2016 Annual Report

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LETTER FROM OUR DIRECTOR It’s been another incredible year for ocean protection. United in our passion for the underwater world, we engaged and activated our global volunteer community to fuel our conservation work, empowered individuals to become stewards for our ocean planet, and championed policy change to secure real and direct environmental victories. The collective efforts of Project AWARE divers, partners and staff to support our mission to protect our ocean planet have been key to our success and forward momentum. Together, we made giant strides for shark and ray protection at the world’s largest wildlife conference: the 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP17). In the months leading up to the conference, hundreds of divers from around the world submitted photos to Project AWARE’s #Divers4SharksNRays campaign, urging CITES parties to “Vote YES” to increase international trade controls for vulnerable sharks and rays. Project AWARE staff and volunteers teamed up to present CITES officials with science-based evidence for species protection. With an overwhelming groundswell of public support – this incredible effort resulted in CITES Appendix II listings for 13 new species of sharks and rays, including the silky shark, thresher sharks and devil rays. 2016 also marked a year of significant progress against marine debris. Project AWARE launched its newest initiative in the fight against ocean trash Adopt a Dive Site™ - urging scuba leaders to engage in ongoing protection of local dive areas through commitment to our flagship citizen-science program, Dive Against Debris®. 220 new dive sites have been adopted so far, with over 1500 participants from more than 50 different countries across the globe removing more than 65,000 pieces of marine debris. This commitment not only makes an immediate positive impact in local marine environments, the growing data set from marine debris surveys helps contribute to policy change and long-term solutions.

From on-the-ground FinathonŽ fundraisers and local diver education to worldwide digital campaign engagement, the accomplishments of Project AWARE divers in 2016 shows that when we come together for a common cause, we have the power to make a huge impact. But, as we know, our work is far from over. Marine debris continues to permeate unprotected marine environments and many sharks and rays still face threats including finning, bycatch and overfishing. Now more than ever, our ocean depends on divers, beach lovers and all ocean activists coming together to speak out and take action for its protection. We are honored to represent you, and remain committed to making the highest and best use of your contributions. Your valuable time spent volunteering, your unique underwater perspective and voices as divers, and your generous donations are all deeply appreciated. On behalf of Project AWARE, thank you for your ongoing support. I hope you feel proud of what we’ve achieved together in 2016 and committed to continuing our work to secure a brighter future for the health of our underwater world. For our ocean, TIFFANY LEITE Director, Global Operations

Combatting Marine Debris | 07 - 14

Protecting Sharks & Rays | 15 - 22

Growing a Movement | 23 - 28

Our Supporters | 29 - 39

Contents 05 | Our Model

Combatting Marine Debris 09 10 11 13

| | | |

Action Against Ocean Trash 2016 Dive Against Debris Results Adopt a Dive Site Launches Marine Litter Alliances

Protecting Sharks & Rays 17 19 20 21 22

| | | | |

Success at CITES CoP17 Regional Fisheries Management European Union Finning Ban Putting the Ocean at the Heart of IUCN World Conservation Congress Conserving Migratory Sharks and Rays

Growing a Movement 25 | New Website Unites Divers Across the Globe 27 | Digital Engagement Fuels Conservation Campaigns

Our Supporters 31 35 38 39

| | | |

Finathon Fundraisers 100% AWARE Partners Corporate Partners Donors

Project AWARE Team 40 | Board of Directors 40 | Staff

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Our Model Project AWARE’s greatest strength is our grassroots network of divers, ocean enthusiasts and marine activists. Across the globe, our volunteers’ community-based actions power a growing movement to protect our ocean planet.

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COMBATTING MARINE DEBRIS Our ocean is under siege. More than 250 million tons of plastic are estimated to make their way into our ocean by 2025. Marine debris is dangerous to sea life, hazardous to human health, and costly to our economies. The environmental damage of plastic debris alone is estimated at $13 billion USD per year. Thankfully, divers across the globe are taking action.

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ACTION AGAINST OCEAN TRASH Project AWARE’s flagship citizen-science program, Dive Against Debris, empowers scuba divers to remove marine debris from beneath the surface and report data on the types, quantities and locations of items collected. Since the program’s launch in 2011, more than 25,000 divers have participated in Dive Against Debris in more than 60 countries around the world, reporting over 500,000 pieces of trash. Dive Against Debris is the only underwater debris data collection of its kind. It helps improve the health of ocean ecosystems, engages local communities in solutions and provides valuable information to help inform solutions needed to prevent debris from entering the ocean in the first place.

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41,785 | 92,121 KGS

























































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ADOPT A DIVE SITE LAUNCHES On Earth Day, 22 April 2016, Project AWARE announced its latest initiative supporting the fight against marine debris: Adopt a Dive Site. Harnessing the unique underwater skill set of the scuba diving community, Adopt a Dive Site empowers diving leaders around the globe – including dive instructors, dive centers and resorts – to engage in ongoing, local protection of our underwater playgrounds. Seated within Dive Against Debris, Adopt a Dive Site is tailored to our most dedicated volunteers. Participants commit to conduct monthly Dive Against Debris surveys at their adopted site and implement on-the-ground waste reduction and waste management actions within their dive center and community. More than 220 dive sites have been adopted so far through Adopt a Dive Site, with over 1500 participants from more than 50 different countries across the globe removing and reporting over 65,000 pieces of marine debris. This widespread increase in commitment to Dive Against Debris not only makes an immediate positive impact in local ocean environments, the growing data set from marine debris surveys will help identify items of local concern and provide insight to temporal changes in types and quantities of debris in specific locations.

