grill for 10–12 minutes or until the chicken is done. Serve with fresh salad.

Toit / Food KÜLM SUVESUPP Neljale 600 ml keefirit • maitse järgi soola ja värskelt jahvatatud musta pipart • 2 pikka kurki • suur peotäis hakitud peterselli, tilli ja murulauku Koori kurgid ja haki 1,5 kurki väikesteks kuubikuteks. Pool kurki lõika õhukesteks ratasteks. Maitsesta kurgitükid soola ja pipraga ning lisa keefir ja hakitud ürdid. Jaga supp nelja kausikesse ning serveeri koos kurgirataste ja sidrunisektoritega.

COLD SUMMER SOUP Serves 4 600 ml of kefir • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste • 2 long cucumbers a handful of chopped parsley, dill and chives Peel the cucumbers and finely dice one a half cucumber. Thinly slice the remaining half crosswise. Season with salt and pepper. Add the kefir and chopped herbs. Ladle the soup into four bowls and garnish with cucumber slices and lemon sections.


Toad / Rooms

Standard- ja superiortoad

Toa pindala on 16–25 ruutmeetrit. Tube on nii ühe laia voodiga (double) kui ka kahe eraldi voodiga (twin). Tuppa mahub kuni kaks täiskasvanut, osadesse tubadesse mahub ka lisavoodi lapsele vanuses 4–14 aastat. Superiortoad on rõdudega.

Standard and superior rooms:

The area of the rooms ranges between 16 and 25 square metres. There are double and twin rooms. Each room accommodates up to 2 adults, limited number of rooms offer the option of an extra bed for one child aged 4–14 years. Superior rooms have balconies.


ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa uues kuurorthotellis on 106 neljatärnimugavustega hotellituba, mille kujundus on inspireeritud Eesti loodusest, rahvuslikest traditsioonidest, käsitööst ja kultuurist. 56 I RESORTMENU

The new ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa has 106 four-star rooms with every convenience inspired by Estonian nature, national traditions, handicraft and culture.

Toad / Rooms


Toa pindala on 30–35 ruutmeetrit. Avarad toad on laia voodiga (double) ning toas on ka lahtikäiv tugitool või diivan. Toad sobivad peredele. Tuppa mahub kuni kaks täiskasvanut koos kahe lapsega vanuses 4–14 aastat.


otellis on 92 kahekohalist standard- ja superiortuba, 2 ühekohalist standardtuba, 9 deluxe-tuba ja 3 sviiti. Kõik hotellitoad on ette nähtud mittesuitsetajatele ja sobivad allergikutele. Kaks deluxe-tuba on invatoad, pakkudes mugavaid tingimusi ratastoolis kliendile. Hotellis on sobivaid tube ka lemmikloomadega

külalistele. Vannitubades on dušš, sviitides lisaks saun või vann. Kõigis tubades on föön, hommikumantlid, rätikud, pesemisvahendid, konditsioneer, tasuta joogivesi, televiisor ja juhtmevaba internet. Osades tubades on põrandal vaipkate, teistes puitparkett. Erilist tähelepanu oleme pööranud une kvaliteedile. Lähtudes oma mitmekümneaastasest kogemusest hotellide ja ravispaade pidamisel valisime välja vooditooted, mis vastaksid võimalikult paljude inimeste ootustele. Madratsid, tekid ja padjad on valmistatud Eestis Pärnumaal. Oleme maailmas esimene hotell, kus on kasutusel SleepAngel™ padjad – maailma kõige puhtamad padjad, mis blokeerivad pisikuid, baktereid, allergeene ja isegi viirusi. Tekid on Thinsulate’i kvaliteetsest puuvillakangast. Need eriliselt kerged, mõnusalt soojad, hea hingavusega ja niiskuskindlad tekid tagavad kliendile magamise ajal maksimaalse puhkuse.

