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Nothing Compares
Each office is independently owned and operated.
In This Issue
So Rhode Island January 2022
Sweet Dreams: Local experts uncover ways to get a better night’s rest
33 Financial Guide Simple strategies Photo courtesy of All That Matters
Photo by Seth Jacobson Photography, courtesy of Wakefield Idol
The Scoop
Food & Drink
7 URI professor Annu Palakunnathu
23 The cold-pressed craze
Matthew on her exhibit ReVision
grows with juice kiosks
10 RHODY PETS: Physical therapy
for animals in Charlestown
coastal dining in East Greenwich
month’s must-do’s
chef-owner behind long-
for taking stock and setting goals
Photo by Read McKendree, courtesy of Cinder
standing Indian restaurants
68 SHOP: Items from tourism
14 THE PUBLIC’S RADIO: High tide flooding offers a glimpse of Rhode
30 FOOD NEWS: Slow-roasted
Island’s future as sea level rises
flavors in Westerly, celebs open SK cafe & comfort food in EG
16 Wakefield Idol returns this month with in-person performances
Life & Style 61 HOME: A RI family ditches
board that show So Co love
70 INFLUENCER: Meet the Theatre by the Sea alum quickly building his IMDB page
18 RHODY GEM: A Warwick shop
the house for a tiny home
South County Scenes
of eclectic antiques and gifts
on wheels
73 A stunning image from a local lens
ON THE COVER: Setting the stage for a dreamy night’s sleep.
Local Knowledge, Global Network SERVING ALL OF RHODE ISLAND
NEWPORT: Whimsical Converted In-Town Carriage House – $1,374,000
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NEWPORT: Mixed-Use Property Off Spring Street – $1,650,000
NEWPORT: Complete Renovation off Broadway – $1,150,000
NEWPORT: First Floor 2-Bedroom at Bonniecrest – $1,645,000
NEWPORT: Stylish Luxury Condos on Historic Hill – $1,495,000
NEWPORT: Custom-Built 4-Bedroom in Yachting Village – $1,925,000
MIDDLETOWN: Lots Available in Beautiful Private Preserve – From $499,000
NEWPORT: Completely Renovated Cottage Near Braga Park – $949,000
NEWPORT: Townhouse Condo at Seaview Estates – $899,000
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All new patients see Dr. Micheline Gauthier, the owner of Atlantic Audiology since 2017. Dr. Gauthier brought with her 11 years of experience working alongside physicians in an ENT setting when she took over at Atlantic Audiology. This expertise allows her to better understand who will be an excellent candidate for hearing aids and who would be better suited for medical treatment. Licensed hearing instrument specialist Corina Perugini, BS, HIS has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Disorders from the University of Rhode Island. This provides her with not only knowledge about hearing aid fitting and dispensing but also a background in the anatomy and physiology that goes into the hearing process.
Atlantic Audiology, Inc. works with four of the “big six” hearing aid manufacturers. This allows specialists to better streamline their choice of devices to each patient’s individual listening and technological needs. No single manufacturer has everything. Through Dr. Gauthier’s comprehensive case history and discussion about hearing devices, Atlantic Audiology can help patients prioritize what their needs are to ensure performance is optimized by the solution they choose.
Atlantic Audiology’s goal each and every day is to provide the best possible patient experience. They understand that taking the step towards better hearing is often a difficult one. Research suggests that consumers wait an average of seven years before pursuing help for hearing loss concerns. Once the patient is ready, Atlantic Audiology staff and specialists
are here to support them along the way, helping with navigation through hearing test results, medical referrals as needed, insurance benefits, etc. Check out their Google reviews online to learn more about what patients have to say about their experiences.
Find locations in both Cranston and North Kingstown. The Cranston office on Reservoir Avenue near Garden City has been in existence for over 15 years and is open five days a week. There, a provider is always on staff, which allows for quick resolution of any concerns a patient might have with their hearing aids. Their North Kingstown location opened in January 2021 and is a great option for South County patients, conveniently located near Route 4 and available three days a week.
Micheline Gauthier
Au.D., CCC-A Owner/Doctor of Audiology 5
The most important component of Atlantic Audiology’s success? The success of their patients. Through evidence-based best practices, patients have great outcomes with their devices. Through routine follow-up visits with their patients to clean and check the devices, the providers at Atlantic Audiology can ensure proper functioning of the devices and patients are assured someone is always there for them. When you call the office, you get an actual person on the phone, or it goes directly to voicemail with a short turnaround time for a response – no nineoption phone menus and answering services. If you’ve been unhappy with your performance with your current hearing aids or with services from your current hearing healthcare provider, give Atlantic Audiology a call and see the difference that private practice can make.
Two Offices 1130 Ten Rod Road Suite E104 North Kingstown 401-268-5444
1150 Reservoir Avenue Suite 305B Cranston 401-942-8080
The Scoop
rhody pets | calendar | so & so | rhody gem
(L) Black Bear Jr. (Arapahoe,) ca 1900. Photographer F. A. Rinehart, (R) An Indian from India, War Paint, 2001
REVISION(ING) HISTORY THROUGH A LOCAL ARTIST’S LENS URI professor Annu Palakunnathu Matthew’s ReVision rewrites historical narratives with photography and mixed media Images can tell stories just as profoundly as words, and Annu Palakunnathu Matthew’s ReVision, a sweeping exhibition of two decades’ worth of the photographer and mixed media artist’s work currently on view at the Newport Art Museum through January 9, shares an expansive narrative of stories left untold. “We are at a crossroads in terms of re-looking at narratives we take as truth,” she says. “There are other people’s stories that need to be told and we haven’t allowed these voices to speak.” Matthew came to Rhode Island 23 years ago to teach at URI. She points out the influence her academic career, particularly as director of the URI Center for the Humanities, has on her art. “I am constantly re-looking at histories,” she notes. “I love my students,” she continues. “Many are first in their families to go to college. It’s empowering to teach them.” Born in the United Kingdom, Matthew’s family returned to India when she was 13. “It’s the story of my life: an insider and an outsider,” she continues. “I have a combination of accents. People don’t know where I am from.” Original photo courtesy Western History/Genealogy Department, Denver Public Library, Denver, CO.
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
The Scoop | so & so •
By Karen Greco
It’s this perspective that informs much of her work. But nowhere is it more evident than in her photo collection called “Memories of India.” A collection of street photography (“the only ones I’ve done,” she notes), Matthew captures India and its people as seen through this liminal space that she occupies. “[The images] reflect an understanding of the culture, but you rarely see their faces.” Faces are on full display in “An Indian from India.” Using images of Native Americans taken by early 20th century photographer E.S. Curtis, she juxtaposes each one with a self-portrait that mimics Curtis’ style. “Colonial photography in India is very similar to the photographs taken of the US Indigenous people,” she says, noting that Curtis used outfits and props to exoticize the people he photographed. “Since there is an uneven power structure between photographer and subject, I wanted to turn the camera on myself, to hold hands with the Indigenous, to reverse the gaze.” For “The Unremembered: The Stories of the Indian Soldiers from WWII,” her most recent work, she shifts her focus to the forgotten Indian soldiers who played a pivotal role in the Allied fight against the Nazis in World War II. Matthews traveled through India, asking people to share their family photos and stories. Those images are etched in crystals, which give the subjects a striking three-dimensional form. “You see the photographs but they’re ghostly,” she says, reflecting on why she chose the crystal medium. “When the light goes through them, it feels like a memory.”
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
A voiceover piped into the gallery narrates the stories while a Dhodi suspended from the ceiling billows gently behind the crystals, adding to the exhibit’s spectral quality. Inclusion is key for Matthew, who’s shown her work everywhere – from the streets in India to public spaces in Toronto – to
ensure her art remains accessible to a wide audience. “I often start with images that people are familiar with: the Indigenous, family photos, movie posters. This is a way in for people who may not feel like art is for them.” ReVision is on display through January 9. NewportArtMuseum.org
Photos by David H. Wells, courtesy of Annu Palakunnathu Matthew and sepiaEYE, nyc.
The UNREMEMBERED: Stories of the Indian Soldiers from World War II, 2021
8194 Post Road, North Kingstown, RI | 401.294.4494 | www.wickfordkandb.com SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
The Scoop | rhody pets •
By Belinda Jones
Heal! Taking a mindful approach to PT for dogs
World-class pet rehab therapist serves all needs, from senior animals to search-and-rescue dogs, in Charlestown
RHODY PET OF THE MONTH: MURPHY Bernese Mountain Dog mixed breed seeks quiet home By Karen Kalunian Murphy is a young, Bernese Mountain Dog mixed breed with a gorgeous coat and a beautiful smile. He is looking for a quiet adult-only home of dog-savvy owners with large breed experience. His dream home has a fenced-in backyard where he can run and play fetch; he also needs to be your one and only pet. Murphy is the type of boy who needs to form bonds. Once he trusts you and feels comfortable, you’ll see his true personality. If your situation fits the bill, please contact EGAPL Heart of RI for more information. Maybe you will be the one who gives Murphy the loving home he so deserves. Learn more at HeartofRI.org or contact at 401-467-3670 or heartofriadoption@gmail.com.
