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C O N N E C T I N G .


I N S P I R I N G .

Top Producer Cover Story


Coldwell Banker Preferred Philadelphia Celebrating Leaders

Gaurav Gambhir

Keller Williams Philadelphia

Rising Star

Stacie Rihl

Keller Williams Philadelphia

Suburban Spotlight

Joseph Bograd RE/Max Elite

Preferred Partner Highlight

Simone OnHomes

Abundant Home Inspection Services

September is REALTOR Safety Month! Bonus Safety Articles Inside


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Publishers Publishers Note Note

Celebrating Celebrating Leaders: Leaders: Gaurav Gaurav Gambhir Gambhir

Top Top Producer Producer CoverCover Story:Story: Harkeet Harkeet Chadha Chadha

26 26



Suburban Suburban Spotlight: Spotlight: Joseph Joseph Bograd Bograd

Preferred Preferred Partner Partner Highlight: Highlight: Simone Simone OnHomes OnHomes

Rising Rising Star: Star: StacieStacie Rihl Rihl

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4 • August 4 • August 2019 2019





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Trophies Trophies publisher’s publisher’s notenote


another bigger bigger and better and better end-goal end-goal that you that(or yousomeone (or someone else) else) n mynopinion, my opinion, I feelIit’s feelimportant it’s important that we thatrewe re- another willfor setyou foranyway. you anyway. Regardless Regardless of what of what your your production production flect and flectgive and ourselves give ourselves somesome creditcredit everyevery day. day.will set goal foristhis foryear, this year, by hitting by hitting that goal that you goalwill youundoubtedly will undoubtedly WhenWhen you think you think aboutabout it, every it, every morning morning that that goal is checked checked off thousands off thousands of tasks of tasks and micro-goals and micro-goals whichwhich you awake you awake you have you have already already received received a gift.aAgift. parA par-have have you should you should be proud be proud of. New of. New listing listing appointment appointment set? Your set? Your ticipation ticipation trophy trophy for the forday theifday youifwill. you Congratulawill. Congratulagot accepted? got accepted? Title Title cleared? cleared? New New ‘completed ‘completed document’ document’ tions!tions! You are Youalready are already blessed blessed Not everyone Not everyoneoffer offer via Docusign Alert? Alert? Closing Closing wentwent smooth? smooth? You didn’t You didn’t strangle strangle will be will sobe lucky. so lucky. We asWe real asestate real estate professionals; professionals; via Docusign anybody today? today? Congratulations! Congratulations! You are Youmaking are making it happen! it happen! ambitious, ambitious, hungry hungry and motivated and motivated entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, anybody You made it to the it togym the this gymweek? this week? Ate healthy Ate healthy and drank and drank wa- wabecome become so focussed so focussed on eventually on eventually attaining attaining a set a set You made ter? Laughed and smiled and smiled a lot?aReceived lot? Received and gave and gave out compliout compliend-goal end-goal that we thatforget we forget to congratulate to congratulate ourselves ourselves ter? Laughed ments? Congratulations Congratulations are inare order! in order! You are Youliving are living your your best best on the onmicro-goals the micro-goals that we thatare wesmashing are smashing everyevery day dayments? life on life purpose on purpose everyevery day! Trophy. day! Trophy. in ourinbusinesses our businesses and inand ourinlives. our lives. But, like But,alike wise a wise man once man once said to said metoabout me about accomplishments, accomplishments, We should We should not expect, not expect, or wait or on, waitanyone on, anyone else else winning and success… and success… “pat yourself “pat yourself on theonback the back five times five times and and to congratulate to congratulate us onus our onsuccesses. our successes. By taking By taking a a winning it moving”. it moving”. Get back Get back to getting to getting busy.busy. You have You have majormajor goalsgoals minute minute to congratulate to congratulate ourselves ourselves for our forsmall our small keep keep after hit after all. Itall. is my It ispleasure my pleasure as Publisher as Publisher of Philadelphia of Philadelphia accomplishments accomplishments daily,daily, I believe I believe that we thatare wemakare mak- to hitto Real Producers Magazine Magazine to highlight to highlight and congratulate and congratulate the Top the Top ing the ingjourney the journey to ourtoend-goal our end-goal moremore doable doable and and Real Producers 500 Estate Real Estate Agents Agents in Philadelphia in Philadelphia County, County, their their teams, teams, the the enjoyable. enjoyable. Because, Because, lets face lets it, face once it, once you finally you finally 500 Real stars stars and their and their preferred preferred affiliate affiliate partners partners everyevery month. month. pass that pass finish that finish line which line which lays ahead, lays ahead, therethere is only is onlyrisingrising Receiving Receiving the magazine the magazine is in itself is in itself a “badge a “badge of honor”. of honor”. SomeSome will will receive receive prestigious, prestigious, shinyshiny trophies trophies this year this to year addtotoadd thetobookthe bookshelf.shelf. This is This to be is to rejoiced be rejoiced and celebrated. and celebrated. But, But, remember remember to give toyourself give yourself somesome creditcredit for the for the mini accomplishments, mini accomplishments, hurdles hurdles you are youjumping, are jumping, pitfalls pitfalls you are youavoiding are avoiding and power and power moves moves that you that you are making are making on a daily on a daily basis.basis. You deserve You deserve it! it! •9 •9

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celebrating celebrating leaders leaders WrittenWritten By: Katie By: Kohler Katie Kohler Photography Photography By: PLUSH By: PLUSH ImageImage Corporation Corporation



12 • August 12 • August 2019 2019


auravaurav Gambhir Gambhir glances glances at hisatcell hisphone. cell phone. to their workwork beyond beyond getting getting to theto the thrown thrown at youatevery you every day. You day. You to their The screen The screen is filled is filled with with messages messages closing table.table. His leadership His leadership style style gets gets have have to instantly to instantly convert convert that that closing requesting requesting the same the same thingthing – a phone – a phone into positive results. His business His business has doubled has doubled in in into positive energy energy because because you youresults. call when call when he gets he gets a minute. a minute. the past the two pastyears two years as compared as compared to to are aare solutions a solutions provider.” provider.” growing growing fifteen fifteen to twenty to twenty percent percent in in Dressed Dressed sharply sharply in a black in a black blazer blazer and aand crisp a crisp whitewhite the first the eight first eight years.years. Gambhir, Gambhir, Principal Principal of The ofCondo The Condo shirt,shirt, Gambhir Gambhir lets alets small a small smilesmile crosscross his lips. his lips. Shop/Keller Shop/Keller Williams Williams Phila-Philadelphia, delphia, takestakes the challenge the challenge FromFrom The Condo The Condo ShopShop to a one-stop to a one-stop This This is theislife theoflife a leader. of a leader. of providing of providing solutions solutions for his for his shopshop for real for estate real estate employees employees and clients and clients seriously. seriously. SmallSmall fires. fires. Larger Larger issues. issues. Strategy. Strategy. Day-to-day Day-to-day operations. operations. All those All those “minutes” “minutes” people people ask ask Gambhir’s Gambhir’s experience experience includes includes everyevery for add forup. addGambhir up. Gambhir works works at a at a aspect aspect of theofreal theestate real estate business business and and “Once“Once you take you the takerole the of role leader, of leader, the majority the majority of people of people fast pace fast pace and expects and expects a high-leva high-lev-an innate an innate ability ability to anticipate to anticipate and and comecome to you tomostly you mostly with with complaints complaints and asking and asking for solufor soluel efficiency el efficiency from from his team. his team. He He understand understand the client’s the client’s needs. needs. It’s It’s tions,” tions,” said Gambhir. said Gambhir. “Imagine “Imagine all the allnegative the negative energy energy wantswants themthem to have to have a purpose a purpose fueledfueled the explosive the explosive growth growth of a oneof a onestop shop stop shop real estate real estate industry industry with with Gambhir Gambhir at theathelm. the helm. OverOver the course the course of fourteen of fourteen years,years, The Condo The Condo ShopShop expanded expanded its reach its reach and revenue. and revenue. The brand The brand evolved evolved into ainto a singlesingle source source solution solution for those for those look-looking toing buy, to sell, buy, rent, sell, rent, manage manage or invest or invest in a home in a home whilewhile also offering also offering the the comprehensive comprehensive services services of a property of a property management management company. company. “We took “We took the bull theby bull the byhorns the horns and and werewere willing willing to take to risks take risks but never but never at theatexpense the expense of anyone of anyone around around us us to make to make an extra an extra dollar. dollar. It’s always It’s always with with integrity integrity and hard and hard work,” work,” said said Gambhir Gambhir of theofgrowth. the growth. Gambhir Gambhir is CEO is CEO and Principal and Principal of theof the following following organizations: organizations: • The• Condo The Condo ShopShop (TCS)(TCS) provides provides real real estateestate owners, owners, buyers buyers and tenants and tenants with with expertise expertise in all in aspects all aspects of Philadelphia of Philadelphia real estate real estate including including condocondo sales,sales, apart-apartmentment rentals, rentals, luxury luxury condominiums condominiums and and have expanded have expanded into New into Construction, New Construction, Homes Homes and Multi-family and Multi-family in andinaround and around Philadelphia. Philadelphia. The Condo The Condo ShopShop team team consists consists of about of about fifty agents fifty agents who are who are in lineintoline do to close do close to $175 to million $175 million in in transactions transactions this year. this year. • Keller • Keller Williams Williams Philadelphia Philadelphia was was acquired acquired less than less than a yeara year ago and agonow and now has close has close to 400 toagents 400 agents and ten andoffices ten offices scattered scattered across across the city. the city. • TCS • TCS Management Management focuses focuses on the on the management management of homes, of homes, condos, condos, • 13 • 13

