The PUSH Report - December 2011

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Issue 1, December 2011

A Word from the Editor… Merry Christmas!! The 1st issue of The PUSH Report is here! The mission of this online magazine is to elevate, promote and encourage SUCCESS. As a little girl, I often envisioned the day when I would run my own business not knowing exactly what it “looked” like. This publication will focus on promoting what Success looks like through different individuals and situations….Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Students, and The Underdogs (my favorite). The Bible says that “You will decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you..” Job 22:28. I decree SUCCESS…. not only mine but also for the eyes of the readers of this magazine. For me, Success looks like resiliency. The choice and ability to keep getting back up amidst what your current situation may be . The hope for this publication is to leave a legacy of attainable Success because sometimes all you need is a little P.U.S.H…P.ursue U.ntil S.uccess H.appens!


Table of Contents Issue 1, December 2011

Table of Contents

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What is Project PUSH?


Confessions of a Welfare Mom


Nurturing the Entrepreneur in your Child


Young Man


Entrepreneur or Wanna-Be?


Community Responses: What does Success look like?


Students N2 Success


Wealth Creation


The Underdog Platform



What is Project PUSH? A lot of people have asked…”What is Project PUSH?” It is my Plan A…. What I was created to do, to promote and to encourage. Everything else has been Plan B. Out of my passion for seeing people fulfill their purpose, I have created Project PUSH (P.ursue U.ntil S.uccess H.appens). An organization that empowers and supports individuals, entrepreneurs, students and organizations to be relentless in their pursuit of success. In a nutshell, Project PUSH is a MOVEMENT; A Positive Peer Pressure Movement. Current and Future endeavors of Project PUSH are: *The PUSH Report: The Official Online Magazine of Project PUSH *The PUSH Platform: FREE video promotion for Entrepreneurs, Business owners, Authors, and Organizations *Online Business Directory An ever growing online video directory of entrepreneurs *Daily PUSH: A collection of 1 minute Motivational Videos *Educational Support: FREE School Supplies, Scholarships(2012) etc. *Project PUSH Radio (2012) **Motivational TV Commercials (20??) 3

Confessions of a Welfare Mom Kiwan N. Fitch As the project progressed, I later opened it up to include women who were no longer receiving assistance and are now business owners or career women who are role models for using the systems available to them in order to achieve success in their own rite.

My name is Kiwan N. Fitch. I am the CEO of The Kiwan N. Fitch, LLC. I created my company with a simple mission: to equip “women in transition” with the resources needed for VICTORY! I want them to ACHEIVE success in all areas of your life: mental wellness, physical wellness, education, parenting and economics. I am proud to present “Confessions of a Welfare Mom: An Urban Anthology of Personal Experiences”. As a nation we are experiencing record numbers of women who are reaching out for assistance, it is a great time to LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD.

I am honored that so many women were able to search their lives and decide to share their stories. It is the hope of this project that women will read the stories and get hope. Hope for a future, hope for success, and that they will know that there is always hope.

Confessions of a Welfare Mom is a book that spotlights women who are currently or have at one point in their life time been on any form of public assistance. This includes: TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), FI (Family Independence), FOOD STAMPS, GENERAL ASSISTANCE, MEDICAID, and OTHER STATE AND COUNTY RUN PROGRAMS. The book is a composite of the many faces of welfare. As the Co-Founder and Executive Director of a Nonprofit Organization, I created welfare to work program for women who were assigned to our program as a “work site” as a condition of their obtaining benefits. My coordinator and I made sure that our activities were all in line with assuring the full success of the women who we came in contact with. I began this project first as a way to help them see where the cycle of dependency began and identify where, when and how it will end for them. Then as a way to share my personal story; I too now qualify for Food Stamps for the first time in almost 14 years.

This project was also designed with a business model in mind. I wanted women who submit to the project to be able to share in the profits. All contributors are invited to purchase the book at wholesale price in order to sell it at retail price, thus keep the difference for their own profit. I am also compiling submissions from women for future books: Confessions of a Teen Mom, Formerly Incarcerated Mom, Lesbian Mom, Formerly Addicted Mom, and Military Mom. If you would like more information about the book please feel free to contact me at or or 5

Nurturing the Entrepreneur in Your Child By Katherine Waddell As an entrepreneur what I have noticed over the last year and a half is that a lot of business owner are NOT teaching their children how to do the same. We, as business owners begin this process of being our own boss for the sake of the family. We want the best for the children like college for example. Well, if you are a business owner it quite possibly was not because you went to college and they taught you how to do that. In fact what you learned, if you attended was how to get a job. Is this really what you want for your child? If you say yes then something is wrong with that picture. Let me help you straighten it out a bit. When I began my journey to live my dream and do that without having a boss to report to it changed the game for me completely. I grew up in a household where the adults left every day to earn money for the family on someone else’s job. Occasionally the adults would talk about owning their own business. This ‘thought’ alone stirred something up inside me that I could not let go of for many years to come. It was an exciting thought to me. The Jefferson’s were one of my favorite shows as a child and it was great to see people who looked liked my family ‘own’ their own company. Even though my parents never did own their own business it didn’t stop me from thinking this was a great opportunity to pursue. 7

