Property Brokers Moving On

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Moving on

A guide to selling your property

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008


Finding the right sales consultant for you 03

Positioning to sell 04

Methods of sale 05

Our commitment to you 06

Marketing is our business 08 Sales activity 09

Stress and selling your home 10

General enquiry 11

How to ensure the best result 12

Customer feedback 14

Glossary of real estate terms 15

Finding the right sales consultant for you

Your sales consultant must have the following attributes:

• A high level of sales skills, negotiation, marketing and current legislation that applies to selling property

• High ethical standards

• Professionally presented material and attire

• A good knowledge of the local area

• A good sales history

• The support of a larger network and strong team

• Strong attention to detail, with full and ongoing records of the sales process

• The ability to present your home to a wide marketplace

• Testimonials from satisfied clients

• The backing of a market leading brand

• Standout marketing material

• A good rapport with you

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Your sales consultant works with you in partnership. It is crucial you have a good rapport. Communication is vital.

Positioning to sell

At Property Brokers, we recognise that we are going to do business together with you, with the shared objective of selling your property for the best possible price, in the best possible timeframe.

Many sellers are tempted to accept the highest appraisal offered on their property. Although understandable, this can be a mistake. Our responsibility is to give you the most up-to-date information we have, to arrive at an initial asking price that will attract the most buyers and competition.

Pricing strategy

For your guidance, we will prepare a free Comparative Market Analysis (CMA). This will provide statistics of recent comparable sales in your area and comparable properties that are currently on the market. The CMA will help you to establish a marketing price or price range for your property.

Percentage +5% 30% -5% 80% -10% 92%

of buyers who will view genuinely Asking 2% +10%

% of prospective purchasers who will look at the property

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price in relationship to fair market value
By using an effective pricing strategy, our aim is to attract the largest pool of potential buyers to your property. FAIR MARKET VALUE 60%

Methods of sale

Selling by auction

• Places a timeframe around the process (typically 4-6 weeks), giving purchasers a date to work their due diligence to.

• The property owner determines the terms and conditions of sale including the settlement date under which the property is to be sold.

• A transparent process that has potential to generate real competition between purchasers.

• When sold at auction, the sale is unconditional with a deposit paid on the day.

Selling by fixed price

• An asking price is placed on the property. Buyers are able to make conditional and unconditional offers at any time.

• Benefit to purchasers as they can see the property owners expectations from the outset.

• No time pressure on property owners, but likewise on purchasers.

• Correct pricing of the property from the outset is critical to avoid the property becoming stale.

• Can shift the focus from buyer vs buyer to buyer vs owner.

Selling by tender or deadline sale

• Places a timeframe around the process (typically 4-6 weeks), giving purchasers a date to work their due diligence to.

• While the owner sets out the terms and conditions in the tender document, it does allow purchasers to add conditions to their offer.

• Tenders remain open for a pre-determined timeframe after closing, allowing the owner to consider offers under less time pressure.

• Useful on complex sales that may involve various parcels of land and, therefore, different purchasing/selling options.

• Sets a specific timeframe within which a buyer must act.

• The owner sets preferred terms and conditions, but generally some flexibility for buyers to alter with their offer.

• The owner can consider offers prior to the closing date.

Selling by negotiation

• Maximise the sale price by not fixing an upper limit.

• Allow a margin for a premium without over-pricing your property.

• Draw in a greater range of buyers to consider your property.

• Prevent buyers from dismissing the property because of your asking price.

• However, as with a fixed price sale, selling by negotiation is likely to remove any sense of urgency among buyers because there is no fixed sale date.

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We’ll work with you to help you decide the best option for your property.

Our commitment to you

Property Brokers sales consultants are committed to providing a professional service that will obtain the results you desire.

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What our team does for you

Before your home goes on the market

• Discuss your property goals, formally inspect and appraise your property

• Inform you if the sale of your property may be subject to the bright-line property rule and refer you to seek professional advice if required

• Analyse market conditions, sales in your suburb, and your buyer target market

• Finalise Agency Agreement and your property marketing plan together

• Organise title information and any other council documents required

• Confirm open home dates and times

• Provide professional advice on how to present your home for the market

• Follow up and finalise photos with photographer and video with videographer

• Organise advertising copy and photos ready for the agreed advertising placements

• Book all print and online advertising

• Work with marketing department to design all marketing material and advertising

• Orgainise the design and installation of the street sign

Finding your buyer

• Your property goes live on our system, making it available to all Property Brokers branches including our strategic partners, Farmlands Cooperative, and over 500 companies in the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World Network