vations. vations. Developing Developing a brand a brand identity identity and building and building a a company company depends depends on it.on it. “Building “Building a brand a brand is about is about building building a team,” a team,” ex- explained plained Gambhir. Gambhir. “Your“Your goal as goal a leader as a leader is finding is finding the right the right teamteam members members to help to you helpbuild you build a compaa company. Your ny. Your brandbrand is what is what the world the world sees and seescomand comparespares you to you everyone to everyone else. else. If youIfdon’t you don’t have have a great a great brandbrand identity identity and the andpeople the people on your on your teamteam aren’taren’t a a reflection reflection of what of what you stand you stand for, itfor, becomes it becomes a chala challengelenge keeping keeping a brand a brand at a high at a integrity high integrity level.”level.” It starts It starts with with a foundation a foundation of quality of quality training training and and agentagent happiness. happiness. Gambhir Gambhir staffsstaffs mostly mostly from from recommendations. recommendations. He He lookslooks for agents for agents who have who have a proven a proven tracktrack record, record, a a solid solid network network of relationships of relationships and aand “biga why.” “big why.” “If it’s“Ifpurely it’s purely aboutabout money, money, it’s not it’sgoing not going to work to work for for us,” said us,” Gambhir. said Gambhir. “What “What deep deep downdown insideinside makes makes a a difference difference with with them? them? Money Money is a byproduct is a byproduct of hard of hard It’s allIt’s about all about family family for me. forIfme. people If people mention mention their their kids, kids, family, family, spouses... spouses... it tells it me tellsthey me will theydo will do whatever whatever it takes it takes for their for their family.” family.” The “big The why” “big why” playsplays a major a major part in part theinbrand the brand Gambhir Gambhir continues continues to build. to build. It’s what It’s what differentiates differentiates his organizations his organizations from from the competition. the competition. Whereas Whereas the competition the competition may look may at look theatprocess the process as purely as purely transactional, transactional, his agents his agents take atake different a different approach. approach. “We want “We want to make to make sure our sureagents our agents understand understand the the valuevalue of coaching of coaching our clients our clients whenwhen it’s appropriate it’s appropriate as compared to a sales to a sales concept. concept. It’s a It’s whole a whole journey journey • SNA Renovations Renovations provides provides as compared and townhomes. and townhomes. Currently, Currently, they they • SNA from from the day theyou daystart you start thinking thinking aboutabout buying buying a a professional handyman, handyman, maintemaintemanage manage closeclose to 3,000 to 3,000 unitsunits in and in andprofessional property property to the to day the of day closing. of closing. If the If reason the reason to get to to get to nance nance and remodeling and remodeling services services around around Philadelphia. Philadelphia. closing closing is different, is different, it willitreflect will reflect in every in every action action of of the process.” Gambhir admits admits he never he never imag-imag-the process.” • TCS • Investments TCS Investments specializes specializes in in Gambhir ined anything outside outside of TCS, of TCS, let let finding finding exclusive exclusive “off-market” “off-market” real real ined anything alone alone the growth the growth of a full-serof a full-serHow How leaders leaders learnlearn estateestate investment investment opportunities. opportunities. vice business vice business model. model. During During each each step of step Gambhir’s of Gambhir’s journey journey to becoming to becoming one ofone theoftop theleaders top leaders in Philadelphia in Philadelphia real estate, real estate, • Rent • Rent PhillyPhilly is a Condo is a Condo ShopsShops favorsfavors people people who are who are he’s looked he’s looked up toup a different to a different person person for guidance. for guidance. Rental Rental PortalPortal and aand Keller a Keller Williams Williams “Luck“Luck ready ready for the for opportunity,” the opportunity,” said said company. company. It is the It islargest the largest purveyor purveyor of of Gambhir. “Vision “Vision expands expands and isand The is first Thewas firsthis wasfather, his father, an entrepreneur, an entrepreneur, who moved who moved the finest the finest apartment apartment and condominiand condomini-Gambhir. created on a daily on a daily basis.basis. CollabCollab-to thetoUnited the United StatesStates from from IndiaIndia in hisinmid-forties. his mid-forties. um rentals um rentals in theinPhiladelphia the Philadelphia area.area. created orating orating with with otherother leaders leaders and and brainstorming brainstorming helps helps define define your your“He had “Hethe hadcourage the courage to come to come to a new to a country new country and and • Black • Black LabelLabel Luxury Luxury Real Real Estate Estate in in own vision. It’s challenging.” It’s challenging.” start start over.over. It’s motivating It’s motivating for me. forAt me. theAtfundamenthe fundamenPhiladelphia Philadelphia specializes specializes in high-end in high-end own vision. tal level, tal level, my dad myhas dadplayed has played an important an important role in role in luxury luxury sales,sales, rentals rentals and investments and investments decision decision I’ve made I’ve made in myinlife.” my life.” Building a brand a brand and aand team a team everyevery in andinaround and around Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Mainline MainlineBuilding and suburbs. and suburbs. Mentors Mentors throughout throughout Gambhir’s Gambhir’s career career helped helped guideguide The “big The why.” “big why.” him with him with insights insights aboutabout the industry the industry and, “what and, “what • GO• Abstract GO Abstract Services Services is a full-seris a full-sercareer career should should be about.” be about.” Gambhir Gambhir says,says, with-withFor Gambhir, the “big the why” “big why” your your vice title vice insurance title insurance and settlement and settlement For Gambhir, out a out mentor, a mentor, especially especially for a for younger a younger person, person, it’s it’s unlocks unlocks a person’s a person’s internal internal motimotiservices services company. company. 14 • August 14 • August 2019 2019

ForFor Gambhir, Gambhir, thethe “big“big why” why” unlocks unlocks a person’s a person’s internal internal motivations. motivations. Developing Developing a brand a brand identity identity andand building building a company a company depends depends on it. on it. sibilities that come it. Family, sibilities that come with with it. Family, nothis justown, his own, matters to him. not just matters to him. He He knows employees and their families knows employees and their families are relying on him. He reasons are relying on him. He reasons that that for each hisemployees, 500 employees, for each of hisof500 they they an average of three people each each have have an average of three people whodependent are dependent on them. who are on them. If theIf the of their employment changes, statusstatus of their employment changes, it would for months it would affectaffect themthem for months and and perhaps theof rest of their perhaps the rest their lives.lives. feelresponsible I’m responsible for 1500 “I feel“II’m for 1500 soulssouls at some take it todaytoday at some level.level. How How can I can takeI it I be responsible easy?easy? How How can I can be responsible for sofor so families thatrelying are relying on me? manymany families that are on me? People a choice of where to work People have have a choice of where to work and decided they decided to work and they to work in oneinofone theof the organizations I own. leadership organizations I own. That That leadership and responsibility that responsibility and that keepskeeps me upme atup at It’s very and emotional. night.night. It’s very scaryscary and emotional. It’s motivating also motivating it allows It’s also sincesince it allows me me to continue to work to continue to work hard.”hard.” Thewhy” “big why” part of GamThe “big is alsoisaalso partaof Gamcontributions to a variety of civic bhir’sbhir’s contributions to a variety of civic and charitable organizations. He and and charitable organizations. He and his businesses support and participate his businesses support and participate the Building Industry Association in theinBuilding Industry Association of of Philadelphia, the National Association Philadelphia, the National Association of Residential Property Managers, of Residential Property Managers, Habitat for Humanity, Philabundance Habitat for Humanity, Philabundance and MANNA. a personal and MANNA. On a On personal level,level, Gambhir contributes to CureDuchenne, Gambhir contributes to CureDuchenne, a cause supporting research and relief a cause supporting research and relief for muscular dystrophy, includes for muscular dystrophy, whichwhich includes an annual fundraiser managed an annual fundraiser that’sthat’s managed to to to $250,000 each year. He also raise raise up to up $250,000 each year. He also contributes the Child contributes to thetoChild Fund Fund whichwhich supports scholarships for underprivisupports scholarships for underprivigirls in India. legedleged girls in India. Texas, 200 other top KW alongalong with with 200 other top KW challenging be to able to envision where you want Texas, challenging to beto able envision where you want “I don’t people just wake thinkthink people just wake up up leaders to learn leaders to learn from from each each otherother and and“I don’t to fifteen the road. to beto tenbetoten fifteen yearsyears downdown the road. andI’m sayaI’m a great leader,” great leader,” said said Keller. Gambhir CEO,CEO, Gary Gary Keller. Gambhir calls calls his his and say Gambhir. “You’ve to continue “You’ve got togot continue business partner Benjamin business partner Benjamin Oller,Oller, “a “a Gambhir. “Every step the way, youable are to able to somehold some“Every step of theofway, if youifare hold working on yourself day and working on yourself everyevery day and true visionary of unique true visionary full offull unique ideasideas and and one else’s and learn everything you need one else’s hand,hand, and learn everything you need from from leading by example. It’s my that’sthat’s leading by example. It’s my thought processes.” thought processes.” that relationship, it guides that relationship, it guides you.”you.” biggest challenge my time biggest challenge todaytoday with with my time dedication all these companies dedication to allto these companies Gambhir his as role as leader takestakes his role leader He doesn’t man finished learning He doesn’t soundsound like alike mana finished learning or or Gambhir and continuing also continuing to grow.” to grow.” seriously is aware the respon-and also and isand aware of theofresponleading. to eight weeks he goes to Austin,seriously leading. EveryEvery six tosix eight weeks he goes to Austin, • 15 • 15

Real Real Producers Producers – Real – Real People People Hobbies: Hobbies: Playing Playing cricket, cricket, pool pool

and ping and pong ping pong Favorite Favorite TV show: TV show: Seinfeld Seinfeld Favorite Favorite Movie: Movie: Sholay Sholay Favorite Favorite Restaurant Restaurant in in Philadelphia: Philadelphia: Double Double

Knot,Knot, Tequilas Tequilas Podcast: Podcast: GoBundance GoBundance Book:Book: Outliers Outliers Favorite Favorite Website: Website:

The Condo The Condo ShopShop teamteam ranked ranked #1 Group #1 Group in theinKeller the Keller Williams Williams Greater Greater PA Region PA Region of over of over 90009000 agents agents in 2018. in 2018. #1 Group #1 Group Closed Closed Volume Volume in 2018 in 2018

- The-Condo The Condo ShopShop #1 Group #1 Group Closed Closed UnitsUnits in 2018 in 2018

- The-Condo The Condo ShopShop #1 Team #1 Team Closed Closed Volume Volume in 2018 in 2018

- Streamline - Streamline #3 Team #3 Team Closed Closed UnitsUnits in 2018 in 2018

- Streamline - Streamline

#6 Group #6 Group Closed Closed UnitsUnits in 2018 in 2018 Favorite Favorite spot in spot Philadelin Philadel-- Center - Center City South City South phia: phia: Morgan’s Morgan’s Pier. Pier. KW Philadelphia KW Philadelphia Real Real Producers Producers #2 in#2 Region in Region in Agent in Agent Growth Growth – Real – Real Achievements Achievements #3 in#3 Region in Region in Closed in Closed SalesSales UnitsUnits

#2 in#2 Region in Region in Closed in Closed SalesSales Volume. KW was KW ranked was ranked #1 workplace #1 workplace Volume. Owner in Owner ProfitProfit with with Outstanding Outstanding Training Training and the and the #2 in#2 Profit in Profit ShareShare #3 Large #3 Large Company Company overall overall according according #2 in#2 to to Gambhir Gambhir was named was named as oneasofone theof the top 25top REALTORS® 25 REALTORS® in Philadelphia in Philadelphia by Philadelphia by Philadelphia Life Magazine. Life Magazine.


