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The Somers Team Keller Williams Philadelphia

RISING STAR Stacie Steinbrecher HomeSmart Realty Advisors

SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Barry and Brandon Petroziello Allstate Insurance

JULY 2019

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MeetMeet the the PhilaPhila Real Real Producers Producers TeamTeam

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Putting Putting Her Clients Her Clients First:First: StacieStacie Steinbrecher Steinbrecher

Top Top Producer Producer CoverCover StoryStory ChrisChris Somers Somers

Sponsor Sponsor Spotlight Spotlight StoryStory BarryBarry and and Brandon Brandon Petroziello Petroziello

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the the Dots... Dots... publisher’s publisher’s notenote if had theyalready had already forgotten forgotten aboutabout July marks July marks my ninth my ninth year year on the on the exchanges, exchanges, adding adding each each one to one myto my if they it. The it.fact Thethat fact Ithat remembered I remembered and and PhillyPhilly Real Real Estate Estate Scene. Scene. SinceSince 2010,2010,calendar calendar and showing and showing up consistently up consistently consciously wentwent out ofout myofway my to way to I’ve grown I’ve grown a lot both a lot both personally personally and and everyevery night.night. I hadIheard had heard the saying the saying consciously wentwent a verya very long way. long way. The best The best professionally. professionally. My roles My roles and responand respon-“It’s not “It’swhat not what you know, you know, it’s who it’s you who youassistassist part about it wasitthat was itthat didn’t it didn’t cost cost sibilities sibilities have have changed changed drastically drastically know” know” a million a million timestimes before. before. That That part about me a me dime! a dime! WithWith a small a small step forward step forward over over the years. the years. In 2010, In 2010, after after college, college,saying saying finally finally started started to resonate to resonate with with day Iday made I made a name a name for myself for myself in in I came I came back back to Philly to Philly brokebroke and with and withme. Ime. decided I decided that since that since I didn’t I didn’t have haveeveryevery the eventually city, eventually launching launching Wolf Wolf of of no professional no professional contacts contacts whatsoever. whatsoever.any money any money or resources or resources that Ithat would I wouldthe city, Street Street Real Real Estate Estate Events, Events, LLC, LLC, I hadIahad bachelor’s a bachelor’s degree degree in finance... in finance...help those help those moremore affluent affluent and estaband estab- BroadBroad in 2016 and most and most recently recently PhiladelPhiladelbut, Ibut, quickly I quickly realized realized that based that based lishedlished than than myself myself do even do even betterbetter in 2016 Real Real Producers Producers magazine. magazine. My My on the ondismal the dismal statestate of theofeconomy the economy than than they already they already were.were. In return, In return, I’d I’dphia phia publishing distribution distribution list islist comis comand lack and of lack real-world of real-world experience, experience, be in be theingood the good graces graces of some of some prettypretty publishing prised of Philadelphia of Philadelphia County’s County’s Top Top the degree the degree wasn’t wasn’t goinggoing to gettome get me successful, successful, powerful powerful Philadelphia Philadelphia prised 500 REALTORS® who,who, combined, combined, did did anywhere. anywhere. I wasIliving was living in myinbuddy’s my buddy’sReal Real Estate Estate professionals. professionals. My biggest My biggest500 REALTORS® billions billions of dollars’ of dollars’ worthworth of producof producsparespare bedroom/home bedroom/home office,office, sleeping sleepingassetasset to offer to offer at theattime the time was my wasabilmy abiltionyear! last year! I loveI adding love adding value,value, on a futon on a futon that, that, whenwhen laid out, laidalmost out, almostity toity listen to listen for problems, for problems, hang-ups hang-ups tion last bringing people people together together and being and being touched touched both both walls.walls. I wasIpassing was passing and needs and needs beingbeing spoken spoken aboutabout by the by thebringing an overall resource resource to mytonetwork. my network. out credit out credit repairrepair marketing marketing materials materialsinfluential influential folksfolks that Ithat wasIstarting was starting to toan overall My is goal to allow is to allow Real Real Estate Estate agents agents dailydaily throughout throughout the city theby city foot, by foot, on on surround surround myself myself with.with. That’sThat’s whenwhen I IMy goal to gettotoget know to know the agent the agent across across from from SeptaSepta busesbuses and around and around train train station stationgot busy got busy “connecting “connecting the dots.” the dots.” themthem at theatclosing the closing tabletable a bit more a bit more entrances. entrances. I’d held I’d aheld job asince job since I wasI was personally and for andmy forvetted, my vetted, pre- pre14 years 14 years old, but old,I but didn’t I didn’t knowknow muchmuch If I didn’t If I didn’t have have a suggestion, a suggestion, solution solutionpersonally ferred ferred business business partners partners to have to have the the aboutabout networking networking and business and business de- de- or professional or professional introduction introduction prepared prepared ability to “shine” to “shine” in front in front of Philly’s of Philly’s velopment. velopment. AfterAfter all, they all, don’t they don’t teachteachto drop to drop on the onspot the which spot which couldcould help helpability top agents. This This way we waycan weall can doall do you this youso this much so much in college. in college. my prospective my prospective new friend/ally, new friend/ally, I’d I’d top agents. business, business, makemake moremore friends, friends, keep keep that inquiry that inquiry “on my “onradar.” my radar.” Nine Ninemoremore moremore fun and funhopefully and hopefully be in be in Before Before long,long, I got Ithe gothang the hang of idenof iden- timestimes out ofout 10 of (perhaps 10 (perhaps thanks thanks to to have have the position to one today onegive day agive young, a young, tifying tifying the right the right people people and referral and referral the “Law the “Law of Attraction”), of Attraction”), something something the position hungry guy/gal guy/gal a shota at shot anat opan oppartners. partners. I practiced I practiced my introductory my introductoryor someone or someone wouldwould eventually eventually pop pop hungry portunity portunity like so like many so many have have elevator elevator pitch.pitch. I started I started researching researching up that up Ithat could I could bringbring back back to theto the for me forover me over the years. the years. networking networking events events and business and business card cardperson person with with the original the original need,need, even even done done

