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MeetMeet the the BucksBucks County County Real Real Producers Producers TeamTeam

Top Top Producer Producer CoverCover Story:Story: Thomas Thomas Kennedy Kennedy

Preferred Preferred Partner Partner Highlight: Highlight: VitaleVitale Inspection Inspection Services Services




Making Making A A Difference: Difference: Happy Happy Smiles Smiles Foundation Foundation

AgentAgent On Fire: On Fire: Bill Sarr Bill Sarr

AgentAgent To To Watch Watch Sunita Sunita Lovina Lovina

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toptop producer producer cover cover story story WrittenWritten by Dave by Danielson Dave Danielson Photography Photography by Thato by Thato Dadson Dadson Images Images

KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY SIGNATURE SIGNATURE PROPERTIES, PROPERTIES, KELLER KELLER WILLIAMS WILLIAMS NEWTOWN NEWTOWN WhatWhat powers powers the things the things you do you each do each day? day? WhatWhat is theisforce the force that fuels that fuels your your passion? passion? Why Why does does it it all matter? all matter? WhenWhen you can youanswer can answer thesethese questions questions with with clar- clarity and itycertainty, and certainty, then then success success is inevitable. is inevitable. A SPARK A SPARK FOR FOR WHAT WHAT HE DOES HE DOES

There’s There’s a unique a unique sparkspark within within Tom Tom Kennedy. Kennedy. As a REALTOR® As a REALTOR® and principal and principal of Kennedy of Kennedy Signature Signature Properties Properties with with KellerKeller Williams Williams in in Newtown, Newtown, Tom Tom is driven is driven by a fulfilling by a fulfilling purpose. purpose. “For me, “Forit’s me,about it’s about knowing knowing that I’m thatmaking I’m making a a difference difference in people’s in people’s lives lives … I feel … Iafeel deep a deep sensesense of of duty duty and responsibility and responsibility to every to every clientclient that places that places

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MAKING MAKING EARLY EARLY MOVES MOVES memy andteam. my team. Before got real into real their their trust trust in meinand Before I got Iinto As he As came he came of age, of Tom age, Tom graduated graduated from from Council Council RockRock estate, I worked an industry for years nine years estate, I worked in anin industry for nine that that School School South, South, then then wentwent on toon Shippensburg to Shippensburg taught me valuable lessons taught me valuable lessons aboutabout hard hard workwork and and High High University, where where he earned he earned his undergraduate his undergraduate degree degree in in discipline, I didn’t getsense any sense of fulfillment,”University, discipline, but I but didn’t get any of fulfillment,” Finance. Finance. FromFrom there,there, he attended he attended Rutgers Rutgers University University for for explains. Tom Tom explains. Golf Turf Golf Management. Turf Management. a purpose a reason … driven I am driven “Now“Now I haveI have a purpose and aand reason … I am “I ended up working up working in theingolf theindustry golf industry for nine for years,” nine years,” bysignificant the significant play in people’s by the role Irole playI in people’s lives.lives. I am I am “I ended remembers. remembers. “I went “I went out on out a high on a note, high note, as myaslast my last motivated by those who depend onmy me:fammy fam- Tom Tom motivated by those who depend on me: project project before before leaving leaving the career the career was hosting was hosting the 2017 the 2017 ily,clients, my clients, my team, andfamilies the families ily, my my team, and the of myof my U.S. Women’s OpenOpen at Trump at Trump National National Golf Club Golf Club in in members. no desire to have a team teamteam members. I haveI have no desire to have a team of of U.S. Women’s Bedminster, New New Jersey.” Jersey.” 20 mediocre agents. I am interested in building Bedminster, 20 mediocre agents. I am interested in building a highly productive and successful core group a highly productive and successful core group of of TAKING A NEW A NEW PATHPATH people can count I truly love working in real TAKING people I can Icount on. I on. truly love working in real Tom Tom was ready was ready for a for change a change in direction. in direction. forentrepreneurial the entrepreneurial freedom and limitless estateestate for the freedom and limitless potential it provides. It allows a space to build potential it provides. It allows me a me space to build my business my way.” my business my way.”


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In February In February 2017,2017, he went he went to night to night school school to study to study for his forreal hisestate real estate examexam — on— top onoftop working of working full 70 full to70 80-hour to 80-hour weeks weeks at theatgolf thecourse. golf course. By June By June 2017,2017, he had heearned had earned his real hisestate real estate license license in in both both Pennsylvania Pennsylvania and New and New Jersey. Jersey. “Upon “Upon leaving leaving the golf theindustry, golf industry, I I jumped jumped into real intoestate real estate full-time full-time at at KW Center KW Center City. City. AfterAfter four months, four months, my wife’s my wife’s mother mother became became sick, sick, and Iand I needed needed to beto closer be closer to home. to home. I metIwith met with the broker the broker at theatKW theNewtown KW Newtown office,office, and Iand knew I knew that was thatthe wasplace the place I wasI was meant meant to be.” to be.” REWARDING REWARDING REPUTATION REPUTATION

Tom Tom seems seems to have to have beenbeen mademade for for real estate. real estate. His early His early production production and undeniable and undeniable potential potential earned earned him the himRookie the Rookie of of the Year the Year awardaward from from KellerKeller Williams Williams Newtown Newtown in 2018. in 2018. SinceSince then,then, he has he has consistently consistently addedadded $4 million $4 million to $5to $5 million million in sales in sales volume volume each each year.year. In In June June 2020,2020, we featured we featured Thomas Thomas as a as a Rising Rising Star, Star, and he and was healso was recognized also recognized by Five by Star Five Professional Star Professional as a Rising as a Rising Star in Star 2020. in 2020. Today, Today, Tom heads Tom heads his own his team own team — — Kennedy Kennedy Signature Signature Properties, Properties, where where he he recently recently addedadded a third a third agentagent to thetoteam the team as well as as well a transaction as a transaction coordinator. coordinator. “In 2021, “In 2021, it wasitjust wasme justand memy andfirst my first partner, partner, Jim D’Orlando, Jim D’Orlando, and we andboth we both had ahad record a record year. year. Now,Now, with with the the addition addition of ourofsecond our second partner, partner, Manju Manju Notani, Notani, and the andleverage the leverage addedadded through through transactional transactional support, support, I expect I expect our 2022 our 2022 production production to exceed to exceed $30 million.” $30 million.” “It is“It such is such a compliment a compliment whenwhen friends friends and clients and clients who who are relocating are relocating or or looking looking for a for vacation a vacation homehome seek seek out out my guidance my guidance to help to help find them find them the the rightright agent. agent. I feelI lucky feel lucky to beto inbe a in a position position to help to help people people locally locally and all and all over over the world.” the world.”

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AwayAway from from work,work, Tom Tom treasures treasures time time with with his wife his Jennifer wife Jennifer and their and their 6-month-old 6-month-old son, Carter, son, Carter, at their at their homehome in Doylestown. in Doylestown. In hisInfree his time, free time, Tom Tom staysstays active. active. His favorite His favorite hobbyhobby is golf. is He golf.belongs He belongs to Trenton to Trenton Country Country Club,Club, whichwhich is a is a very very special special placeplace for his forfamily. his family. Tom Tom worked worked at Trenton at Trenton Country Country Club Club for for four years four years as theasassistant the assistant superintensuperintendent.dent. During During thosethose four years, four years, he met heamet a beautiful beautiful youngyoung lady who lady was whothe waspro the pro shop shop manager. manager. That That youngyoung lady is lady now is now his wife. his wife. WhenWhen it comes it comes to giving to giving back,back, Tom Tom supports supports KW Cares, KW Cares, as well as as well KW as KW Kids Kids Can. Can. TRUSTED TRUSTED EXPERTISE EXPERTISE

ThoseThose who have who have a chance a chance to meet to meet and and workwork with with Tom Tom knowknow without without a doubt a doubt that they that can theycount can count on him. on him. “Trust “Trust is at the is atcore the of core what of what we do. weI do. I workwork very very hard hard for my forclients, my clients, and Iand I hope hope they know they know how much how much I put Iinto put into it,” Tom it,” Tom emphasizes. emphasizes. “There “There is no is betno better feeling ter feeling than than whenwhen they let they meletknow me know they appreciate they appreciate whatwhat I’m doing I’m doing to help to help themthem reachreach their their goals.” goals.” “I think “I think a lot of a lot myofdrive my drive comes comes from from the fact thethat fact Ithat don’t I don’t wantwant to leave to leave any- anythingthing on the ontable. the table. I want I want to know to know that, that, in theinend, the Iend, gaveI gave it myitall,” myhe all,” says. he says. “Now,“Now, having having a family a family and having and having peo- people who ple depend who depend on me, onIme, want I want to make to make myself myself and my andfamily my family proud.” proud.” Congratulations Congratulations to Tom to Tom Kennedy Kennedy for for making making an undeniable an undeniable difference difference as anas an established established forceforce in theinlocal the local real estate real estate market market … by … fulfilling by fulfilling his purpose his purpose of of serving serving thosethose around around him. him.

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20 • July 20 • 2022 July 2022

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Connecting Connecting To Our To Our Community Community To Bring To Bring You You MoreMore Value Value

WrittenWritten by Ruth byGnirk Ruth Gnirk Photography Photography by Berridge by Berridge Photography Photography Hair and HairMakeup and Makeup (Staci Barbati): (Staci Barbati): AnnieAnnie JarozsJarozs of Propaganda of Propaganda Studio;Studio; MarynMaryn MitisaMitisa Hair and HairMakeup and Makeup (Sabrina (Sabrina Morley): Morley): Sabrina Sabrina MorleyMorley


itale Inspection itale Inspection Services Services adds adds valuevalue to REALTORS® to REALTORS® and cliand cli- Owner Owner CarloCarlo VitaleVitale is intentional is intentional aboutabout con- conents through ents through top-tier top-tier services, services, informational informational lunch-and-learn lunch-and-learnnecting necting to REALTORS® to REALTORS® and clients and clients by sharby sharevents, events, and by and creating by creating awareness awareness of needs of needs and raising and raising fundsfunds ing information ing information and motivation and motivation so they so can they can for charities for charities through through the Happy the Happy Smiles Smiles Foundation*. Foundation*. continue continue to grow. to grow. He isHe also is purposeful also purposeful aboutabout growth growth in hisincompany his company and about and about developing developing his business his business to meet to meet the increasing the increasing needsneeds of of TheirTheir A+ services A+ services include: include: the industry. CarloCarlo started started the company the company in in • Accurate • Accurate reports reports within within 24 hours, 24 hours, including including certified certified specialist specialist reports reports the industry. to serve to serve his clients his clients and REALTORS®, and REALTORS®, as as • Ancillary • Ancillary services services as a one-stop-shop as a one-stop-shop with awith network a network of trusted of trusted providers providers 2011 2011 well as well vendor as vendor partners partners and team and team members, members, • Attention • Attention to detail to detail with customers, with customers, reports, reports, and estimates and estimates and to and ensure to ensure that their that their dreams dreams are achieved are achieved • Availability • Availability of certified of certified staff for staff inspection for inspection and explanation and explanation too. Carlo too. Carlo and his andgrowth his growth and marketing and marketing teamteam • Attentiveness • Attentiveness to REALTORS® to REALTORS® and clients and clients bringbring their their strengths, strengths, talents, talents, and experience and experience to to • Adaptability • Adaptability as services as services are added are added whenwhen new needs new needs are discovered are discovered connect connect with with the public the public in-person in-person or virtually, or virtually, • Affordability • Affordability to inform to inform and inspire and inspire the community the community and meet and meet • Adding • Adding to staff to knowledge staff knowledge and certifications and certifications to serve to serve the community the community betterbetter needs. needs. A portion A portion of each of each inspection inspection is donated is donated back back to thetoHappy the Happy Smiles Smiles Foundation. Foundation. 22 • July 22 • 2022 July 2022

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Barbati to work forMercer the Mercer StaciStaci Barbati used used to work for the County Prosecutor’s Office. In 2017 her friend County Prosecutor’s Office. In 2017 her friend Anthony manager at Vitale Anthony Dilks,Dilks, officeoffice manager at Vitale Inspection Services, suggested she meet Inspection Services, suggested she meet with with a marketing position. CarloCarlo aboutabout a marketing position. StaciStaci was was impressed by Carlo’s mission and vision, impressed by Carlo’s mission and vision, and and she joined the team weeks she joined the team threethree weeks later.later. She She started building face-to-face relationships started building face-to-face relationships and and brought to meetings REALTORS® brought candycandy to meetings with with REALTORS® and preferred partners. Her sweet thoughtfuland preferred partners. Her sweet thoughtfulearned hernickname the nickname “Candy ness ness earned her the “Candy Girl.”Girl.”