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18 • August 18 • August 2019 2019

Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker Preferred Preferred - Philadelphia - Philadelphia Harkeet Harkeet Chadha Chadha speaks speaks four languages four languages – English, – English, Hindi,Hindi, Punjabi Punjabi and Urdu. and Urdu. But it’s Butnot it’sthe notcharacteristic the characteristic he mentions he mentions first when first when it it comes comes to success to success in real inestate real estate sales.sales. “Listen,” “Listen,” Chadha Chadha says simply. says simply. “Listen “Listen to people. to people. TheyThey will tell willyou tell you whatwhat they want. they want. Real Real estateestate salessales is a characteristic is a characteristic you have you have or you ordon’t. you don’t. It’s It’s important important to beto personable, be personable, caring caring and truly and truly understand understand whatwhat someone someone wants.” wants.” A Sales A Sales Associate Associate with with Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker Preferred, Preferred, Chadha Chadha provides provides new clients new clients with with a buyer a buyer questionnaire questionnaire to identify to identify theirtheir wants wants and needs. and needs. It allows It allows him to him narrow to narrow the search the search to to whatwhat will most will most likelylikely fit their fit their lifestyle. lifestyle. AfterAfter the questionthe questionnaire,naire, he relies he relies on open on open communication communication to quickly to quickly address address

toptop producer producer cover cover story story


WrittenWritten By: Katie By: Kohler Katie Kohler Photography Photography By: Vernon By: Vernon Ray / Ray / Creative Creative Mind Productions Mind Productions • 19 • 19


The The day day you you thinkthink you you know know everything everything and and you’re you’re above above everyone everyone elseelse you’ve you’ve already already lost.lost. There There is always is always someone someone whowho knows knows more more thanthan You You always always havehave to be toabe student a student . . of the of game the game


doingdoing something something and it’s andworking it’s working you can youdo can the do the Chadha Chadha lives in lives theinarea the he area sells he the sells the samesame thing.thing. You aren’t You aren’t stealing stealing their their clients clients or or majority majority of hisoflistings his listings and touts and touts its its methodology. methodology. Learning Learning and identifying and identifying the trends the trends quickquick access access to Center to Center City, public City, public sets you setsapart you apart from from otherother agents. agents. If youIfknow you know transportation transportation and rooftop and rooftop decksdecks with with The real Theworld real world of real ofestate real estate where where the market the market is going is going and what and what the buyers the buyers stunning stunning views.views. His eyes His get eyeswider get wider than than you’re you’re goinggoing to beto in be theingame the game for a for while. a while. Gritty’s Gritty’s whenwhen he talks he talks aboutabout what’s what’s next next Chadha Chadha beganbegan his real his estate real estate career careerwantwant Theyou daythink you think you know you know everything everything and you’re and you’refor Philadelphia. for Philadelphia. He explained He explained that athat a in 2013 in 2013 with with Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker due due The day everyone everyone else you’ve else you’ve already already lost. There lost. There is is greatgreat food scene, food scene, breweries, breweries, axe throwaxe throwto their to their reputation reputation and the andquality the quality aboveabove always someone someone who knows who knows moremore than than you. You you. You ing and ingsuccessful and successful sportssports teamsteams are are of theoftraining the training program. program. For him For him always always have have to beto a student be a student of theofgame.” the game.” somesome of theofmain the main reasons reasons youngyoung people people and the andmajority the majority of people of people starting starting always are choosing are choosing to stay toin stay theincity. the city. in real in estate, real estate, HGTV HGTV is theisprimary the primary in hisincareer, his career, Chadha’s Chadha’s portfolio portfolio was extremewas extremesource source of information, of information, which which glam-glam- EarlyEarly ly investor ly investor heavy. heavy. Currently, Currently, Chadha’s Chadha’s business business is is “Philadelphia’s “Philadelphia’s always always been been the unthe unourizes ourizes the industry. the industry. composed composed of seventy of seventy percent percent residential residential homes homes derdog. derdog. It’s changing It’s changing very very fast and fastIand I listing listing side sales side sales (the majority (the majority new construction new construction or ordon’tdon’t thinkthink Philadelphia Philadelphia realizes realizes that. that. “It’s a“It’s lot of a lot work of work and there and there aren’taren’t manymany new rehabs), and thirty and thirty percent percent new construction new construction We’veWe’ve always always been been medsmeds and eds, and but eds, but million million dollardollar listings listings in Philly,” in Philly,” said said new rehabs), or rehabbed single-family single-family buyerbuyer side sales side sales in South in Southnow we noware wegoing are going beyond beyond that,”that,” said said Chadha. Chadha. He started He started getting getting to know to know or rehabbed Philadelphia, PointPoint Breeze, Breeze, and Newbold and Newbold (Broad (Broad Chadha Chadha who said who many said many of hisofclients his clients developers, developers, investors, investors, and pinpointing and pinpointingPhiladelphia, Street on the onwest the west to 18th to Street). 18th Street). ManyMany clients clients workwork in“As IT.far “Asasfar trends, as trends, people people areasareas of potential of potential growth. growth. Instead Instead of of Street are engaged or soon-to-be or soon-to-be engaged engaged couples couples looking lookingare moving are moving from from the suburbs the suburbs to theto the emulating emulating HouseHouse Hunters, Hunters, he identified he identifiedare engaged for their first home first home whichwhich they will theylive willinlive forinfive for five city. Icity. see Ithe seerental the rental market market getting getting the best theand bestbrightest and brightest at a local at a local level.level. for their yearsyears then then use asuse anas investment an investment property. property. Chadha Chadha stronger. stronger. I stillIthink still think homehome ownerownersaid people that people who are whorenting are renting for $1,800-2,000 for $1,800-2,000 ship is ship going is going to always to always prosper. prosper. The The “I just“Icopied just copied and pasted and pasted their their tech-tech- said that a month are realizing are realizing you don’t you don’t need need muchmuch to buy toabuy amarket market is going is going to change to change to a buyers to a buyers niques niques that worked. that worked. In real Inestate, real estate, a month and are andlooking are looking into home into home ownership. ownership. market. market. Sellers Sellers have have run itrun theitpast the past plagiarism plagiarism is flattery. is flattery. If someone If someone is is househouse any issues any issues and shepherd and shepherd clients clients throughout throughout the process. the process.

20 • August 20 • August 2019 2019

five years. The growth spurtspurt of Philadelphia has just five years. The growth of Philadelphia hasstarted. just started. We’reWe’re not even closeclose to ourtofull I am passionate and and not even ourpotential. full potential. I am passionate excited to seetowhat that is. “ is. “ excited see what that The best The kind best of kind referrals of referrals

Not all Not referrals all referrals are created are created equal.equal. Chadha Chadha wantswants to beto referred be referred for the forright the right reasons, reasons, whichwhich are are correlated correlated to histocore his principles core principles of ethics of ethics and integrity. and integrity. “There “There are noare shortcuts. no shortcuts. You have You have to work to work hard.hard. Where Where I feelIIfeel am I am different, different, I haveI have rejected rejected working working with with people people because because ethically ethically I I don’tdon’t agreeagree with with whatwhat they are theydoing. are doing. I’m black I’m black and white. and white. I hateI hate the color the color gray. gray. Gray Gray gets you getsinyou trouble. in trouble. ThereThere are many are many people people in in this field this who field are whoonare theoncusp. the cusp. Things Things comecome back back to haunt to haunt you.”you.” A couple A couple Chadha Chadha worked worked with with two years two years ago recently ago recently referred referred a a clientclient to him. to him. TheyThey told their told their friendfriend that Chadha, that Chadha, “was “was the man the to man to talk to talk about to about real estate” real estate” and gushed and gushed aboutabout how much how much he helped he helped themthem through through the process. the process. “The“The best compliment best compliment is when is when someone someone trulytruly appreciates appreciates your your workwork and becomes and becomes a spokesperson. a spokesperson. I think I think it’s the it’sbest the natural best natural way of way advertisement.” of advertisement.” First-time First-time homebuyers homebuyers are nervous are nervous aboutabout the process the process and many and many of them of them aren’taren’t well-versed well-versed in electrical in electrical panels panels or soffits, or soffits, whichwhich can make can make a home a home inspection inspection intimidating. intimidating. AfterAfter the inspection, the inspection, Chadha Chadha asks the askshome the home inspector inspector if he would if he would let hisletfamily his family live inlive in the home. the home. It often It often alleviates alleviates any worries any worries of theofbuyer. the buyer. “I never “I never tell people tell people whatwhat to do.toI give do. I them give them facts facts and figures. and figures. I I give them give them genuine genuine answers answers and that and serves that serves me well,” me well,” said Chadsaid Chadha. “Just ha. “Just do the doright the right thing.thing. I want I want to leave to leave a legacy a legacy where where people people consider consider me honest, me honest, trustworthy trustworthy and loyal. and loyal. In every In every relationship relationship you need you need trust trust and communication. and communication. If those If those two things two things are good, are good, your your transaction transaction will be will good.” be good.” • 21 • 21