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MARINE LITTER ALLIANCES Solutions to the marine debris issue are not possible without partnerships – large and small – and a groundswell of support for change. What does Project AWARE bring to the table? Our unique, underwater perspective on the marine debris issue that divers help shape through the Dive Against Debris data they report. In order to influence positive change, Project AWARE partners against trash through these initiatives and alliances:

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Global Partnership for Marine Litter Launched in June 2012 at Rio+20, the Global Partnership for Marine Litter (GPML) seeks to protect human health and the global environ-

Marine Litter Action Network

ment by reducing marine litter. By working along-

The Marine Litter Action Network (MLAN), a UK

side partners in government, academia, the pub-

initiative, brings together people and their orga-

lic and private sector, Project AWARE contributes

nizations, from all sectors, to determine solutions

to the alliance goal by engaging divers in debris

to the issue of marine litter. Since launch in 2014,

solutions and sharing the information reported

MLAN has hosted annual forums for delegates to

through Project AWARE’s Dive Against Debris

meet and discuss topics ranging from large scale

program to help reduce impacts of marine litter

financial incentives and behavior change to local-


ized litter management, monitoring and data reporting. As a MLAN participant, Project AWARE

Trash Free Seas Alliance

provides its unique underwater perspective of

Spearheaded by the Ocean Conservancy, the

marine litter, shedding light on what lies beneath

Trash Free Seas


unites industry, sci-

ence and conservation leaders who share a com-

the waves and highlighting the dive community’s contributions.

mon goal for a healthy ocean free of trash. As a founding member of the Alliance, Project AWARE

Global Ghost Gear Initiative

is working with corporations, economists, waste

The Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI) is a

experts, and other non-governmental organiza-

cross-sector alliance committed to driving solu-

tions to identify ways for communities to profit-

tions to the problem of lost and abandoned fish-

ably gather, separate, sell and store plastic waste

ing gear worldwide. As part of the alliance, Proj-

and prevent it from entering the ocean.

ect AWARE contributes data reported by Dive Against Debris volunteers, helping build evidence

Seas at Risk Alliance

of the problem to define best practices and in-

Seas at Risk Alliance is a European association

form policy change. Together, alliance members

of non-governmental organizations working to

aim to improve the health of marine ecosystems,

protect and restore the health of the European

protect marine animals from harm and safeguard

and Northeast Atlantic seas. As a member, Proj-

human health and livelihoods by working globally

ect AWARE is working alongside other Alliance

and locally to build evidence, defining best prac-

members to ensure that EU governments take

tices and informing policies, and catalyzing and

marine litter seriously and commit to adopting

replicating solutions.

the most effective measures to tackle the problem including setting aggressive marine litter reduction targets for all EU States.

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PROTECTING SHARKS & RAYS We are emptying the ocean of sharks and rays. Of the 1000+ shark and ray species known globally, nearly one quarter are threatened with extinction due primarily to overfishing. Yet, fishing continues largely unregulated in most of the world’s ocean. The future of sharks and rays - and the health of our ocean planet - hinges on keeping fishing and trade at sustainable levels.

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SUCCESS AT CITES COP17 In September 2016, more than 150 countries gathered at the 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP17). High on the agenda was regulating international trade in devil rays, silky and thresher sharks based on proposals submitted by top dive destinations – Fiji, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. Project AWARE, together with shark and ray conservation partners, successfully advocated for the adoption of international trade controls under CITES. All nine species of devil rays, three species of thresher sharks and the silky shark made it to Appendix II – ensuring that commercial international trade is strictly regulated to safeguard sustainability, legality and traceability for the long-term survival of the species in the wild.

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From the date the proposals were formally adopted in October 2016, CITES Parties have six months to implement the new international trade obligations for devil rays, and one year to do the same for silky and thresher sharks. In our work to end overexploitation of sharks, Project AWARE advocates for national, regional, and global conservation actions that limit catch based on science and the precautionary approach, end at-sea removal of fins, and fully protect species listed by the IUCN as Endangered or Critically Endangered. Support from and involvement of the dive community are critical to Project AWARE’s work helping deliver strong, science-based arguments to decision makers in support of vulnerable and highly traded shark and ray species like the devil rays, silky and thresher sharks.

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potentially cascading benefits. There is more

Regional Fisheries Management Organizations

public interest and support for sharks than ever,

(RFMOs) in collaboration with other conservation

yet the process for setting limits on their biggest

partners to advocate for adoption of sound, en-

threat – fishing – remains dominated by industry

forceable shark conservation measures.

interests and concern for higher value species. Increased, sustained, and coordinated NGO en-

In 2016, Project AWARE was proud to partner with

gagement is vital for driving sound and consistent

Shark Advocates International, Shark Trust, Ecol-

shark and ray safeguards at regional, national and

ogy Action Center and others in advocacy work

global levels.

where we’ve: • Urged the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) to prohibit removal of shark fins on board vessels, as well as the retention, transshipment, and landing of shark fins that are not naturally attached to carcasses, without exception. • Urged and welcomed a stronger finning ban at North Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) where, in a rare vote, parties adopted a complete ban on at-sea removal of shark fins with no exception. • Advocated for science-based limits for blue shark catches and urged stronger finning bans at the meeting of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC).