I believe I would have owned a business sooner if that ‘idea’ had been nurtured. As my children see me I have noticed them taking more risks of venturing out on their and using their gifts. They ask me questions and I am transparent in my responses to them. My eleven year old asked me one morning when I dropped him off for school, “What will you do with your day?” And I was pleased to be able to tell him that my goal was to solve a problem that dealt with my business. Because solving this particular problem would allow me to grow my company a little more. He seemed to understand and gave an approving nod.

Nurturing the Entrepreneur in Your Child By Katherine Waddell

I have shared this little bit with you to simply say, tap into what your child has been given as a gift. See how they would like to use that gift in their lives. Refuse to block them from growing in that gift. A lot of well meaning parents have the tendency to want our children to be on a ‘safe’ course in life. These well meaning parents will suggest their child joins a company with security and benefits. As we can see for the moment lots of people are getting laid off and may even be faced with not being able to get unemployment. Do these people have a plan B? Don’t let this happen to your child. Nurture the entrepreneur in them, starting today. It is difficult to change a person’s mind set after they have been hit by life. Catch your child early and help them develop how they will invest in their future. When you are your own boss you are more likely to have your finger tips on the pulse of change. You will be able to make adjustments in your company, you have control. Don’t leave your child out in the cold by not showing them the power that lies within them. 8

Join Katherine each weekday at 2pm as she and her guests talk about the, "Elephants In The Room" on Blog Talk Radio. We have an online chat room, join us there and chat with us during the show. http://www.blogtalkradio. com/thisneedstobesaid

R.Y. Burke (Author/Speaker) CEO - Children's Book Workshop, LLC Co-Founder/National Director of Operations of Sisters in Harmony email: childrensbookworkshop@yahoo .com website: phone: 301-523-9498


Young Man Doris Williams

YOUNG MAN Young Man! Young Man! Stand up! Stand up Young man And pull your pants up Stand tall and proud Speak out loud You have a lot to say It’s been bottled up and it needs to come out You don’t have to shout Just speak out – Proudly, slowly and intelligently The words have been waiting to be let out Words are wisdom, words are weapons and words will always be heard Put down the guns, put down the knives Stop selling your soul Drugs and Alcohol will always take hold Show it whose boss Let it know that it’s lost Stop disrespecting yourself and blaming it on someone else You are responsible for you

Only you can dictate which way you will go Will it be to the left or to the right Choose your destination (up or down) You were born a Leader - A King Take hold of your Queen Together you can make a bright and lovely future for your Prince or Princess Our Fore Fathers and Mothers paved the way You can continue it by doing your best today Just standup, speak out loud Stand tall and proud Just remember To pull your pants up! Love Mom


Entrepreneur or Wanna-be? By Mark Stokes Are you an Entrepreneur Or Wannabe? "Wanna-be's" obsess about ideas. Entrepreneurs obsess about implementation and results. Don't get stuck in analysis paralysis. It's a well known fact that every successful entrepreneur takes relentless massive action and unsuccessful people don't take enough. No need to reinvent the wheel here just copy what the top earners are doing and implement. "Wanna-be's" seek a perfect plan and wait for the all the lights to be on green before starting. Entrepreneurs take massive action when they see an opportunity. Entrepreneurs take educated risks and are able to make big decisions quickly once they have all the facts in place. They make a decision and take massive action. No successful entrepreneur achieves their business and personal goals by playing it safe! "Wannabe's" wait for their lucky break. Entrepreneurs take responsibility and create their own luck. "Wannabe's" fear looking stupid in front of their friends and family. Entrepreneurs are willingly to risk making a fool of themselves, knowing that long-term success is a good trade for short- term loss of image. Don't listen to your friends and family stuck in the rat race nearly broke. They have zero credibility as far as financial decisions are concerned. Surround yourself with others who get great results. This is the only way to get traction in your life and business and find your wealth with unstoppable momentum. 11