In her native UK, Louise Anderson tended to human injuries, running a chain of clinics for fire, ambulance, and police workers, even treating the aching backs of gardeners toiling over London’s 350-acre Hyde Park. When she relocated to Rhode Island with her American husband (who grew up vacationing in Westerly), she decided to combine her physical therapy skills with her lifelong love of animals and founded Rhode Island Pet Rehab in Charlestown. “My clients come as vet referrals for issues ranging from injury recovery to arthritis. The first visit is always about gaining the
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
pet’s trust. We meet in a relaxing setting with non-slip floors, soft furnishings, treats, and toys. When I touch them, the trouble spot is always the last place I go. Dogs have all sorts of tells, some will pant when you reach their problem area, others turn around suddenly and give you that look that says, ‘Watch what you’re doing!’ so I take all the time in the world.” On occasion, Anderson enlists her “angel from heaven” rescue dog Teddy. “He’s like a therapy dog for dogs,” she laughs. Depending on the circumstance, Teddy can offer a reassuring presence, instigate play,
or sometimes even act as stand-in: “When a pet is just too scared or too sore to receive treatment, I demonstrate on Teddy and have the owner practice the exercises on him, too.” Each session is videoed so the pet owner can be certain they are getting the massage techniques correct at home. One of the stages involves aqua therapy, which has Anderson in the water at Burlingame Pond, even in the winter. “I wear waders up to my armpits!” The work is deeply rewarding, especially when pets who have lost the use of their
Photo courtesy of Rhode Island Pet Rehab
If you are looking to adopt or know of an animal in need, please contact Karen from Animal Talk directly at animaltalk1920@gmail.com
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Photo by Erin McGinn, courtesy of EGAPL Heart of RI
back legs get fitted with a cart with wheels. “One man carried his pit bull into the room and then was brought to tears when he saw his dog take off running for the first time since his paralysis.” Anderson also gets referrals for pets who need to get in shape. “We had one dog client who needed to halve his weight before he was eligible for surgery – we got him down from 120 pounds to the optimum 60 pounds, by which point the strain on his joints was eased and he no longer needed his hip replacement.” Learn more at RhodeIslandPetRehab.com
30 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick 401-903-4900 | Dogtopia.com/Warwick SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
The Scoop | calendar •
By Karen Greco
10 essential events happening this month January 7:
The “I Kissed a Girl” singer-songwriter Jill Sobule, joined by special guest Mark Erelli, performs songs from her new album Nostalgia Kills at the Greenwich Odeum. East Greenwich, GreenwichOdeum.com
Ring in 2022 with a frosty swim at the New Year’s Day Pier Plunge in Narragansett
January 20:
Listen to local folk artist (and SXSW and Newport Folk Festival alum) Allysen Callery’s haunting music and deft fingerstyle guitar work at The Knickerbocker Music Center. Westerly, KnickMusic.com
January 21:
Grab a flashlight and head out on the trails to search for all species of owls in their natural habitat at Audubon Society’s Owling at Fisherville Brook event. Exeter, ASRI.org
Head to Narragansett Town Beach for the New Year’s Day Pier Plunge, one of South County’s biggest. Money raised goes to the Narragansett Lions Club charities. NarragansettLionsClub.org
January 21:
From botox to bifocals, RI Comedy Hall of Famers Charlie Hall and Doreen Collins skewer the pitfalls of aging in their new comedy show Aging Disgracefully. West Kingstown, CourthouseArts.org
Through January:
Treat yourself to a decadent experience at the Gondola Village at Ocean House. Dine in a fully restored vintage ski gondola, or opt for their “Celebration du Soleil,” a cozy fireside sunset experience. Westerly, OceanHouseRI.com
January 1: Roger Wheeler State Beach hosts the Penguin Plunge, one of the OG New Year’s Day dips in the state. Each bone-piercing plunge into the Atlantic benefits Special Olympics RI. Narragansett, SpecialOlympicsRI.org
January 25-30: Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s blockbuster musical Jesus Christ Superstar comes stateside for its 50th anniversary in a new production that won the 2017 Olivier Award for Best Musical Revival. Providence, PPACRI.org
Through January: Recharge from the holidays with a staycation at one of 30 participating hotels during Rhode Island Hotel Month. South County stays include The Preserve, Shelter Harbour Inn, and Weekapaug Inn. HotelMonthRI.com
January 1:
Please note that events may require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test and mask-wearing regardless of vaccination status. Be sure to check each venue for updates.
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
The Windjammer Surf Bar is the site for a second Penguin Plunge in South County. This frigid dip raises money for the WARM Center, a social service organization serving southern Rhode Island. Westerly, Facebook: Windjammer Surf Bar RI
Photo courtesy of the Narragansett Lions Club
January 1:
ide statew For a f events o listing online! s u it is v m ody.co HeyRh
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Turn Your Dream
into Reality
The Scoop | so & so •
In Partnership with The Public’s Radio
High Tide Flooding offers a glimpse of Rhode Island’s future as sea level rises By Sofie Rudin
The parking lot outside Harbor View Artisans often floods during king tides.
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
increasing the gravitational pull on the earth’s oceans. And the moon was at its closest point to the earth in its monthly orbit, which also strengthens its pull. These extra-high tides are known as king tides or spring tides. King tides regularly cause flooding across the state: from Atlantic Ave in Westerly to the Oakland Beach neighborhood in Warwick, from Waterplace Park in Providence down through the East Bay. As global warming causes sea level to rise, high tide flooding like this is becoming more common. In 2000, tide stations in Providence and Newport recorded two to three flooding days per year. By 2050, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration projects those cities could see high tide flooding
more than a hundred days each year. The flooded parking lot in Wickford “represents what we are going to expect on a daily basis, you know, possibly 10 or 20 years from now,” Crean said. She regularly visits this spot during storms and high tides to photograph the flooding. “We’ve seen fish swimming. I always look for fish to see if any fish made it in,” she said. On this morning, bicyclists and dog walkers detoured around the expanding pond, and a couple people hopped out of cars to take a look. The flooding crested about a dozen feet from a small building that houses the Harbor View Artisans co-op, which sells art made by 25 local artists. “It happens quite often, like probably every
Photo by Sofie Rudin, courtesy of The Public’s Radio
As the tide rolled in on a recent morning in Wickford, the center of the Brown Street parking lot gradually filled with water. The parking lot is wedged between the harbor and the main street, which is lined by antique shops, boutiques, and restaurants. In the middle of the lot, water welled up through a storm drain. “There’s a connection of the storm drain out to Wickford Harbor,” explained Teresa Crean, a coastal community planner with the University of Rhode Island who focuses on sea level rise. “So when the tides are really high, the water comes up from underneath and floods the area around the storm drain.” The tide on this day was especially high for a couple reasons. The moon had been new recently, meaning it lined up with the sun,
FAMOUS BRAND NAME CLOTHING Fraction of the Regular Price! A map of Wickford showing areas at risk of flooding during high tides
couple of weeks,” said co-founder Neringa Aiello. She said the building flooded during Hurricane Sandy in 2012, but hasn’t since. “When we opened up the store in April, everybody was like, ‘Oh, what are you thinking? You know, the parking lot floods all the time. And the building floods all the time.’ So we were like, ‘Holy moly, what did we get into?’” Aiello said. “But it seems like it stays dry in here and just the parking lot floods up. So we’re used to it. It doesn’t scare us anymore.” Is she concerned about sea level rise? “Yes, of course,” Aiello said, but she said it hasn’t yet factored into business decisions. “You know, hopefully – we don’t know how many years we’re gonna be here.” The repeated floods have damaged the parking lot. The town of North Kingstown is working on plans for repairs that are aimed at reducing future flooding, funded in part by grants from the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation and Department of Environmental Management. Those plans include building a taller wall around the lot’s outer edge and raising the level of the parking lot, particularly in the low dip where the storm drain sits. And the town will
install a one-way flap on the storm drain to keep the water from welling up during high tides. “As sea level rises, this is going to become more and more common,” said Becky Lamond, one of the town planners. “But this isn’t the only low spot. We have trouble in several spots in Wickford, and evacuation routes can become inundated.” An assessment by the town found just a couple feet of sea level rise could cut off road access to the Wickford neighborhood and flood several hundred properties throughout North Kingstown. At high tide, the water also laps against the Wickford Bridge, which is part of a state road and one of the state’s most vulnerable bridges to sea level rise, according to a 2015 assessment. The state Department of Transportation is planning repairs, which could include elevating the bridge. But work wouldn’t begin until 2030. By that point, scientists expect sea level in Rhode Island to have risen by more than a foot. Reporter Sofie Rudin can be reached at srudin@thepublicsradio.org.
