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How do I begin?
Getting Started
To enroll in a Prosper ISD school, a student must live within the boundaries of Prosper ISD and meet state age and health requirements. A child must be five years of age on or before September 1 to enter kindergarten and six years old on or before September 1 to enter first grade. Visit Prosper ISD Attendance Zone Information online (prosper-isd.net/attendancezone) to determine which campus your child would attend. Parents/Guardians that are new to Prosper ISD will need to create an enrollment account (prosper-isd.net/SkywardEnroll). Additional resources (new student enrollment parent tutorial and Skyward video) to help with this process can be found at prosper-isd.net/ studentenrollment.
To expedite your student’s enrollment, please upload all of the required documents listed below within the New Student Online Enrollment application. After submitting the online application, the campus registrar will contact you to finalize your student’s enrollment in Prosper ISD. Please note that completing the online application does not complete the enrollment process.
• Proof of Residency
• Student’s Birth Certificate or Passport
• Student’s Last Report Card or Student’s High School Transcript
• Withdrawal Papers from Previous School
• Current Immunization Record
• Parent Driver’s License or Passport (not expired)
School Times
Elementary Campuses 7:42 AM - 2:52 PM
Middle School Campuses 8:15 AM - 3:30 PM
High School Campuses 8:45 AM - 4:10 PM
Early Release Times (12/16 and 5/24)
Elementary Campuses 7:42 AM - 11:42 AM
Middle School Campuses 8:15 AM - 12:15 PM
High School Campuses 8:45 AM - 12:45 PM
School Structure
• Prosper ISD is a PreK - 12 school district.
• All elementary schools serve grades Kindergarten - 5.
• All middle schools serve grades 6-8.
• All high schools serve grades 9-12.
• Prosper ISD also offers PreK for qualified students (visit prosperisd.net/prek for a list of qualifications) at several elementary schools.
School Supplies
The PISD elementary and middle schools offered parents the opportunity to purchase school supply packs in the spring. If you chose not to purchase a school supply pack or registered after ordering was completed, school supply lists for each campus can be found at prosper-isd.net/schoolsupplylists.
After School Program
All PISD elementary schools will offer after-school care through AlphaBEST. Parents interested in registering their children for the AlphaBEST after-school Program can access the enrollment forms and information through the AlphaBEST website. Parents may visit the AlphaBEST after-school website at http:// alphabest.org/ or contact them directly by calling 972.668.0640 or emailing khitz@alphabest.org for more information.
School Meals
My School Bucks is the app used by the district to load lunch accounts and pay for many products and services in the district. To add money to school accounts, set up an account and log in to My School Bucks. You will need your child’s campus and ID # which is found in Skyward.
School Meal Prices
• Elementary Breakfast (K-5): $1.25
• Secondary Breakfast (6-12): $1.40
• Adult Breakfast: $2.00
• Elementary Lunch (K-5): $2.80 [Meals include up to 5 items: 1 entree, up to 3 sides and a milk]
• Secondary Lunch (6-12): $3.00 • Adult Lunch: $3.50
Reduced price: $.30 for breakfast*, $.40 for lunch* (*reduced pricing requires approval for the Free and Reduced Program)
Special Note: Money added to My School Bucks accounts online may NOT be available until the following business day.
Information on Dress Code, Student Handbooks, Student Code of Conduct and Student Acceptable Use Policy can be found on the PISD website at prosper-isd.net/PISDHandbooks.
The district and each campus maintains their own calendar on their website. To view the district and campus calendars along with the Academic Calendar, please go to at prosper-isd.net/calendars.
Download Calendar Events
Directions on how to download the calendar events to your personal calendar can be found at prosper-isd.net > about us > calendars > Download Calendar Events.
Customize Calendar View
Directions on how to customize your calendar view to enable you to view all of the campus/district calendars in one calendar can be found at prosper-isd.net > about us > calendars > Customize Calendar View.
The PISD website includes a link on the main page (as an icon) and on all campus pages to submit absences, check out students, and turn in doctor notes. This page also includes detailed information regarding absences and the compulsory attendance law in Texas.
Arrival/Dismissal Maps
To ensure the safety of our students and parents, each campus has posted arrival/dismissal maps to optimize the flow of traffic. These are directions for where to enter and exit the campus for drop off and pick up. Please check your campus page under the Parents tab to see how to properly navigate traffic expectations during these times.
For information regarding transportation, visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), bus rider handbook, and electronic device sections of our website at prosper-isd.net/Transportation.
Prosper ISD is proud of the multiple athletic opportunities provided to our students at the middle school and high school levels. In addition, the district also offers a designated staff member who serves as a recruiter assisting students wishing to pursue athletics in college to find a fit at the collegiate level.
The state of Texas has strict requirements for Texas school districts on the acceptable evidence necessary for student vaccinations prior to entry and admission to school. The law requires that a student has evidence of proper vaccinations or a current state approved and notarized exemption certificate on file before the student may begin school.
Prosper Education Foundation
The Prosper Education Foundation seeks to profoundly impact the success of each PISD student by supporting and encouraging the educational excellence, innovation and achievement in Prosper ISD. By raising funds and putting them to work within Prosper ISD, PEF builds futures for students through college scholarships, and equips hardworking educators through grants, recognition and awards, and support for district-wide academic programs and professional development initiatives that are outside the budget of PISD. For more information go to prospereducationfoundation.org.
Prosper ISD is thankful for our many volunteers. To ensure the safety and security of our students and staff, Prosper ISD requires a background check for each volunteer every school year. This background check will suffice for all volunteer activities at all Prosper ISD campuses. If you have children on multiple campuses, you only need to submit one background check. A background check is not required when visiting a campus to eat lunch with your child; however you will need to bring your driver’s license with you.
Kroger Rewards
Kroger’s generosity through Kroger Rewards provides an avenue by which the money PISD parents are already spending, goes to benefit our schools. Shoppers in Texas and Louisiana can designate a PISD PTO on their Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card account and a percentage of their purchases will be sent in a quarterly check to their chosen organization.
This program is free to join and has already generated thousands of dollars for Prosper schools. We look forward to watching it grow! To access your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card account, go to:
Parent/Teacher Organizations
Campus PTO’s are a great way to get involved at your student’s school. Each school’s PTO website allows parents to join PTO, sign up for volunteer opportunities, purchase spirit wear, make party money donations, and contribute to fundraisers. Be sure to visit the PTO Membership Toolkit for your campus which is linked under the Parents tab on your campus website.