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ArunChaubey is an MBA from world’s two most reputed Business Schools – Indian School of Business (ISB) and University of St. Gallen (HSG). He helps Re/Insurers to achieve their digital transformation goals by executing business & technology strategy, breaking down the complex problems into smaller pieces, and helping teams to create solutions. He is a LinkedIninfluencer, ranks amongst Top 1% in Insurance industry professionals, andhas written research paper on AI Enabled Digital Transformation in InsuranceIndustry. Arun regularly creates andshares contents on Startups, InsurTech, PropTech,FinTech etc. on social media. He is member of PropTech Academy ResearchCenter and UK Ambassador of PropTechAcademyAssociation.
Tayland Karahan is professional creator and designer. He has experienceatdesign,datascienceandmarketingmorethan15 years. He studied graphic design at Zurichuniversity ofthe arts andat 9 September university. Hewon a lot of prizes for his Graphic Arts. Tayland is Co-Founder of PropTech Switzerland and member of PropTech Academy ResearchCenter. He is responsible for all data science & design tasks and projects. He is responsible for allvisual, database activities and publications.
The PropTech AcademyAssociationwas foundedin 2020andis basedin Zurich,Switzerland. It was established to accelerate innovation. It is profoundly Swiss – withthetraditional strengthsofneutralityandindependence,qualityandgreatinnovative strength–andactsas amagnetfortalentsworldwide. Through education, research and innovation, the Academy's outstanding community of memberspursuesitsmissiontoserveSwitzerlandandtheworldbeyond. Itsactivitiescenteraroundresearch,education,standardscertificationandrankingsystems.
• Provide services, research and development work, particularly in connection with digital transformationandinnovationintheconstruction,realestateandfinancesectors.
• Support universities, colleges and companies inaddressing digital challenges in the areas ofscienceandbusiness.
• Maintainand promote a dialogue between science and the general public about the processesofdigitaltransformationandinnovation. • Promote and support the training and further education of individuals and institutions in allareasofscienceandbusiness.
• Organize events that havea nationaland/or international impact,supporting young talents and developing and reinforcing Switzerland’sposition as a leadingcenter of innovation.
The PropTech Academy's central platform – encompassing the construction, real estate and finance sectors – provides a combination of innovation, technology and sustainability.Asa unique innovative space, the Academy's primaryobjective is to create an intellectual community of multi-disciplinary professionals to conduct specialist work on innovation that canpositivelyinfluencethedevelopmentofthesesectors.
At the same time, thePropTech Academy is a regulatory institution thataims to create international standardization andevaluation processes for PropTech companies in the real estate, construction and finance sectors that require quality management systems. These companies set out the requirements that a particular product, service or process must fulfill toqualifyas'fitforpurpose.'
Regularly publications
PropTech Books Digital Trends in Real Estate and Construction Innovation Index Innovation Ranking Technology Ranking PropTech Homepages Ranking Property Management Monitoring Real Estate FinTech Monitoring Smart Buildings & IoT Marketplace Monitoring Real Estate Investment Monitoring Venture CapitalReport
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