communicating. I’m able I’mto able slow to slow For new For real newestate real estate agents agents entering entering the industry the industry he hecommunicating. downdown and make and make thingsthings moremore advises advises themthem to work to work hard,hard, get a get good a good mentor mentor or or thingsthings comfortable. BeingBeing multilingual multilingual helpshelps a team a team and don’t and don’t underestimate underestimate the power the power of open of opencomfortable. Chadha Chadha stresses stresses the importance the importance of of houses. you understand you understand people’s people’s struggles. struggles. houses. It’s a It’s golden a golden opportunity opportunity to listen. to listen. working working hard hard and not andtaking not taking short-shortEveryone Everyone is struggling is struggling in their in their own way. own way. cuts. cuts. In anIn age anwhere age where technology technology “You “You It doesn’t have to have be to a language be a language barrier. barrier. get toget learn to learn whatwhat buyers buyers wantwant and how and to how talk to talkIt doesn’t may make may make assistants assistants unnecessary, unnecessary, it it to people. Everyone has their has their own battles own battles and and to people. At open At open houses houses you hear you hear their their concerns. concerns.Everyone also makes also makes agents agents available available 24/724/7 to to Buyers all fighting. all fighting. Understanding Understanding we’rewe’re Buyers control control the market. the market. You need You need to understand to understandwe’rewe’re clients. clients. TheyThey knowknow their their messages messages are are all in all it together in it together is theisbeauty the beauty of it. of it. whatwhat they want.” they want.” beingbeing received received and are andexpecting are expecting a a That’sThat’s what what makes makes America America beautiful.” beautiful.” response. response. He understands He understands the importhe impor-A world A world of different of different tancetance of responsiveness of responsiveness to build to build Real Producers Real Producers – Real – People Real People In a coffee In a coffee shop shop on Federal on Federal Street Street in Point in Point Breeze, Breeze, He isHe also is an also advocate an advocate of taking of taking time timea diverse a diverse clientele clientele sips on sips Laon Columbe La Columbe coffee. coffee. SomeSome Favorite Favorite TV show: TV show: The Office The Office to relax to relax and rewards and rewards himself himself for for are engaged are engaged in conversation in conversation and others and others are imare im- and Friends and Friends achieving achieving goals.goals. For aFor set aamount set amount of of mersed mersed in their in their MacBook. MacBook. Movie: Movie: Elf, Step Elf, Step Brothers Brothers sales,sales, he books he books a trip.a trip. Food:Food: Angelo’s Angelo’s in South in South PhillyPhilly Chadha’s Chadha’s parents parents camecame to thetoUnited the United States States in thein the Sports Sports team:team: Eagles Eagles “Just“Just for mental for mental sanity. sanity. Real Real estateestate late nineties. late nineties. His parents His parents have have sincesince moved moved to Arito Ari-Athlete: Athlete: AllenAllen Iverson Iverson gets you. gets It you. catches It catches up toup you.” to you.” zona zona and he and is he excited is excited to help to and helpguide and guide themthem in thein the Secret Secret spot spot in Philadelphia: in Philadelphia: The The purchase purchase of their of their own American own American Dream. Dream. Sardine Sardine bar bar Travel Travel destination: destination: The beach The beach and and Chadha Chadha possesses possesses a quiet a quiet confidence. confidence. He knows He knows he hefreshfresh oceanocean waters waters is different is different and he and feels he feels it’s anit’s advantage. an advantage. Growing GrowingHobbies: Hobbies: Traveling, Traveling, cooking cooking up inup Bethlehem, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Chadha Chadha credits credits Dish Dish to cook: to cook: Indian Indian food,food, his teachers his teachers who never who never mademade him feel himout feelofout of butter butter chicken. chicken. placeplace and helped and helped develop develop his confidence. his confidence. WorkWork hard,hard, play hard play hard

Real Producers Real Producers – Real – Achievements Real Achievements

“I look “I different look different and Iand talkIdifferent. talk different. I I comecome from from a different a different background. background. Look-Look-International International President’s President’s Elite,Elite, ing different ing different doesn’t doesn’t necessarily necessarily meanmean it’s it’s2015,2015, 2016,2016, 2017,2017, 2018 2018 a badathing.” bad thing.” Rookie Rookie of Year, of Year, 2014 2014 2019 2019 REALREAL Trends Trends America’s America’s Best Best The ability The ability to speak to speak different different languages languages Real Real Estate Estate Professionals Professionals report report also helps also helps Chadha Chadha relaterelate on a deeper on a deeper level.level.Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Top Top RealReal Estate Estate Teams Teams by Transaction by Transaction Sides Sides “If I know “If I know the language, the language, I know I know the struggle the struggle Harkeet Harkeet Chadha Chadha TeamTeam (No. 196 (No.–196 – they are theygoing are going through. through. The struggle The struggle of justof just 80.1080.10 sides), sides), Center Center City Office City Office 22 • August 22 • August 2019 2019

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TCSTCS MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES SERVICES 107 107 S. 2nd S. 2nd St., Suite St., Suite 300 300 | Philadelphia, | Philadelphia, PA 19106 PA 19106 Tel: Tel: (215) (215) 383-1439 383-1439 | Fax: | Fax: (215) (215) 827-5224 827-5224 | Email: | Email: 24 • August 24 • August 2019 2019


EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE“OFF-MARKET” “OFF-MARKET” REAL REALESTATE ESTATEINVESTMENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES EVERY EVERY TURN TURN KEY KEY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT ISIS BUILT BUILT ON ON AA STRONG STRONG FOUNDATION FOUNDATION OFOF QUALITY QUALITY AND AND CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY $ " bm ;v|l;m|v Cm7v mbt ; orrou| mbঞ;v bm o u l-uh;|v -m7 ruo7 1| 1Ѵ-vv;v o[;m $ " bm ;v|l;m|v Cm7v mbt ; orrou| mbঞ;v bm o u l-uh;|v -m7 ruo7 1| 1Ѵ-vv;v o[;m r-vv;7 o ;u 0 lou; |u-7bঞom-Ѵ bm ;v|ouvĺ ); 1-rb|-Ѵb ; om |_; ob7 0;| ;;m bm7b b7 -Ѵ r-vv;7 o ;u 0 lou; |u-7bঞom-Ѵ bm ;v|ouvĺ ); 1-rb|-Ѵb ; om |_; ob7 0;| ;;m bm7b b7 -Ѵ bm ;v|ouv _o -u; ];o]u-r_b1-ѴѴ 1omv|u-bm;7 -m7 |_ov; _o Ѵ-1h |_; vor_bvঞ1-ঞom bm ;v|ouv _o -u; ];o]u-r_b1-ѴѴ 1omv|u-bm;7 -m7 |_ov; _o Ѵ-1h |_; vor_bvঞ1-ঞom -m7 u;vo u1;v |o -1t bu; -m7 Ѵo1-|; bm ;v|l;m| ruor;uঞ;v om |_;bu o mĺ ); 7; ;Ѵor -m7 u;vo u1;v |o -1t bu; -m7 Ѵo1-|; bm ;v|l;m| ruor;uঞ;v om |_;bu o mĺ ); 7; ;Ѵor |_;v; | umh; -vv;|v |o v|-0Ѵ; ruo7 1|v v b|;7 =ou -m ou oѴbo m ;v|ouv Ѵoohbm] |o |_;v; | umh; -vv;|v |o v|-0Ѵ; ruo7 1|v v b|;7 =ou -m ou oѴbo m ;v|ouv Ѵoohbm] |o expand expand intointo the the single single family family investment investment asset asset class. class.

TCSTCS INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS 107 107 S. 2nd S. 2nd St., Suite St., Suite 300 300 | Philadelphia, | Philadelphia, PA 19106 PA 19106 INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS Tel: Tel: (855) (855) 653-8201 653-8201 | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol • 25 • 25

JOSEPH JOSEPH BOGRAD BOGRAD suburban suburban spotlight spotlight

RE/MAX RE/MAX Elite Elite

WrittenWritten By: Katie By: Kohler Katie Kohler Photography Photography By: Vernon By: Vernon Ray (Creative Ray (Creative Mind Productions) Mind Productions)

Joseph Joseph Bograd Bograd brings brings the boom. the boom. It happens It happens whenwhen a house a house is listed. is listed. Or when Or when a can’t-miss-it-open-house a can’t-miss-it-open-house is announced. is announced. 26 • August 26 • August 2019 2019

attained a certain level level of of The boom The boom hits again hits again whenwhen a house a house “We’ve “We’ve attained a certain professionalism in this is sold. is sold. professionalism inmarketplace,” this marketplace,” said Bograd. “We are doto it do bet-it betsaid Bograd. “Weable are to able ter. We bring experience. I don’t want ter. We bring experience. I don’t want Bograd Bograd brings brings the boom the boom so buyers so buyers and and back and have agents sell for sit back and have agents sell for sellers sellers can experience can experience the boom. the boom. to sitto me. Ime. want to selltoside-by-side with with I want sell side-by-side ThereThere is enough wealth for for is enough wealth The feeling The feeling whenwhen you walk you walk into an into an them.them. We need to work together everyone. We need to work together open open house, house, and your and your brainbrain screams, screams,everyone. to make to make our name, our name, our team, our team, and our and our “this “this is theisone.” the one.” brandbrand the number the number one inone real inestate.” real estate.” The warm The warm fuzzyfuzzy embrace embrace of driving of driving Joseph Bograd Bograd credits credits his father, his father, through through your your new neighborhood new neighborhood and andJoseph Vladimir, Vladimir, for getting for getting him into him the into the feeling feeling like you likehave you have foundfound the perfect the perfect real estate business and serving as as real estate business and serving placeplace for your for your family. family. a mentor. a mentor. For Bograd For Bograd and the andHuntington the Huntington in Soviet-era Ukraine, Vladi-Vladiin Soviet-era Ukraine, Valley-based Valley-based teamteam at RE/MAX at RE/MAX Elite,Elite,BornBorn been been with with RE/MAX Elite Elite for for RE/MAX it’s allit’s a part all a of part theofBograd the Bograd ExperiExperi- mir’smir’s 30 years. almost 30 years. ence.ence. Bograd Bograd crafted crafted his team his team into ainto a almost YOURYOUR HOME, HOME, BOGRAD’S BOGRAD’S NEIGHBORHOOD NEIGHBORHOOD boutique boutique agency agency by design. by design. He wants He wants a strong advocate of notof not Perhaps “Myisdad is a strong advocate to focus to focus on the onteam’s the team’s characterischaracteris- “My dad Perhaps the best the endorsement best endorsement for a for restaurant a restaurant is is and being conservative and andit’s a it’s flaunting and being conservative tics and ticsnot and“grind not “grind out” agents. out” agents. It’s It’s flaunting place a place where where otherother chefschefs dine.dine. By the Bysame the same within your your means. He keeps within means. He keeps logic,logic, translated translated into the into#1the RE/MAX #1 RE/MAX TeamTeamlivingliving the best the neighborhoods best neighborhoods are where are where real estate real estate me grounded.” me grounded.” in Pennsylvania. in Pennsylvania. agents agents choose choose to live. to live. • 27 • 27