Deluxe rooms:

The area of the rooms ranges between 30 and 35 square metres. Spacious deluxe rooms have double beds and an additional chair bed or sofa bed. These rooms are suitable for families. The room accommodates up to 2 adults and 2 children aged 4–14.


he hotel has a total of 92 of standard and superior double and twin rooms, 2 standard single rooms, 9 deluxe rooms and 3 suites. All hotel rooms are non-smoking. Two of the deluxe rooms are designed for disabled guests and ensure comfort for wheelchair users. The hotel also features rooms meant for customers travelling with pets. Rooms are suitable for people with allergies. Some rooms have carpets, and some have wooden parquet floors. Each room is fitted with a shower; suites have a bath tub. Hair dryers, dressing gowns, towels, toiletries, air conditioning, free fresh water, wireless internet and a TV-set are provided in the rooms. Special attention has been paid to ensuring quality sleep. We have used our experience accumulated in the several decades of running hotel and spa facilities to select such bed products that would meet the expectations of the majority of our guests. Mattresses, pillows and blankets are made by Estonian manufacturers from Pärnu County. We are the first hotel in the world to use SleepAngel™ pillows, the cleanest pillows ever that have been proven to be able to block out germs, bacteria, allergens and even viruses. Our blankets made of high-quality cotton Thinsulate fabric will make sure you are completely relaxed when you sleep. These blankets are exceptionally light, pleasantly warm, perfectly breathable and moisture resistant. RESORTMENU I 57

Toad / Rooms


Sviidi pindala on 50–58 ruutmeetrit. Avaratest klaasseinaga sviitidest avaneb vaade rannapargile. Kõigis sviitides on lai voodi (double) ja lahtikäiv diivan. Luksuslikku vannituba täiendab vann või saun. Sviiti mahub kuni kaks täiskasvanut koos kahe lapsega vanuses 4–14 aastat.


The area of the suites ranges between 50 and 58 square metres. Spacious rooms with a glass wall open onto Rannapark (Beach Park). In addition to a wide bed, each suite is provided with a sofa bed; each luxurious bathroom is equipped with a bath tub or sauna. The suite accommodates up to 2 adults and 2 children aged 4–14.



KONVERENTSIKESKUS CONFERENCE CENTRE ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa konverentsikeskus on uusim kohtumispaik Tallinna ja Riia vahel. Uues hotellis on nelja tärni kuurorthotelli mugavused ning eestimaised spaa- ja saunahoolitsused ühendatud innovaatilisusest inspireeritud lähenemisega ürituste korraldamisel.

ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa is the newest venue for meetings and events between Tallinn and Riga. We offer the best of both worlds – 4* hotel with flexible conference facilities and relaxing lifestyle resort.



Korraldame teie kohtumised, seminarid, konverentsid ja muud üritused uuel viisil. Lisaks konverentsidele saab meie juures korraldada sündmusi suuremale seltskonnale spaa- ja saunakeskuses ning pidulikke õhtuid restoranis NOOT. Väiksemale meeskonnale pakume loovas õhkkonnas üritusi valgusküllases joogasaalis või sviidis, kadakahõngulises avara rõdu ja eesruumiga privaatsaunas või köögi ja terrassiga klubiruumis. Pärnumaal on võimalusi vaba aja veetmiseks igale maitsele – siin on golfirajad ja autoringrada, soovi korral saab purjetada ning osaleda loodus- ja seiklusmatkadel, külastada Kihnu saart ning kultuuriüritusi jpm.


z z z z z z z z


z We arrange your meetings, incentives, conferences and events in a whole new realm. z Inside or outside z On the water or under the water z In the kitchen or in the sauna z Sitting or laying down z On the table or under the table z Online or offline

Here you get more. More synergy. More creativity. More results.

Konverentsikeskus kuni 464 osalejale. Suur saal kuni 300 osalejale. Viis koosolekuruumi kuni 42 osalejale. Kõik ruumid on varustatud konditsioneeri ja kaasaegseimate tehnoloogiliste lahendustega. Sünkroontõlke võimalus. Tasuta ülikiire WiFi ja lairiba-internetiühendus. Keskus asub esimesel korrusel, kõigis ruumides on avarad aknad ja loomulik päevavalgus. Keskuses abistab külastajaid konverentside vanemadministraator.