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STACIE STACIE STEINBRECHER STEINBRECHER HomeSmart HomeSmart Realty Realty Advisors Advisors rising rising starstar story story WrittenWritten by Jacob by Jacob Cabezudo Cabezudo Photography Photography by Vernon by Vernon Ray (Creative Ray (Creative Mind Productions) Mind Productions)

Employment Employment and conand consulting sulting pioneer, pioneer, Robert Robert Half once Half once said, said, “When “When the customer the customer comes comes first, first, the customer the customer will will last.”last.” This This sentiment sentiment has been has been a pillar a pillar for for Stacie Stacie Steinbrecher’s Steinbrecher’s business business for her forfour her years four years and counting and counting in theinindustry. the industry. EveryEvery action action she takes she takes with with running running her business her business is geared is geared toward toward givinggiving her clients her clients the best the experience best experience possible. possible. This This beliefbelief has led hastoled hertohaving her having over over half her halfbusiness her business run on run on referrals referrals alone,alone, givinggiving her aher clear a clear path path to rise toeven rise even higher higher in theinPhiladelphia the Philadelphia Real Real Estate Estate industry. industry. Before Before Real Real Estate, Estate, Stacie Stacie was in was theinlegal the legal field for field for 24 years. 24 years. For aFor decade, a decade, she was shethe wasdirector the director of op-of operations erations for a for civila litigation civil litigation firm, firm, where where she manshe managed aged approximately approximately 50 people. 50 people. In October In October 2015,2015, she she first stepped first stepped into the intoReal the Real Estate Estate industry, industry, whichwhich she now she looks now looks back back on ason a life-changing as a life-changing event.event. Transitioning Transitioning from from the corporate the corporate worldworld to Real to Real Estate Estate isn’t the isn’tsimplest the simplest task, task, but Stacie but Stacie has shown has shown how well how she wellhas sheadapted has adapted to a sales to a sales position. position. EachEach year,year, she has sheupped has upped her marketing, her marketing, increased increased her her referral referral base,base, and most and most importantly, importantly, raisedraised her volher volume. ume. In 2018, In 2018, Stacie Stacie accumulated accumulated nearly nearly $4 million $4 million

