06. Depaul UK’s Finances Principal Funding and Cash Flow Total income for the year to 31 December 2020 was £16.452m (2019: £16.068m). Total expenditure for the year was £16.859m which included a planned donation of £300k from designated funds to the Depaul Housing Services subsidiary. The charity largely maintained voluntary income during the pandemic and saw growth in contract income due to the successful delivery of a number of new rough sleeping contracts. As a result, the percentage of income from charitable activities increased slightly to 70% with the majority of the balance coming from voluntary donations which support prevention and programmes work. As at 31 December 2020, total funds of £7.792m included £3.566m free reserves which included designated funds released during the year. The charity’s financial strategy sets out the charity’s funding needs and plans for growth between 2021 and 2026 and it is likely that further funds will be designated over that period. Financial performance in 2021 is broadly in line with budget, and latest forecasts project a breakeven position/small deficit. The charity has health cash balances and, despite the challenges of Covid-19, no going concern issues.
8 DEPAUL UK | Appointment Brief
£16.086m Total Income
£16.452m Total Income