This year, we appreciated the opportunity to collaborate with NGO partners and express our views on policy options for safeguarding vulnerable elasmobranchs. We were disappointed that our appeals for a stronger shark finning ban in the Indian Ocean weren’t heard by the IOTC. NAFO ignored the scientific advice to reduce the current fishing quota for the threatened thorny skate and IATTC members failed to act on scientific advice for the South Atlantic blue shark. However, we were encouraged by the small yet unprecedented step taken toward establishing catch limits on Atlantic blue sharks, the world’s most heavily fished

RFMOs are international regulatory bodies formed

shark species. It was also encouraging to see that

by countries with fishing interests in a particular

NAFO requested of their Scientific Council man-

area. They have the power to set fishing limits and

agement advice for the Greenland shark and IAT-

other obligations. For sharks and rays, they offer

TC countries mounted an extraordinary, though

the most direct solutions for preventing waste

regrettably unsuccessful in the end, effort to

and overexploitation across species’ ranges, with

strengthen the international shark finning ban.

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intention to maintain a strong finning ban for

report on the implementation of the 2012 EU

the EU and continue to promote the ‘fins-nat-

finning ban, and the EU Commission was to an-

urally-attached’ best practice approach on a

alyze those submissions and report back on the

global scale. We were pleased that support for

implementation in January 2016. Together with

enforceable rules voiced by conservation orga-

our partners – Shark Advocates International

nizations and members of the concerned public

and Shark Trust – Project AWARE has remained

was able to counter industry efforts to weak-

involved in monitoring the EU finning ban imple-

en the ban, but disappointed that some of the

mentation, staying in touch with the Commis-

top EU shark fishing countries like France and

sion to highlight the importance of proper im-

Portugal have failed to report on fundamental

plementation and report on shark conservation

rules such as shark landings, inspections, and

in EU and beyond.

violations. The report has also underscored the urgent need for additional shark safeguards,

In mid-April, the Commission informed us that

particularly catch limits for heavily fished blue

the report had been adopted. The report re-

and mako sharks – goals at the heart of Project

vealed that the Commission underscored its

AWARE’s advocacy work with regional fishery management bodies.

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vation and marine debris – the IUCN members called

ment and NGO member organizations from 160


countries at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress for ten days of debate and deliberation to address some of the world’s toughest conservation challenges. The Congress has grown to be the largest and most democratic recurring conservation event in the world, bringing the expertise and influence of its powerful membership to bear on the most pressing issues of our time. More than 100 resolutions and recommendations were considered, with key decisions including closure of domestic markets for elephant ivory, the urgency of protecting the high seas, the need to protect primary forests and an official IUCN policy on biodiversity offsets. Among some of the most urgent actions needed closest to our causes – shark and ray conser-

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• Better conservation and management of the silky shark, the thresher shark and devil rays through international trade controls and fishery management measures. • Regional approaches to tackling marine debris focused on waste prevention and management. • Improvement in standards in ecotourism, including science-based guideline development. • Increases in marine protected area coverage for effective marine biodiversity conservation, including new targets and levels of protections with the ultimate aim of creating a fully sustainable ocean (at least 30% of which has no extractive activities). We’re honored to have been able to participate and contribute to setting a global conservation agenda for the next four years at the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress.

CONSERVING MIGRATORY SHARKS AND RAYS The Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals

new conservation groups, including Project AWARE,

(CMS) is an intergovernmental treaty formed under

to serve as cooperating partners in fulfilling MoU ob-

the United Nations Environment Program. With 12

jectives. A total of 29 species are now conserved un-

member governments, CMS works for the region-

der CMS, including the white shark, porbeagle, spiny

al and global conservation of threatened migratory

dogfish, basking shark, both makos, all three thresh-

animals through negotiation and implementation

ers, two species of hammerheads, whale shark, all

of agreements and action plans. In 2010, the CMS

nine devil rays, both mantas, all five sawfishes, and

Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation

the silky shark. Project AWARE is proud to have joined

of Sharks (CMS Sharks MoU) became the first global

CMS alongside our partners Shark Advocates Inter-

instrument dedicated to the conservation of migra-

national and The Shark Trust to help facilitate a better

tory shark species, with 7 species initially listed to re-

understanding of shark populations and fisheries, set

ceive international trade controls.

science-based catch limits, prevent finning, protect critical shark habitats and cooperate toward shark

In 2016, Signatories to the CMS MoU unanimously

conservation through international fisheries and wild-

agreed to add 22 species of sharks and rays to the

life bodies.

MoU scope, and also accepted the applications of six Project AWARE 2016 Annual Report | 22 ÂŽ

GROWING A MOVEMENT Ocean protection depends on all of our actions, large and small. Now, more than ever, Project AWARE divers around the world are taking action to protect marine environments – fins on and off!