Bograd, Bograd, his wife, his wife, and three and three children children residereside within within one mile one of mile of where where he was heraised. was raised. “Bucks “Bucks County County is an is amazing an amazing placeplace to raise to raise children children and grow and grow a a family,” family,” said Bograd said Bograd of hisofhome. his home. “You’re “You’re closeclose to thetocity, the you city, you have have land,land, shops, shops, theater, theater, closeclose proximity proximity to New to New York,York, the Pothe Poconos, conos, and we andhave we have top school top school districts districts (Central (Central Bucks, Bucks, Council Council Rock,Rock, Lower Lower Moreland).” Moreland).” In terms In terms of trends of trends in real inestate, real estate, Bograd Bograd says young says young families families ar- aren’t interested en’t interested in McMansions. in McMansions. TheyThey wouldwould rather rather traveltravel and not and not worry worry aboutabout the cost the of cost maintaining of maintaining a large a large residence. residence. Instead Instead of of the 7,000 the 7,000 sq.ft.sq.ft. home,home, they are theyopting are opting for a for 3,000 a 3,000 sq. ft.sq. home. ft. home. “That’s “That’s goinggoing to be to thebenext the quick next quick sell,” sell,” said Bograd. said Bograd. “They“They wantwant a a nice place nice place to calltohome call home and raise and raise their their kid. They kid. They don’tdon’t need need to show to show off anymore. off anymore. TheyThey wantwant to livetowithin live within their their means means and travel.” and travel.” Bograd Bograd also projects also projects the market the market in theincity theof city Philadelphia of Philadelphia will will continue continue to grow. to grow. Five years Five years ago, nearly ago, nearly ninety ninety percent percent of theof the agency’s agency’s listings listings werewere in theinsuburbs. the suburbs. Today, Today, it’s 60it’s percent 60 percent sub- suburbs urbs and 40 and percent 40 percent city. city. “We’ve “We’ve only hit onlythe hittip theoftip theoficeberg the iceberg with with the city theof city Philadelof Philadelphia.phia. ThereThere is so is much so much moremore to offer. to offer. I think I think construction construction is going is going 28 • August 28 • August 2019 2019


TheThe best best wayway is to isbe to thrown be thrown intointo thethe

business business andand learn learn thethe everyday everyday struggles. struggles. YouYou need need to continue to continue to push, to push, advertise, advertise, andand getget your your name name outout there. there. It’s allIt’s a part all a of part bringing of bringing the boom. the boom. So when So when people people see your see your namename they they knowknow that –that boom! – boom! - they- found they found their their real estate real estate agent.agent. REALREAL PRODUCERS PRODUCERS – REAL – REAL PEOPLE PEOPLE Hobbies: Hobbies: Bograd Bograd is anisearly an early riserriser

who who goes goes to thetogym the gym dailydaily at 5 a.m. at 5 a.m. Also Also enjoys enjoys poker, poker, tennis, tennis, travel, travel, Bograd Bograd walkswalks themthem through through the steps the steps and throughout and throughout spending spending time time with with his kids his kids and and to continue, priceprice is going to continue to continue, is going to continue the process maintains maintains clear,clear, concise concise communication. communication. his job. his job. to escalate, and the is is the process to escalate, andwaterfront the waterfront “I like“Iwhat like what I do. I like do. Ithe likehustle the hustle and and goinggoing to continue to grow.” to continue to grow.” “My job “Myisjob to make is to make the process the process flawless…to flawless…to makemake bustle. bustle. It’s fun,” It’s fun,” said Bograd. said Bograd. themthem feel like feelthis likeexperience this experience is likeisno like other. no other. We We Favorite Favorite traveltravel destination: destination: St. Barts St. Barts A FLAWLESS A FLAWLESS PROCESS PROCESS will treat will treat you like youalike friend a friend or a family or a family member.” member.” Sports Sports team:team: Philadelphia Philadelphia Eagles Eagles Athlete: Athlete: Tom Tom BradyBrady Bograd Bograd and his andteam his team are intimately are intimately For the Forpast the few pastyears, few years, he’s hosted he’s hosted a client a client appreciappreci-Book:Book: familiar familiar with with the Greater the Greater Philadelphia Philadelphia Omerta Omerta by Mario by Mario PuzoPuzo partyparty at a local at a local restaurant restaurant with with food,food, enter-enter- Movie: area.area. TheyThey strivestrive for customer for customer satis-satis-ationation Movie: The Godfather The Godfather tainment and giveaways. and giveaways. faction faction that begins that begins with with identifying identifying tainment PlacePlace to eattoineat theinsuburbs: the suburbs: exactly exactly whatwhat clients clients are looking are looking for infor in 59 Almshouse 59 Almshouse “It’s not “It’sjust notabout just about selling selling a house a house and making and making a a PlacePlace their their next home next home and finding and finding a commua commuto eattoineat theincity: the Buddakan city: Buddakan living. living. I want I want to continue to continue this relationship this relationship and be and be Best part nity that nity is that a perfect is a perfect fit. fit. Best part of living of living in theinarea: the area: your your go-togo-to in real inestate.” real estate.” Proximity Proximity to travel to travel destinations, destinations, In instances In instances where where clients clients are looking are looking sporting sporting events, events, theater, theater, and and to raise to raise children, children, currently currently they are they are GET KNOWN museums, museums, shoreshore GET KNOWN in theinmarket the market for anfor area an with area with a great a great school school district district and neighborhoods and neighborhoods Another Another way Bograd way Bograd brings brings the boom the boom is getting is getting REALREAL PRODUCERS PRODUCERS – – alongalong with with closeclose proximity proximity to stores. to stores.people’s REALREAL ACHIEVEMENTS ACHIEVEMENTS people’s attention. attention. OtherOther needsneeds include include at least at least 4-5 4-5 #1 RE/MAX #1 RE/MAX TeamTeam in Pennsylvania in Pennsylvania bedrooms, bedrooms, 3 full3baths full baths on the onsecond the secondHe was RE/MAX CircleCircle of Legends of Legends He an was early an early adaptor adaptor to social to social media, media, espe-espe- RE/MAX floor floor so each so each bedroom bedroom has its has own its own ciallycially RE/MAX Diamond Diamond Club Club Member Member Facebook. Facebook. He says He says Facebook, Facebook, alongalong with with RE/MAX bathroom, bathroom, possibly possibly a pool, a pool, and aand a 2015-2018 2015-2018 Zillow Zillow and his andbillboards his billboards on I-95 on have I-95 have beenbeen homehome that requires that requires less maintenance. less maintenance.“huge” RE/MAX RE/MAX Hall of Hall Fame of Fame Member Member “huge” factors factors for him. for him. RE/MAX RE/MAX Lifetime Lifetime Achievement Achievement Award Award For clients For clients who are whodownsizing, are downsizing, Bo- Bo- “In this Member National National Association Association “Inbusiness, this business, to beto thebebest, the best, you need you need to getto get Member grad grad suggests suggests renting renting to allow to allow time time to to of REALTORS® people’s people’s attention. attention. WhenWhen people people thinkthink aboutabout real real of REALTORS® weighweigh their their options. options. Member BucksBucks County County BoardBoard estate, estate, I’m the I’mname, the name, and our andteam our team is theisteam the team that thatMember of REALTORS® of REALTORS® is talked is talked about.” about.” First First time time sellers sellers are eager are eager to learn to learn 2003-2007 2003-2007 Platinum Platinum Club Club Award Award the language the language and the andprocess the process sincesince Bograd Winner, RE/MAX RE/MAX of Southeastern of Southeastern Bograd admits admits that the thatreal theestate real estate business business can be can be Winner, it foreign it foreign to them. to them. People People who have who have “very“very DE& DE difficult difficult and very and very rewarding.” rewarding.” His advice His advice to to PA &PA been been through through the process the process before before wantwant Repeated Awards Awards for Top for Listing Top Listing people people pursuing pursuing a career a career in real inestate real estate is to start is to start by byRepeated to know to know how Bograd how Bograd will be will different. be different. and Selling and Selling AgentAgent getting getting a mentor. a mentor. • 29 • 29

30 • August 30 • August 2019 2019





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Abundant AbundantHome HomeInspection InspectionServices Services WrittenWritten By: Katie By: Kohler Katie Kohler Photography Photography By: Vernon By: Vernon Ray / Creative Ray / Creative Mind Productions Mind Productions

32 • August 32 • August 2019 2019


imoneimone OnHomes OnHomes lovesloves the view the view from from the top. the top.

Her favorite Her favorite part of part of a home a home inspection inspection is is whenwhen she spends she spends time time on the onroof. the roof. So, how So, is how theisview? the view? “It’s like “It’sbeing like being on top onoftop of the world,” the world,” said Simone said Simone OnHomes, OnHomes, owner owner of of Abundant Abundant HomeHome In- Inspection spection Services. Services. “I’m “I’m also able also to able telltoclients tell clients how cool how it cool is up it is here up here and how and much how much of theof the city Icity canIsee.” can see.” “Yes, “Yes, I climb I climb on roofs on roofs and I and loveIit,” love has it,” has become become a tagline a tagline for Abundant for Abundant HomeHome Inspection Inspection Services. Services. It is It is prominently prominently displayed displayed on on their their website website and one andofone of the first thethings first things mentioned mentioned on their on their voicemail. voicemail.

preferred preferred partner partner highlight highlight

Before becombecomThe National The National Association Association of Certiof Certi- Before home a home fied Home fied Home Inspectors Inspectors states states that an that an ing aing inspector, she she inspector inspector is notisrequired not required to walk to walk on on inspector, worked worked as a as a the roof the in roof allininstances, all instances, especially especially public public insurinsurwhenwhen it’s over it’s over a certain a certain height. height. Simone Simone adjuster, adjuster, OnHomes OnHomes explains explains that the thatstandards the standardsance ance aiding aiding families families by by of practice of practice combined combined with with the fact the that fact that identifying identifying damdamshe isshe a woman is a woman causecause clients clients to autoto autoto their to their homes homes matically matically assume assume she isn’t she isn’t goinggoing to goto goages ages caused caused by events by events such such on the onroof. the roof. as storms, as storms, plumbing plumbing leaksleaks and fires. and fires. “I want “I want people people to know to know I’m going I’m going to doto do it,” said it,” Simone said Simone OnHomes. OnHomes. During During one visit, one visit, she walked she walked into ainto home a home of a of a mother. mother. The woman The woman owned owned the home the home for for Clients Clients should should be just beas just excited as excited whenwhen singlesingle six months six months but there but there was still was no still furniture. no furniture. She She Simone Simone OnHomes OnHomes is up is there up there sincesince fixingfixing was spending all her allmoney her money fixingfixing various various issues issues a roofa can roofbe can one beofone theofmost the most expensive expensivewas spending with with the home. the home. Simone Simone OnHomes OnHomes observed observed a a homehome repairs. repairs. young young boy on boythe onfloor the floor doingdoing homework homework next next to to exposed exposed wires. wires. The climb The climb to thetotop the top • 33 • 33

