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RE: 11 additional libraries for Colombia - Diego Merizalde

17/3/17, 8�22 AM

RE: 11 additional libraries for Colombia Pilar Pacheco<> lun 05/12/2016 7:48 p.m. Para:Diego Cc:Alison

Merizalde <>;

Kilkenny <>;

Dear Diego, Thanks so much for reaching out to me to share this important informa5on and asking for my comments. It is great to know that you con5nue to have produc5ve discussions with the steering commi<ee at the Ministry of Culture since this alignment and coordina5on increases the impact of the project and the innova5ve services public libraries provide. In reviewing your proposal, it make sense to consider incorpora5ng the 11 libraries you men5oned in your original email since these new libraries probably meet all the criteria that the project requires of each library to be selected as a par5cipa5ng library. By adding these 11 libraries to the last cohort, you will ensure that they go through the process that you implemented with the previous cohorts: library visits, support for public library staff, training, implementa5on of innova5ve services, and measuring and evalua5on of indicators. The la<er is especially important for strong advocacy efforts and to ensure sustainability of the services and support mechanisms for the par5cipa5ng libraries as well as any poten5al expansion of the ICT and innova5ve services model as the network con5nues to grow. In regards to the addi5onal 17 libraries to be built in 2017, I’m sorry to say that I don’t see the feasibility of incorpora5ng these 17 libraries into this Project, financed by our grant. If we keep in mind that this project ends in March 2018, there will be a very small window of opportunity to add libraries and ensure that they go through the en5re support process that the project has implemented so successfully thus far. Because the holis5c approach you have implemented by providing equipment, tools, training, new services, etc. is so cri5cal, we wouldn’t recommend adding new libraries in 2017. As the Ministry of Culture con5nues to expand the network of public libraries in the future, it is important to consider technology equipment and innova5ve services to be added as a standard of any new public library (although this may already be the plan). I believe that that success of this Project will contribute to building strong arguments to advocate for public/private investments. In terms of the second issue in your email, I’ve thought about this a lot. Generally, Global Libraries does not provide funding to increase the collec5ons of public libraries, and if we were to consider magazine or journal subscrip5ons, ebooks, etc. one could argue that these are items that even if they are digital, they s5ll fall in the category of a collec5on. However, instead saying ‘no, this is something we don’t fund’, I would like to learn more about what you’re thinking so that I can understand the level of effort of doing this ac5vity in the remaining 5me of this grant and an es5mated amount of resources it will require.…0Gku46WiwxAADwkYz5AAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=15&ispopout=1&path=

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RE: 11 additional libraries for Colombia - Diego Merizalde

17/3/17, 8�22 AM

If what you are trying to develop is a ‘digital public library’, I would be happy to put you in contact with Florencia Garcia who is the Director of the Biblioteca Publica Digital de Chile, which I think is the only one of its kind in La5n America. This will allow you to understand the scope of this type of project and help you determine what a similar project could look like for public libraries in Colombia. However, if what you’re trying to do is something more modest and it is only a website with links to digital resources, we can also discuss what it means in terms of resources needed. What I would like to emphasize is that an addi5onal ac5vity such as this one should be linked to and support the Project’s objec5ves and overall mission; it’s implementa5on should be feasible within the remaining 5me of the grant; and it should not be an ac5vity that could be financed with fiscal funding. Please, Diego, let me know if you would like to discuss any of these points over the phone, if necessary, and I’d be happy to make the 5me. Best regards, Pilar From: Diego Merizalde [] Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 1:41 PM To: Pilar Pacheco <> Subject: RE: 11 addi5onal libraries for Colombia Dear Pilar, To add to my previous mail (below), I would like to men5on two more things to you. First of all, I would like to share with you a relevant comment that we received yesterday during the Project’s steering commi<ee at the Ministry of Culture. When discussing the addi5on of the 11 libraries I men5oned in the previous email, it was suggested to also include the 17 libraries that Ministry of Culture will build in 2017. In other words, we would like to suggest to extend the benefits of the project to 28 libraries instead of only 11: 11 in 2016 plus 17 in 2017. The budget implica5ons of this addi5ons are the following: we would allocate COP $ 348.000.000 to purchase and install the technology which equates roughly to USD $116.000. The propor5on of the budget allocated to technology would rise from 36 to 37% and we would reach a total of 1.278 libraries in total with the Project’s interven5on. Do you think this would be feasible? Secondly, I wanted to convey to you a sugges5on we discussed here at the Na5onal Library to increase the impact of computers and tablets in the public libraries that have been intervened by the Project, to get your feedback about it. The idea is to remotely distribute to these public libraries a list of suggested websites that host high quality contents. To put together this list we were wondering if, apart from including free websites with good contents, we could pay with part of the Project’s funds for some subscripCons (e.g. Na5onal Geographic, literary supplements, etc.) that could be made available to public libraries to support this effort. Looking forward for your comments, Diego Merizalde Arboleda Coordinador Proyecto TIC en bibliotecas públicas Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia…0Gku46WiwxAADwkYz5AAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=15&ispopout=1&path=

