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C O N N E C T I N G .


I N S P I R I N G .

Jay& Gina SPAZIANO Jay Spaziano Real Estate

Celebrating Leaders: THE LAURIE DAU TEAM Realty One Group Legacy Doylestown Rising Star: ANDREW JACOBS Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Fox & Roach Newtown Preferred Partner Highlight: CARLO VITALE Vitale Inspection Services


2 • January 2 • January 20202020


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Publisher’s Publisher’s Note:Note: The Real The Real Producers Producers Movement Movement is Growing is Growing

Feature Feature CoverCover Story:Story: Jay &Jay Gina & Gina Spaziano Spaziano

FAQ:FAQ: AboutAbout This This Magazine Magazine



20 20

Rising Rising Star: Star: Andrew Andrew Jacobs Jacobs

Celebrating Celebrating Leaders: Leaders: The Laurie The Laurie Dau Team Dau Team

Preferred Preferred Partner Partner Highlight: Highlight: VitaleVitale Inspection Inspection Services Services

If youIfare youinterested are interested in contributing in contributing or nominating or nominating Realtors Realtors for certain for certain stories, stories, please please emailemail us at us Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com. at Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com. DISCLAIMER: DISCLAIMER: Any articles Any articles includedincluded in this publication in this publication and/or opinions and/or opinions expressed expressed therein do therein not necessarily do not necessarily reflect the reflect views theofviews N2 Publishing of N2 Publishing but remain but solely remainthose solelyofthose of the author(s). the author(s). The paidThe advertisements paid advertisements contained contained within the within Bucks theCounty Bucks REAL County Producers REAL Producers magazine magazine are not endorsed are not endorsed or recommended or recommended by N2 Publishing by N2 Publishing or the publisher. or the publisher. Therefore, Therefore, neither N2 neither Publishing N2 Publishing nor the nor publisher the publisher may be may held be liable heldorliable responsible or responsible for business for business practices practices of theseofcompanies. these companies.

4 • January 4 • January 20202020



Tom Tom Goodwin Goodwin Owner/Publisher Owner/Publisher

Heather Heather Pluard Pluard WriterWriter

Thato Thato Dadson Dadson Premiere Premiere 360 Tours 360 Tours

LanieLanie Schaber Schaber WriterWriter

Photographer Photographer

If you are If you interested are interested in contributing in contributing or nominating or nominating REALTORS® REALTORS® for certain for certain stories,stories, pleaseplease email us email at Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com. us at Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com.

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6 • January 6 • January 20202020

publisher’s publisher’s notenote


Tom Goodwin Tom Goodwin Owner/Publisher Owner/Publisher

Welcome Welcome to thetoBucks the Bucks County County Real Real Producers Producers com-com-freshfresh content content focused focused entirely entirely on you. on In you. theIncoming the coming months, months, we we munity! munity! It is my It ishonor my honor to serve to serve you all you byall bringing by bringingwill be will adding be adding different different sections sections to this topublication this publication that fits thatthe fits the educational educational and inspirational and inspirational energy energy to celebrate to celebrate agents agents and the andculture the culture in Bucks in Bucks County. County. It costs It costs absolutely absolutely nothing nothing whatwhat has made has made you truly you truly the cream the cream of theofcrop the crop in in for a for REALTOR® a REALTOR® to be to in be a story in a story and we andare wealways are always takingtaking nominanominathe Bucks the Bucks County County real estate real estate market. market. I lookI forward look forward tionstions for REALTORS® for REALTORS® who are whoworth are worth celebrating. celebrating. to highlighting to highlighting your your accomplishments, accomplishments, encouraging encouraging your your dreams, dreams, and delivering and delivering recognition recognition for your for your Our Partners: Our Partners: Anyone Anyone listedlisted as a “preferred as a “preferred partner” partner” in theinfront the front of of continued continued excellence excellence in serving in serving your your clients. clients. this magazine this magazine is a part is aof part thisofcommunity. this community. TheyThey will have will an have adan in ad in everyevery issue,issue, attendattend our events, our events, and be and a part be aof part ourofonline our online commucommuReal Producers Real Producers started started as anas idea an in idea 2015 in 2015 and isand is nity. We nity.don’t We don’t just find justthese find these businesses businesses off the offstreet, the street, nor do nor wedo we spreading spreading across across the nation the nation like wildfire. like wildfire. We are Wenow are now workwork with all with businesses all businesses that approach that approach us. One us.or One many or many of youofhave you have in over in 80 over cities 80 cities and changing and changing the way thethe wayreal theestate real estate recommended recommended everyevery singlesingle preferred preferred partner partner you see youinsee thisinpublicathis publicacommunity community interacts interacts across across America. America. As weAsembark we embarktion. We tion.won’t We won’t even meet even meet with awith business a business that has thatnot hasbeen not been vettedvetted by by on this onjourney this journey in Bucks in Bucks County, County, I promise I promise to create to createone ofone youofand you“stamped and “stamped for approval,” for approval,” in a sense. in a sense. If youIfare youlooking are looking platforms platforms to connect to connect and forums and forums to recognize to recognize and and to addtotoadd your to arsenal your arsenal of incredible of incredible vendors, vendors, look no look further. no further. celebrate celebrate whatwhat makes makes each each and every and every one ofone youofan you an icon. icon. In theInyears the years to come, to come, I hopeI hope to gettotoget know to know you youEvents: Events: AlongAlong with with the magazine, the magazine, we will wehost will various host various free events free events on a personal on a personal level level and understand and understand whatwhat has led hastoled to where where we, the we,best-of-the-best, the best-of-the-best, get together get together at reputable at reputable local local ven- venyour your success. success. I lookI forward look forward to celebrating to celebrating you atyou ourat our ues toues rubtoelbows, rub elbows, mastermind, mastermind, have have a good a good time,time, and make and make a bet-a betevents, events, providing providing tools tools to help to you helpgrow you grow your your busi-busi- ter Bucks ter Bucks County County community. community. We will Wecommunicate will communicate information information ness,ness, and representing and representing your your passion passion for excellence for excellence in in aboutabout the events the events through through the magazine, the magazine, e-mails, e-mails, and social and social media. media. this dynamic this dynamic industry industry we allwe share. all share. Contribution: Contribution: If youIfare youinterested are interested in contributing, in contributing, nominating nominating HereHere are some are some quickquick facts facts aboutabout Real Real Producers: Producers: REALTORS® REALTORS® for certain for certain features, features, knowknow of top-notch of top-notch affiliate affiliate partners partners who should who should be a part be a of part ourofcommunity, our community, or would or would simply simply like network, to network, please please e-mail e-mail or call orme callatme anyattime any time as I look as I look Distribution: Distribution: This This magazine magazine is sent is free sent of free charge of charge like to forward to hearing to hearing from from all ofall you! of I’d you! like I’dto like personally to personally thankthank all all to thetotop the300 topagents 300 agents in theinBucks the Bucks County County MLS MLS by byforward of ourofbusiness our business sponsors sponsors who partnered who partnered with with us, asus, well as as well theas the volume. volume. Within Within this region, this region, therethere are literally are literally thou-thouREALTORS® REALTORS® who helped who helped bringbring BucksBucks County County Real Real ProducProducsandssands of agents of agents and you andall you inall this inelite this group elite group are are manymany life. toWe life.would We would not exist not exist without without you. Iyou. appreciate I appreciate you all, you all, the cream the cream of theofcrop. the crop. You are Youremarkable are remarkable and just and justers toers and I’ll and see I’llyou seeatyou theatlaunch the launch party!party! to beto in be this ingroup this group is truly is truly a badge a badge of honor! of honor! Content: Content: This is This all is about all about you, the you,Bucks the Bucks County County

