TPR Magazine- August 2012

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Rhonda Nails Project PUSH Founder

August 2012 Issue 8 Featured Series:

Parenting for Success Katherine Waddell, This Needs to Be Said, Inc.

8 Credit Myths Tanisha Layne,

Community Response The UNDERDOG Platform Featuring Milton McClain

Survivor against the odds‌.Blessing through his Ballads

Why did you start your business?

10 Tips for Pinerest Success Terri Seymour

Contents Issue 8 August 2012

Page 6

10 Tips for Pinterest Success Terri Seymour, Seymour Products

Page 10

8 Credit Myths Tanisha Layne

Page 16

How to Avoid Stumping your toe Katherine Waddell, TNTBS, Inc.

The Underdog Platform

Page 20

Milton McClain, R&B Neo Soul Singer



A Word from Rhonda Project PUSH Founder Good News and Not so Good News!! The Not so Good News is….this will be the last issue…..until October!!! In order to increase the amount of content, tools, information we are moving to an every other month publication schedule. We will also become a paid subscription magazine starting with our February issue. The PUSH Report Magazine will be available 6 times per year. All future publications will be released on the 1st of the following months: February April June August October December The Good News is future issues will include more entrepreneur relevant information, a Mompreneur section, How-To articles and even have a section for our Youth by our Youth...almost double the current content! I hope that you are excited about the new changes! BIG things are coming such as Blog Talk Radio Show and 1st Annual PUSH event! You will not want to miss what’s about to manifest!!! Till October….

Rhonda AKA The Success Instigator 4


10 Tips for Pinterest Success Terri Seymour What is Pinterest? You guessed it. It is another social networking site that is exploding in popularity. Social networking sites are a dime a dozen but not all of them are worth the time and effort. So, when one comes along that looks promising and alive with potential, we need to get involved. Pinterest uses a unique idea for the basis of their networking. Your page will be in the format of a push pin bulletin board. You can pin videos, images, photos, etc., to your pinboard and share it with your followers. Pinterest allows you to be creative in your pins and have a lot of fun with it. If you are unfamiliar with Pinterest, below are ten tips help you get started on your way to Pinterest success:


1. Connect with Twitter You want to connect your Pinterest account with your Twitter account email. This will allow you to cross post with your Twitter account. You could connect it with Facebook but you would have to use your personal page account. 2. Complete Profile - Be sure to fill out your profile completely. They will ask if you want to make your profile invisible to the search engines. Be sure to choose "No". You want the search engines to find you. 3. Follow Popular Users - When you follow someone, most of the time they will follow you back so it is important to get some of the most popular pinners linked to you. This will put your account in front of more people. 4. Neat and Simple - Keep your board, neat, clean and professional. You don't want it to look like a cluttered mess. Pinterest is visual so you have to make your board appealing to the eye. 6

5. Relevant Keywords - Be sure to fill your pin descriptions with relevant keywords. Keep your descriptions brief, not long and drawn out but use as many keywords as possible. 6. Use Your Social Accounts - Be sure to put your Pinterest info on your Facebook, Twitter, etc., pages. Take advantage of these sites to guide people to your Pinterest account and stir up more interest. 7. Use Pinterest Buttons - The "Pin-It" button can easily be installed in your browser. Then you can easily pin images and info from other sites to your pinboard. There is also a "Pin-It" button you can use to invite people to pin images from your site to their pinboard. You can also add a "Follow Me on Pinterest" button to your blog and social pages to get more people to your Pinterest board. 8. Share Other People's Images - You can use your board to share other interesting content with your followers, thus encouraging people to share your content. Try to use images and content that complement your content. 9. Pin More than Your Products - Don't limit your pinning to pictures of your products. Pin tidbits of helpful information, tips, ideas and more. Stick to your topic of business but offer a wide variety of content. By offering answers and information you will attract more followers to your board. 10. Add Some Fun - Even though you are using your pinboard for business, it doesn't mean you cannot add some fun and humor. Brighten someone's day with a cheerful or inspirational quote or some good news. Be creative and make your board fun and interesting but never pin anything offensive or inappropriate. Pinterest is a little different than the other social sites and is growing at a phenomenal rate. Be sure to hop on over there and see what the buzz is about. Sign up now and get your board up for all to see. It could do wonders for your online and/or offline business! Don't be one of the 95% of people who fail at their online business. Terri Seymour can help you make money online. Find out how to increase your traffic and sales with her popular "How to Build Your Online Business" ebook for FREE at: ==> http://