Abundant Abundant HomeHome Inspection Inspection Services Services works works with with clients clients to schedule to schedule their their inspection inspection and answer and answer all all questions. questions. During During the inspection, the inspection, an experienced an experienced inspector inspector meetsmeets clients clients at theatproperty the property and then and then startsstarts the inspection. the inspection. The property The property is examined, is examined, alongalong with with the roof, the roof, foundation, foundation, plumbing, plumbing, electrielectrical systems cal systems and over and over 500 other 500 other items.items. All issues All issues are documented are documented and the andinspector the inspector pointspoints out out any potentially any potentially expensive expensive repairs repairs and the andpositive the positive fea- featurestures of theofproperty. the property. Within Within 24 hours 24 hours of completion of completion of theofinspection, the inspection, clients clients are able areto able access to access a detailed a detailed full-color full-color reportreport with pictures with pictures and recommendations. and recommendations. Simone Simone OnHomes OnHomes has found has found the best the way best to way earn to earn client’s client’s confidence confidence is by is simply by simply keeping keeping your your word.word. “People “People are skeptical are skeptical whenwhen it comes it comes to thetohome the home buying buying process. process. If there If there is something is something that we thatcan wesay can say or door that dowill thatlet will uslet in us theindoor, the door, then give thenus give that us that opportunity. opportunity. We’llWe’ll makemake sure you suredon’t you don’t regretregret it.” it.” WhatWhat homebuyers homebuyers should should knowknow about about homehome inspectors inspectors

WhenWhen Simone Simone OnHomes OnHomes conducts conducts homehome buying buying seminars seminars she asks she who asks watches who watches HGTV. HGTV. OnHomes worked in various This This proved proved to beto a turning be a turning pointpoint for forOnHomes worked in various man-man- Usually Usually everyone everyone raisesraises their their hand.hand. agement and supervisory Simone Simone OnHomes. OnHomes. agement and supervisory rolesroles in in marketing, advertising and sales. marketing, advertising and sales. Her HerShe’sShe’s not asking not asking because because she wants she wants to start to start a Ty a Ty in these remains strong.Pennington in these areasareas remains strong. “I told“Iher toldthe herhouse the house wasn’t wasn’t safe for safe for savvysavvy Pennington fan club. fan club. is active on social where active on social mediamedia where her and herher andson hertoson livetoin,” liveexplained in,” explained She isShe youfind canpictures find pictures her views you can of herofviews Simone Simone OnHomes. OnHomes. “I care “Iabout care about people people the roof. from from the roof. and want and want to protect to protect people people from from similar similar situations. situations. How How can I can helpI someone help someone not not “I always wanted the boss, buy this buyhouse this house again? again? How How can I can helpI help “I always wanted to beto thebeboss, the the and to my ownown my business. own business. themthem knowknow what’s what’s goinggoing on with on this with this CEO CEO and to own As As a public insurance adjuster I worked househouse beforebefore they buy theyit?” buy it?” a public insurance adjuster I worked a company I enjoyed, but wasn’t for a for company I enjoyed, but wasn’t satisfied because it wasn’t mine.” because it wasn’t mine.” In 2000, In 2000, Simone Simone OnHomes OnHomes started started satisfied doingdoing homehome inspections. inspections. She launched She launched Abundant Abundant HomeHome Inspection Inspection Services Services Earning Earning confidence confidence in 2006 in 2006 and toand date to has dateperformed has performed over 5,000 over 5,000 homehome inspections inspections in Southin SouthWhatWhat does does peacepeace of mind of mind cost?cost? eastern eastern Pennsylvania Pennsylvania and Delaware. and Delaware. For many, For many, the top thebenefit top benefit of a home of a home Simone Simone OnHomes OnHomes leverages leverages her expeher expeinspection inspection is to acquire is to acquire peacepeace of of rience rience as a public as a public insurance insurance adjuster adjustermind.mind. WithWith the home the home inspector’s inspector’s in herinrole her as role a home as a home inspector. inspector. She She findings, findings, clients clients can go can togo settlement to settlement possesses possesses knowledge knowledge and understandand understandwith with a complete a complete understanding understanding of theof the ing ofing building of building structures, structures, rebuilding, rebuilding,condition condition of their of their new home. new home. restoration restoration and reconstruction and reconstruction costs.costs. Simone Simone OnHomes OnHomes asks clients asks clients for 5 for 5 Before Before starting starting Abundant Abundant HomeHome percent percent of their of their confidence confidence so Abunso AbunInspection Inspection Services Services and becoming and becoming dant dant HomeHome Inspection Inspection Services Services can can a public a public insurance insurance adjuster, adjuster, Simone Simone earn earn the other the other 95 percent. 95 percent. 34 • August 34 • August 2019 2019

Instead, she of says of HGTV, “that’s Instead, she says HGTV, “that’s not not how it works!” how it works!” Simone OnHomes explains Simone OnHomes explains if sheif she a stain onceiling the ceiling on the spotsspots a stain on the on the second she can’t second floor,floor, she can’t climbclimb up onup on the with roof with a water and start the roof a water hose hose and start wetting the to roof toout findwhere out where wetting the roof find the the is coming stainstain is coming from.from. tellthe youcondition the condition “Our“Our job isjob to is telltoyou the house the time of theofhouse at theattime of theof the inspection socan youfigure can figure inspection so you out out youafford can afford the house if youifcan the house in itsin its current condition.” current condition.” Simone OnHomes advises clients Simone OnHomes advises clients take take the time to thoroughly the home the time to thoroughly read read the home inspection report on their inspection report on their own. own. EvenEven though real estate agents will go though mostmost real estate agents will go the report, it istheir not their responover over the report, it is not responsibility. Abundant Inspection sibility. Abundant HomeHome Inspection Services conducts an after-inspection Services conducts an after-inspection consultation the client where consultation with with the client where the the Today, Today, Simone Simone OnHomes OnHomes is oneisofone theoftop thehome top home Real Real Producers Producers – Real – Real People People report is reviewed andquestions any questionsinspectors report is reviewed and any inspectors in Philadelphia in Philadelphia and beyond. and beyond. As a member As a member of of are answered. are answered. the Millionaire the Millionaire Inspector Inspector Community, Community, she competed she competed in in Practices Practices Jiu-jitsu Jiu-jitsu and boxing and boxing Exercise: Exercise: the “Better the “Better Your Your Best Contest” Best Contest” against against homehome inspecinspec- Hobby: Hobby: Member Member of ‘A of Girl ‘Aand Girlaand Gun’ a Gun’ tors from the United the United StatesStates and Canada. and Canada. TheyThey were were Gun League “When you leave the house, you willtors from “When you leave the house, you will Gun League required to show to show bank bank statements, statements, marketing marketing plans,plans, Movie: the house better as well required knowknow the house better or asor well Movie: JohnJohn WickWick movies, movies, Set ItSet OffIt Off community philanthropy philanthropy and customer and customer testimonials. testimonials. Book:Book: the person who owns it,” said community as theasperson who owns it,” said The Bible The Bible Simone OnHomes. Simone OnHomes. PlacePlace to eat: toChestnut eat: Chestnut Grill Grill & Side& SideSimone Simone OnHomes OnHomes won the woncontest the contest and was andelevatwas elevat-walk walk Café,Café, Redstone, Redstone, GrandGrand Lux Café, Lux Café, ed to ed the to “platinum the “platinum group” group” of home of home inspectors inspectors in in Bridgeport Bridgeport Ribhouse Ribhouse The view The view from from the top the top the Millionaire the Millionaire Inspector Inspector Community. Community. Favorite Favorite part of part theofliving the living in in the Greater the Greater Philadelphia Philadelphia area:area: Simone Simone OnHomes OnHomes can see canthings see things So, how So, is how theisview the view from from the top? the top? clearly clearly from from the top. the top. “Philadelphia. “Philadelphia. I loveI Philly. love Philly. The The good,good, the bad theand badthe andugly. the ugly. It’s easy It’s easy “We are “Wegrowing. are growing. I’m looking I’m looking to hire to inspectors,” hire inspectors,” to gettoeverywhere.” get everywhere.” However, However, for her, forit’s her,not it’shard not hard to to commented commented Simone Simone OnHomes. OnHomes. notice notice somesome things. things. Team:Team: Philadelphia Philadelphia Eagles Eagles “Everyone who says who they says want they want to beto anbe inspector an inspector Real Real “I’m an “I’m African-American an African-American female female “Everyone Producers Producers – Real – Real Achievements Achievements because because you can youmake can make a lot of a lot money of money in a little in a little homehome inspector inspector in a white in a white male-domimale-domiamount amount of time of time is everyone is everyone I don’t I don’t hire. hire. I want I want peo- peonatednated field,”field,” she says. she says. Member Member of North of North America’s America’s oldestoldest ple who ple are whogoing are going to look to out lookfor outour forclients.” our clients.” and largest and largest professional professional society society of of homehome inspectors, inspectors, American American Society Society She admits She admits it wasn’t it wasn’t easy easy and still and still at theattop, theSimone top, Simone OnHomes OnHomes still has stillthe hasmemothe memoof Home of Home Inspectors Inspectors (ASHI). (ASHI). Member Member requires requires hard hard WhenWhen Simone Simone Even Even single of single mothers mothers in deplorable in deplorable homes homes on her onmind. her mind. of NASHI of NASHI (National (National Association Association of of OnHomes OnHomes decided decided to become to become a home a homery of ry The compliments on theonvoicemail the voicemail and the andawards the awards are are Certified Certified HomeHome Inspectors) Inspectors) inspector, inspector, she called she called 250 home 250 home in- in- The compliments but there but there are things are things that take thather takemood her mood higher. higher. Member Member of theofNational the National Association Association spectors spectors to asktowhere ask where to goto togo school to schoolnice, nice, of REALTORS®, of REALTORS®, Suburban Suburban WestWest Re- Reand learn and learn the trade. the trade. She then She then attendattend“When people people say, ‘we say,did ‘wewhat did what we said we we saidwere we were altorsaltors Association Association and Montgomery and Montgomery ed theedAmerican the American HomeHome Inspectors Inspectors “When to do,’” to do,’” said Simone said Simone OnHomes OnHomes of theofbest the best County County Association Association of REALTORS®. of REALTORS®. Training Training (AHIT) (AHIT) at Penn at Penn StateState Lehigh Lehighgoinggoing compliments her business her business receives. receives. Co-block Co-block captain captain in East in Mt. EastAiry Mt. Airy Valley. Valley. AfterAfter certification certification with with AHIT,AHIT,compliments Active Active volunteer volunteer with with Mt. Airy Mt. Airy USA USA she was sheimmediately was immediately hiredhired and and She knows that’sthat’s whenwhen she’s she’s earned earned the other the other 95 95 and Habitat and Habitat for Humanities for Humanities “Women “Women trained trained by one byofone theofnation’s the nation’s mostmost She knows percent. The door The door is open is open to a new to a relationship, new relationship, Build” Build” program program respected respected homehome inspection inspection organizaorganiza-percent. and for andclients, for clients, their their new home. new home. tion, tion, Amerispec. Amerispec. • 35 • 35