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Rhode Island's Choice For Orthopedic & Sports Rehabilitation
46 Holley Street, Suite 3, Wakefield 401-284-0770 • AnchorPTRI.com SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
The Scoop | so & so •
By Ken Abrams
Sing Out! Local vocalists take the stage at Wakefield Idol
It’s that time of year again … South County’s popular karaoke-style singing competition known as “Wakefield Idol” is back. The contest, which began in 2014, is held weekly at the Contemporary Theater Company in Wakefield. Preliminary rounds begin January 13 and run for five weeks every Thursday night; the elimination rounds follow. After 12 weeks of competing, a winner is chosen. The top eight finalists earn prizes ranging from $50 to the first place prize of $1,500. Although it’s not in any way connected to the popular ABC television show American Idol, the contestants of Wakefield Idol are just as thrilled to be there, and based on videos from years past, many perform at a comparable level to singers on the national show. Just like on TV, a panel of judges evaluates each singer and decides who goes forward. “Anyone aged 14 and up can sign up to compete through our website. We encourage folks of all experience levels to join the fun,”
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
says artistic director Tammy Brown. “It’s a great opportunity for students and less experienced singers to showcase their talent while receiving helpful, constructive feedback from the judges,” she explains. “It’s also a fantastic experience for those who’ve been singing for years, as they have the chance to sing in front of big, enthusiastic crowds every night.” Perhaps the most important component of the competition is finding the right song, which contestants have the freedom to choose each week. “The strategy of picking songs that showcase a particular singer’s strengths, while continuing to surprise the audience night after night, is something that adds a little extra challenge to the competition,” notes Brown. Like much of the live entertainment industry, the competition was held completely online last year. The good news is that this year’s event is in-person, with COVID-related precautions in place. “We’re hoping for this year’s competition
to very much resemble competitions of years past,” Brown says. “We will be hosting singers, judges, and audiences all in person. Everyone in the theater will be required to be vaccinated, and all audience members will be masked. We’re also investigating the idea of a hybrid model, where audience members may have the option to watch in person at the theater or at home via live stream.” Idol fans can support their favorite contestants in the audience for $30 per show, or by purchasing a season ticket, which covers all 12 weeks for $260. $10 tickets are available for those 25 and under. Brown is excited about the promise of this year’s competition. “The event is endlessly joyful, as you watch folks rise to the challenge of performing on stage in front of a large crowd every night. The enthusiasm of the audience is contagious as they root for the singers to perform at their best.” Learn more at ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com
Photo by Seth Jacobson Photography, courtesy of Wakefield Idol
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7736 Post Road, North Kingstown • 401) 294-6500 • heritagekitchendesignri.com SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
The Scoop | rhody gem •
By Abbie Lahmers
Cozy Home and Gifts Decor & Gift Shop
We’re on the hunt for Rhody Gems! Every neighborhood has that secret, hidden, cool and unusual, or hole-in-the-wall spot that locals love. Email or tag us on social media using #RhodyGem to suggest yours, and we might just feature it! What it is: A maker-forward space featuring upcycled antiques, eclectic decor, and gifts handmade by shop owner Lynne Pilderian or sourced from other small businesses and artisans. Where to find it: Next door to and sharing a parking lot with its sister business The Cozy Grill, find this home goods shop inside a black-trimmed house along Warwick Avenue. What makes it a Rhody Gem? Nostalgic meets novel in this curated collection of vintage pieces repurposed for a new era and completely one-of-a-kind artisan decor. Take their pendant lights, for example, fashioned out of antique found glassware. Scavenged bike wheels with greenery woven between spokes become wreaths while wine stoppers feature eccentric door knobs. The shop itself is accented with houseplants growing from teacups, baskets, and vintage vessels. Along with the decor Pilderian creates and upcycles, gifts include gourmet spreads and vinegars, books, artisan soaps, handmade jewelry, and more. Daughter Taylor Pilderian explains they bring a similar goal to the shop as they have to The Cozy Grill for the past 24 years: “We stay true to the classics, innovate new items and decor trends, and always make sure there is something for everyone.”
Cozy Home and Gifts 448 Warwick Ave, Warwick CozyHomeAndGifts.com @cozyhomeandgifts
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
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SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
BAY STATE VETERINARY EMERGENCY SERVICES 76 Baptist Street at the intersection of Rts 6 & 136 Swansea, MA 02777 508.379.1233 www.bsves.net
Food & Drink
experience | in the kitchen | food news
BRANCHING OUT Fully Rooted grows with self-serve kiosks at select locations Glass bottles of bright green, red, or orange juices from Fully Rooted have become farmers market staples over the years, and South County stockists like Stick + Fin in Westerly, BŌL in Wakefield, Elevate Barre and Cycle in Narragansett, and others have started carrying the RI-based brand, too. Soon, it will be even easier to find these healthful drinks with their self-serve kiosks popping up all over the state. With a lot of demand in cafes and markets to keep up with the cold-pressed craze, this is a big step for the small juice and kombucha biz, which is also available via delivery. “Cold-pressed juice cannot legally be wholesaled because it’s unpasteurized,” says co-owner Amanda Repose. “Our self-serve kiosks allow us the ability to continuously maintain control over our juices and to grow beyond deliveries and farmers markets.” For newbies to the trend, these benefit-packed bevvies are different from your typical glass of OJ. Repose explains, “Juicing allows you to easily obtain more nutrients than you would normally be able to consume in one sitting. We use a cold-pressed method which means we do not heat the juice when we press produce or any time after we bottle.” So all the healthy bits like living enzymes and phytonutrients aren’t cooked out of the brew. To bulk up your immune system this winter, Repose recommends Echinacea Sunrise, a Vitamin C-rich juice with pineapple, beets, and other fresh produce. “From the Earth is also a favorite as we use locally grown carrots from Four Town Farm in Seekonk, green apples, lemon, turmeric, and a touch of cayenne pepper. This juice is earthy, smooth, and filling,” she says. Watch for their house-made Fire Cider for a little kick this winter, too. Visit online for markets, delivery, and kiosks at FullyRooted.com. | By Abbie Lahmers Photo courtesy of Fully Rooted Juice SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Food & Drink | experience •
By Sascha Roberts
Modern Eats on the Water
When I was invited to a ladies’ luncheon in East Greenwich, I couldn’t think of an afternoon better spent than connecting with friends new and old over delicious seafood along the coastline. And though the day was met with stormy weather, Water Street Kitchen & Bar was a warm respite. On arrival I was promptly greeted by one of the new restaurant’s general managers, DJ O’Brien, who led me up the stairs to a beautifully decorated table complete with tea lights and floral arrangements, in an elegant space overlooking the marina. Not even gray skies could dampen the cozy atmosphere.
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
East Greenwich’s foodie scene is well known, with everything from trendy vegetarian eateries to seafood and family-friendly spots. Main Street and the surrounding areas are buzzing with opportunities for adventurous eating. Open seven days a week serving brunch, lunch, and dinner, Water Street Kitchen & Bar fits right in, offering American-style cuisine with a modern New England twist. A patio lined with heaters welcomes patrons to enjoy sweeping marina views well into the chilly season, or for indoor dining, modern subway tile and banks of windows create a bright and welcoming
atmosphere perfect for Sunday Funday brunch or a family dinner. The cocktail list is complete with a variety of signature libations – including winter flavors in the form of a Chai Latte Martini, infusing vanilla, Baileys Irish Cream, espresso, and chai with Tito’s Handmade Vodka – along with classic spirit mixers. Our server
CUISINE: American and International PRICES: $10-30 ATMOSPHERE: Modern and cozy; perfect for a date night or brunch with the fam
Photo by Sascha Roberts
Water Street Kitchen & Bar joins East Greenwich’s lively dining scene
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Food & Drink | experience •
By Sascha Roberts
of options for seafood lovers, but my personal favorite was something a little more earthy. The Roasted Mushroom Tartine was served on a crusty baguette with a medley of mushrooms, black truffle aioli, and olive oil-dressed arugula to lighten up the hearty dish. For my main, I chose the Sherried Chicken and Penne. Pro-tip for vegetarians – you can opt out of the chicken, as I did, for a version of this dish that’s satisfyingly robust but not too heavy. The creamy sauce
was a complex marriage of flavors: green onion, mushrooms, and sherry. Serving sizes aren’t overwhelming, though there was enough pasta left for me to ask for a take-out box. Despite the smattering of options I sampled, I left knowing I’d have to plan a return visit to let the friendly staff walk me through more suggestions. Perhaps dining outside and under sunnier skies next time, I’ll definitely save room for a bite of the Coffee Milk Budino!
