Project AWARE 2018 Impact Report

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2018 Impact Report


Table of


Who We Are A Global Voice Our Global Commitments 2018 Highlights: A Year of Action and Progress A Return to a Clean Ocean Tackling Marine Debris Dive Against Debris® One Million Less Impact Stories: Community Action Against Trash

2018 Dive Against Debris® Data Report Top 3 Reporting Countries Debris Item Breakdown Top 10 Items Reported to Dive Against Debris® Top 10 Trash Items Found in the Ocean Community Action

Growing A Citizen Science Movement Adopt A Dive SiteTM Community Action Partnerships Against Trash

A Healthy Ocean International Year of the Reef Community Action AWARE Week Goes Global Revised Project AWARE Speciality Course Advocating for Sharks and Rays

Spotlight on Asia New Partnerships Better Blue and UN Clean Seas Campaign

Our Supporters Marathons Tough Mudders Fundraisers 100% AWARE Partners Testimonials Corporate Partners Donors

Board of Directors and Team Locations Team Our Offices

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A letter

FROM OUR DIRECTOR Citizen science, policy and education. These are just three of the many words that come to mind when we reflect on the great work done by the Project AWARE® community, our partners and staff in 2018.

debris interacts with ocean habitats, and, more importantly, to come up with potential solutions.

This year, Project AWARE embarked on a vision to become the largest underwater citizen science movement on the planet. In March, we hit an important milestone on that journey when data submitted by over 54,000 supporters, across 114 countries, reached one million pieces of trash removed and reported through our flagship citizen science program - Dive Against Debris®. That’s one million pieces of debris no longer wreaking havoc on marine life and fragile underwater habitats.

Working towards long-term, meaningful solutions to the global marine debris crisis at local, national and international levels has been a priority for Project AWARE since its inception in the early 90’s. But in 2018, we saw many stories of change emerging across the globe from our community of debris activists. One of them is a plastic bag ban influenced by Dive Against Debris® data and dive leaders committed to making a difference in their local communities for global impact. The ban on non-biodegradable plastic bags came into force on the beautiful South Pacific islands of Vanuatu in early 2018, creating a wave of change locally and globally.

Not only did we step up the fight against one of the biggest threats to the ocean, we increased our ambition to remove and record more marine debris faster than before to build the world’s largest underwater marine debris database and reach the next million by the end of 2020. This quality dataset is currently being analyzed and peer reviewed to try to answer some fundamental questions on how marine

Thanks to the support of our donors, we invested further in Adopt a Dive Site™, an initiative at the heart of our citizen science work, to pursue our goal of making every dive a survey dive. In 2018, the Project AWARE community responded by adopting an unprecedented number of sites, increasing our global footprint by 13.5% and spending almost 2,000 hours taking citizen science action through underwater surveying.


True to our history, we continued in our long fight for science-based conservation measures for vulnerable shark and ray species. A stronger finning ban for Mediterranean sharks, safeguards for giant devil rays in Turkey, and a ban on intentional take of Greenland sharks in international waters were just a few areas where our relentless policy work with our shark conservation partners paid off. We also worked to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically goal 14, “Life Below Water”, and worked alongside our Clean Ocean partners to advance policies on global ghost gear.

key partner PADI®, unveiled the newly revised Project AWARE specialty, increasing conservation as a core education component in the PADI diving training system. We are so proud of all we accomplished together this year. As we execute on our long-term vision at Project AWARE, we know we can’t do it without our global community - almost 1 million strong and counting - and our partners. Thank you for all you do with us to protect the ocean planet. Together we are Project AWARE® Where Conservation Meets AdventureSM. Warmly,

2018 saw “AWARE Week” going global with a call to action for the dive community to come together and protect fragile underwater habitats. This event, a joint initiative with our Danna Moore

Director, Global Operations



At Project AWAREÂŽ we believe in a future where the ocean no longer needs protecting. We connect the passion for ocean adventure with the purpose of marine conservation to create lasting change. The two critical areas that Project AWARE seeks to influence are: Community and Policy. We provide the tools and inspiration for our global community to take action with both fins on and fins off and we link those actions to policy to drive towards our vision for a return to a clean, healthy

We bring together a dedicated team of individuals around the world who share a passion for ocean protection and adventure to secure real and direct environmental victories.

We champion policy change, engage and activate a global volunteer community to tackle specific objectives for global ocean conservation. We collaborate, co-create and partner with individuals, governments, NGOs, and businesses who, like us, believe in a future where the ocean no longer needs protecting.

With offices located in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, we take action to create both local and global change for the ocean and the communities who depend on it. Our local actions collectively protect the most vulnerable marine species and decrease pollution. Project AWARE is a registered non-profit organization. We are a global movement for ocean protection powered by a community of adventurers - Where Conservation Meets AdventureSM


A global


In the face of so many challenges, we are united by our shared passion for the ocean and the belief that no action is too small to protect it. Online and offline, we inspire, inform, create and share actions needed to engage, connect and bring together the passion for adventure with the purpose of ocean conservation. We are a global voice for the ocean and this impact report demonstrates and showcases



Web Visitors in 2018

$154,781 Raised through Online Giving

16,200 231.7k

Conservation Actions Logged on My Ocean in 2018. 190,630 since 2011

Facebook followers


Twitter followers @projectaware

142.9k Instagram followers @projectaware


views on YouTube in 2018. 201.5K since channel launched in 2008

Follow Project AWAREÂŽ

Our global

COMMITMENTS In 2018, our conservation work continued to focus on supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, goal 14 “Life Below Water” in particular, through:

Addressing the global marine debris crisis – underwater citizen science Tackling ghost gear on a global scale – multi-stakeholder partnership As a member of the Global Ghost Gear Initiative, we’re committed to protecting ocean health and productivity from the harmful effects of lost and abandoned fishing gear.

Project AWARE® is committed to mobilizing scuba divers to remove, record and report marine debris found underwater and bridge that data gap to influence systemic change.

Safeguarding sharks and rays – policies to protect vulnerable species Working in collaboration with our shark conservation partners, we actively pursue policies that protect their future through the network of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) as well as through implementation of international treaties such as CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of flora and fauna) and CMS (Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals).

In 2015, countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.

For the SDGs to be achieved, everyone needs to take action, fins on and fins off. In 2018, Project AWARE renewed its commitment to #Act4SDGs and make every dive, every adventure, every action count. After reaching the milestone of removing 1 million pieces of marine debris from dive sites across the world in 2018, we reaffirmed our commitment to mobilizing a global community of dive leaders and debris activists to remove the next million by the end of 2020.


2018 Highlights


From removing ghost gear and boycotting balloons to safeguarding Giant Devil Rays and securing a stronger finning ban for Mediterranean Sharks, 2018 saw Project AWARE take action, fins on and fins off, to create both local and global change for the ocean. Our 2018 achievements were only possible thanks to each and every one of our global community of ocean adventurers, who connected their passion for adventure with the purpose of ocean protection. Together, our actions, big or small, take us a step closer to a return to a clean and healthy ocean.

Project AWARE Volunteers Tackle Ghost Gear

Earth Day, April 22, Marks Adopt a Dive Site™ 2 Year Anniversary

In 2018, Alexandros Malagaris and his team of dive volunteers in Greece, led huge efforts to remove large nets, spanning anywhere between 50 to 80 meters in length, to protect Adopt a Dive Site™ locations from the harmful impact of ghost fishing. Together, our collective actions bring us a step closer to finding long-term solutions for ghost gear.

Since the initiative launched on Earth Day 2016, over 400 dive sites around the world have been ‘adopted’ by our committed supporters and volunteers. 53 Commonwealth countries signed the Blue Charter, seeking to find solutions to the most pressing marine problems. Vanuatu is identified as a champion country on marine pollution.




Shark League Partners Get Results for Sharks and Rays

Dive Against Debris® Data Influences Plastic Ban

Christina Shaw organizes Dive Against Debris® surveys with dive center, Big Blue, on the South Pacific islands of Vanuatu. Based on the data collected from these Dive Against Debris surveys, along with reports from other environmental marine coastal groups, the Vanuatu Government announced a ban on the import and local manufacturing of non-biodegradable plastics.


One Million Pieces of Trash is Removed from the Ocean

Project AWARE’s flagship citizen science program, Dive Against Debris®, reaches a milestone - One million pieces of marine debris removed and reported by dive volunteers.

In response to our call for answers and action in relation to the landing in Turkey of 30 Giant Devil Rays in contravention of Mediterranean agreements to protect the Endangered Species, in March 2018, Turkey announced safeguards for Giant Devil Rays and 13 other species of rays and sharks.

Project AWARE Team and Movement Continue to Grow

We welcome new talented nonprofit professionals to the Project AWARE team to bring in new skills and expertise, and achieve more conservation successes.

Project AWARE Mobilizes the Chinese Community

Project AWAREŽ announces the expansion of the organization’s advocacy and engagement efforts in China. In close collaboration with 2018 UNEP Young Champion of the Earth winner, Miao Wang, China Next Foundation, and the Better Blue project, Project AWARE empowers a growing community of Chinese ocean guardians passionate about making a difference and connecting adventure with the purpose of ocean conservation.

AWARE Week Goes Global

A week packed full of conservation activities around the world, the first global AWARE Week ran from 15th - 23rd September 2018.




JULY AWARE Impact: the Caribbean, Thailand and Indonesia

Building on the success of community outreach and support in Thailand and Indonesia, our Community Conservation Officer was back on the road, this time in the Caribbean to conduct a series of Marine Debris Seminars, join Dive Against Debris surveys and work closely with the local community to understand and address the conservation challenges they are facing locally.

OCTOBER AUGUST Building on the results of Dive Against Debris surveys

Implementation of a ban on single use plastic bags, straws and polystyrene food containers continues in Vanuatu with support from the local community including dive businesses.

Countdown to Next Million 2020 kicks off

#NextMillion2020 launches at Our Ocean 2018 conference in Bali with a commitment to local actions for global impact.

DECEMBER Getting Ready to Dive into 2019

Setting our sights on CITES, increasing our ambition to remove and record more marine debris faster than before, acting for the Sustainable Development Goals and shark conservation, we set our goals for the new year.

New Year, New Beginnings

Our 2018 achievements were only possible thanks to each and every one of our global community of ocean adventurers. Together, our actions, fins on and fins off, took us a step closer to a return to a clean and healthy ocean. As we enter our 27th year, we stand with a strong community, new team members and clear goals and objectives for the ocean.


A Return to a Clean Ocean

Dive Against Debris



Pollution is one of the greatest threats facing the ocean planet. Marine debris - our man-made trash that enters the ocean primarily from land – is a highly damaging pollutant with its long lasting impacts on sea life and human health. Plastic pollution is especially costly with an estimated US$13 billion a year of environmental damage. Marine animals bear the brunt, becoming entangled and even mistaking plastic for food - often with fatal results. Divers, swimmers and beachgoers can also be directly harmed by encounters with marine debris or its toxins. The scale of the global marine debris crisis can be daunting to face, but we have the power to drive change.

It may seem like we’ve been talking trash for decades. Working towards long-term, meaningful solutions to the global marine debris crisis at local, national and international levels has been a priority for Project AWARE® since its inception in the early 90’s. But in 2018, our work and fight against marine debris hit a significant milestone - one million pieces of debris removed from the ocean floor and recorded through our global Dive Against Debris® dataset of underwater seafloor debris.

To address this threat with underwater action, Project AWARE developed our flagship clean ocean program in 2011, Dive Against Debris®. This global citizen science program was the first and only marine debris survey of its kind and has been extremely successful in engaging our community in citizen science. While divers have always been actively involved in debris removal, a reporting system was necessary to ensure we could build the evidence needed to drive lasting change.


In 2018, our Dive Against DebrisÂŽ citizen science program hit a significant milestone - one million pieces of debris removed and reported from the ocean. Since the program launched in 2011, recreational and professional divers have retrieved objects varying from sunbeds to batteries and shoes, as well as vast quantities of plastic bags, cutlery and bottles. The data collected captures essential information for scientists to estimate debris that has sunk to the seafloor. The importance of this data is heightened by the fact that over 70% of debris that enters the ocean sinks to the seafloor yet, prior to Dive Against Debris, very little information was available regarding seafloor debris, especially on a global scale. The data collected through Dive Against Debris is absolutely pivotal for increasing our knowledge and understanding about the extent of seafloor debris. The data is also essential to informing solutions to stop debris at the source and save vulnerable marine life, ensuring the future of a clean and healthy ocean.

This milestone comes at a time of unprecedented focus on the issue of plastic pollution and its impact on the health of the ocean. Scientists estimate some 20 million tonnes of plastic waste could enter the ocean every year. 2018 saw the United Nations and national governments step up efforts to eliminate plastic waste. The European Commission, for example, adopted the first-ever Europe-wide strategy on plastics as part of the transition towards a more circular economy to keep plastics and their value in the economy, avoid waste and reduce marine litter. Together with our Seas At Risk partners, we welcomed ambitious new measures proposed by the European Commission to tackle marine litter at its source, targeting the ten plastic products most often found on our beaches as well as abandoned fishing gear. Volunteers involved in Dive Against Debris have provided data which is helping provide decision-makers with the evidence required to adopt more stringent policies on plastics. Almost 70 percent of all items reported through Dive Against Debris are plastics.


Impact Stories: Community Action Against Trash Since the launch of Dive Against Debris, 8 years ago, Project AWARE’s passionate volunteer network has delivered real impacts through finson removal of debris and fins off reporting of that critical data.

Community Action Leading the Way: Positive Change in Vanuatu A ban on non-biodegradable plastic bags came into force on the beautiful South Pacific islands of Vanuatu in early 2018. Vanuatu’s Council of Ministers agreed to stop single-use bags being imported and manufactured in the country after a study around the main island of Efate conducted by environmental marine coastal groups, including PADI Five Star IDC Big Blue, showed a large amount of plastic litter. Christina Shaw, at Big Blue, organizes Dive Against Debris surveys once every three months. She’s been surveying dive sites in Vanuatu since 2013. Despite the tropical forests, magnificent underwater coral gardens, caverns and drop offs, her volunteer dive team has removed and recorded more than 4,000 kilograms/8,800 pounds of trash. Their efforts to clean up and help protect marine life didn’t go unnoticed and their Dive Against Debris data combined with the efforts of local groups and the Vanuatu Government helped champion change. Shaw hopes to work more with the local authorities and businesses to reduce the use of more single-use plastics in the future. The ban now also extends to polystyrene takeaway boxes that are commonly used for carrying food. Ralph Regenvanu, Vanuatu Minister of Foreign Affairs, was instrumental in the ban. He has now also sealed a United Kingdom and Vanuatu-led Commonwealth Clean Oceans Alliance to join forces in the global fight against plastic pollution,

with Vanuatu named as a Champion Country by the 53 countries included in the Commonwealth Heads of Government and the lead on marine pollution in the Commonwealth Blue Charter. In November 2018, Vanuatu took a leadership role at the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) that adopted an Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships.

“It’s really important to get the numbers, and understand what rubbish is creating a problem in our marine environment. Everybody knows there’s a problem with rubbish but to actually document it and how much there is, allows people to see how big a problem it is and want to do something about it” Christina Shaw - Big Blue Vanuatu

Community Action Dive Against Debris: a Hit in Hong Kong With more than 15 years of experience and a mantra to clean the ocean and fight marine debris all year round, in 2018, the Blue Ocean Club, based in Hong Kong, celebrated a successful year of taking action for the ocean. They set themselves a challenge to organize six ‘hits’ - their name for Dive Against Debris surveys at their local dive sites. Their first ‘hit’ took place in May 2018 at Bluff Island near Sai Kung, Hong Kong with 32 divers taking part, collecting 28 kg of rubbish from the seabed. The most common item found being plastic. On their sixth ‘hit’ at Little Palm Beach, Sai Kung, Hong Kong, 52 kg of rubbish was removed, mainly abandoned fishing gear (lures, rods/poles, nets) and aluminum/glass bottles. Blue Ocean Club can proudly reflect on their impact from their eighteen Dive Against Debris surveys since 2014: a total of 438.76 kg / 967.30 lbs, and 2,598 items removed from the ocean floor! The data Blue Ocean Club have collected has been added to Project AWARE’s global dataset to help support the development and implementation of policies to improve solid waste management, locally and globally.

“The event aimed to remove marine debris from the ocean and conduct marine debris survey to raise the awareness of the marine debris problem, and encourage others to join the movement and take important steps to help protect the ocean that we care about” Blue Ocean Club

As well as removing the rubbish and reporting the data, another key goal for Blue Ocean Club is to raise awareness of the issues the ocean is facing and to encourage others to join the Project AWARE movement and take action, fins on and fins off, for ocean protection. Project AWARE’s global dataset of underwater debris reports that the most common items found on the seafloor throughout Greater China are: beverage bottles, food wrappers and plastic fragments.


2018 Dive Against Debris DATA REPORT

To ensure we support a quality Dive Against Debris® dataset, each survey submitted to the Project AWARE team goes through a meticulous review process by our dedicated staff. The table is a reflection of that body of work and has enabled us to prioritize our policy efforts based on sound citizen science.



hours spent underwater surveying dive sites (avg. 38.41 hours per week)

Dive Against Debris quality reviewed surveys



countries participated

2,670 entangled animals discovered

74,467 kgs 164,172 lbs


total weight of debris removed

items of debris items removed


16,266 764

of all debris items reported were plastic



Dive Against Debris Distinctive Specialty Students

Top3 reporting


262 surveys 11% of all global surveys


180 surveys 7.6% of all global surveys


“debris-free” surveys

156 surveys 6.6% of all global surveys

Dive Against Debris Distinctive Specialty Instructors

Debris item BREAKDOWN

PLASTIC 197,021 ITEMS 65% GLASS & CERAMICS 22,094 ITEMS 7% METALS 47,310 ITEMS 16% RUBBER 3,678 ITEMS 1% WOOD 3,739 ITEMS 1% CLOTH 10,435 ITEMS 3% PAPER & CARDBOARD 3,465 ITEMS 1% MIXED 5,042 ITEMS 2%


OTHER 8,645 ITEMS 3%



Top 10 trash items FOUND IN THE OCEAN *as of Dec 2018


191,788 14.92% of all items


FRAGMENTS 121,192 9.43% of all items

3 GLASS BEVERAGE BOTTLES 75,819 5.90% of all items


PLASTIC BEVERAGE BOTTLES 74,112 5.76% of all items


METAL BEVERAGE CANS 68,934 5.36% of all items

PLASTIC FOOD WRAPPERS 68,132 5.30% of all items


PLASTIC BAGS GROCERY/RETAIL 56,836 4.42% of all items


METAL FISHING SINKERS, LURES, HOOKS 46,549 3.62% of all items


PLASTIC CUPS, PLATES, CUTLERY 42,980 3.34% of all items


GLASS & CERAMIC FRAGMENTS 32,816 2.55% of all items



Community Action 23 years and counting The Blue Army of Iceland

The Blue Army is well known in Iceland as well as internationally, and Tómmi’s dedication to ocean protection doesn’t go unnoticed. In 2018, The Blue Army were nominated in the Nordic Environmental Awards for their Clean Iceland program. Tómmi has worked tirelessly towards ocean protection for more than 20 years and shows no signs of stopping! He is a shining example of the difference we can make when we work together

“Tómmi’s passion has always been the environment and the fight for a better, cleaner future – both on land and underwater. What began as a simple Project AWARE initiative became his main activity today: The Blue Army,” DIVE.IS

For 23 years Tómmi Knúts, working with Project AWARE®, has been at the helm of ‘The Blue Army’ leading the removal of rubbish from the beaches and waters all over Iceland. It all started with Project AWARE beach and harbour cleanups and now with the power of volunteers and his passion for ocean protection, Tómmi runs The Blue Army as a registered NGO in Iceland.

Ghost Gear in Greece

His clean-ups are joined by local and visiting volunteers, politicians and international embassies, and when manpower isn’t enough, Tómmi uses his signature blue pickup truck to remove large items like fishing nets and other ghost gear.

“Since 1995 over 6500 volunteers of The Blue Army have spent over 66 thousand man-hours in over 200 different projects to remove 1430+ metric tons of all kinds of rubbish (scrap metal, fishing gear, plastic, tires, timber, batteries) from Icelandic nature.” Tómmi Knúts

In 2018, Alexandros Malagaris, a PADI® Open Water Scuba Instructor from the island of Samos, led efforts to remove three ghost nets and various other lost or abandoned fishing items from his local dive site, the nets spanning anywhere between 50 to 80 meters in length. Malagaris joined Project AWARE’s Adopt A Dive SiteTM, choosing Kokkari dive site, a site he has dived for over ten years to continue protecting it from ghost gear and other marine debris.

“I want to keep my dive site clean from plastics and safe for the marine life, divers and my two children. I feel it’s like my backyard. I want my backyard clean and safe for all. That’s why I support Project AWARE. I am part of global network of like-minded divers that gives back to the sea and their communities”

Dive Against Debris® Activist Wins World Oceans Day Photo Contest

Alexandros Malagaris

Every Dive a Survey Dive Be Part of the Solution #NextMillion2020 At the 5th Our Ocean Conference in Bali in October 2018, we announced our commitment to a stronger stand against debris in the ocean. We launched #NextMillion2020 with a goal to add our next million pieces of debris to the global Dive Against Debris dataset by the end of 2020 to mobilize local communities and continue to build evidence of the scale of the global marine debris crisis. We urged divers all around the world to put their scuba skills to good use and report what is for many people out of sight, out of mind. Only divers have the skills required to collect underwater data which is essential if we are going to find long-term solutions to the marine debris crisis. We called on the global dive community to make every dive a survey dive in 2018 and beyond to contribute critical data to the Dive Against Debris global dataset.

“We are increasing our ambition to remove and record more marine debris faster than before, and we’ll also be analyzing all the data that has been submitted to us to try to answer some fundamental questions on how marine debris interacts with ocean habitats, and, more importantly, to come up with potential solutions.”

For the fifth year running, ocean lovers from all walks of life shared the beauty and importance of the ocean, through their photographs, in the increasingly popular World Oceans Day Photo Contest. The results were announced on World Oceans Day, Friday June 8 2018, at a reception at United Nations Headquarters in New York attended by several hundred delegates. We were thrilled to see Rosie Leaney’s passion and commitment to a clean ocean being recognized in this year’s new category: Clean Our Ocean. In one amazing panoramic shot, Rosie captured the negative consequences of marine debris beneath the waves, whilst inspiring and encouraging positive action for a clean ocean, including representing the power and responsibility we have as scuba divers to protect what we love.

“Through running Dive Against Debris surveys it’s lovely to meet so many like-minded people and know that what we are doing, and the data we are logging, is really helping to make a difference. I wanted to make a panoramic photo to depict a Dive Against Debris and inspire people to join in, whether at an event, or just on their regular dive with their buddy” Rosie Leaney

Ian Campbell, Project AWARE Associate Director Policy and Campaigns 19

Growing a Citizen


2018 brought great growth to our Adopt a Dive Site program with more than 100 sites adopted this year alone. Harnessing the unique underwater skill set of the scuba diving community, Adopt a Dive Site urges scuba diving leaders around the globe – to engage in ongoing, local protection and monitoring of our underwater playgrounds. In total, 424 sites around the world are ‘adopted’ by our committed supporters and volunteers. This program provides the necessary foundation for the future of our global citizens science footprint, one that we expect to grow in the years to come.

Community Action Curaçao The Curaçao Dive Task Force has twelve dive operators who are committed to Project AWARE’s Adopt a Dive Site. Together dive centres on the island of Curaçao have united to protect their local dive sites from the onslaught of trash. They realise that conservation cannot be done in isolation – it takes the collaborative efforts of all to really make change.

“It is of immense importance that we all work together as a sustainable community to conserve our ocean. The commitment of the Dive Task Force to the Dive Against Debris and Adopt a Dive Site Initiatives is the first step for sustaining and spreading awareness of our island’s ocean life.” Miles Mercera, CHATA CEO

The Fifth Point Conservation as a Foundation for their Dive Business Nic Emery, co-founder of The Fifth Point Diving Center in Northumberland, England, has incorporated ocean protection into every aspect of her business. The center itself is made from reclaimed materials and recycling, upcycling and composting are normal practice day-to-day. Every dive The Fifth Point runs is a Dive Against Debris and they have adopted the dive site, Knacker Hole. To further protect the Northumberland waters, when diving, the Fifth Point team take only memories and leave only bubbles and focus on correct weighting, neutral buoyancy and good trim in all activities, following their philosophy to educate and engage responsible diving. Protecting the ocean is the norm at The Fifth Point, influencing and educating each and every diver that walks through the doors to be ocean guardians.

“There’s a misconception in the UK that our seas are very hardy – especially in the North East. People think it’s cold, it’s dark, nothing lives there so it can take care of itself if we abuse it. It’s cold – I’ll give them that, but UK diving rocks and our oceans are teeming with life.” Nic Emery

Partnerships AGAINST TRASH Solutions to the marine debris issue are not possible without partnerships – large and small – and a groundswell of support for change. We bring our unique, underwater perspective on marine debris that scuba divers help shape through the Dive Against DebrisŽ data they report. In order to influence positive change, Project AWARE partners against trash through these initiatives and alliances:

Through a variety of high profile international fora, Project AWARE has represented the global community of adventurers and delivered their Clean Ocean strategy to key stakeholders ensuring that addressing marine debris and working towards solutions to prevent marine debris at the source remains at the top of the agenda.