Terri Seymour Owner, Seymour Products



BIG Thank you to our Sponsors! Encouraging Word Ministries

Brodie Real Estate/Patricia Curry

Patti Allred/It Works! Distributors

Partiez By Leslie partiezbyleslie


By Whose Perception Larie Writes

Are my dreams too big? Did I set unrealistic goals? Am I aiming too high? Is my audacious hope blinding me? Nah, I believe that it’s your thinking that’s too small to comprehend the success of faith. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV


8 Credit Myths Tanisha Layne Many borrowers are operating under credit myths. Myth #1: The less credit I have the better my score will be. - Not true. Credit bureaus want to see you can handle credit responsibly. Myth #2: If I close some of my credit card accounts, I will have a better score. -Closing them will help your score, and it might actually hurt your score by lowering your overall utilization rate and shortening the average age of your active accounts. Myth #3: I have to keep a balance to have a good credit score. -The truth of the matter is credit bureaus have no way of knowing whether you pay your balance in full each month or whether you make monthly payments.

Myth #4: If I request my credit report, I will hurt my credit score -It is true that having too many inquiries by lenders hurts your credit report, but how frequently you pull your own credit report has no negative impact on your score. The inquiry will show up on your credit report but will not affect your score.

Myth #5: I cannot get credit because I have had bankruptcy, a foreclosure, a tax lien, or a bill turned over fir collection. -If you have poor credit, you can, and should, apply for a credit card immediately. You need to start rebuilding your credit now.


Myth #6: Consumer credit counseling will hurt my credit score. -Consumer credit counseling can indirectly hurt your credit score. Consumer credit counseling companies are hired to handle your accounts. This means that creditors will not notify you about the status of your account; they will notify the consumer credit counseling service. Some lenders will not approve loans for people with consumer counseling regardless how good their credit score is. In other words, you would be wise to stay far, far away from consumer credit counseling services, even though the act of hiring one will not hurt your score. Myth #7: I can increase my credit score by paying my collection accounts. -You will more likely hurt your credit score by paying accounts in collection. But for now you should know that paying a debt in collection not only will damage your score further but also will extend the amount of time a negative item stays on your credit report. The best approach is to negotiate the DEBT before making the payments. Myth #8: I can get my credit score for free online. -You will always have to pay for your credit score (unless it is pulled by a lender). Some companies will provide your credit report for free, but they will not include your credit score. To view your credit score, you will need to pay a fee (usually $15 per credit score). Also note that not all credit scores are equal. Different companies use different methods of collecting data. For instance, automobile companies are interested in the species of your credit history as they pertain to installment loans. Most companies that offer credit scores to consumers (e.g., use a different system than the one used by mortgage planners and credit card companies, who use the FICO system.

Tanisha Layne Financial Expert


Students N2 Success Back to School Tips! The night before school, make sure your backpack is loaded and waiting at the front door. This way you will not be rushing in the morning. ~ Larie Writes Put yourself back on a healthy sleep schedule. ~J. Bryant Don't be afraid to ask for help...and don't be afraid to allow others to help you . ~M. Lypz Do not start the year procrastinating. Schedule everything! Your studying, your social time, eating time….even downtime. ~R. Nails Seek a source of encouragement and motivation for the tough times. ~E. Roberstein Set an “Uncomfortable Goal”...achieve it, then set another one. ~R. Carlise 12


