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DIGITALLY SIGNED TESTIMONIAL / REVIEW Services: Vieira's 'Wealthy Investors and Fund Managers'
I met Sergio Vieira for the first time in 1998 in New York. I worked with some of most prestigious financial institutions. Throughout my career, I met some of the most influential decision makers in the financial markets. I read most best sellers in technical analysis, trading, finance and economy. I may say that I know quite well what the best computer software trading programs can do. I left my job after two years with Sergio. I had a six figure salary. He does not use any known method to trade. Vieira uses a completely different language reinventing trading. Vieira predicts exact stock prices looking at the tape and patterns. His teaching is close to the U.S. Navy Seals than a Master in Harvard. Vieira pure genius melted every single belief and reference I had about the markets. To compare Sergio to the best traders and fund managers is the same as comparing Einstein to your favorite school teacher, an insult.