1 minute read

alcohol and weight management

As you are trying to control your weight you will need to take alcohol into consideration as it is seriously fattening.

People may not think twice about the calorie content of drinking a couple of pints of lager, however the calorie content is similar to drinking a glass of cream which most people would never do! Over time excess alcohol intake can easily contribute to weight gain. It is also worth remembering that alcohol increases appetite which may lead to unplanned eating.

How to account for alcohol in your portion allowance 1 unit of alcohol = 1 serving of ‘other foods and drinks high in fat, salt or sugars’. 1 unit of alcohol = • 100 ml of wine (ABV 10%) • ½ pint of ordinary strength beer, lager or cider • ¼ pint of strong beer, lager or cider • 1 single measure of spirits (25ml) • 1 single measure of vermouth or sherry (50ml) Drink within sensible limits and have at least 2 alcohol-free days each week. Drinks and units:

http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/alcohol/ Pages/alcohol-units.aspx

Calories in alcohol:

http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/alcohol/ Pages/calories-in-alcohol.aspx

Because alcohol is so very high in calories if you are drinking more than the 1 unit a day you might want to consider setting yourself goals each week to gradually cut down. Tips to help you cut down:

http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/alcohol/ Pages/tipsoncuttingdown.aspx

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