Photos by Sascha Roberts
Frankie was very knowledgeable on the vast wine list, so I went with one of his recommendations: a glass of locally bottled Anchor & Hope Riesling. The upside to dining with a group passionate about sampling and capturing photos of interesting and visually appealing plates (as this luncheon of women certainly was) means I was able to dip my fork into plenty of dishes. From an array of fresh and colorful sushi to Rhode Island-style calamari, the table was embellished with plenty
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
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Must-Try Items Roasted Mushroom Tartine: $14 Farmers cheese, baguette, mushroom ragout, black truffle aioli, radish
Roasted Beet Burrata Salad: $11 Roasted red beet, pickled yellow beet, chioggia beet, arugula, lemon-truffle vinaigrette, toasted pistachios
Sherried Chicken and Penne: $22 Chicken or veal topped with prosciut-
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to and provolone, with roasted mush-
rooms and white wine sauce
Water Street Kitchen & Bar 28 Water Street, East Greenwich • 398-0202 WaterStreetKitchenRI.com
WARWICK LOCATION Family Owned & Operated For Over 25 Years
1245 Bald Hill Road #6, Warwick • 424-5865 • ArteeFabricsandHome.com SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Food & Drink | in the kitchen •
By Ann O’Neill
The Spice of Life Before Sanjiv Dhar was the restaurateur behind Providence’s longest-running Indian restaurant, Kabob and Curry, his earliest culinary influence may have been serving as sous chef to his grandfather in Calcutta, India, where he grew up. Dhar left home to study Culinary and Hotel Management at the Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management in Salzburg, Austria, where he found time to learn German and French. He met his wife and partner Vandana, who studied hotel and catering management in Mumbai, while they both worked at the 5-star Le Méridien New Delhi. Eventually, Dhar made his way to Johnson & Wales for master’s level study and, after graduation, did a stint at Marriott Marquis in Times Square. While at the Marriott, Dhar was offered a working partnership at what was then a flagging Kabob and Curry. “Since I had always wanted to own my own business, I took up the challenge,” Dhar recounts. Where his Providence location has evolved to feature street foods, Rasa in East Greenwich is “all about aesthetic flavor,” says Dhar, by celebrating the beauty inherent in all Indian cuisines. They put a unique twist on cocktails by experimenting with infusions that highlight the same fresh herbs and deep spices that appear in the dishes. Those who have experienced all varieties of Indian cuisine are familiar with the practice of blooming spices, either by heating them in a dry pan or frying them in oil or ghee, a clarified butter. “We are always trying to evolve,” says Dhar, “and at Rasa we are using a fresh tempering method to add more flavor to your meal. For example, finishing a dish with fresh curry leaf or mustard seeds adds that essence.” Despite so much variety already offered by Dhar’s restaurants – which also include Rasoi in Pawtucket and, most recently, Chaska in Garden City – he assures diners there are still new dishes to explore. “I enjoy cooking Kashmiri cuisine because I grew up eating that at home. It’s totally different from what everyone is used to.” Known for being more meat-centric than the cuisines of other regions of India, Kashmiri dishes are rich in flavor but milder in spice. Dry spices serve as
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
the building blocks of sauces, rather than onion or coconut, and a unique warmth is achieved by using an abundance of “hot” spices like cinnamon, cardamom, clove, and ginger. Even those who have frequented Dhar’s restaurants for many years can look forward to ever evolving menus. “I hope I can one day introduce Rhode Islanders to this region of India.” When asked what he loves most about the food of his home, Dhar was very clear. “The beauty of Indian cuisine is in its diverse spices,” he says. “The tempering of a dish is very scientific, and every region is passionate about its style. A simple curry dish may change because someone decided to add one less or one extra spice, but the results are still delicious. So why not expand the palate?” It’s not only Rhode Islanders’ palates that
are expanding, but also Dhar’s experiences. He’s conducted cooking demos on YouTube and The Rhode Show, held teaching sessions at both Brown and Harvard, and spoke at TED Talks in Providence. When asked his favorite restaurant memory from his time in Rhode Island, Dhar had no trouble choosing one. “One day one of my chefs said, ‘Sir, when you’re tense it shows up on your face and we all get worried and nervous. On the other hand, if you are smiling, we feel great.’ Since then, I’ve made a conscious effort to put a smile on as soon as I enter the restaurant. Ultimately, it’s my job to coach them with a smile and give them a place where they, too, can smile and be happy. Everyone should be happy in our restaurants – employees and guests alike!”
Photo courtesy of Sanjiv Dhar
Chef and restaurateur Sanjiv Dhar dishes on his journey to bring Indian flavors to Rhode Island
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Food & Drink | food news •
By Karen Greco
Families have turned to me for all of their Real Estate needs for almost 30 years.
401-932-3613 BA R RYG RO S S . C O M
Slow-cooked fast casual by the Pawcatuck
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Situated along the Pawcatuck River, Cinder is a recently opened fast-casual dining experience. But don’t let the fast-casual part fool you: they’re slow roasting bold flavors. Co-owner Rory Douthit honed his palate at Daniel Boulud’s restaurants in New York City and London before returning to Rhode Island. It was the extensive time he spent in France, and around French cooking, that he realized the “fancy pants” French food – the Coq Au Vin and the cassoulet – are all prepared in
advance. “It opened my eyes. You can serve really good food, really quickly.” Inspired by the taco trucks and Halal carts, Cinder uses non-traditional cuts of meat – often more flavorful and less costly – and cooks them low and slow. The richness is balanced with herbs and pickled veg. “It’s the food of the common person,” Douthit says, noting America’s concept of food has broadened. “If you are eating with your hands, how pretentious can it be?” Westerly, @cinderrestaurant
Photo by Read McKendree, courtesy of Cinder
Monday-Friday 3pm-5pm Half-Price Apps & $1 Raw Bar, Drink Specials Complimentary Champagne Toast at Sunset!
Coffee, cocktails, and celebs in South County Commons A cafe conceptualized by a couple who met on the set of Bachelor in Paradise is bound to have a romantic vibe, and Audrey’s Coffee House and Lounge doesn’t disappoint. Dreamed up by reality TV alums Jared Haibon and Ashley Iaconetti, Audrey’s is a swoon-worthy respite with its two fireplaces and overstuffed couches. Both Haibon and Iaconetti are film buffs, and their seasonal cocktail menu is a nod to the silver screen, with drinks like The Griswold Family Honeycrisp Sangria. Their coffees whimsically lean into The Bachelor franchise (The Most Dramatic Mocha Ever!). With pastries and bagels on the menu in the morning, items like build-it-yourself charcuterie boards make it a perfect pre-dinner pop in. “I hate bars,” says Iaconetti, a sentiment Haibon echoes. “I want to sit down and have a conversation and a drink. Here, there’s lots of comfy seating and you can grab a seasonal cocktail and have a cozy night out.” South Kingstown, AudreysRI.com
South County Bread Co. Handmade Artrisan Breads Pastries • Local Goods
New England comfort food on Main Street The team behind Back40 Food & Drink in North Kingstown and Black Oak Kitchen & Drinks in Coventry brings a new gastronomical experience with Union and Main. They’ve completely reimagined the old Red Stripe building, with a 25-person bar now commandeering the front room and a cozy, more private 13-seat bar in the back (“great for dates,” advises co-owner Justin Dalton-Ameen). The build-out took an unexpected turn when they removed the drop ceiling and exposed the building’s original 15 footer. “We were able to bring back the old charm of the original building,” says Dalton-Ameen. An experienced culinary crew from Back40 and Black Oak designed the New England comfort food menu, with some familiar items given a unique twist, like pickle-brined wings. Their progressive craft beer program features New England-focused independent craft breweries, including local faves like Tilted Barn and Grey Sail. East Greenwich, UnionAndMainRI.com
333 Main Street, Wakefield socobreadco@gmail.com SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
FINANCIAL S E L F 20 Simple strategies for taking stock and setting goals
January’s figurative clean slate inspires all kinds of aspirations, from consuming less to becoming more active. It’s also a good time to take stock of our financial selves. Winter weather lends itself to using hibernation for more than binge-watching: finally make time to sort through those piles and files of statements. With any new regime, make goals with timelines and try to make new habits stick. In this guide, you’ll find strategies for a new financial you!
By Elyse Major
KNOW YOUR NET WORTH THE NEW YEAR IS AN IDEAL TIME TO TAKE AN HONEST LOOK AT YOUR ENTIRE FINANCIAL SITUATION – what you own and what you owe. Begin by making a list: on one side, list what you own. These are your assets. On the other side, list what you owe. These are your liabilities or debts. Subtract your liabilities from your assets. If your assets are larger than your liabilities, you have a positive net worth. If your liabilities are larger than your assets, you have a negative net worth.
NEW BABY? Every child born to or adopted by Rhode Island families is eligible for a $100 CollegeBoundbaby grant to be used for higher education. Parents apply for the grant right at the hospital (yup, that early) by checking the box on the Birth Worksheet. Parents may also complete and submit the enrollment form before their child’s first birthday or within one year of the child’s adoption date. Learn more at CollegeBoundBaby.com
Graphic courtesy of FreePik
A STREAMING SERVICE HERE, THE LATEST PHONE THERE… IT ALL ADDS UP. Keep track of your income and expenses for a clear picture of what is actually going on. Write down what you and others in your family earn and spend each month, and include a category for savings and investing. If you are spending all your income and never have money to save or invest, start by cutting back on expenses. When you watch where you spend your money, you may be surprised how small everyday expenses can add up. Many people get into the habit of saving and investing by paying themselves first. An easy way to do this is to have your bank automatically deposit money from your paycheck into a savings or investment account.
Are you wondering what’s next? Market volatility has become a fact of life. What does this mean for your investments? Are you prepared for the increase risk volatility may have on your portfolio? Should you make changes and adjust your plan? Working with a Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor can help you navigate through these volatile times by helping you review your plan, making adjustments and keeping you informed along the way. Contact me to see how I can help you or provide a second opinion.
Joanne M. Daly CDFA™ Family Wealth Advisor First Vice President Financial Advisor One Financial Plaza 19th Floor Providence, RI 02903 & Virtual Meetings 401-863-8467 Joanne.Daly@morganstanley.com advisor.morganstanley.com/joanne.daly NMLS# 1510426
The use of the CDFA™ designation does not permit the rendering of legal advice by Morgan Stanley or its Financial Advisors which may only be done by a licensed attorney. The CDFA™ designation is not intended to imply that either Morgan Stanley or its Financial Advisors are acting as experts in this field. Morgan Stanley recommends that investors independently evaluate particular investments and strategies, and encourages investors to seek the advice of a Financial Advisor. The appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor’s individual circumstances and objectives. © 2020 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC.
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Investment and insurance products and services are offered through INFINEX INVESTMENTS, INC. Member FINRA/SIPC. Chelsea Groton Financial Services is a trade name of the bank. Infinex and the bank are not affiliated. Products and services made available through Infinex are not insured by the FDIC or any other agency of the United States and are not deposits or obligations of nor guaranteed or insured by any bank or bank affiliate. These products are subject to investment risk, including the possible loss of value.
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WE’RE ALL LOOKING TO SAVE MONEY – BUT HOW? Take these small, easy steps to start saving dollars that will quickly add up by the next new year. • Cancel any unused or unnecessary services. Do you shell out monthly payments for a gym membership or streaming service you hardly use? Do you still pay for a landline when you only take calls on your cell phone? Double check to make sure you’re not paying for anything you don’t actually use! • National Grid offers no-cost home assessments to provide you with a plan to save on energy costs while improving energy use. This entails a visit to your home by a specialist who will conduct an attic-to-basement evaluation. You’ll receive a custom home energy report outlining recommended energy efficiency improvements. You can also receive advanced power strips, LED bulbs, rebates, and more. Call 1-888-633-7947 for more info.
Phone 401.521.2440 www.parsonscapital.com
Parsons Capital Management is one of the leading, independently owned investment management firms in the region. Our assets under management have increased from $60 million in 1994 to over $1 billion today. Our investment professionals work with individuals, trusts, foundations, institutions, and retirement accounts. We believe that successful asset management results from our collective personal experience gathered over numerous market cycles, in-depth analysis of the current markets, and a thorough understanding of the financial needs of our clients. Graphic courtesy of FreePik 36
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Marcia J. Boyd • You might not think you have any missing money but according to the Treasurer’s office, as of December 2, 2021, $267,184,050 had been returned. Maybe it’s an old bank account (Christmas Clubs, anyone?), unused balance on a gift card, or even a safe deposit box. Treasurer Seth Magaziner developed YOUR MONEY, a program that automatically reunites Rhode Islanders with missing funds. Little Rhody is only the second state to adopt this type of system; property is kept safe until it can be returned to its rightful owner. Visit FindRIMoney. com to search the database. You could be in for a nice surprise.
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SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Investment products include stocks, bonds, mutual and exchange traded funds, and insurance products such as variable annuities. There is risk but also the chance of returns. Even if you’ve never considered investing before, all the buzz about Bitcoin may have you intrigued. Bitcoin is a digital asset, or an asset that relies on blockchain technology. The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Office of Customer Education and Outreach (a mouthful but we’re covering our bases) urge investors considering a fund with exposure to the Bitcoin futures market to weigh carefully the potential risks and benefits of the investment. Among other things, investors should understand that Bitcoin, including gaining exposure through the Bitcoin futures market, is a highly speculative investment. As such, investors should consider the volatility of Bitcoin and the Bitcoin futures market, as well as the lack of regulation and potential for fraud or manipulation in the underlying Bitcoin market. Learn more at Investor.gov
TAX DAY FUN FACT: Taxes represent the most significant source of General Fund revenue for Rhode Island. Each year, the Division collects and distributes more than $4 billion; these funds are used to help pay for vital services – including public safety, education, transportation, and recreation – for all Rhode Islanders. Rhode Island State Income Taxes for Tax Year 2021 (January 1 - Dec. 31, 2021) can be prepared and e-filed now along with an IRS or Federal Income Tax Return. The Rhode Island tax filing and tax payment deadline is April 18, 2022. Customer support is available weekdays 8:30am-3:30pm at 401-574-8484 or you can email support at taxportal@tax.ri.gov at any time. • Get your refund fast by combining direct deposit with electronic filing to get your money, without worrying about it getting lost, stolen, or unable to be delivered. • Low- and modest-income Rhode Islanders may qualify for free help filing their taxes and applying for tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit from VITA, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. Learn more at EconomicProgressRI.org
Anthony Landi, Deborah Shuster, Kelly Almonte and Jeffrey Boudjouk (Left to Right)
The Northeast Investment Group Takes on the Challenge of COVID-19 At the Northeast Investment Group, our mission is to provide practical wealth management services to our clients throughout all stages of their lives. We see our clients as partners, working together with us to make sense of their unique finances in a world that is increasingly more complex. Our group’s team structure has given us the flexibility to transition to a new way of working during Covid, while keeping the same values and service that is a hallmark of our firm. Whether it’s a phone call or a Zoom meeting, we continue to stay in touch through regularly scheduled meetings or “check-ups” to let our clients, who are “family”, keep up-to-date with the economy, the markets, and their portfolios. It’s true that COVID-19 has brought much turbulence and uncertainty; however, the members of the Northeast Investment Group have over 100 years of collective experience advising individuals, business owners, professionals, retirees, and their families. Simply put – we’re in this with you for the long run. No matter the stage of life you are in, the Northeast Investment Group family is here to help you manage your wealth so that you can live the life you desire as we move beyond this current battle. The time is now to begin your relationship with a Group who puts you first, implementing strategies for your wealth in the 21st century. We look forward to welcoming you to the Northeast Investment Group.
1000 Chapel View Boulevard, Suite 200 | Cranston | 401-213-8316 northeastinvestmentgroup.com | info@northeastinvestmentgroup.com
Graphic courtesy of FreePik
Securities offered through Kestra Investment Services, LLC (Kestra IS), member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Kestra Private Wealth Services, LLC. Northeast Investment Group is a member firm of Kestra Private Wealth Services, LLC, an affiliate of Kestra IS. Northeast Investment Group and Kestra IS are not affiliated. Investor Disclosure: https://bit.ly/KF-Disclosures SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
KNOW YOUR PAYCHECK WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU LOOKED AT THE WITHHOLDING ON YOUR PAYCHECK? Withholding is the amount withheld by an employer that goes directly to the government as a partial payment of income tax. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), most employees are over-withheld on their taxes, meaning that more taxes than they owe are withheld from their paychecks and that’s how you get a refund. Visit IRS.gov to find a Tax Withholding Estimator tool that can provide the info you need to make any adjustments. From there, consult with your employer on next steps.
KNOW YOUR INTEREST RATES MOST CREDIT CARDS CHARGE HIGH INTEREST RATES – as much as 18 percent or more – if you don’t pay off your balance in full each month. Virtually no investment will give you returns to match an 18 percent interest rate on your credit card. While you should sock some money away for a rainy day, work to eliminate all credit card debt. Once you’ve paid off your credit cards, you can budget your money and begin to save and invest.
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• Combine several higher-interest balances into one card with a lower rate so you can pay down your debt faster without increasing payment amounts. This can be done by taking advantage of a low balance transfer rate to move debt off high-interest cards. Balance transfer fees are often 3-5 percent but the savings from the lower interest rate may often be greater than the transfer fee. • Avoid using credit cards for purchases you aren’t able to pay off at once.
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Graphic courtesy of FreePik
• If you have unpaid balances on multiple cards, make the monthly payments on all, but work to pay down the card with either the highest interest rate or the smallest balance by paying more than the minimum. Remember: the smaller the balance, the less interest to pay.
