July 2012 - TPR Magazine

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The UNDERDOG Platform

Featuring Kiwan N Fitch Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker

Rhonda Nails Project PUSH Founder

July 2012 Issue 7 Featured Series:

Parenting for Success Katherine Waddell, This Needs to Be Said, Inc.

Your Kids and Money Wayne Bland, Financial Advisor

Community Response What does Networking mean?

How to Use Social Media to Get Noticed Online Tamyka Washington, The CEO Mamma

Contents Issue 7 July 2012

Page 6

How to Use Social Media to Get Noticed Online Tamyka Washington, The CEO Mamma

Page 10

Your Kids and Money Wayne Bland, Bland Financial Services

Don’t cause resentment by smothering

Page 16

Katherine Waddell, TNTBS, Inc.

Page 20

The Underdog Platform

Kiwan Fitch, Confessions of a Welfare Mom

A Word from Rhonda Project PUSH Founder Happy Birthday America! As we celebrate our Nation’s birthday, take the time to reflect on what privileges and freedom’s come with being an Entrepreneur. For me, it’s ability to spend the desired time with family and friends, limitless income, educating new clients and growing with professional colleagues. While I enjoy these freedom’s….it always comes with a cost! To be able to enjoy my family, I had to sacrifice steady and reliable income, expose myself to new risks and opportunities, network outside of my comfort zone, and leave negativity (and those associated with it) at the door! I gladly leave these issues at the dumpster and vow never to return for pick up! What are you wiling to sacrifice? What are you willing to PUSH for? Make a decision to put in the work to enjoy your entrepreneurial journey. Realize that failure may come with this journey… you just have to decide if you want to use that failure as your comfort zone or your stepping stone. Till Next Time….

Rhonda AKA The Success Instigator www.Project-Push.org

E E R F 0 1 p To s e d u l c n I * s l o o T r u e n Entrepre !! ! w o N e l b a Avail g r o . h s u P t c www.Proje

How to Use Social Media to Get Noticed Online The CEO Mamma www..TamykaWashington.com

Do you sometimes have a hard time trying to figure out how you should BE online? It’s different when you leave your house…you know what you’re going to wear, how you’re going to fix your hair and do your makeup. Depending on how you feel, the weather outside, you can get in your vibe and just…do you! When it comes to creating your social media presence online…your persona, it can be a bit difficult. We get caught up in the idea we have to BE super professional and appear extra educated in order to attract business. Then, we find these awesome people online with thousands and thousands of fans and followers and we think…“if I could just be like…so-and-so, my business will grow” or “if I just talk like such-and-such, I can attract more people”…ever feel like that? Don’t lie…I used to (*smile*). It’s pretty normal. Many people find someone they really respect online, someone they want to model their business after, someone they want to be just like when they grow up… So they end up adopting their online persona. They use their words, copy their writing style and guess what? After a while, they lose their identity, their original passion and forget the purpose of their own business because their vision has become that of someone else.

Let me tell you something… It is OKAY to be you! You have your own unique style, your own charm, personality and charisma. If you want to get noticed online…you can’t be afraid to be yourself! Allow me to share 5 simple tips for you to start getting noticed online by your preferred audience 1. You must be crystal clear about whom it is you want to speak to so you can share your message with a particular group of people. 2. Have an understanding of what their struggles are so you can relate to them and begin to attract them to you. 3. Help them become aware through the content you share; you have a solution to their problem. 4. Use language and wording that is familiar to them and relates to their pain. 5. Be your authentic self. Speak from your heart and genuinely express your desire to be of service. Applying these tips and being consistent will help you begin to create and establish a credible presence online and become attractive to your preferred audience. For more tips, visit my website; www.TamykaWashington.com now to learn more about getting noticed and how you can effectively manage your social media presence online. Tamyka Washington Social Media Marketing Consultant www.TamykaWashington.com


BIG Thank you to our Sponsors!