Siin tagame teile tulemusliku puhkuse! Ruum 1

Suurus 50 m² Laius ja pikkus 8,8 x 5,5 m Kõrgus 2,4–2,8 m

Mahutavus Teatristiil: 36 osalejat Klassiruum: 20 osalejat Ümarlaud: 18 osalejat U-laud: 16 osalejat

Room 1

Size 50 m² Length and width 8,8 m x 5,5 m Height 2,4-2,8 m

Capacity Theater style: 36 guests Classroom: 20 guests Round table: 18 guests U-shape: 16 guests

Ruum 2

Suurus 48 m² Laius ja pikkus 8,7 x 5,4 m Kõrgus 2,4–2,8 m

Mahutavus Teatristiil: 36 osalejat Klassiruum: 20 osalejat Ümarlaud: 18 osalejat U-laud: 16 osalejat

Room 2

Size 48 m² Length and width 8,7 m x 5,4 m Height 2,4-2,8 m

Capacity TTheater style: 36 guests Classroom: 20 guests Round table: 18 guests U-shape: 16 guests

Ruum 3

Suurus 49 m² Laius ja pikkus 8,7 x 5,5 m Kõrgus 2,4–2,8 m

Mahutavus Teatristiil: 42 osalejat Klassiruum: 16 osalejat Ümarlaud: 18 osalejat U-laud: 16 osalejat

Room 3

Size 49 m² Length and width 8,7 m x 5,5 m Height 2,4-2,8 m

Capacity Theater style: 42 guests Classroom: 16 guests Round table: 18 guests U-shape: 16 guests

Ruum 4

Suurus 46 m² Laius ja pikkus 8,9 x 5,4 m Kõrgus 2,4–2,8 m

Mahutavus Teatristiil: 28 osalejat Klassiruum: 12 osalejat Ümarlaud: 14 osalejat U-laud: 14 osalejat

Room 4

Size 46 m² Length and width 8,9 m x 5,4 m Height 2,4-2,8 m

Capacity Theater style: 28 guests Classroom: 12 guests Round table: 14 guests U-shape: 14 guests

Klubiruum 5

Suurus 39 m² Laius ja pikkus 5,6 x 7,4 m Kõrgus 2,2–2,4 m Sisustuses köök

Mahutavus Ümarlaud: 16 osalejat Klassiruum: 12 osalejat

Boardroom 5

Size 39 m² Length and width 5,6 m x 7,4 m Height 2,2-2,4 m Includes a kitchen.

Capacity Round table: 16 guests Classroom: 12 guests

Suur saal 6

Suurus 259 m² Laius ja pikkus 16,4 x 15,8 m Kõrgus 3,6 m 4 sünkroontõlkekabiini Eraldi suur uks sisehoovist (kõrgusega 2,7 m ja laiusega 2,7 m)

Mahutavus Teatristiil: 300 osalejat Klassiruum: 128 osalejat Ümarlaud: 60 osalejat U-laud: 50 osalejat Bankett: 144 osalejat

Hall 6

Size 259 m² Length and width 16,4 x 15,8 m Height 3,6 m* Simultaneous interpreting. An additional entrance door from outside with the height 2,7 mand width 2,7 m

Capacity Theater style: 300 guests Classroom: 128 guests Round table: 60 guests U-shape: 50 guests Banquete: 144 guests


Conference centre Conference equipment ROOMS 1–4

Projector Electric screen 2,2 m wide Speakers


TV set 60“ PC connectable Includes kitchen.


Projector Electric screen 4 x 2,5 m 2 screens 65“ Sound system (in-ceiling loudspeaker, amplifier, wireless microphone, lapel microphone) For an additional fee: simultaneous interpreting, additional microphones, computers etc.