Entrepreneur or Wanna-be? By Mark Stokes "Wannabe's" believe what they're told by others (particularly the media). Entrepreneurs do relentless thinking about the end result and make their own decisions. Do your due diligence and follow your instinct. It will rarely let you down. "Wannabe's" believe they can do it all. Entrepreneurs use systems, technology and outsource to resolve weaknesses, that others will take years to complete, master or just give up on. "Wannabe's" think about things as could and should's.(but never do) Entrepreneurs think in terms of musts and it is not it could. Entrepreneurs have clarity and that is is power!! Are You An Entrepreneur Or Wannabe? "Which one are you? You can decide in a heart beat to think like an Entrepreneur, could it be that one decision that shapes your future. Are you willing to take the risk of NOT knowing what your real future can bring. The Internet is changing lives by the second are you going to be one of those people who say if only I had followed my heart where would I be now?". Time to take action Entrepreneur! You can meet a personal friend and mentor who is a relentless Entrepreneur on a mission to help ordinary people go from Zero to six figures online. DISCOVER how being an Internet Entrepreneur is truly out there. Wishing all you Entrepreneurs out there every success on your journey for life without rules:) 12

What does Success Look Like? A Response from Various Business Women

…Happiness, stability, financially free, healthy body, happy husband & family, healthy friendships and business partnerships..... JOY + FINANCIAL STABILITY =MY SUCCESS …Success is not just financial stability that derives from my business. It is happiness and happiness that comes from doing what one loves and is talented at. Happiness from having a healthy home/family life and having healthy friendships. It is an all around balance. …Family & GOD.....When I make them happy I feel successful..... …When opportunities become available due to your resiliency! Even though the results is unknown, its rewarding to PUSH on! 13


Students N2 Success Elevating Success in Education

Name: Glenna Elaine-Lookadoo Boston

School Classification: 1st

Year Law Student at North Carolina Central University School of Law, Alumni of North Carolina State University, Class of 2008, Magna cum Laude

Favorite Subject/Class: Torts (Civil legal wrongs, what people do to get themselves sued.)

Favorite Dessert: Banana Chimichangas my husband makes!

Extracurricular Activities/ Volunteer Services : Parent Teacher Organization, School Improvement committee, Children’s Ministry at Church of Christ.

In 10 years my name will read:

Glenna Elaine-Lookadoo Boston, BSW, Esq., Attorney at Law, PLLC

What does Success look like? Success to me is not about money or things. I completed my undergraduate degree later in life as a nontraditional student. Success is also having great supportive friends surrounding me, including my husband. Nothing in my life was “normal”. I did not complete my undergraduate degree straight out of high school nor in four years. My educational career began on a basketball scholarship at Winthrop University in 1990, but had many stops along the way before finally finishing at North Carolina State University in 2008. 15

If it were not for my husband, Deric, and strong friendships this could not have occurred. Success is persistence. Persistence got to me to law school at the age of 39, with two small children.

Students N2 Success Promoting Success in Education

Extracurricular Activities/ Volunteer Services: Vice president of Aggies Against AIDS, Elementary Tutor, serving food at homeless shelters various shelters homeless shelters. Future Career : Speech Language Pathologist in the hospital setting.

Name: Karen Butler School Classification: Senior at NC A&T Favorite Subject/Class: African American Experience

What does Success look like? Well known in my profession, nice house, nice car, making my family proud In 10 years my name will read:

Favorite Dessert: My mother’s sweet potato pie

Mrs. Karen Renee M. ButlerWoolford, CCC-SLP 16

Students N2 Success Promoting Success in Education

Extracurricular Activities/ Volunteer Services: President of Junior Ushers of local Church, and Community Outreach Tutor

Name: Trevor Hamlett School Classification: High School Junior

Future Career : Surgeon; Neurosurgeon or Cardiovascular Surgeon

Favorite Subject/Class: Chemistry Favorite Dessert: Fruit Salad

What does Success look like? Success looks like reaching your goal in due time while keeping your faith in God. You don't have to be making millions to be successful, just at some point you should be doing something you love for your profession.

In 10 years my name will read:

Trevor Hamlett, MD 17


Wealth Creation: 10 Steps to Financial Freedom Tracy Ellis, CEO of Ellis Global Inc. 1. CREATE & VISUALIZE YOUR GOALS: They will always lead to wealth creation. Set a particular goal and visualize it every day. In setting your goals, you should always be sure they are categorical, quantifiable, realizable, pragmatic and time bound. 2. DO YOUR HOMEWORK: Never jump into any business venture, irrespective of how attractive it may look. This could set you up for failure and disappointment. The more interesting the business opportunity, the closer you ought to be in examining their claims on returns on investments.(ROI) As a budding entrepreneur it's important to test each business opportunity before you invest a significant amount of time and/or money. 3. IDENTIFY A PROBLEM & FIND A SOLUTION: This is the key to creating sales and cash flow for your business. Be determined enough to stick with it and don't quit. Everyone is consistently attempting to find solutions to their problems. If you can offer them a quality product and an excellent value, then the world is your oyster. People are willing to open their wallets to those who can offer an easier and better life to them. One thing you must remember is that there are always problems waiting to be solved. 4. THINK BIG & KICK ASS: The one thing that starts from the top and grows down is the grave. Otherwise, everything else in life starts small and grows up. When you grow up, you stay up, but when you jump up, you come down. Naturally, common-sense tells you that when you jump up, the force of gravity simply pulls you down. There's such a lot to be learned at the start of your business. It will be small, but you will be dreaming big! So as you have a giant vision to grow, your business will grow too! Remember the proverb... "To Think Is To Create"... Keep your vision, create a mission statement and share them with everyone you hire. With this you will all have a common goal to work toward each and every day. 20

Wealth Creation: 10 Steps to Financial Freedom Tracy Ellis, CEO of Ellis Global Inc.