A Healthy Ocean

INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE REEF 2018 was designated as the Third International Year of the Reef 2018 (IYOR 2018) by the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI). The designation provided an opportunity to build the public attention needed to initiate fundamental policy and behavioral changes required to save coral reef ecosystems. As an NGO member of ICRI, Project AWARE supports the implementation of relevant international conventions and agreements by governments, international organizations, and non-government organizations to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems. Project AWARE launched its International Year of the Reef celebrations on Earth Day, April 2018. Through a series of online communications targeting Project AWARE’s global audience of more than 500K social followers and web visitors, Project AWARE, throughout 2018, highlighted the impact of plastic pollution on fragile coral reefs ecosystems, raised awareness of the value and threats they are facing and how local actions from Project AWARE community members are making a difference. As part of the celebrations, Project AWARE relaunched the Project AWARE Specialty course with an emphasis on tips that divers and nondivers can follow to protect underwater life (including coral reefs), from being buoyancy experts to reducing your carbon footprint. During AWARE Week, 15-23 September, Project AWARE and PADI® joined forces and partnered for a week packed full of conservation activities around the world, including coral reef conservation activities. The global dive community came together to take action, large and small, to protect fragile underwater habitats. From protecting coral reefs from harmful impact of ghost gear and other forms

of marine debris in the Red Sea to Coral Reef Conservation specialty courses in Indonesia and Coral Reef Restoration projects in the Bahamas, divers all around the world organized and joined events and actions, and took courses to equip themselves with the skills needed to help protect coral reefs and the ocean fins on and fins off.

Community Action Coral Reef Restoration Project In 2018, Assava Dive Resort, with help from members of the dive community on Koh Tao, constructed and submerged the Assava Pyramid at Junkyard Reef - an artificial reef restoration program set up by Crystal Dive and their eco partners Eco Koh Tao. As a shining example of the power in collaboration for environmental outcomes, working together, the dive centres on Koh Tao have made Junkyard a success story of reef restoration, research and artificial reef development.

“An awesome day out today starting at Twin Peaks for a Dive Against Debris dive and then onto Junkyard. We collected five corals from our nursery and headed over to the Junkyard expansion, swimming past the Mazu and onto Assava Pyramid. We transplanted five in total. It was totally a group effort as guys transported the corals, cleaned the structure, measured the corals while Dorothy and I secured them” Jen Dowling, Eco Koh Tao & Crystal Dive

Shark Conservation on the Gili Islands

Japan 2018 International Year of the Reef Initiatives

Gili Shark Conservation was set up on the island of Gili Air in Indonesia with a mission to promote shark conservation efforts and increase the level of protection for the surrounding reefs through education and research.

Coral reef restoration activities involving school children were carried out throughout 2018 as part of the International Year of the Reef celebrations by the dive community of Okinawa with support from the PADI® Japan Project AWARE® Volunteer office and in collaboration with National Geographic.

One of the main objectives for the project is to have the marine reserve officially recognized as a shark nursery area and therefore a critical habitat for sharks. Collecting consistent data from the reef, the team can make an analysis of the health of the zones within the protected area, and by sharing this information with the local government, support better protection to the reserve which is home to Whitetip and Blacktip reef sharks as well as bony fish, rays and turtles to name a few.

“Many people have participated in the coral restoration project. It’s been over 15 years. Now, over 25 thousand seedlings have grown. The grown coral have spawned. They have taken root along the coast of Okinawa and are spreading more and more.” Yoshimi Nagahama, Mayor, Onnason, Okinawa

“The Gili Shark Conservation project is a small grassroots organization designed around conservation through citizen science research. We collect abundant data from the reefs within the Gili Matra Marine Recreational Reserve using different survey methods.”

The Ocean Agency / Coral Reef Image Bank

Zara Ellis, Dive Operations Manager at Gili Shark Conservation 23

AWARE week

GOES GLOBAL In celebration of the ocean, AWARE Week took place globally from 15th – 23rd September 2018. Aimed at empowering more divers to look after the underwater world, the first global AWARE Week saw the dive community take action for the ocean planet. Project AWARE® teamed up with its long-time partner PADI®, to call on dive professionals and the global dive community to lead or take part in AWARE Week activities including AWARE courses focused on tackling ocean pollution, creating awareness for vulnerable shark and ray species, and empowering local communities to take positive actions for the protection of fragile aquatic environments, fins on and fins off. From Dive Against Debris in Dubai to AWARE Shark Conservation courses in Canada and Project AWARE specialties in New Zealand or beach cleanups in Iceland, divers all around the world equipped themselves with the skills needed for ocean protection.

Community Action

Divers Down UAE United Arab Emirates As a way of creating shark awareness, Divers Down UAE conducted an AWARE Shark Conservation Specialty course for 14 of their PADI divers. They also collected over 110 pounds of marine debris during their Dive Against Debris Survey.

“We kicked off AWARE week with a Dive Against Debris at the popular Umm Al Suqeim Public Beach in Dubai. This beach sees thousands of visitors a week; beachgoers, surfers and tourists all making the most of the scenic beach view with the iconic Burj Al Arab Hotel in the background. We had around 30 people join us for the event from junior open water divers to master scuba divers and instructors. In total, we removed over 450 items from only the North side of the beach.” Divers Down UAE

Davy Jones Locker Koh Tao, Thailand Sponsored swims, reducing their single-use plastic and Dive Against Debris Surveys were amongst Davy Jones Locker’s AWARE Week contributions.

“On one of our recent dives, we noticed that there was a lot of fishing net and rubbish on one of our beautiful local dive sites, Hin Wong Bay. So one of our events for AWARE Week was a Dive Against Debris. We collected 32kgs of rubbish between six of us, not bad, but there is a lot more work to do there, so we are going to adopt the dive site and clean up at least once a month.” Monique Richards, Davy Jones Locker



AWARE SPECIALITY COURSE The long-awaited revised Project AWARE Specialty course launched in September 2018 to coincide with the first global AWARE Week celebrations. The revised course provides dive leaders with the perfect tool to guide and encourage personal commitments and actions people can take to help the environment.

Who is authorized to teach? For PADI Professionals interested in teaching the revised Project AWARE Specialty, teaching status PADI Assistant Instructors, Open Water Scuba Instructors are automatically eligible to teach the course. PADI Freediver Instructors may qualify by submitting a PADI Freediver Specialty Course Instructor Application. PADI Divemasters who have completed Specialty Instructor training with a PADI Course Director and had their applications verified at their PADI Regional Headquarters also qualify to teach this course.

What’s New?

As a ‘fins off’ course (meaning no dives are required to be certified or take the course), participants only need to have an interest in the marine environment or a desire to take action for a clean and healthy ocean to enroll. There is no minimum age or experience requirement. To download the revised Project AWARE Specialty Instructor Outline, check out Project AWARE’s Conservation Tools at to download the recommended resources.

What’s Different?

To further support the launch of the revised Project AWARE Specialty, we encouraged our supporters to choose which 10 Tips resonates with them the most, print out the sign, take a photo and upload to social media remembering to tag Project AWARE #ProjectAWARE #10Tips4Divers. All 10 Tips signs can be downloaded here: resource/10Tips4DiversToolkit

With a shared belief that large-scale transformation starts with individuals acting locally for global impact, PADI® and Project AWARE® collaborated to revise the specialty and shift its focus to encourage and increase concrete fins on and fins off actions for ocean protection.

Building on the success and popularity of the 10 Tips for Divers to Protect the Ocean Planet, which make the backbone of Project AWARE’s philosophy, the content of the Project AWARE Specialty has been changed to guide participants towards personal commitments and actions they can take to help the environment.

The revised Project AWARE Specialty is action focused. The updated outline follows and expands on Project AWARE’s 10 Tips for Divers code of conduct to allow an informal and interactive experience between the instructor and participants whilst providing room to adapt the course to students and the local environment, including issues specific to tropical, temperate and polar waters as well as fresh and saltwater. Discussion points at the end of each section consolidate student understanding by showing how they can apply the information. The course content has been simplified to make it more accessible for PADI Professional Members to teach and use the course to encourage participants to take responsibility for the marine environment.

“Each and every one of us can take action to help protect the environment,” says Danna Moore, Director of Global Operations for Project AWARE. “Recognizing

that the way people learn about environmental issues has evolved since the Project AWARE specialty originally launched in 1998, the revised Specialty puts the power of positive change in the hands of PADI Pros, giving them a new tool to bring together the passion for ocean adventure with the purpose of marine conservation.”

