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DocuSign Envelope ID: 3A4ED773-CF8C-4F7A-AA8C-6E4818C580AA

DIGITALLY SIGNED TESTIMONIAL / REVIEW Services: Vieira's 'Trading for a Living' - TFL 3 years service.

Alex Vieira is truly a visionary in all markets globally. His intense passion, knowledge, and intuition can be seen in almost every call he makes. I started with the TFL service in June 2012 and with a matter of months had made $700,000 trading in AAPL, GMCR, WYNN, LULU and CMG. I have had the pleasure to speak with Alex in length on two separate occasions, and it is obvious his knowledge of the markets surpasses anything you have ever witnessed. Alex is driven to taking his clients to the next level, his concern that everyone not only succeeds, but learns in the process. Alex Vieira and Beyond Trading are the real thing. His contrarian approach to Wall Street is beyond belief while his real-time alerts, live trading calls and educational video files are game changers. Seeing is believing.



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