• Online advertising goes live on,,,,,, and hougarden. com and more

• Present your property to all branch salespeople at meetings

• Listing is emailed to potential buyers via our buyer matching email marketing

• Promotional flyers delivered, advertising is printed and digital advertising is made live

• Open home packs made up

• Buyers on database are contacted

• Conduct open homes

• Arrange appointments and private viewings with buyers

• Arrange access for building inspections or other specialists if needed

• Analyse market feedback, follow up leads and report back to you

Securing the sale

• Attend auction and/or negotiate conditions and price in consultation with you to achieve the best possible result

• Finalise the details of the Sale & Purchase Agreement

• Collection of deposit from buyers

• Contact and send contracts to solicitors on your, and your buyers behalf

• Arrange final buyer inspection

• Release the deposit to your solicitor

• Release of keys for exchange upon settlement

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Marketing is our business

Marketing doesn’t cost, it pays. The more people that know about your property, the more opportunity you’ll have to achieve a premium price. We’ll identify the key target markets for your property, and help create a marketing strategy that suits your property as well as your budget and timeframe. Here’s how we create an effective marketing campaign for your property:

Our network

Our local, national and international networks generate huge exposure.

Professional photograhy

The most important thing you can do to market your property well.

Digital marketing

We’ll put you on the right websites, online and social media channels. Email campaigns will be sent to target buyer groups.

Open homes

Allow buyers to see your property at its best and enable us to gather valuable feedback.

Print advertising

Your property is advertised in key property publications.


Simple and effective. Signs work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Property video

Bring your property to life. Increase engagement across digital platforms.

Brochures and flyers

Distributed to a wide network of buyers.

Window displays

Your property will be displayed in your local branch office window.

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Sales activity

In most cases, you will get the most buyer response in the first ten days of your marketing campaign. After that period, activity will generally level off and continue to decrease as time goes on.

This is a very normal pattern and you should not be concerned. So long as your home is well priced and marketed well, it will not be a problem.

Haven’t sold yet?

Some clients can get a little dispirited or worried if their property has not sold quickly. Aside from the factors of price and advertising that you have worked out with your sales consultant, there are independent market forces that are beyond the control of you and your real estate company. Regular communication from your sales consultant will keep you informed every step of the way.

What should I do about a low offer?

It is rare for a buyer to make a very low offer. If it does happen, remember you always have three basic options when it comes to offers.

• You can accept the offer, • reject the offer or • make a counter offer.

You are always in control. What is important is to view each offer carefully and with an open mind.

What should I do if there are no offers?

Research has shown that buyers look at, on average, 14 homes before they buy. The fact is buyers very quickly become experts in determining what is and what is not good value. If they think that your price is too high, they may simply move on to look at your competition.

It is always a good idea to review your price periodically with your sales consultant and be willing to adjust it if necessary.

We not only want to help you with the sale of your property but make the process as pleasant as possible.

If you have any concerns or worries, please discuss them with your sales consultant.

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The amount of activity you get from the marketing of your home will depend on the type of market you are selling in and the level of demand for your type of property.

Stress and selling your home

It’s a well known fact that selling a home can be a very stressful event. For some it is more stressful than others and can provoke a variety of emotions and reactions.

We understand that this is all part of the process. You can help us by letting us know how you are feeling about things. Even though we keep in touch with you every step of the way, we’ve learnt that small things, if not addressed, can become emotional pressure points, simply creating additional stress.

We’ve been there and done that, and know first hand what it’s like to be in your shoes! We also know, as clients, what was stressful for us and have taken care to ensure that, as your sales consultants, we pay attention to those things.

You may have stresses that are unique to you or your situation and we invite you to share these with us so we can be mindful of them and work to alleviate them. Most importantly, we are here to do the best job we can for you, and working well together is key.

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General enquiry

Sometimes customers will arrive early or late for an open home or simply come to the door after seeing the ‘For Sale’ sign. We ask that you always get their name and phone number and give them one of your sales consultant’s business cards.

When it comes to talking about price... please don’t. Any questions about price, be it from potential customers, neighbours or even relatives, please refer them to your sales consultant. Suggestions that you will accept offers lower than the asking price can negatively impact negotiations later.

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How to ensure the best result

With a little care and attention, you can help us sell your property even quicker and at a better price.

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First impressions count

You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression. Your front door greets prospective customers. Make sure it is fresh and clean. It is also important to keep your lawns mowed, the garden tidy and paths free of weeds and debris.

Display the full value of your house

Give your house a thorough clean and make sure it is absolutely tidy. People buy a house because of its ‘feel’. Remember to show your garage and storage spaces to their full advantage by removing unnecessary clutter.