“Project AWARE’s revised specialty focuses on simple actions we can all take in our daily lives, fins on and fins off, to influence change and make a difference.” says Louise Kraechter, Project AWARE Community Engagement Manager.

“It was exciting to collaborate with PADI on the revised Project AWARE specialty and we’re eager to see PADI pros using the revised Instructor Guide as a new tool to engage a global community of adventurers to advance our critical mission for ocean protection.” 27

Advocating for SHARKS & RAYS Overfishing and habitat loss are two of the biggest threats facing marine life. Project AWARE has always held the protection of sharks and rays species at the crux of this issue as they are especially vulnerable to both overfishing and loss of critical habitats. In fact, one in four shark and ray species is facing an increased threat of extinction due primarily to overfishing and habitat loss. The future of sharks and rays - and the health of our ocean planet - hinges on keeping fishing and trade in check as well as protection for critical habitats such as nursery, mating and feeding grounds. To address this threat with action, Project AWARE worked with Shark League conservation partners under our flagship healthy ocean program to focus on key opportunities to secure meaningful shark and ray conservation measures and protections.

In December 2018, after five days of intensive discussions, the 3rd session of the Meeting of the Signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks (CMS Sharks MoS3) came to a successful conclusion. Among the main decisions reached was agreement to include a further eight species on the instrument’s Annex meaning that they should benefit for greater international cooperation to enhance their conservation. The eight species concerned are:

• • • • •

The Dusky Shark The Common Guitarfish The Smooth Hammerhead The Oceanic Whitetip Shark The Bottlenose Wedgefish and two look-alike species, the Smoothnose and White-spotted Wedgefish, also known as the Giant Guitarfish • The Angel Shark

Shark and Ray Conservation 2018 Highlights - Making CMS Work for Sharks Project AWARE is a cooperating partner of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks (Sharks MOU) which aims to achieve and maintain a favorable conservation status for migratory sharks based on the best available scientific information and taking into account the socio-economic value of these species for the people in various countries.

© Andy Murch

Representatives of 34 governments plus the European Union attended the meeting along with several international organizations and leading NGOs dealing with marine conservation, including Project AWARE. At CMS Shark MoS3, Project AWARE joined Shark Advocates International and other shark conservation partners in leading urgent calls for action including preventing the collapse of mako shark populations and considering ecotourism as an alternative to fishing manta rays.

graphy © Steve Woods Photo

“Manta rays are exceptional for their inherent vulnerability, their status as species to be strictly protected by CMS Parties, and their popularity with tourists,” said Ian Campbell, Project AWARE’s Associate Director of Policy “Unfortunately,

manta rays continue to be legally fished in countries that have also committed to protect them and could support marine ecotourism. Countries such as the Seychelles benefit economically from manta-based tourism yet could do much more to develop national protection measures for mantas as part of their ‘blue economy’ development strategies.”

© Daniel Van Duinkerken

graphy © Steve Woods Photo

Tackling Overfishing and Finning Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) have the ability to set international fishing limits for shark and ray populations fished by numerous countries. But their actions for sharks and rays have been seriously inadequate, resulting in under-protected populations. In 2018, our work with our Shark League partners continued in 2018 to change that.

The Shark League

Shark Advocates International, Shark Trust, Ecology Action Centre and Project AWARE - focuses on the conservation of sharks and rays because of their inherent vulnerability to overfishing. Protecting these species in the Mediterranean and Atlantic is the coalition's primary goal given their exceptionally dire status. Together we want to advance groundbreaking safeguards for sharks and rays at specific Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs).


ICCAT and Divers for Makos We turned our focus on fishing nations gathering for the annual meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in October 2018. Despite clear scientific advice and growing public support for strict conservation measures, the fishing nations that attend ICCAT failed, once again, to address continued overfishing of mako sharks or strengthen the regional ban on shark finning.

We thank supporters who added their name to the #Divers4Makos petition and joined us in urging top fishing nations - the EU (particularly Spain and Portugal), US, Japan, Brazil, Morocco and Canada - to prohibit the retention of Atlantic shortfin mako sharks immediately, as advised by ICCAT scientists, and push for an Atlantic-wide ban. From South Africa to Thailand, China to Puerto Rico, over 17k divers signed and shared the #Divers4Makos petition urging ICCAT Parties to protect the Atlantic shortfin mako.

The shortfin mako is one of the world’s most economically valuable sharks, sought for meat, fins, and sport. This oceanic species is fished by many nations around the globe yet is not subject to international fishing limits. Scientists have repeatedly warned that makos’ slow growth make them exceptionally vulnerable to overfishing. Project AWARE and our Shark League partners are pushing for a zero catch of mako sharks throughout the ICCAT Convention area which comprises of the entire Atlantic ocean. The precarious state of mako sharks has led the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to downgrade both species from ‘Vulnerable’ to ‘Endangered’, and for Mexico to propose adding the species to Appendix II of the Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), which would prompt a permit system and allow export only if the sharks were found to be sourced from legal, sustainable fisheries. CITES will next consider listing proposals in May 2019.

As we prepare for the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES CoP18), to be held in Sri Lanka from 23 May to 3 June, Project AWARE is once again mobilizing its global community to influence governments and encourage action before it’s too late! With your support, we can ensure that if countries agree to control trade for mako shark species (longfin and shortfin mako) in May 2019, then they will follow through with these commitments to actively reduce fishing pressure on these highly vulnerable shark species.

Stronger Finning Ban Agreed for Mediterranean Sharks

Turkey Takes Action to Protect Endangered Sharks & Rays

In October 2018, in a groundbreaking decision, fishing nations gathered for the annual meeting of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) and adopted an EU proposal to strengthen the regional ban on “finning” (slicing off a shark’s fins and discarding the body at sea). The new policy mandates that all sharks be landed with their fins naturally attached to their bodies, thereby closing loopholes that can lead to undetected finning. This complete prohibition on at-sea removal of shark fins is the first of its kind by an international fisheries body engaged in protecting multiple species of pelagic sharks, such as makos.

In April 2018, a year after denouncing Turkey for the landing of 30 Endangered Giant Devil Rays, the Shark League applauded the country for announcing protections for this and 13 other species of rays and sharks. The fish are being added to the government’s list of prohibited species, which until now included only five kinds of sharks.

Targeting Arctic Shark Banned by North Atlantic Fishery Managers

Daniel Van Duirken Photography

In September 2018, fishery managers took conservation action for the Greenland shark – a species that has been recorded to have a lifespan of over 400 years. At their annual meeting, member countries of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) agreed a ban on intentional take of Greenland sharks from international waters, along with other requirements for all NAFO countries to maximize live release of accidental catches and minimize associated harm. Scientists had recommended a complete ban on retention and landing of the species, action that was supported by conservationists and proposed jointly by the EU and US.


Spotlight ON ASIA New Partnerships - China Better Blue, PADI® Greater China and UN Environment Clean Seas Campaign.

Project AWARE expanded its conservation efforts in China through a new partnership with the Better Blue Project, a part of the China Next Foundation, together with our long-time partner PADI. This partnership allows Project AWARE to educate and empower even more ocean adventurers to protect the ocean planet.

“With so many Chinese divers advocating for the marine environment, we felt it was time to support however we could,” Danna Moore, Project AWARE’s Director of Global Operations

“To do that, we knew it was extremely important to collaborate with local community groups to fully understand the conservation opportunities and challenges, interests, and needs on the ground.” Working to increase awareness for ocean protection in China, with support from Project AWARE, Better Blue ran seminars, workshops, and courses throughout the country, with more than 20,000 people participating in Better Blue events so far. The collaboration with Better Blue is advancing shared conservation goal, including working towards the United Nations “Life Below Water” Sustainable Development Goals, to sustainably manage marine resources and strengthen the protection of the ocean. As part of the partnership, Project AWARE supported activities, such as marine documentary filmmaking, reef checks, Dive Against Debris® and the UN Environment #CleanSeas campaign, organized by motivated divers. These efforts were led by Miao Wang, founder of the Better Blue Project and Chinese ambassador of i-Seahorse citizen science program. Her dedication to the capacity building of divers’ knowledge and skills for ocean conservation has recently received recognition on an international level.

“As part of this year’s UN Environment Clean Seas campaign, we cooperated with Project AWARE to conduct a Dive Against Debris® survey, with 30 teams from five different countries or regions, to clean more than one ton of marine debris from the ocean. We aim to collect sufficient and persuasive data to ultimately help the government and scientists make effective policy change and prevent marine litter in the future. On World Ocean Day, Better Blue launched the “Zero-Waste Challenge”. Backed by 12 celebrities in China, the aim was to encourage the public to take one day off singleuse plastics. The campaign was viewed by millions of people across the country. We believe that – while we are all individuals – when we come together, we can turn the tide, and protect our oceans.”