10 • June 10 • June 2019 2019

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Be Be thethe person person thatthat your your clients clients cancan trust trust because because that’s that’s where where you’ll you’ll getget your your referral referral business. business. There’s There’s no no better better compliment compliment your your clients clients cancan provide provide in this in this business! business! festivals that are thatpart are of part theoftraditions the traditions of Port of RichPort Richexplained. “So,been I’ve been through in sales, in sales, and this andyear this year her sights her sights are are festivals explained. “So, I’ve goinggoing through mondmond as well as as well theasmany the many staplestaple restaurants restaurants such such his training his training process, anddoing he’s doing set onset $6onmillion. $6 million. process, and he’s very very at Kitty’s, at Kitty’s, Byrnes, Byrnes, Cheers Cheers Cafe Cafe and Tacconelli’s and Tacconelli’s well. well. excited to continue building We’reWe’re excited to continue building to name to name a few.a It’s few.allIt’s this allthat this makes that makes Port Port the team the team within a short timeframe.” within a short timeframe.” Stacie Stacie has ahas verya very systematic systematic way of way of Pizza,Pizza, Richmond one ofone Stacie’s of Stacie’s favorite favorite places places to work to work running running her business, her business, always always looking lookingRichmond her business and live. and live. As ato way to disconnect her busito streamline to streamline business business practices practices so so her business As a way disconnect from from her busihas found vacationing she can shetake can great take great care of care herofclients. her clients. ness,ness, StacieStacie has found vacationing to to beingbeing with with KW Philly KW Philly and Coldwell and Coldwell Banker, Banker, be pivotal. be pivotal. “You’re completely “It’s a“It’s matter a matter of knowing of knowing your your clientclient AfterAfter “You’re nevernever completely Stacie has joined has joined HomeSmart, HomeSmart, and she andhas shereally has really shut off. shutThat’s off. That’s the and pros and and having and having themthem trust trust and like andyou like you Stacie one ofone theofpros into her intoown her there. own there. “I like“Ithe likeculture the culture here,”here,” cons cons is first is and firstforemost. and foremost. I work I work for my for my comecome the business. I think it’s imporof theofbusiness. I think it’s imporshe described. “The“The owners owners are very are very supportive supportive tant to tant to have time or else clients clients 150 percent 150 percent of theoftime. the time. TheirTheirshe described. have somesome ‘you’ ‘you’ time or else and responsive in growing in growing your your business. business. TheirTheir you’llyou’ll get burned I learned needsneeds are always are always first, first, no matter no matter and responsive get burned out. Iout. learned very very administrative staff staff and systems and systems they have they have online online quickly quickly thathave you have to have that time whatwhat type of type deal of it deal is. Iitrepresent is. I represent administrative that you to have that time to upload your your paperwork paperwork and process and process the entire the entire to yourself to yourself in order to rejuvenate sellers, sellers, buyers buyers and investors and investors as if Ias if I to upload in order to rejuvenate and and transaction are very are very seamless.” seamless.” Stacie Stacie also comalso com- be fresh be fresh and clear for your clients.” was personally was personally selling selling or purchasor purchas- transaction and clear for your clients.” mends how many how many financial financial opportunities opportunities she has she has ing my ingown my home.” own home.” BeingBeing thorough thorough mends provided provided as well as as well theascompany’s the company’s growth growth of of Through also goes also goes a longa way long with way with her clients. her clients.been been Through and through, Stacie and through, Stacie is a is a mentorship mentorship programs. programs. She believes She believes in dotting in dotting everyevery “I” and “I” andtheir their client-first Her advice to other client-first agent.agent. Her advice to other crossing crossing all her all“T’s” her “T’s” — thus — eliminatthus eliminatagents to have a strong agents wouldwould be tobe have a strong workwork HomeSmart has also has inspired also inspired Stacie Stacie to start to start in- in- ethic,ethic, ing any ingproblems any problems that may that arise may arise at at HomeSmart be honest, for your be honest, workwork hard hard for your vesting vesting in properties. in properties. By early By early 2020,2020, she will shehave will haveclients the finish the finish line of line a transaction. of a transaction. clients and have consistent/effective and have consistent/effective purchased purchased her first her investment first investment property. property. thathelp will build help build workwork habitshabits that will your your business socan yousoar can to soar the next BornBorn and raised and raised in Port in Richmond, Port Richmond, business so you thetonext has just hasstarted just started her own herteam own team named named “The “The level.level. “Beperson the person that your clients Stacie Stacie lovesloves how tight-knit how tight-knit the area the area StacieStacie “Be the that your clients Dream TeamTeam 1” at HomeSmart. 1” at HomeSmart. Her first Hermember first member is is can trust can trust because where is. “Everybody is. “Everybody lookslooks out for outeach for each Dream because that’sthat’s where you’llyou’ll her husband, her husband, BrunoBruno Marcinkowski, Marcinkowski, whomwhom she has she has get your get your referral business. There’s other,” other,” she said. she said. “It’s very “It’s very communitycommunityreferral business. There’s no no inspired and helped and helped train train to work to work in Real in Estate. Real Estate. compliment clients oriented, oriented, and Iand justIlike justthe likevibe the that vibe thatinspired betterbetter compliment your your clients can can “Hegot justhis gotlicense his license in February in February of thisofyear,” this year,” she she provide provide inbusiness!” this business!” we have we have here.”here.” She also She enjoys also enjoys the the “He just in this 12 • June 12 • June 2019 2019