Tom Goodwin Tom Goodwin

Owner/Publisher, BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers real estate real estate community. community. We’llWe’ll do personal do personal and unique and uniqueOwner/Publisher, Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com stories stories on members on members in thisincommunity this community givinggiving you you Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com 431-7475 431-7475 a platform a platform to inspire to inspire others. others. As weAsgrow, we grow, we’ll we’ll add add (215) (215) www.realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com •7 •7

feature feature cover cover story story Story By Story Lanie By Lanie Schaber Schaber PhotosPhotos By Thato By Thato Dadson Dadson


degree in psychology, in psychology, whichwhich has served has served him well him well You can’t You can’t argueargue with with the numbers. the numbers. degree theestate real estate business, business, from from dailydaily interactions interactions Jay Spaziano Jay Spaziano has been has been named named the top the topin theinreal to marketing. AfterAfter college, college, Jay started Jay started answering answering producing producing agentagent in Bucks in Bucks County County for forto marketing. phones at a small at a small real estate real estate company company and was and was eighteight years.years. His relentless His relentless workwork ethicethicphones taking on more on more and more and more responsibility. responsibility. Before Before he he and market and market knowledge, knowledge, alongalong with with taking it, clients it, clients werewere calling calling for him, for him, and he and started he started 40+ years 40+ years of experience of experience led toled Jayto Jay knewknew building his client his client base.base. In 1984, In 1984, Jay worked Jay worked his his Spaziano’s Spaziano’s record-breaking record-breaking num-num- building way through the ranks the ranks at a top at alocal top local builder builder and and bers—$73 bers—$73 million million sold on sold hisonown his in own inway through became the Vice the Vice President President of Sales of Sales and Marketand Market2018.2018. Jay specializes Jay specializes in allin facets all facets of of became ing. He ing.put Hetogether put together the sales the sales teams, teams, managed managed the the real estate, real estate, including including custom custom new and new and transactions, and oversaw and oversaw all marketing all marketing efforts efforts pre-owned pre-owned homes, homes, antique antique homes, homes, transactions, for multiple communities communities within within the Bucks the Bucks County County and building and building lots. He lots.isHe able is to able handle to handlefor multiple This This experience experience laid the laidfoundation the foundation for Jay’s for Jay’s the volume the volume because because of hisoftireless his tireless area.area. vast construction new construction expertise. expertise. energy energy and amazing and amazing support support staff.staff. vast new Located Located in theinheart the heart of Upper of Upper MakeMakeNeeding a break a break from from the corporate the corporate nuances nuances of real of real field,field, Jay’sJay’s officeoffice is convenient is convenient to allto all Needing estate, estate, Jay joined Jay joined Re/Max Re/Max Properties Properties First First Partners Partners areasareas of Bucks of Bucks County. County. As a long-time As a long-time in Newtown in 1999. in 1999. He enjoyed He enjoyed a lot of a lot success of success at at resident resident of theofNewtown the Newtown area,area, he he in Newtown the and firmwas andeven was even once once ranked ranked 23rd 23rd in sales in sales has been has been afforded afforded the opportunity the opportunity to tothe firm volume volume internationally internationally for Re/Max. for Re/Max. This This is where is where shareshare his expertise his expertise with with thosethose looking looking Jay met Jayhis metlongtime his longtime friendfriend and assistant, and assistant, MariaMaria to make to make a move. a move. Needles, Needles, who has whobeen has been with with him for him20for years. 20 years. She She “Working “Working with with Jay all Jay ofall these of these yearsyears has has Jay started Jay started out from out from humble humble beginbegin- says,says, both both educational educational and challenging. and challenging. It hasItbeen has been ningsnings in Northeast in Northeast Philadelphia. Philadelphia. He He been been amazing to watch to watch the business the business steadily steadily grow.grow. Jay’sJay’s had an had incredible an incredible workwork ethicethic even even as asamazing success is directly is directly attributed attributed to thetolong the hours long hours he he an adolescent; an adolescent; he worked he worked as many as many success puts in, puts hisin,vast his knowledge vast knowledge of every of every aspect aspect of theof the hourshours as heas could he could at a local at a local gas station gas station business and the andrelationships the relationships he forms he forms with with cli- cliin order in order to paytohis payway his through way through col- col- business Jay genuinely Jay genuinely enjoys enjoys helping helping people.” people.” lege. lege. Jay graduated Jay graduated with with a bachelor’s a bachelor’sents. ents. 8 • January 8 • January 20202020

