Hey Rhody Fall September 2021

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BARDEN FAMILY ORCHARD 56 Elmdale Road, N. Scituate (401) 934-1413 Open M-F 9-6; weekends 9-5 bardenfamilyorchard.com

135 Smith Avenue / Rt. 116, Smithfield (401) 949-3690 | Open Daily 8-6 applelandorchardri.com

Apple Cider Donuts!

Farmstand, PYO, Fresh Cider

Rhode Island

Fruit Growers

! n o s a e S in w o N s le App KNIGHT FARM


1 Snake Hill Road, Glocester (401) 349-4408 Open Weekends 7-5 knightfarm.com

147 Austin Avenue (turn rt. on Mapleville Rd) Greenville | (401) 862-5156 Open weekends & holidays 10-6 farmfresh.org/food/farm.php?farm=3048

Apples, Fresh Pies & Baked Goods

PYO Apples, Pumpkins & Veggies


751 Pippin Orchard Road, Cranston (401) 943-7096 | Open daily 9-5 Pippinorchard.com

PYO Apples, Cider Donuts & Curbside Pick-up available on our website


997 Wapping Road, Middletown (401) 851-7989 Open Fri, Sat, Sun 10-4:30; Check website or call for additional days rockybrookorchard.com

PYO Apples, Pears & Quince


150 Austin Avenue, Greenville (401) 949-1456 PYO daily 9-5 steereorchard.com

EcoApple Certified! PYO Apples


91B Brown Avenue, Johnston (401) 949-3657 Open M-F 9-5:30; weekends 9:30-5:00 damefarmandorchards.com You can be sure it’s American grown when you pick you own

GOODWIN BROTHERS FARM 458 Greenville Road, N. Smithfield (401) 479-5903 Open Mon -Sat 9-6, Sun 9-5 until Nov. 1 goodwinsfarm.com

Growing apples, pumpkins & other veggies



58 Snake Hill Road, N. Scituate (401) 949-0390 Open Daily 9-5 elwoodorchard.com

Certified Organic PYO Apples & Fresh Cider


50 Swan Road, Smithfield (401) 231-9043 | Call for PYO info Open Wed-Sun 9-5 | jaswellsfarm.com Farmstand & Bakery, Fresh Pasteurized Apple Cider, Apple Cider Donuts and Gourmet Candy Apples


213 Narrow Lane, N. Kingstown (401) 294-3584 Open daily 10-5 Narrowlaneorchardri.com

33 Colebrook Road, Little Compton (401) 635-2663 Open Thurs-Sun 10-5, Columbus Day & Halloween

PYO Berries & Fruit

We grow & sell mushrooms too!



767 Hartford Pike, N. Scituate (401) 934-0581 | Open daily 9-5 scituatenursery.com PYO Apples & Pumpkins, Hardy Scituate grown mums, all fall decorations


915 Mitchell Lane, Middletown (401) 847-3912 | Open daily 9-6 sweetberryfarmri.com PYO Apples, Pumpkins, Farm Market, Cafe, Lunch & Ice Cream

98 Child Street, Warren (401) 252-6104 Open Thur, Fri, Sat 2-8 & Sun 12-5 Sowamsciderworks.com

Farmers Winery


260 West Main Road, Little Compton (401) 635-0110 | youngfamilyfarm.com Open for PYO apples Thur-Sun 10-4 Our 5 acre apple orchard has Honeycrisp, Macoun, Gala, Empire, Jonagold, Mutsu & more

Locate Farms at RIFruitGrowers.org


Fall Harvest Festival Hayrides, Corn Maize, Scavenger Hunt, Pumpkin DunkTank, Barrel Train, Strawbale Maze, Obstacle Course, Amazing Displays and much more...

Weekends Sept 25 - Oct 31 | 10am-4pm Unusual Heirloom Pumpkins & Gourds Fresh Fall Decor & Plants For all your indoor and outdoor decorating Visit our website for more detail

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photo: Sunira Moses


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Hiking with Kids: Author Wendy Brown gives the ins and outs of Powder Mill Ledges

28 CO V E R S TO R Y

The Bushel List: Everything you need to enjoy the Ocean State’s most colorful season


Fall Farm Dinner: Experience autumn’s bounty at an Exeter cafe


Local Retreats: Get away from it all at unique lodgings in your own backyard Ph oto by Drew nive rsa l P hotogra phy


Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |



14 48

P hoto cou rtesy of Sweet Berry Farm

Ph oto by Gi na M a st ro ste fa no


Ph oto by D avi d Bi rd

News & Life

Food & Drink

Home & Style

Art & Culture

14 RHODY GEM: This Middletown farm, cafe, and market is a one-stop fall destination

48 Foodie pit stops

76 A former toy designer

18 RHODY PETS: Introducing

56 Sweet treats await at

62 HOME: Elegant touches and textures abound in a Providence Victorian

the Rhody Pet of the Month

20 Improved ramps and access points make it easier than ever to go fishing

23 South County campsites and trails perfect for any traits

for your next East Bay Bike Path adventure

the end of corn mazes and farm-fun destinations


ditches plastics for acorns and twigs

78 RHODY READS: Books perfect for leafing through this season


Public’s Radio’s new editor on relocating to Rhode Island

Chicken Curry uses the fruits of local orchards

70 DECOR: Illustrated

watermedia exhibit continues in Pawtucket

goods bring the joy of leaf peeping indoors


80 National juried

colorful mosaic from local Instagrammers

On the Cover: A vibrant view of Tiverton from Island Park in Portsmouth. Photography by Kayla Mandeville.


Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |



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Kayla Mandeville Contributing Writers Jenny Currier

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September 2021

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Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |




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The Haunting of

HILL HOUSE By: Erie H. Weinberger and Elaine Bromka

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Web Extra: Dog-friendly spots around the East Bay to enjoy with your four-legged bestie



Ph oto by Kayl a M an devi l l e

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Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |




JENNY CURRIER Jenny Currier is a food tour guide and writer (whose adventures are documented on Instagram: @travelingfoodwriter) so when we wanted a review of a five-course farm-fresh dinner in Exeter, we knew just who to send! Currier loves to sample new foods and describes herself as always on a quest for the best gelato. Find her experience of Celestial Cafe’s dinner series on page 51.



ROBERT ISENBERG Our former editor and staff writer Robert Isenberg is a true Rhody Renaissance man. A playwright, photographer, stage performer, and documentary filmmaker, he loves spending time outdoors with his family. In “Happy Campers” on page 23, Isenberg rounds up campsites and biking trails around South County, categorized by each type of enthusiast’s personality.

Single men Between the ages of 50 & 85 Who are looking for love!

Your First Dinner Date is on us!

EMILY LYNCH We’re pleased to welcome first-time contributor Emily Lynch to our pages. A lifelong Rhode Islander, Lynch works in the Public Affairs Office for the RI DEM. “I’m proud to help build awareness of the agency’s mission to connect people with nature,” she says. In “Ramping Up” Lynch provides details on access points for fishing. On weekends Lynch keeps busy introducing her little one to the trails of Arcadia or shopping for locally grown food at weekly farmers markets. Debra L’Heureux, Rhode Island’s top matchmaker for Get Ready To Date has been in the business of helping people find love for over 18 years!

HUGH MINOR Hugh Minor takes Rhody Reads to new levels this month with six book recommendations to help guide readers on new adventures both outside and in. This all-ages list includes a picture book, a guide book, a bird book, and more. When Minor isn’t being a communications guru by day or a writer by night, he can be found buying books and enjoying downtime with his dog Zee in Cranston.







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NEWS & LIFE R h o d y G e m | Fa m i l y H i ke s | R h o d y P e t s | F i s h i n g | C a m p i n g

16 Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge in Smithfield Photo courtesy of the Audubon Society of Rhode Island


Sweet Berry Farm Far m & Co unt ry S tore What it is: This post-and-beam market, cafe, and pickyour-own farm sells fresh produce and cut flowers straight from the fields, along with gourmet and specialty foods.

W h e re to f i n d i t : Along a pristine stretch of farmcoast, watch for the blackbird with a berry in its beak on the sign in front of this Middletown market.

W h a t m a k e s i t a R h o d y G e m? Beneath rustic wood beams, this country store is brimming with seasonal fare, so you can expect each month to look a little different, whether it’s colorful cartons of summer berries or the autumnal hues of apple cider donuts and pumpkin soups. Along with traditional offerings, owners Michelle and Jan Eckhart enjoy letting their team of dedicated staff create new offerings, too. “We look forward to each growing season as an opportunity to become better farmers, serve our customers, and grow with the community,” says Michelle. The story of Sweet Berry Farm is also one of conservation, thanks to a partnership with Aquidneck Land Trust that allows them to farm much of the land while leaving other portions untouched. Through this agreement, the pair explains, “Sweet Berry Farm has committed to remaining undeveloped. Not only does this support local wildlife and preserve scenic vistas, it has provided us with the funds needed to expand the farm into a full-time, sustainable farming business” – and a destination for reaping fresh fall harvests.

915 Mitchell’s Lane, Middletown 401-847-3912 SweetBerryFarmRI.com @sweetberryfarm

Every neighborhood has that secret, hidden, cool and unusual, or hole-in-the-wall spot that locals love. We’re on the hunt for Rhody Gems! Email Abbie@ProvidenceOnline.com to suggest yours and we just might feature it!

Photo courtesy of Sweet Berry Farm

Swe e t B e r r y Fa r m


Let the Kids Lead Fa l l fo l i a g e h i ke a t P owd e r M i l l Le d g e s By Wendy Gorton



Boardwalk hiking trail leaf and the app will recognize and predict the species name. It will likely identify tree swallows, which are just about to leave for winter migration south, eastern white pines and its long , skinny pine cones that are perfect for collecting , and the last blooms of pink Joe Pye weed in the meadows before that first frost. Turn to Rhody Reads on page 78 for info on Wendy Gorton’s new book 50 Hikes with Kids: New England. In addition to being an author, Gorton is a global education consultant who has traveled to more than 50 countries to design programs, build communities, and train other educators to do the same.

THINGS TO PACK Binoculars: A simple pair of kidsized binoculars can be purchased for less than $10 and help with detailed views at 4x magnification. Journal and Pencil: Bring along a notebook and pen or pencil to take notes on obser vations.

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


Photos by Paige Therien, courtesy of ASRI

ust 15 minutes west of the State House, Route 44 becomes Putnam Pike and leads to the Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge : 100 acres of deep woodlands, a small pond, meadows, pine forest, rock outcroppings, and a habitat of animals and birds. You will also find the Audubon Society of Rhode Island headquarters, which ser ves as a hub for nature hikes, programs, lectures, and events. “My favorite place on the refuge is the big meadow where all the butterflies, dogbane beetles, dragonflies, and wolf spiders hang out,” refuge manager Kim Calgano says. “In the summer and fall, there are so many beautiful wildflowers to see. I think families should remember to take their time and not rush along. My favorite season is autumn when the leaves change color, the air smells different, and the animals are all making a last mad dash at fattening up.” Be sure to have kids take an easy-to -read map from the ASRI headquarters and lead the way to see if they can spot the changes in the season. Take you time in that first meadow, as Calgano recommends, and consider bringing a simple pair of binoculars along. Encourage “hush mode” and challenge young explorers to sit and watch for five minutes straight and then write or draw ever ything they witnessed in a simple nature journal. Follow the Blue Trail (let them lead and watch their independence and confidence grow !) through the forest to another meadow, and back into the forest, crossing a long boardwalk and by a pond, another wonderful spot to slow down and flex that nature obser vation muscle again. You can also fashion a simple scavenger hunt: how many different kinds of birds and pine cones do they find? Parents need not fuss about actual species, although a quick free download in your phone’s app store will pull up the California Academy of the Sciences “Seek by iNaturalist” – even some of the youngest hikers can point and shoot the phone at a flower or tree

LET’S EXPLORE! Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge & Audubon Headquarters Office 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield Instagram @RiAudubon Facebook @AudubonRi Length: 1.2-mile loop Elevation Gain: 76 feet Difficulty: Easy, mostly flat Get There: Turn south from Putnam Pike / Route 44 onto Sanderson Road. The parking lot is the second driveway on your left. Restrooms at visitor center Fee: None, but consider becoming a member to support the refuge Treat Yourself: Scoops, just a mile east on Route 44, serves seasonal ice cream, frozen yogurt, and Allie’s famous donuts (cash only).