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TCSTCS INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS 107 107 S. 2nd S. 2nd St., Suite St., Suite 300 300 | Philadelphia, | Philadelphia, PA 19106 PA 19106 INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS Tel: Tel: (855) (855) 653-8201 653-8201 | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol www.realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com • 15 • 15





HERE. HERE. toptop producer producer cover cover story story

WrittenWritten by Jacob by Jacob Cabezudo Cabezudo Photography Photography by Vernon by Vernon Ray (Creative Ray (Creative Mind Productions) Mind Productions)

16 • June 16 • June 2019 2019

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then,then, he has hefound has found an incredan incred- of underdogs. It takes It takes an immense an immense amount amount of drive, of drive, passion passion and and sincesince of underdogs. They’re They’re people people that do that do ible amount ible amount of success. of success. Now,Now, he is he theis thegreatgreat dedication dedication to beto in be theintop the10top out10ofout 500 oftop 500productop producworkwork and drive and drive for success. for success. It’s It’s of hisofwildly his wildly successful successful KellerKeller a verya very ing agents ing agents in Philadelphia. in Philadelphia. WithWith ChrisChris Somers, Somers, leaderleader cool dynamic. cool dynamic. I haveI have a lot of a lot of Williams Philadelphia Philadelphia team,team, The The you can youjust canfeel justhis feellove his for lovethe forbusiness the business resonate resonateWilliams gratitude gratitude for the forpeople the people that Ithat work I work Somers Team.Team. through through his words his words and his andpride his pride in helping in helping families familiesSomers with.with. And most And most importantly, importantly, it’s the it’s the displayed displayed in hisinwork. his work. For the Forpast the 15 past years, 15 years, he has he has clients clients that benefit that benefit from from that.”that.” Together, they racked they racked up over up over $110 $110 been been a top-notch a top-notch agentagent with with excellent excellent character, character, Together, million in sales in sales volume volume last year, last year, putting putting up sterling up sterling numbers. numbers. And there And there is no is slowno slow-million Today, Today, ChrisChris has ahas team a team of 25of people, 25 people, an astonishingly an astonishingly incredible incredible year year of of but his ing him ingand himThe andSomers The Somers TeamTeam down.down. butbest his recruit best recruit was no was doubt no doubt his his production. production. But beyond But beyond just putjust putwife,wife, Stephanie. Stephanie. “She “She reallyreally provided provided ting great up great numbers, numbers, ChrisChris and his and hissomesome ChrisChris worked worked as a CPA as a and CPAaand financial a financial consultant consultant ting up catalysts catalysts with with marketing marketing and and teamteam have have a fabulous a fabulous culture culture built built branding before before real estate. real estate. He became He became unemployed, unemployed, however, however, branding – SomersTeam.com – SomersTeam.com and and on friendship and aand growth a growth mindset. mindset.recently, whenwhen the dot-com the dot-com bubble bubble occurred. occurred. In 2004, In 2004, still still on friendship recently, SomersTV.com. SomersTV.com. And once And once “My team is kind is of, kind like of,myself, like myself, a lot a lotshe came without without a job,aChris job, Chris got his gotreal hisestate real estate license license and and “My team she came on, we on,started we started to doto more do more

