Promethean Editions - New Releases February 2023

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We are pleased to release our first two new music editions for 2023.

Vincent Ho’s Supervillain Études fixate on six supervillains from comic book culture. Ho found that each of these villains are extreme expressions of psychological disorders and decided to dive into their psychological profiles collaborating with choreographers to see their takes on animating each of the profiles. The Supervillain Études take gestural cues from choreography while maintaining the profiles and personalities of the aforementioned supervillains, forming a compellingly moody, exciting, and villainous set of works. Volume 1 contains the first three études: R1ddler, 2-Face, and P3nguin. Volume 2, coming soon, for C4twoman, Poi5on Ivy, and J6ker suitable for advanced student performers and above.

Since first performed in 1998, Gareth Farr’s Ahi for piano trio has graced the stage by amateur and professional musicans alike. The style of Ahi varies in each of its four movements. The flavour of a French lullaby predominates in the instantly appealing first movement; an intense and unrelenting second movement harbours overtones of a military factory via aggressive pizzicato and a syncopated piano part; while a Balinese pop-inspired fourth movement contains numerous gamelan-like effects. The composer notes that “Ahi stands in extreme contrast to anything I have written before”. suitable for secondary school ensembles and above.

Vincent Ho Supervillain Études Volume 1 Piano PROMETHEAN
GARETH FARR Ahi Piano Trio
PIANO, VOLUME 1 North America New Zealand Rest of the World Theodore Presser Company Promethean Editions Limited Promethean Editions Pty Limited Malvern, PA 19355, USA Wellington, 6011, New Zealand Maldon, VIC 3463, Australia


February 2023

Supervillain Études, Vol.1 (Piano)

Performance score • ISMN: 979-0-67452-328-8

New Zealand PE214 NZ$45 (excl. GST) • North America PE214 US$25

Vincent Ho’s Supervillain Études fixate on six supervillains from comic book culture. Ho found that each of these villains are extreme expressions of psychological disorders and decided to dive into their psychological profiles collaborating with choreographers to see their takes on animating each of the profiles. The Supervillain Études take gestural cues from choreography while maintaining the profiles and personalities of the aforementioned supervillains, forming a compellingly moody, exciting, and villainous set of works.

Gareth Farr: Ahi (Piano Trio)

Study set (score and parts) • ISMN: 979-0-67452-326-4

New Zealand PE039 NZ$79 (excl. GST) • North America PE039 US$35

The style of Farr’s Ahi varies in each of its four movements. The flavour of a French lullaby predominates in the instantly appealing first movement; an intense and unrelenting second movement harbours overtones of a military factory via aggressive pizzicato and a syncopated piano part; while a Balinese pop-inspired fourth movement contains numerous gamelan-like effects.

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• List prices are the publisher’s recommended retail price.

• All prices quoted in New Zealand Dollars are exclusive of GST.

• All prices are effective from 1 Febrary 2023 and are subject to change.

• All orders are subject to shipping and handling charges.

• Shipping from New Zealand may take up to 28 days and orders marked urgent may attract a surcharge.

Vincent Ho Supervillain Études Volume 1 Piano PROMETHEAN EDITIONS GARETH FARR Ahi Piano Trio PROMETHEAN EDITIONS
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Gareth Farr: Ahi (Piano Trio)

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