Meadows of Joe Pye Weed


Rhody Pets:


Get to know rescue advocate Karen Kalunian

By Belinda Jones, Animal Rescue Rhode Island RHODY PET OF THE MONTH: April By Karen Kalunian It may be September, but this pretty pup’s name is April and she’s looking to join your family! April is seven months old and a fun-loving girl who is smart, playful, loves belly rubs, and sits politely for yummy treats. She loves everyone she meets including other dogs. April is a Catahoula/ Cur mix, a medium-size breed, with a gorgeous coat of many colors and big brown eyes that will steal your heart. For more information about April, please contact the folks at Cenla Alliance For Animals via email (heather.cafa@gmail.com). Whoever adopts April is in for a great time and lots of puppy love. If you are looking to adopt or know of an animal in need, please contact Karen from Animal Talk directly at animaltalk1920@gmail.com

Photo courtesy of Karen Kalunian

Rhody Pets now includes “Rhody Pet of the Month”, a sidebar curated by Karen Kalunian, host of Animal Talk, a weekly radio show on WPRO. Kalunian shares that her rescue efforts trace their roots to a five-pound Maltese dog named Gizzy. “Six pounds if she’d had a few extra treats!” chuckles the animal advocate. “For 14 years I took her everywhere with me, developing a noticeable case of ‘dog arm’ from carrying her!” When Gizzy passed away in 2010, Kalunian was in “deep ang uish” and began volunteering at what is now Heart of RI Animal Rescue Leag ue in Cranston, as a way of honoring her beloved pet. “I was happy to help but it pained me to see certain animals repeatedly overlooked due to their age, or health issues,


or the fact they seemed ‘old news’ if their picture had been up on the website a while.” An idea for how to address this common shelter problem came when Kalunian’s daughter Kim was directing a youth production of Annie and seeking a dog to cast as Sandy. “I saw this as an opportunity to showcase one of the long-timers: Buddy was a pretty, fluffy, Chowmix senior who had sustained some injuries, which is one of the reasons she wasn’t getting applications, but given this chance to show her personality, she became the star of the show and found a cozy beachside home as a result!” This wasn’t the first time that Kalunian used a platform for good. In her role as Mrs. RI America, she saw how media attention

could amplif y the message of a charity or cause ; in addition to a weekly radio show, she travels the state visiting animal shelters and fosters with a volunteer team of professional pet photographers and videographers. “Our mission is to shine a spotlight on animals in need and find a new audience of potential adopters. Not ever yone is on social media so I’m thrilled to be here on the Rhody Pets page, introducing a new face to fall in love with each month.” You might think Kalunian herself would be taking home a new pet ever y month but her heart still belongs to Gizzy, and as she puts it: “Now they are all my pets!” Follow along on Instagram @animaltalk19

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


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Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |






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Ramping Up R I D E M l u re s f i s h e rs with new ramps a n d i m p rove d access p oi nts By Emily Lynch

Rocky Point Pier

Photos courtesy of Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management

Striped bass is a prized catch in Rhode Island


ooked on fishing ? The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) and the Rhode Island Chapter of The Nature Conser vancy ( TNC) have partnered to create and improve public access sites to help the public get outdoors for fishing , boating , and hunting throughout the Ocean State, as part of their mission to expand shoreline and fishing access. Below are just a few of the boat ramp reconstruction projects to move for ward because of this partnership, but fishing enthusiasts are encouraged to go exploring to find their favorite local fishing holes.

CENTRAL On War wick’s eastern shore, the construction of the 280-foot-long Larr y Mouradjian Fishing Pier at Rocky Point State Park tops

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |

the list of recent projects. For anglers, the T-shaped fishing pier provides a plunge into the deep waters of Narragansett Bay, just minutes from downtown Providence. It also offers a shade structure, benches, railings, and solar lighting. Railing heights var y to allow people of all ages and abilities to experience the joy and bounty of fishing on Narragansett Bay.

EAST BAY In Bristol, the ADA-accessible public boat launch at Colt State Park offers safe, yearround access to the East Bay for quahoggers and recreational anglers alike. This doublelane ramp includes a sloped middle fixeddock system and allows safe launching and retrieving through tidal fluctuations. Anglers can also fish from a 66-foot accessible pier at the park.


SOUTH COUNTY On the south shore of Charlestown, a newly constructed boat ramp and floating dock at Quonochontaug Pond provides better boating access to the 700-acre salt pond. “Quonnie”, as Rhode Islanders refer to it, is popular with paddlers and small fishing boats and provides oceanfront boat access to inshore fishing and a direct route to offshore excursions.

NORTHERN The new freshwater boat ramp at Olney Pond in Lincoln Woods State Park improves public access to one of northern Rhode Island’s most popular boating , fishing , and recreational areas. It includes a T-shaped dock anchored to the shore with an ADA-compliant canoe and kayak launch and a newly paved parking area with ADA-designated spaces.


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Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |



Happy Campers

S o ut h Co unty is a wond er l a nd for campers and hikers of a l l p ersona l i ti es By Robert Isenberg

3,100 acres, 700 campsites, and 20 cabins make Burlingame State Campground a popular spot


eptember is the perfect time to seek open sky. The dog days have dwindled, and chilly autumn winds aren’t yet blustering. Insects retreat, and leaves start to color. This is the moment for fresh air and campfires, and southern Rhode Island is a rejuvenating destination for both. Once you abandon the highways and ease your car down cur ving rural roads, you find countryside checkered with trees and pasture. Leave your ride on a gravel lot, and trailheads will lead you deep into the leaf y woods. Spend enough time in the forest, and you may want to pitch a tent and spend the night beneath glittering stars. To ease you into these bucolic surroundings, here is a survey of trails and campgrounds in South County. Keep in mind, there’s a surprising amount of land out there, and lots of hidden nooks and crannies. But if you’re looking for a few hours of tromping around, these are good places to start.

Photo by Nick DelGiudice

CAMPSITES THE ACTIVE CAMPER Burlingame State Park is one of Rhode Island’s greatest playgrounds, where you can swim, fish, hike, and mountain bike – all in the same day, if you feel like it – and retire to your tent for some hot dogs and s’mores. This state park boasts 3,000 acres and the sizable Watchaug Pond, a favorite for boaters and anglers. Burlingame State Campground boasts a similar grandeur: there are over 700 tent sites, as well as 20 rustic cabins. (By “rustic,” we mean no utilities, and campers have to bring their own bedding.) Such a gigantic estate often means large groups and some noise, but you can almost always find a vacant spot, even in high season. Charlestown

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |

THE COZY CAMPER Whispering Pines is gentle on the outdoorsman. For families – and people who like a little comfort with their camping – this homey campground offers well-appointed tent sites near fully equipped restrooms and showers. The cabins have refrigerators, running water, and air conditioning. There’s a snack bar and volleyball court, and if you absolutely have to watch some Netflix, there’s free WiFi as well. But true to its name, Whispering Pines is nestled among tall evergreens, and you won’t find a nicer community of casual campers. Hope Valley THE SEASIDE CAMPER They don’t call it Fishermen’s Memorial State Park and Campground for nothing ; this expansive site is located in coastal Galilee, and no matter which


direction you walk, you’re bound to hit a major body of water. Most of the regulars know Fishermen’s as a village of campers and RVs, and there are scores of sites to park and hook up. But there is also a cluster of tent sites, and traditional campers can enjoy the same amenities as their motorized neighbors: a playground, a viewing platform, and easy access to beaches, seafood restaurants, and the Point Judith Lighthouse. Ambitious backpackers are also just a mile away from the Block Island ferry dock. Galilee THE ADVENTUROUS CAMPER For 50 years, Fort Getty was a military port, designed to protect Rhode Island shores from invading warships. Today, this 41-acre dollop of land is given over to picnickers, boaters, and people pitching tents, thanks to the town



The ground can be slipper y, especially on the many rocky parts, but for many hikers, these setbacks are a small price to pay for a slice of sylvan serenity. Hopkinton

of Jamestown, which owns and maintains the Fort Getty Campground. The site is practically its own island, yet it’s busy with travelers who want to enjoy Newport County without paying for expensive B&Bs. Visitors can stroll the Kit Wright walking trail and view the remains of the old naval outpost. Jamestown THE CROSS-COUNTRY CYCLIST Smooth, gentle, and scenic, the William C. O’Neill Bike Path is one of the hidden treasures of South County. This path isn’t as well known as the East Bay Bike Path or Washington Secondary Trail – and that’s a good thing. This luxurious route cuts through seven miles of farms and forest, connecting the University of Rhode Island campus in West Kingston to the western suburbs of Narragansett, where a trailhead stands only a short ride from the Town Beach. Don’t let the name fool you: the “bike path” is really a multi-use trail, and visitors can walk, jog, or skate to their heart’s content. Plus, 14 miles (there and back) makes a good distance for any training athlete. THE EXPLORER Ninigret Park is a sprawling park on the southern coast, most famous as the setting for the Frosty Drew Nature Center and Observatory. But there’s also a pond (with beach and lifeguards), playgrounds, picnic areas, tennis and basketball courts, and a maze of bike paths that meander through the wilderness area. You could spend an entire day exploring this 227-acre landscape. Ninigret also has a storied past: until the 1970s, it was home to the Naval Auxiliary Air Station of Charlestown, and the blistered remains of the old airfield can still be seen today. Charlestown


HIKES THE CHALLENGE-SEEKER Even by Rhode Island standards, Mount Tom Trail doesn’t really scale a mountain, yet this six-mile loop is a dynamic promenade through the Arcadia Management Area. Arcadia is our state’s largest recreational plot, and Mount Tom is a beautiful sample of those 14,000 acres: there are rolling hills, massive boulders, and an elegant bridge over a glassy brook, along with scattered overlooks. Mount Tom is considered a “rigorous” hike, so come prepared. Exeter THE BIRDER As the name suggests, the Lathrop Audubon Wildlife Refuge will appeal mostly to wildlife enthusiasts. These quiet wetlands have their charms, especially when it’s cool enough for the gnats and mosquitoes to vanish. But for birders, these are 86 acres of ornithological ecstasy. Lathrop is home to willets, snowy egrets, yellow warblers, and the Baltimore oriole, and there’s plenty else to see through a pair of binoculars. The trail is only a mile long and an easy walk, so you can focus on the avian, thanks to the RI Audubon Society. Westerly THE BUSHWHACKER Not many places in Rhode Island can qualif y as a “valley,” and certainly none as scenic as Ell Pond Preser ve. Located so far west that it’s practically in Connecticut, the preser ve is a rare glimpse of near-wilderness. The “kettle hole” pond is ringed with sloped banks and dense trees, and on a misty morning , Ell can feel as isolated as an Alaskan fjord.

THE NATUR ALIST From the air, Trustom Pond is a strange-looking place. The lagoon is roughly triangular, and a narrow strip of land cuts Trustom off from the ocean. All around the water lie 787 acres of protected forest and marshland. This national wildlife refuge is packed with fauna – 300 bird species, 40 mammal species, and 20 reptile and amphibian species. The trail is a two-and-ahalf-mile loop through the refuge, an easy hike for the budding naturalist. Wakefield THE CASUAL HIKER Rhode Island is healthily veined with rivers and streams, but Queen’s River Nature Preser ve is one of its more obscure water ways. This narrow ribbon is only 10 miles long , its current hedged in by a dam. The two -mile Queen’s River trail is a nice excursion through rural Exeter, and hikers can enjoy views of the river as well as quiet woods and the centuries-old stones of a small cemeter y. Exeter THE ESCAPIST The Francis Carter Memorial Preser ve trail isn’t very long – only about four miles – and it arrives full-circle back at the trailhead. But the preser ve is massive, encompassing 841 acres of protected forest and swamp, owned and maintained by The Nature Conser vancy in Rhode Island. The topography is a diverse mix of forest and field, giant boulders and peaceful waters. The trail is usually quiet and easy on beginners. South Kingstown

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


Photo courtesy of Rhode Island DEM

A rustic cabin at Burlingame

THE BEACHCOMBER South County has so much walkable coastline, you could spend an entire summer roaming its shores, never stepping foot in the woods. But Black Point Trail is a distinctive two mile trail, skirting the rocky fringes of Narragansett. You’ll find the eerie ruins of a stone building , windswept crags, and lots of light woods. You can walk your dog here, and if you’re willing to tough out the weather, you can visit any time of year, even the middle of winter. Narragansett





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FALL The Essential


ways to enjoy the Ocean State’s most colorful time of year

P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f D r e w n i ve r s a l P h o t o g r a p h y

BUSHEL LIST Once the calendar flips to September, many of us are eager for all things autumn. Sure, it’s still 80 degrees through October, but the nights are chilly and the leaves are falling (which explains why you’re likely to spot someone picking apples in a sweater and shorts). Like all seasons in New England, fall is fleeting , so we’ve combed the entire state assembling this field guide to keep handy so you don’t miss a trick – or a treat. Divided by region, easily discover events both ongoing and one-off. Whether it’s a pond paddle, a main street stroll, a fest, or a feast, it’s in here. Savor it all and be sure to tag your favorite snaps using #HeyRhodyPhotos and we may use them next year. For all events we strongly advise checking with each location prior to visiting for the latest updates. Whether or not you’re vaccinated, you’re still required to wear a mask in some settings. If you’re not fully vaccinated, the Rhode Island Department of Health also recommends that you continue to wear a mask indoors near anyone you don’t live with and outdoors in crowded places or during activities where you’re in close contact with other people who are not fully vaccinated. For more information, visit COVID.RI.gov


