DocuSign Envelope ID: 1C080A11-E37F-414F-A22A-940B732C895B
DIGITALLY SIGNED TESTIMONIAL / REVIEW Services: Elite 90 days / Trading for a Living
I have been a subscriber to Beyond Trading Elite for the past 90 days. I paid $10,000 for the service. I made $68,000 on Netflix during this period. I was pretty happy until last week when I decided to upgrade to Vieira's Trading for a Living program. My belief was that I did a terrific job in Elite. I was so wrong! I could have made ten times more, TEN TIMES MORE, if I had access to Vieira calls on Netflix and Apple during all this time. Unbelievable! I strongly recommend that you go straight to Vieira's service if you can afford it. Elite is a waste of time and money compared to Vieira's Trading for a Living.