#TEAMOCEAN FUNDRAISING GUIDE WHY FUNDRAISE? It’s fun and easy! Ocean protection is a real challenge, one that we must address together. Fundraising brings your community together to raise funds and awareness for a clean and healthy ocean. Our local actions collectively protect the most vulnerable marine species and decrease pollution. We work together for a clean, healthy ocean – and we have fun doing it!
WHY SUPPORT OCEAN ®PROTECTION WITH PROJECT AWARE ? Put purpose behind your passion. Project AWARE connects the passion for ocean adventure with the purpose of marine protection. Our adventures above and below water, fins on and off, lead us to see what often others can’t. We bring to the surface what’s beneath the waves and take action to implement positive change in our communities across the globe.
HOW DOES MY SUPPORT HELP? Fundraising for ocean protection with Project AWARE supports a clean and healthy ocean.
A Healthy Ocean: Vibrant and thriving marine ecosystems are critical to the ocean and the people that depend on them. We support policies that reward sustainable fishing practices and fight for biodiversity with both fins on & off. Our goals: • Advance policies to protect the most vulnerable species – in particular threatened and endangered sharks and rays - from overfishing • Restore critical marine habitats • Decrease and report the impacts from climate change on the underwater world
A Clean Ocean: Pollution from human activity has seriously damaging effects on marine ecosystems. We support the right policies to stop pollution at the source and work towards long-lasting solutions to eliminate the impacts in our communities with both fins on & off. Our goals: • Share the marine impacts of land based sources of pollution through data collection and reporting to help influence policy • Reduce the amount of pollution in the ocean • Save marine life from the effects of pollution Visit www.projectaware.org/teamocean to create a personal profile. Get started today! The more time you have to fundraise, the greater impact you can make.