NORTHERN RHODE ISL AND ALL AUTUMN LONG P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f Wo o n a s q u a t u c k e t R i v e r W a t e r s h e d C o u n c i l

Farmers Markets: Through mid- to late-October enjoy buying fresh produce, flowers, and more from local farms and vendors in Central Falls and Woonsocket (Tuesdays), Smithfield (Sundays), and Burrillville (Saturdays through September 25) Find more details on times and locations at FarmFreshRI.org Classic Car Cruise Night: Held at various locations throughout the state, radio personality Cruisin’ Bruce Palmer holds classic car shows while DJing tunes. CruisinBruce.com Seven Cedars Farm Haunted Hayride: Ride through a mile-long trail that twists and turns through the farm’s haunted woods for a Halloween experience you won’t soon forget. Friday, Saturdays, and Sundays in October, Smithfield, SevenCedarsFarm.us Stadium Theatre: A lineup of concerts, shows, and even a Murder Mystery Dinner series beginning September 30-October 10 are all in store for the fall season. Woonsocket, StadiumTheatre.com

SEPTEMBER AUGUST 27- SEPTEMBER 19 Pawtucket & Central Falls Restaurant Weeks: Flavor comes first during this celebration of all things food. Featuring American, Asian, Cape Verdean, Irish, Italian, Latin American, and Indian cuisine, the week also debuts the PCF Empanada-Fest September 18. Various locations, Pawtucket and Central Falls, TourBlackstone.com SEPTEMBER 9-11 Rootstock: To celebrate environmental non-profit Revive the Roots’ 10th anniversary at Mowry Commons, three days of music, art, food, and fun are planned at the scenic grounds, including a Garden Tasting Fundraiser. Smithfield, ReviveTheRoots.org SEPTEMBER 10 Lorraine Mills Fest: Shop art and crafts from mill studios while sampling food truck

Take in the fall foliage by canoe

fare and listening to live music to kick off the Pawtucket Arts Festival at Lorraine Mills. Pawtucket, Facebook: Lorraine Mills Fest SEPTEMBER 10 AND 17 Levitt AMP Woonsocket Concert Series: Free outdoor concerts take place at River Island Art Park in downtown Woonsocket, featuring Adam Ezra Group on the 10th and Sidy Maiga with AfriManding on the 17th. Grant.LevittAmp.org SEPTEMBER 10-19 Pawtucket Arts Festival: This 10-day festival features a variety of programming , from arts in the park to live music and a block party, put on by members of the Pawtucket community, with an emphasis on education and public engagement. PawtucketArtsFestival.org SEPTEMBER 11 Seven Cedars Farm Fall Festival: An annual event that includes a marketplace of crafters and vendors, taking place 10am-4pm. Rain date: September 12. Smithfield. SevenCedarsFarm.us

For event updates please check with venue; for any restrictions visit COVID.RI.gov

Stillwater Pond Paddle: Join the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council to see the early autumn sights with a paddle through the narrows of the Woonasquatucket up toward the dam at Stillwater Reservoir. Smithfield, WRWC.org River Bend East Songwriters Festival: From 12-5pm, local singer-songwriters will perform outside at Slater Mill along the banks of the Blackstone River, with Mark Cutler and Rachel Sumner headlining. Pawtucket, Facebook: River Bend East Songwriters Festival SEPTEMBER 11-12 Apple Festival: Nothing signals the start of fall quite like an apple festival. To celebrate, thousands flock to Johnston Memorial Park for apple pies, contests, and artisan row. Johnston, Members.NRIChamber.com SEPTEMBER 12 Music at the Farm Concert: Cellist Yunwen Chen, with Jiarong Li on piano, will perform classical works at Grace Note Farm from 122pm. Burrillville, TourBlackstone.com

FARM & HONOR STANDS From flowers and produce to cider donuts and even artisanal goods, Little Rhody has hundreds of farm-fresh destinations found at indoor retail spaces, stands, and shacks. Here are some to get you started. Pro-tip: Have cash or the Venmo app installed for smaller stands and self-service.

Adams Farm 495 Sumner Broad Road, Cumberland

Hodgkiss Farm 305 North Road, Jamestown

Travis Family Farm 615 Rocky Hill Road, North Scituate

Blackbird Farm 660 Douglas Pike, Smithfield

Jaswell’s Farm 50 Swan Road, Smithfield

Usquepaugh Road 190 Usquepaugh Rd, West Kingston

Butterfly Farm 679 Great Road, Lincoln

Johnson’s Roadside Farm Market 445 Market Street, Swansea

Walker’s Roadside Stand 261 W Main Road, Little Compton

Daddy’s Bread 805 Moonstone Beach Road, South Kingstown

The Mission Farm 700 Curtis Corner Road, Wakefield

Wild Salt Farm Agawam Road, Warwick

The Farmer’s Daughter 716 Mooresfield Road, South Kingstown

Morris Farm 2779 Warwick Avenue, Warwick

Windmist Farm 71 Weeden Lane, Jamestown

Fern Farm 55 Fern Street, Warwick

Rose Mallow Gardens Off Route 1, East Matunuck

Wishing Stone Farm 25 Shaw Road, Little Compton

Gardner Farm 15 Wolf Rock Road, Exeter

Pezza Farm 2657 South County Trail, East Greenwich

Yes! Gallery 17 Brown Street, Wickford

Healey Farm 1100 Lafayette Road, North Kingstown

Skydog Farm 559 Rocky Hill Road, North Scituate

Young Family Farm 260 W Main Road, Little Compton

If we missed your favorite, please let us know. Email Elyse@ProvidenceOnline.com with name and location

SEPTEMBER 18 Great Pumpkin Festival: Experience the start of autumn with this family-friendly fall fest. Celebrate everything pumpkin with contests, food vendors, live entertainment, and community organizations. North Smithfield, GreatPumpkinFestival.org SEPTEMBER 25 Apple Picking Bike Ride: The Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council invites cyclists to get together for a pleasant, 14-mile round trip (roughly four hours) bike ride to Dame Farm for some classic autumn apple picking. Johnston, WRWC.org Great Road Day: Every year, the public historic properties on quaint Great Road open their doors for visitors, including Hearthside House where old-fashioned apple crisp and free tours will be available. Lincoln, HearthsideHouse.org SEPTEMBER 25-26 Oktoberfest: The German American

Cultural Society of RI invites g uests to their biergarten and Ratskeller bar for a cultural celebration of live music, dancing , Festbier, and traditional cuisine. Pawtucket, GACSRI.org

OCTOBER OCTOBER 9 Lincoln’s 150th Anniversar y Parade and Celebration: Catch the parade beginning on Smithfield Avenue and ending at Chase Farm Park, where post-parade festivities include live music, food trucks, and other festivities. HearthsideHouse.org OCTOBER 9-11 Woonsocket AutumnFest: Northern RI’s largest fall fest, spend the weekend getting in the seasonal spirit with amusement park rides, food and art vendors, and of course the AutumnFest Parade. Woonsocket, AutumnFest.org

OCTOBER 16 Glocester Scarecrow Festival: This scarecrow competition includes hot cider and other treats along with entertainment throughout the day. And the best part, all scarecrows stay on display for the entire autumn season. Chepachet, GlocesterScarecrowFestival.org Manville Cowboy Action Shoot: Learn the basics of cowboy shooting or come to hone your skills at the Manville Sportsmen’s Rod and Gun Club, with a required safety meeting before hitting the range. Facebook: Manville Sportsmen’s Rod and Gun Club OCTOBER 16,17, 24, & 30 Gone But Not Forgotten Mourning Exhibit & Tour: Visit Hearthside House for a g uided tour journeying from Simon Thornton’s wake with all the traditions and pageantr y of death embraced by the Victorians on display. Lincoln, HearthsideHouse.org



Sweet Little Variety Show: Supporting local musicians, poets, magicians, comedians, and other Providence artists, Askew’s monthly cabaret promotes feminist, anti-racist, and LGBTQ+ acts. September 9 and October 14, AskewProv.com Brown University Football: Watch the Brown Bears throw around the pigskin at their games all fall long on home turf in their return to play after a long COVID hiatus. Varying dates, BrownBears.com Bold Point Park Concerts: From reggae night to nationally touring bands like 3 Doors Down, Bold Point Park hosts music in the park throughout the season. September 4, October 1 & 9, East Providence, WaterfrontConcerts.com Food Truck Fridays: Craving that street taco and an evening outdoors ? Roger Williams Park Zoo hosts local food trucks doling out street fare at Carousel Village. Every Friday through September 24, Roger Williams Park Zoo, RWPZoo.org Haunted Boat Tours: Take a spooky boat tour and learn about the many restless souls that haunt the streets and rivers of Providence. Tours run all season, with special Haunted Booo -zy Boat Rides October 31 and November 1. ProvidenceRiverBoat.com Heritage Month: Happening virtually ever y Saturday in September, this series hosted by the Historical Preser vation and Heritage Commission will feature programming ranging from cultural performance groups and hands-on activities like crafts, cooking , and more. Preservation.RI.gov Providence Artisans Market: Artists from all over Southern New England

Photo courtesy of GoProvidence

Farmers Markets: Through mid- to late-October enjoy buying fresh produce, flowers, and more from local farms and vendors on Hope Street, Broad Street, and at Sims Market (Saturdays), Neutaconkanut Park (Mondays), and Armory Park (Thursdays). Find more details on times and locations at FarmFreshRI.org

This iconic spooky stroll at the zoo features masterfully carved jack-o-lantarns

convene at Lippitt Park to display their fine crafts, jewelr y, paintings, and more. Saturdays through October, Facebook: PVD Artisans Market Providence Flea: Take a leisurely Sunday stroll down South Water Street through tents of vintage clothing and decor, live music, food trucks, and local nonprofits. Sundays through September 26, ProvidenceFlea.com Providence Performing Arts Center: National music and theater tours make appearances at this world-class venue throughout the season. Find their full schedule online. PPACRI.org Unseen Stories: The RI Historical Society hosts walking tours that examine the lesser-known stories of Providence’s involvement in the American Revolution, from enslaved men and women pursuing freedom to refugees’ stories. September 10 and 25, October 2 and 15, The John Brown House Museum, RIHS.org WaterFire: This iconic Providence tradition is back! Take a date, family, or out-of-towners to see the river set ablaze and meander through the artisanal market while you’re there. September 4, 9, 18 & 24; October 2, 16 & 27, Waterplace Park, WaterFire.org

For event updates please check with venue; for any restrictions visit COVID.RI.gov

SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 1, 14 & 15 PVDFest in the Park: Outdoor concerts featuring Atwater-Donnelly, Jake Hunsinger & The Rock Bottom Band, and Radio Honey, respectively, pop up at Prospect Park and the Providence Innovation District Park. PVDFest.com SEPTEMBER 2 Downtown Paddle: Join the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council for a relaxing paddle on the river through Downtown Providence, launching on South Water Street, to obser ve the city’s diverse wildlife and historic sights. WRWC.org SEPTEMBER 5 Afrika Nyaga Drum & Dance Festival: In its ninth year, this festival showcases the music and dance of Africa and the diaspora at Burnside Park with award-winning musicians, drum circles, and activities for kids. SidyMaiga.com SEPTEMBER 9-17 The Historical Fantasy of Esek Hopkins: The Haus of Glitter Performance Lab, in collaboration with the Wilbur y Theatre Group, presents an activist dance opera reimagining the narrative of Esek Hopkins at the historic homestead. TheWilburyGroup.org

SEPTEMBER 11-12 Rhode Island Seafood Festival: Seafood lovers flock to India Point Park annually to indulge in cuisine from a variety of local vendors, paired with music from a lineup of live music performers. India Point Park, RISeafoodFest.com SEPTEMBER 11 & 19 Providence Rock Day: Fete Music Hall hosts this two -part concert series featuring an extensive lineup of rock bands from all over New England and beyond, on the Ballroom Stage and Lounge. FeteMusic.com SEPTEMBER 12 & 19 FirstWorks Live - Music at Roger Williams Park: Grab a lawn chair and take a journey from jazz to Americana with the global sounds of artists filling the park. Free performances take place at the Dalrymple Boathouse Lawn and Bandstand. First-Works.org SEPTEMBER 18 Weybosset Crossing : The RI Historical Society and Deborah Spears Moorehead lead a walking tour along the Providence River highlighting its significance to native Indigenous communities through spoken word and song. RIHS.org Paws In The Park Dog Walk: A fundraiser for the RI SPCA, this fun-filled day of pet games activities at Rose Larisa Park features local vendors, treats, and a canine costume contest. Riverside, RISPCA.com