Konverentsitehnika RUUMID 1–4

Projektor Elektriline rullekraan laiusega 2,2 m Kõlarid


Televiisor 60“, arvutiga ühendatav Sisustuses köök koos tehnikaga


Projektor Elektriline rullekraan 4 x 2,5 m 2 lisaekraani 65“ Helisüsteem: laekõlarid, võimendid, 2 raadiomikrofoni, 2 reväärimikrofoni Lisatasu eest: sünkroontõlge, lisamikrofonid, arvutid jm

z z z z z z z

Capacity for a total of 464 delegates in inspiring and innovative environment A large hall for up to 300 delegates Five break-out rooms for up to 42 delegates Simultaneous interpreting All rooms are air-conditioned and feature the latest technical equipment Complimentary WiFi and broadband internet access Located on the ground floor, all rooms have windows and natural daylight




Hotell on varustatud kõige kaasaegsemate tulekustutite ja tuleohutusseadmetega. Tulekahju korral kõlab pidev häiresignaal. Palun lugege järgnevaid tuleohutusjuhiseid ja tutvuge evakuatsiooniplaaniga, mille leiate oma toa väljapääsu juurest. Tuleohutusjuhised z Ärge suitsetage voodis. z Toast lahkudes tõmmake vooluvõrgust välja kõik elektriseadmed. z Isiklike elektriradiaatorite kasutamine hotellitoas on keelatud. z Kui märkate suitsu või tuld, teavitage sellest koheselt vastuvõttu (tel. 13 550) või vajutage häirenuppu „Fire” hotelli koridoris. Kui kuulete häiresignaali, tunnete suitsulõhna või Teile antakse evakueerimisjuhiseid, käituge järgmiselt z Võtke oma dokumendid ja toa uksekaart ning lahkuge toast.


z Enne uste avamist kontrollige, et uks poleks kuum ning ukse tagant ei immitseks suitsu. z Kui koridoris pole otseseid ohumärke, lahkuge toast ja sulgege uks, kuid ärge lukustage seda. z Liikuge lähima väljapääsu poole, järgides evakuatsiooniplaani ja -märke. Evakuatsiooniplaani leiate oma toa ukse juures seinalt. Hädaolukorras ärge kasutage lifte, sest need lülitatakse välja. Kui toast evakueeruda pole võimalik, käituge järgmiselt z Sulgege uks, kuid ärge seda lukustage. z Teavitage hotelli vastuvõttu (tel. 13 550) oma asukohast ja Teiega ruumis koos viibivatest inimestest. Öelge oma toa number ja toas viibivate inimeste arv. z Asetage ukse alla märjad rätikud. z Püüdke olla põrandale võimalikult lähedal ning ärge hingake suitsu sisse. Võimalusel hingake läbi märja käterätiku.


Hotelli infotelefon on 13 550. Helistamiseks kasutage oma mobiiltelefoni. Hotellisisesed kõned on TASUTA ka roaming’us olevatele numbritele. Erinevate teenuste valimiseks palun kuulake järgmisi juhiseid: z vastuvõtt; z toateenindus; z hotelli informatsioon; z spaahoolitsuste broneerimine; z spaa- ja saunakeskus; z restoran NOOT; z aktiivspaa treeningute broneerimine; z konverentsikeskus; z varajane hommikusöök; z öö-gurmee; z lisateenused.


Hotellis levib tasuta juhtmevaba internet. Võrgu nimetus on Estonia_Resort


Hotell teenindab Teid 24h ööpäevas. Tasuta telefonil 13 550 pakume järgmisi teenuseid: z esmaabi; z hotelli informatsioon; z toateenindus; z portjee ja pakihoid; z taksoteenused; z äratuskõne; z varajane hommikusöök; z öö-gurmee.


Hotell ei vastuta Teie autos, hotellitoas või mujal hotellis asuva raha või isiklike asjade eest. Teie mugavuse ja turvalisuse huvides palume Teil kasutada hotelli seifi. Palun pöörduge selleks hotelli registratuuri.


