TPR Magazine-April 2012

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April 2012

Content Directory Issue 4 April 2012 Content Directory A Word from Rhonda Still Afraid By Michelle D. Bradshaw The Help By Rhonda Nails Motivating Moments You are a Parenting Success By Katherine Waddell

Community Response Time to Re-Think Money By Wayne Bland

Sh is Sharing Donna Johnson Not Tonight Dear, I have a Business to Run! Dr. Patty Tublin Students N2 Success The Underdog Platform About the Book: Just One More Dance

A Word from Rhonda… Rhonda I am EXCITED!!! In less than 30 days Project PUSH will be launching a new program exclusively for those who feel “stuck”. Before you can get to the next level… Before you invest in new business cards… Before you throw in the towel…. You must get CLEAR about SUCCESS. This is not another mentoring or coaching program… it is a “Success Project”. A 3 point project that will -De-Construct then Re-Construct your mindset -Dissect and determine your “true” Success journey -Cultivate and Promote your new purpose You may be asking, why would you want in on this project? Let me answer your question with a question….. Have you ever had a “stuck” moment? Meaning you know the place you need to be is NOT where you are right now? I know that feeling, frustration and disappointment. I will not allow another moment pass me by NOT living in a mindset that doesn’t fulfill what I was created to do….I hope you feel the same way and join me on the next project. More information is located via this link:

I Dare You to P.U.S.H.

P.ursue U.ntil S.uccess H.appens

Still Afraid

By Michelle D. Bradshaw

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My little girl is still afraid. I’ve been trying to convince her to let it go, that it’s ok. trying to make her see that We won’t get hurt or still Be played. We won’t make the same mistakes; because we’ve grown and we’re stronger and wiser and more mature now. But my little girl is still afraid. We function seemingly secure and confident day to day, handling our business in the womanly way; but at home alone we cry for all the pain that was never released that I’d hoped had gone away. But until we work through it; the fear and the pain will never go away. I’ve been living with this for far too long I’m so tired and I want to move on. And I know that it’s not realistic to live this way but I still haven’t been able to change. Because my little girl is still afraid…..

The Help

By Rhonda Nails After hearing the news that the move titled, “The Help” had 3 Academy Award Nominees, I was elated not because it was another “black film” being recognized but due to the incredible and powerful life lesson it brought to my attention. Although, the movie may initially be about the racial tensions during that time, I came away from the movie thinking a bit differently. Without giving the movie away, I realized that the “help” as they were frequently called, were not called into this profession, they did not have a passion for this career and they certainly did not aspire to become the “help”. This was the generational way for a young black female in this setting and during this time. It was expected, required and demanded. As I sat in the theatre, I silently wept because I understood that our current generation has the opportunity to become whatever they decide to be. Our “now” generation of any gender, race or sexuality can be a Best Selling Author, THE Chief Operating Officer or an Award Winning Chef; however the characters in the movie could not, did not and were not whatever they chose to dream. They had no open opportunity, no big dreams to chase and certainly no education to pursue. It was a predetermined, predestined, and prejudged profession with no benefits or 401k plan.

The Help By Rhonda Nails I clearly understand why some people grow stronger and have a “more than a conqueror” attitude when they are ridiculed. It’s the “show you better than I can tell you” type of mindset when someone told them they could NOT do it. So with a fresh and new perspective, I want to further encourage you to P.U.S.H., not only because you can, but more importantly because “they” COULD NOT.

Rhonda Nails is Founder of Project PUSH, an organization dedicated to promoting your Purpose on Purpose! Our challenge is to Dare You to P.U.S.H… Pursue Until Success Happens! Connect with us on: Facebook: projectpush Twitter: projectpush Visit our website:

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Motivating Moments… Let NOTHING stop you from pursuing your Purpose on Purpose ~Rhonda Nails

When odds are 1 in a million…be that 1. ~Unknown

If you are afraid of taking the next BIG step…you are right where you need to be. ~Rhonda Nails

Success and Rest don’t sleep together. ~Russian Proverb Would you be satisfied if SUCCESS looked like you? ~Rhonda Nails