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NEW WEBSITE UNITES DIVERS ACROSS GLOBE From reporting marine debris data to protecting vulnerable ocean species, scuba divers everywhere are joining forces to ensure that we’re working toward a clean, healthy and abundant ocean planet. Project AWARE’s ocean protection work wouldn’t be possible without the incredible efforts of our grassroots community of scuba activists. That’s why in 2016, we redesigned our website, projectaware.org, to be centered on our incredible grassroots network of divers, ocean recreation enthusiasts and marine activists. • The My Ocean online community allows scuba divers and professionals around the world to contribute marine debris data, communicate with one another, and share stories about local conservation efforts. • It provides useful tools and resources to help dive instructors and volunteers remove and report marine debris through Dive Against Debris surveys or fundraise for ocean protection through Finathon. Project AWARE 2016 Annual Report | 25 ®

• It contains free downloadable materials for scuba specialty courses, including Dive Against Debris Distinctive Specialty and AWARE Shark Conservation Distinctive Specialty. With improved, action-oriented navigation and an updated look and feel, Project AWARE’s redesigned website empowers our supporters to speak out for conservation, share images and campaign for the environment. Anyone who wants to take action for a better ocean planet can connect with Project AWARE’s network of global divers, dive shops and ocean activists and take local conservation efforts to a whole new level of change. Check out our new website at projectaware.org and join the global movement of divers protecting our ocean planet.










F o l l o w

FACEBOOK facebook.com/ ProjectAWAREFoundation 215k followers

P r o j e c t

INSTAGRAM @projectaware 59k followers


TWITTER @projectaware 34k followers

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DIGITAL ENGAGEMENT FUELS #MYDIVESITE PHOTO CONTEST HIGHLIGHTS THE NEED TO PROTECT OUR UNDERWATER PLAYGROUNDS This is our world, our ocean. These are our dive sites, and they need protecting. Coinciding with the launch of Adopt a Dive Site™, our 2016 #MyDiveSite photo contest and social media campaign celebrated the ocean activists and Dive Against Debris leaders who care for our marine environments, house reefs, lakes and rivers. Over 670 supporters shared photos of their favorite underwater playgrounds via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and shared their stories of how they’re taking action for ocean protection.

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As governments increasingly recognize marine tourism as a complementary conservation strategy for sharks and rays, divers’ voices are gaining importance and influence in helping protect these valuable species. In the lead up to the world’s largest wildlife conference – CITES CoP17 (see page 17) – Project AWARE brought divers together in a global social media rally:#Divers4SharksNRays. Our #Divers4SharksNRays digital campaign urged CITES Member Parties to “Vote YES” to secure adoption of CITES Appendix II proposals for nine species of devil rays, three species of thresher sharks and the silky shark. With over 600 submissions, #Divers4SharksNRays garnered an unparalleled level of engagement and support from the international dive community.

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2016 FINATHON FUNDRAISERS Ocean protection depends on all of our actions, large and small. Now more than ever, individuals recognize that their local actions make a positive impact for our planet. When we come together for conservation, big change is possible. In 2016, Finathon fundraisers led by divers, beach lovers, ocean recreation enthusiasts and marine activists united local communities to raise critical funds and awareness for the plight of our ocean and its wildlife. From school bake sales to sandcastle contests, mountain treks to marathon runs, Finathon events embrace the skills and interests of our diverse supporter network and empower people from all walks of life to take action for our ocean. We thank all 2016 Finathon fundraisers for their creativity and dedication to ocean protection.

Jo Roberts | Sandcastle Competition

Tori Daenen | “Under the Sea” Birthday Party

Rachel Watts | Marathon Run

Stephanie Wooley | Climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro Tim Riley | 500 Mile Hike Across Spain

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Paul Tanner | Tough Mudder How far would you go to help protect sharks and rays? Paul Tanner participated in what many have described as the most difficult and exhilarating event on the planet – the Tough Mudder. Designed by the British Special Forces, Tough Mudder is a team-oriented 16-20 kilometer obstacle course that tests physical strength and mental grit. Paul rose to the challenges of long-distance running, extreme obstacles like rock walls, electric fences and rope swings, and of course, lots of mud. Through a Finathon fundraiser, Paul’s multimonth training and event participation became the perfect chance to raise awareness and generate funds for our ocean.

Sabrina Marelli | Bat Mitzvah In lieu of traditional partying and gift giving, twelve-year-old Sabrina Marelli organized a swim contest and celebration for her Bat Mitzvah, asking friends and family to make donations to support Project AWARE’s shark and ray protection and marine debris programs. With the generous support of her friends and family, she raised $934 for ocean conservation. Sabrina shares, “Ocean protection is important because all of the animals in the ocean are living – they deserve a good life just like us. The ocean and all of the organisms and food chains in it keep us on earth. Without them, we would not be here.”

Liz Parkinson | Marathon Each year, runners from around the world join together in support of ocean protection through participation in the Chicago Marathon. This year, Finathon fundraisers Liz Parkinson (a dive professional based in the Bahamas) and Aria Fortgang (a dive professional based in Florida, US) not only gracefully led their teammates through the grueling challenge of a 26.2 mile run, they also blew their fundraising goal out of the park and contributed over $9,000 to Project AWARE in support of our marine debris and shark conservation work.