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Looking Looking to explore to explore a boutique a boutique real estate real estate firm, firm, in in appleapple didn’tdidn’t fall too fallfar toofrom far from the the 20062006 Jay decided Jay decided to make to make the move the move to a firm to a in firm in tree. tree. Gina Gina also has alsoahas background a background New New Hope,Hope, where where he was helater was later joinedjoined by hisbyeldest his eldestin Psychology in Psychology and also and pursued also pursued a a daughter, daughter, Gina Gina Spaziano, Spaziano, who had whorecently had recently left left higher higher level level of education of education where where her own her real ownestate real estate salessales career career in Center in Center City, City, she received she received her master’s her master’s degree degree Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Gina Gina was managing was managing the sales the sales efforts efforts in psychology in psychology in 2005. in 2005. In fact, In she fact, she for a for builder a builder in OldinCity, Old City, and after and after selling selling out her out her was not waseven not even looking looking to gettointo get into 153-condo 153-condo community, community, she needed she needed to make to make a decia deci-the business. the business. “I was “Ireally was really tryingtrying sion on sion what on what was next was for nexther. forShe her.had Shethe hadopportuthe opportunot tonot gettointo get real intoestate. real estate. I grew I grew nity to nity continue to continue her real herestate real estate career career in theincity theor city orup inup theinbusiness the business and Iand wasIwell was well makemake the transition the transition to thetosuburbs. the suburbs. “I was “Iliving was living in inawareaware of theofsacrifices the sacrifices you have you have Newtown Newtown Borough Borough at theattime, the time, and thought and thought it would it would to make; to make; basically basically working working whenwhen be great be great to work to work here here with with my father,” my father,” says Gina. says Gina. “I “Ieveryone everyone else is else not–it’s is not–it’s a service a service was really was really nervous nervous because because I knew I knew and understood and understoodbusiness,” business,” explains explains Gina.Gina. HowevHowevhis presence his presence in this inbusiness this business and Iand wanted I wanted to beto be er, she er,realized she realized that she thatcould she could no no able to able stand to stand on myonown.” my own.” Gina Gina jokes,jokes, “The“The first two first two longer longer financially financially affordafford to beto a be a weeks weeks werewere tough, tough, but I but appreciate I appreciate and recognize and recognize student student and had andahad change a change of heart of heart that we thathave we have our own our individual own individual strengths strengths and we and we regarding regarding her outlook her outlook on school on school enjoyenjoy a great a great working working relationship, relationship, so it has so itworked has worked psychology, psychology, whichwhich is what is what she had she had out even out even betterbetter than than I could I could have have imagined.” imagined.” The The wanted wanted to pursue. to pursue. “It only “It took only took one one sale and saleIand realized I realized that not thatonly not only did I did really I really enjoyenjoy it butititbut came it came so so naturally...Guess naturally...Guess you can’t you can’t argueargue with with genetics,” genetics,” laughs laughs Gina.Gina. In January In January 2018,2018, after after muchmuch thought thought and careful and careful deliberadeliberation, tion, it wasitfinally was finally time time for the for the father-daughter father-daughter duo to duo combine to combine all ofall their of their resources resources and knowland knowledge,edge, opening opening their their own boutique own boutique firm, firm, Jay Spaziano Jay Spaziano Real Real Estate Estate in in beautiful beautiful and historic and historic Washington Washington Crossing, Crossing, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania.


JayJay would would never never pass pass up the up the opportunity opportunity to help to help his his clients, clients, no no matter matter thethe value value of the of the transaction transaction or how or how many many years years have have passed. passed. It’s It’s no surprise no surprise thatthat his his primary primary source source of of business business comes comes from from referrals. referrals.


WhenWhen reflecting reflecting uponupon this busithis business ness transition, transition, Gina Gina says,says, “My father “My father just puts just puts his head his head downdown and works. and works. He isHe incredibly is incredibly driven driven and has andbeen has been producing producing an an unbelievable unbelievable amount amount of volume of volume for sofor many so many years.” years.” Gina Gina recogrecognizednized this immediately this immediately but also but saw also that saw her thatfather her father is theisbrand. the brand. She tells She tells us, “When us, “When you have you have been been marketing marketing yourself yourself for 40 for 40 years,years, it’s only it’s only fittingfitting that people that people recognize recognize your your ability ability in this in this industry. industry. It’s a It’s relationship a relationship business business and Iand knew I knew that we thatneeded we needed to have to have ultimate ultimate control control over over our hard our hard work.work. The outpouring The outpouring of support of support fromfrom our colleagues, our colleagues, friends, friends, and clients and clients has been has been amazing amazing and has andreinforced has reinforced our decision.” our decision.” SinceSince Jay isJay a history is a history buff and bufflives and lives in anin antique an antique farmhouse, farmhouse, it it is only is fitting only fitting that his thatoffice his office is a stone’s is a stone’s throwthrow awayaway from from where where George George Washington Washington led the ledcontinental the continental armyarmy to victory to victory in 1776. in 1776. Jay Spaziano Jay Spaziano Real Real Estate Estate will be will celebrating be celebrating its second its second anni-anniversary versary in January in January 2020.2020. Jay isJay big-picture is big-picture motivated motivated and Gina and Gina 10 • January 10 • January 20202020