Elekter Teie toas lülitub sisse, kui sisestate oma uksekaardi hotellitoas asuvasse kaardipessa. Hotellis on kasutusel elektritoide pingega 220V/ 50Hz ning Euroopa standardile vastavad 2-harulised elektripistikud.


Konditsioneer töötab eeldusel, et Teie toas on uksed-aknad suletud. Konditsioneeri saab reguleerida hotellitoa seinal asuvast juhtpuldist. Küsimuste tekkimisel pöörduge hotelli vastuvõttu (tel. 13 550).


Turvakaalutlustel palume, et külalised, kes viibivad Teie toas pärast kella 23.00, registreeriksid end vastuvõtus. Kui soovite oma toas majutada külalist (külalisi), teavitage oma soovist hotelli vastuvõttu. Teenuse tasu on 25 eurot iga külalise kohta.


Juhul kui lahkute hotellist enne hommikusöögi serveerimist, on Teil võimalus tellida endale varajane hommikusöök. Palun pöörduge selleks eelmisel õhtul hotelli vastuvõttu (tel. 13 550).


Pakume tervislikku öö-gurmeed ajal, kui hotelli restoran NOOT on suletud. Öö-gurmee tellimiseks pöörduge palun hotelli vastuvõttu (tel. 13 550).

Tasuta lühinumber hotellisisesteks kõnedeks Sinu telefonilt: Tasuta lühinumber hotellisisesteks kõnedeks Sinu telefonilt: Tasuta lühinumber hotellisisesteks kõnedeks Sinu telefonilt: Free of of charge phone number forfor in-house calls from your phone: Free charge phone number in-house calls from your phone: Free of charge phone number for in-house calls from your phone:

13550 13550 13550

Hotelli vastuvõtt Hotelli vastuvõtt h24 h Hotelli24 vastuvõtt 24 hreception Hotel reception Hotel h24 h Hotel24 reception 24 h

Restoran NOOT Restoran NOOT E–PE–P 12–23 12–23 Restoran NOOT E–P 12–23 Restaurant NOOT Restaurant NOOT Mon–Sun 12–23 Mon–Sun 12–23 Restaurant NOOT Mon–Sun 12–23

Spaahoolitsused Spaahoolitsused E–L 9–19, P 9–17 E–L 9–19, P 9–17 Spaahoolitsused E–LSpa 9–19, P 9–17 Spa treatments treatments

Mon–Sat SunSun 9–179–17 Mon–Sat 9–19, Spa9–19, treatments Mon–Sat 9–19, Sun 9–17

Spaaja saunakeskus Spaaja saunakeskus E–P 10–21 E–P 10–21 Spaaja saunakeskus E–P 10–21 SpaSpa andand Sauna Centre Sauna Centre Mon–Sun 10–21 Mon–Sun 10–21 Spa and Sauna Centre Mon–Sun 10–21

Aktiivspaa Aktiivspaa E–P 8–21 E–P 8–21 Aktiivspaa E–P 8–21 Active spa Active spa

Mon–Sun 8–21 Mon–Sun 8–21 Active spa RESORTMENU I 63 Mon–Sun 8–21



The hotel is equipped with the most advanced fire extinguishing and fire safety systems. In case of fire you will hear continuous alarm. Please read the fire safety regulations below and study the evacuation plan located next to the exit door of your room. Fire safety regulations: z Do not smoke in bed; z Unplug all electrical equipment before leaving the room; z The use of personal electrical heaters in hotel rooms is forbidden; z If you notice smoke or fire, please inform the reception (phone 13 550) immediately or press the ‘Fire’ alarm button in the hotel corridor. If you hear the alarm, smell smoke or receive evacuation instructions, please do the following: z Take your ID and other documents, take your room key card and leave the room;


z Before opening the door, please check whether the door is hot or smoke is leaking into the room through the door; z If there are no signs of hazard in the corridor, leave the room and close the door, but do not lock it; z Go to the nearest exit, following the evacuation plan and signs. The evacuation plan can be found on the wall of your room next to the door. In case of an emergency, please do not use lifts as they will be switched off. In case leaving the room is impossible, please do the following: z Close the door, but do not lock it; z Inform the reception (phone 13 550) about your location and the people present in the room with you, state your room number and the number of people in the room at the moment; z Place wet towels under the door; z Try to stay as close to the floor as you can and avoid inhaling smoke; if possible, breathe through a damp towel.