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$500-999 USD

Nicholas Sagar Project AWARE TCS New York City Marathon Team

Alexander Kohls Bubble and Dive Bubbles Dive Centre Didier Duprat Frankie Lim and the UDive Team Jo Roberts Comedy for a Cause Performance Diver NZ Prodiving Roma Renee Street and the 7Seas Dive Gili Sabrina Marelli Samuel Richardson Victoria Daenen

$5,000-9,999 USD Project AWARE Bank of America Chicago Marathon Team $1,000-4,999 USD Aria Cross Caroline Sandstedt, Quo Vadis Beach Resort Inc. Catherine Gonzalez-Maddux Disneyland® Half Marathon Team Ecodive Sweden FKCC Scuba Club James Pochurek Jason Ng Kevin Taylor Kristofor Lofgren Lauren Wiskerson Lisa Surnow Liz Parkinson Nemes Diving & Water Sports Academy Orca Diving Ustica for Shark Protection Worldwide Pez Maya Stuart Cove Tim Riley Tosh Tanner

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$250-499 USD Anton Wetzel Area Marina D’Italia/Orca Diving Ustica Bristol Grammar School Caetani Howard Charitable Trust Christine Ball Emily Hall Friends for Sharks Hazel Hill Nuotiamo per Gli Squali Paul Daver Project AWARE Cake Sale Rick Jackson Shark Art Shellie Hernandez Stephanie Woolley Wai Hong Cheng

$1-249 USD Alyssa Scannevin Alyssa Ward Andrea Barcellona Aquamarine Diving Bali Ashlynn Reynolds Caitlin and Darrell Bird Chan Wing Lun Chris Hulett Chris Olson Chuan Chen Claudia Vitturi Connor Hagan Cristina Cerina Curtiss Carter Daphne Ettouati Dawn Ross Denia Amodio Dive Trip Against Debris, Rio de Janeiro Diveworld Domino Albert Ecodive Bali Esther de Kruijf Francesco Corica Gina Shean Gina Watts Grill'd, Local Matters Helena Tellier Holly Shillings Ian Wilson IOW Divers Jacopo Marsano Jong Yup Yoon

Kealy Mclain Kenneth Meers Krista Simcik Kristen Favorito Lahaina Divers Lana Sielski Lindsey Darter Lucio Bellomo Luiz Nascimento Mackenzie Briton-Moore Made Suwena Margariet Schuur Marion Camusard Martin Slisans Nicolo Poli Oceans Diving Center Orsi Fulop Paulo Vilarinho Rachel Watts Rene Huerlimann Rick Miramontez Shana Kent Siodin Kho Stephanie Haden Tammy Daniels Tony Bebb Wing Lun Chan Wren Archer

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Academy of Scuba, Australia Acqua Life Dive Center, Spain Action SCUBA, Canada Christopher Adams, USA Adrian 'Bev' Bebbington, Australia Aegean Seals Diving Center, Greece Aiguablava Dive Center, Spain Fouad Al Hakami, Saudi Arabia Ehab Al Jawi, Saudi Arabia Alaa Saeed Al Masri, Saudi Arabia Hussain Ahmed Al-Abbas, Saudi Arabia Bernd Albert, Germany Alberta Adventure Divers, Canada Ali Aldarbi, Saudi Arabia All4Diving Indonesia, Indonesia Alpha Divers Kuwait, Kuwait Amarilla Divers, Canary Islands Ryan Anderson, USA Mahdi Andijani, Saudi Arabia Andy Stewart, New Zealand Fabrizio Angeloro, Colombia Anthias, Spain Anthony Morton, Australia Aqua Hands, USA Aqua Plein Air Inc., Canada Aqua Safaris Scuba Center, USA AquaMarine Diving-Bali, Indonesia Aquarius Diving Club, Colombia Aquatic Center of Rochester, USA Archipel Diving Centre, Turkey Rafael Arocha Garcìa, Spain Asia Dive Academy, Singapore Pablo Aso Martin De Vidales, Spain Ozan Atabilen, Turkey Aviva Dive & Travel, USA Azalea Cruises, Maldives B&J Diving Centre, Malaysia Claudio Baccinelli, Italy Jose David "Balky" Balcazar Melgar, Spain Bali Breizh Divers, Indonesia Bali Hai Diving Adventure, Indonesia Ban's Diving Resort, Thailand Barbados Blue Water Sports, Barbados Barefoot Divers, USA Barefoot Scuba, India Charlene Bartlett, West Indies Bayplay Adventure Tours, Australia Beijing Go Young United Diving Resort, China Danilo Bellese, Italy Constantin "Costa" Benedic, Romania Beqa Adventure Divers Ltd, Fiji Best Spot Azores Dive Center, Portugal Big Blue Vanuatu, Vanuatu Wilfred Bindervoet, Netherlands Black Beard Sports, USA Blue Angel Dive Shop, Mexico Blue Corner Dive, Indonesia Blue Marlin Komodo, Indonesia Blue Ocean Wassersport, Germany Blue Planet, USA Project AWARE 2016 Annual Report | 35 ®