“In China, there are around 400,000 divers across the country, increasing at the rate of about 30 percent each year. Yet our country does not have any ocean conservation organization focused on empowering us. I founded Better Blue to bridge this gap. We enable people who have the same vision to stay together and support each other to protect the ocean.” Miao Wang, Founder of Better Blue

Miao Wang, Better Blue Founder and UNEP Young Champion of the Earth Finalist

Our Singapore Reefs Our Singapore Reefs together with the the National University of Singapore presented Project AWARE’s Dive Against Debris® citizen science model as an approach to documenting subtidal marine debris in Singapore, at the International Conference on Plastics in the Marine Environment (ICPME) 2018. Project AWARE’s Dive Against Debris model and survey data from Singaporean waters were used to demonstrate how the data can inform conservation management practices and empower local citizen scientists.


Our SUPPORTERS Ocean protection depends on all of our actions, large and small. Now more than ever, individuals recognize that their local actions can and DO make a positive impact for our planet. When we come together for conservation, big change is possible. Our community were amazing financial partners to us this year.

2018 FUNDRAISERS In 2018, 293 fundraisers came together to raise $98,631.

Community Action Rich and Terry Race to the King PADI EMEA Territory Director Rich Somerset and Instructor Development Manager Terry Johnson took on a double marathon to raise funds for Project AWARE. Running along the South Downs Way in England, they crossed the Race to the Kings finish line on the steps of Winchester Cathedral; the burial place of the first Kings and Queens of England. They raised over £750 for ocean protection.

Paycom While raising “Phishing” awareness, Paycom employees donated during shark week and Paycom matched the funds they raised for a total donation of $11,000.

Marathons Bank of America Chicago Marathon In 2018, Project AWARE’s marathon team grew to 15 runners. Together these endurance athletes not only ran over 26 miles in the name of ocean protection but together, raised $24,799. Tough Mudders Fundraiser’s supporting Project AWARE around the globe took on the Tough Mudder in 2018. From the United Kingdom, Australia and throughout the United States, Project AWARE’s first global Tough Mudder team made mudd matter by committing to raising funds and awareness in support of ocean protection. These ocean advocates took on 12 miles (18 km) of mud and obstacles, to raise vital funds to protect our ocean. Together, the global team raised $4,145.

2018 FUNDRAISERS In 2018, 293 fundraisers came together to raise $98,631.

$500 - 999 USD

$10,000+ USD ∙∙ Paycom & Paycom Employees

$1000 4,999 USD ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙

Ali Levesley Allie Paschen APL Estonia Employees Cabot School Casey Riches Chris Vargas Christina Mohil Christine Chang Cristina Zenato Deborah Noble Edward Parkinson Erik Johnsen Ernesto Figueroa Genevieve Baker Hanne Joo Park Jake Caputo Liz Parkinson Maggie Roberts Maris Kuum Melanie Brooks Michael Trevor Lancaster Michelle Lempke Monica Pramgren Nathalie Edler Bay Nick Levesley Patrick Mayhew Pernilla Ekström Rachel Childs Robyn Wright-Baker Sin City SCUBA Stuart Rawlinson Stuart Cove

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Brad Snyder Bryony Roberts Charlotte McDaniel Clare Dutton Eva Majerova Geoff J. Skigen Isabelle Södling Jen Kat Johan Borg Laura Farrior Lorin Lambert Malin Lindqvist Old Barrel Tea Co. Paul Wolffer Preston Bromley Rainbow Reef Dive Center Remi Krognes Sebastian Larsson Shannon Carlson Terry Johnson Thomas Koch Tobi and Fabio Tony Timpano Zoe Chao

$250 - 499 USD ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙

Aliyah Longhurst Annie Meaher Asher the Italian Greyhound Belinda Stahlecker Ben Slutsky Blue Corner Dive Claudia Alderman Dalton Mccart Danna Moore Darren Singh Frank Willey Irene Marcoux

∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙

Jack Cherry Jaclyn Nast Jennifer Carr Jo Roberts Joachim Riegel Kaytlyn Chrystin Lucas Tierney Marina Martínez Sánchez Ryan Scalf Samantha Renee Save the Waves Sonia Montgomery St. Andrews School SUP BRO

$1 - 249 USD ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙

Adam Peabody Adrian Jones Albert Misero Alejandro Campos Alex Mocyunas Amanda Marie Rodriguez Anna Marie Aquamarine Diving Bali ASD ProDiving Bart Gelissen Becca Corcoran Beccie Mole Becky Helminen Bekki Oliver Ben Rogers Ben Redmond Roche Bill and Tonya Merritt BluEmotion Diving Brendan Ryan Brian Frederick Camel Dive Club Carl Munoz Carla Drobczyk Casey Darrelle Rose


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Cassie Neiman Cathy Evans Celia Timms Chaan Capps Charlie Thorne Charlotte de Roey Chris Bartlett Jr. Chris Benson Chris Nelson Chris Nox Chris Primavera Chris Tenney Chris Traphagan Christina Hemmingsen Christina Maria Christopher David Simanton Christy Wehrli CJ Bernstein Clara Albacete Collin Evans Conor Macaire Duncan Courteney Lee Courtney Taylor Dan Fox Daren Yang Darrell Bryant Dave Hoogmans David Shepard David Anton Fernandez Debra Deal Derrick Kunstmann Diego Puente Dimitris Kuklis Domino Albert Eduardo Cabrera Fugardo Elisa Balduini Elishia Diana Hartley Ellie East Emily Granja Emily Bates Emily Chandler Ems Lewis Esther de Kruijf Fernando Herrera Float N’ Flag Dive Centre Francisco Casas Frankie Vokoun III Gary C Condon Gee Adriaansz Giridhar Rao

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Grace Biddle Graydon Guest Greg Parsons Gregg Gochneaur Gregory Parker Gregory Michael Stanko GVI Charitable Trust Gwen Deneen Hattie Evans Heather West Holy Trinity School Isabelle Schuite Isobel Alexander J Monique Valdez Jacqueline Zuanich Jamie McTeer Janae Gurney Jason Lowery Javi Arronte Jay Olson Jeff Ferrell Jen Robbins Jennah Gleed Jennetta Adams Jenny Giubertoni Jenson Callander Jesse Jones Jessica Snyder Jessica Vandergriff John Baker John Bamber John Jackson Jon-Jon Suarez Josh Bell Julia Zesk Julio Cesar Marcos Justin Beebe Jymi Rudolph-Hodson Kaitlynn Arnott Kali Marie Kara Stucky Karen Beerie Kasey Fritz Kat Kaarsbøl KC Kent Kim Cooper Kira Moore Koenraad Blommaert Kori Weigand Kristen McLaughlin

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Kristin Bellehumeur Kristin Lea Wetzel Kristy Black Kyler Elizabeth McHugh Lachlan Sims Laura Myers Laura Baccei Benelli Lauren Wiskerson Leslie Carina Lewis Rimmer Lexi Krasneck Lily White Luis Abraham DelaCantera Mackenzie Stancil Madison Bigler MaD-TiKi Photography Mandi Ebbott Mandy Kay Maria-Katharina Richters Maricopa Wells Middle School Marilia Bernardino Mark McGovern Mark McCullins Mark Parallelmotion Marlo Brooks Marlo Provorse Martin van Gestel Mat Cieśla Matthew Cilliers Megan White Michael Guiles Mike Mckillips Mike and Claire Brown Myke Eales Nate Eyestone Nathaniel Walston Nicole Smeyres Nikhil Das Oliver Knöpken Parker Graham Paul Hardy Brown Peter Kappmeier Preeta Mary Project Lucha Quinn Tran Rebecca Ellen Rino Amodeo Robbie Mclaughlin Robin Kendrick-Yates

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Rodolfo Guillen Ross Arnold Ryan Pomerantz Ryan Tunmer Rylee Matousek Samantha Skelton Sara Gallina Sara Langevin Sarah Manley Sarah Burch Sarah McGuire Sean Korb Shannon Irene Sophi Irvine Spencer Troetschel Steampunk Cheese Stephanie Banet Stephanie Bright Steven Nold Sue Phillips Susie Kang Sven Eberl Tara Knight Tatiana Geloso Taylor MacPherson Teddie Raymond The Fifth Point Diving Centre Tiki Reisdorff Tina Wessollek Tom Freret Vincent Langan Vivian Tjeng Yue Li Zach Davis Zachary James Sesar

*All donations are in local currencies


100% A WARE PARTNERS Across the globe, scuba instructors and dive centers have committed to support ocean protection through 100% AWARE partnership. By making a donation to Project AWARE on behalf of every student they certify, these partners’ ongoing contributions provide vital funds to support a healthy and abundant ocean.