You Are A Parenting Success By Katherine Waddell

Having children is a rewarding experience; however there is a lot of trial and error. Unfortunately when these little precious people arrive there is not an instruction manual. Sure there are a lot of books with great tips, the shame is in the timing. It seems that when you need the information it is not available. As adults the assumption is that we are to have all the right answers. This is a lot of pressure to carry around when it seems we’re just getting an idea of who we are. There is good news, all is not lost. You have not failed through your perceived failings as a parent. By recognizing you could do some things to improve your parenting style is evidence that you are a success as a parent. There are some areas in parenting that are common debates between parent and child in every household. For example every parent wants their child to follow their rules like, eat all their vegetables, clean their room, and don’t talk back. The problem with each of these examples is that it has that , ‘Because I said so’ directive behind it. If a dose of logic could follow it request your child is more likely to find it meaningful to complete the task. A request and a directive are two different things. As the parent you may think it’s beneath you to ‘request’ that your child complete their share of the household duties. You may view them as the child who is to be told what to do. Not given options. Children who are given options are very likely to make the right decision for themselves if given the opportunity.

You Are A Parenting Success By Katherine Waddell

When requesting that your child clean his/her room explain why it’s important. What you may find is that their room being clean does not matter as much as you thought it did. For example if your reason for the clean room is so you don’t have to look at a messy room, well a simple fix is to close the room door. Viola! Now you can’t see the messy room. When you want your child to eat all of their veggies and they refuse a solution may be to offer some like if you don’t like green beans you have to replace it with another fruit or veggie, what will it be? The child then has an option along with the message that this is important for them to have a healthy body. You may argue that given options over meals is too much burden on the already busy cook. It really is a simple fix, so stop the struggle over you needing to have things your way.

With parenting you have to find what works best for your children. There is no one size fit all method for every child. You are the adult, but that doesn’t mean you always know the best way to solve a problem. Your child talking back more than likely is their way of saying, “I need more information to understand what you are expecting from me.” One last thing to note: Don’t take it personal they are trying to find their own way. Your jump is to support them not necessary agree with them, along their journey.

Community Response What's the best thing about being an ENTREPRENEUR?

K.Waddell Smiling faces from your family and friends admiring you for giving them permission to live their life on purpose.  S. Tonya Having a prosperous business and personal life!!!!

The Creative Ones A Solid Flow of Income! N. C. Lofton Success is more of a inner feeling to me. Success is me being content and happy with where I am in life and what I am doing in life. Its me doing what I love to do. Its me having a career and not just a job but not only that, Its me doing what God has called me to do. By doing that, I am not only helping myself but others too and that is success to me. M. Ifill Accomplishment. Pursuing and actually doing your gift and passion and great revenue!

Time to Re-Think Money By Wayne Bland

 Most people fall into three general financial profiles. They either spend above their means, spend just what they have, or they spend less than their means. There have been studies done which show that 90% of the world's wealth is held by 10% of the population, and that even if this wealth were redistributed equally, it would be back in the hands of the 10% within seven years. This illustrates that most people would find it difficult to change their normal spending habits, but in fact, this is the most important thing to guarantee personal financial health. What this comes down to is learning what profile you fit in, and then learning how to change those spending, budgeting, and saving habits to meet your goals. Although many of these strategies will require discipline, the long term goals are clear: once you decide on a path, make the commitment to stick to it and you will find within a few months, you will begin adjusting your lifestyle to your new financial habits, which will, in turn, reinforce these new practices. Remember, nothing comes for free - long term financial goals require short term sacrifices, the trick is to find the right compromise that allows you to meet those long term goals while still enjoying life to the fullest in the short term.  Â

Time to Re-Think Money By Wayne Bland

If you often spend more than your needs, you best first step is to focus on a budget, looking for areas that are unnecessary and can be trimmed, and be prepared to have the discipline to stick to your new budget. If you often spend to your means, your best starting point is look for opportunities to build up your savings, which helps to reduce the risk and impact of unexpected expenses, and allows you to begin saving for the future. If you often spend below your means, you are in a good position to save to the future and should focus on savings that are structured to provide for better return on retirement, although, don't forget to still enjoy life in the interim as many people that spend below their needs end up with a full bank account and regrets on missed opportunities and experiences.

