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DocuSign Envelope ID: BF736BF0-C3D4-43F9-9079-B47F3471BDE7

DIGITALLY SIGNED TESTIMONIAL / REVIEW Services: Vieira's 'Elite Pro 2010-2011'

This testimonial refers to former Vieira's Elite Pro 2011-2011 service. This services was discontinued evolving into 'Trading for a Living' and 'Wealthy Investors and Fund Managers' early 2012, far more advanced services including very advanced features making extensive use of video. Visit beyond-trading.com for more information.

If the world needs to pick the “Steve Jobs” of stock trading and stock recommendation, they would pick Sergio Vieira, CEO of Beyond Trading, with 200% certainty! I think, he is beyond “Steve Jobs”. Actually, I call him a Genius because he is! Look at Beyond Trading another way: if the Nobel Committee awarded a Nobel Prize for stock trading and stock recommendation, I am afraid, Vieira would win the prize this year, next year, and for each year after next year until he retires! Here are some hard facts: In November, 2009, I tried to subscribe to BT, but became lucky to get an email from them in April 2010. I became a subscriber for Elite for two (2) months. Thereafter, I could not resist of

DocuSign Envelope ID: BF736BF0-C3D4-43F9-9079-B47F3471BDE7

becoming Elite Pro. In July, 2010, unfortunately, I dropped my Elite Pro subscription partly because of the adverse family circumstances, partly because I could not trade well (I was coming out of “buy and hold foolishness�), and partly because I was unlucky! During the month of June 2010 alone (forget the months thereafter), BT had recommended several great stocks including AAPL (down side support at 238) and AGU long (at 50). Forget many other stocks they had recommended in June 2010. If I had traded these two stocks only all the way consistently until today, I would have made fortunes, but I did not! AAPL is now 363 from 238, and AGU now 97 from 50, and so many swing trades between these price levels! Why did I miss the fortunes? Because I was NOT a BT subscriber until again in January, 2011! I got lucky in late December 2010. They gave me a chance to become an Elite Pro since beginning of January, 2011. How am I doing? Fantastic! Consistent profits! I am so confident that I do not watch CNBC any more, do not read any analyst reports, and am no more interested in listening to those so-called great investors on the YouTube! Every single day, BT recommends so many stocks on long side and on short side that I do not have enough money to trade all these stocks! Further, if I was more disciplined, I would even make much more profits. What about my learning the skills of trading and analysis? I am getting more disciplined day by day! During the past one and half months, I would say, I have got an MBA in stock trading! Thank God, I never went to a business school!

DocuSign Envelope ID: BF736BF0-C3D4-43F9-9079-B47F3471BDE7

Where else can I get this advice, their trading education and actual cash profits every single day? No where else, but BT! One has to be fortunate to have BT on one’s back! Every morning and all day long, I always look forward to receiving their real-time email alerts! Its is an exciting journey with profits in pockets! I wonder, why Vieira does not make Beyond Trading a publicly traded company, listing it on the NYSE so that I can trade BT stock all the time! If that happens, I would guess, BT stock would outperform AAPL stock! I sincerely pray to God that Vieira and his team do not retire, and they live 100 years or more so that my children and grandchildren can learn trading from them. Sounds a hyperbole? Well, become an Elite Pro subscriber for a few months, and you would thank me for my statements! If you still do not believe my words, get my email address from BT, and contact me! In some sense, actually, I do not want too many people making money the way I make through BT! You can see, I am a little zealous!




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