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RE: 11 additional libraries for Colombia - Diego Merizalde

17/3/17, 8�22 AM

Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia Email: Teléfono: (57-1) 381 6464 Ext. 3285 Celular: (57) 304 582 6868 Página web: Calle 24 No. 5 - 60 Bogotá D.C. - Colombia

CONFIDENCIALIDAD. El contenido de este mensaje y los archivos adjuntos son confidenciales y reservados, conforme a lo previsto en la Constitución y en la Ley, y dirigido exclusivamente a los destinatarios del mismo. Si usted no es la persona a la cual está dirigido este mensaje, por favor notifíquelo inmediatamente al remitente y, por favor destruya todas las copias del mismo y los archivos adjuntos. Cualquier uso, divulgación, copia, distribución, impresión o acto derivado del conocimiento total o parcial de este mensaje sin autorización del Ministerio de Cultura será sancionado de acuerdo con las normas legales vigentes. Igualmente, incurrirá en sanciones penales el que, en provecho propio o ajeno o con perjuicio de otro, divulgue o emplee la información contenida en esta comunicación. Los servidores públicos que reciban este mensaje están obligados a asegurar y mantener la confidencialidad, integridad y privacidad de la información en él contenida y a cumplir con los deberes de custodia, cuidado, manejo y demás previstos en el régimen disciplinario. El Ministerio no aceptará responsabilidad alguna por daños causados por cualquier virus transmitido en este correo, ni asume responsabilidad legal por el contenido. Las opiniones del contenido son de su autor y no necesariamente representan la opinión oficial del Ministerio de Cultura. CONFIDENTIALITY. The content of this message and any attachments are confidential and reserved, as provided in the Constitution and the Law, and directed exclusively to the recipients thereof. If you are not the person to whom this message is addressed, please immediately notify the sender and please destroy all the copies of it and any attachments. Any use, disclosure, copying, distribution, printing or action arising from total or partial knowledge of this message without authorization from the Ministry of Culture will be punished according to the laws in force. The person who in own or others benefit or to the detriment of others, disclose or use the information contained in this communication, will also incur in criminal penalties. Public servants who receive this message are required to secure and maintain the confidentiality, integrity and privacy of the information contained herein and to comply with the duties of custody, care, handling and others provided in the disciplinary regime. The Ministry will not accept liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted in this email, and assumes no liability for its content. The opinions of the content are of the author and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Ministry of Culture.

De: Diego Merizalde Enviado el: miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016 04:21 p.m. Para: Pilar Pacheco ( Asunto: 11 additional libraries for Colombia

Dear Pilar, I hope you are having a great vaca5on in Chile.…0Gku46WiwxAADwkYz5AAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=15&ispopout=1&path=

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RE: 11 additional libraries for Colombia - Diego Merizalde

17/3/17, 8�22 AM

As you remember, the 11th of August I wrote to you about the possibility to expand our coverage from 1.200 to 1.250 public libraries (see email a<ached). The reason we wanted to get your approval to formally include the addi5onal libraries was because it implied that we would exceed (marginally) the maximum budget that could be allocated to purchase and distribute technology (i.e. 35% of the overall budget). With this context, I write to you again regarding this same ma<er. The Ministry of Culture has recently inaugurated some brand new libraries in 14 municipali5es. 3 out of the 14 libraries were 5mely included in the last cohort of libraries but the remaining 11 were not ready to par5cipate. However, these 11 libraries are now ready to start serving their communiCes and we believe it would be ideal to include them in the Project before the year is over, so that they can offer exiCng services with technology to their users. We have calculated the costs of this addi5on and gone through our budget for the remainder of this year and we found we are capable to engage this libraries with a very marginal financial impact in our budget. The total cost to supply technology to this libraries is around COP $137.000.000 which equates roughly USD $46.000. With this addiCon, the budget allocated to ICT would sCll not exceed 36% of the overall budget and we would be able to reach a total of 1.261 libraries. We wanted to know your opinion about this possibility first because we wanted to know if you approve this small addi5on to the ICT budget, and second because we need to proceed swinly so that we can s5ll use our ongoing contracts to buy the addi5onal equipment before the year is over. I am looking forward for your comments. Best regards, Diego Merizalde Arboleda Coordinador Proyecto TIC en bibliotecas públicas Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia Email: Teléfono: (57-1) 381 6464 Ext. 3285 Celular: (57) 304 582 6868 Página web: Calle 24 No. 5 - 60 Bogotá D.C. - Colombia

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RE: 11 additional libraries for Colombia - Diego Merizalde

17/3/17, 8�22 AM

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