18 • June 18 • June 2019 2019

Yes, Yes, there there are are sales sales and and people people are are making making money... money... being being part part ofof changing changing communities communities is is kick-a**. kick-a**. development that will thattransform will transform the East the KensingEast Kensingties into ties the intogoals the goals that we thatwant we want to ac-to ac-development to come. According to Chris, ton for areadecades for decades to come. According to Chris, complish, ultimately I believe that is complish, ultimately I believe that iston area his biggest accomplishments accomplishments have have nothing nothing to doto do the key mytosuccess.” ChrisChris shows thetokey my success.” shows his biggest salessales figures and commissions. It’s allIt’s about figures and commissions. all about up every up every day and daydoes and does whatever whatever it it with with changing communities communities for the forbetter. the better. takestakes to thetobest the he best can hebe, canand be,then and then changing some.some. Showing Showing kindness kindness and generosand generostherethere are sales and people are making money. are sales and people are making money. ity and course working hard hard are all ityof and of course working are all“Yes, “Yes, Butway theIway lookI at look it, 155 at it,people 155 people and families and families mov-movingredients ingredients in hisinrecipe his recipe for success. for success.But the ing toing Frankford to Frankford and Lehigh, and Lehigh, whichwhich in theinpast thewas pastawas a intersection intersection – being – being part of part changing of changing communicommuniThe saying “Show me your friends, The saying “Show me your friends, toughtough kick-a**.” is kick-a**.” and I’ll and show I’ll show you your you your future” future” ringsrings ties isties especially especially true with true with him as him well. as well. position position as president as president of theofGreater the Greater Phila-Phila“I’ve “I’ve always always surrounded surrounded myself myself with withChris’Chris’ delphia Association Association of Realtors of Realtors (GPAR) (GPAR) is another is another like-minded people people and successful and successful delphia business and new We We like-minded business and construction. new construction. avenue that he that uses he uses to serve to serve the community the community and and people.” ThereThere is no is “one no “one thing”thing” that thatavenue ultimately ultimately attracted attracted moremore people.” people.” people.” affectaffect positive positive change change in theinreal theestate real estate world. world. Pro- Prowill carry will carry you to you thetotop. theChris top. Chris knows knows moting homeownership homeownership and property and property rights, rights, ChrisChris takes it takes a bunch a bunch of aspects of aspects done donemoting WithWith a group that includes his wife a group that includes his wife that itthat and GPAR makemake connections connections with with members members of theof the way to beto triumphant. “And“Andand GPAR the right way be triumphant. and several and several longtime longtime friends, friends, ChrisChris the right as well lobbyists in order to puttothe city council as as well as lobbyists in order put the I think I think whenwhen you combine you combine a lot of a lot of city council has created has created an atmosphere an atmosphere that that best policies in place in place to improve to improve the housing the housing market market things, things, that provides that provides growth growth best policies makes makes it easy it easy to beto excited be excited and moand mo- thesethese for agents and clients. and clients. and you and opportunity, andcan youtrust can trust for agents tivated to work. In turn, it makes for forand opportunity, tivated to work. In turn, it makes your your intuition and take alongalong the the intuition and risks take risks an outstanding cyclecycle of prosperity for for an outstanding of prosperity For aspiring For aspiring top producers top producers out there, out there, ChrisChris emphaemphaway,”way,” he said. he said. everyone everyone involved. involved. sizessizes the importance the importance of learning. of learning. “Sometimes “Sometimes just just reading life-changing life-changing booksbooks can help can motivate help motivate and and He and are currently in thein the reading Hehis andteam his team are currently “I’m energetic, and I’m driven,” “I’m energetic, andpretty I’m pretty driven,” to start to beto active and set I al- I alget people to start be active andgoals. set goals. process process of selling of selling Kensington Kensington Courts Courtsget people ChrisChris describes describes himself. himself. “I think “I think try totry read to read 10 pages 10 pages a day.a Iday. figured I figured that’sthat’s one one at Frankford and Lehigh, and Lehigh, a 155-unit a 155-unit waysways whenwhen we learn we learn to harness to harness our activiour activi-at Frankford

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book book per month per month and 12 and for12the foryear. the year. And ifAnd those if those are life-changing are life-changing books, books, there’s there’s a lot of a lot things of things you you can pick can up pick from up from those.” those.” ChrisChris works works to inspire to inspire his sensational his sensational teamteam as well as well as other as other agents agents in theinindustry. the industry. He takes He takes pridepride in in telling telling how he how came he came back back from from not having not having a job atojob to becoming becoming the successful the successful man he man is.he “Ifis. I can “If Igo can from go from unemployed, unemployed, to 15 to years 15 years later later having having a large a large real real estateestate teamteam and being and being the president the president of theofGreater the Greater Philadelphia Philadelphia Association Association of Realtors, of Realtors, anyone anyone can do can do whatever whatever they want.” they want.”