is theisperfect counterweight focusing on the TheirTheir The longevity the perfect counterweight focusing onday-to-day. the day-to-day. of Jayofbeing in this is impresThe longevity Jay being inbusiness this business is impresvisionvision for growth is best as a marathon, not anot sprint. for growth is described best described as a marathon, a sprint. sive. sive. He has so many different markets, the various Heseen has seen so many different markets, the various “We want to make sure that we ifbring someone on, that “We want to make sure ifthat we bring someone on, there that there trends and hot for people, and he has able able trends andbuttons hot buttons for people, and hebeen has been is trust. Everything our agents do is do a reflection of theofSpaziano is trust. Everything our agents is a reflection the Spaziano to adapt and grow in theinever-changing worldworld of real to adapt and grow the ever-changing ofesreal esname,” Jay says. Currently, therethere are five in theinoffice. name,” Jay says. Currently, areagents five agents the office. tate. tate. One of theofmost rewarding aspects for Jay in in One the most rewarding aspects forbeing Jay being the business for asfor long heas has selling multiple gen- genthe business as as long heishas is selling multiple Jay sold on hisonown 2018 but he explains that his Jay $73 soldmillion $73 million his in own in 2018 but he explains that his erations of families’ homes. Jay says, “It’s really rewarderations of families’ homes. Jay says, “It’s really rewardsuccess is a by-product of putting people first. first. Jay represents all alling when success is a by-product of putting people Jay represents I get aI get callafrom a grandson or granddaughter ing when call from a grandson or granddaughter of hisofclients with with equalequal passion and enthusiasm whether he is he is of a client his clients passion and enthusiasm whether I haveI have helped so many yearsyears ago. Iago. knew themthem of a client helped so many I knew selling a one-bedroom condocondo or a 10,000 square foot multi-milselling a one-bedroom or a 10,000 square foot multi-mil- as children and it’s if Iasbecome a parta of theoffamily. as children andasit’s if I become part the family. lion dollar estate. Jay would nevernever pass up the to to TheyThey lion dollar estate. Jay would pass upopportunity the opportunity trust trust me tome help with with such such an important as- asto them help them an important help his no matter the value of theoftransaction or how helpclients, his clients, no matter the value the transaction or how pect of their lives lives both both financially and emotionally, and and pect of their financially and emotionally, manymany yearsyears have have passed. It’s noIt’s surprise that his source passed. no surprise thatprimary his primary sourcefor that, I am truly thankful.” for that, I am truly thankful.” of business comes from from referrals. People appreciate and recogof business comes referrals. People appreciate and recognize Jay’s loyalty and dedication. nize Jay’s loyalty and dedication. www.realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com • 11 • 11


ABOUT ABOUTTHIS THISMAGAZINE MAGAZINE extreme extreme obstacles, obstacles, they they are an are exceptional an exceptional leader, leader, We realize We realize that that RealReal Producers Producers have have the best the customer best customer service, service, or they or they give back give back is a is new a new concept concept herehere in in to thetocommunity the community in a big in away. big way. The next The next step is step is Bucks Bucks County, County, and and some some of of an interview an interview with with us tous ensure to ensure it’s a it’s good a good fit. Iffit. it If it you you maymay be wondering be wondering whatwhat all works all works out, then out, then we put wethe putwheels the wheels in motion in motion it’s all it’sabout. all about. ThatThat is why is why for our forwriter our writer to conduct to conduct an interview an interview and for andour for our we have we have created created a “FAQs a “FAQs About About ThisThis Magazine” Magazine” photographers photographers to schedule to schedule a photoshoot. a photoshoot. page. page. HereHere we will we answer will answer the most the most commonly commonly Q: WHAT DOESDOES IT COST IT COST A REALTOR®/TEAM A REALTOR®/TEAM TO TO asked asked questions questions around around the country the country regarding regarding our our Q: WHAT BE FEATURED? BE FEATURED? program. program. My door My door is always is always openopen to discuss to discuss anything anything A: It costs A: It costs absolutely absolutely nothing, nothing, so nominate so nominate away!away! regarding regarding this this community community – this – this publication publication is 100 is 100 We are Wenot areanot pay-to-play a pay-to-play model. model. We share We share real storeal stopercent percent designed designed to be toyour be your voice! voice! ries of ries real ofproducers real producers in theinBucks the Bucks County County market. market. Q: WHO Q: WHO RECEIVES RECEIVES THIS THIS MAGAZINE? MAGAZINE? A: The A:top The300 topagents 300 agents in Bucks in Bucks County, County, PA. We PA. We

Q: WHO Q: WHO ARE THE ARE PREFERRED THE PREFERRED PARTNERS? PARTNERS? A: Anyone A: Anyone listedlisted as a “preferred as a “preferred partner” partner” in thein the

of theofmagazine the magazine is a part is a of part this ofcommunity. this community. pulledpulled the MLS the MLS numbers numbers (by volume) (by volume) from from Jan. 1,Jan. 1, frontfront will have will have an adan in ad every in every issueissue of theofmagazine, the magazine, 2019–December 2019–December 2019 2019 in Bucks in Bucks County. County. We cut Wethe cut the TheyThey attend our quarterly our quarterly events, events, and be and a part be a of part ourof our list off list atoff #300, at #300, and the anddistribution the distribution was born. was born. The The attend online community. community. We don’t We don’t just find justthese find these busi-busilist will listreset will reset at theatend theofend 2020 of 2020 for next for year next and year and online nesses nesses off the offstreet, the street, nor do nor wedowork we work with with all busiall busicontinue continue to update to update annually. annually. nesses nesses that approach that approach us. One us. or One many or many of youofhave you have recommended recommended everyevery singlesingle preferred preferred partner partner you you Q: WHAT Q: WHAT IS THE IS PROCESS THE PROCESS FOR FOR BEING BEING FEATURED FEATURED see insee this inpublication. this publication. We won’t We won’t even even meetmeet with with a a IN THIS IN THIS MAGAZINE? MAGAZINE? business that has thatnot hasbeen not been vetted vetted by one byofone youofand you and A: It’sA:really It’s really simple simple – every – every feature feature you see youhas see has business “stamped for approval,” for approval,” in a sense. in a sense. Our goal Our is goal to is to first been first been nominated. nominated. You can Younominate can nominate otherother “stamped create a powerhouse a powerhouse network, network, not only not for onlythe forbest the best REALTORS®, REALTORS®, affiliates, affiliates, brokers, brokers, owners, owners, or even or evencreate REALTORS® in theinarea, the area, but the butbest the affiliates, best affiliates, as as yourself! yourself! OfficeOffice leaders leaders can also can nominate also nominate RE- RE- REALTORS® so wesocan wegrow can grow stronger stronger together. together. ALTORS®. ALTORS®. We will Weconsider will consider anyone anyone brought brought to to well, well, our attention our attention because because we don’t we don’t knowknow everyone’s everyone’s Q: HOW Q: HOW CAN CAN I RECOMMEND I RECOMMEND A A story,story, so wesoneed we need your your help help to learn to learn aboutabout them.them. A A PREFERRED PARTNER? PARTNER? nomination nomination currently currently lookslooks like this: like this: you email you email us usPREFERRED A: If you A: Ifhave at Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com at Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com with with the the you have a recommendation a recommendation for a for local a local subject subject line, line, “Nomination: “Nomination: (Name (Name of Nominee),” of Nominee),” business business that works that works with with top REALTORS®, top REALTORS®, please please and explain and explain why you whyare younominating are nominating themthem to beto be let uslet know! us know! SendSend an email an email to Tom.Goodwin@ to Tom.Goodwin@ featured. featured. It could It could be they be they have have an amazing an amazing storystory realproducersmag.com. realproducersmag.com. that needs that needs to beto told be –told perhaps – perhaps they they overcame overcame