P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f B r o w n U n i ve r s i t y

St. Patrick’s Day Parade: You read that

right! Since it couldn’t happen in March, the festive green parade will take to the streets of Providence a few months late with all the revelry intact and a 5K race happening in the morning. ProvidenceStPatricksParade.org SEPTEMBER 19 RI Vegtober Fest: Plant-eating foodies will rejoice at this vegetarian and vegan-friendly food fest, boasting 15 vendors and three breweries, as well as local artists and vendors. Trinity Beer Garden, RIVegFest.com SEPTEMBER 24 Ben Folds: Versatile music performer Ben Folds will grace the stage of The Vets for a stop on his coast-to-coast tour. The Vets, PPACRI.org SEPTEMBER 24 - OCTOBER 1 Design Week RI: Ten days. Multiple events. One mission. Showcasing the innovation and economic impact of the design sector in the state through a series of curated events in person and online featuring RI talent. Various locations in Providence, DesignXRI.com SEPTEMBER 25-26 Rejoice With Providence: A culmination of summer-long PVDFest programming, headliner performances by Music From the Sole, D.R.E.A.M. Ring, and Requiem For the Living, Alive will bring together local and global talent. Downtown, PVDFest.com SEPTEMBER 30 - OCTOBER 3 Narragansett Beer Oktoberfest: Visit the Fox Point brewery to celebrate the world-famous

beer festival with their very own Festbier and lots of fun in store. Facebook: Narragansett Beer

OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 31 Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular: Take a stroll through Rhody’s favorite pumpkin patch as it’s lined with thousands of masterfully car ved, candlelit gourds. Sign up for a masterclass in jack-o-lantern car ving on October 24. Roger Williams Park Zoo, RWPZoo.org OCTOBER 9 Makers & Merchants Street Fair: Stroll Wickenden Street for this family- and pet-friendly event closing the street to traffic to showcase local food and drink vendors, artists, and makers selling their wares. ShopWickenden.com OCTOBER 9-16 Pretty Woman: The Musical: The critically acclaimed stage adaptation of ‘90s classic, Pretty Woman, makes its way to Providence after a successful Broadway run. Providence Performing Arts Center, PPACRI.org OCTOBER 14 Catalyst Quartet: This string quartet has performed in the world’s leading concert halls, and makes a stop at McVinney Auditorium. RICMC.org OCTOBER 23 & 24 Spooky Zoo: Daytime outdoor autumn fun for the whole family comes with zoo admission and trick-or-treating while supplies last, beginning at 10am. Roger Williams Park Zoo, RWPZoo.org OCTOBER 26 Alton Brown Live: Culinar y T V personality Alton Brown is sure to dazzle audiences with cooking demonstrations, music, comedy, and more. Providence Performing Arts Center, PPACRI.org

Watch the Bears play at Brown Stadium

OCTOBER 31 Halloween Monster Dash 5K: Dash through the RIPTA bus tunnels in your costume of choice – and bring the little ones along for a fun dash of their own. 250 South Water Street, MonsterDashRace.com


CENTRAL RHODE ISLAND ALL AUTUMN LONG Farmers Markets: Through mid- to late-October enjoy buying fresh produce, flowers, and more from local farms and vendors at Goddard Park (Fridays) and Pawtuxet Village (Saturdays). Find more details on times and locations at FarmFreshRI.org Bring Your Own Improv: This interactive improv show welcomes voluntar y audience participation. Applaud for a scene you like, yell out suggestions, or if you feel you’re ready, join on stage. Join in on family-friendly performances ever y Friday at 7pm, or the late night shows ever y Friday at 9pm. Warwick, BringYourOwnImprov.com

P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f D i s c ov e r N e w p o r t

East Greenwich Odeum: Catch cover bands, comedy shows, dinner and movie screenings, and national tours happening at the Odeum all season. See the full lineup online. East Greenwich, GreenwichOdeum.com War wick Food Truck Nights: Sip and savor from your favorite food vendors as they take over Crowne Plaza once a month through fall. September 16 and October 21, Facebook: PVD Food Truck Events

SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 1 & 3 Music on the Hill: Ahead of Labor Day, Music on the Hill presents two hour-long chamber music concerts; fans of Beethoven, Brahms, and Bach will have plenty to rejoice. Westerly and East Greenwich, MusicOnTheHillRI.org SEPTEMBER 11-12 Gaspee Days Fall Fest: Peruse artisan vendors and sample tasty treats along the Narragansett Parkway for this fall fest featuring a crafts market and Saturday block party of live music celebrating local history. Warwick, Gaspee.com SEPTEMBER 16 Main Street Stroll: This month’s stroll organized by the East Greenwich Commerce Association is Taste of EG, with an emphasis on the flavors of the coastal town’s vibrant

food scene, as well as live music and vendors. EastGreenwichChamber.com SEPTEMBER 28 12th Annual Fall Golf Tournament: Sign up to tee off in this annual fundraiser for the East Greenwich Little Leag ue at the Cranston Countr y Club. Cranston, EastGreenwichChamber.com

OCTOBER OCTOBER 3 Yankee Steam-Up: Sparks fly during the region’s oldest steam engine show for model makers, engineers, and history buffs at the New England Wireless & Steam Museum. East Greenwich, NEWSM.org

For event updates please check with venue; for any restrictions visit COVID.RI.gov

Pick the perfect pumpkin from Sweet Berry Farm

OCTOBER 15 Beer vana Fest: The historic Rhodes on the Pawtuxet will host a beer fest with samples in all styles from local breweries. Enjoy tasting , learning about, and appreciating the art of craft beer. Cranston, Beervanafest.com OCTOBER 23 & 24 West Bay Open Studios: Meander through North Kingstown, War wick, and East Greenwich for a self-g uided tour of artists and their maker spaces. Check back online for more details closer to the date. Various locations, WestBayOpenStudios.com

OCTOBER 24 Kids Expo & Halloween Costume Contest: This affordable and impactful event is not only a fun way to celebrate the Halloween holiday, but also a great way to get in touch with different programs and businesses that support children’s health and learning. West Warwick, Facebook: KIDS EXPO & Halloween Costume Contest

OCTOBER 29 Charlie the Butler Ghost Party: The Cranston Historical Society invites you to a frighteningly fun night with Jared the Magician and Mentalist inside the decorated Sprag ue Mansion. Costumes optional. Cranston, Facebook: Cranston Historical Society

TBD Ghost Tours: While the date is yet to be announced at press, Western Rhode Island Civic Historical Society is planning a 2021 tour starting at the Paine House Museum and ending at Woodland Cemetery, covering the history of spooky spots in the western part of the state. Coventry, WesternRIHistory.org

PUMPKIN PALOOZA W h a t i s O c to b e r w i t h o u t a p u m p k i n? W h e t h e r yo u l i ke to c a r ve t h e m , p a i n t t h e m , co o k w i t h t h e m , o r j u s t e n j oy t h e m a s d e co ra t i o n , h e re a re p l a ce s to f i n d t h e m a ro u n d t h e s t a te .

Adam’s Farm 495 Sumner Brown Rd, Cumberland AdamsFarmRI.com

DeCastro Farms 1780 East Main Rd, Portsmouth DeCastroFarms.com

Appleland Orchard 135 Smith Ave, Greenville Facebook: Appleland Orchard

Escobar’s Farm 133 Middle Rd, Portsmouth EscobarFarm.com

Barden Family Orchard 56 Elmdale Rd, North Scituate BardenFamilyOrchard.com

Elwood Orchard 58 Snake Hill Road, North Scituate ElwoodOrchard.com

Carpenter’s Farm 520 Matunuck Beach Rd, South Kingstown CarpentersFarmstand.com

Festival Farm 2 Canonchet Rd, Hope Valley FestivalFarmRI.com

Clark Farms 2984 Commodore Perry Hwy, Matunuck. ClarkFarms.com

Frerichs Farm 43 Kinnicutt Ave, Warren FrerichsFarm.com

Confreda Greenhouses & Farms 2150 Scituate Ave, Hope ConfredaFarms.com

Goodwin Brothers Farm Stand 458 Greenville Rd, North Smithfield Facebook: Goodwin Brothers Farm Stand

Cucumber Hill Farm 39 Cucumber Hill Rd, Foster CucumberHillFarm.com

Healey's Farm 1100 Lafayette Rd, North Kingstown Facebook: Healey FARM

Dame Farm & Orchards 91B Brown Ave, Johnston DameFarmAndOrchards.com

Highland Farm 4235 Tower Hill Rd, Wakefield Facebook: Highland Farm

Hill Orchards 86 Winsor Ave, Johnston Facebook: Hill Orchards

Quonset View Farm 895 Middle Rd, Portsmouth Facebook: Quonset View Farm

Jaswell’s Farm 50 Swan Rd, Smithfield JaswellsFarm.com

Salisbury Farm 11 Peck Hill Rd, Johnston SalisburyFarm.com

Leach Farm & Orchard 147 Austin Ave, Greenville 862-5156

Schartner Farms One Arnold Place, Exeter SchartnerFarms.com

Manfredi Farms 77 Dunns Corner Rd, Westerly Facebook: Manfredi Farms

Spring Hill Sugar House 522 Gardner Rd, Richmond Facebook: Spring Hill Sugar House

Mapleville Farm 544 Victory Hwy, Mapleville Facebook: Mapleville Farms Morris Farm 2779 Warwick Ave, Warwick Facebook: Morris Farms Inc. Old Stone Orchard 33 Colebrook Road, Little Compton 635-2663 Pezza Farm 2279 Plainfield Pike, Johnston PezzaFarm.com Pippin Apple Orchard 751 Pippin Orchard Rd, Cranston Facebook: Pippin Apple Orchard

Stamp Farms 1 Stamp Place, Exeter StampFarms.com Steere Orchard 150 Austin Ave, Greenville SteereOrchard.com Sweet Berry Farm 915 Mitchell’s Ln, Middletown SweetBerryFarmRI.com The Farmer’s Daughter 716 Mooresfield Road, South Kingstown TheFarmersDaughterRI.com Young Family Farm 260 West Main Rd, Little Compton Facebook: Young Family Farm


EAST BAY & NEWPORT ALL AUTUMN LONG Farmers Markets: Through mid- to late-October enjoy buying fresh produce, flowers, and more from local farms and vendors at Sandywoods in Tiverton ( Tuesdays), Hope & Main in Warren ( Wednesdays), Mount Hope Farm in Bristol (Saturdays), and the Aquidneck Growers Market is on Memorial Boulevard on Wednesdays and Pell Elementar y Saturdays. Find more details on times and locations at FarmFreshRI.org The Bit Players: End the week with an evening of laughs at Firehouse Theater, hosting Newport’s hit improv comedy show. Every Friday and Saturday, FirehouseTheater.org Free Family Fun Day: On the first of each month, join Audubon Society for crafts, stor ytime, animal discoveries, hikes, and more. Bristol, ASRI.org

Newport Neighborhood Food Tours: A 1.3-mile tour covering out-of-the-way eateries in the “City by the Sea.” Thursdays-Sundays, RhodeIslandRedFoodTours.com Pumpkin Palooza: Celebrate fall with special events ever y weekend, from a ride on a magic pumpkin coach and pumpkin painting to a DIY scarecrow workshop. September and October, Warren, FrerichsFarm.com Newport Histor y Tours: Learn the histor y behind burial grounds, legends and lore, and other local histor y with tours happening throughout September and October. NewportHistorytours.org RI Land Trust Days: Get outside with g uided walks, wildlife hikes, and other nature programming in our state’s protected

P h o t o C o u r t e s y o f D i s c ov e r N e w p o r t

Newport Foodies Strolls: Go beyond mansions and yachts and discover Newport’s rich food histor y on this walking tour of some of the city’s best dining destinations. Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays through October, NewportFoodiesStroll.com

Sample coastal fare in Newport for the annual Seafood Festival

open spaces with all kinds of events facilitated by expert naturalists. Through October 17, RILandTrusts.org

SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 11-12 R aptor Weekend: Bird enthusiasts of all ages won’t want to miss Audubon Nature Center & Aquarium celebration of raptors featuring food trucks, sing-a-longs, and live presentations with eagles, owls, hawks, and falcons. Bristol, ASRI.org

For event updates please check with venue; for any restrictions visit COVID.RI.gov

SEPTEMBER 14 & 21 Social Justice Outdoor Film Series: Rogers Free Library and Linden Place Mansion host community screenings in the Linden Place gardens of films centered around the theme of race and social justice. Bristol, LindenPlace.org SEPTEMBER 16-19 Newport International Boat Show: Take in the shiny new boats along the harbor, some making their US debut, and all the marine accessories and services you can imagine for boat show events all over downtown. NewportBoatShow.com