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Abyss Ocean World Academy of Scuba Acqua Life Dive Center Adam Wucherpfenning Adrian Bebbington Aegean Seals Diving Center Aiguablava Dive Center Alaa Saeed Al Masri Alberta Adventure Divers Alejandro Hervas Alejandro Pescador Alexander Kohls Alexey Kozin Alfa Diving Center Algan Ergene Ali Aldarbi All4Diving Indonesia Aloha Scuba Diving Company Alpha Divers Kuwait Al-Razel Lagarde Amarilla Divers Amr Zakaria Ali Amy Slate’s Amoray Dive Resort Andre Brasseler Andreas Brustmann Andy Stewart Angel Rijos Ann Speer Anna Axelsson Anse Chastanet Scuba St. Lucia Anthias Anthias Divers Anthony Morton Anthony’s Key Resort Antonino Calamia Aqua Hands

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Aqua Plein Air, Inc. Aqua Safaris Scuba Center AquaMarine Diving-Bali Aquarius Diving Club Aquatic Adventures Rowville Aquatic Center of Rochester Archimede, Centre de plongée Archipel Diving Centre Armando Mesen Art Fallon Asia Belgian Dive Resort Asia Dive Academy Atlantis Diving Aviva Dive & Travel Azalea Cruises B&J Diving Centre B&J Diving Centre Sdn. Bhd Bahia Diving Curacao Bali Hai Diving Adventure Ban’s Diving Resort Barbados Blue Water Sports Barefoot Divers Barefoot Scuba Barrett Jackson Bart Den Ouden Bart van den Bos Bateel Diver Bayplay Adventure Tours Beach Cities Scuba Beqa Adventure Divers Ltd Bernd Albert Best Spot Azores Dive Center Bethan Comley Big Blu Mafia Island DC Big Blue Scuba Big Blue Vanuatu Black Beard Sports

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Blue Corner Dive Blue Corner Dive Penida Blue Marlin Komodo Blue Planet Blue Submarine Blue Water Divers Bocas Dive Center Boonchob Vijarnsorn Bradley Copeland Brave Diver Brian Ferguson Brisbane Dive Academy Bruce Hall Bruce Weitzenhoffer BUBBLES Dive Centre Buceo Marina Buddies Dive Cove Cai Miao Caleb Hayes Captain Cook Cruises Fiji Carl Teare Catherine Glashier Ceningan Divers Centro Buceo Pedreña Centro de Buceo Pichidangui Ceylon Water Sports (PVT) LD Nilaveli Diving Centre/ Unawatuna Diving Centre Charles Bosma Charles Russell Chris Heaton Christian St Pierre Christian Tamayo-Villagran Christopher Adams Christopher Cirillo Christopher Southall Christopher Willey CJ’s Reef Shack Claudio Baccinelli

∙∙ Claus Poehler ∙∙ Club Subaquatique ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙

de Vernier Cojo Diving Constantin Benedic Crystal Dive Resort/ Eco Koh Tao Crystal River Watersports Curtis Snaper Curtis Wilson Cyprus Underwater Explorers Ltd Damien Flux Daniel Anton Pérez Daniel Chan Danilo Bellese Darrell Bird Darwin Bawasanta Dave Rintoul David Denton David Du David Groth David Imschweiler David Keene David Speer Debora Roosli Deep Blue Deep Blue Divers Denzel Summer Derek Freres Diamond Diving Didier Duprat Dirk de Does Discovery Divers Dive Friends Bonaire Dive Georgia, LLC Dive Paradis Dive Point Red Sea Dive Resort Thalassa Dive Shack USA Dive Tropex Tokoriki Dive World Dive! Tutukaka Divecenter Scubido Diver City Scuba Inc. Divers Incorporated Divers Incorporated Monroe Divevolution Divewise DiveZone

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Divine Diving Diving Bee Marine House Diving King Corporation Dominic Diodato Dominik Mikolajczyk Donald Day Donald Pollitt Dos Tiburones Dive Shop Douglas Honório Down Under Dive Shop Dykcentrum Gullmarsfjorden Eaglehawk Dive Centre Eat Sleep and Dive by Gabriela Walser Ecodive Eddiving Edward Anger Edward Chan Ehab Al Jawi Eric Webster Evan Long Evolution 2 Lorient Explore - Hamilton Island Fabrizio Angeloro Fantasea Diving Felix Keene Fenix Buceo First Buddy Tablas Flip Flop Divers Float N’ Flag Sport & Dive, Inc Florida Seabase Florida Underwater Sports Fouad Al Hakami Four Seasons Kuda Huraa Four Seasons Landaa Giraavaru Frank Baquero Frank van Klaveren Froggy Diver Co. Ltd. Fu Chun Fun Dive Club Gangga Divers Bali Garden Island Resort Gary Sanderson, Jr. Gasper Otorepec Gatwick Scuba Geoffrey Creighton Geoffrey Skeats

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Great Adventures Bonaire Gregory Molendyk Gregory Sparkman Guillermo Camara Molina Gwennael Perrin Hans-Joachim Meyer Hassan Khayal Helena Scuba Hervey Bay Dive Centre Hi-Tide Divers Hsun-Wei Huang Hussain Ahmed Al-Abbas Ian Edge I-Divers Ignacio Lembeye IK Diving Ilaria Laterza Imad Khashfeh Indus Scuba Iron Sub Ismael Samooh Ivan Chin Hing Foong Jack Power Jack’s Diving Locker Jacob Childs James Chandler James McKay Jan Sturre Jason Keefer Jason Sikat Jay Brewer Jay Elson Jean Michel Cousteau’s Caribbean Diving Jennifer Cumming Jenny Hillman Jetty Dive Centre Jill Heinerth John Brett John Gransbury Jon Doughty Jon Jon Suarez Jon Rusho Jonas Dahringer Jordan McGonigle Jose David Balcazar Melgar Jose Luis Saenz Reyes Josep Lluis Casals Massuet Josh Cohen Joshua Dykman 39

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Julien van Loenen Justin Newton Kai Lin Liew Kai Steinbeck Kappi Divers Karina Sprechler Petersen Karma Dives Kelvin Dale Key Dives Kholousi Khayal Kirill Popov Kohala Divers Kosrae Village Kristina Soderquist Kuwait Diving Team / Science Club Lahaina Divers, Inc. Lanzarote Non Stop Divers L’Aquila DC By ASD L’Aquila Nuoto Latitud Scuba Laura Lomazzi Leo Saldunbides Leobardo Morales Cervantes Li Zhu Liang Chen Liquid Dive Dumaguete Lisa Krygsveld Live & Let Dive Lloyd Jones Lofoten Diving London Diving Centre London Suba Centre Louise Kraechter Lucja Rice Luke Ashford-Hodges Made in Blue Mahdi Andijani MaiDiving Divecenter Marco Giovannini Marco Lusa Mare Nostrum Diving Palermo Mark Mack Mark McNamara Mark Wolff Markus Marlin Divers Pte. Ltd Marlon Espina Martin Green

∙∙ Martin Kelly ∙∙ Massimiliano Gallino ∙∙ Matava - Fiji’s Premier ECO ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙

Resort Matt Clements Maui-Diving Michael Hayes Michael Hughes Michele Caravati Micronesia Divers Association Micronesia Eco Divers Min Hyeok Klm Moby Diving Moh Boon Leng Mohamad H Buhamadi Monther Jamal Montserrat Island Dive Centre Muhamad Bin Abdullah Mu-Han Chang Namae Scuba Resort Nautilus Nicolas Laatsch OBI BLU OCA Divers Ocean Plus Saipan Inc Oceans Unlimited Oliver Payne Ollie Powell One&Only Reethi Rah Dive Centre Orangeshark H2O Diving Centres Ozan Atabilen Pablo Aso Martin De Vidales Pacific Freediving Paolo Cardani Paradise Divers Parker Johnson Pascal Van der Lei Passions of Paradise Patrick Scott Patriot Scuba Pena Anza Rodrigo Penny Nelsen Perth Scuba Peter Bickerton Peter’s Dive Resort Pierre Brits