Encouraging Word Ministries


Brodie Real Estate/Patricia Curry


Patti Allred/It Works! Distributors


Partiez By Leslie

http://www.wix.com/lez2006/ partiezbyleslie

Signature Notaries, LLC


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Your Kids and Money Wayne Bland

Bland Financial Services Group Any child knows where their parents get money - the ATM! Understanding that parents must work for their money requires a more mature mind. Until they start earning a living, and sometimes well beyond that, kids are apt to spend money like it grows on trees. These tips will help you put your children on the road to handling money responsibly. 1.Start Early It's important to work on your child's financial awareness early on, for once they're teenagers, they are less likely to heed your sage advice. Besides, they're busy doing other things - like spending money. 2. Make them work for it! An allowance can be an effective teaching tool if used correctly. Don't just give them an allowance. Make them earn it by doing household chores. No chores, no allowance. This might be their first real world experience. Try doing nothing for a whole week and see what your paycheck looks like. That's if you have a job still. When your kids are young, giving them small amounts of earned money helps them prepare for the day when the numbers will get bigger. 3. Don't always say YES! Demonstrate that you understand the value of money. Set the right example. You need to walk the talk. Kids are allways listening and wacthing. Know the difference between wants and needs and explain to your kids how you arrive at smart money decisions. Don't be afraid to say NO! Just because you refuse to spend $250 on a pair of sneakers doesn't mean that you hate your child. 3. Balance the bookTeenagers and college-age kids need to be taught how the banking and credit system works. Spend to time teaching your kids how to balance a check book. Even better take a portion of their allowance and help them open a checking, savings or investment account. These skills are essential to the college experience as books, sports and parties. Teaching your kids the value of money, banking, and credit now will make them more savvy when they eventually leave the nest. "Time and money spent in helping men to do more for themselves is far better than mere giving." Henry Ford If you have questions about retirement planning, investments or insurance feel free to contact Bland Financial Services Group 704-535-4833 Wayne Bland Bland Financial Services Group Office:704-535-4833/704-970-8336 Fax Cell: 704-957-6608 Stay connected with Bland FSG Bland-Financial-Services-Group http://www.youtube.com/user/BlandFSG

The Success Project Tips and Strategies delivered to your INBOX!

What does YOUR Success Look like? In order to determine your Success Roadmap, you will need to determine what Success looks like for you! Your Success is not comparable to others, therefore you will need to Create your own path to blaze! Motivating Tip #1One sure fire way to be a success… Rise 1 hour earlier than the competition. If you cannot seem to rise 1 hour earlier, stay up 1 hour later to work and strategize on nothing but your success in business. Dedicate this hour to building and branding your business.

Strategy #1 Write down everything you believe about success. Once you have completed this list, throw it away, burn it, get rid of it. This list has not worked and is FALSE. Now create a new list that entails all the things you Desire...that do NOT actively require money. My old Success list: *High paying Corporate CEO position *5 bedroom house *Black Lexus *Yearly 5 star vacations *Earn 6 figures by 40 New Success List: *Discover and cultivate my new purpose *Share, teach and support others on their “success” journey *Create a business system utilizing my “purpose” that will passively produce 6 figures by age 40 *Befriend like-minded entrepreneurs/individuals that will hold me accountable *Set up a scholarship fund for “Non-traditional” students *Continue to learn and cultivate my purpose You never really give up wanting what you want….you gain a new understanding that your new list will ultimately provide the desires on your “old list”.


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Motivating Moments Words that INSITGATE Success

Make it work...by getting to Work. ~The Success Instigator Never base the clarity of your vision on anybody’s evidence. ~Iyanla Vanzant

Nobody gets to write your destiny but you. ~President Obama

Failure is 1 of 2 things: 1.Your Comfort Zone OR 2. Your Stepping Stone ~The Success Instigator

He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose. ~Jim Elliott

Pray, Plant then PUSH. -The Success Instigator You have to learn the rules of the game, then play better than anyone else. -Albert Einstein Your Purpose is planned by God, but your Success is planned by you. -Zachary Tims To succeed in life you need two things: Ignorance and Confidence. -Mark Twain