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36 • August 36 • August 2019 2019

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38 • August 2019


rising star Written by: Jacob Cabezudo Photography By: PLUSH Image Corporation

ing about real estate.” Stacie got her license three years ago and quickly made her presence known at Keller Williams. Finding success didn’t come easy right away because Stacie says her biggest hurdle when getting into the business was simply thinking like a businessperson. “I’m an introvert,” she explained. “I had to realize that I need to talk to people if I want to be successful. And because I’m not from Philly and I was so busy, when I first started, I didn’t have a social circle or a community around me.” But once she found her crew and built that community around her, Stacie’s business took off. In 2018, as part of a team, she racked up $3 million in volume, and this year, having recently become an individual agent, she is on pace to reach her goal of $6 million. To stand out in this industry that has such low barriers of entry, you have to do something above and beyond and out of the ordinary. What has allowed Stacie to rise above the many agents in Philadelphia is her ability to explain the business and tell her clients what Google can’t. “I think as far as clients, they like me because I’m a very good ‘hand holder.’ And I’ve been good at figuring out what first-time homebuyers are looking for and what they’re afraid of, where they need help,

Keller Williams Philadephia Stacie Rihl is what you’d call a “coffee connoisseur.” Working at a coffee shop introduced her to real estate. Often – sometimes multiple times per day - you’ll find Stacie having coffee and a conversation with a client, possible client, or a colleague. And with the caffeine, businesses are built, but most importantly, relationships are cultivated. From a very small town in upstate Pennsylvania, Stacie moved to Philly to go to school and work. Here, she worked 2 jobs while studying for her degree online through Arizona State University. She started to become engulfed in the real estate world while she worked as a barista at Starbucks just across the street from where she works now. “I worked at the Starbucks on 16th and Walnut,” she remembers. “So I got to know a lot of the Keller Williams agents. And as a business major, I knew I wanted to understand the business. Meeting the agents was what got me • 39

and reaching and reaching out toout them to them to offer to offer A lot Aoflot peoof people don’t ple don’t do that. do that. So, I So, think I think that’sthat’s been been the biggest the biggest thingthing that’sthat’s helped helped me over me over the past the few pastyears.” few years.” Another Another huge huge source source of growth of growth for Stacie for Stacie has been has been KellerKeller Williams Williams itself.itself. “I like“Ithat like for thatwhatever for whatever I I need,need, there’s there’s a place a place to find toit,” findshe it,”explained. she explained. “Like“Like if I want if I want to improve to improve my leadership my leadership skills,skills, there’s there’s a a placeplace and an and opportunity an opportunity for me fortome gettothose. get those. Or, Or, if I’mifstruggling I’m struggling with with lead gen, lead there gen, there are aare million a million waysways and aand million a million people people I can Igo can talk goto.” talk to.” WithWith her free her time, free time, Stacie Stacie enjoys enjoys biking, biking, yoga yoga and and photography. photography. Her Instagram Her Instagram (@thisphillylife_ (@thisphillylife_ ) is ) is one ofone heroffavorite her favorite pastimes pastimes and ways and ways to connect to connect with with people. people. The following The following she has shecreated has created on that on that platform platform has really has really enabled enabled her toher utilize to utilize “This“This PhillyPhilly Life” Life” as a brand as a brand for many for many yearsyears and opportuand opportunitiesnities to come. to come. In fact, In social fact, social mediamedia is theismain the main way Stacie way Stacie has behas begun to gun build to build her sphere her sphere of influence of influence and ultimately and ultimately achieve achieve her goal her of goal having of having a referral-based a referral-based busi-business.ness. “When “When I wasInew was in new theinbusiness, the business, I wasItold was told socialsocial mediamedia was awas waste a waste of time of time in real inestate. real estate. I I actually actually had to had learn to learn how to how doto social do social mediamedia outside outside 40 • August 40 • August 2019 2019

of theofindustry. So, I So, tookI took classes with with the industry. classes people who are real and and people whonot areinnot inestate, real estate, now Inow teach classes at ouratmarket I teach classes our market center to bring that into center to bring that the intoreal the real estateestate market.” market.” Living in theincity, enjoys how how Living the Stacie city, Stacie enjoys everyevery neighborhood is likeis“its neighborhood likeown “its own little little world.” WhenWhen clients comecome to to world.” clients her with specific needsneeds in a home her with specific in a home they they want,want, Stacie is able identiStacie is to able to identify exactly whatwhat they’re looking for for fy exactly they’re looking because of herofknowledge of each because her knowledge of each neighborhood. Like aLike computer, she she neighborhood. a computer, can match a client to thetoprice pointpoint can match a client the price they they want,want, square-footage, and more. square-footage, and more. The knowledge she has the the The knowledge sheabout has about area area in which she works is yetisanothin which she works yet another tool has used in herinclimb er Stacie tool Stacie has used her climb to thetotop. the top. For other top producers or those For other top producers or those tryingtrying to reach that level, Stacie to reach that level, Stacie advises that you moremore on what advises thatfocus you focus on what will connect you with clients. “When will connect you with clients. “When I firstI started, it wasiteasy to gettostuck first started, was easy get stuck looking at theatshiny stuff stuff like marketlooking the shiny like marketing and Realistically, you have inglogos. and logos. Realistically, you have to double downdown on – ‘What’s goinggoing to to to double on – ‘What’s bringbring me closer to people?’” me closer to people?’” • 41 • 41

By Andy By Tolbert Andy Tolbert


10 10


Top 10 Top Open 10 Open House House Safety Safety Tips:Tips: Open Open houses houses are are exactly exactly thatthat … open. … open. Open Open to theft. to theft. Open Open to to 10. Talk 10. to Talk your to your sellerseller aboutabout removing removing valuables valuables from from the house the house completely completely if if dangers dangers to the to the agent. agent. Open Open to to possible. possible. TheyThey can take can them take them to a bank to a bank safe-deposit safe-deposit box, family box, family members’ members’ or some or some otherother secure secure location. location. Next Next best choice best choice wouldwould be to be lock to lock liability liability for the for the seller. seller. Open Open to to house,house, themthem up somewhere up somewhere secure secure in theinhome, the home, but out butofout sight. of sight. This includes This includes pre- preEVERYONE, EVERYONE, whether whether they’re they’re a a scriptions, scriptions, jewelry, jewelry, firearms, firearms, cash,cash, and credit and credit legitimate legitimate buyer, buyer, a lookie-loo, a lookie-loo, or aor a 9. Remove 9. Remove or lock or up lock any uppersonal any personal documents, documents, such such as taxasreturns, tax returns, pay stubs, pay stubs, criminal criminal looking looking to case to case the the house house mortgage mortgage statements, statements, bank bank statements, statements, etc. These etc. These itemsitems can all can beall used be used for for for a for late-night a late-night visit. visit. identity identity theft.theft. 8. An awareness An awareness of the of the risks risks is the is the firstfirst step. step. Often Often I’ll see I’ll see comment comment threads threads in some in some of the of the realreal estate estate 7. Facebook Facebook groups groups thatthat talktalk about about open open houses, houses, andand I’m I’m SHOCKED SHOCKED at at the the lackadaisical lackadaisical attitude attitude taken taken 6. by many by many agent agent towards towards not not onlyonly their their ownown safety, safety, butbut thatthat of their of their customers customers andand the the public. public. So here So here goesgoes today’s today’s 42 • August 42 • August 2019 2019

Remove 8. Remove any pictures, any pictures, awards awards or plaques or plaques from from the walls the walls that might that might indicate indicate the children’s the children’s hobbies, hobbies, sports sports teams, teams, or extra-curricular or extra-curricular activities. activities. This This knowledge knowledge can be can used be used to abduct to abduct children. children. Discuss 7. Discuss with with your your sellerseller if anyifaudio any audio or video or video recording recording devices devices are inare usein use in theinhome. the home. Suggest Suggest they check they check with with an attorney an attorney for the forlegalities the legalities of that, of that, and, as and, always as always … Disclose! … Disclose! Disclose! Disclose! Disclose! Disclose! Tour 6. Tour the home the home in advance in advance with with your your sellerseller and point and point out any outpossible any possible safetysafety issues, issues, such such as loose as loose rugs,rugs, uneven uneven concrete, concrete, open-access open-access pools,pools, playground playground equipment, equipment, etc. Ifetc. someone If someone trips trips and falls and while falls while looking looking at theat the house, house, or if aorchild if a child playsplays on the ontrampoline the trampoline and gets and injured, gets injured, the seller the seller couldcould be facing be facing an expensive an expensive lawsuit lawsuit (as could (as could you).you). Put up Put “warning” up “warning” or or “do not “doenter” not enter” signssigns on areas on areas that could that could have have safetysafety risks.risks.

You must applyapply this requirement equally to everyone, though, or you You must this requirement equally to everyone, though, ormay you may have have a fair-housing violation. It’s also good idea to have signage at theatdoor a fair-housing violation. It’saalso a good idea to have signage the door and inand your pre-event marketing that states photophoto ID will required for allfor all in your pre-event marketing that states IDbe will be required showings. As they on in whatever guestguest book book system you’reyou’re using,using, take take showings. As sign theyin sign on whatever system a picture of theofIDthe onID your phonephone and text to your officeoffice or safety buddy. a picture on your andittext it to your or safety buddy.