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Sometimes Sometimes justjust reading reading life-lifechanging changing books books cancan help help motivate motivate andand getget people people to to start start to be to be active active andand setset goals. goals. I I always always try try to read to read 10 pages 10 pages a day. a day. I I figured figured that’s that’s oneone book book perper month month andand 12 for 12 for thethe year. year. And And if those if those areare life-changing life-changing books, books, there’s there’s a lot a lot of things of things youyou cancan pick pick up up from from those. those.

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BBAARRRRYY && BBRRAANNDDOONN PPEETTRROOZZI IEELLLLOO AA L LLSL TAT S TAT E EI NI N SU SU RA RA NN CC EE As the Asleaders the leaders of a premier of a premier Allstate Allstate agency agency in Philadelphia, in Philadelphia, BarryBarry and Brandon and Brandon Petroziello Petroziello are undoubtedly are undoubtedly the biggest the biggest entrepreneurial entrepreneurial minds minds in their in their industry. industry. WithWith a drive a drive to burst to burst through through the hefty the hefty goalsgoals they they have have set for settheir for their business business and and theirtheir desire desire to help to help agents, agents, BarryBarry and Brandon and Brandon are aare go-to a go-to source source for allfor insurance all insurance needs. needs.

There, There, he won he rookie won rookie of theofyear the year in 1986, in 1986, risingrising aboveabove over over 2,0002,000 otherother insurance insurance agents agents in theinNortheast the Northeast region. region. In June In June 1997,1997, BarryBarry mademade his move his move to Allstate, to Allstate, whichwhich to him towas him“a was whole “a whole dif- differentferent animal.” animal.”

“You’re “You’re an entrepreneur, an entrepreneur, not an not employee an employee of theofinsurance the insurance agency,” agency,” BarryBarry explained. explained. And he And thrived he thrived as anas agent, an agent, consistentconsistentBarryBarry started started out inout theinfinancial the financial planning planning industry industry in October in October ly being ly being a leader a leader with with Allstate Allstate and earning and earning 12 Honor 12 Honor Ring Ring and six and six 1984 1984 and was andwith was with another another insurance insurance company company for over for over 12 years. 12 years. National National Conference Conference awards awards in hisintime his time therethere so far.so far.

24 • June 24 • June 2019 2019


WrittenWritten by Jacob by Jacob Cabezudo Cabezudo Photography Photography by Vernon by Vernon Ray Ray (Creative (Creative Mind Productions) Mind Productions)

sponsor sponsor spotlight spotlight story story the potential the potential was and waswhat and what can be can done be done with with it even it even moremore Brandon wasn’t even even born born whenwhen BarryBarry signed the papers to to whatwhat Brandon wasn’t signed the papers so than so than whatwhat my dad myalready dad already built.”built.” In just Inhis justsenior his senior year year of high of high become become an Allstate an Allstate agent. agent. However, However, it didn’t it didn’t take long take for long for school, he became he became a licensed a licensed insurance insurance agentagent and, much and, much to theto the Brandon Brandon to appreciate to appreciate his father’s his father’s workwork and want and want in. Atin. only At only school, dismay of family of family and friends, and friends, decided decided not tonot goto togo college. to college. 16, he16, was he in was charge in charge of theofsocial the social mediamedia and cold and calling cold calling for his for hisdismay dad’sdad’s business. business. Day-by-day, Day-by-day, Brandon Brandon has proven has proven that itthat wasitthe wasright the right movemove simply simply by much how much he wants he wants to be to successful. be successful. “I’ve “I’ve been been busting busting my butt my butt Fueled Fueled by hisbystrong his strong entrepreneurial entrepreneurial drivedrive – a trait – a he trait shares he shares by how year trying year trying to reach to reach up asup much as much as possible as possible into the intotop the1% top of1% of with with his dad his–dad Brandon – Brandon has built has built an undying an undying fire for fireadvancing for advancing everyevery our business – finding – finding thosethose who are whodoing are doing biggerbigger and better and better thingsthings in theinindustry. “I really started to work in theinbusiness and see the industry. “I really started to work the business and see our business