Photo by Boris Apple, c o u r t e s y o f N a n c y K e l l n e r, B r i s t o l P o r c h F e s t SEPTEMBER 17-19 Newport Mansions Wine & Food Festival: Wine dinners, Sunday Brunch & Bubbly, cooking demonstrations, and a celebrity chef appearance are all on the itinerar y for this annual event at the mansions. NewportMansions.org SEPTEMBER 18 Barn Bash: An evening of live music, jonnycakes, and the farm ambiance of The Barn at Touisset are on the agenda for the Warren Heritage Foundation’s celebration of the town’s agricultural history. WarrenHeritageFoundationRI.org SEPTEMBER 19 Bristol PorchFest: Local bands and musicians take the “stage” on neighborhood porches, entertaining passersby and music-goers with acoustic sets all over town. Facebook: Bristol PorchFest Thrive Outside in the Mud: Bring the whole family to Frerichs Farm to tr y out the kid-friendly BoldrDash obstacle course raising funds for youth empowerment and education programs. Warren, BoldrDashR ace.com SEPTEMBER 25 Plein Air Paint Out: Wander Historic Tiverton Four Corners’ grounds to witness painters creating and later gathering to show their works; all are welcome to attend and observe. TivertonFourCorners.com SEPTEMBER 30 Golden Jubilee Gala: Herreshoff


The Bristol PorchFest turns neighborhoods into acoustic concert venues

Marine Museum celebrates its 50th anniversar y this year with events all summer, culminating in a gala at their picturesque waterfront venue. Bristol, Herreshoff.org SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 3 Audrain Newport Concours and Motor Week: Dining pop-ups, seminars, cocktail hours, and Gatsby-esque VIP parties are all part of this car enthusiast’s dream, building up to a showing of rare and vintage automobiles. AudrainConcours.com

OCTOBER OCTOBER 1-30 Scarecrow Contest: While Norman Bird Sanctuar y’s usual Har vest Fest is postponed until next year, you can still enter your spooky, silly, or nature-inspired scarecrow and see other har vest creations. Middletown, NormanBirdSanctuary.org OCTOBER 3 Tunnel to Towers Rhode Island: A scenic 5K run or walk around Fort Adams honors the sacrifices first responders and militar y members have made. Newport, Tunnel2Towers.org OCTOBER 7-11 Rogue Island Comedy Festival: Some of the best nationally and locally acclaimed comedians perform stand-up for 10 shows at three venues around the island to get folks laughing the night away. Newport, RogueIslandComedyFest.org

T h e O ce a n S t a te i s f i l l e d w i t h co r n g rowe r s a n d s o m e f a r m s h ave eve n c ra f te d m a ze s p e r fe c t fo r g e t t i n g l o s t a m o n g t h e s t a l k s o n a s u n ny d ay. A s w i t h a ny l o c a t i o n , i t ’ s a l way s b e s t to c h e c k a h e a d fo r u p d a te s b e fo re ve n t u r i n g o u t fo r u p d a t e s a n d p o l i c i e s .

Adam’s Farm 495 Sumner Brown Rd, Cumberland AdamsFarmRI.com Clark Farms 2984 Commodore Perry Highway, South Kingstown ClarkFarms.com Confreda Greenhouses & Farms 2150 Scituate Ave, Hope ConfredaFarms.com Cucumber Hill Farm 39 Cucumber Hill Rd, Foster CucumberHillFarm.com Dame Farm & Orchard 91B Brown Ave, Johnston DameFarmAndOrchards.com Escobar Farm 255 Middle Rd, Portsmouth EscobarFarm.com Highland Farm 4235 Tower Hill Rd, Wakefield Facebook: Highland Farm Manfredi Farms 77 Dunns Corner Rd, Westerly Facebook: Manfredi Farms Morris Farm 2779 Warwick Ave, Warwick Facebook: Morris Farms Inc. Salisbury Farm 11 Peck Hill Rd, Johston SalisburyFarm.com Spring Hill Sugar House 522 Gardner Rd, Exeter Facebook: Spring Hill Sugar House For places to buy native corn visit FarmFreshRI.org

Photo courtesy of Nancy Rafi


Photo courtesy of Warren Heritage Foundation

Say goodbye to summer with a parade at North Kingstown Town Beach

OCTOBER 10 Newport Marathon & Half Marathon: Support local charities as you qualif y for the Boston Marathon (or simply elevate your morning jog ). NewportMarathon.com OCTOBER 11 Italian Heritage Parade: As part of the Festa Italiana, this celebration of Italian culture and heritage starts at St. Joseph’s on Broadway and ends at the Columbus statue on Memorial Boulevard. Newport, NewportFesta.org OCTOBER 16-17 Bowen’s Wharf Seafood Fest: Sip on Whalers, listen to live music, and eat lobster rolls, fish tacos, calamari, and oysters to your heart’s content! Newport, BowensWharf.com OCTOBER 17 Pell Bridge Run: Celebrate the 50th anniversar y of Newport’s iconic bridge with a picturesque four-mile run, all while supporting dozens of nonprofit organizations. PellBridgeRun.com OCTOBER 22-23 Bristol BookFest: This humanities program is designed to inspire readers and enrich the community with bookish conversations and presentations in a welcoming atmosphere. BristolBookfest.com

Marcia Blount and Alexander Scott admire the painting by Sally Barker that was used on the Barn Bash invitations and will be auctioned off at the gala

LOCAL LORE From glowing ghost ships to vampires, these legends and lore are sure to give you a fright. Visit SoRhodeIsland.com and search South County Sites to Give You a Fright for details on each site.

Camp Greene, Coventry Chestnut Hill Baptist Church Cemetery, Exeter Devil’s Footprints, North Kingstown

General Stanton Inn, Charlestown

Nathanael Greene Homestead, Coventry

Great Swamp Massacre Site, South Kingstown

Old Narragansett Cemetery, North Kingstown

The Ladd School, Exeter

The Palatine Light, Block Island

The Narragansett Rune Stone, North Kingstown

Smith’s Castle, North Kingstown

Druidsdream, Narragansett Fort Wetherill, Jamestown

For event updates please check with venue; for any restrictions visit COVID.RI.gov

SOUTHERN RHODE ISLAND + BLOCK ISLAND ALL AUTUMN LONG Fall Harvest Festival: Weekends from Sept 25 to Oct 31 from 10am to 4pm, it’s fun on the farm at the Farmer’s Daughter. Enjoy hayrides, a barrel train, an obstacle course and more. South Kingstown, TheFarmersDaughterRI.com Farmers Markets: Through mid- to late-October enjoy buying fresh produce, flowers, and more from local farms and vendors at Fishermen’s Memorial State Park in Narragansett (Sundays), Marina Park in Wakefield ( Tuesdays), Block Island ( Wednesdays and Saturdays), Main Street in Westerly ( Thursdays), The Lazy K Ranch in West Kingston (Fridays), and Independence Way in South Kingstown and the Coastal Growers Market in Saunderstown (Saturdays). Find more details on times and locations at FarmFreshRI.org General Stanton Outdoor Flea Market: The oldest, continually operating flea market in Rhode Island, occurring weekends through October 11. Charlestown, Facebook: General Stanton Inn Flea Market Stargazing Nights at Frosty Drew Obser vator y: On clear Friday evenings head to what Yankee Magazine called the “Best Stargazing in New England.” See the rings of Saturn, Milky Way, and more, conditions permitting , and don’t miss a Spooky Views Halloween stargazing event October 29. Charlestown, FrostyDrew.org Native Gardens: This biting comedy at the Contemporary Theater Company asks what it really takes to love thy neighbor. September 1012, 17-19, 24-26, and October 1-3, Wakefield, ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com A Lie Agreed Upon: This Gamm Theatre production is an adaptation of Henrik Ib sen’s An Enemy of the People about doing the “right thing ”. September 20 through October 24, Warwick, GammTheatre.org Haunting of Hill House: Fans of the horror classic will love Granite Theatre’s rendition of this spooky stor y opening in time for Halloween. Select dates from October 8-31, Westerly, GraniteTheatre.com

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |

Events at Ocean House and Weekapaug Inn: Whether it’s a culinary course, author or artist chat, family movie with popcorn, or a paddle, the planners at these two famed destinations offer a variety of activities all season long. Various dates, Westerly, OceanHouseEvents.com



SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 2-26 Imagining Peace: Artists’ Cooperative Galler y of Westerly presents artwork by Ardie Harrison and Nancy Neilsen. Westerly, WesterlyArts.com SEPTEMBER 3-5 Rhythm & Roots: Camp out and jam into the night or snag a day pass for this annual concert series showcasing musical styles ranging from Cajun to bluegrass, plus food and craft vendors, at Ninigret Park. Charlestown, RhythmAndRoots.com SEPTEMBER 5 Say Goodbye to Summer Festival: Celebrate the season’s last hurrah with a parade, live music, food trucks, face painting , and more for this late-summer fest at North Kingstown Town Beach. NKSummerFestival.com SEPTEMBER 10 Winery Comedy Tour: A nationwide tour of topnotch stand-up performers makes an appearance at Tapped Apple this month with laughter flowing from the taps. Westerly, Facebook: Tapped Apple Cidery & Winery SEPTEMBER 11 Har vest Festival: Family fun at Smith’s Castle includes docent tours, a book fair, apple crisps, music, pumpkin painting , and more. North Kingstown, SmithsCastle.org Chorus of Westerly Summer Pops: Bring a blanket and find a space on the lawn of Wilcox Park to listen to orchestra music from the Chorus of Westerly, with a special focus on the community’s emergence. ChorusOf Westerly.org


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13th World 4097 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland 13thWorld.com Factory of Terror 3 Bridal Avenue, West Warwick FactoryOfTerror.com

Photo modified by Nick DelGiudice

Field of Screams 179 Plain Meeting House Road, West Greenwich HauntedHayride.net The Haunted Labyrinth 804 Dyer Avenue, Cranston HauntedLabyrinth.com Scary Acres RI 2150 Scituate Avenue, Cranston ScaryAcresRI.com Seven Cedars Farm 20 John Mowry Road, Smithfield SevenCedarsFarm.us Slater Park Haunted Tunnel Slater Memorial Park, Pawtucket Facebook: Haunted Tunnel RI


Block Island Ghost Tours: BlockIslandGhostTours.com Ghosts of Newport: GhostsofNewport.com Providence Ghost Tour:


Smith’s Castle hosts paranormal investigations

CT Unified Sports Fall Festival: Ocean House hosts this year’s Special Olympics Croquet Tournament. Spectators are welcome to attend this complimentary event on the lawn and cheer on the athletes. Watch Hill, OceanHouseEvents.com SEPTEMBER 14 Lecture on the Lawn: Bring a lawn chair and enjoy a lecture by historian and author Brian Wallin on the history of the Seaview Trolley Company, which ran from East Greenwich down to the Pier. Water provided, $5 donation requested. Wickford, SmithsCastle.org SEPTEMBER 17-19 Misquamicut Fall Fest: Take in the view of the Block Island Sound from atop a ferris wheel, snack on food truck fare, admire classic cars, and enjoy other fall festivities on the beach. MisquamicutFestival.org

For event updates please check with venue; for any restrictions visit COVID.RI.gov

SEPTEMBER 18 Jamestown Rhode Race: From Narragansett Bay to Newport Bridge and Watson Farm to Jamestown proper, this race takes participants on a scenic tour of Conanicut Island. Jamestown, RhodeRaces.com The Great Art Heist: Purchase a ticket to claim one of the member-donated works of art for South County Art Association’s lively fundraiser, with works on display until September 17. South Kingstown, SouthCountyArt.org Folk Art Quilt Show: The South County Museum celebrates the histor y of quilting and contemporar y forms for its annual show, featuring quilts from local makers and a raffle. Narragansett, SouthCountyMuseum.org

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SEPTEMBER 18 & OCTOBER 16 Paranormal Tour: Paranormal Legend Society takes visitors through a spooky tour of Smith’s Castle seeking supernatural encounters. Reservations are required, and guests must be 18 years or older. North Kingstown, SmithsCastle.org SEPTEMBER 30 Wickford Harbor Lights: The village’s natural beauty is illuminated by glowing lanterns on the water for a night of food trucks, restaurant specials, shopping, and music. NorthKingstown.com