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SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
UNIQUE WAYS TO INVEST Investing is most often thought of as synonymous with the stock market, where you can buy, sell, and trade stocks (you’re probably envisioning the bustling beehive that is the New York Stock Exchange). However, there are alternative places to invest your money and diversify your portfolio (though, experts say, these should not comprise more than 15 percent overall). COLLECTIBLES Fine art and antiques are examples of wacky ways to invest that pay off – if you know your stuff. Ideally, you buy a collectible for less than its worth, and sell it for more, requiring knowledge of the item and its resale value. Our state is filled with estate shops, antique stores, etc. REAL ESTATE There’s a reason flipping houses is a popular pastime beyond HGTV. Investing in a piece of property is smart for many reasons, the first being that it’s a “real asset”, a physical commodity with value. You can rehabilitate and sell for a quick profit, or rent out for monthly income. When the market is low, you can find bargains, and when it booms, you can earn a fortune.
PRECIOUS METALS When the dollar is weak, the coin reigns supreme. At least, the gold and silver kind. While this investment is not the most reliable, as is the rise and fall of the dollar, it’s worthwhile to have precious metal coins on hand in case of an economic or financial collapse, during which they can be used as barter.
Graphic courtesy of FreePik
WINE Stockpiling fine wines? That might sound appealing enough on its own, but you can make a pretty penny off of buying sought-after vintages and selling to wine connoisseurs. Find the right wines, keep track of when and where you purchased it, store in a temperature-controlled room, and reap the benefits of an investment that literally gets better with age.
New Year’s Resolution: Improve My Financial Health! Check out HarborOne U’s FREE online financial education platform – accessible anywhere, at any time! To learn more please visit harboronebank.everfi-next.net
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HOW TO CHOOSE A FINANCIAL ADVISOR WORKING WITH A FINANCIAL ADVISOR MEANS PUTTING YOUR INVESTMENTS AND FINANCES IN SOMEONE ELSE’S HANDS. That takes a trusting relationship. To find an advisor who is right for you, the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors recommends: • Talk to family members about what you want to accomplish by working with a financial advisor. Are you seeking general investment advice? Paying for college or a house? Retirement? • Ask for recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues so you have a list of advisor candidates to choose from. • Research potential advisors’ websites and individual biographies. • Meet face to face with each candidate before you sign up. Use NAPFA’s Financial Advisor Diagnostic tool at NAPFA.org to evaluate each advisor’s answers to your questions. These should include: 1. How are you compensated? 2. If you accept commissions, will you itemize the amount of compensation you earn from products that your recommend to me? 3. Do you accept referral fees? 4. Are you held to a fiduciary standard at all times? 5. Would you sign a fiduciary oath committing to putting my financial interests first?
6. Have you ever been disciplined by the Securities and Exchange Commission or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority? 7. Do you provide comprehensive financial planning or just investment management? 8. Do you have many clients like me? 9. How will you help me reach my financial goals? 10. What happens to my relationship with the firm if something happens to you?
Graphic courtesy of FreePik
• Finally, once you choose your advisor, be sure to evaluate their performance on an ongoing basis.
A Q&A WITH TJ CURRAN OF SEMPER HOME LOANS Island my entire life. I have deep roots in the community. It fits my brand as a local mortgage expert to join a Rhode Island company. I am very excited to be a part of the Semper Home Loan team.
YOU RECENTLY JOINED SEMPER HOME LOANS. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR DECISION. When I started in the mortgage industry, I worked for a real estate company based in Connecticut. The founder started in a second-floor walk-up above a grocery store that was too small to fit a desk and two chairs. He grew that one-person office to a national company focusing on being “hyper local.” Similarly, Semper Home Loans is a local expert boutique company, but we are national in reach, with all the mortgage products and great rates my clients could need. There aren’t many national financial service companies headquartered in RI. And while many companies start here and then leave, Semper is doubling down on its local bona fides, building a new state-of-the-art facility in Cranston. I have lived in Rhode
In two words: they won’t. In general, home values hadn’t decreased before the mortgage crisis in 2008 and I don’t foresee them decreasing short term. At least not in the local residential market. It’s a simple issue of supply and demand. Since 2008 there’s been a five-figure deficit for new housing starts (building new homes) and the number of new households being created has increased exponentially. A “new household” is when someone leaves their family home, often a Millennial or Gen-Y moving out of their parents’ home. There is a shortage of homes for these folks to buy. Also, Baby Boomers are staying in their homes even as they become empty nesters. This is decreasing the number of homes in the “second time home buyer” market. I think the increase in values may stabilize but I doubt values will decrease like in 2009.
WHAT IS THE FIRST STEP A POTENTIAL HOMEOWNER SHOULD TAKE WHEN BEGINNING THEIR HOME SEARCH? Your first step is to get pre-approved for financing. Not all pre-approvals are the same. You should work with a local lender
SEMPER HOME LOANS 333 Main Street, Suite 3-4, East Greenwich, RI (401) 258-8523 | tjcurran@semperhl.com www.semperhl.com NMLS 677740 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER
like Semper Home Loans. Internet lenders and many big banks are unreliable. Their mortgage loan officers are not licensed, and they definitely don’t know the intricacies of the local market. Because I have long-standing relationships with realtors and other real estate professionals, your offer is more likely to be accepted in a multiple offer situation. Consider your pre-approval the most important tool in your home buyer toolbox.
WHERE DO YOU THINK RATES ARE HEADED IN 2022? That is the million-dollar question, isn’t it? I don’t believe there is any room for them to drop. We’ve been lucky from a rate perspective. The paradox is that low mortgage rates usually mean something is terribly wrong with the world, like a worldwide economic collapse or a global pandemic. So, the silver lining for rates creeping up in 2022 is that we are heading in the right direction from a global economic and public health perspective. Rates are still historically low, and it is a great time to buy a house for most people. But I do predict rates will increase from the all-time lows of 2021.
TJ Curran is a mortgage loan officer, manager, and coach with Semper Home Loans. Mortgage Executive Magazine ranks him in the top 1% for performance among all Mortgage Loan Officers in the United States. He hosts the “Gimme Shelter Radio Show” on WPRO Sundays at 1pm.
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Zzz A
ccording to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Americans are a tired bunch. Eighty-five percent of us do not get the recommended seven hours or more of sleep a night. That eye-popping number is wreaking havoc on our health. “Sleep is important for our immune system; it’s important for our health; it is important for our mood,” says Jason Graff, MD, Medical Director of Sleep Medicine at South County Pulmonology, who runs the Sleep Lab at South County Hospital. “Chronic sleep deprivation can result in symptoms that resemble depression, and it can worsen depression or anxiety if you already have those concerns. So you want to really make your sleep a priority.” While scientists continue to study why we sleep, we remain in the dark about all the physiological things that occur. But Dr. Graff notes more recent data that points to the restorative nature of sleep in elite athletes. “We know more and more that a lot of repair mechanisms are very active in sleep,” he says. “We know that insufficient sleep increases your risk of infections, such as the common cold. It’s somewhat immunosuppressive to be chronically sleep deprived.” In terms of metabolic damage, “the relationship is complex. When it comes to cardiovascular disease, it’s largely related to elevated levels of inflammation. In sleep studies, even after short periods of sleep deprivation, you can see inflammatory markers go up in the body and, over time, that promotes things like atherosclerosis, and ultimately high blood pressure, eventually leading to other cardiovascular problems.”
Photo courtesy of Freepik
s According to Dr. Graff, there are four stages of sleep. Stage one is light dozing, transitional sleep. If you are a normal sleeper, you spend very little time in this stage. Stage two comprises most of the night; body temperature decreases and brain activity slows. Stage three is deep sleep, or slow wave sleep. Stage four is REM sleep. This is your dream sleep.
Those final two stages are where the magic happens: memory processes are consolidated, immunity strengthens, cells repair. If you miss them, you miss important health benefits. “Most dream sleep occurs in the second half of the night in the early morning hours. People who cut their sleep short are really cutting out a lot of their REM sleep, which is part of the reason why sleep deprivation leads to
problems with memory, focus, and reaction times,” says Dr. Graff. It’s also why chronic sleep deprivation increases the risk of dementia. So, how do we ensure we are getting not only enough – but the right quality – of zzzs? As long as you’ve ruled out medical problems like sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome, the likely thief of sleep is lifestyle factors. Stimulants like caffeine taken too late
in the day can keep you buzzing through the night. Alcohol and sleeping pills will send you to sleep quickly, but keep you in stage two, so you miss out on the restorative benefits. One hot topic is our electronic devices. The blue-wave light they emit mimics the UV wavelength of the sun. Too much exposure late at night can suppress the body’s melatonin production and trick the brain into skipping bedtime. Then there’s the big one: stress. “Blue light filters, night mode, etc. are helpful but not enough by themselves. You can have the filter on, but if you are getting stressed out right before bed, it’s not going to help your sleep,” says Dr. Graff. “I don’t know that I’ve ever met a patient who read work emails right before bed and slept better because of it.” Dr. Graff recommends dropping the cell phones and opting to do something to unwind prior to bedtime. “We need to practice more mindful relaxation.” The good news is, while you can’t make up for chronic sleep deprivation in one night, you can pay down your sleep debt. “On studies of brain imaging, you can see areas of low-oxygen damage improve when patients are treated,” says Dr. Graff. In other words, some of that damage can be reversed. “You can get lost in the data of what percentage of this disease or that disease gets increased,” Dr. Graff continues. “But in the end, if you’re not sleeping enough, you don’t feel very good. And I think that the quality of life portion is just as – or even more important – than that.”
“Sleep, the main course in life’s feast, and the most nourishing.” WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
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42020 Visionaries owner Madison D’Arezzo hand-blends essential oils, including formulas that soothe you to sleep
“When we smell something, a chemical signal is transmitted to the brain,” explains Madison D’Arezzo, founder of 42020 Visionaries, who custom blends essential oils for aromatherapeutic applications. “Interestingly, with essential oils, you can reap their benefits without actually smelling them.” D’Arezzo points to studies that have shown that their topical applications produce systemic effects on the body, such as slower breathing, slower heart rate, and decreased or increased body temperature, even if the olfactory nerve is shut off. “The molecules within essential oils have a very small atom size, so they’re able to pass through the skin,” she continues. “After you receive a massage with lavender essential oil, those components will actually be in your blood plasma. They’re able to penetrate through the skin and reach the body fluids to exert a systemic effect.” Essential oils like lavender, bergamot, Roman chamomile, ylangylang, clary sage, and lemongrass contain esters that make them more sedative. D’Arezzo recommends rubbing essential oil-infused lotions on pressure points on the hands and feet, or adding oils to a salt bath or foot soak. Submerging your body before adding the oils will help draw them into the skin. “It’s about putting yourself into that state of relaxation, calming your mind at the end of the night and getting yourself into a routine before bed that helps train your mind and body to get ready for sleep.”
Photo by Josh Edenbaum, courtesy of 42020 Visionaries
the media is saturated with stories of healthful resolutions. Work out more. Eat better. Drop those extra holiday pounds. But what if, instead, your resolution was to rest, to recover, to get more sleep? In a time of fast food, fast fashion, and extreme fitness, taking things slow feels almost rebellious. Here are some resolutions to make for the new year to help unwind your mind and get better sleep.
Custom blends at 42020 Visionaries
RHODY RESOURCES 42020 Visionaries North Kingstown, 42020Visionaries.com Back to Basics East Greenwich, BackToBasicsNaturalFoods.com Green Line Apothecary Wakefield, GreenLineApothecary.com Herbwise Naturals Westerly, HerbwiseNaturals.com Herb Wyfe at Belmont Market Wakefield, BelmontMarket.com HŌMbädi Westerly, Hombadi.com The Purple Cow Wakefield, ThePurpleCowCo.net
TAKE A CLASS “The benefit of restorative yoga is simple,” says Michelle Tremont, a yoga instructor who leads the restorative classes at All That Matters in Wakefield. “Slow down and focus.” While there are schools of yoga that focus on athleticism – like strength, endurance, and flexibility – restorative yoga uses props like blankets and bolsters to support the body in various lying postures. “It’s all supported,” says Tremont. “You relax while the heart is open and focus on breathing.” The breath part is important. “Breathing in and out of the nose slows down the breath, which slows the nervous system,” she explains. “Diaphragmatic breathing invites the adrenal system into the equation. It allows us to focus on our hearts and minds rather than the movements.” To bring your focus to the breath, restorative yoga begins by laying down and focusing on your breathing. Add a mantra (Tremont suggests “sohum,” which translates to “I am”), then go through a visualization that helps slow the mind and bring it back to the body.
RHODY RESOURCES All That Matters Yoga and Holistic Health Center Wakefield, AllThatMatters.com Yogastha Living Westerly, YogasthaLiving.com Yoga Barn East Greenwich, YogaBarnRI.com
All That Matters yogi Michelle Tremont relaxes into a restorative yoga pose, which preps mind and body for sleep Photo courtesy of All That Matters
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401-885-1533 • www.BannonTile.com • BannonTile@aol.com Bring Me Sauna motors state-of-the-art facilities to you Photo by Hayley Fitch, courtesy of Bring Me Sauna
HEAT THINGS UP According to Monika Marketos, founder of Bring Me Sauna, a mobile wood sauna that parks in your driveway, the benefits of sauna are endless. Originally from Poland, where sauna is a way of life, the pandemic inspired her to bring its healing benefits to homebound and weary Rhode Islanders. “You go inside the sauna, it’s time for yourself. The heat hugs you like a warm blanket and you can relax. Then you get the euphoric feeling when you leave,” says Marketos, who takes a sauna several times a week. Sauna has proven cardiovascular benefits, and it also releases endorphins. The total body relaxation, plus the elevation in body temperature followed by the cooldown on exit, can help prep your body (and mind) for sleep. (Worth noting: those with high blood pressure or a history of cardiovascular disease should check with their doctor before trying sauna therapy.) Westerly, BringMeSauna.com SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
GET NIMBLE “Stretching is like flossing,” says Chris Tarro, owner of the recently opened StretchLab in East Greenwich, a gym that focuses solely on keeping clients loose and limber. “It’s one of those things we know we should be doing every day but we don’t.” According to Dr. Graff, pain can be a factor in insufficient sleep. While certain modalities like massage are great for easing pain and relaxing muscles, Torro notes that those benefits are fleeting. “Regular stretching builds on your flexibility. The more you do it, the more improvement you see, the better you feel.” Thai Yoga Bodywork uses assisted stretching, yoga poses, and massage to improve flexibility, reduce stress, and improve circulation. “It’s a part of daily life in Thailand,” says Sarah Daigle, who treats clients at White Pine Wellness in South Kingstown. “It’s where you first go when you aren’t feeling well, and the practitioner decides the course of treatment.” Daigle’s clients seek her out for a multitude of reasons. But, the majority are “the average stressed person, who wants to relax. When I work with clients, I ask myself, ‘how do I stimulate their nervous system to get them into a calm state, and how do I teach them to implement this themselves?’” She often sends sleep deprived clients away with homework for at-home jaw manipulation, since so many grind and clench their teeth through the night.
RHODY RESOURCES Blue Sky Bodywork and Art Westerly, BlueSkyBodyworkAndArt.com Salathai, Narragansett, SalathaiRI.com StretchLab, East Greenwich, StretchLab.com White Pine Wellness South Kingstown, WhitePineWellnessRI.com
Daigle performing traditional Thai bodywork massage Photo courtesy of White Pine Wellness
White Pine Wellness founder Sarah Daigle demonstrates sound healing Photo courtesy of White Pine Wellness
TRAIN YOUR BRAIN “In the garden of your mind, you can get caught in all the weeds,” says Ann Porto, PsyD, a meditation instructor who runs Sacred SoulJourns in North Kingstown. She explains that our brains are not unlike computers that get bogged down by all the downloads and cookies that we collect during the day. Meditation can help clean all that out, which can lead to better sleep. Dr. Porto says that it’s useful to have some instruction in meditation when just starting out. Diffusers with essential oils and white noise machines or other soothing sounds aid in getting into a meditative state. “It will take time to develop the practice,” she says, noting that a five-minute meditation is a great target to start with. Diaphragmatic breathing (like in restorative yoga) is key. “It’s the bridge between the mind and the body,” she says. “Mindfulness, breathing, things that calm the mind amidst all of the distractions during the day – these are tools for a daily practice that will affect sleep at bedtime.”
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RHODY RESOURCES All That Matters Wakefield, AllThatMatters.com Blue Dragonfly Wellness North Kingstown, BlueDragonFlyRI.com Jessica Ackerman Wellness Wakefield, JessicaAkerman.com Journey Into the Soul Wakefield, JourneyIntoTheSoulRI.com Sacred SoulJourns North Kingstown, SacredSoulJourns.com
We’ll give you something to smile about. Creating confident smiles is what we do best. Dr. Michael Ferry is an Invisalign® Preferred Provider. He treats both children and adults. For more information go to www.ferryortho.com or call for your free initial exam.
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REFRESH YOUR MATTRESS WHY YOU NEED A GOOD SLEEP FOUNDATION “Most people keep their mattresses too long,” says Ed Smith, owner of Chariho Furniture in Richmond. “After seven to ten years, the support is gone.” Smith likens this to sleeping in a hammock, which takes the spine out of alignment during the night. “Everyone has their own tastes,” he says. “What’s comfortable for me may not be comfortable for you. But it’s important to make sure your spine is aligned.” According to Smith, mattresses made of natural materials like wool, cotton, and natural latex are best. These breathable materials will keep you cooler – and more comfortable – while you sleep. “A lot of mattresses use petroleum-based products but the natural material is just as durable,” he says, noting that natural fibers are inherently fire resistant so they do not need to be treated with fire-retardant chemicals to meet federal regulations. “We’re an old-school store. We like mattresses that can be flipped and rotated, which helps them last longer.” Smith says coil mattresses are best for that all-important spine support. He also suggests purchasing your mattress at a store rather than online. “You need a test-rest to check for comfort and support.” Finally, he cautions not skimping on the pillows. “Thirty percent of spine misalignment is due to the pillow you are using. Get a good quality pillow, sized properly for you, and the type of sleeper you are.”