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and not andonly not mimicking only mimicking but improving but improving uponupon thosethose processes processes and practices.” and practices.” BarryBarry and Brandon’s and Brandon’s chemistry chemistry as a team as a team is keyistokey to their their success. success. BarryBarry proudly proudly recalls recalls just how just spehow special his cialson hiswas sonfrom was from a young a young age. “It age. was “Itincredwas incredible. When ible. When he was he14, wasI signed 14, I signed him up him forupEntreprefor Entrepreneur neur magazine. magazine. He was Hejust wasso just different.” so different.” The two The two are soare similar so similar and equally and equally passionate passionate aboutabout their their craft craft that there that there doesn’t doesn’t seemseem to beto anything be anything stop-stopping them ping them from from achieving achieving whatwhat they want. they want. While While BarryBarry has laid hasthe laidfoundation the foundation for their for their massive massive success, success, both both he and hehis andson hisare sonchompare chomping ating theatbit thetobit make to make big moves big moves to grow to grow theirtheir business. business. TheyThey are looking are looking to expand to expand throughout throughout the Greater the Greater Philadelphia Philadelphia area area and eventually and eventually into into the Tri-State the Tri-State whilewhile also growing also growing theirtheir teamteam into ainto a specialized specialized operation. operation. SinceSince he’s been he’s been in theinbusiness the business for over for over 30 years, 30 years, BarryBarry doesn’t doesn’t see much see much change change in what in what he does he does to to grow.grow. “It’s cold “It’s calling,” cold calling,” he insists. he insists. “And“And Brandon’s Brandon’s a a perfect perfect example example of it.”of it.” “Thirty “Thirty yearsyears ago, he ago, was hewalking was walking up toup people’s to people’s doorsdoors shutting shutting a deala down,” deal down,” Brandon Brandon added. added. “It’s “It’s reallyreally no different. no different. MostMost of theofbusiness the business I do isI do is eithereither cold calls, cold calls, reallyreally cold introductions, cold introductions, and and obviously obviously referral referral partners.” partners.” Additionally, Additionally, BarryBarry and Brandon and Brandon creditcredit and apand appreciate preciate the agents the agents they collaborate they collaborate with.with. “Our“Our REALTORS® REALTORS® and our andloan our officers loan officers are imperative,” are imperative,” Brandon Brandon explained. explained. “And“And the quality the quality of that of busithat business ness is tremendous is tremendous because because they already they already give us give us that value, that value, saving saving us a lot us of a lot time of time and effort. and effort. You You don’tdon’t have have to spend to spend a tonaofton time of time building building rapport rapport and that and we thatwant we want to work to work with with are are because because they’ve they’ve already already built built it foritus. forThat’s us. That’s why why the ones the ones that aren’t that aren’t solelysolely focused focused on on we appreciate we appreciate themthem so much.” so much.” cost. cost. TheyThey understand understand the value the value in a in a relationship relationship and genuine and genuine advice advice and and ThereThere is a great is a great deal of deal upside of upside to working to working with with that’sthat’s whatwhat we bring we bring to thetotable.” the table.” BarryBarry and Brandon and Brandon at their at their Allstate Allstate agency. agency. TheirTheir entrepreneurial entrepreneurial mindset, mindset, understanding understanding of a Real of a Real “When “When we receive we receive a referral a referral from from Estate Estate Agent’s Agent’s process process and emphasis and emphasis on quality on quality a REALTOR® a REALTOR® or loan or officer, loan officer, they they makemake their their insurance insurance service service standstand out above out above the the can be can confident be confident that their that their clientclient is is rest. rest. “Most“Most of theoftime,” the time,” Brandon Brandon explained, explained, “insur“insurin good in good hands. hands. We’reWe’re goinggoing to spend to spend ance ance agents agents are simply are simply throwing throwing ratesrates at their at their cus- cus-time,time, and we’re and we’re goinggoing to find toout findwhat out what tomers; tomers; they’re they’re just focused just focused on providing on providing the lowest the lowest they really they really need.need. It’s anIt’s experience an experience – – price.price. The REALTORS® The REALTORS® that want that want to work to work with with us usnot just notajust phone a phone call.”call.”

26 • June 26 • June 2019 2019

We W’ er e’ r eg ogi on ign gt ot o s psepnedn dt i m t ie m, ea, nadn d w ew’ er e’ r eg ogi on ign gt ot o f i nf idn do uotuw t hwaht atthtehye y r erael al yl l yn eneede. dI.t ’Ist ’ sa na n e xepxeprei er inecnec e– –n onto t j u jsut sat ap hpohnoen ec acl al . l l .

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