Motivating Moments Words that INSITGATE Success

Either you run the day, Or the day runs you. ~Jim Rohn

Success is on the other side of your Comfort Zone. ~The Success Instigator Hard work has a future PAYOFF, Laziness pays NOW. -Unknown

Adversity causes some men to break, others to break records. ~William Arthur Ward

Failure isn’t an option when you have FAITH. ~J. Osceola


You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith. ~Unknown

The harvest only applies when you plant the seeds. -The Success Instigator Everyone has a fair turn to be as great as he pleases. -Jeremy Collier Life has NO limitations, except the ones you make. -Les Brown


Featured Article Series: You are a Parenting Success: How to Avoid Stumping your toe

Katherine Waddell, This Needs to Be Said, Inc. Throughout the day there are lessons to be learned. It may take us a million times of running into a wall to remember it’s there, none the less we learn the lesson. Have you ever stumped your toe on the corner of a piece of furniture you knew was there, repeatedly? How about stumping your toe on a corner of furniture and it’s not even dark in the room? OUCH! Compare this to giving too many chances to correct a behavior. You may begin thinking you’re the not so bright one in the equation. In parenting it takes patience to allow your child to make a mistake before they see the importance of changing their behavior. Maybe you’ve heard a mistake is something that happens once, maybe twice and after that it’s a habit. Let’s challenge that thought with this thought, it takes some children a little longer to embrace a necessary change. Here is something else to consider, maybe your method to resolve or correct the behavior is not the best way. As a parent you do not have to have all of the answers. The beauty of this job is that you can ask for input and make modifications to an old method. It is very possible that your child has wanted to try something different from what you have suggested, but was afraid to. Instead of placing so much pressure on you to resolve every change in behavior ask the child what they believe could correct it.


Our children are one of our biggest responsibilities. We look on them as a symbol of our success. We even consider how to make tomorrow better for them. Before they arrive we do as much as we can to prepare for them. Having lists made up for the many different scenarios of ‘if then, then this’. We are seeking to avoid any errors. Let’s fast forward to ANY age you like. Our children are individuals with their own mind. They have their own thoughts. More times than not, we have not included that in our grand plan for them to a brighter tomorrow. When you laid out your plan for their lives you probably did not incorporate them having any say so. This is just like stumping your toe repeatedly on the same piece of furniture. Here are a few tips to help you avoid stumping your toe. Somehow as humans we manage to hit our little important toe on that piece of furniture that we know is there, yet we continue to make that error. By being prepared, open and willing to adjust you can avoid a repeated frustration.

Katherine Waddell, CEO TNTBS, Inc.

Prepare in your plans for the child’s future that they will have an input on their life. Even at the age of two the word, ‘NO’ means something to them. You had an opinion that differed from your parents, whether you exercised it or not is a different story. Allow the child to say what they think. This sounds like a teachable moment. Be open because you never know what might come out of their mouths. This is another teachable moment. When they deliver their input and it makes you irritable examine why before you cause the child to shut down and never share with you again. Then your willingness to adjust your plan for their lives will be more powerful than you ever know. Mix your years of experience with their years of inexperience plus their dream to come up with a future that will be fitting for the one who will ultimately have to live it, your child. Avoid stumping your proverbial toe by being prepared, open and willing to adjust. Remember you are a parenting success. Feel free to email me at: and tell me your “Parenting For Success” story. Visit my website: www.This Needs to Be 17

Community Response: Why did you start your business? I HATED my career and wanted to MAKE MONEY! -Terri L Clay As a 14 year old homeless girl I always had a entrepreneurial spirit...when I was abandoned with no where to go I tapped into what was pre-destined for me...and launched my first company at 17 then my second at 19 both of which are still standing today, even though I ran companies and work in corporate America in the beginning, I knew my gifts, calling and purpose!! Today I still stand as a Multifaceted guru that has been blessed to operate several companies and I am continuing new endeavors.... I always say...It was started in me from the womb‌ it just took some time for it to manifest in the natural!