Featured Article Series: Don’t cause resentment by smothering

Katherine Waddell, This Needs to Be Said, Inc. I know a lady who has abandonment issues because her mother walked out on the family when she was a child for her dad to raise them. As a result of her mother walking out she held onto resentment towards her. This resentment has turned into her over showering her children with her attention and presence. She has been determined that she will not do to her children what her mother did to her and her siblings. If this is you or someone you know, read carefully. You’re not balanced when you behave this way. The very thing you think that you are avoiding is the very thing you are doing, causing your children to resent you. You may be reflecting on what it felt like when mom walked out and how angry you were to learn she was not coming back. So in your relationship with your partner you accept some behavior that you would rather not because you don’t want them to leave either. Your plight to keep the family together will become your sole purpose in existing. There are a few problems with this as your motivation. For one Katherine Waddell, CEO you will add to the resentment you already harbor whenever your family does not express how much they appreciate you for being there. This TNTBS, Inc. could cause your thoughts to lean towards leaving yourself. Another problem this behavior could create will be between you and your partner. They have not experienced the same childhood pain you have quite possibly, so by not working on this issue with a professional it will damage your union. Finally your children who are not allowed to breathe because you are afraid to let go will see how you and your partner are not getting along and will begin to add their behavior to that pot of emotions. On top of that your children will repeat the behavior you hoped to avoid. They will resent you. Here are some suggestions on how to get on the road to recovery from the resentment you hold on to like a security blanket. Do not compare yourself to the parent who took flight. When you compare yourself you are assuming you are just like that parent. You are saying you understand everything about their experiences. This already places you at a disadvantage. Next seek professional assistance through a counselor or life coach, to provide you with ongoing support. They offer you the tools you need that will encourage you to building success in YOUR parenting skills. Until next time remember this as long as you are seeking a better understanding of you, you will continue to be a “Parenting Success”. I would love to hear your feedback about any of the things I have suggested. Your responses may be a part of an upcoming article. Feel free to email me at: letstalk@thisneedstobesaid.com and tell me your “Parenting For Success” story. Visit my website: www.This Needs to Be Said.com

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Community Response: What does Networking mean to you?

The opportunity to connect with another person, share what is going on with them and vice versa, then move forward in a new relationship that will benefit you both. -Gazelle Simmons-Moore

...to me networking is not just about you and your business. It's about learning, growing, meeting new people, connecting, collaborating and overall building new clientele and business associates ~Michelle Ifill

To me it means sharing talents, gifts, opportunities, love and receiving the same while you grow together, everybody wins! ~Jaqulyn Rene Making real connections. People that can help each other BUILD and not just be another dot on their radar but actually be the navigational system...not always between myself and someone but with others as well. I actually get more appreciation/thank you’s for networking than I do my actual work. -The Creative Ones

Using the resources you have available to make connections with individuals who may share the same interest/vision as you, or can direct you to other sources of the same while collaborating and supporting one another with our unique characteristics *wink* -Shannon Nicole

Connecting, getting leads or referrals, growing your network, establishing business relationships and creating a community." -Vernetta Wagc Freeney

Networking gives you the perfect opportunity to fulfill the 2nd most important commandment on a regular basis - love your neighbor as yourself (aka the golden rule) -Donna Johnson

The UNDERDOG PLATFORM Don’t ever tell an UNDERDOG what they CAN”T do...

Name: Kiwan N. Fitch

Current Profession:

Author, Empowerment Specialist, and Mental Health Assistant

Favorite Dessert: Peach Cobbler

Biggest Obstacle:

Pushing past the little voice that says my desires are too big for the cash in my pocket. I look at what needs to be done and what it takes for things to be done in excellence and don’t get discouraged. I have to remember you eat an elephant one bite at a time.

One word Self-Description: Determined

My turning point:

The ending of my marriage woke me up to step into the woman I want to be not the woman others want.

What is your latest success venture? Publishing my first book.

Why did you never give up?

Because I know Im an example to other women who didn’t believe in themselves. Im determined to keep trying even it I have to start over several times. Success is in the lessons learned along the way. Im beginning to embrace MY journey and appreciate all of my bumps and bruises. Lol. They are MINE.

What is an Underdog to you?

Someone who was voted least likely to succeed and DOES!

What does success look like? Success for me is being able to live with more ease. Not having to doubt Gods ability to provide. Knowing in HIM I am all that I need to be.

Kiwan N. Fitch is one of the founders of My Sistahz Keeper Association (MSKA). She has worked with various populations and organizations in the Social Service Industry for the last 16 years. These areas of involvement include: Domestic Violence, Adult and Children’s Mental Health, Incarceration and Parole, and Family/Community Organizations just to name a few. Ms. Fitch is a graduate of Seton Hall University’s Non-Profit Leadership Institute and Rising Tide Capital’s Community Business Academy. In November 2010 Ms. Fitch launched, Kiwan N. Fitch, LLC. A company she created to continue her work with women in transition as well as offer her expertise to others. Her first book, "Confessions of a Welfare Mom", launched fall of 2011. Currently, Ms. Fitch is a facilitating “Confessions of a Welfare Mom EmPOWERment” series workshop at the Department of Social Services in Columbia, South Carolina. Ms. Fitch graduated from New Jersey City University with a Bachelors degree in Sociology. She has 3 sons, ages 19, 8, and 7. She is also a foster parent to a 19 yr old young lady. For more information or to book Ms. Fitch for an event please contact her www.kiwanfitch.com or Kiwan@KiwanFitch.com


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