Remove pets from the area showings 5. Remove pets from the for areaallfor all showings whenwhen possible. SomeSome buyers may be allergic possible. buyers may be allergic or afraid of theofpets, and that impact or afraid the pets, and could that could impact the sale. ThereThere couldcould also be liability if theifpet the sale. also be liability the pet bites bites your your potential buyerbuyer or their kids. kids. potential or their


never,never, NEVER do ando open househouse alone!alone! Get aGet newa agent from from your your 1. Never, NEVER an open new agent Place bells bells on allon entrance doors. Not aNot scary 4. Place all entrance doors. a scary 1. Never, office,office, your your lender, title rep, rep, or even pay apay neighbor a fewa few lender, titlewarranty rep, warranty rep, or even a neighbor alarmalarm bell, but the pleasant ones ones that that bell,rather but rather the pleasant bucksbucks to stay with with you. In a larger homehome you may need need moremore to there stay there you. In a larger you even may even they sell theatcraft stores at Christmastime. theyatsell the craft stores at Christmastime. than than one helper to keep an eye things. If your helper is notislicensed, one helper to keep anon eye on things. If your helper not licensed, This This will serve two purposes: first, first, it willitalert will serve two purposes: will alert what dutiesduties an unlicensed assistant can do indo your state,state, and and look up what an unlicensed assistant can in your you when someone has entered the home, and, and, look up you when someone has entered the home, thosethose guidelines. An extra set ofset eyes extra bodybody on site follow guidelines. An extra of and eyesan and an extra onmay site may second, it willitalert THEM that you it! Anit! An follow second, will alert THEM thatknow you know just send the criminals up the to thetonext househouse sign. sign. just send the criminals upstreet the street the open next open alarmalarm system that has door-open announce system thatahas a door-open announce will serve the same purpose. will serve the same purpose. Remember, we will stop crime! All we is do make ourselves a lessa less Remember, wenever will never stop crime! Allcan wedo can is make ourselves attractive target. Whether that’sthat’s ourselves, our customers, our cars our attractive target. Whether ourselves, our customers, our or cars or our aItfine EVERY person that that is aline, fine but line,observe but observe EVERY person the harder we make our target look to crack, the more likelylikely they’ll pick pick homes, the harder we make our target look to crack, the more they’ll enters the home for suspicious behavior. This Thishomes, enters the home for suspicious behavior. else up the that isn’t as prepared. someone else upstreet the street that quite isn’t quite as prepared. is done by observing their their bodybody language and and someone is done by observing language alerting to suspicious, nervous behavior cues.cues. alerting to suspicious, nervous behavior On the don’tdon’t judgejudge anyone by their Onflip theside, flip side, anyone by their Bio: Andrea Bio: Andrea “Andy” “Andy” Tolbert Tolbert has been has been a reala estate real estate broker broker in theinCentral the Central appearance – you–really just never know!know! appearance you really just never Florida Florida area area for almost for almost 20 years. 20 years. She and Sheher andhusband, her husband, Tim, Tim, havehave also also



Get ID from everyone that enters the the 2. photo Get photo ID from everyone that enters home.home. Real buyers will have no problem pro- proReal buyers will have no problem vidingviding this (think of theoflast a this (think thetime last you timebought you bought a car; you had ithad outitand as soon car;probably you probably outready and ready as soon as you one you to test asfound you found onewanted you wanted todrive!). test drive!).

beenbeen flipping flipping houses houses sincesince before before therethere werewere TV shows TV shows aboutabout it. Soon it. Soon she realized she realized that her thatbackground her background as a real as a estate real estate instructor instructor alongalong with with her firearms her firearms and self-defense and self-defense knowledge knowledge couldcould fill a fill huge a huge training training needneed in theinreal the estate real estate industry. industry. To learn To learn moremore and subscribe and subscribe to her tosafety her safety updates updates and alerts, and alerts, visit visit


N2 N2 Publishing, Publishing, the the company company behind behind thisthis publication, publication, hashas challenged challenged its its entire entire organization organization to skip to skip work work andand volunteer volunteer on September on September 27. 27. Together, Together, we we aimaim to make to make an even an even greater greater impact impact on communities on communities nationwide. nationwide.

Follow Follow #SkipWorkDoGood #SkipWorkDoGood on social on social media media to see to see the impact the impact we can we can make make in a in single a single day!day! • 43 • 43


We’re We’re seeking seeking thethe most most influential influential titans titans in real in real estate estate to present to present at THE at THE BIG BIG EVENT EVENT – the – the nation’s nation’s first first invite-only invite-only gathering gathering of of thethe toptop 5%5% of real of real estate estate agents, agents, coming coming September September 2020. 2020.



44 • August 44 • August 2019 2019



By Christian By Christian Bear Bear

FFOORR SSHHOW OWI INNGGSS REALREAL ESTATE ESTATE AGENTS AGENTS ARE ARE PRIME PRIME TARGETS TARGETS FOR FOR CRIMES CRIMES OF OPPORTUNITIES OF OPPORTUNITIES I teach I teach real estate real estate agents agents around around EVERY EVERY DAY:DAY: TheyThey meetmeet strangers strangers in unknown in unknown locations. locations. I believe I believe the real theestate real estate industry industry the nation the nation how how to become to become SWAT SWAT has not hasaddressed not addressed the violent the violent murders murders such such as Ashley as Ashley Oakland Oakland and Beverly and Beverly Carter Carter (Showing (Showing With With Awareness Awareness and and because because they they do not doknow not know how to how respond, to respond, and agents and agents havehave not demanded not demanded a safer a safer Tactics) Tactics) agents agents with with practical practical workplace. workplace. The industry The industry needs needs to step to step up now up and now bring and bring awareness awareness and tactics and tactics training training day-to-day day-to-day techniques techniques that can that can to agents to agents before before moremore lives lives are taken. are taken. In 2013 In 2013 alone, alone, 63 real 63estate real estate professionals professionals werewere be applied be applied to any to situation any situation with with killedkilled on the onjob, thewith job, 25 withbeing 25 being homicides. homicides. We do Wenot doknow not know the true the number true number of real ofestate real estateor without or without clients clients present. present. I am I am agentagent crimes crimes due to due thetopoor the poor reporting reporting procedures procedures set inset place in place currently. currently. In a recent In a recent study,study,determined determined to eliminate to eliminate the crimes the crimes approximately approximately 40 percent 40 percent of real ofestate real estate agents agents said they said they werewere in a situation in a situation where where they they of innocent of innocent men men and women and women who who feared feared for their for their safety. safety. It alarms It alarms me that meover that over 50 percent 50 percent in theinstudy the study said their said their brokerage brokerage are just aredoing just doing their their job tojob help to help did not didhave not have any safety any safety measures measures or training or training in place. in place. strangers strangers live the liveAmerican the American Dream. Dream. Examples: “I am“Isorry, am sorry, but there but there is is a door a door couldcould be impossible. be impossible. If theIfexit theyou exitentered you entered Examples: another showing showing scheduled scheduled whilewhile we we from from is blocked is blocked or notorpossible not possible to reach, to reach, and you and you another are here; they might they might be popping be popping in at in at are looking for a for newa escape, new escape, it is too it islate. too Here late. Here is a is are a here; 1. Always 1. Always startstart outside outside the home. the home. are looking any minute.” any minute.” simple plan to plan settoupset three up three escape escape exits:exits: We should We should nevernever enterenter a unknown a unknown simple structure structure without without first making first making sure sure “My partner is showing is showing a client a client right right 1: Front door.door. LeaveLeave the front the front door door open open after after “My partner therethere is no is forced no forced entry,entry, unsecured unsecured 1: Front downdown the street the street and might and might stop by stop toby to entering entering the home. the home. If there If there are no are pets, no pets, therethere is is doorsdoors or windows, or windows, or anything or anything that that meetmeet you.”you.” no reason to shut to this shutdoor. this door. is outisofout theofordinary. the ordinary. Highly Highly trained trained no reason Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Officers Officers nevernever Criminals do not dolike notto like beto surprised be surprised enterenter a structure a structure without without back-up back-up 2: Patio 2: Patio doors.doors. Proceed Proceed directly directly to thetopatio the patio doors,doors, Criminals – like theyto like doto the dosurprising. the surprising. underunder thesethese circumstances; circumstances; why why and open and open themthem all theallway. the If way. with If awith client, a client, makemake a –athey should should you?you? simple simple statement statement aboutabout how great how great the patio, the patio, pool pool Fear of Fear theofunknown the unknown in a criminal’s in a criminal’s or yard or is. yard is. mindmind couldcould deterdeter themthem from from proceeding proceeding 2. Setting 2. Setting up your up your escape. escape. with their intentions intentions of hurting of hurting you. you. I train I train agents agents to settoupset multiple up multiple 3: Garage 3: Garage doors.doors. MoveMove to thetointerior the interior garage garage door,door,with their escapes escapes within within 60 seconds 60 seconds of breachof breach- opening opening it anditthe andmain the main exterior exterior door.door. MostMost vigilant. vigilant. ing the ingfront the front door.door. This This is oneisofone theof the homes homes thesethese day have day have an automatic an automatic garage garage door doorStay Stay mostmost crucial crucial elements elements of survival. of survival. In In opener, opener, and itand only it takes only takes a push a push of a button. of a button. Bio: Christian Bio: Christian Bear Bear is a real is aestate real estate an intense an intense situation, situation, your your bodybody will will with over with over $300$300 million million in in go into go fight into fight or flight. or flight. If youIfare younot are not You have You have now created now created for yourself for yourself threethree exits exits in in agentagent career career sales.sales. Before Before real estate, real estate, he he trained trained in hand-to-hand in hand-to-hand combat combat or or different different locations locations in theinhome the home for escape. for escape. spentspent 13 years 13 years as a Law as a Enforcement Law Enforcement have have not been not been in many in many physical physical alter-alterOfficer, Officer, including including 10 years 10 years as anas FDLE an FDLE cations, cations, the body’s the body’s first response first response will will3. Plus 3. Plus one rule. one rule. Instructor, Instructor, four years four years of U.S. of Marshal U.S. Marshal be flight be flight – get –away get away from from the person the person MostMost people people do not dowant not want to beto caught be caught in thein the Special Operations, Operations, and over and over 1,0001,000 tryingtrying to hurt to you. hurt Tunnel you. Tunnel visionvision will willmiddle middle of a crime. of a crime. Simple Simple statements statements couldcould keep keep Special violent criminal criminal apprehensions apprehensions and and occuroccur and your and your fine motor fine motor skillsskills will willa criminal a criminal fromfrom acting acting if they if they believe believe theirtheir plan plan violent interviews interviews over over his career. his career. be limited, be limited, and even and even tryingtrying to unlock to unlockcouldcould be compromised. be compromised. Three Three Showing Showing Tactic Tactic Tips:Tips: • 45 • 45

Working WorkingFor ForYour YourBest BestInterests Interests Real Realproducers producersNeed NeedREAL REALLoan LoanOfficers! Officers! Residential Residential & Commercial & Commercial Lending Lending • Primary • Primary & Investment & Investment Lending Lending 8YFYJI 34 .SHTRJ ;JWNʧHFYNTS KTW 8JQK *RUQT^JI 'TWWT\JWX 8YFYJI 34 .SHTRJ ;JWNʧHFYNTS KTW 8JQK *RUQT^JI 'TWWT\JWX < 'TWWT\JWX < 'TWWT\JWX +TWJNLS 3FYNTSFQX ɥ 'FSP 8YFYJRJSY QTFSX +TWJNLS 3FYNTSFQX ɥ 'FSP 8YFYJRJSY QTFSX Alisha Alisha Cooper Cooper

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46 • August 46 • August 2019 2019

Client: Client: Herrco Herrco Builders Builders Size: Size: Full Full Location: Location: Inside Inside Back Back Cover Cover • 47 • 47

PA_Philadelphia REAL Producers

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