RHODY RESOURCES Chariho Furniture Richmond, CharihoFurniture.com Cardi’s Furniture and Mattresses Wakefield, Westerly, and Warwick, Cardis.com Mattress Firm South Kingstown and Westerly, MattressFirm.com Miceli’s Furniture Westerly Raymour & Flanigan Furniture and Mattress Outlet Warwick, RaymourFlanigan.com
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All Aboard Spike and Liz Stone on family life in a converted school bus home While the proverb “a rolling stone gathers no moss” traces its roots to the Roman Empire, it could have been penned for the Stone family. Spike and Liz Stone reside on “Green Bean the Bus” with their two young daughters, Pepper and Violet. This is no experiencevacation on rented wheels: the family lives on a 48-passenger school bus they converted into their own tiny-home sweet home. “Prior to building and moving our family onto the bus we lived in a traditional house in Providence’s south side,” says Spike, aka Chief Bus Officer. Photos courtesy of Spike Stone SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Life & Style | home •
By Elyse Major
Natural textures and patterned accents infuse warmth to the bus interior
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Photos courtesy of Spike Stone
If the notion of converting a school bus is new to you, you’re not alone, but neither are the Stones. Known as a “skoolie,” these are retired school buses gutted and refitted as living spaces. “It all happened so fast,” Spike recalls. “We had been talking about doing something like it for a year or two but it didn’t feel like the time was right and we weren’t quite sure how to make it work. But
when COVID cancelled the kids’ school, work went completely remote, and the landlords decided to sell the house we were living in for twice the appraisal, we decided to go for it.” The couple bought the bus on June 1, 2020, and two months later took to the open road. “I remember clutching the enormous steering wheel and I couldn’t stop smiling for a couple hours as we rumbled northwest into
upstate New York,” Spike fondly recalls. Inside, the bus is a master class of efficiency and ingenuity. “We wanted it to kind of evoke a beach house feel, keeping everything light. We also took inspiration from Swedish design so everything folds and nests and stores. Keeping it recognizable as a bus was also important. I think the coolest part is that it’s a school
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
By Elyse Major
Plants and flowers bring a fresh sense of home
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Photos courtesy of Spike Stone
Life & Style | home •
bus,” says Liz, responsible for accents like vinyl stickers standing in as washable wallpaper to add warmth and graphic interest. Spike, a general contractor, built things like a sliding pocket table for the stairs, which the girls use as a desk, and a deck extension. Another clever hack was using climbing holds over a ladder for the bunk beds. “That idea came to me in a dream!” laughs Spike. “I just couldn’t figure out how to design a ladder into the bunk beds that I liked, and Pepper was climbing everything anyway.” Together, the family has driven and parked around the country. They’ve hiked through the mountains of Santa Fe, soaked in a secluded hot spring in Taos, made bus friends at the Grand Canyon, strolled the redwood forest, skinny dipped in a snowmelt river in Montana, and smelled a thousand different roses in Portland. “Some of the most fun we had was also in completely random places like coincidentally parking at a cherry farm with another bus family and eating as many cherries as we possibly could.” At press time, the Stones were excitedly awaiting the birth of a new little passenger. “We’re gonna need a bigger bus,” jokes Spike of baby number
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Life & Style | home •
By Elyse Major
Climbing into bed has literal meaning when holds are used in place of a ladder
three. “It’s an incredible adventure and amazing experience for us and the kids but I don’t think it would be realistic to continue traveling at that pace for more than a few years,” he says, noting that long-term plans will always include travel, even if not full time. “There are some absolutely wild and amazing experiences you can have if you are willing to be a little uncomfortable.”
GET RHODY STYLE Spike and Liz Stone share favorite things about Little Rhody: FAMILY MATTERS “After our most recent adventure travelling around the whole country in our bus, we got homesick. Rhode Island really is a unique place with so much culture, great food, beautiful sites, central location, and access to the ocean,” says Spike.
OCEAN STATE “We all love the beach and there really aren’t beaches like Rhode Island anywhere else,” says Spike.
Want your home featured in So Rhode Island? Email Elyse@ProvidenceOnline.com to learn more 66
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Photos courtesy of Spike Stone
EXPLORE MORE “Fort Wetherill is a lot of fun; I’ve done a lot of diving there,” says Spike. “Big River in West Greenwich for hiking and mountain biking, Burlingame State Park in Charlestown, summer concerts at North Kingstown Town Beach!” Liz continues, “We love Main Street in East Greenwich – The Nook is our favorite coffee place so far. Also, The Farmer’s Daughter and The Fantastic Umbrella Factory.”
865 Boston Neck Road Narragansett • 789-8153 twinwillowsri.com
Life & Style | Shop •
By Elyse Major
Promote from Within The primary mission of the South County Tourism Council is to plan, promote, and market tourism beyond their 11-town region. However, when COVID hit, things changed and so did their messaging. “We focused our efforts locally and regionally,” says Faye Pantazopoulos Brown, creative director. And so while the world was locked down, two campaigns were launched: “Love Where You Live” and “Find Your Way Back” – the latter featuring a logo designed in-house.
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
T-shirts were ordered and staff began wearing them around town, and when people constantly stopped to ask where they got them, team SCTC knew they were onto something. Before long, more products were added and soon the onlineonly South County Beachside Boutique was open for business. “It’s where visitors and locals can shop for South County products for themselves or to give as gifts,” says Pantazopoulos Brown, who admits the hoodie is her winter go-to.
1. 2.
18”x24” Narragansett Beach Surfer Poster Find Your Way Back T-shirt
3. 4. 5.
Navy Blue Anchor Baseball Hat Hooded Navy Blue Sweatshirt Find Your Way Back Navy Blue Recycled Tote
South County Tourism Council South-County-Style.myshopify.com
EXPERIENCE THE WONDER OF WALDORF Meadowbrook Waldorf School has expanded their outdoor learning for all grades. Occupying a thoughtfully rebuilt school on their 28 acre woodland campus, MWS crafts meaningful learning experiences both indoors and outside. Learn more at meadowbrookschool.com
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Life & Style | influencer •
By Sascha Roberts
Meet Jose Guns Alves This Theatre by the Sea alum makes good playing baddies on film and TV
How did you get bitten by the acting bug? I acted in middle school productions and really enjoyed creating characters, dressing in costumes, and playing make-believe, but it wasn’t until I went on a real audition for a summer stock theater production of The King and I at Theatre By The Sea in Matunuck. I was fortunate to be afforded the role of Prince Chulalongkorn and had the opportunity to act opposite off-Broadway and Broadway-caliber actors. It was through all those rehearsals and shows that I developed a real passion for acting and a sense of community for theater productions. After attending Rhode Island College, you worked in finance. How did you return to acting? As a young teen, I chose to delve deeper into the world of sports for fear I might get teased for being a theater kid. Acting wasn’t cool back then. After college, I worked in the corporate world and one day a friend approached me about a short film that she was putting together. I was very curious about acting after being away for so long, but once on set I immediately fell in love with the process and after that I began taking classes – I couldn’t get enough. It just felt like I found something that had long been missing. The rest is history.
What is your advice for anyone trying to make it in the entertainment industry? Like anything in life, if you are interested in something, go after it. There are no instructions, directions, or shortcuts to becoming an actor. Get involved, take classes, look for coaches, sign up for workshops, and read books. People ask me all the time to get them in a movie or on a TV show, but there is no shortcut. You have to take the chance and put in the work. As your skill develops, new opportunities will open up to you. Soon you might find yourself acting on a show in New York or LA. Where can you be found when you’re back in Rhody? I love Two Little Fish in Westerly. I’m definitely a foodie so all my favorite businesses have to do with food. Learn more at JoseGunsAlves.com
SORhodeIsland.com • January 2022
Photo courtesy of Jose Guns Alves
You have a long list of credits from independent films to blockbusters – what are some favorite projects? Last year I shot a BET Christmas movie called Soul Santa directed by Terri J. Vaughn, and I got to play the main baddie. It was exhilarating to play a major supporting role and be in the film from beginning to end. An equally great experience was playing a recurring character on the Starz TV series, Power Book III: Raising Kanan. I loved playing Jeronimo Guillén because he had a heavy accent and was the hammer for a Colombian drug lord. After working with the production’s dialect coach, I think I nailed his brand of swagger, gestures, and speech pattern. I just loved the challenge that afforded me.
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South County Scenes
A light dusting of snow coats River Bend Cemetery in Westerly.
ABOUT LINDA @lll_images Based in Westerly, I was born and raised in Newport. Photography has been a favorite hobby of mine since high school. I love to be outdoors, and over the past few years, I have developed an interest in photographing the natural beauty of our area.
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