Blue Submarine, Italy Blue Water Divers, Turks and Caicos Islands Ronald Boice, USA Saralyn Borg, USA Trevor Bowden, Maldives Andre Brasseler, Germany John Brett, USA Brisbane Dive Academy, Australia BUBBLES Dive Centre, Malta Buddies Dive Cove, Malta Mohamad H Buhamadi, Kuwait Antonino 'Nino' Calamia, Italy Captain Cook Cruises Fiji, Fiji Paolo Cardani, Italy Josep Lluis Casals Massuet, Spain Centro Buceo Pedreña, Spain Edward Chan, Canada Daniel Chan, UK James Chandler, USA Liang Chen, Mexico First Buddy Tablas, Philippines Christopher Southall, China Christopher Cirillo, USA Club Subaquatique de Vernier, Switzerland Josh Cohen, USA Coral Grand Divers, Thailand Geoffrey Creighton, UK Crystal Dive Resort, Thailand Crystal Divers, Indonesia Crystal River Watersports, USA Jennifer Cumming, Canada Cyprus Underwater Explorers Ltd, Cyprus Dal Woo, South Korea Kelvin Dale, USA Dalian Diver Training Center, China Damien Flux, Australia David Du, China Dirk de Does, Netherlands Deep Blue, Fiji Bart Den Ouden, Netherlands David Denton, USA Diamond Diving, France Dominic Diodato, USA Discovery Divers, Netherlands Dive Friends Bonaire, Bonaire Dive Georgia, LLC, USA Dive Point Red Sea, Egypt Dive Resort Thalassa, Indonesia Dive Shack USA, USA Dive Tropex Tokoriki, Fiji Dive Wananavu, Fiji Islands Dive! Tutukaka, New Zealand Divecenter Scubido, Netherlands DivePlace, Netherlands Diver City Scuba Inc., Canada Divers Down, UAE Divevolution, Belgium DiveZone, Indonesia Diving Academy by Scubacqua, Italy Diving Puglia, Italy Dolphin Bay Divers Retreat, Fiji

Across the globe, scuba instructors and dive centers have committed to support ocean protection through Project AWARE’s 100% AWARE partnership program. By making a donation to Project AWARE on behalf of every student they certify, these partners’ ongoing contributions provide vital funds to support a healthy and abundant ocean.

Donald Day, Hong Kong Down Under Dive Shop, USA Didier Duprat, Canada Dykcentrum Gullmarsfjorden, Sweden Eaglehawk Dive Centre, Australia Eat, Sleep & Dive by Gabriela Walser, Switzerland Ecodive, Grenada Ian Edge, UK Jay Elson, USA Sascha Engeler, Switzerland Art Fallon, USA Flip Flop Divers, Thailand Florida Seabase, USA Florida Underwater Sports, USA Sean Flynn, Cyprus Four Seasons Kuda Huraa, Maldives Four Seasons Landaa Giraavaru, Maldives Derek Freres, USA Froggy Diver Co. Ltd., Hong Kong Fu Chun, Indonesia Fun Dive Club, Taiwan Massimiliano Gallino, Italy Gangga Divers Bali, Indonesia Marco Giovannini, Italy Go Pro Dive, South Korea Great Adventures Bonaire, Bonaire David Groth, USA Haejeo 2Manli, South Korea Bruce Hall, USA Cynthia Hall, USA Tyler Hammel, USA Hans-Joachim Meyer, Singapore Caleb Hayes, Ecuador Chris Heaton, Malta Jill Heinerth, USA Helena Scuba, USA Shellie Hernandez, USA Douglas Honório, Brazil Huang Hsun-Wei, Taiwan Michael Hughes, USA Ian Riley, Australia IK Diving, Netherlands David Imschweiler, USA Iron Sub, Italy Jack Power, Australia Jack's Diving Locker, USA Barrett Jackson, USA Jacob, Australia Monther Jamal, Kuwait Vivien Siaw Lee Jing, Maldives John G. Gransbury, Australia Jon Doughty, Australia Kadena Marina Scuba & Sea, USA Jason Keefer, USA David Keene, USA Shana Kent, USA Imad Khashfeh, UAE Hassan Khayal, UAE Kholousi Khayal, UAE Kosrae Village, Micronesia

Alexey Kozin, Russia Lisa Krygsveld, Canada Kuwait Diving Team/Science Club, Kuwait Lalati Resort and Spa, Fiji Lanzarote Non Stop Divers, Canary Islands L'Aquila DC By ASD L'Aquila Nuoto, Italy Ilaria Laterza, Italy Liquid Dive Dumaguete, Philippines Live & Let Dive, Thailand Laura Lomazzi, Italy Marco Lusa, Italy Mark Mack, USA Made Suwena, Indonesia Markus Gstrein, Indonesia Marlin Divers Pte. Ltd, Singapore Martin Green, Australia Matava - Fiji's Premier ECO Resort, Fiji James McKay, USA Mark McNamara, USA Mermaid Diving, Canary Islands Armando Mesen, Costa Rica Michael, Australia Micronesia Divers Association, Guam Micronesia Eco Divers, Micronesia Dominik Mikolajczyk, Poland Moby Diving, Italy Gregory Molendyk, Canada Shannon Montalvo, USA Leobardo Morales Cervantes, Mexico Muhamad Bin Abdullah I-Divers, Malaysia Mu-Han Chang, Taiwan Namae Scuba Resort, South Korea Luiz Carlos Nascimento, Brazil Nautilus, Venezuela Nautilus Diving Kuwait, Kuwait NB Divers, South Korea Penny Nelsen, USA Tim Ness, Canada Justin Newton, USA Nilaveli Diving Centre, Sri Lanka OBI BLU, Italy Ocean Plus, USA Ocean Turtle Diving, UK Oceans Unlimited, Costa Rica Ocotal Resort, Costa Rica Tito Oliveras, USA One Two Dive, Canary Islands One & Only Reethi Rah Dive Centre, Maldives Orangeshark H2O Diving Centres, Malta Nikole Ordway, USA Gasper Otorepec, Croatia Panda Scuba, South Korea Paradise Divers, Mexico Paradise Divers, Canary Islands Silvio Parigi, Italy Passions of Paradise, Australia Patriot Scuba, USA Gwennael Perrin, France Perth Scuba, Australia Project AWARE 2016 Annual Report | 36 ®