OCTOBER OCTOBER 1-3 Block Island Birding Weekend: Autumn on the island is flocking with migratory birds on their way to their winter homes. Audubon naturalists lead birders on field trips to spot all kinds of species. Block Island, ASRI.org OCTOBER 2 Oktoberfest: A day of live music, street performers, traditional dancing, art vendors, brews flowing from the biergarten, and entertainment for the whole family ushers in fall

while celebrating German culture. Wakefield, Facebook: Wakefield Village Association OCTOBER 6-24 9th Annual Poetry & Art: Wickford Art Association showcases the reciprocal relationship between poetry and art with this year’s exhibit of writers and artists responding to the theme of “color”. WickfordArt.org OCTOBER 9 Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night: The Misquamicut Players reenact Monty Python’s parody of Guy Fawkes’ attempt to blow up Parliament in 1605. A bonfire will set the stage for this comedic night at The Windjammer. Misquamicut, GuyFawkesUSA.com OCTOBER 10 Block Island Half Marathon: Enjoy a workout with a view as this half marathon takes you past beach dunes, the North Lighthouse, and rolling pastures. Block Island, BlockIslandInfo.com OCTOBER 15-17 Ruby Jubilee Quilt Show: The Ninigret

Quilters present over 150 quilts on display at the Westerly Armor y, and you can enter a raffle for a chance to win the spotlighted quilt. Westerly, NinigretQuilters.blogspot.com OCTOBER 16 Fall Fest RI: Steely Dan tribute band Hey Nineteen and Doobie Brothers tribute What a Fool Believes perform on the beach, with food trucks on the scene all night. North Kingstown, Hey19Band.com OCTOBER 16-17 HopArts Studio Trail: Hopkinton and Richmond artists and artisans open their studios to the public for the weekend, offering demonstrations, details of their craft, and work for sale. Hopkinton and Richmond, HopArts.org OCTOBER 24 Narragansett Rhode R ace: The 7th annual Ocean State Rhode Races will include a marathon, half marathon, and 5K , so lace up those sneakers and enjoy iconic RI sights and scener y while you run. Narragansett, RhodeR aces.com

P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f B l o c k I s l a n d To u r i s m

The sandy trek to North Light, BI

For event updates please check with venue; for any restrictions visit COVID.RI.gov

URBAN ARTS AND CULTURE PROGRAM alan shawn feinstein college of education and professional studies

80 Washington St Providence, RI 02903 Hours M-TH 9-9, F&S 9-4 (closed Sundays and Holidays) For information call Steven Pennell 401-277-5206 uri.artsandculture@gmail.com or visit www.uri.edu/ceps/prov/arts

Come enjoy a beer at the Shaidzon Beer Garden!

FALL 2021 Celebrating the Life and Inspiration of Jorge Cardenas! a Hispanic Heritage Exhibition September 1st–30th Gallery Night Reception and presentations September 16th, 5-9pm.


Spirits, Spirituality, Supernatural and Steampunk Exhibition from the sacred to the profane in all media October 4–31 Gallery Night October 21st, 5-9pm.

IN THE SPIRIT Concert by Dr. Frank Ward, Jr. and Melody Ruffin Ward February 3rd @7:30pm.

Environmental Justice and Indigenous Rights Exhibition presented with the John Nichols Brown Center For Social Justice and the Tomaquag Museum November 8th–December 9th.Gallery Night Reception November 18th, 5-9pm.

Women’s Artists Exhibition a group exhibit of area artists who are women and share their inspirations in all media March 1–31 Gallery Night Reception March 17th, 5-9pm.

SHOUT! A Staged Reading of an LGBTQ Veteran’s and family member’s play, sharing stories based on primary documents and interviews November 12th,

Nixon Leger and Friends Exhibition sharing cultural heritage, inspirations and creativity January 18– February 24 with a reception February 3rd .


141 Fairgrounds Road West Kingston, Rhode Island

Woman’s Voices Women’s Stories, a performance collage of personal narratives and concerns for social justice raised by area women March 24–26 7:30pm.

www.shaidzonbeerco.com @shaidzonbeerco

Fall Into the Arts



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SAT 10/2 FRI 10/8 SAT 10/9 SAT 10/16 SAT 10/23

October Road - James Taylor - 8pm Amy Winehouse project - 8pm Best Friend's Girl - The Car's Experience - 8pm Aerosmith Tribute - Draw The Line - 8pm Aging Disgracefully - The Cautious Comeback Tour - 7:30pm

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Everyth ing You Nee d Before to Know You Buy

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


BABS + Tish 47 Bradford Street | Bristol, RI

T i s h A celebration of design, innovation, inspiration and more featuring RI designers and design’s impact


Salt Marsh Realty Group Buy - Sell - Lease - Develop

Exclusive Bay Point Area Swansea, MA List Price: $2,400,000 — CONTACT — Chris Howard | 508-801-7485 chrisjhoward@hotmail.com Waterfront Contemporary situated on a private road offers Mid Century flair w/panoramic southerly & westerly views of Mt. Hope Bay & the Coles River. This one of a kind, two acre site is situated high on a bluff and has over 300’ of water frontage. The architecturally designed home offers a unique floor plan including a fireplaced Living Room w/vaulted ceilings open to the Dining Room w/wet bar. There is a large eat in kitchen, a fireplaced great room and a library/office. The Master bedroom w/an en suite bath, 4 additional bedrooms, 3 full and 2 half baths complete the interior living space. The outside patio has a built in fireplace/barbecue which will be the focal point of summer entertainment having access from the kitchen, living & dining rooms. The three car garage has ample space for your vehicles and watercraft. A Marina & an optional beach/tennis club are a short walk away. This property is waiting for a new owner to restore it to its former glory.

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |







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FOOD & DRINK B i ke P a t h E a t s | E x p e r i e n c e | Fa r m Tre a t s | R e c i p e

58 A slow-cooked curr y with warming spices and orchard forages Photo by Liz Murray


East Bay Bike Path Pit Stops A town-by-town guide to ice cream, coffee, and lunch spots worth pedaling to B y A b b i e L a h m e rs


rom India Point to Bristol, the East Bay Bike Path attracts a score of cyclists and trekkers for the scenic sights and exercise gains, especially as the fall weather sets in. But whether you’re a fitness junkie or get your rush from tasty eats, the popular trail veers into its fair share of foodie destinations along the way. Broken down by town, here’s a handful of pit stops offering energizing fare that are just off the beaten path.

RIVERSIDE Borealis Coffee In the historic Riverside Square, Borealis is ideal for cyclists just hopping on the path in need of a cuppa to get the gears going. While known for their small batch roasts and iced coffee, a new menu also includes breakfast sandwiches and specialty toasts. 250 Bullocks Point Avenue, BorealisCoffee.com

Photo by Cate Brown Photography, courtesy of Borealis Coffee (L); by Tiffany Medrano (R)

Dari-Bee Ice Cream The giant swirled scoop and glowing “OPEN” sign stand as a beacon for frozen treats. Park in the bike rack out front and snag a picnic table in the shade to enjoy a well-deserved sundae, soft serve, or slushie – all calories are freebies after the miles you’ll walk or pedal! 240 Bullocks Point Avenue Union Burrito Handheld snacks like burritos, quesadillas, and bowls from this fast-casual Mexican restaurant are a great choice for lunch on the go. Chef Wendy Henriques developed these recipes from her childhood in the Domican Republic, which can be enjoyed in a spacious outdoor patio. 326 Bullocks Point Avenue, UnionBurrito.com PARK : Riverside Square | PICNIC: Pomham Rocks Lighthouse Scenic Overlook

Map out your snack breaks before hitting the East Bay Bike Path

BARRINGTON Bagel’s Etc. A lunch detour along County Road offers plenty of options to refuel, but the “Etc.” in Bagels Etc. should cover just about any craving, from paninis and wraps to coffee and tea. Island Oasis or V8 Fusion smoothies come packed with fresh fruit. 259 County Road, BagelsEtcBarrington.com

Road intersection takes you to Wood Avenue, where you’ll find Spaghetti Lane. This neighborhood Italian joint is great for carbo-loading , and on a chilly fall day, nothing beats soup specials or a warm sandwich. 8 Anoka Avenue, SpaghettiLane.com

Spaghetti Lane A narrow paved path not far from the County

The Daily Scoop With over a dozen flavors on the board, along

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


with frozen yog urt and Rhode Island-staple “cabinets” or coffee sundaes, this ice cream stop has something for ever yone, from carrot cake to pumpkin pie flavors. 230 County Road, Facebook: The Daily Scoop PARK : County Road PICNIC: Haines Memorial State Park or Veterans Memorial Park



WARREN Del’s Lemonade “Stop at the sign of the lemon,” as they say, and grab a green and yellow paper cup of refreshing Del’s, available in watermelon, blueberr y, peach melon, and other fruity flavors – or your classic frozen lemonade. 65 Child Street, Dels.com Hunky Dor y Make a reser vation for a garden patio table, or put in a takeout order of pimiento cheese and other snacks from this diner slinging farm-to table Southern cuisine. A new brunch menu includes zucchini bread, peach parfaits, and chicken biscuits for the morning cruiser. 40 Market Street, HunkyDoryRI.com The Taco Box Pico de gallo, adobo sauce, protein, and veg top wood-fired crust instead of a tortilla – this is the taco -pizza fusion you can find at Taco Box, a renovated horse trailer


conveniently hitched up along the path. Brake for their fall special, street corn! 75 Child Street, TacoBoxTrailer.com

a Surf & Turf Burger with buttered lobster meat, from a waterfront outdoor bar while the sun sets. 805 Hope Street, TheBeachHouseRI.com

Sowams Cider Works Though not your typical on-the-go fare, Sowams Cider Works offers a chance to sit back and savor locally made hard cider outside or at their vintage Victorian bar. Stay for a tasting or try a pour of Orchard Blend No. 77, a light variety with a smooth fruit character and pleasant sparkle. 98 Child Street, SowamsCiderWorks.com

The Beehive Cafe A popular destination for walkers and cyclists, with bike racks right outside, The Beehive Cafe ser ves breakfast and lunch all day, with house-made breads and pastries. Covered outdoor dining is perfect for a rest, or grab a coffee and quick bite to hit the trail. 10 Franklin Street, TheBeehiveCafe.com

PARK : Railroad Avenue or Franklin Street PICNIC: Warren Town Beach or Burr’s Hill Park

Hope Diner Looking for a hearty breakfast before a day of coasting along the coast ? Eggs, sausage, toast, and home fries or a stack of pancakes are among the classic diner fare you’ll find here, along with a cuppa joe to fuel your jaunt. 742 Hope Street, Facebook: Hope Diner

BRISTOL The Beach House At the very end of the bike path for folks traveling south, The Beach House is a great way to round out the day with a cold beer and a little indulgence, whether that means Fish & Chips or

PARK : Asylum Road PICNIC: Independence Park or Colt State Park

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


Photo by Gina Mastrostefano

A burger from Hunky Dory is the perfect cycling pick-me-up

OFFERING A WIDE VARIETY OF OKTOBERFEST, HARVEST & PUMPKIN BEER ON TAP ENJOY A PINT IN OUR OUTDOOR DINING AREA! Featuring Sam Octoberfest - Smooth with roasty sweetness & light hop character







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Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |



Farm Fresh Fare in Stellar Surroundings Exete r’ s Cele stia l Ca fé ser ves up fi ve course s of l o cally so u rced, el evated comfor t food By J en ny Cu rri er

Photos by Heather Wilson


ach month for over a decade, Branden Read, chef and co-owner of Celestial Café in Exeter, has been hosting a local farm dinner series highlighting the seasonal bounty of Rhode Island’s farms, fisheries, and food purveyors like vineyards and creameries. Five courses and a craft cocktail are served in a spacious open dining room with wooden floors and nautically blue walls. When my friend and I visited, large picture windows doused the space with that perfect “magic hour” lighting. Though the evening’s prix fixe farm dinner menu of a soup, salad, appetizer, entree, and dessert sounded like it would be plenty, our server provided us with an a la carte menu, too, just in case. After seeing Sweet Potato Wontons, we were sold on a bit of indulgence. But first, drinks. Even these were local Rhode Island to the core, including an ale from Tilted Barn and a prosecco from Gooseneck Vineyards. The cocktail, called The First

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


Must-Try Items (a la carte) SWEET POTATO WONTONS Steamed wontons, Schartner Farm sweet potato, Narragansett Creamery ricotta, roasted Cedar Valley Farm garlic sherry cream GARLICKY SMOKED PORK NOODLES Pulled Pat’s Pastured Pork, smoked Kielbasa, sweet red onions, Farmer Co-Op mixed greens, microgreens, sweet and spicy peppers, Narragansett Creamery sharp cheese, rice noodles (GF) MOLTEN CHOCOLATE LAVA CAKE Served warm with a housemade gelato (GF) To sample local fall harvests, the next Farm Dinners at Celestial Café are happening September 16-19 and October 14-17.