Bathrooms and kitchens sell homes

Pay special attention to the cleanliness and repair of your bathroom and kitchen. Make these rooms sparkle.

Arrange bedrooms neatly. Put all clothes and belongings (especially valuables) neatly away and remove excess furniture. Make beds with attractive bedding and accessories. Neat, well ordered closets show that the storage space is good.

Minor repairs can make a big difference

Dripping taps, faded walls or worn woodwork reduce appeal. Loose knobs, sticking doors and windows, warped drawers and minor flaws also detract from the value of your house.

Have them fixed. Otherwise when seeing these things that need attention, customers begin to worry about the things they cannot see.


Many people are sensitive to pets and pet odours. Please keep pets and all pet paraphernalia out of the way and preferably out of the house.

Let the light shine in

Display rooms in their best light by opening curtains to let buyers see how cheerful your property can be.

Turn on all the lights and replace low watt bulbs for higher watts. Keep rooms warm, as dark cold rooms are not appealing.

Stay out of the buyer’s way

It is best if you are not present while your property is being shown. Customers will then be more vocal about their feelings, which helps us to sell your property.


Pack away your personal photographs and family heirlooms. Make it easy for the buyer to imagine themselves living in your property.


Less is more. Tuck away ornaments and accessories. Clear everything from the kitchen and bathroom counters.

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Customer feedback

One of the most important roles of your sales consultant is to keep you informed throughout the selling process by passing on buyer feedback. Overall, it is these comments which allow you and your sales consultant to accurately evaluate the market response to your property and your price.

It is not unusual to receive a few negative or unflattering comments from buyers. Many vendors find this upsetting and can become overly concerned about how customers see their home.

Customer comments must be viewed from a broad perspective. In many cases it is nothing more than the fact your property does not closely enough suit a particular customer’s requirements.

On the other hand, if there are repeated comments about some aspect of the presentation or price, then obviously it is something you and your sales consultant need to discuss.

If there is a problem, it can be dealt with. It only becomes a matter of concern if it is ignored. Buyer comments, both good and bad, are an essential and positive part of the selling process.

The key is to make this information work for you.

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Glossary of real estate terms


The sale of a property in public to the highest bidder after a 4-6 week extensive marketing campaign.

C.T. (Certificate of Title)

The legal proof of ownership of a property, carrying the owners’ names and any “interests” lodged (see “interests”).


Items that stay with the property when it is sold, e.g. carpets, curtains, light fittings. Often special items can be added, e.g. dishwasher, spa pool. Specific items can be excluded.


The fee payable to a real estate company for selling the property. This will be a percentage of the sale price.


The legal process of transferring the ownership of a property from one person to another.

Cross lease

More than one property situated on one area of land. Each owner has an interest in the land and leases their portion from the other for a period up to 999 years.


Paid by the customer to a trust account as evidence of intention to buy, usually 10% of the purchase price.

Freehold/fee simple

Where the client’s interest in the land belongs solely to them and indefinitely.

G.S.T. (Goods and Services Tax)

G.S.T. is payable on commission but not normally on the price of the property. This can vary depending on circumstances.

Interests (memorials)

These are entries on the Certificate of Title, such as Caveat, Covenant, Easement, Encumbrance and Mortgage. These can affect what can be done or built on the property. It is always advisable to seek legal advice on this matter.

No price marketing

Such as auction, tender, or by negotiation. This allows feedback from customers in the current marketplace to help guide towards the eventual selling price.

Reserve price

Price below which a client is not prepared to sell at auction.

Sale & purchase agreement

The written contract for the sale and purchase of property between the client and the customer.

Settlement (also known as possession date)

Completion of sale when the balance of contract price is paid to the client’s solicitor and the customer is legally entitled to take possession of the property.

Sole agency

A sole and exclusive right for one real estate agency to sell a property for a set period of time and with one sales consultant responsible for managing the sale.


A date is decided and all offers are sealed and presented to the client at the same time. The property is marketed without a price (see ‘no price marketing’).

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For all your property needs, please call 0800 367 5263

Disclaimer. While all care has been taken in preparing this publication, Property Brokers Ltd, its sales consultants and staff accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the information at any time. The information contained has been prepared by PBL for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for legal, or other professional, advice; you are advised to seek specific advice relevant to your circumstances from a suitably qualified professional. PBL does not accept any responsibility or liability for any action taken as a result of relying directly or indirectly on the information in this document. How you use the information is your sole responsibility. If you have concerns about the information in this publication, contact PBL directly. Licensed REAA 2008 10/01/23

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