Phocea Mexico, Mexico Planet Ocean, France Planet Scuba India PVT LTD, India Plataran Dive, Indonesia Ploy Malaiwongs, Thailand Plumeria Diving and Watersports Centre, Maldives Po Hsiung Huang, Taiwan Claus Poehler, USA Donald Pollitt, USA Poni Divers, Brunei Poni Divers Bali, Indonesia ppO2 mergulhos, Brazil Prodivers Kuredu, Maldives Pura Vida Divers, USA Qi Palawan, Philippines Rainbow Divers, Vietnam Rainbow Reef Dive Center, USA Red Mangrove Dive Center, Galapagos Reefers & Wreckers, UK Restuning Sandini, Indonesia Jose Luis Saenz Reyes, Mexico Rich Coast Diving, Costa Rica Angel Rijos, USA Timothy Riley, USA Dave Rintoul, USA Yvan Rouxel, France Jon Rusho, USA Charles Russell, USA Russell Hosp, Australia Rutgers University Scuba, USA SA Scuba Shack, USA Sabine Henkel, Singapore Sail Caribbean Divers, Virgin Islands Sairee Cottage Diving, Thailand Leo Saldunbides, Cape Verde Samana Diving, Dominican Republic Samui Dive Tribe, Thailand Gary Sanderson, Jr., USA Scales, Indonesia Patrick Scott, USA Scuba 6 Eco Diving, USA Scuba Center Temecula, USA Scuba Junkie, Malaysia Scuba Monkey, Cyprus Scuba Shack Koh Tao, Thailand Scuba Symphony, Malaysia Scuba Wild, Netherlands Scuba World Sacramento, USA SCUBAble, South Korea Scubafish, Thailand Sea Ventures Dive Center, USA Sea World Dive Center, Philippines Kristen Seabury, USA Seaisee Dive Center, China Sean Calma, Philippines Seattle Scuba, USA Shiu Ming Chan, Hong Kong

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SID Edutainment, South Korea Sierra Madre Divers, Philippines Simon S. Lau, Hong Kong Curtis Snaper, USA So High Diving Center, China Kristina Soderquist, USA Robert Soncini, USA Soul Divers, Netherlands Gregory Sparkman, USA David Speer, USA Christian St Pierre, Canada Stephen Lyon, Cook Islands Steven Scwankert, China Jan Sturre, Netherlands Sub Aqua Tech, Canada Subnauta, Portugal Summer Dive Center, Malaysia Sunchaser Scuba, British Virgin Islands Sweet Bottom Dive Center, USA Tairua Dive & Marine, New Zealand Christian Tamayo-Villagran, Germany Scott Taylor, USA Tech Dive Academy, Australia The Dive Bus, Curacao The Dive Spot, Inc, USA The Green Shark, Canary Islands The Maryland Scuba Center, USA The Reef Marina, Mexico The Ski & Scuba Connection, USA Two Fish Diving, Indonesia Three Diving Club, China Scott Tilley, USA Timothy Ramseyer, Australia Turismo Curu, Costa Rica Universidad Anahuac, Mexico University of Malta Diving Resource Centre, Malta Utila Dive Center, Honduras Utila Lodge-Bay Island College of Diving, Honduras UTW Palladium Kantenah, Mexico Pascal Van der Lei, Netherlands Frank van Klaveren, Netherlands Viewpoint North Diving, UK Villa College Maldives, Maldives Viti Water Sports, Fiji Stephen Watkinson, Malta Rachel Watts, Malta Eric Webster, USA West Side Scuba Centre, Barbados Christopher Willey, Canada William Stevenson, Australia Curtis Wilson, USA Mark Wolff, USA Adam Wucherpfenning, USA XTC Dive Center, Mexico Shan-Chen Yu, Maldives Amr Zakaria Ali, Egypt

CORPORATE PARTNERS The Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI®), the world’s largest scuba diver training organization, established Project AWARE in 1989 as an initiative to increase environmental awareness through diver education. Today, Project AWARE is a separate nonprofit organization and global movement that raises funds to drive its own mission and goals. PADI supports Project AWARE with in-kind services, connects us with a network of divers and professionals around the world and helps us raise donations through its processes. PADI Professional Members – Our partnership with PADI Professional Members around the world is essential in powering global conservation activities and programs. PADI Pros teach, lead and engage in local conservation.