Rhody Re so u rce s Ingredients locally sourced from: Cedar Valley Farm Earth Care Farm Farming Turtles, Inc Gooseneck Vineyards The Impressed Olive Narragansett Creamer y Newport Sea Salt Rhed’s Rhody Fresh RI Mushroom Co. Schartner Farm Sons of Liberty Distiller y S&P Gardiner Stony Hill Cattle Co Tilted Barn Brewer y



Encounter, was made with Sons of Liberty whiskey, mixed with honey liqueur, muddled mint, and a rhubarb -lime reduction. It tasted like a whiskey mojito. It was refreshing and perfect for day drinking , which is not usually how I think about whiskey. The soup was an asparag us bisque, which was so outstandingly good, it deser ves an ode : “ This perfectly savor y balance / of garlic and salt and fresh cream / extracts the essence of asparag us / better than I could have dreamed.” It takes a lot for asparag us to woo me into poetr y. Chef Branden won me over at course one. Our second plate was a light and refreshing salad with feta, pickled beets, and a lemon and olive oil dressing that I would love to buy in bottled form. The appetizer also featured asparag us, along with shiitake and portobello mushrooms, sauteed in chili oil and ser ved with rice dumpling pasta. The spiciness of this course complemented our add-on Sweet Po tato Wontons, which I highly recommend. Mark said it’s one of the most popular ap -

petizers. “I’ll go to check on a table and the wontons will already be gone,” he explains. “People eat them like candy.” The main dish – a smoked brisket, shredded and topped with pickled slaw, green garlic mayo, and housemade BB Q sauce on a toasted brioche bun – is ser ved with a green onion, saffron, dill, and turmeric potato salad. Simply put, it’s the definition of “elevated comfort food.” I felt transported to my youth, eating Sloppy Joes in my backyard, except this was a refined adult experience. That brisket! I’d like to start a petition to make it a permanent menu item. To end, we had Rhubarb Mering ue Pie, which I could have sworn was topped with toasted marshmallows instead of mering ue. Light and sweet, it was the kind of dessert you can trick yourself into eating even when you’re full because it’s not too heavy. It was the perfect way to conclude our meal. If I had to rate this dinner on a scale, I would say Celestial Café earns its name : I’d give it all the stars.



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Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |




Tricks with a Side of Treats Sweet rewa rds awa i t at t h e s e l o ca l fa r m -fu n d estin ation s By Patty J


nce there’s that first chill in the night air, thoughts start to turn to apple picking, corn mazes, and other fall-nomenal activities – and let’s be real – that includes the snacks. Lucky for us, there’s no shortage of farms and orchards ready to welcome and wow us with their masterful mazes and delectable treats. Here’s a handful of fall activities that are inseparable from their counterpart snacks.

HOMEMADE FUDGE No g uide to the fall season in little Rhody would be complete without mention of Confreda Greenhouses & Farms. Locals wait all year to check out their pumpkin patch and famous “Scar y Acres” haunted maze.

It would be a fright if you didn’t grab a block of homemade fudge in all varieties of flavors, or a fresh pie, donuts, and other sweets from the market on the way out. Cranston, ConfredaFarms.com

FOOD TRUCKS Want your fall farm outing to come with some of the state’s most popular food truck fare? Once again this year, the picturesque Cucumber Hill Farm will feature your favorite eateries on wheels waiting for you when you emerge from the threeacre corn maze, plus PYO pumpkin field and pony and tractor hay rides. For the daring , channel your inner Paul Bunyan with some axe throwing. Foster, CucumberHillFarm.com

Candy apples are an essential fall treat

Photo courtesy of FreePik


Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


Alicia Reynolds

Photos courtesy of Escobar Farm (L); Photo by Jon Confreda, courtesy of Confreda Greenhouses & Farms (R)

Cider Donuts from Confreda Farms

KETTLE CORN Dating back to the 1890s, Dame Farm and Orchards is a classic stop for pumpkin picking and farm-stand produce, as well as staple snacks like cider donuts and kettle corn. You’ll also be able to pick your own apples (did someone say pie?) and wander lush sunflower and dahlia fields perfect for snapping selfies. Johnston, DameFarmAndOrchards.com

CANDY CONCESSIONS Escobar Farm’s annual corn maze is a perennial fave, and as always you can roam the stalks with snacks from their concession stand. Popcorn, raisins, animal crackers, and butterscotch lollipops will fuel your voyage to the end, and then stop by the pumpkin patch or hop on a hayride. Portsmouth, EscobarFarm.com

DONUT ICE CREAM SANDWICH The oldest still-in-operation apple orchard in town, Jaswell’s Farm has upped their game with online reservations and curbside pick-up. Motor over to this fourth-generation, family-run farm to pick apples, sunflowers, and pumpkins. A visit isn’t complete without a fritter, Apple

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |

Cider Donut Ice Cream Sandwich, or other specialty fried dough from their outdoor stand and bakery. Smithfield, JaswellsFarm.com

CARAMEL APPLES People have been flocking to the kid-friendly (translation: not haunted) corn maze at Salisbury Farm, a fifth-generation family farm, for ages. Along with the return of their muchanticipated Moonlight Mazes in October, you can pick your own pumpkins, and also take home a variety of sweets, including carameland chocolate-covered candy apples, chocolatecovered Oreos, old-timey honey sticks, and more. Johnston, SalisburyFarm.com

“Alicia was amazing! She was extremely responsive, easy to get ahold of, and readily available throughout the whole home buying process. She was very detail oriented when looking at houses and even stood outside in 30 degree weather to view an open house with us. We were able to negotiate price and have a relatively normal and smooth house buying experience regardless of a major seller’s market. Thank You Alicia for all your hard work!”


MAPLE SYRUP A September 18 and 19 farm fest at Spring Hill Sugar House includes antique tractors, a corn maze, PYO pumpkins, blacksmithing demos, and the chance to see how cider is pressed, but you can visit anytime to get your sugar fix with a quart of pure maple syrup tapped on site – just be sure to bring cash or your checkbook. Richmond, Facebook: Spring Hill Sugar House






Foraged Apples for Autumn T h i s swe et a n d s p i cy c h i c ke n c u r r y t a ke s a d va nt a g e o f l o c a l fa r m fa l l h a r ve st s By Liz Mu r ray


y love for seasonal ingredients comes from the nostalgia of bringing them into my cooking at the right moments. The candied earthy smell of baking apples, for instance, triggers an olfactory memory of the autumn farm stands and pick-your-own farms I enjoyed visiting as a child. While for many of us, apple time brings visions of pie, I favor introducing the crisp tartness in a curry recipe, creating a uniquely warming and pleasantly spicy dinner perfect for chilly autumn nights – not to mention the aromas of garam masala, cinnamon, and paprika simmering in the slow cooker all day is sure to foster some new apple-based traditions.

O R C H A R D H A R V E ST S Dust off your red Radio Flyer wagon and head to a local farm to PYO or purchase a bushel of fresh apples. Peak season is August through October. Appleland Orchard, Greenville Barden Family Orchard, Scituate Dame Farm & Orchards, Johnston Elwood Orchard, North Scituate Fraser Orchard & Tree Farm, Western Coventry Harmony Farms, North Scituate Hill Orchards, Smithfield Indian Rock Farm RI, Scituate Jaswell’s Farm, Smithfield Knight Farm, North Scituate

Narrow Lane Orchard, North Kingstown Old Stone Orchard, Little Compton Phantom Farms, Cumberland Pippin Orchard, Cranston Rocky Brook Orchard, Middletown Steere Orchard, Greenville Sunset Orchards, North Scituate Sweet Berr y Farm, Middletown

If we missed your fave, please check RIFruitGrowers.org

S l ow Co o ke d A p p l e Ch i c ke n C u r r y ING RE DIE NTS

• 1 13.5oz can unsweetened coconut milk • 2 tsp curry powder • 2 tsp red curry paste • 1/2 tsp onion powder • 1 1/2 tsp ginger powder • 1/2 tsp turmeric • 1/2 tsp paprika • 1 1/2 cups chicken broth • 1/4 tsp cinnamon • 1/2 tsp garam masala • 3 Tbsp soy sauce • 2 large garlic cloves, minced • 2 chicken breasts, cut into 1” thick strips • 3 medium apples, variety of your choice • 2 Tbsp cornstarch • Vegetables of choice (suggested: broccoli, red and orange bell peppers, and white onion, chopped) • Salt and black pepper to taste • 2 cups cooked barley

STE PS 1. Set slow cooker to high. Pour in the unsweetened coconut milk and chicken broth. Note that the coconut milk will appear chunky until it warms. 2. Peel the apples and chop into ½-inch pieces; add to the slow cooker. 3. Add the curr y powder, turmeric, garam masala, paprika, onion powder, ginger powder, and cinnamon to the slow cooker. Toss in the minced garlic, curr y paste, and soy sauce, and stir well to combine. 4. Place the chicken strips in the slow cooker. With the lid on, cook on high for 3-5 hours, or on low for 7-8 hours. 5. About 45 minutes before the curry is ready, preheat the oven to 450°F. Toss the veggies with olive oil and salt, and spread over a foil-lined baking sheet. Bake without flipping for 30 minutes to allow a few ends to char. Remove from the oven and set aside. 6. Fifteen minutes before the curry is finished cooking, scoop 6 tablespoons of the curry liquid into a small bowl. Whisk it together with cornstarch until there are no clumps, then return it to the slow cooker. Stir to combine, place the lid back on and cook for an additional 15 minutes to thicken the sauce. 7. Pour the apple chicken curry over the cooked barley, and spoon the charred veggies over top. Enjoy! For more tips and recipes, visit RecipeHippie.com or follow @recipehippie on Instagram.

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HOME & STYLE H o m e | I n f l u e n c e r | S h o p | Trave l

62 Velvet furniture adds luxe appeal in the living room Photos courtesy of Dan and Charle Hornby


This Victorian Life

After m a ny d e c a d e s a s a m u l t i - fa m i l y, a 19th centu r y h ome retu r n s to its for mer g lor y


an and Charle Hornby describe themselves as a couple of real estate junkies. Early in their marriage, they bought a three-family on the West End as rental property : an Italianate Victorian, a popular 19th centur y style known for asymmetr y and narrow windows. After their first child was born, they decided to move into the building ’s second-floor apartment. Research soon revealed that the home was originally built by a cabinet maker for himself and his family back in 1849. “ We are ver y inspired by the histor y of the West Side and all the historic buildings,” says Dan. “ We


thought it would be amazing to restore it to its former self,” adds Charle. For some couples, this process of converting a house back into a single-family residence might seem daunting , but together the Hornbys own Elm Real Estate & Design, where their combined skills plus Charle’s design talents inform the work that they do. “It feels important in all our projects to honor the lives these homes have had before and the people who built them by making them practical for modern living , but also keeping or restoring that beauty that you can only find in old homes,” says Charle. Over the years multiple owners had renovated

Skillful color blocking makes large spaces feel intimate

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


Photos courtesy of Dan and Charle Hornby

By Elys e Major

High ceilings easily accommodate a French Empire crystal chandelier


Pot racks create artful storage


a home, and it’s so cheap! I love what you can do to a room just by changing the color, or doing something unexpected like painting the ceiling. I’m also really happy we went for it with the wallpaper in the front entry/stair,” she says of the flock-effect Morris & Co. paper. “It’s something that felt uncertain at the time and now I can’t imagine it any other way.” “I wanted to make sure we honored the house without making it look like a set of a period-set movie. It feels comfortable and warm and welcoming – nothing too precious but lots of things to catch your eye, to read, to inspire.”

Photos courtesy of Dan and Charle Hornby

away many details original to the home; however, parquet floors, the staircase, and a large stained glass window in the entry remained. “ We found a piece of the original plaster molding tucked behind a drop ceiling and were able to recreate it for the majority of the first floor, which really makes a huge difference,” Charle notes with excitement. When it comes to decorating the grand old home, Charle enjoys mixing styles in an eclectic way, while staying true to the architectural type. “I think paint can be one of the most transformative things for

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


Get Rhody Style T h e H o r n by s “ l i ve , wo r k , e a t- s l e e p b re a t h e - l ove P rov i d e n ce ” a n d s h a re s o m e o f t h e re a s o n s w hy:

C i ty P e r k s “We are so lucky to be in a place surrounded by such talented people – particularly in the food world because we love to eat out! The West Side is full of great small businesses: salons, breweries, fitness studios, florists, coffee shops, restaurants, vintage shops… we even have a fish market!”

Lo c a l H a n g To hang wallpaper, the Hornbys turned to Adam Benoit and Daniel Chapman at Providence-based Calico (CalicoInterior. com). The team also specializes in ornamental plaster, interior paint, and more.

M i s s i o n S t a te m e n t With their real estate, developing, and design biz, the Hornbys are on a quest to “leave this place a little better than we found it.” Learn more at ElmRealEstateandDesign.com.