5. USE EARNED CAPITAL TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS: As you grow your business, remember to always use capital from your profits. Growing a business on borrowed capital is a very big risk indeed. You must be prepared to dance to the music when it starts to play. If you position the growth of your business, without acquiring debt, it will allow you to work harder and ensure you make the cash and merit the growth. 6. CHOOSE THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO WORK WITH: You need to be careful in picking the people you're going to work with in the business. If you truly want to grow your company, it is vitally important to choose people that are suited to the tasks that you assign to them. For example, you wouldn't hire a heavy machine operator to run your sales department, right? A great deal of time and money could be lost by attempting to put a square peg in a round hole. 7. USE FISCAL LEVERAGING: When your business starts to grow, it will be reflective of your business income. The entire essential nature of beginning a business is to develop a consistent, foreseeable source of cash flow above cost and expenses. The bank will lend your business money based on the amount of cash flow it produces each month or year. So make sure that you keep the cash flowing even during slow economic periods. This may take some "thinking outside the box", but that is what being an entrepreneur is all about.


Wealth Creation: 10 Steps to Financial Freedom Tracy Ellis, CEO of Ellis Global Inc.

8. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX: There will always be competition in any market you choose to enter. It is important to brand your business so you stand out from the others. When branding your business be sure to always be thinking outside the box. Come up with ideas that haven't been used before and you will surely get noticed. 9. DON'T STOP LEARNING: Read, Read, Read... Always be learning about your product or niche, your target market, and how the economy may effect your business. It is important to always be attempting to stay one step ahead of your competition. Continuous learning will allow you the flexibility to make changes in the business when necessary to stay on the top of your game. 10. LEARN FROM A MENTOR: It is much easier to achieve financial success by following in the footsteps of someone that has already been in your shoes and has reached the pinnacle that you envision for yourself. Find a mentor that you feel a connection with and has reached the level of success that you are striving for. Then listen to their every word. They will teach you the steps necessary to reach your financial goals and dreams. Remember that everyone that has reached financial success as an entrepreneur has followed in the footsteps of another. For more wealth creation ideas and opportunities visit



The Underdog Platform This platform is dedicated to those whom someone told they would NOT be a Success; however the Underdog in side proved those critics WRONG. Raped, pregnant, and handcuffed……and all before my 16th Birthday. Although I didn’t realize it, my life as an Underdog began early. I was intelligent but I didn’t know it, I was creative but didn’t show it, and I was built for SUCCESS and didn’t walk in it. I craved anyone who paid a piece of attention to me because I believed I was “less than”. Although, my self-esteem was less than low, there was a piece of me that always craved for more than mediocre. There was always something nagging me to do better. But I was afraid…scared of failing, terrified of people laughing at me, and fearful that I just couldn’t achieve. So to drown out the nagging feeling, I turned to anyone who paid a piece of attention to me….and that cost me. Listening to the first boyfriend who said I was pretty…cost me my safety….he violently took what I was suppose to freely give to my husband one day. As I continued to listen to that “piece of attention”, it again cost me to lose the fruit of my body; a human life. Something my body was not prepared to receive. That “piece of attention” also cost me my freedom for a brief moment. It was in jail that I thought about who I was NOT.


The Underdog Platform I was NOT who they said I was…but I was everything that I believed I could become. The Underdog in me was ready. Ready to prove the critics wrong, ready to pursue more than I could imagine, ready to push into what I knew I could become. The incidents that happened to me were lemons that God was going to use for my lemonade and eventually my lemon enterprise! Here I am twenty years later, and the Underdog in me still thrives. I’m not only a survivor of a violent situation but I am a Spokeswoman for the word: P.U.S.H. meaning Pursue Until Success Happens. This Underdog has a list of accomplishments that shouldn’t have happened….Wife, Mother, College graduate, Author, Motivational Speaker, Educator, Business Owner and one of my favorites….Project PUSH Founder. There is an Underdog in every person who breathes on this Earth. The question is….Are you willing to P.U.S.H. to become one?

Rhonda Nails, Project PUSH Founder

I Dare You to P.U.S.H….Pursue Until Success Happens 25


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If you are interested in submitting an article, expression or student for our next issue, please email 27

P.ursue U.ntil S.uccess H.appens

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