Hey Rhody Fall September 2021

Page 64


This Victorian Life

After m a ny d e c a d e s a s a m u l t i - fa m i l y, a 19th centu r y h ome retu r n s to its for mer g lor y


an and Charle Hornby describe themselves as a couple of real estate junkies. Early in their marriage, they bought a three-family on the West End as rental property : an Italianate Victorian, a popular 19th centur y style known for asymmetr y and narrow windows. After their first child was born, they decided to move into the building ’s second-floor apartment. Research soon revealed that the home was originally built by a cabinet maker for himself and his family back in 1849. “ We are ver y inspired by the histor y of the West Side and all the historic buildings,” says Dan. “ We


thought it would be amazing to restore it to its former self,” adds Charle. For some couples, this process of converting a house back into a single-family residence might seem daunting , but together the Hornbys own Elm Real Estate & Design, where their combined skills plus Charle’s design talents inform the work that they do. “It feels important in all our projects to honor the lives these homes have had before and the people who built them by making them practical for modern living , but also keeping or restoring that beauty that you can only find in old homes,” says Charle. Over the years multiple owners had renovated

Skillful color blocking makes large spaces feel intimate

Hey Rhody FALL SEPTEMBER 2021 |


Photos courtesy of Dan and Charle Hornby

By Elys e Major

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