The marble wall-mount sink adds mod flair and echoes the window shape

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |



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Meet Jeremy Bernfeld The Public’s Radio senior editor for investigations is ready to explore his new state on two wheels

Bernfeld at the studio

Photo courtesy of Jeremy Bernfeld

By S ascha Martin

Maine’s Original Vacationland Step back in time... to a perfect destination

for a relaxing vacation with 500 plus acres of fresh air, glorious views and affordable rates. Have you always lived in Rhode Island? If not, what brought you here? I’m cheating a bit because I’m not technically coming to you from Rhode Island...yet. I’m originally from Boston, but I’ve moved around over the last few years. I spent five years in Kansas, working in Kansas City (on the Missouri side!) with a brief stop in Cincinnati, before my last job brought me to the public radio station in Washington, DC. I’m excited to be moving back to New England and settling in Rhode Island. I’m actually planning the move as we speak! What are you most looking for ward to doing in the Ocean State? There are many things to be excited about, but beyond heading to the beach or out on the water, I can’t wait to get back to the Newport Folk Festival. I haven’t been in years, but those days out at Fort Adams are some of the most fun I’ve ever had. I’m most excited about using the great bike paths to explore my new state. From the East Bay Bike Path to the South County Bike Path, I plan to get out and explore all of Rhode Island’s best bike-adjacent ice cream and beer. I love a pint from Crooked Current or Tilted Barn. I can’t wait to make an in-person pilgrimage ASAP. What led you to pursue a career in journalism/broadcasting? Originally, it was the Red Sox. I wanted to be a sports journalist at first – not only do I get to go to the game, but you’re going to pay me? But after just a day or two in the newsroom, I was hooked on news. Working alongside such dedicated colleagues who really cared about telling the important stories, getting them right, reflecting their community and making it better, I realized that was the dream. Early impression on Rhode Islanders? I can already tell that people here really care about their communities. They’re really invested in helping their neighbors and passionate about building better places to live and work. My role is to do that, too – to do journalism that holds the powerful to account. I love calling someone up and having them talk my ear off for half an hour. Lots of good sources around here!

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Leaf Peeping Indoor Decor By Elyse Major

Poppy Wallpaper Rhode Island Florals 11x17” Art Print Autumn Flora 8x10” Art Print Thank You Greeting Card with Blank Interior Screen Printed Tea Towel


any Rhode Islanders become giddy at the onset of autumn. As daylight grows shorter and temps begin to dip, we find ourselves surrounded in a breathtaking wonderland of yellows, oranges, and reds. If you’re looking to infuse some fall pigments into your living space, Warwick artist Abbie Cates has a line of goods you’re sure to fall for. Armed with a BFA in Illustration from Maine College of Art, Cates’ work combines floral and organic elements in lively patterns with bright and bold hues. Her handiwork can be found on things ranging from prosecco bottle labels to chalkboards for events, to textiles, paper goods and more. Follow along on Instagram @AbbieCatesCreative


Unique Local Stays Six atypical accommodations ready for when you need a change of scenery By Karen Greco

Inside a shipping container turned tiny house

F Photography by Erin McGinn courtesy of Cam Chafee

eel like satisf ying wanderlust but fatig ued by keeping up with travel rules and restrictions ? Stay local! In addition to typical lodgings, the Ocean State lists a variety of extraordinar y spots outfitted to help get away from it all, no passport required. Whether it’s hanging with goats or sleeping in boats, check out these cool and quirky spots. SHIPPING CONTAINER Try on tiny house living for size in this charming retrofitted shipping container. The wooded North Kingstown property has views of the Narragansett Bay, perfect for watching the swiftly moving stream while enjoying your morning coffee. Cook up some local veggies from neighboring Casey Farm in the gourmet kitchen. When you’re ready for sleep, stretch out on the electric drop-down, full-sized bed. AirBNB.com: Cams Container Tiny House 1972 AIRSTREAM Take an Insta-worthy glamping holiday in a fully remodeled 1972 Airstream Ambassador at the Melville Ponds Campground in Portsmouth. The site is full-service but glamping in an Airstream means all the amenities of home

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |

are at your disposal, including a bathroom, a television, induction cooktop, refrigerator, and microwave. Hiking and walking trails abound at the property, with beaches and City by the Sea nightlife are a short drive away. AirBNB: Glamp Newport - 1972 Airstream Ambassador WORKING FARM Round up your besties for a long weekend at Hurricane Hill Farm. This working farm raises Leicester Long wool sheep, an endangered breed known for their lustrous fleece, and offers cozy lodgings in a four-bedroom, two-bath cottage. With 48 acres, there are plenty of walking trails, and host Drake invites guests to hang out with the goats and sheep. With a firepit on the grounds, as well as croquet, bocce, and a selection of indoor board games for all ages, an autumn getaway is as simple as a ride to Western Cranston. HurricaneHillFarm.com LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER For a Hallmark Channel-worthy romantic jaunt, boat on over to the Rose Island Lighthouse. Set on an 18acre island in Narragansett Bay, the historic lighthouse boasts five different options for a few days of solitude, all with ample privacy for a second (or first!) honeymoon. Hike the


trails scattered throughout the property for quiet contemplation or simply enjoy the breathtaking views of coastal Newport. RoseIsland.org SLEEP ABOARD Grab your crew and feel like a pirate on the Salty Marine Trader Trawler, docked at a mooring off Newport Harbor. Snug and no -frills, this particular boat made excursions to the Caribbean and back before being repurposed as this jaunty getaway. With space for up to five people, grab a beer from the cooler and catch some rays on the deck before letting the movement of the sea lull all landlubbers to sleep. AirBNB: Salter Marine Trader Trawler QUONSET HUT It’s hard to believe that this elegantly appointed space was once used to store ammunition in the 1940s. Lovingly restored by the Moore family, the Quonset Hut is an aesthetic mar vel. From the baby grand piano that adorns the sitting room to the hot tub and fire pit on the deck, this 2,400-squarefoot haven is an uber luxurious offering close to home but a world away in pastoral Tiverton. MooreHouseFamily.com/stay



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ART & CULTURE M a ke r | R h o d y R e a d s | E x h i b i t

76 “ The Dress” reveals a woodland world of wonder Photo courtesy of David M. Bird


A Natural Fit

Dav i d B i rd revels in the art of wo rl d- bui l di n g – at th e n e ar-microscopic level By Li Goldstein


Photos courtesy of David M. Bird

fter graduating from RISD with a degree in industrial design, David Bird spent his days at the LEG O headquarters in Denmark sifting through drawers of bricks to conceptualize intricate but reproducible mini universes and later worked at Hasbro, Inc. in Rhode Island on similar projects. He and his colleag ues would test their creations on focus groups composed of children, nuancing their designs to cater to a variety of age groups. Today, Bird is still entrenched in the work of world-building , creating people and creatures situated in mini ecosystems. But now, he sources materials from the natural world, with sticks and acorns replacing LEG O bricks. While sweeping his mother’s driveway at home in Pittsburgh years ago, Bird noticed “a stick that looked like a bug’s face,” he says, sparking immediate inspiration. Armed with creative and technical skills honed at LEGO and Hasbro and an endless supply of building blocks right from his backyard in South Kings-

town, Bird set off on creating a new universe blending the natural and the manmade. Bird’s small but expressive creations – which he coined “Becorns” – don acorn caps and carr y miniscule bushels of birdseed to attract live companions, sometimes hoisting a sharp spear as a weapon. Bird selects his materials judiciously, only choosing those sticks that are textured – akin to legs with joints rather than unrealistically straight ones. Bird then sets a scene out in the wild with a fig ure and seed – birds and squirrels scurr y over and nibble at the offerings while he waits patiently behind a camera a few stretches away ready to snap the perfect shot at a moment’s no tice. His tactic for securing the animals’ elusive cooperation? “Patience and persistence,” he says – and a good attitude when things don’t go quite as planned (he recalls, with a laugh, a squirrel running away with one of his woodland creatures). Bird, too, leans into what he calls “happy accidents,” when animals interact in unexpected

ways with his creatures. In one instance, he strategically released a mouse from its trap so that it would scurr y across the frame next to one Becorn. Miraculously, the mouse ran between the fig ure’s stick legs, making for a picture-perfect still frame in which the Becorn momentarily appears to be riding on the furr y creature’s back while carr ying a spear, the mouse its trusty steed. Looking to the future, Bird hopes to combine his love for creation with his penchant for stor ytelling by crafting narrative arcs around the Becorns. He’s started that stor ytelling on Instagram, where his captions are mini vignettes that deepen the worlds he builds around his characters. For now, he’s inspired by South County wildlife, such as the occasional oriole that visits his backyard. He’s inspired, too, by the reception of his artwork now that he can finally show it in person, “actually seeing peo ple smile” as they visit his work. Learn more at DavidMBird.com


Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |




Rhody Reads Six books to leaf through for

adventures in the Ocean State

By Hug h Minor


ure, Rhode Islanders love lying on the beach all summer long but the fall is a wonderful time to explore the hidden parts of our state. With cooler temperatures and radiant foliage, you can get out to see your favorite places or visit somewhere you’ve never been before. Check out these six book recommendations to help g uide you and your family on your adventure! The quintessential g uide to hiking in the Ocean State remains Walks and R ambles in Rhode Island, by the late columnist Ken Weber. Originally published in 1986, the book has been updated (and retitled) more recently as Weekend Walks in Rhode Island. Weber presents 40 trails, each with its own detailed map, including highlights of the historical and natural significance of the path. You and the little ones can expand your journeys outside of Rhode Island with Wendy Gorton’s 50 Hikes with Kids: New England. Think of it as a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book for trail lovers. Hikes come in a variety of shapes and sizes to accommodate shorter legs but they’re all intended to encourage a love of nature and the great outdoors. Gorton also makes recommendations by season so you’ll find the perfect locale for any time of year. But before kids start exploring the outdoors – or for an indoor rainy day activity – check out Dakota Crumb: Tiny Treasure Hunter by Barring ton native Jamie Michalak. The children’s book, illustrated by Kelly Murphy of Providence and RISD, follows intrepid explorer (and mouse) Dakota on an adventure seeking out artifacts in Mousehole Museum. There’s so much to see and discover that your kids will find something new ever y time they pick it up – a fun way to help them learn to investigate the world around them.


Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


Plan adventures discovering our beautiful state with the Rhode Island State Parks Bucket Journal. Find tools and tips to help you enjoy 80 state parks, management areas and preserves, beaches, and historic areas. Rhode Island may be the smallest state, but there is a whole lot to see and do and when you’re finished, you can start all over again. This book makes a great gift for anyone who enjoys a good day trip and appreciates learning about the history and nature of little Rhody. Look! Up in the sky ! Is that a raptor flying over the capital city ? If it is, then it most likely has been caught on camera by urban wildlife photographer Peter Green. His book, Providence R aptors: Documenting the Lives of Urban Birds of Prey, shows us how these wild predators have adapted to living in the big city. In his gorgeous photographs, you’ll experience the majesty of hawks, falcons, and other species while also learning what you can do to help them sur vive in this environment. Martin “Marty” Podskoch’s Rhode Island 39 Club: Your Passport and Guide to Exploring Rhode Island highlights the best of each of the state’s 39 cities and towns. Readers will find a little bit of everything that makes our small state seem so huge, including annual events, history, and legends, plus cool places to visit and, most importantly, great places to eat. Written in collaboration with a slew of local contributors, you’ll get insider tips on things to see that you might not find on any old tour because sometimes in Rhode Island, “you gotta know a guy.”

Send your Rhody book recommendations to Hugh at RhodyReads@gmail.com

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


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Strokes of Genius

There ’ s st i l l time to view the Rhode Island Watercolor Society 2021 Nation a l Wate rmedia Show By Emma Nicholson


ittle Rhody has many surprises and one of them is a national juried art show on display in a boathouse-turned-gallery in Pawtucket. The JC Potter Casino Building in Slater Park is the home of the Rhode Island Watercolor Society (RIWS). Inside the historic property there’s an art gallery, library, and studio space. The gallery, which is free and open to the public, hosts around 10 shows per year, including the National Watermedia Competition, currently available to view both in-person


or online through mid-September. As you’ll pick up on from the name, the acclaimed exhibit includes works slig htly beyond watercolor paint. A RIWS statement notes that with the growth of the arts industr y comes the introduction of new equip ment and practices. “As the options for art making expand, so must the horizons of the Rhode Island Watercolor Society g uidelines for our open juried shows.” Acceptable mediums for the show included g ouache, acr ylic, oils, ink, casein, and eg g tempera .

Tom Lynch, one of the nation’s premier watercolorists, ser ved as juror. Specializing in unique landscape paintings, Lynch has written numerous books, been featured on T V shows, and has been a teacher for over 45 years. The show began in July and accumulated over 60 entries on display. From floral and natural scenes, to portraits and abstracts, no two works are alike. The show is on display through September 18 and can be viewed in-person or online. Slater Memorial Park, 831 Armistice Blvd, Pawtucket; RhodeIslandWatercolorSociety.wildapricot.org

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


Photo courtesy of Rhode Island Watercolor Society

“Peeking” by Gina Croce won first place

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