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Sh is for Sharing By Donna Johnson

We are... Your Sisters In Survival Sharing Our Stories of Healing and Hope Because we want to see you healed, too. Where our help, hope and healing comes from? That’s personal relationship with Jesus Christ... Even despite the... experimentation, exploration, and exploitation, like we were just their little play dolls, ...But, Father forgive them for they know not what they do; And forgive our parents and guardians, too for the neglect, ignorance, regret, lack of respect And we forgive ourselves for our own silence, too, about what happened to us and maybe to other little ones, too,

who were exposed ashamed blackmailed shamed shunned silenced shushed muffled muzzled left without a voice left without any choices but to hide and turn in on yourself ‘cause you had no help Oh there they go again time to disappear again but you have no place to hide but inside yourself So your psyche just placed all those painful memories on a shelf until another day a stronger day Con’t Next Page

Sh is for Sharing By Donna Johnson

when the Woman You Are today could stand up for the little one you were back then. Now, even though “they” want you to be quiet; “they” want you to shhh.... and leave the shame of your past in the past; {the shameful shhhh... that really belonged to someone else the shameful shhhh... that really could stand for a certain four letter word, you see, ‘cause that’s what shame really is, just a soul form of it; and just like shhh.... ….”it”, if “it” stays inside of you for too long, “it” turns toxic and rots you from the inside out but I digress...} So, as I was saying: even though “they” just want you and me to hush and just talk about positive things and not private things, The Women of God We are now know That “No More Silence” is the key to unlock a living hell of shame and fear for many little girls, many of whom are the daughters of the girls-trapped-in-grown-women just

like us So Here We stand Bold and Visible At Last I won’t allow the shame to stay and shush or shame the real me any more. How about you? Let’s talk. about the healing and hope Let’s share together we have in Christ Jesus. As a friend used to say, Let’s play spiritual tag, And pass on salvation in Christ Jesus; Pass on His unconditional love; Pass on His supernatural healing From the inside out. Let’s teach the girls and the womengirls How to be free indeed In the Son of God who has set us free. In Jesus’ Name. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Not Tonight Dear, I Have a Business to Run! By Dr. Patty Ann Tublin You’ve heard the gruesome statistics. Over half of all marriages will end in divorce. (Believe me, I know – my practice is full of couples on the brink of divorce if we don’t do something fast to quiet the raging fire.) Add to that the fact that statistically, the chances of suc-ceeding in a small business are about one in ten, and in all marriages, you can bet that during some time in their marriage, one or both of the spouses is apt to say to one another: “Honey, I’ve been laid off,” or, “Sweetheart, what do you think if I quit my job and invest in an Internet business instead,” or, “Dear, I have bad news – that idiot boss of mine fired me!”, or “Sugar, let’s go into business together, what do you think?!” Your relationships with your spouse and children are directly impacted when you take on the challenges of entrepreneurship and/or self-employment. Unanticipated financial, time and emotional stressors will influence your relationship with your spouse and children and jeopardize your chance for entrepreneurial success if you fail to create a family plan which anticipates the most likely challenges of selfemployment. Married entrepreneurial wives and mothers do not have to sacrifice success in business in order to be happily married, and an effective parent! If you are consid-ering becoming an entrepreneur by either starting your own business, or purchasing a business with your spouse or significant other, or you are already committed to entrepreneurship as a lifestyle, you need help to beat the odds against divorce and business failure. Business experts stress the importance of creating a thorough strategic busi-ness plan before starting a new business. Women entrepreneurs and small business owners understand that we now need to learn how to prepare a family plan as well. Why?