12 • January 12 • January 20202020

High High Quality Quality Real Real Estate Estate




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rising rising starstar

BERKSHIRE BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HATHAWAY HOME HOME SERVICES SERVICES FOX FOX & ROACH & ROACH Story By Story Heather By Heather PluardPluard PhotosPhotos By Thato By Thato Dadson Dadson

Prince. Prince. Ed Sheeran. Ed Sheeran. The Goo The Goo decided decided to join tothe joinindustry the industry as a residential as a residential expert. expert.and how and how I canIprovide can provide valuevalue to meet to meet Goo Dolls. Goo Dolls. These These are some are some of theof the He got Helicensed got licensed in both in both New New Jersey Jersey and Pennsylvaand Pennsylva-theirtheir goals.” goals.” superstars superstars Andrew Andrew Jacobs Jacobs usedused to to nia and niamoved and moved with with his wife his to wife Bucks to Bucks County. County. workwork with in with theinmusic the music industry. industry. Now Now Andrew Andrew developed developed his philosophy his philosophy he’s making he’s making a name a name for himself for himself in thein the “It’s beautiful “It’s beautiful here,”here,” says Andrew. says Andrew. “And“And it’s not it’s not after after reading reading The Go-Giver The Go-Giver by Bob by Bob real estate real estate world. world. He’s He’s skyrocketed skyrocketed too far toofrom far from the city, the but city,just butoutside just outside of commutof commut- Burg Burg and completing and completing the course the course “Sell “Sell from from selling selling one house one house his first his year first year ing-range. ing-range. People People live here live here because because they want they want to. to. with with Soul.”Soul.” “Work “Work your your strengths strengths to to to closing to closing on more on more than than 60 properties 60 properties We have We have greatgreat homes, homes, greatgreat history, history, a sense a sense of of become become betterbetter at what at what you’re you’re best at,” best at,” last year last year – a gold – a gold record record he he community, community, and great and great people.” people.” It’s precisely It’s precisely the the is hisisadvice his advice to new to agents. new agents. “There “There accomplished accomplished usingusing laser-like laser-like focusfocus kind of kind place of place where where Andrew Andrew wanted wanted to launch to launch his his are 100 areways 100 ways to doto real doestate, real estate, pick pick and asking and asking a whole a whole lot oflot people of people to to new career. new career. The only The issue? only issue? He and Hehis andwife his didn’t wife didn’tone. Mine one. Mine is residential. is residential. I loveI helping love helping sit down sit down for coffee. for coffee. knowknow a single a single soul. soul. real families real families find real findhomes real homes where where

they can theybuild can build their their lives.”lives.” “Before “Before becoming becoming a REALTOR®, a REALTOR®, I wasI was “I started “I started by meeting by meeting with with all ofall theoftop theplayers top players in in an account an account manager manager for Spotify for Spotify in in town.town. I invited I invited successful successful real estate real estate agents, agents, busi-busi- Andrew Andrew is a President’s is a President’s CircleCircle winner winner New New York York City. City. I wasIliving was living that corthat cor-ness ness owners, owners, and people and people who knew who knew the community the communityat Berkshire at Berkshire Hathaway Hathaway HomeHome Services Services porate porate life, schmoozing life, schmoozing big accounts big accountsto sitto down sit down and have and have coffeecoffee with with me. Almost me. Almost everyevery-and inand theinTop the5% Topof5% theofNetwork the Network with with buttoned-up buttoned-up people. people. I didn’t I didn’t feel feelone said one yes! said Iyes! wasIable was to able pick to their pick their brains brains aboutabout Nationwide. Nationwide. He says He working says working with with his his like Ilike wasImaking was making a difference. a difference. I’d just I’d just whatwhat works. works. That That was my wastraining.” my training.” real estate real estate clients clients is a lot is more a lot more gratifygratifygotten gotten married, married, and Iand wanted I wanted a more a more ing than ing his thanprevious his previous workwork with with majormajor meaningful meaningful career.” career.” He also He started also started hosting hosting openopen houses houses for other for other musical musical artists. artists. His wife, His wife, Gina Gina Diforti, Diforti, REALTORS® REALTORS® everyevery Sunday. Sunday. “I met “I amet lot aoflot new of new joinedjoined his team his team last year last to year help to him help him Andrew Andrew knewknew he could he could help people help people if ifpeople, people, manymany of whom of whom werewere potential potential buyers,” buyers,” provide provide the same the same level level of excellent of excellent he switched he switched to real toestate. real estate. He grew He grew up up Andrew Andrew explains. explains. “Today, “Today, my business my business is almost is almostservice service to histogrowing his growing clientele. clientele. But no But no watching watching his mom his mom excelexcel as a REALas a REAL- all referral-based. all referral-based. I intently I intently listenlisten to mytoclients my clients matter matter how busy how busy they get, theyAndrew get, Andrew will will TOR®TOR® for more for more than than 32 years, 32 years, so heso he to help to help themthem figurefigure out exactly out exactly whatwhat they they needneed always always makemake time for timecoffee! for coffee! www.realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com • 15 • 15

THE THELAURIE LAURIE DAU DAUTEAM TEAM celebrating celebrating leaders leaders

Story By Story Lanie By Lanie Schaber Schaber PhotosPhotos By Thato By Thato Dadson Dadson

LaurieLaurie Dau Dau

16 • January 16 • January 20202020

The Laurie Dau Team The Laurie Dau Team



er of er Realty One Group Legacy, one ofone theoffastest-growing aurieaurie Dau, Dau, Owner Owner of theofLaurie the Laurie Dau Team Dau Team with with Realty Realty ONE ONE of Realty One Group Legacy, the fastest-growing in theincountry. Laurie and her werewere awardGroup Group Legacy, Legacy, built built her respected her respected namename in real inestate real estate with withfranchises franchises the country. Laurie andteam her team awardspot theinnationwide franchise in 2018. the desire the desire to educate to educate and consistently and consistently improve improve in business in businessed theedTop the1% Top 1% in spot the nationwide franchise in 2018. strategy strategy and client and client relationships. relationships. The team The team is highly is highly specialized specialized and contributes and contributes their their success success to their to their solid solid systems systems that take that the take theLaurie has made it heritpersonal mission to mentor her team Laurie has made her personal mission to mentor her team stressstress out ofout theoftransaction. the transaction. Laurie Laurie tells us, tells“Ius, care “I deeply care deeply aboutaboutmembers and set up forupa for fulfilling career in real members andthem set them a fulfilling career inestate. real estate. how we howhandle we handle our client our client relationships relationships and our andeffect our effect on others.” on others.”“If my“Ifteam is successful, then Ithen feelIlike haveI have done done my job my team is successful, feelI like my job An all-female An all-female powerhouse, powerhouse, the Laurie the Laurie Dau team Dau team is among is among BucksBucksas a leader,” Laurie tells us. Dau Team consists as a leader,” Laurie tellsThe us.Laurie The Laurie Dau Team consists County’s County’s elite top elite1% top in1% real inestate. real estate. of four licensed agents, an Operations Manager, and aand a of other four other licensed agents, an Operations Manager, Marketing/Social MediaMedia Specialist. “We work hard,hard, but we Marketing/Social Specialist. “We work but we having fun together!” the ladies tell us. Growing Growing up onup a small on a small horsehorse farm farm in upstate in upstate New York, New York, Laurie Laurie was was also enjoy also enjoy having fun together!” the ladies tell us. one ofone fiveofchildren, five children, fallingfalling right right in theinmiddle. the middle. A successful A successful en- entrepreneur, trepreneur, Laurie’s Laurie’s fatherfather built his builtautomotive his automotive business business from from the the MeetMeet The Laurie The Laurie Dau Team! Dau Team! ground ground up. “Iup. watched “I watched him struggle him struggle to better to better himself himself and his andbusihis busi- Amanda Amanda Kim, Kim, Operations Operations Manager, Manager, has been has been with with the team the team ness year ness after year after year. year. I wasIinwas aweinas awe heas created he created successful successful systems systems sincesince 2015 2015 and manages and manages the team’s the team’s day-to-day day-to-day operations. operations. out ofout nothing,” of nothing,” Laurie Laurie says. says. Following Following her father’s her father’s entrepreneurial entrepreneurial She skillfully She skillfully handles handles the details the details of every of every closing, closing, tracks tracks footsteps, footsteps, Laurie Laurie always always knewknew she wanted she wanted to gettointo getreal intoestate. real estate. The The mountains mountains of paperwork, of paperwork, and ensures and ensures all transactions all transactions are are timing timing was right was right in 2010 in 2010 as herasyoungest her youngest child child was getting was getting readyready to to smooth smooth and efficient. and efficient. Amanda Amanda has proven has proven to beto theberock the rock of of go offgo tooff college. to college. Laurie Laurie dove dove into real intoestate real estate and never and never looked looked back.back.the team the team and isand an is amazing an amazing assetasset to thetobusiness. the business. Finding Finding her niche her niche as anas independent an independent agentagent with with KellerKeller Williams, Williams,Kristina Kristina Dau, Dau, Laurie’s Laurie’s daughter daughter and Marketing and Marketing Specialist, Specialist, Laurie Laurie has enjoyed has enjoyed learning learning from from Top-Producing Top-Producing Agents Agents around around manages manages the team’s the team’s socialsocial mediamedia accounts accounts and creates and creates mar- marthe county, the county, and even and even today,today, Laurie Laurie continues continues to participate to participate in in keting keting content content for recruiting, for recruiting, clientclient events, events, and listings. and listings. She She high-level high-level coaching coaching programs. programs. In 2016, In 2016, Laurie Laurie became became part-ownpart-own-is also is currently also currently studying studying for her forreal herestate real estate license. license.

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Yadi Toledo, Yadi Toledo, REALTOR®, REALTOR®, diligently diligently works works with with clients clients to devise to devise a plana plan best suited best suited for them for them and help and navihelp navigate through gate through the real theestate real estate transactransaction. tion. Through Through patience patience and effective and effective communication, communication, Yadi is Yadi able is to able listen, to listen, adaptadapt and cater and cater to hertoclients’ her clients’ needs. needs. Lisa Meehan, Lisa Meehan, REALTOR®, REALTOR®, brings brings manymany skillsskills from from a lifetime a lifetime career career in in the pharmaceutical the pharmaceutical industry industry to herto her real estate real estate career. career. Lisa is Lisa passionate is passionate aboutabout making making the process the process low-stress low-stress for her forclients her clients and helping and helping themthem feel feel reassured reassured throughout throughout the process. the process. Lisa Blue, Lisa Blue, REALTOR®, REALTOR®, has excelled has excelled at at helping helping her buyer, her buyer, seller,seller, and investor and investor clients clients with with successful successful transactions. transactions. Her passion Her passion for her forcareer her career has creathas created a great ed a great groupgroup of loyal of loyal clients clients and and referrals. referrals. Lisa has Lisamoved has moved 12 times 12 times in in her lifetime, her lifetime, so she sohas sheempathy has empathy for for whatwhat her clients her clients are facing are facing throughthroughout the outprocess! the process!

LaurieLaurie & Kristina & Kristina Dau Dau

Sara Sara Stridacchio, Stridacchio, REALTOR®, REALTOR®, held held several several corporate corporate and independent and independent consulting consulting rolesroles before before venturing venturing into into real estate. real estate. Sara Sara beganbegan her real herestate real estate career career as anas assistant an assistant for anfor Associate an Associate Broker, Broker, handling handling all transaction all transaction files, files, print,print, and digital and digital marketing marketing materials, materials, allowing allowing for a for seamless a seamless transition transition to to becoming becoming a full-time a full-time agent.agent. As a REALTOR®, As a REALTOR®, Laurie Laurie stresses stresses the importance the importance of building of building a strong a strong relationship relationship with with each each clientclient through through clearclear and consistent and consistent communication. communication. “If the “Ifclient the client has tohas asktous ask what us what the the ful families growgrow over over the years, the years, and Iand feelIhonored feel honored to have to have the opportunity the opportunity to to next step next is, step then is, then we are wefailing. are failing. It is It is ful families continue to beto a part be a of part their of their lives,”lives,” she tells she us. tells us. our job ourtojob beto a few be asteps few steps ahead, ahead, to layto laycontinue it all it out allinout front in front of them of them without without gaps gaps Involved Involved in their in their community, community, the Laurie the Laurie Dau team Dau team supports supports BucksBucks County County CodeCode in information,” in information,” she says. she says. Blue,Blue, whichwhich provides provides a meal a meal and aand warm a warm placeplace to sleep to sleep for the forhomeless the homeless whenwhen the temperatures drop drop belowbelow freezing. freezing. The team The team also participates also participates in various in various Chances Chances are, ifare, youifwork you work with with Laurie Lauriethe temperatures fundraisers including including providing providing food food baskets baskets and holiday and holiday gifts to gifts thetoBucks the Bucks Dau, Dau, she will shebecome will become a close a close friend. friend. fundraisers County Housing Housing Group. Group. “It’s amazing “It’s amazing the good the good friends friends I haveI haveCounty in myinlife mynow life that now started that started off asoff as Laurie and her andhusband, her husband, Michael, Michael, met in met college in college and have and have been been married married for 31for 31 clients,” clients,” Laurie Laurie tells us. tellsThe us.Laurie The Laurie Laurie Together Together they have they have a daughter, a daughter, Kristina, Kristina, and aand son,a Nicholas. son, Nicholas. WhenWhen the the Dau team Dau team hostshosts a variety a variety of client of client years.years. have have free time, free time, they enjoy they enjoy vacationing vacationing at their at their homehome in Florida, in Florida, traveling, traveling, appreciation appreciation events events throughout throughout the the DausDaus and time and time with with family. family. year.year. “I enjoy “I enjoy watching watching our wonderour wonder- bikingbiking 18 • January 18 • January 20202020





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INSPECTION INSPECTIONSERVICES SERVICES CARLO CARLOVITALE VITALE– –OWNER OWNER How How and why and did whyyou diddecide you decide on this onparticular this particular industry? industry?

Throughout Throughout my life, myIlife, haveI have had several had several different different typestypes of jobs of and jobspossible and possible careers careers that Ithat haveI have thought thought werewere “the one” “the one” but have but have nevernever mademade me happy me happy like the like the construction/inspection construction/inspection field does. field does. I haveI have a backa background ground in construction, in construction, architecture, architecture, several several positions positions in customer in customer service service and the andmost the most important, important, LIFE.LIFE. I I worked worked with with my father my father who was whoawas general a general contractor contractor for almost for almost 10 years 10 years before before goinggoing into the intoinspection the inspection industry. I would I would say that say my thatfather my father is oneisofone theofmost the most Carlo Vitale Carlo Vitaleindustry. influential influential people people in myinlife. myHe life.has Healways has always shown shown me me Briefly Briefly describe describe exactly exactly whatwhat your your company company does does that the thatthings the things that aren’t that aren’t easy easy in lifeinare lifethe arethings the things and the andservices the services it provides. it provides. mostmost worthworth it. Toit. this Today, this Iday, follow I follow that mantra that mantra and and We are Weaare full-service a full-service inspection inspection company company providprovidcontinue continue to doto the dohard the hard stuff.stuff. ing residential, ing residential, commercial, commercial, radon, radon, WDI,WDI, sewersewer line, underground line, underground oil tank oil tank sweeps, sweeps, and invasive and invasive WhatWhat sets your sets your business business apartapart from from similar similar ones?ones? stucco stucco inspections. inspections. We set Weourselves set ourselves apartapart by being by being the best the we bestcan weevery can every

20 • January 20 • January 20202020

The Vitale dayshowing and showing forclients. our clients. The Vitale day and up forupour Family Family Our customer service/communicaOur customer service/communication is beyond exceptional and we tion is beyond exceptional and we lovejobs. our jobs. We strive to help trulytruly love our We strive to help one another as a team, educate one another as a team, educate our our clients, and spend as much clients, and spend as much time time as weas we can giving our community. can giving back back to ourtocommunity.

WhatWhat do you domost you most wantwant the top the top producing producing real estate real estate agents agents to know to know aboutabout your your business? business?

TheyThey should should knowknow that every that every homehome is unique is unique and special and special just like justtheir like their clients clients and we andstrive we strive to inspect to inspect thosethose homes homes with with the quality, the quality, care,care, honesty honesty and truth and truth that families that families deserve. deserve. WhatWhat do you dofind you most find most fulfilling fulfilling aboutabout your your work?work?

WhenWhen I can Isee canthat see my thatteam my team mem-members,bers, clients, clients, and REALTORS® and REALTORS® are are happy, happy, but what but what fulfills fulfills me completely me completely is being is being able to able give to back give back to ourtochoour chosen charities sen charities monthly. monthly. It truly It truly makes makes all the allhard the hard workwork worthworth everyevery minute. minute. WhatWhat significant significant changes changes have have you you seen seen take place take place in your in your profession profession WhenWhen you aren’t you aren’t working, working, what’s what’s your your favorite favorite way to way spend to spend time?time? through through the years? the years? The last The10 last years 10 years I really I really have have not had notmuch had much time time outside outside of work of work

The most The most significant significant changes changes that Ithat I but when but when I do have I do have time,time, I usually I usually spendspend it with it with family, family, friends friends or or have have seen seen throughout throughout the years the years are are taking taking walks. walks. We have We have somesome greatgreat traditions traditions that include that include making making moremore licensed licensed inspectors, inspectors, stricter stricter homemade homemade wine wine and jarring and jarring our own our sauce. own sauce. As my Askids my get kidsolder get older laws laws for inspectors, for inspectors, and more and more educateducatand I’m andnot I’mworking, not working, I spend I spend a lot of a lot myoffree my time free time with with themthem and and ed buyers ed buyers and sellers. and sellers. my wife my making wife making memories. memories. Tell us Tell about us about your your family family and what and what How How would would you define you define success? success? you all you enjoy all enjoy doingdoing together. together. Success Success for me forisme when is when I can Isee canthat see my thatteam my team is enjoying is enjoying their their

I am married I am married to mytobeautiful my beautiful wife Katy wife Katyjobs and jobsthey and are theyable are to able reach to reach their their daily,daily, weekly, weekly, monthly monthly and and and we and have we 3-1/2-year-old have 3-1/2-year-old twins,twins, yearly yearly goalsgoals in work in work and life. and life. Leo and LeoValentina, and Valentina, and our and9-year-old our 9-year-old Boxer,Boxer, Maggie. Maggie. We enjoy We enjoy beingbeing together, together, WhatWhat do you dowant you want to beto remembered be remembered for? for? laughing, laughing, watching watching movies, movies, playing playing out- outCreating Creating something something special special that could that could help as help many as many people people as possible. as possible. side, traveling, side, traveling, creating creating awesome awesome craftscrafts and spending and spending time with time our withfamily. our family. WhatWhat otherother specific specific information information aboutabout you/your you/your business business would would you like youto like share to share with REALTORS®? with REALTORS®?

We are Weaare growing a growing company company with with now seven now seven inspectors, inspectors, two office two office staff staff and one andradon one radon tech who tech picks who picks up allup our allradon our radon tests.tests. We We each each have have a great a great storystory of why of we whylove we our lovejobs our but jobswe butallwe have all have one thing one thing in common, in common, educating educating our clients our clients and REALTORS® and REALTORS® to to be able be to able purchase to purchase a safea home safe home for their for their families. families. We also We have also have a a marketing marketing department department and two andradon two radon technicians. technicians. We love We to love give to back give back as much as much as weascan. we can.

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We’re We’re seeking seeking thethe most most influential influential titans titans in real in real estate estate to present to present at THE at THE BIG BIG EVENT EVENT – the – the nation’s nation’s first first invite-only invite-only gathering gathering of of thethe toptop 5%5% of real of real estate estate agents, agents, coming coming September September 2020. 2020.



22 • January 22 • January 20202020


SAVE SAVE TIME, TIME, SAVE SAVE MONEY MONEY “We“We will will shopshop you you withwith overover 35 “A” 35 “A” rated rated carriers carriers to find to find the the bestbest possible possible fit for fit for youryour needs needs and and budget!” budget!” We offer We offer home, home, termite, termite, radonradon and sewer and sewer scopescope inspections. inspections. If you Ifare you VET areorVET Active or Active Military Military or FirstorResponder First Responder we offer we $40 offeroff $40 ouroffhome our home inspection inspection service. service. “We pride “We pride ourselves ourselves on on educating educating homehome buyersbuyers so so they can theymake can make betterbetter decisions. decisions. We are Weeducation are education focused, focused, non alarming non alarming homehome inspectors. inspectors. We are Webilingual are bilingual in in Russian/English Russian/English and and Spanish/English” Spanish/English”

Eric Eric Frain: Frain: Agency Agency Owner Owner Eric.Frain@goosehead.com Eric.Frain@goosehead.com Direct: Direct: 267-405-3957 267-405-3957 Cell:Cell: 267-760-3389 267-760-3389 Servicing Servicing PA and PA and NJ NJ

Eagle Eagle Inspections Inspections LLC LLC Office: Office: 267-538-2292 267-538-2292 Email: Email: eagleinspect@gmail.com eagleinspect@gmail.com Website: Website: http://www.eagleinspectionpa.com/ http://www.eagleinspectionpa.com/

Jonathan Jonathan Bing Bing Title:Title: Branch Branch Manager Manager NMLS NMLS #: 7573111 #: 7573111 Cell: Cell: (609)(609) 558-8425 558-8425 Email: Email: JBing@tamlending.com JBing@tamlending.com

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PA_Bucks County REAL Producers





PRESIDENT/TITLE AGENT Since 1992, Nicole's diverse background in the real estate and mortgage industry has helped her to expand her abilities into the title industry in 2005. Nicole's experience and knowledge is among the top in her industry. TITLE AGENT/NJ SALES MANAGER Marge comes with over 40 years of extensive experience in the real estate/mortgage industry and brings with her a wealth of knowledge that sets her above the rest and enables her to give superior service to our clientele.

TITLE AGENT/SALES, CLOSER Brittany has been in the title industry since 2008, which includes conducting well over 2,000 closings during the course of her career to date. Also experienced with underwriting review of title, her rich experience in the business is a very valuable asset. SETTLEMENT AGENT, SALES The newest asset to the family business, Tom has brought raw talent to the table...the closing table, that is. His natural ability to conduct a closing is seen and acknowledged by many.



Rachel's experience stems back in 2009, learning all aspects of the business. She is also well versed in conducting settlements, processing recordings, and dealing with post closing requirements


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