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Pilbara Dive & Tours Planet Ocean Planet Scuba India PVT LTD Plataran Dive Ploy Malaiwongs Plumeria Diving and Watersports Centre Po Hsiung Huang Poni Divers - BALI ppO2 mergulhos Pura Vida Divers Qi Palawan Rachel Watts Rafael Arocha Garcìa Rainbow Reef Dive Center Red Alert Diving Red Mangrove Dive Center Reef Scuba Ltd Remco Van ‘t Hooft Renee Tapsell Restuning Sandini Rich Karren Rick Miramontez Roatan Dive Center Robert Hodgkiss Robert McDowell Robert Soncini Robin Kendrick-Yates Ronald Boice Russell Hosp Rutgers University Scuba Ryan Anderson SA Scuba Shack Sabine Henkel Sacha Williamson Sail Caribbean Divers Sailing Club Divers Sairee Cottage Diving Samana Diving Sami Alhaj Saralyn Borg Sascha Engeler Scott Roberts Scott Taylor Scott Tilley Scuba 6 Eco Diving Scuba Adventures - Pakistan Scuba Center Asia Scuba Junkie Scuba Junkie Kota Kinabalu

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Scuba Leeds Scuba Monkey Scuba Shack Diving Services Scuba Shack Koh Tao Scuba Symphony Scuba Wild Scubalino Tauchen Reisen GmbH Scubatec Scubatude Sea Divers Sea I See Dive Center Sea Sky Jeju Sean Flynn Seattle Scuba Sham’aa Hameed Shan Hai Jing Dive Center Shana Kent Shan-Chen Yu Shannon Montalvo Shaun Soenen Sheesa Beach Dive Centre Shellie Hernandez Shiu Ming Chan Side Azura Dive Center Silvio Parigi Simon S. Lau Sin City SCUBA Southern Maryland Divers, LLC Stellar Divers Stephen Lyon Stephen Watkinson Steve Mays Steven Brown Steven Schwankert Sub Aqua Tech Subnauta Summer Dive Center Sunchaser Scuba Sweet Bottom Dive Center Tairua Dive & Marine Tech Dive Academy Terry Wilkins The Dive Bus The Dive Place The Dive Shack The Dive Shop The Dive Spot, Inc The Fifth Point Diving Centre The Maryland Scuba Center

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The Reef Marina The Ski & Scuba Connection Thomas Nielsen Three Diving Club Tim Ness Timothy Ramseyer Timothy Riley Tinos Dive Centre Tito Oliveras Torino Diving College Trevor Bowden Turismo Curu Two Fish Divers Tyler Hammel Universidad Anahuac University of Malta Diving Resource Centre Utila Dive Center Utila Lodge-Bay Island College of Diving UTW Palladium Kantenah Viewpoint North Diving Villa College Maldives VIP Diving Viti Water Sports Matamanoa Viti Water Sports - Nadi Vivian Dive Centre Vivien Siaw Lee Jing Vladimir Akimov Waiheke Dive and Snorkel Ltd Waikawa Dive Centre Wavecrest Scuba West Side Scuba Centre White Star Quarry Wilfred Bindervoet William Nash William Stevenson XTC Dive Center Xu Xin Yawen Fang Yinghao Zheng Yoo Seong Hwan Yvan Rouxel


Testimonials from AWARE PARTNERS “Our divers have really liked getting their Project AWARE cert cards, and in fact have helped promote continuing education because they want more than one version!” Debbie Miller PADI Course Director, USA

“We believe it’s our responsibility as a dive training center to teach our students not only how to dive, but also how to become stewards of the marine environment. Blue Corner Dive was co-founded by a marine biologist and attracts divers who are passionate about the underwater world. We take our divers out to some of the most pristine and unique reefs with the highest biodiversity on the planet, we must operate in an environmentally aware manner in order to minimize our impact in these areas. Our decision to support Project AWARE and become 100% AWARE was therefore a natural choice.” Andrew Taylor, Blue Corner Dive Indonesia

“With an increasing awareness of the impact humans are having on the environment, to be able to demonstrate that as a dive centre we are committed to looking after our oceans by being a 100% AWARE partner has proven to be a far more attractive proposition for like-minded customers than just words alone.” David Hayler-Montague, Bubbles Dive Center Gozo

Corporate PARTNERS PADI® The Professional Association of Diving Instructors, the world’s largest scuba diver training organization, established Project AWARE in 1989 as an initiative to increase environmental awareness through diver education. Today, Project AWARE is a separate nonprofit organization and global movement that raises its own funds and drives its own mission and goals. PADI supports Project AWARE with in-kind services, connects us with a network of divers and professionals around the world, and helps us raise donations through its processes.

PADI® Japan

Fourth Element

Ocean Film Festival Australia


PADI Professional Members Our partnership with PADI Professional Members around the world is essential in powering global conservation activities and programs. PADI Pros teach, lead and engage in local conservation. Project AWARE would not be able to achieve our goals and mission without their support.






We’re proud of what we achieved in 2018. We’re committed to achieving local and global impact for a clean, healthy ocean in 2019 and beyond.

$1,000$4,999 USD

$50,000+ USD ∙∙ PADI® $10,000 $49,999 USD ∙∙ 4ocean ∙∙ The McBeth Foundation $5,000$9,999 USD ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙

David Fishman Clif Bar Family Foundation K2 Wind Foundation Mellam Family Foundation Sara and Bill Jackson

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Andrea Tesei Appleby Foundation Bodzer Family Carsten Beith Charles Garnsworthy Courtney Sachtleben Daniel Roozen Dean Crownover Donna Bidzer Douglas Oare Fernando Elizondo B. Franklin Philanthropic Foundation Genesis Foundation Henrik Nimb Jack Donald Jennifer Vascotto Kieran Mckey Kimberly Randal Kiran Somers Lee Webber Mark Wilkinson

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Martin Nash Megan Denny Michele Chan Michelle Depew Michelle Burnett Orange County Community Foundation Perth Scuba Rachel Nakamura Robert Treverton Steven Sadler Strauss Family Foundation The Deupree Family Foundation Thomas Richardson Tisa Moore Tonya Kok Warsaw Creatives Yurie Namiki

$500 $999 USD ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙

50 State LLC Al Hornsby Albert Vor Keller Amy Kimball Anamarija Bogoger Anastasija Kondratjeva Aquatic Safaris Barbara Wind Ben Greene Brian Anderson Brian McLaughlin Camilla Akrans Cheuk Chuen She Clover Sharman Courtney Dolinar-Hikawa Darcy Abrams Darla Hastings David Shane Deborah Brosnan and Associates Diane Farr Earl McAloney Franziska Daeniker Garth Swanson Genevieve Simpson Hank Louis Jack Knutzen Jason Culliton Jeffrey Bohn Jim Szczurek Kandace Baker Karen Shelton Brown Katarina Lukovic Kelly Zanzarella Kevin Carney

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Kimberlee Herold Kristin Wirth Laura Farrior Lorraine Butzke Luis Ventoza Michele Chan Ocean Connections Page Porter Paul Takats Robert Russo Robert Tucker Roger Shields Russell & Diane Farr Sébastien Proust Steven Raucher Susan Robinson Susan Hill The Wisnewski/ Collatos 2015 Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Tuomas Saarinen Wesley Bratton William Mellor William Fulbrook William Kendrick




Dr. Drew Richardson, Chairman Kristin Valette, Secretary/ Treasurer Jenny Miller Garmendia Dr. Deborah Brosnan Jeff Nadler

Europe, Middle East & Africa Mark Caney, Chairman Suzanne Smith, Secretary/ Treasurer Dr. Drew Richardson Kristin Valette


Asia Pacific

Henrik Nimb, Chairman Matthew Hill, Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Drew Richardson Kristin Valette Jenny Miller Garmendia



Director, Global Operations Danna Moore

Communications Specialist Megan White

Community Coordinator Peta Day

Associate Director, Policy and Campaigns Ian Campbell

Communications & Translations Coordinator Stefania Di Dio

Operations & Program Expansion Manager Michelle Davidov

Policy Specialist, Clean Ocean Hannah Pragnell-Raasch

Global Tech & Design Specialist Christine Kulick

Development Manager Lauren Wiskerson, CFRE

Digital Campaigns Specialist Orsi Fulop

Community Engagement Manager Louise Kraechter

Operations Lead Kian Clineff

Associate Director, Global Communications Domino Albert

Community Conservation Officer Jack Fishman

* At the time of printing We are proud of what we achieve together. Thank you for supporting our commitment to creating local and global impact for a clean, healthy ocean in 2018 and beyond

Our OFFICES United States Office

Australia Office

30151 Tomas, Suite 200 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 +1 949-858-7657

Unit 3, 4 Skyline Place Frenchs Forest, Sydney, NSW, 2086 Australia + 61 2-9454-2890

United Kingdom Office

Japan Volunteer Office

The Pavilions Bridgwater Road Bristol BS13 8AE United Kingdom +44 117-300-7313

1-20-1, Ebisu-Minami, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 150-0022 Japan +81 3-5721-1731


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