The hotel’s telephone number is 13 550. Please use you mobile phone to call. Internal calls in the hotel are FREE OF CHARGE for customers using roaming as well. Please listen to further instructions to choose various services. z Reception z Room service z Hotel information z Booking spa treatments z SPA & SAUNA centre z NOOT restaurant z Booking Active Spa workouts z Conference centre z Early breakfast z Late night gourmet z Extra services


Free wireless internet connection is available in the hotel. The Wi-Fi network name: Estonia_Resort



Insert your key card into the card slot in the hotel room, and it will switch on electricity in your room. The hotel uses 220V/50 Hz power supply and 2-pin European standard electrical plugs.

The hotel provides 24h service. Free calls to 13 550 z First aid z Hotel information z Room service z Porter and luggage room z Taxi services z Wake-up call z Early breakfast z Late night gourmet


CASH & PERSONAL BELONGINGS The hotel shall not be responsible for your cash or personal belongings left in your car, hotel room or elsewhere on the hotel premises. For your comfort and safety, please use the hotel safe. If you would like to use it, please contact the hotel reception.

The air conditioner will work when your room doors and windows are closed. Air conditioning can be adjusted by means of the control panel on the hotel room wall. In case of any questions, please contact the hotel reception (phone 13 550).


For security reasons, we kindly ask any guests staying in your hotel room after 23:00 to register at the reception. If you would like to provide accommodation for your guest (guests) in your room, please inform the reception about your request. The service fee is 25.00 euros per guest.


If you are leaving the hotel before breakfast is served, you can order an early breakfast. In order to do that, please contact the hotel reception (phone 13 550).


We offer healthy late night gourmet when the NOOT restaurant is already closed. To order late night gourmet, please contact the hotel reception (phone 13 550).

Tasuta lühinumber hotellisisesteks kõnedeks Sinu telefonilt: Tasuta lühinumber hotellisisesteks kõnedeks Sinu telefonilt: Tasuta lühinumber hotellisisesteks kõnedeks Sinu telefonilt: Free of of charge phone number forfor in-house calls from your phone: Free charge phone number in-house calls from your phone: Free of charge phone number for in-house calls from your phone:

13550 13550 13550

Hotelli vastuvõtt Hotelli vastuvõtt h24 h Hotelli24 vastuvõtt 24 hreception Hotel reception Hotel h24 h Hotel24 reception 24 h

Restoran NOOT Restoran NOOT E–PE–P 12–23 12–23 Restoran NOOT E–P 12–23 Restaurant NOOT Restaurant NOOT Mon–Sun 12–23 Mon–Sun 12–23 Restaurant NOOT Mon–Sun 12–23

Spaahoolitsused Spaahoolitsused E–L 9–19, P 9–17 E–L 9–19, P 9–17 Spaahoolitsused E–LSpa 9–19, P 9–17 Spa treatments treatments

Mon–Sat SunSun 9–179–17 Mon–Sat 9–19, Spa9–19, treatments Mon–Sat 9–19, Sun 9–17

Spaaja saunakeskus Spaaja saunakeskus E–P 10–21 E–P 10–21 Spaaja saunakeskus E–P 10–21 SpaSpa andand Sauna Centre Sauna Centre Mon–Sun 10–21 Mon–Sun 10–21 Spa and Sauna Centre Mon–Sun 10–21

Aktiivspaa Aktiivspaa E–P 8–21 E–P 8–21 Aktiivspaa E–P 8–21 Active spa Active spa

Mon–Sun 8–21 Mon–Sun 8–21 Active spa RESORTMENU I 65 Mon–Sun 8–21

Kontaktinfo / Contacts

(+372) 447 6905

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