~Chiquana Chozenwoman Originally, because I could use my skills to help people that needed and wanted my help. Started over later in life because I wanted to help my husband out. Expanding my business now because I know I am called to help create jobs in my community to be a part of the solution, instead of just complaining about the economic problems here.

~Donna Johnson I was forced to resign from my teaching job because I was one of the teachers who had the least amount of years. I couldn't find full time work only contract. I read a book by Vickie L. Milazzo after hearing her speak at a conference and it gave me the idea to help connect women to the people and resources they needed. That's the short version.

-Vernetta Freeney 18

I started my business because I For FREEDOM! I wanted got tired of tax payers being flexibility in my life taken advantage of by big to be a mom and live franchises. Paying high fees for life on my terms, doing tax refunds they don't what I love...including understand how they got. I want making my own income! -Tamyka Washington to educate and explain what people can do throughout the year and understand what's going to happen when they sit I started my business to utilize my skills and talents, to help others and to apply down to have their taxes premy creativity. -Miste Kehau Anders-Clemons pared. I want them to Be Informed!

-Anissa Barbee

To put it in simple terms...I wanted to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. I also understood that I could determine what I wanted to be paid or allow someone else to do it. I realized that I liked being a Diva CEO. If you don't know who you are, you will never know what belongs to you! -DrGail McClain Hayes


The UNDERDOG PLATFORM Don’t ever tell an UNDERDOG what they CAN”T do...

How do you have the drive, the passion, the ambition to pursue your purpose… After losing your Mother... Surviving a car accident… and enduring being robbed at gunpoint all in 1 month? Meet Milton...Milton McClain, a survivor against the odds but best of all a blessing through his ballads. Name: Milton McClain Current Profession/Title: I am an R&B Neo-Soul Singer Favorite Dessert: Strawberry Cheesecake Favorite Quote: ”While one may find motivation in one’s hopes, it is through one’s past joys and hardships that one truly evolves.” -Milton Favorite Movie: Menace II Society Biggest Obstacle: Making it through my mother passing away & maintaining to keep it together/positive & follow my dreams One word Self-Description: Unashamed. Who is your inspiration/motivation? Knowing that I can change the lives of my family & myself. And at the same time, doing what I love to do more than anything. What motivates you? My drive & my confidence. I know my mom’s looking down on me so I gotta make her proud ! When did you KNOW for sure what your Purpose was? I mainly captured my passion when I decided that I wanted to sing for a living. I always loved to sing, but that’s when it really hit me; I was about 19. 20

What was your turning point? When I saw how people receive me. They always encourage me to keep going & to me, there’s no better feeling than that so I turned it to another year & never looked back.

What was your lowest point? When I lost my mom & had to figure out where I went from there. I also was in a very bad car accident & was robbed at gunpoint in all a month’s time.

What are your upcoming projects/events? Just signed a record deal with Legendary Kurtis Blow! What made you never give up? My heart won’t let me stop singing & my drive and confidence always reminds me that I’m headed to my destination, which is being known worldwide for touching others through my music. What is your message for the “Haters”? I wish the best for them because they honestly should stay on their job because if you have no haters, you’re doing something wrong. What is the legacy you want to leave? I want to be known as a globally known R&B Soul Singer/ Actor; who was always true to himself & true to his fans. Great father as well, (when that time comes). What is an Underdog to you? A person or group of people who aren’t known by as many people. Potential “diamonds in the rough.” I see myself as a diamond in the rough. What does success look like? Success to me is when you have captured whatever it is that you love to do most, and take it to its’ maximum ability. In other words, to be doing what you love most, for a living to provide for you & your family. You’re never working when you’re doing what you love. That’s what I encourage all people to focus on.

"I didn't choose the cards that life has dealt me, but I will play them to my advantage." ~Milton~ 21

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