2016 SILENT AUCTION Launched on World Tourism Day, 27 September, the 2016 Project AWARE Silent Auction reminded the dive community that dive tourists, with their environmental awareness and deep connection with the ocean, have the power to encourage conservation and support local communities. With even more prizes and opportunities to support ocean protection, auction bidders were in for a treat, as more sponsors got involved adding amazing lots right up until the auction ended on 22 October. The auction raised over $10,000. Warmest thanks to all of our silent auction sponsors! Al Hornsby Anchor Dive Lights Apeks AquaMarine Diving - Bali Aquamarine Jewellery Backscatter Beaver Sports blue o two Camel Dive Club & Hotel Devocean Devoted to the Ocean Dive Worldwide Dive! Tutukaka & Perfect Day Ocean Cruise Divesangha Elite Diving

EVE Diving Fourth Element Ikelite & Cameras Underwater Jen Richards, wildlife artist Light & Motion London School of Diving Mark Caney Martin Edge Midlands Diving Chamber Nautilus Liveaboards Nick Oneill Art “Oh, Dakuwaqa!” by Anju Sabu PADI Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue

Prodivers Maldives Regaldive Relations de voyages Roatan Divers Rolex Scuba Strapp SCUBAPRO SEIKO Sport Diver TUSA Ultimate Diving

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$50,000+ USD

$500-999 USD

Global Partnership for Sharks and Rays PADI SEIKO The McBeth Foundation

Al Miller Albert Vor Keller Alejandro Quintero Anthony Ludmilin Apeks Blue O Two Carol Jane Poe Cinepolis USA Danice & Shawn Grisham Danice Grisham Darren Bechtel David J Kussman Diane Farr Donald Jung Earl McAloney EVE Diving Frank Buechner Gary Wilstein Jay Jeffers Jim Szczurek Karen Shelton Brown Keith Tucker Kelvin Dale Laura Englebrecht Laurie Hill Len and Robyn Wolman Marc Murphy Michael Friesen Miles Aweigh N. Richard Janis Nautilus Liveaboards Nick Oneill Art Phillipa Hebart Rebecca Apel Robert Powley Robert Rushman Rothkopf Family Foundation Scott M Dreslinski Stuart Cove Sujay Jaswa Tony Lee Waterford Group Charitable Foundation William Mellor

$10,000-49,999 USD Deepblu Bonnier K2 Wind Foundation L & H Kong Paul G. Allen Foundation PADI Asia Pacific $5,000-9,999 USD Adventure Reels, Ocean Film Festival, Australia Chevron $1,000-4,999 USD Air Asia Antony Zaki Carol Adderley Dive! Tutukaka & Perfect Day Ocean Cruise Dive Worldwide Douglas Oare Fourth Element Francois Sicart Franklin Philanthropic Foundation Glenn Wright Ian Yap Kimberly Randal Martin Nash Megan Denny Michelle Burnett Michelle Depew Norbert Blum PADI Worldwide Patrick Kong Robert Treverton Sara & Bill Jackson Steven Breese at Teleflora, Wonderful Giving Fund The Stop & Stor Charitable Fund Thomas Richardson Tisa Moore Trina Mallik Ultimate Diving Vanessa Kong Kerzner

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Board of Directors



Tiffany Leite, Director, Global Operations Ania Budziak, Associate Director, Programs Domino Albert, Communications Manager Joanne Marston, Campaigns Manager Michelle Davidov, Manager, Asia Pacific Alexa Ward, Communications & Community Relations Specialist Hannah Pragnell-Raasch, Program Specialist Lauren Wiskerson, Fundraising Specialist Orsi Fulop, Fundraising & Outreach Specialist Louise Kraechter, Campaign Coordinator Erin Kincade, Office Administrator Stefania Di Dio, Administrative Assistant

Dr. Drew Richardson, Chairman Kristin Valette, Secretary/Treasurer Jenny Miller Garmendia Dr. Deborah Brosnan Jeff Nadler Europe, Middle East & Africa Mark Caney, Chairman Suzanne Smith, Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Drew Richardson Kristin Valette Asia Pacific Herik Nimb, Chairman Matthew Hill, Treasurer Dr. Drew Richardson Kristin Valette Jenny Miller Garmendia

Photography Courtesy of: Brett Lobwein (Front & Back Covers, Pages 17-18) Greg S. Garrett (Page 20: Mobula Ray, 41-42) Guy Stevens, Manta Trust (Pages 33-34) Kyle Lucy (Pages 07-08, 23-24) Jessica King (Page 20: Fins) Joi Ito (Page 19: Silky Shark) Steve Woods (Pages 15-16) Thresher Shark Foundation (Page 19: Thresher Shark, 22) Wikimedia Commons (Page 00) Will Goix (Page 05) Special thanks to the Project AWARE volunteers who have donated their photos, time and hard work in support of ocean protection.

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United States


30151 Tomas, Suite 200

Unit 3, 4 Skyline Place

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

Frenchs Forest, Sydney, NSW, 2086 Australia

+1 949-858-7657

+ 61 2-9454-2890

United Kingdom

Japan Volunteer Office

The Pavilions

+81 3-5721-1731

Bridgwater Road Bristol BS13 8AE United Kingdom +44 117-300-7313

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