Page 22 - MANSFIELD COURIER - Wednesday, July 20, 2022
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Spiritual counselling and healing HOMEOPATH Lily Kennedy offers her clients a natural and effective way of dealing with their health issues without the side effects potentially created by pharmaceutical medicines. “Homeopathy is a 200 year old scientific system of natural medicine that is non-toxic, side effect free and stimulates the body to heal itself, which strengthens the immune system at the same time,” Lily explained. “This makes it particularly good for pregnant women and infants and children.” In addition to homeopathy, Lily also offers Hahnemann healing and spiritual counselling
which complements her homeopathic treatments. “Hahnemann healing is a form of specialised emotional healing developed by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy,” Lily said. “The basis is that a large percentage of all physical illness is caused by unresolved emotional issues. “Through the healing sessions, these emotional blockages are brought to the surface and the client can then be assisted to work through these emotions using spiritual counselling as well as homeopathic treatment.”
Lily has found her calling with homeopathy, healing and counselling. “My main focus is helping people to sort out their emotional and physical health issues depending on what is needed for that client, and I work with them for as long or as short as necessary to get them to a place where they can positively move forward with their life and most importantly feel in control of themselves and their health.” To make a time to visit Lily or for more information, call 0409 381 128 or visit www.
FRIENDLY FACE: Lily from Resonate is on hand to help you.
Searching for a more holistic approach to health and wellbeing?
7KH ILUVW VWHS ZLOO VWDUW WKH ULSSOH HIIHFW WR EHFRPLQJ D KHDOWKLHU DQG KDSSLHU \RX homeopathy emotional healing spiritual counselling
HQTXLULHV FDOO /,/< RQ registered Homeopathic practitioner (AROH) , Spiritual Counsellor & Hahnemann healer/trainer
(7XH 7KXU by appointment) :DQJDUDWWD clinic @ 1 7KH &ORVH FQU 'RFNHU 6W e: