C O N N E C T I N G .
I N S P I R I N G .
Top Producer Team Cover Story
Suburban Spotlight Brent Celek (RE/MAX Select) & Vince Viney (V2 Properties) Rising Star Featured Agent Gazi Ataseven (KW Philly)
Preferred Partner Highlight
Rick Rudman, CEO Curbio And more! JANUARY 2020
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It's It's Smart Smart Money! Money! ForFor more more information information contact contact Jabbar Jabbar Fairweather Fairweather • 267-975-6801 • 267-975-6801 2 • January 2 • January 20202020
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CCOONNTTEENNTTSS Publisher’s Publisher’s Note Note
Rising Rising Star Star Featured Featured Agent: Agent: Gazi Gazi Ataseven Ataseven
20 20
44 44
Becoming Becoming The The Ultimate Ultimate Networker: Networker: Tom Tom Camarda Camarda
Partner Partner Spotlight: Spotlight: Curbio Curbio
Suburban Suburban Spotlight: Spotlight: BrentBrent CelekCelek & Vince & Vince VineyViney
Top Top Producer Producer TeamTeam CoverCover Story:Story: Copper Copper Hill Hill Real Estate Real Estate
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Top ProducerTop Team Producer Cover Story Team Cover Story
Suburban Spotlight Suburban Spotlight Brent Celek (RE/MAX Brent Select) Celek (RE/MAX Select) & Vince Viney&(V2 Vince Properties) Viney (V2 Properties) Rising Star Featured Rising Agent Star Featured Agent Gazi AtasevenGazi (KW Philly) Ataseven (KW Philly)
Preferred Partner Preferred Highlight Partner Highlight
Rick Rudman,Rick CEORudman, CEO Curbio Curbio And more! And more! JANUARY 20 JA 2N 0 UARY 2020
4 • January 4 • January 20202020
JoshJosh Buchter Buchter Owner/Publisher Owner/Publisher
Butch Butch Serianni Serianni Ads Manager Ads Manager
Vernon Vernon Ray & Ray & Creative Creative MindMind Productions Productions Photographer Photographer
KatieKatie Kohler Kohler WriterWriter
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Client: Client: Blackstone Blackstone Stewart Stewart Abstract, Abstract, LLC LLC Size: Size: 1/21/2 Location: Location: Standard Standard •5 •5
6 • January 6 • January 20202020
“My“My schedule schedule withwith work work is absolutely is absolutely crazy, crazy, we are we are a one a one income income family family my fiancé my fiancé 2 2 littlelittle girlsgirls andand our our son son on the on the way!way! So as Soyou as you can can imagine imagine work work for myself for myself is busy is busy trying trying to get to get everything everything financially financially in order in order before before the the baby baby comes... comes... my day my day waswas longer longer thenthen I I firstfirst anticipated anticipated PaulPaul did did not not hesitate hesitate to bring to bring my worries my worries to rest to rest I worked I worked a 17ahour 17 hour day day thatthat day day PaulPaul came came to my to house my house at 11 atPM 11 PM at night at night just just to make to make suresure thatthat everyeverything thing would would be in beline in line andand order order for the for the nextnext day.” day.” “Paul “Paul waswas easyeasy to work to work with, with, put put in the in the effort effort to get to get me me the the bestbest loanloan possible, possible, waswas clearclear andand patient patient in explaining in explaining the the loanloan procedure, procedure, andand answered answered any any of our of our questions. questions. He found He found specific specific programs programs thatthat I qualified I qualified for and for and got got me me intointo the the bestbest one,one, andand made made the the process process incredibly incredibly simple. simple. At closing At closing he was he was professional, professional, kind, kind, thorough, thorough, cheerful, cheerful, andand tooktook the the timetime to build to build a personal a personal connection, connection, eveneven as our as our timetime together together waswas coming coming to ato close. a close. I would I would recommend recommend PaulPaul to everyone to everyone I know!” I know!” “From “From preapproval preapproval to closing to closing PaulPaul waswas an absolute an absolute pleasure pleasure to work to work with! with! He made He made buying buying our our firstfirst house house a breeze. a breeze. I had I had many many questions questions andand he had he had all the all the answers answers andand more. more. He is Hevery is very knowledgeable knowledgeable in allindifferent all different mortgage mortgage loans. loans. Before Before we put we put a bid a bid in in on our on our house house we were we were unsure unsure if the if the house house waswas in a in flood a flood plain. plain. PaulPaul pulled pulled a flood a flood certificate certificate andand while while he was he was in the in the hospital hospital afterafter an accident an accident he sent he sent me me the the flood flood certifcertificateicate fromfrom the the hospital hospital bed.bed. I highly I highly recommend recommend Paul!” Paul!” “As“As always, always, PaulPaul goes goes above above andand beyond beyond for my for clients my clients to ensure to ensure a smooth a smooth transaction. transaction. When When my clients my clients havehave questions, questions, no matter no matter the the timetime of day, of day, PaulPaul takes takes the the timetime to to answer answer everything everything immediately immediately andand withwith detail. detail. Couldn't Couldn't be happier be happier withwith the the levellevel of of service service my clients my clients andand I receive I receive fromfrom Paul!” Paul!”
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publisher’s publisher’s notenote WrittenWritten by: Josh by:Buchter Josh Buchter
THE THEBEST BESTISISYET YET TO TOCOME... COME... “What “What a wonderful a wonderful thought thought it isitthat is that some some of the of the best best days days of our of our lives lives haven’t haven’t even even happened happened yet.”–Anne yet.”–Anne Frank Frank however, however, are liable are liable to bring to bring a smile a smile to your to your face face For me, Forit’s me,important it’s important to always to always have have things things to look to look ories,ories, or to tear your to your eye. eye. forward forward to. It to. could It could be a nice be a sit-down nice sit-down steaksteak dinner dinner at at or tear the end theofend a stacked, of a stacked, tiresome tiresome weekweek fueledfueled by coffee by coffee or old, orthe old,mystery the mystery of which of which blessings blessings lay ahead lay ahead and protein and protein bars on bars the ongo. theOr, go.anOr, adventurous an adventurous trip to trip to YoungYoung forshould you should be enough be enough to keep to keep you charged you charged up daily up daily explore explore a foreign a foreign country country you’ve you’ve only imagined only imagined in your in yourfor you and focused and focused on being on being the best the version best version of yourself. of yourself. I I dreams. dreams. It could It could be upgrading be upgrading your your vehicle vehicle or wardrobe, or wardrobe, sincerely hope hope that 2020 that 2020 bringsbrings you closer you closer to allto of all theof the buying buying a vacation a vacation homehome for your for your family, family, celebrating celebrating a a sincerely that you thatare youstriving are striving toward toward plus new plus oppornew oppormilestone milestone anniversary anniversary or meeting or meeting your your soulmate, soulmate, etc. etc. thingsthings tunities and moments and moments of bliss of bliss you didn’t you didn’t see coming. see coming. All ofAll theofthings the things you may you see mayclipped see clipped and glued and glued to a to a tunities AfterAfter all, itall, is the it isunexpected the unexpected surges surges of good of good fortune fortune visionvision boardboard if you’re if you’re into that. into that. whichwhich makes makes life solife exciting so exciting and worthwhile. and worthwhile. DailyDaily stressstress and obstacles and obstacles and pain and become pain become moremore man-manageable ageable whenwhen you keep you keep thosethose things things you look you forward look forward to to at topatoftop mind. of mind. Checking Checking yourself yourself and putting and putting things things into into Josh Josh Buchter Buchter perspective perspective will only will help only to help sustain to sustain and guarantee and guarantee your your Owner/Publisher Owner/Publisher success success and happiness. and happiness. Everyone Everyone goes goes through through hard-hardC: 267-303-1175 C: 267-303-1175 shipsships and dark and dark times,times, somesome of which, of which, they wish they wish couldcould be be E: E: forgotten. forgotten. It is inevitable. It is inevitable. Thoughts Thoughts of fond, of fond, joyfuljoyful mem-memIG: @wolf_of_broad_street IG: @wolf_of_broad_street • 11 • 11
KEEPING KEEPINGIT ITSIMPLE, SIMPLE, DOING DOINGIT ITRIGHT! RIGHT! WE WE ARE ARE COMMITTED COMMITTED TOTO PROTECTING PROTECTING YOUR YOUR CLIENT CLIENT RELATIONSHIPS! RELATIONSHIPS! TCSTCS Management Management is a is full a full service service property property management management company company based based in Philadelphia, in Philadelphia, ;mmv Ѵ -mb- vr;1b-Ѵb bm] bm u;vb7;mঞ-Ѵ ruor;u| l-m-];l;m| bm1Ѵ 7bm] bm ;v|ou o m;7 vbm]Ѵ; ;mmv Ѵ -mb- vr;1b-Ѵb bm] bm u;vb7;mঞ-Ѵ ruor;u| l-m-];l;m| bm1Ѵ 7bm] bm ;v|ou o m;7 vbm]Ѵ; _ol;vķ 1om7olbmb lvķ -r-u|l;m|v -m7 _ol;o m;uv -vvo1b-ঞomvĺ ); ;l0u-1; oѴ7Ŋ=-v_bom;7 _ol;vķ 1om7olbmb lvķ -r-u|l;m|v -m7 _ol;o m;uv -vvo1b-ঞomvĺ ); ;l0u-1; oѴ7Ŋ=-v_bom;7 rubm1br-Ѵv o= v;u b1; _bѴ; vbm] v|-|; o= |_; -u| |ooѴvĺ rubm1br-Ѵv o= v;u b1; _bѴ; vbm] v|-|; o= |_; -u| |ooѴvĺ $ " r- v -m -];m| u;=;uu-Ѵ =;; om -ѴѴ u;=;uubm] l-m-];l;m| v;u b1;vĺ ); -u; 1ollb ;7 |o $ " r- v -m -];m| u;=;uu-Ѵ =;; om -ѴѴ u;=;uubm] l-m-];l;m| v;u b1;vĺ ); -u; 1ollb ;7 |o ruo|;1ঞm] o u 1Ѵb;m| u;Ѵ-ঞomv_brvĺ $ " bѴѴ m; ;u 1olruolbv; o u bm|;]ub| ou 1u;-|; -m ruo|;1ঞm] o u 1Ѵb;m| u;Ѵ-ঞomv_brvĺ $ " bѴѴ m; ;u 1olruolbv; o u bm|;]ub| ou 1u;-|; -m m=- ou-0Ѵ; ;m buoml;m| 0 1olr;ঞm] om -m u;-Ѵ ;v|-|; |u-mv-1ঞom =uol o u u;=;uu-Ѵvĺ m=- ou-0Ѵ; ;m buoml;m| 0 1olr;ঞm] om -m u;-Ѵ ;v|-|; |u-mv-1ঞom =uol o u u;=;uu-Ѵvĺ
TCSTCS MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES SERVICES 107 107 S. 2nd S. 2nd St., Suite St., Suite 300 300 | Philadelphia, | Philadelphia, PA 19106 PA 19106 Tel: Tel: (215) (215) 383-1439 383-1439 | Fax: | Fax: (215) (215) 827-5224 827-5224 | Email: | Email: 12 • January 12 • January 20202020
EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE“OFF-MARKET” “OFF-MARKET” REAL REALESTATE ESTATEINVESTMENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES EVERY EVERY TURN TURN KEY KEY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT ISIS BUILT BUILT ON ON AA STRONG STRONG FOUNDATION FOUNDATION OFOF QUALITY QUALITY AND AND CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY $ " bm ;v|l;m|v Cm7v mbt ; orrou| mbঞ;v bm o u l-uh;|v -m7 ruo7 1| 1Ѵ-vv;v o[;m $ " bm ;v|l;m|v Cm7v mbt ; orrou| mbঞ;v bm o u l-uh;|v -m7 ruo7 1| 1Ѵ-vv;v o[;m r-vv;7 o ;u 0 lou; |u-7bঞom-Ѵ bm ;v|ouvĺ ); 1-rb|-Ѵb ; om |_; ob7 0;| ;;m bm7b b7 -Ѵ r-vv;7 o ;u 0 lou; |u-7bঞom-Ѵ bm ;v|ouvĺ ); 1-rb|-Ѵb ; om |_; ob7 0;| ;;m bm7b b7 -Ѵ bm ;v|ouv _o -u; ];o]u-r_b1-ѴѴ 1omv|u-bm;7 -m7 |_ov; _o Ѵ-1h |_; vor_bvঞ1-ঞom bm ;v|ouv _o -u; ];o]u-r_b1-ѴѴ 1omv|u-bm;7 -m7 |_ov; _o Ѵ-1h |_; vor_bvঞ1-ঞom -m7 u;vo u1;v |o -1t bu; -m7 Ѵo1-|; bm ;v|l;m| ruor;uঞ;v om |_;bu o mĺ ); 7; ;Ѵor -m7 u;vo u1;v |o -1t bu; -m7 Ѵo1-|; bm ;v|l;m| ruor;uঞ;v om |_;bu o mĺ ); 7; ;Ѵor |_;v; | umh; -vv;|v |o v|-0Ѵ; ruo7 1|v v b|;7 =ou -m ou oѴbo m ;v|ouv Ѵoohbm] |o |_;v; | umh; -vv;|v |o v|-0Ѵ; ruo7 1|v v b|;7 =ou -m ou oѴbo m ;v|ouv Ѵoohbm] |o expand expand intointo the the single single family family investment investment asset asset class. class.
TCSTCS INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS 107 107 S. 2nd S. 2nd St., Suite St., Suite 300 300 | Philadelphia, | Philadelphia, PA 19106 PA 19106 INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS Tel: Tel: (855) (855) 653-8201 653-8201 | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol • 13 • 13
GAZI GAZI ATASEVEN ATASEVEN rising rising starstar featured featured agent agent WrittenWritten by: Katie by: Kohler Katie Kohler Photography Photography by: PLUSH by: PLUSH ImageImage Corporation Corporation
14 • January 14 • January 20202020
have have the correct the correct data to data back to back up the upnumbers the numbers whenwhen presenting presenting figures figures to a client. to a client. Gazi Gazi utilizes utilizes the latest the latest technologies, technologies, market market re- research search and business and business strategies strategies to exceed to exceed expectaexpectations.tions. MoreMore importantly, importantly, he takes he takes the time the time to listen to listen to find tosolutions find solutions that are thattailored are tailored to each to each client. client. Don’tDon’t expect expect massmass emails emails from from Gazi.Gazi. He sends He sends curated curated emails emails to clients to clients that match that match their their criteria. criteria. Before Before presenting presenting something something to a client, to a client, Gazi Gazi takestakes an introspective an introspective approach. approach. He asks, He asks, “Would “Would I buyI buy this property this property or piece or piece of land?” of land?” If theIfanswer the answer is yes, is yes, and itand matches it matches a client’s a client’s needs, needs, he will heshare will share it. This it. This is theisway the Gazi way Gazi buildsbuilds trust trust and works and works to treat to treat his his clients clients like family like family and friends. and friends. “Know “Know your your client. client. You have You have to build to build trust trust and aand a long term long term relationship. relationship. I always I always put my putclients my clients first. first. As long As as long they as make they make money, money, I make I make money.” money.” Amortization Amortization schedules schedules are the areresult the result of exponents. of exponents. LandLand surveys surveys call for callgeometry. for geometry. Of course, Of course, agents agents use math use math to determine to determine commissions. commissions. However, However, Gazi Gazi wouldwould like to like rethink to rethink that term. that term. “We are “Weall are professionals all professionals providing providing quality quality service. service. I don’t I don’t like to like calltoitcall a commission. it a commission. I prefer I prefer to useto use the term the term service service fee. We fee.are Weworking are working to provide to provide the the best opportunities best opportunities for our forclients.” our clients.” Real Real Producers Producers plus Gazi plus Gazi equals equals answers. answers. HereHere are are somesome highlights highlights from from our interview our interview with with the numthe numbers and bersreal andestate real estate wiz. wiz.
KW KWPhilly Philly This This month’s month’s Real Real Producers Producers “Rising “Rising Star”Star” is Gazi is Gazi Ataseven, Ataseven, REALTOR® REALTOR® with with KW Philly. KW Philly.
How How does does your your background background in math in math and finance and finance help help you in you real inestate? real estate? Gazi Gazi Ataseven: Ataseven: Numbers Numbers don’tdon’t lie. It’s lie.allIt’s correlatall correlat-
ed. Ited. helps It helps me present me present projects projects in a clearer in a clearer fashion. fashion. In terms In terms of project of project management management you can youvisualize can visualize whatwhat you can youbuild. can build. Real Real estateestate is a numbers is a numbers Gazi Gazi leveraged leveraged his background his background and multiple and multiple degrees degrees easiereasier If someone If someone likes likes a house a house but ifbut it doesn’t if it doesn’t fit in fit in in math, in math, finance finance and project and project management management to launch to launch budget, budget, it’s not it’sgoing not going to work. to work. Developers Developers also also his real hisestate real estate career career and provide and provide valuevalue to clients. to clients. their their look for lookagents for agents who have who have good good knowledge knowledge of project of project management management and finances. and finances. This This has helped has helped me conme con“At the “Atend theofend theofday, the people day, people wantwant you to you add to add nect with them.them. In a short In a short period period of time, of time, I’ve been I’ve been something something valuable valuable to their to their business business or their or their life,” life,” nect with able to able build to build good good relationships relationships with with prominent prominent says Gazi. says Gazi. developers developers in andinaround and around Philadelphia. Philadelphia. SomeSome agents agents mightmight shy away shy away from from mathmath and only and only focusfocus on it on when it when studying studying for parts for parts of theofreal the real WhatWhat do you dothink you think aboutabout the Philadelphia the Philadelphia real real estateestate licensing licensing exam.exam. However, However, mathmath playsplays a vitala vital estate estate market? market? role in role understanding in understanding markets markets and becoming and becoming an ex-an ex- Gazi Ataseven: Gazi Ataseven: The Philadelphia The Philadelphia market market has been has been pert. pert. To gain To again client’s a client’s trust,trust, real estate real estate agents agents mustmust stable. stable. I regularly I regularly meet meet with lenders with lenders and they and concur. they concur. • 15 • 15
is motivated, will come the point that you’ve is motivated, they they will come to thetopoint that you’ve recommended the place. first place. And the seller end, seller recommended in theinfirst And at theatend, and buyer agents finalize the deal, and buyer agents finalize the deal, through bargaining. are not through bargaining. TheseThese are not robots, but humans who build a robots, but humans who build a relationship on a personal relationship on a personal level.level. of will thiscontinue will continue to hapAll ofAll this to happen on a human pen on a human level level aboveabove and and beyond numbers and analytics. beyond numbers and analytics. Again, technology cannot Again, technology cannot com-completely replace the human pletely replace the human touchtouch buthelp will help upprocess the process but will speedspeed up the a whole a whole lot. lot. The operative is again, The operative wordword here here is again, you build WhenWhen you build trust,trust, they they askyour for your support and your ask for support and your opinion through the process. opinion through the process. TheirTheir immense help notwithstanding, immense help notwithstanding, so so of tools can never provide a service thosethose kindskinds of tools can never provide such such a service like like real estate professional a realaestate professional could.could. You have You have an MBA an MBA in finance in finance and finished and finished at theattop theoftop of your your class.class. WhatWhat advice advice do you dohave you have for agents for agents who who aren’taren’t as good as good at math? at math? Gazi Gazi Ataseven: Ataseven: The real Theestate real estate examexam has ahas section a section that that
mostmost agents agents skip that skip is that about is about calculation calculation because because they they may be may scared be scared of theofnumbers. the numbers. However, However, beingbeing good good at at mathmath doesn’t doesn’t meanmean making making complex complex calculations. calculations. At At the end theofend theofday, the you day,can youcompute can compute on your on your laptop. laptop. It’s It’s aboutabout understanding understanding how to how interpret to interpret numbers numbers and what and what they mean they mean to thetoclient. the client. I’d humbly I’d humbly recommend recommend for the for the agents agents who don’t who don’t feel comfortable feel comfortable with with mathmath to gettosome get some level level knowledge knowledge of theofnumbers the numbers and ways and ways in which in which TheyThey are the areones the taking ones taking the big therisk bigon risk theonground. the ground. Even Even during during the 2008 the 2008 basicbasic theyinterpret can interpret themthem for their for their clients. clients. crisis,crisis, therethere wasn’t wasn’t muchmuch fluctuation fluctuation in Philadelphia’s in Philadelphia’s real estate. real estate. Tax abateTax abate-they can mentment has been has been a huge a huge reliefrelief for buyers for buyers and developers. and developers. I believe I believe thosethose are the are the engines engines that will thatkeep will keep Philadelphia Philadelphia stablestable for atfor least at least another another ten years. ten years. WhatWhat does does success success meanmean to you? to you? Gazi Gazi Ataseven: Ataseven: WhenWhen I got Iinto got real intoestate, real estate, just like just like Job growth Job growth is also is very also very important. important. Philadelphia Philadelphia is oneisofone theoftop thecities top cities in ineveryone everyone else, else, I wanted I wanted to beto successful. be successful. I think I think the the the nation the nation for job forgrowth. job growth. Take Take Comcast Comcast for example, for example, they have they have invested investedsuccess success in real inestate real estate has tohas have to have several several components components $2 billion $2 billion dollars dollars and are andone areofone theofprominent the prominent companies companies in theinnation. the nation. whichwhich bringbring the success. the success. Be patient Be patient and do and not dorush not rush to to makemake money. money. If youIfare youinare a rush, in a rush, you may you make may make a lot a lot of mistakes. Improve Improve your your network network constantly constantly and be and be There’s There’s beenbeen a shift a shift toward toward analytics analytics in professional in professional sports. sports. Do you Dosee youasee of a mistakes. reachable. reachable. Gaining Gaining new clients new clients and meeting and meeting new people new people shift shift happening happening in real inestate? real estate? you active you active in this inbusiness this business by being by being accessible accessible to to Gazi Gazi Ataseven: Ataseven: Technology, Technology, particularly particularly big data, big data, has without has without a doubt a doubt keep keep give them give them service. service. been been a game-changer a game-changer in almost in almost all industries. all industries. Real Real estateestate is no is different. no different. Both Both buyers buyers and sellers and sellers can access can access information information quicker. quicker. Having Having said said that, that, analytics analytics won’twon’t replace replace the human the human touch, touch, but rather but rather will enhance will enhance Real Producers Real Producers – Real – People Real People it. Atit. the Atend theof end theofday, the this day, is this still is astill very a very interpersonal interpersonal business. business. ThereThere Favorite Favorite vacation vacation spot:spot: San Francisco San Francisco is always is always a seller a seller and aand buyer. a buyer. TheyThey are human are human beings. beings. Sellers Sellers wantwant to to WhatWhat I’m listening I’m listening to: “WHYY” to: “WHYY” makemake moremore money. money. Buyers Buyers wantwant to purchase to purchase for less. for less. As a As seller a seller agent, agent, I I show: TV TV show: Seinfeld Seinfeld can help can help my client my client calculate calculate the real the value real value of anof estate. an estate. ThereThere is a numis a num-Favorite Favorite Movie: Movie: Moneyball Moneyball ber you bercan youlist canitlist anditthere and there is a number is a number you can yousell canit. sell You it.can Youput canthe put theIf someone If someone is visiting is visiting Philadelphia Philadelphia they they should should visit: visit: Art Art number number they they mightmight wantwant to listtoitlist at but it atnot butget notany getshowings. any showings. If a seller If a sellerMuseum Museum and the andConstitution the Constitution Center Center 16 • January 16 • January 20202020 • 17 • 17
18 • January 18 • January 20202020
Trash TrashRemoval Removaland and Home HomeInspection InspectionRepairs Repairs
Come Come talk talk trash trash with with the the Queen Queen
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curbio curbio Rick Rick Rudman, Rudman, CEO CEO
Norm Norm Weissberg, Weissberg, JamesJames Bruno,Bruno, Raymond Raymond Santibanez, Santibanez, Matt Siegal, Matt Siegal, Rikki Rogers, Rikki Rogers, Rebecca Rebecca Lombardo, Lombardo, Greg Manson, Greg Manson, Rick Rudman Rick Rudman
20 • January 20 • January 20202020
partner partner spotlight spotlight • 21 • 21
Helping Helping Real Real Estate Estate Agents Agents Build Build Their Their Business Business Through Through Custom Custom Pre-Sale Pre-Sale Renovations Renovations Specializing Specializing in pre-sale in pre-sale homehome improvement, improvement, Curbio Curbio is solidifying is solidifying itselfitself as a as a trusted trusted resource resource for sellers for sellers and aand respected a respected partner partner for real forestate real estate agents. agents. Curbio Curbio worksworks with with agents agents and sellers and sellers as one asteam, one team, leveraging leveraging the local the local market market expertise expertise of theofagent the agent to deliver to deliver renovations renovations that will thatdrive will drive up theupsale theprice sale price of theofhome. the home. By partnering By partnering with with Curbio, Curbio, therethere is theispotential the potential to add tovalue. add value. Agents Agents can help can help their their clients clients makemake significantly significantly moremore money money on the onsale theof sale their of their homehome and, as and, a as a result, result, drivedrive loyalty. loyalty. The condition of a home the most critical The condition of a home is oneisofone theofmost critical drivers itsprice. sale price. buyers are looking drivers of itsof sale MostMost buyers are looking for move-in homes, hoping to avoid “We specialize “We specialize in turnkey in turnkey renovations renovations for homeowners for homeowners who want who want to selltotheir sell their for move-in readyready homes, hoping to avoid the the and expense of fixing up a property homes homes quickly quickly for the forbest the possible best possible price,price, and we andwait we until wait until settlement settlement to getto get stressstress and expense of fixing up a property after after purchase. Homes thatoutdated are outdated in need paid,”paid,” Curbio Curbio CEO CEO Rick Rick Rudman Rudman reveals. reveals. purchase. Homes that are or in or need of of onmarket, the market, attract low-ball repairrepair tend tend to sitto onsit the attract low-ball flippers, and eventually sellwell for well from from flippers, and eventually sell for According According to Curbio, to Curbio, homeowners homeowners typically typically see asee 201apercent 201 percent return return on their on their offersoffers fair market fair market value.value. renovation renovation investment. investment. “Our“Our unique unique business business modelmodel means means that our thatcompany, our company, belowbelow homehome sellers, sellers, and agents and agents are all are onall the onsame the same teamteam with with the same the same goal: goal: getting getting on the onmarket the market quickly quickly and selling and selling for the forbest the possible best possible price,” price,” Rick Rick explains. explains. MostMost renovation businesses require otherother homehome renovation businesses require money upfront or offer tothe buyhome the home money upfront or offer to buy Curbio, onother the other allows the seller Curbio, on the hand,hand, allows the seller to to As with As with any good any good startup, startup, the idea the behind idea behind Curbio Curbio all began all began with with one person’s one person’s realize the benefit the renovations by performrealize the benefit of theofrenovations by performfrustration frustration over aover simple a simple process process that became that became convoluted. convoluted. WithWith a vision a vision for a for a ingwork the work before closing butrequiring not requiring before closing – but–not system system that better that better supports supports both sellers both sellers and real andestate real estate agents, agents, Curbio Curbio was born. was born. ing the payment the home has sold. payment until until after after the home has sold. “Thanks “Thanks to developments to developments in technology in technology and communication, and communication, a company a company like like “What makes us unique our ability to defer makes us unique is ourisability to defer ours ours can bring can bring a level a level of quality, of quality, consistency, consistency, and timing and timing to residential to residential renovarenova- “What payment and scale the same payment and scale at theatsame time.time. This This is notis not tionstions that were that were not possible not possible at this atscale this scale before.” before.” 22 • January 22 • January 20202020
and finding a trustworthy contractor – are – are and finding a trustworthy contractor removed from from the equation. removed the equation. “We want to doto each project the right way way “We want do each project the right and earn repeat business from from all ofall theof the and earn repeat business agents with with whom we are with,”with,” agents whom weworking are working Rick Rick states. “We are whenwhen the the states. “Wesuccessful are successful homeowner reapsreaps the benefits of getting homeowner the benefits of getting a higher salessales priceprice and when they see a higher and when they see the value their their REALTOR® brought to theto the the value REALTOR® brought tabletable by knowing aboutabout Curbio.” by knowing Curbio.” Before beginning a project, Curbio con- conBefore beginning a project, Curbio siderssiders several factors. SinceSince homes at at several factors. homes different priceprice points present differing different points present differing challenges, Curbio treatstreats everyevery reno-renochallenges, Curbio vation as a custom project. TheyThey won’twon’t vation as a custom project. recommend workwork that will the sale recommend thatforce will force the sale priceprice over over market value.value. And since they they market And since don’tdon’t get paid the home actually get until paid until the home actually sells,sells, they have a vested interest in doing they have a vested interest in doing right right by their clients. by their clients. “We want REALTORS® to remember how how “We want REALTORS® to remember easy easy it is to with with us. From the estiit work is to work us. From the estimatemate to a proposal to thetosale, we want to a proposal the sale, we want Curbio to leave REALTORS® with with the the Curbio to leave REALTORS® feeling of trust and ease. We are feeling of trust and ease. Wetransparare transparent and through everyevery step of theof the entreliable and reliable through step process,” concludes Rick.Rick. process,” concludes To learn moremore aboutabout how ahow partnership To learn a partnership with with Curbio can add to your real real Curbio canvalue add value to your estateestate business, go togo business, to
too good to beto true. We are venture-backed, too good be true. Weaare a venture-backed, tech tech approach to real that will approach to estate real estate that make will make pre-sale renovations better for everyone. RE- REpre-sale renovations better for everyone. ALTORS® already knowknow that renovated homes ALTORS® already that renovated homes sell much faster. WhatWhat we want themthem to know sell much faster. we want to know is that an enormous network of vetted is we thathave we have an enormous network of vetted professionals, and we over-invest in our professionals, anddon’t we don’t over-invest in our projects. When you work with with Curbio, you get projects. When you work Curbio, you get the trustworthiness of a national brandbrand with with the trustworthiness of a national the expertise of a local contractor.” the expertise of a local contractor.” Real estate agents can add to their clients by by Real estate agents canvalue add value to their clients bringing Curbio’s offering to thetotable. The home bringing Curbio’s offering the table. The home renovation is truly a win-win. The seller realizes renovation is truly a win-win. The seller realizes a great benefit, and so does agent.agent. a great benefit, and so the doesreal theestate real estate Curbio only uses teamsteams that know the area Curbio only local uses local that know the area they are in intimately. The risks of pre-sale theyworking are working in intimately. The risks of pre-sale homehome renovations for the – the –upfront cost cost renovations forseller the seller the upfront • 23 • 23
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press press release release
HMS HMS National National Announces Announces Rebrand Rebrand is now is now The Newly The Newly Rebranded Rebranded Company Company Makes Makes it it WithWith long-standing long-standing connections connections and relationships and relationships with with countcountEasier Easier thanthan Ever Ever to Build to Build Your Your Business Business WhileWhileless real lessestate real estate organizations organizations around around the country, the country, Cinch’s Cinch’s real real Giving Giving Top-Tier Top-Tier Service Service to Clients. to Clients. estateestate partners partners remain remain a keyacomponent key component of itsof business. its business.
For more For more than than 40 years, 40 years, real estate real estate professionals professionals Boasting Boasting over over 900 full-time 900 full-time staff staff members, members, CinchCinch has nuhas nuhave have looked looked to HMS to HMS National National as a trusted as a trusted partner, partner,merous merous highly highly specialized specialized teams teams solely solely dedicated dedicated to ensurto ensurwith with thousands thousands of agents of agents and brokers and brokers around around the the ing agents ing agents and brokers and brokers win more win more and worry and worry less. less. The compaThe compacountry country lauding lauding the company’s the company’s commitment commitment to to ny also ny makes also makes things things easier easier for real for estate real estate professionals professionals and and making making selling selling and buying and buying real estate real estate an easier, an easier, theirtheir clients clients through: through: moremore efficient efficient process. process. • Easy-to-use • Easy-to-use online online tools:tools: fromfrom electronic electronic formsforms to a digital to a digital Now,Now, CinchCinch HomeHome Services Services — the—HMS the HMS team’s team’s dashboard dashboard everything everything real estate real estate professionals professionals needneed is at is at new brand new brand imageimage — is — making is making things things even even moremore theirtheir fingertips fingertips straightforward straightforward for consumers, for consumers, whilewhile driving driving the the • Marketing • Marketing and sales and sales support: support: local local account account executives executives and and entireentire industry industry forward. forward. customizable customizable marketing marketing collateral collateral help drive help drive business business • Affordable • Affordable coverage: coverage: flexible, flexible, budget-friendly budget-friendly plansplans offer offer the the Built Built uponupon moremore than than four decades four decades of proven of proven right right coverage coverage for home for home buyers buyers and sellers and sellers experience experience and success, and success, CinchCinch brings brings a refreshed a refreshed • National • National network: network: thousands thousands of reliable, of reliable, pre-screened pre-screened approach approach to home to home management. management. Combining Combining its its service service professionals professionals predecessor’s predecessor’s legendary legendary customer-first customer-first philosophy philosophy• 24/7 • 24/7 customer customer service: service: online online and over and over the phone the phone with with a hosta of host modern of modern tools,tools, CinchCinch makes makes homehome care easy care easy and pain-free, and pain-free, all while all while continuing continuing to to When When askedasked aboutabout the significance the significance of this of brand this brand change, change, bringbring valuevalue to itsto countless its countless national national partners. partners. Upshaw Upshaw stated, stated, “Cinch “Cinch represents represents the start the start of a new of a chapnew chapter for terour forteam our team and the andindustry the industry as a whole. as a whole. We’ve We’ve mademade “Recent “Recent yearsyears have have seen seen majormajor changes changes in ourin our somesome incredible incredible strides strides in recent in recent yearsyears and we andlook we look forward forward industry, industry, with with turnkey, turnkey, on-demand on-demand homehome managemanage-to continuing to continuing to advance to advance as a company as a company and provide and provide stellar stellar mentment solutions solutions becoming becoming even even moremore important important to to service service and offerings.” and offerings.” homeowners,” homeowners,” said Steve said Steve Upshaw, Upshaw, CEO CEO of Cinch. of Cinch. “We’ve “We’ve dedicated dedicated considerable considerable time time and resources and resourcesTo discover To discover moremore aboutabout Cinch’s Cinch’s approach approach to home to home protection, protection, to meeting to meeting and anticipating and anticipating thesethese evolving evolving needs, needs, visit visit theirtheir Facebook, Facebook, YouTube, YouTube, and the andEasy the Easy Living Living by Cinch by Cinch and now, and now, after after yearsyears of exponential of exponential growth, growth, it wasit Real Real estateestate professionals professionals can also can go also togo www.cinchto www.cinchtime time to update to update our brand our brand imageimage to better to better match match to learn to learn how Cinch how Cinch can can with with our refreshed our refreshed approach.” approach.” help help growgrow your your business. business. 26 • January 26 • January 20202020
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That’sThat’s because, because, by merely by merely usingusing the word the word curiosity, curiosity, you have you have spiked spiked their their curiosity curiosity and now and they’re now they’re lis- listeningtening and you’ve and you’ve got their got their attention. attention. This question This question is alsoisaalso comfortable a comfortable question question to gettothem get them talking. talking. You’re You’re both at both a networking at a networking event,event, so obviously so obviously it is it is something something you both you have both have in common in common and itand gives it gives you you the bottom the bottom line on line theonreal thereason real reason they are theythere. are there. 2. Where 2. Where else do else you donetwork? you network? This question This question is good is good
for a for novice a novice or a professional or a professional networker. networker. If someone If someone says that saysthey that really they really don’tdon’t do a lot do of a lot networking of networking because because they don’t they don’t knowknow of many of many otherother groups, groups, you you can be can thebeknight the knight in shining in shining armorarmor and invite and invite themthem to to otherother events events you go you to.go If to. they If start they start rattling rattling off a list off a list of other of other groups groups listenlisten for the forones the ones you attend, you attend, you you may very may well very have well have common common ground ground in finding in finding that that you know you know manymany of theofsame the same people people and very and well very well learnlearn of a few of aother few other groupgroup you may you like maytolike attend. to attend. 3. What 3. What do you dolike youbest like about best about whatwhat you do? youThis do? This
is oneisofone myoffavorite my favorite questions questions because because it’s really it’s really two two questions questions in one. in What one. What do you dolike youbest like about best about whatwhat you do you also doanswers also answers the question the question “So what “So what do you do you do?” do?” This question, This question, unlikeunlike the same the same old, What old, What do do you do, yougets do,people gets people in conversation in conversation modemode ratherrather than than just giving just giving you ayou short a short answer. answer. 4. When 4. When did you didget youstarted get started in that in direction? that direction? This This givesgives your your new contact new contact a chance a chance to telltoatell story a story and and people people love telling love telling stories, stories, especially especially whenwhen the the storystory is about is about themselves. themselves.
5 Powerful 5 Powerful Questions Questions toto Now Now that you thatknow you know what what your your new contact new contact is all is about, all about, this is this your is your ask ask at at a Networking a Networking Event Event opportunity opportunity to show to show themthem that you thatcare you and carewill andbe will be 5. Who 5. Who can I can helpI help you meet? you meet?
a valuable a valuable addition addition to their to their network. network. People People don’tdon’t The Big TheW: BigWho, W: Who, What, What, When, When, Where, Where, Why.Why. TheseThese care what you know you know until until they know they know that you thatcare. you care. five words five words are used are used by children by children moremore timestimes a daya day care what Listen Listen for the fortypes the types of people of people they want they want to meet to meet than than adults; adults; ask any askparent any parent and they and will theytell willyou. tell A you. A thatcan youintroduce can introduce themthem to later to later or maybe or maybe even even Newsweek Newsweek article article from from 2010,2010, The Creativity The Creativity Crisis, Crisis,that you at very that very samesame event.event. says “Preschool says “Preschool children, children, on average, on average, ask their ask their at that parents parents aboutabout 100 questions 100 questions a day.” a day.” So, why So, should why should you use youthese use these very specific very specific ques-ques-
Basically, Basically, it’s curiosity it’s curiosity that drives that drives themthem and they and they tions?tions? HaveHave you ever you notice ever notice that the thatvery the questions very questions Tom Camarda Tom Camarda don’tdon’t stop until stop until they get theythe getanswer the answer they want. they want. The Theyou ask yousomeone ask someone are the aresame the same questions questions they ask theyofask of CEO/Founder CEO/Founder samesame technique technique works works at a networking at a networking event,event, and and you? you? This is This a way is afor way you fortoyou give tothem give them your story your story The Ultimate The Ultimate Networking Networking GroupGroup the same the same five words five words that we thatused we used as children as children workworkbecause because they will theymost will most likelylikely ask you askthe youvery the same very same as well as today well today as they as did theythen. did then. questions questions and now andthey now truly they truly want want to know. to know. Contact Contact Tom at:Tom at:
HereHere are five arequestions five questions to asktotoask gettothe getconversathe conversa- It is very It is very important important that you thatstay you on stay topic on topic during during tion going tion going and keep and keep your your new connection new connection engaged. engaged.the conversation, the conversation, and listen and listen attentively. attentively. The inThe information formation your your new contact new contact is giving is giving you isyou very is very important important to them to them and if and your if your fidgeting fidgeting and trying and trying 1. Just 1. out Justofout curiosity, of curiosity, why do why you doattend you attend networknetworkword a word in it will in itshow will show that you thatare younot aretruly not truly ing events? ing events? HaveHave you ever you notice ever notice the body the body language languageto gettoa get interested and you andjust youwant just want to give to them give them your your of someone of someone whenwhen you ask youaask question? a question? WhenWhen you you interested LearnLearn to listen to listen twicetwice as much as much as you asspeak you speak start start a conversation a conversation with with “Just“Just out ofout curiosity,” of curiosity,” pitch.pitch. andresults the results will amaze will amaze you. you. noticenotice how most how most people people will move will move in towards in towards you. you. and the • 31 • 31
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OurOur Core Core Focus Focus is is Your Your Home. Home.
Philadelphia Philadelphia 215.987.7547 215.987.7547 S. Jersey S. Jersey 856.263.0002 856.263.0002 • 33 • 33
TIM TIM GARRITY, GARRITY, RYAN RYAN GARRITY, GARRITY,&& ANDREW ANDREW JANOS JANOS Copper Copper HillHill Real Real Estate Estate Real Real Producers Producers is debuting is debuting something something new: new: “Top “Top Producer Producer Team.” Team.” This month’s This month’s “Top “Top Producer Producer Team” Team” consists consists of Tim ofGarTim Garrity, Ryan rity, Ryan Garrity, Garrity, and Andrew and Andrew JanosJanos with Copper with Copper Hill Hill Real Estate. Real Estate. All three All three agents agents are ranked are ranked in theinTop the500 Topof500 of Philadelphia Philadelphia County. County. If “teamwork If “teamwork makes makes the dream the dream work” work” this team this team has has been been logging logging the hours the hours to make to make it a reality. it a reality. Still, Still, they they have have theirtheir sightssights on much on much bigger bigger goals.goals. Copper Copper Hill Real Hill Real Estate, Estate, one ofone Philadelphia’s of Philadelphia’s leading leading independent independent brokerages, brokerages, provides provides a transparent a transparent and and efficient efficient real estate real estate service service through through their their informed informed professionals professionals and aand forward-thinking a forward-thinking business business modelmodel for today’s for today’s mobile mobile environment. environment. FromFrom representation representation to education, to education, their their teamteam manages manages all home all home buying buying and and selling selling needsneeds in/around in/around Philadelphia. Philadelphia. True True to their to their slo- slogan, “Independence gan, “Independence is Our isValue,” Our Value,” Copper Copper Hill has Hillthe has the ability ability to pivot to pivot and adapt and adapt basedbased on market on market conditions conditions and trends. and trends.
34 • January 34 • January 20202020
toptop producer producer team team cover cover story story WrittenWritten by: Katie by: Kohler Katie Kohler Photography Photography by: Vernon by: Vernon Ray (Creative Ray (Creative Mind Productions) Mind Productions) • 35 • 35
Tim Garrity Tim Garrity is Co-Founder, is Co-Founder, ChiefChief Operating Operating Officer, Officer, and Broker and Broker of Record. of Record. With a With a strong strong business business and personal and personal network network in thein the Philadelphia Philadelphia area, area, he consistently he consistently sets and sets and meetsmeets his clients’ his clients’ expectations expectations by utilizing by utilizing extensive extensive real estate real estate knowledge, knowledge, local local market market expertise, expertise, and negotiating and negotiating skills.skills. Tim has Timyears has years of experience of experience in theinmortgage, the mortgage, real estate, real estate, and residential and residential new-construction new-construction industries, industries, and his andbusiness his business strategy strategy is to help is to every help every clientclient achieve achieve their homeownership their homeownership goalsgoals by by communicating communicating regularly regularly and providing and providing a higha high level level of customer of customer service. service.
RyanRyan Garrity Garrity is Co-Founder is Co-Founder and Chief and Chief Creative Creative Officer. Officer. RyanRyan is completely is completely awareaware that his thatclients his clients are his arelifeline his lifeline and therefore and therefore prides prides himself himself on communication, on communication, loyalty, loyalty, and and customer customer satisfaction. satisfaction. Ensuring Ensuring their their success success is what is what ensures ensures his. According his. According to thetoNational the National Association Association of REALTORS®, of REALTORS®, the average the average age age of a real of aestate real estate agentagent is 57 is years 57 years old. As old. a As a result,result, RyanRyan has adopted has adopted the new the school new school approach, approach, a fresh a fresh outlook, outlook, and understands and understands the importance the importance of technology of technology and the and the marketing marketing advantages advantages it provides. it provides.
Andrew Andrew JanosJanos is Co-Founder is Co-Founder and Chief and Chief Financial Financial Officer Officer and Associate and Associate Broker. Broker. He graduated He graduated from from Drexel Drexel University University with with a degree a degree in architectural in architectural engineering engineering and and minored minored in construction in construction management. management. Early Early in hisincareer, his career, he learned he learned the need the need to beto be professional, professional, thorough thorough and courteous and courteous whilewhile creating creating a personal a personal experience experience for anfor easy an easy transaction. transaction. Andrew Andrew is a member is a member of theof the Fishtown Fishtown Zoning Zoning Board, Board, Fishtown Fishtown Kensington Kensington Area Area Business Business Improvement Improvement District, District, and and member member of theofYoung the Young Professionals Professionals Network Network for Suburban for Suburban West West REALTORS® REALTORS® Association. Association.
36 • January 36 • January 20202020
Tim Garrity: Tim Garrity: gen sites gen sites and ad and agencies ad agencies out there out there offering offering services services My best My advice best advice is simple, is simple, to doto it do on it your on your behalf. behalf. WhileWhile therethere can be can value be value in inbe a good be a good listener. listener. EveryEvery clientclient has ahas a that, that, we believe we believe that our thatbusiness our business is much is much moremore of of different different need,need, as well as as well a different as a different a relationship a relationship business business than than a sales a sales business. business. Many Many personality. personality. In order In order to understand to understand WhatWhat are the areways the ways you build you build and nurand nurfocusfocus on the ontransaction, the transaction, whilewhile our focus our focus is on is the on the your your client’s client’s goals,goals, you have you have to know to know ture ature business a business and personal and personal network? network? relationship. Organically Organically growing growing your your sphere sphere of of whatwhat they are theytrying are trying to accomplish to accomplish Tim Garrity: Tim Garrity: To build To build a business, a business, com- com- relationship. influence, influence, and building and building genuine genuine relationships relationships is theis theand why. and why. Is it the Is itschool the school district, district, a a municating municating with your with personal your personal network network cornerstone of growing of growing that network. that network. To properly To properly big backyard, big backyard, a certain a certain priceprice range, range, is firstisand firstforemost. and foremost. Everyone Everyone has has cornerstone nurture your your network, network, you must you must provide provide value.value. private private parking? parking? If youIflisten you listen well, well, to start to start somewhere, somewhere, and what and what betterbetter nurture You can’t just take, just take, take, take, take. take. You have You have to give to and give andyou will youknow will know whatwhat your your client’s client’s placeplace to start to start than with than the withpeople the people you youYou can’t help others growgrow their their businesses/networks businesses/networks if youif yougoalsgoals are, which are, which will then will then allowallow you you already already know!know! We have We ahave corea focus core focus help others expect themthem to reciprocate. to reciprocate. to properly to properly set their set their expectations. expectations. at Copper at Copper Hill, and Hill,that’s and that’s “Building “Building expect Genuine Genuine Relationships.” Relationships.” We have We lots have lots of great of great relationships relationships that have that helped have helpedAndrew Andrew Janos: Janos: Our core Our core value,value, “Building “Building Genuine GenuineRyanRyan Garrity: Garrity: Both Both with with buyers buyers and and growgrow our company our company over the overyears, the years, from from Relationships,” Relationships,” is Copper is Copper Hill’sHill’s keystone keystone to mainto main-sellers, sellers, market market knowledge knowledge is parais parapeople people we have we known have known for most for most of ourof ourtaining taining a strong a strong business business and personal and personal network. network. mount. mount. You never You never wantwant to over to promover promlives,lives, to those to those we have we met havethrough met through the theNot only Not only do wedotry weand trysupport and support otherother profesprofesise and iseunder and under deliver. deliver. Understanding Understanding industry. industry. The best Theway bestto way nurture to nurture thosethose sionals sionals in ourinindustry, our industry, we exercise we exercise humility humility in in values, values, neighborhood neighborhood boundaries, boundaries, relationships relationships is to communicate is to communicate regu-regu- certain certain instances instances where where people people need need ThereThere amenities, amenities, and more and more will provide will provide you you larly,larly, add value, add value, and deliver and deliver top-notch top-notch is a reason is a reason why agents why agents and other and other brokers brokers shareshare with with the necessary the necessary data to data settoexpecset expeccustomer customer service. service. information information with with us when us when it’s not it’sreadily not readily available available tations. tations. ClientClient goalsgoals are extremely are extremely out on out the onstreet. the street. important important as they as vary they from vary from person person to person. to person. SomeSome clients clients have have financial financial RyanRyan Garrity: Garrity: We take We atake verya very organic/ organic/ goals, goals, while while others others have have lifestyle lifestyle goals. goals. grassroots grassroots approach approach to building to building our our WhatWhat are the arebest the ways best ways to identify to identify clients’ clients’ goalsgoals Understanding Understanding what’s what’s important important to to network. network. ThereThere are thousands are thousands of lead of leadand set andrealistic set realistic expectations? expectations?
All three All three took took the time the time to answer to answer questions questions from from Real Real Producers. Producers. • 37 • 37
them will help drive the process and that’s achieved through open communication and proper questions. Also with buyers, I typically have them create a list of “must-haves,” “wants,” and “would be nice.” It gives us something to revert back to throughout the process and helps with expectations.
eliminate certain notifications on electronic devices during my daily use. Once you have a clear picture of what the best outcome is for your client, it’s establishing a realistic game plan. Every client has a wish list. It doesn’t matter if you are a first-time homebuyer or a developer. People want what they can’t have, and a great real estate professional will show their client the best outcome for their situation.
Andrew Janos: Being present during a call or a meeting so that you have ample opportunity to listen is a great start. There are too many distractions in our world and I have started to
What are some of the tools/resources you use to expand your market knowledge? Tim Garrity: When I got into real estate, one of my
38 • January 2020
first major goals as an agent was to learn as much as I could about the industry. In the beginning, it
was, “How do I become a successful agent?” Today it’s, “How do I build and manage a successful real estate brokerage?” In my first year, I was completing the last year of my MBA at La Salle University. In my second year, since I was already in schoolmode, I thought it would be smart to get started on my broker license while I was building my agent business. Broker classes teach you a lot that you can’t learn on the street (e.g. paperwork, processes, management, etc). Once you have the knowledge,
then you have to use it. Once you use it, then you have to organize it. Copper Hill uses a custom CRM and G-Suite to stay organized. Ryan Garrity: I often compare the real
estate business to sports. With sports, there’s certainly value in listening to what your coach has to say in the locker room. Mentorship and guidance are important, but if you never get out on the field and try to implement it, then what good is it? The same goes for real estate. There’s lots of value in education and mentorship, which we feel we provide lots of at Copper Hill, but if you never get out there and experience it for yourself, then what’s the point. The internet and connections to those with more experience than you will improve your market knowledge, but getting out there with the expectation that you’ll fall on your face a few times but you’ll get better as a result is what’s truly going to expand your knowledge base and make you better at what you do.. Andrew Janos: First, you need to
know real estate paperwork backward and forwards. If you are ever challenged and don’t know what documents state, you are giving yourself and your clients a disadvantage. Second, educating yourself on different types of real estate transactions and topics will only make you stronger. Then taking your learning out on the street, performing aspects of real estate, is where you sharpen your skills. Lastly, obtaining my broker’s license not only allowed for more education, it also allowed for the opportunity for me to showcase my knowledge/experience to other agents. Describe your individual leadership styles, Tim Garrity: I would say my leader-
ship style is inclusive. I don’t have all of the answers, and I learn something new every day. By being inclusive,
it allows other people in the room to voice their opinions and share their knowledge, which helps everyone involved in the discussion. That is one of the reasons Andrew, Ryan, and I work so well together, and it has helped Copper Hill grow to be the company it is today. We listen to each other, play off of each others’ strengths, and then come up with the best business decisions we can. Ryan Garrity: I would describe my leadership style as relatable. I rarely tell someone what they have to do and how they need to do it, but I’m always happy to provide insight/ideas. My strength lies in creative solutions. Let’s sit in a room, close the door, and we can discuss anything you’d like, from business to personal, from pros to cons, for as long as you’d like. After that, I guarantee that we’re both walking out feeling good, with more knowledge and a clearer direction. Andrew Janos: A good leader obviously knows
their strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are in technology, analytics, and organization. Coincidentally, my weaknesses are my business partners’ strengths, which is why Copper Hill has been successful thus far. A joke I would make in the past is that “Tim, Ryan, and I make a complete human-based on our experience, strengths, and weaknesses.” The more that joke was recited, the more we realized it was very true.
What are your philosophies on building a team at Copper Hill Real Estate? Tim Garrity: As you stated earlier,
“teamwork makes the dream work.” When you have a strong team, the team members will perform better as individuals and better results will follow. Building a core team is the foundation of a successful company; believe me, I’ve lived it. If each of us tried to build Copper Hill on our own, we would be nowhere near the size and success we have realized today, as we have three driven leaders all working toward the same goals. Because our team works so well together, it has allowed us to build a strong foundation for our agents, our employees, and our brand. It’s our foundation that allows Copper Hill to grow as a company and gain market share in/around Philadelphia. Ryan Garrity: In building Copper
Hill, I often say that we’re looking for people to “grow with us, not for us.” We’re not looking to have a team of 100 agents just for the sake of it. We’re looking for people that buy • 39
into what into what we’rewe’re doing, doing, understand understand our values, our values, and want and want to contribto contribute toute allto ofall usof benefit us benefit as a whole. as a whole. Win-win Win-win situations situations are what are what we we strivestrive towards. towards. If it’sIf it’s a winafor winyou forand youit’s and it’s a winafor winus, forthen us, then why why not take not advantage. take advantage. And, And, everyevery situation situation provides provides a win-win, a win-win, it’s it’s just ajust matter a matter of being of being creative creative in finding in finding it. it. This This approach approach has not has not only only allowed allowed us tous grow to grow Copper Copper Hill from Hill from the the threethree co-founders co-founders to a to a teamteam of 30-plus, of 30-plus, but it’s but it’s allowed allowed us tous create to create our our own title own company, title company, and and launch launch our property our property management management division, division, as well. as well. are independent. The advantages The advantages independence independence are struggling are struggling for power for power through through their their Andrew Andrew Janos: Janos: Building Building a team a team allows allowsare independent. provides provides are that are we thatcan wethink can think on our onfeet, our feet, makemake custom custom platforms. platforms. Agents Agents are receivare receivyou toyou leverage to leverage strengths, strengths, whichwhich in turn in turn thoughtful decisions, decisions, and create and create win-win win-win situa-situa- ing too ingmany too many ads from ads from lead generators, lead generators, allows allows you toyou grow to grow and be and successful. be successful. thoughtful for anyone for anyone we meet, we meet, and all and ofall that of can thatbe can be CRMCRM software, software, and any andother any other “flavor “flavor Part of Part building of building that team that team is allowing is allowing tionstions accomplished without without goinggoing to anyone to anyone else for elsethe for the of theofmonth” the month” software. software. WhenWhen creating creating agents agents at Copper at Copper Hill toHill receive to receive a deepa deep-accomplished “okay” (no higher-up, (no higher-up, and no and board); no board); the three the three of of our digital our digital platform, platform, one thing one thing was was er knowledge er knowledge ratherrather than surface-level than surface-level“okay” usthe aredecision-makers. the decision-makers. Which Which means means if an if an always always in theinback the back of myofmind. my mind. How How training. training. Everyone Everyone is different, is different, so why so whyus are wantswants flexibility flexibility in his/her in his/her individual individual real real can we canadd wevalue add value to thetoagent, the agent, so they so they not make not make training training customized customized for each for eachagentagent business business (i.e. financial (i.e. financial structure, structure, marketing marketingcan scale, can scale, whilewhile keeping keeping our brokerage our brokerage individual. individual. We want We want agents agents to grow to grow estateestate approach, approach, mentorship mentorship opportunities, opportunities, etc), etc), we can we cancompliant, compliant, able to able analyze to analyze perforperforwith us, with not us,for not us.for us. get creative get creative with with him/her, him/her, which which creates creates moremore mance, mance, introduce introduce effective effective marketing marketing opportunity for the foragent the agent as well as as well more as more opportuopportustrategies, strategies, and avoid and avoid over-complicaover-complicaYou mention You mention that these that these threethree things thingsopportunity nityCopper for Copper Hill. Hill. tion. tion. BeingBeing able to able automate to automate aspects aspects – independence, – independence, digital digital platform, platform, nity for that do that not dorequire not require human human touchtouch and modern and modern approach approach – are–major are major allows for more for more time to time be to spent be spent cli- clidifferentiators. differentiators. EachEach of you oftake you one take oneRyanRyan Garrity: Garrity: We take We atake modern a modern approach approach through throughallows ent-facing by our byagents. our agents. That That aspect aspect and delve and delve into itinto a bit it a more bit more and how and howthe understanding the understanding that our thatagents our agents don’tdon’t need need to beto beent-facing is where an agent’s an agent’s business business will truly will truly it separates it separates Copper Copper Hill From Hill From the rest the rest bogged bogged downdown with with the minutia, the minutia, but rather but rather freedfreed up upis where An agent’s An agent’s value,value, and subseand subseof theofindustry. the industry. to focus to focus on what on what they do they best, do best, generate generate business. business. grow.grow. quently how our howprofession our profession survives, survives, Our custom Our custom CRMCRM is cutting-edge, is cutting-edge, our conveyancour conveyanc- quently solelysolely on theonexpertise/knowlthe expertise/knowlTim Garrity: Tim Garrity: ers handle ers handle everything everything from from paperwork paperwork through through reliesrelies I’ll take I’ll “Indepentake “Indepenwe convey we convey to ourtoclients. our clients. closing, closing, our office our office administrator administrator assists assists with with our our edge edge dence.” dence.” This This one isone myisfavorite. my favorite. agents’ monthly monthly marketing marketing efforts, efforts, we have we have an in-an inIt notItonly not only stemsstems fromfrom our motto, our motto, agents’ RyanRyan and Andrew and Andrew are aare great a great graphic graphic designer, designer, our management our management teamteam is is Tim, Tim, “Independence “Independence is Our is Value,” Our Value,” but itbut it househouse example of combining of combining areasareas of experof experextremely hands-on, hands-on, and we’re and we’re a paperless a paperless example also describes also describes the kind the kind of brokerage of brokerageextremely tise to tise provide to provide the best the experience best experience Our business is sometimes is sometimes described described as antiquated, as antiquated, we have we have built built fromfrom the ground the ground up. up. Our business for clients. WithWith the emphasis the emphasis they they and that’s not the notapproach the approach we want we want to take. to take. WithWith for clients. As toAs nottoname not name names, names, examples examples and that’s placeplace on learning on learning and cultivating and cultivating their their efficiency comes comes effectiveness. effectiveness. of “non-independent” of “non-independent” (aka “fran(aka “fran- efficiency network, network, Cooper Cooper Hill Real Hill Real Estate Estate will will chise”) chise”) brokerages brokerages include include red folks, red folks, continue to make to make their their dreams dreams - and- and blue folks, blue folks, and purple and purple folks;folks; we are we are Andrew Andrew Janos: Janos: WithWith the current the current state state of technology of technologycontinue clients - become - become a reality. a reality. different different fromfrom all ofall them, of them, in that in we that weand the andarms the arms race that raceaccompanies that accompanies it, brokerages it, brokerages clients 40 • January 40 • January 20202020
professionally professionallystaged staged vacant vacantand andoccupied occupiedhomes! homes! | | | | | 215 | 215 676 676 61006100 | | Room Room Service Service 360 360 | 2031 | 2031 Byberry Byberry Rd |RdPhiladelphia, | Philadelphia, PA 19116 PA 19116 • 41 • 41
42 • January 42 • January 20202020
“The “Themost most important important aspect aspectof ofcustom custom clothing clothingisis Hand HandThat That Measures” Measures” Marcos Marcos Vargas Vargas Founder Founder
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suburban suburban spotlight spotlight
(V2(V2 Properties) Properties)
WrittenWritten by: Katie by: Kohler Katie Kohler Photography Photography by: Vernon by: Vernon Ray (Creative Ray (Creative Mind Productions) Mind Productions)
44 • January 44 • January 20202020
FieldsFields have have a broad a broad meaning. meaning. The profession The profession a person a person chooses. chooses. The patch The patch of grass of grass teamsteams play on. play on. An area An that area defines that defines the breadth the breadth and and depthdepth of one’s of one’s vision. vision. VinceVince Viney, Viney, president president and foundand founder of er V2ofProperties, V2 Properties, and retired and retired Philadelphia Philadelphia Eagles Eagles tight-end tight-end BrentBrent CelekCelek have have always always been been obsessed obsessed with with excellence. excellence. Now,Now, they formed they formed a a strategic strategic partnership partnership that shows that shows that that hard hard work,work, consistency consistency and delivand deliv-
eringering on expectations on expectations translates translates to to success success both both on the onfootball the football field and field and in theinworld the world of real ofestate. real estate. V2 Properties V2 Properties is an is analysis-based an analysis-based real estate real estate development development company company that closely that closely studies studies market market con- conditions ditions to make to make prudent prudent land land and and property property acquisitions. acquisitions. V2 Properties V2 Properties long list longoflist praise of praise in- includes cludes thesethese highlights: highlights: • V2•Properties V2 Properties has been has been featured featured in in Philadelphia Philadelphia Magazine, Magazine, PhiladelPhiladelphia phia Inquirer, Inquirer, and and • V2•Properties V2 Properties has been has been named named by the byPhiladelphia the Philadelphia Inquirer Inquirer as as Developer Developer of theofYear the Year in Greater in Greater Philadelphia Philadelphia an unprecedented an unprecedented two two yearsyears in a row. in a row. • Named • Named as one asofone theoftop the10top builders 10 builders in theintri-state the tri-state area by area MetroStudy by MetroStudy • 100% • 100% of investors of investors have have received received their their full targeted full targeted return return • Sold • Sold over over $130 $130 Million Million in real inesreal estate and taterapidly and rapidly growing growing with with over over 100 new 100 spec new spec and rental and rental homes homes underunder construction construction now now • Have • Have met or met exceeded or exceeded full targeted full targeted profitprofit on more on more than than 90% of 90% projects of projects • Successfully • Successfully manage manage and maintain and maintain relationships relationships with with over over 90 indi90 individualvidual investors, investors, all ofall which of which have have remained remained with with V2 Properties V2 Properties sincesince the creation the creation of theofcompany the company As a part As a of part Real of Producers’ Real Producers’ “Suburban “Suburban Spotlight,” Spotlight,” investors. VinceVince has ahas unique a unique viewpoint viewpoint on on investors. We’veWe’ve have have an annual an annual eventevent and Brent and Brent took some took some time to time answer to answer questions. questions. the client the client experience experience within within new new VinceVince and I’m andable I’m to able proudly to proudly sit insit front in front construction. construction. He started He started his career his career of investors of investors and say andwe’ve say we’ve delivered delivered we spoke we spoke with with Vince. Vince. outside outside of theofreal theestate real estate industry. industry. First,First, another another year year of flawless of flawless returns. returns. Through Through his previous his previous workwork experiexperience,ence, he gained he gained critical critical insight insight into into SinceSince 2004, 2004, the members the members of your of your company company havehaveHow How do you dobuild you build and cultivate and cultivate a a effective effective business business administration administration and andbeenbeen delivering delivering on promises on promises to provide to provide investors investorsgreatgreat reputation reputation in your in your industry? industry? customer customer care which care which proved proved a vitala vital with with investment investment options options that couple that couple risk tolerance risk tolerance VinceVince Viney: Viney: The main The main thingthing is is skill set skillinset structuring in structuring V2 toV2 meet to meet the the with with income income objectives. objectives. How How has V2 hasProperties V2 Properties consistency consistency in your in your product product and your and your highest highest building building standards standards and ethics. and ethics. consistently consistently delivered delivered high high ratesrates of return of return that that service. service. It’s easy It’s easy to produce to produce whatwhat “ap- “apexceed exceed otherother investments investments with with similar similar or higher or higher pearspears to be”toabe” good a good product product upfront. upfront. Like many Like many homebuyers, homebuyers, VinceVince spentspentlevelslevels of risk? of risk? But it’s Butreally it’s really whatwhat you do you when do when therethere mostmost of hisoflife hisaslife a consumer as a consumer and and VinceVince Viney: Viney: We write We write promissory promissory notesnotes to ourto our is a problem is a problem that makes that makes you different. you different. that knowledge that knowledge of theoftypical the typical stressstress-investors. investors. The difference The difference though though is that is we thatlook we look One of One theofthings the things I stress I stress is doing is doing the the es associated es associated with with purchasing purchasing new new across across our whole our whole portfolio. portfolio. We tie We investors’ tie investors’ right right thing.thing. DoingDoing the right the right thingthing can can construction construction brought brought to reality to reality his his fundsfunds to project-specific to project-specific initiatives initiatives and fund and fund themthem be expensive. be expensive. People People can spend can spend a lot a lot ultimate ultimate dream—an dream—an ethical ethical compacompa- individually. individually. Where Where we are wedifferent are different is if we is ifhave we have a aof time of time rationalizing rationalizing bad behavior bad behavior but but ny that ny obtains that obtains the advantages the advantages of of project project that doesn’t that doesn’t perform perform the way the we wayexpected we expected sometimes sometimes you have you have to back to back up from up from volume volume construction construction yet still yet build still build it to, it asto, long as as long theasportfolio the portfolio of allof our allprojects our projects is is the situation the situation and say and“take say “take the money the money houses houses one at one a time. at a time. doingdoing well, well, we will wepay willapay fullareturn full return to individual to individual • 45 • 45
we have, you have you have to answer to answer fewerfewer off the offtable, the table, let’s decide let’s decide whatwhat is right is rightand they and should they should be. People are making invest-we have, be. People are making huge huge investquestions. questions. With With consistency consistency and and and fair andfor fairour forhome our home buyer.” buyer.” WhatWhat ments. ments. We itowe it to them to follow through. We owe to them to follow through. results, results, the administrative the administrative piecepiece wouldwould you expect you expect to happen to happen to you? to you? It It becomes less cumbersome. less cumbersome. usually usually gets you getsto you thetoright the right placeplace and and You have You have successfully successfully managed managed and maintained and maintained becomes sometimes sometimes it’s the it’smore the more expensive expensive relationships relationships with with over over a hundred a hundred individual individual inves-invesDescribe your your unique unique viewpoint viewpoint answer. answer. Our expectations Our expectations are high are high tors, tors, all ofall which of which havehave remained remained with with V2 ProperV2 Proper- Describe on the onclient the client experience experience within within ties since ties since the creation the creation of theof the construction? construction? company. company. WhatWhat keepskeeps themthemnew new VinceVince Viney: Viney: I’m a I’m process a process guy. Ifguy. I doIf I do with with V2 Properties? V2 Properties?
anything anything moremore than twice than twice I create I create a a process for it.for Asit. we’ve As we’ve gotten gotten biggerbigger record. record. Initially, Initially, it wasit my was my process we spent moremore time documenting time documenting own own personal personal relationships relationshipswe spent process. process. You have You have to be to consistent. be consistent. and reputation. and reputation. But as But we’ve as we’ve You can’t You can’t be good be good one week one week and bad and bad evolved, evolved, it comes it comes downdown to to then next. I’m finding I’m finding for us, fortous, be to be consistency consistency and demonand demon- then next. consistently consistently good,good, you have you have to create to create a a strating strating a strong a strong tracktrack process. process. Another Another thingthing that’sthat’s changed changed record record of success. of success. It’s interIt’s interthatcan’t you can’t hold people hold people accountaccountesting, esting, whenwhen people people startstart is thatisyou able without a process. a process. It’s taken It’s taken the the off with off with you they you they have have a lot a lotable without accountability off ofoff meofwhen me when we have we have moremore questions, questions, concerns concerns accountability to make the tough the tough decision decision to release to release and are andmore are more involved. involved. As As to make someone because because you either you either followfollow the the we’vewe’ve performed performed the way the way someone
VinceVince Viney: Viney: Our track Our track
46 • January 46 • January 20202020
Brent, Brent, a Cincinnati a Cincinnati native, native, played played for the for the University University of Cincinnati of Cincinnati where where he was he team was team MVPMVP and aand second-team a second-team All-Big All-Big East East se- selection lection during during his time his time as a Bearcat. as a Bearcat. The The Philadelphia Philadelphia Eagles Eagles selected selected him in him theinfifth the fifth roundround of theof2007 the 2007 NFL NFL DraftDraft and Celek and Celek spentspent his entire his entire 11-year 11-year career career in Philadelphia. in Philadelphia. In In 20092009 he produced he produced one of one theofbest the seasons best seasons by anbyEagles an Eagles tighttight end by endposting by posting 76 recep76 receptions,tions, 971 yards 971 yards and eight and eight touchdowns. touchdowns. AfterAfter helping helping the Eagles the Eagles win their win their first first Super Super BowlBowl in 2017, in 2017, CelekCelek announced announced his retirement. his retirement. He He then then jumped jumped into the intoreal the estate real estate worldworld and and is a listing is a listing agentagent for several for several V2 Properties V2 Properties projects. projects. BrentBrent has created has created his presence his presence in theinPhiladelphia the Philadelphia business business community community by Co-Founding by Co-Founding Pando Pando Mortgage Mortgage in Media, in Media, PA. His His career new career as a licensed as a licensed real estate real estate agent, agent, working working as anasassociate an associate at RE/MAX at RE/MAX Select Select has also has been also been launched. launched. You spent You spent your your entireentire career career with with the Philadelthe Philadelphia phia Eagles. Eagles. It ended It ended with with a Super a Super BowlBowl title. title. WhatWhat werewere your your feelings feelings in theinimmediate the immediate aftermath aftermath of theofgame? the game? WhatWhat is your is your favorite favorite memory memory of your of your career? career? BrentBrent Celek: Celek: Playing Playing in theincity thelong city enough, long enough,
you realize you realize this isthis a football is a football towntown and there and there is is only one onlything one thing thesethese fans wanted fans wanted to experience to experience and that and is that a Super is a Super BowlBowl win. Right win. Right after after the the game,game, therethere was awas feeling a feeling of relief. of relief. I wasIawas parta part of it. of Weit.had Wean had amazing an amazing In order In order to beto be great,great, you can’t you can’t just get justtoget thetoSuper the Super BowlBowl and and be satisfied be satisfied with with that. that. You have You have to win toit. win It was it. It was an amazing feeling. feeling. It wasItthe wasgreatest the greatest profesprofesprocess process or you ordon’t. you don’t. If I have If I have a process a process and they and aren’t they aren’t able to able follow to follow it an it amazing accomplishment accomplishment of myofcareer. my career. repeatedly, repeatedly, thosethose that work that work for V2 forcreate V2 create their their own fate. own For, Forthat’s us, that’ssionalsional how we’ve how we’ve been been able to able puttothe putbuyer the buyer first in first theinnew the construction new construction pro- proActually, Actually, my favorite my favorite memory memory was the waspathe pacess. cess. We’reWe’re learning learning everyevery day and daytrying and trying to gettobetter. get better. rade.rade. When When you’re you’re goinggoing through through a football a football you’re you’re nervous, nervous, then then whenwhen you win you it’s win it’s V2 Properties V2 Properties had two had billboards two billboards on one on of one the ofmost the most traveled traveled gamegame a great feeling. feeling. When When we were we were goinggoing downdown highways, highways, I-95, I-95, featuring featuring BrentBrent Celek’s Celek’s endorsement. endorsement. Now Now he ishe isa great Broad Street Street for the forparade, the parade, everyone everyone was was a listing a listing agent. agent. Talk Talk about about the effect the effect of the ofbillboard the billboard and what and what Broad so happy. so happy. I stillI get stillgoosebumps get goosebumps to this to day this day CelekCelek brings brings to V2. to V2. talking talking aboutabout it. it. VinceVince Viney: Viney: I want I want to partner to partner with with someone someone who I’m whoworthy I’m worthy of their of their namename and reputation and reputation and they and are theyworthy are worthy of mine. of mine. WithWith BrentBrent and and Why Why did you didchoose you choose to stay to in stay Philadelphia in Philadelphia whatwhat he represents he represents to thetocity theand citywith and with the Eagles, the Eagles, he earned he earned his rephis repretiring? retiring? utation utation as anas icon. an icon. It’s a It’s tribute a tribute to him. to him. I feelIthrough feel through consistency consistency in in after after BrentBrent Celek: Celek: My family My family is here. is here. My whole My whole life life my performance my performance and promotion and promotion of ourofbrand our brand we’vewe’ve been been able to able build to build is here. The Bengals The Bengals passed passed on meonfive metimes five times a household a household namename in theinPhiladelphia the Philadelphia real estate real estate market. market. You can’t You can’t is here. in theinNFL the Draft. NFL Draft. PhillyPhilly picked picked me. Ime. saidI the said the promote promote your your brandbrand without without performance performance and consistency. and consistency. day Iday got Idrafted got drafted to Coach to Coach (Andy) (Andy) Reid Reid I wasI was to give to him give and himthe andcity theeverything city everything I got.I got. The billboard The billboard was an was announcement an announcement of theofrelationship. the relationship. Brent,Brent, who who goinggoing Eleven yearsyears later,later, I wasI able was to able end tomy endcareer my career was growing was growing his business, his business, and me andwho me is who always is always tryingtrying to promote to promote Eleven a Super a Super BowlBowl win. win. It’s just It’smade just made sensesense for for our brand, our brand, reputation reputation and recognition. and recognition. We are Weonly are as only good as good as theaslast the lastwith with stay to here. stay here. This This is where is where all my alloppormy opporhomehome we’vewe’ve built.built. Our product Our product is ourisbrand our brand and we andtake we this takeresponsithis responsi-me tome bilitybility very seriously very seriously as it relates as it relates to ourtohomeowners our homeowners and tenants. and tenants. • 47 • 47
estate path?path? WhatWhat do you doenjoy you enjoy mostmost tunities tunities are. This are. This is theiscity theIcity know. I know. estate about about real estate? real estate? PhillyPhilly is home. is home. BrentBrent Celek: Celek: My grandfather My grandfather was was a custom homehome builder builder and Iand went I went WhatWhat attracted attracted you to you Vince to Vince and and a custom to work to work for him for when him when I wasI in was high in high V2 properties? V2 properties? school school carrying carrying wood wood and doing and doing the the BrentBrent Celek: Celek: Vince. Vince. Everything Everything he he I hated I hated it. Asit.I got As Iolder got older just talked just talked about. about. He’s very He’s very con- con- gruntgrunt and made it to the it toNFL, the NFL, I hadI money had money sistent. sistent. WhenWhen therethere are problems, are problems, and made to invest in different in different things. things. I tried I tried he fixes he fixes them.them. A lotAoflot people of people duck duck to invest other other business. business. I realized I realized I wantI wantissues. issues. In real In estate, real estate, problems problems don’tdon’t beto onbethe onother the other side of side theof the go away. go away. In some In some cases,cases, they they get get ed toed and invest and invest in a single-family in a single-family worse. worse. I loveI working love working with with Vince. Vince. I I tabletable townhome development development and started and started tell him tell all him the alltime, the time, I’m not I’mgoing not going to totownhome learning learning the ins the and ins outs and outs of real of real workwork with with everyevery developer developer because because it it estate. estate. ThenThen I got Iinto got selling into selling real real doesn’t doesn’t makemake sensesense for me fortome doto that. do that. estate. estate. I’ve built I’ve built my own my own house. house. Did Did I want I want to work to work with with people people that Ithat likeI like all the alldesign the design workwork inside inside and had and had and people and people who do who a great do a great job. Vince job. Vince so much fun doing fun doing it. I can it. Ido candedo defits both. fits both. We are Wegrowing are growing our relaour rela- so much velopment workwork all the alltime. the time. I loveI love tionship tionship and at and theatend theof end theofday, the day, velopment deals,deals, negotiating negotiating dealsdeals with with my team my team and Iand haveI have to perform. to perform. This Thisdoingdoing people. It’s really It’s really the only the only thingthing that that What’s What’s next next for you? for you? is a new is a career new career for me. forI’m me.learning I’m learningpeople. makes makes sense sense to me. to It’s me. something It’s something Brent Brent Celek: Celek: Continuing Continuing to grow to grow my team. my team. I don’t I don’t and leaning and leaning on other on other people. people. I’m going I’m going to dotountil do until I die.IWhether die. Whether I have I have aspirations aspirations to bring to bring on 30on people. 30 people. I want I want to to get back get back into football into football 20 years 20 yearsmanage manage a fewapeople few people then then bringbring on strategic on strategic people people ThereThere are aare number a number of options of options for for ever ever now, now, I’ll still I’ll do stillreal do estate. real estate. It Itwhenwhen it makes it makes sense. sense. ThereThere are opportunities are opportunities that that professional professional athletes athletes post-retirepost-retire- fromfrom makes sensesense to me. to me. are going are going to arise. to arise. ment? ment? Why Why did you didchoose you choose the real the real makes 48 • January 48 • January 20202020
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50 • January 50 • January 20202020
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