Not Tonight Dear, I Have a Business to Run! By Dr. Patty Ann Tublin Women do not want success in business to come at the expense of happiness in their marriage and family life and relationships. Women have created a sense of urgency for a family plan as we embrace entrepreneurship at twice the rate of men while populating more seats than men in graduate professional programs such as medicine and law. Women want, and actually demand, a life that creates financial and personal success. Entrepreneurship is the answer to this burning desire and the question to: “How do I create a life I love”? A well thought out family plan makes certain our business and relationship goals are in synch, supporting rather than being at odds with each other. The old paradigm of keeping your business and personal life totally separate from each other doesn’t work for entrepreneurial and self-employed women (and it never really worked all that great for men either). Today’s women seek to reconcile and blend their professional and personal lives, something which is made simultaneously easier and more difficult thanks to modern technology.

Dr. Patty Ann facebook@drpattyann twitter@drpattyann

Eleanor Roosevelt said: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”. Women in today’s modern world are better educated and more driven for professional success than ever before. They are no longer bound by stereotypes with the new image of women represented quite well by the old commercial words: “we can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan and never let you forget you’re a man”. To do this we need a paradigm shift, one that acknowledges how our business success is influenced by success in our intimate and personal relationships. If you want to create a thriving profitable business without sacrificing happiness in your marriage and family life, click here NOW

Students N2 Success What does SUCCESS look like? Success means if you have a “D” on your progress report and you keep on doing good, the next progress report you get will be a “C”, then a “B”, then an “A+” ~6th grader Success looks like College graduation with good grades , job, like a veternarian. A mansion and a great career. ~3 rd grader

1. Having good behavior 2. Being Nice 3. Getting good grades ~4th grader

Being glad that you did something good. Or hoping that you completed what you wanted to do the most. ~5 th grader Continuing to fly with eagles, so you can help those who cannot fly. ~5 th grader

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From Brokenness to Greatness: A Guide to living beyond your past & stepping into your greatness

The Underdog Platform Society told them they couldn’t…. The Underdog proved they could

Thessie Mitchell, Honored police detective to quadriplegic Author In Bertie County, NC, Thessie Mitchell always knew he would do something significant with his life…. he just never knew the details. Raised during the segregation era, he had his share of hard times; however this college graduate was determined to be more than just another statistic. His 26 year law enforcement career at Duke University came with honorable achievements as well as some close calls. After retiring from Duke, a sudden accident left him paralyzed from the neck down but this was far from the end of the story. Although his career advancements are honorable and merited, they are not as significant as having the sure will, tenacity and resiliency to be a transparent storyboard for the world to view. His courage to live an inspiring life despite his condition is the type of rebound that the ordinary, average person is not equipped for. Read about his amazing, redemptive Underdog story in his new book: “Just One More Dance”

The Underdog Platform Society told them they couldn’t…. The Underdog proved they could

Name: Thessie Mitchell Favorite Dessert Lemon Cake Biggest Obstacle Mindset of a quadriplegic One word Self-Description Complex What is an Underdog to you? Overcoming despite insurmountable odds My turning point: A course of events which led me to a spiritual realization that brought me closer to God. Why didn't you give up or quit? I had to get back into the mainstream. I kept a journal, which turned into the book. Regardless of your circumstance, you can still be in a better position if you never give up. What does success look like? Success to me is the inner peace within that continues to help me do better things with my life.

About the Book: Just One More Dance By Thessie Mitchell

Just One More Dance depicts the life of Thessie Mitchell and gives a stunning account of his years as a young black kid. He was born and raised in a small rural community in the South during the 50’s and 60’s. Upon completion of high school, he attended a historical black college in a mid-sized city in North Carolina. Thessie’s exposure to lessons learned in the classroom and on the mean streets of Durham NC gave him the knowledge to write this book. His successful career in law enforcement landed him employment at the prestigious college and medical center, Duke University. His life endured many ups and downs reminiscent of the New York Stock Exchange until it abruptly crashed during The Great Depression. His life was forever changed after an accident left him paralyzed from his neck down. While many believed that to be his end, it was just the beginning of his Christian journey and a closer walk with God.

Purchase your copy of “Just one More Dance” on

The P.U.S.H. Platform

The PUSH Platform provides a FREE 30 sec YouTube video  to promote your Name, Business, Group or Organization. The PUSH Platform is for: -Entrepreneurs -Authors -Business Owners -Organizations The Youtube video is yours to link to your website, blog, social media sites....forever!! Visit

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