6 minute read
Cattlemen’s Update crisscrosses Nevada
Presentations aim to help food produces with a wide range of subjects
By Steve Ranson | Nevada News Group
Like cheatgrass, Morris said ventenata can increase fire hazards and decrease wildlife habitat and the diversity and productivity of the range lands. She said the grass could impact hay production and cause a big loss of its export value.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture considers ventenata to outcompete perennial grasses and is of little value to foraging animals.
“We don’t know enough of ventenata and how it will affect grazing,” Morris said.
Morris revealed studies that indicate ventenata has doubled in the Pacific Northwest in seven years and expands by 3 million acres annually. Another studies shows the grass can invade rangelands quicker than cheatgrass. Ventenata can also invade with or without fire.
Drought recovery affects cattle industry
Shannon Neibergs, an Extension economist for Washington State University and director of the Western Center for Risk Management Education, emphasized several factors affecting the industry, specifically the war in Ukraine and its effects on the global markets, its volatility in the energy markets and drought.
According to the U.S Drought Outlook, persistent drought has plagued the West for several years as of Nov. 1, 2022.
“The market is taking into account the drought outlook and how it’s affecting the market,” he said.
Neibergs said many cows were lost because of the drought, which, he said, could extend into the spring.
“From the drought, we had a record high of female slaughter,” he said, noting heifer beef cows were above the historic average.
Neibergs said cows and heifers made up more than 46% of all beef slaughters last year and the number exceeds the 2012 era drought’s culling rates.
“Drought, high corn and hay prices and high cattle values have kept fewer cows in production and kept heifers moving into feed yards and slaughter,” he said.
In Region 9 which consists of Nevada, California, Arizona and Hawaii. Neibergs said reports showed higher culling in 2022.
Neibergs, however, said local risk depends on drought recovery and outlook. He said 2022 was an economic roller coaster with the war in Ukraine, drought, inflation, the coronavirus pandemic and other economic risks.
On an optimistic note, he said the consumer demand and export for beef has shifted back to the feeders from the packers because of decreased cattle on feed.
“Beef consumer demand and the export outlook remain strong by supporting record high price outlook for fall 2023,” he said.
Trich or treat
Gardnerville veterinarian Randy Wallstrum, known as the “Damn Vet,” said Tritrichomonas foetus or trich causes venerable disease in cattle, and that could result in problems for area cattle producers. He said trich causes infertility and could result in abortions in cows and heifers.
Wallstrum said several times during his presentation trich could be financially devastating and costly to remove the affected cows from a herd. He said possible causes infecting a cow — which occurs during breeding — could come from a stray bull, another cattle on public lands coming from somewhere else, bad fences, increased cattle movement or from the neighbor’s cattle.
Wallstrum said testing would confirm the presence of trich.
“Multiple tests may be required,” Wallstrum said.
The Douglas county vet said vaccinations help 85% of the cattle, but the vaccination does not prevent trich.
Photos tell a story
Brad Schultz, the Extension education in Humboldt County, presented a photography study of the Santa Rosa Range during the 2022 Cattlemen’s Update.This year, he showed participants how to make photo monitoring an important tool in their studies.
“Pictures can clearly a story when combined with other data,” he said.
Schultz pointed to a number of reasons for photo monitoring: describing current conditions and using the information to proceed with the study and going forward with the information that may show abnormal or catastrophic events changes across time. He said the monitoring could document management practices.
During his presentation, Schultz described different methods in gathering information, but he stressed consistency in monitoring the subject.
“Be consistent,” he said. “Same time of year, time of day, weather. Ideally, they’re the same.”
In addition to monitoring techniques, Schultz said individuals documenting their project should keep their information safe by placing the data and photographs in a fireproof safe and securing their data.
Schultz said good, clear pictures are worth “a lot of words.”
From his presentation, Schultz said pictures “can be enhanced with other publicly available imagery …and multiple types of imagery at different scales can provide excellent data about vegetation and rangeland change.”
Smoke in the air
Dr. Mozart Fonseca, researcher and associate professor of Veterinary & Rangeland Sciences, discussed the problems of heavy smoke from the area’s summer wildfires and how it not only affect humans but also livestock.

“The smoke affects the livestock more in western Nevada than in northeastern Nevada,” he said.
Both northern California and Nevada have experienced consecutive summers where numerous forest fires burned thousands of acres and generated thick smoke that socked into the valleys. He said the smoke caused respiratory problems with cattle that left are out in the elements for days.
Fonseca’s timeline of events ranged from the first 24 hours to months, even years after exposure. Within the first 24 hours, he said cattle could experience swelling of the lungs, labored breathing, blocked airways and wheezing. From four to 10 days after wildfire exposure, cattle could contract pneumonia and have damage to the respiratory defense mechanism. The longer terms effects, according to Fonseca, could result in longer term damage to the small airways and intolerance to exercise.
Extension serves as connector
Dr. Jacob DeDecker, the College’s associate dean for engagement and director of Extension, presented updates on programs he oversees. A native of Illinois, he spent 16 years at Michigan State University and moved west to Reno in July.
“I love Extension, love 4-H, love agriculture. I’m excited to continue that in Nevada,” he said during his introductory remarks.
DeDecker promoted the role of the state’s Extension office sand programs which assist ranchers with the various programs available to them.
“Extension serves as a connector to bring people and ideas together,” he said.
DeDecker said Extension has the ability to involve local, state and federal government agencies whose experts can assist the individuals who work the land.

“Extension is a partner to bring people to the table,” he added.
During his presentation, DeDecker said the state’s second 4-H camp will be located in southern Nevada and will give students a hands-on experience. The first 4-H camp has been located at Lake Tahoe for decades.
Additionally, he said there’s emphasis on urban agriculture, and two new positions focusing on urban agriculture have been created. He said urban agriculture will work with participants to grow and produce food in urban areas.

DeDecker is bullish on Extension and what it offers to Nevadans whether they live in rural areas or the cities. He said Extension is valuable to Nevada.
“We have a great story to tell to all different areas of Nevada,” he said, pointing out Extension is an information hub.
The area’s fire and smoke has affected cattle in western Nevada. Photo courtesy of CABNR
The 82nd (2023) Nevada Legislature will begin on February 6, 2023. To date, there are three water bills and 18 bill draft requests (BDRs) that have been submitted by Legislators. Detailed language for BDR’s is still being developed and not yet available. This article will focus on one water bill and three BDR’s that are most important to CNRWA and its member counties.
Assembly Bill 34 which revises requirements for certain notices and court orders published in newspapers, will primarily impact rural counties. The Division of Water Resources requested this measure because newspapers in rural Nevada do not always publish public notices resulting in delays in processing water right applications and other administrative actions. AB34 provides that if a newspaper of general circulation fails to publish the notice or order submitted by the State Engineer the required number of times or consecutively, the State Engineer is not required to republish the notice or order if the notice or order is published at least once by the newspaper and the State Engineer mails the notice or order to not less than one public library in an affected county or counties or, if there is no public library, another public place, for public posting. CNRWA will work to ensure ample public notice is continued in rural counties.
BDR #338 submitted by the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Natural Resources is to clarify the processes and authority for the conjunctive management of surface and groundwater basins.