Sabrina Morley is aestate real estate Morley is a real The The “Dynamic “Dynamic Duo”Duo” Sabrina and17has 17 years of experience agentagent and has years of experience interviewed interviewed industry industry in sales, in sales, training, marketing, training, marketing, and and advertising the cosmetic industry. in theincosmetic industry. experts, experts, small small business business advertising Shetraveled had traveled on a worldwide She had on a worldwide owners, owners, frontline frontline marketing campaign butlaid was laid marketing campaign but was workers, workers, and and people people off due offto due to Covid. Sabrina Covid. Sabrina joinedjoined the the team, and together she and Staci team, and together she and Staci have have making making a difference a difference accomplished accomplished moremore than than eithereither couldcould in their in their community community individually. individually. SinceSince CovidCovid mademade it it so that so that REALTORS®, REALTORS®, impossible impossible to have lunch-and-learns, to have lunch-and-learns, they created a stuck-at-home podcast a stuck-at-home podcast Preferred Preferred Partners, Partners, and and they created scheduling Lunch-and-Learn events Staci Staci beganbegan scheduling Lunch-and-Learn events Home-Schooled 2 Chicks. calledcalled Home-Schooled By 2 By Chicks. business business owners owners could could so Carlo add more even more the real so Carlo couldcould add even valuevalue to thetoreal The “Dynamic interviewed The “Dynamic Duo”Duo” interviewed staystay informed, informed, make make industry community. His presence the area, estateestate community. His presence in theinarea, and and industry experts, business experts, smallsmall business own-ownthe great reputation of Vitale Inspection Services, virtual the great reputation of Vitale Inspection Services, ers, frontline workers, and people ers, frontline workers, and people virtual connections, connections, and and attracted inspectors and ancillary attracted moremore inspectors and ancillary team team making a difference in their commumaking a difference in their commucelebrate celebrate victories. victories. members. In 2020 was so much steady members. In 2020 therethere was so much steady that Staci and Carlo agreed they needed workwork that Staci and Carlo agreed they needed to to add another member the growth add another member to thetogrowth team.team.

nity so REALTORS®, that REALTORS®, Preferred nity so that Preferred Partners, and business owners Partners, and business owners couldcould stay informed, virtual connecstay informed, makemake virtual connecand celebrate victories. tions,tions, and celebrate victories.

Another talented, passionate growthAnother talented, passionate growthmember is Justin Girard. teamteam member is Justin Girard. He isHe is a servant-leader for Home Services a servant-leader for Home Services new preferred vendor for Vitale Plus, Plus, a newa preferred vendor for Vitale Inspections. Services HomeHome Inspections. HomeHome Services Pluscreated was created to meet the commuPlus was to meet the commugrowing demand for skilled nity’snity’s growing demand for skilled and and reliable handyman services. reliable handyman services. JustinJustin ondecades two decades of nonprofit drawsdraws on two of nonprofit experience he works experience as heas works with with CarloCarlo to to expand the outreach the Happy expand the outreach of theofHappy Smiles Foundation. Utilizing Smiles Foundation. Utilizing his expertise in digital markethis expertise in digital marketing, he creates and does ing, he creates fliersfliers and does behind the scenes manymany thingsthings behind the scenes andthe forwebsites. the websites. and for andRivera Joe Rivera created CarloCarlo and Joe created podcast, InvestInvest ThreeThree SixtySixty podcast, whichwhich is is proudly backed byHappy the Happy Smiles proudly backed by the Smiles Foundation. interview a variety Foundation. TheyThey interview a variety of people, as professionals, of people, such such as professionals, entertainers, and financial advisors, entertainers, and financial advisors, to inspire the audience to inspire the audience with with new new perspectives and insightful perspectives and insightful ideas.ideas. Bremmer shares wisdom Bremmer Lego Lego shares wisdom from from the marketplace, helping inform the marketplace, helping inform others market trends and tips. others aboutabout market trends and tips. andgrowth his growth CarloCarlo and his teamteam brain-brainweekly to strategize cohesive stormstorm weekly to strategize cohesive that inspire socialsocial mediamedia postsposts that inspire inten-intenThe Vitale The Vitale Inspection Inspection Services Services “Growth “Growth Girls” Girls” self-inspection and provide self-inspection and provide Sabrina Sabrina MorleyMorley (left) and (left)Staci andBarbati Staci Barbati (right) (right) tionaltional meaningful education. meaningful education. realproducersmag.com realproducersmag.com

BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 23 • 23

Providing a one-stop a one-stop shop shop is theis“Vitale the “Vitale way.”way.” As the Asfaces the faces of theofgrowth the growth team,team, community community con- con- Providing REALTORS® and the andcommunity the community can turn can turn to to nectors nectors StaciStaci and Sabrina and Sabrina spendspend a portion a portion of their of theirREALTORS® Inspection Inspection Services Services for allfor their all their residenresidenweekweek impacting impacting the development the development of their of their network networkVitaleVitale tial commercial or commercial inspection inspection needs, needs, including including through through follow-up follow-up visitsvisits and events. and events. TheyThey joyfully joyfullytial or certified moldmold inspections, inspections, oil tank oil tank sweeps, sweeps, participate participate in a variety in a variety of fundraisers of fundraisers for Happy for Happy certified sewersewer line inspections, line inspections, woodwood destroying destroying insectinsect Smiles Smiles and orchestrate and orchestrate quarterly quarterly team-buildteam-buildinspections, radonradon testing, testing, and invasive and invasive stucco stucco ing events. ing events. TheyThey also ride also along ride along on inspections on inspections inspections, inspections. inspections. Months Months ago, the ago,team the team was already was already monthly monthly to stay to connected stay connected with with whatwhat their their teamteam of of preparing preparing for the fornew the lead new inspection lead inspection bill, which bill, which inspectors inspectors does does for the forcommunity. the community. is now is being now being enforced. enforced. ThereThere are 13are certified 13 certified inspectors, inspectors, including including threethree who comprise who comprise the the The duo Thepacks duo packs a variety a variety of clothes of clothes each each day so day they so they chimney division division and provide and provide “level“level one” one” and and can easily can easily transition transition from from everyday everyday workwork clothes clothes chimney two” two” chimney chimney inspections inspections which which are are to professional to professional attire,attire, depending depending on how on they how are they are “level“level required required in some in some areas.areas. givinggiving back back to thetocommunity. the community. TheyThey are proud are proud to beto be able to able find toharmony find harmony in their in their lives lives with with their their meanmeanVitale inspectors inspectors are very are very thorough, thorough, and their and their ingfulingful full-time full-time jobs, jobs, their their growing growing families families and and Vitale inspection reports reports are clear, are clear, understandable, understandable, circles circles of friends, of friends, and their and their volunteer volunteer work.work. TheyThey inspection and available within within 24 hours. 24 hours. Homeowners Homeowners are thankful are thankful that their that their “work“work family” family” values values and and and available can purchase also purchase a repair a repair request request list. list. respects respects themthem as women as women in a male-dominant in a male-dominant field.field.can also

Owner Owner Carlo Carlo Vitale Vitale is intentional is intentional about about connecting connecting to to REALTORS® REALTORS® and and clients clients by sharing by sharing information information and and motivation motivation so they so they can can continue continue to grow. to grow.

24 • July 24 • 2022 July 2022

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By the Byend theof end theofyear, the year, Vitale Vitale will will offeroffer an additional an additional resource resource calledcalled Repair Repair Pricer Pricer that will that allow will allow buyers buyers to purchase to purchase accurate accurate estimates estimates for the for the repairs repairs that are thatneeded. are needed. This This will help will help REALTORS® REALTORS® save save theirtheir clients clients time time and money and money during during negotiations! negotiations!

VitaleVitale Inspection Inspection Services Services offersoffers a dis-a discountcount for military, for military, police, police, and firefightand firefighters, and ers,anyone and anyone who brings who brings in oneinofone of their their brochures brochures or online or online ads along ads along with with a pack a pack of socks of socks whichwhich will be will donated be donated to to a shelter. a shelter. The team The team donates donates 30-5030-50 family family meal meal baskets baskets around around Thanksgiving Thanksgiving and isand is always always alert alert to needs to needs discovered discovered during during conversations conversations during during inspections, inspections, whilewhile connecting connecting with with partners partners or networking, or networking, or even or even whilewhile eatingeating out. Carlo out. Carlo has also has also created created several several nonprofit nonprofit organizations organizations to help to meet help meet needsneeds locally, locally, including including the the Happy Happy Smiles Smiles Foundation, Foundation, whichwhich sup- supportsports a newa nonprofit new nonprofit organization organization each each month month through through volunteerism, volunteerism, targeted targeted fundraising, fundraising, and aand charitable a charitable donation donation from from VitaleVitale Inspection Inspection Services. Services.

Read Read moremore aboutabout Happy Happy Smiles Smiles Foundation Foundation in this inissue! this issue! Read Read the full thestory full story of Carlo of Carlo VitaleVitale and and VitaleVitale Inspection Inspection Services Services in theinJanuary the January 2022 2022 issueissue of Bucks of Bucks County County Real Producers Real Producers at issuu.com at issuu.com

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making making a difference a difference

happy happysmiles smilesfoundation foundation WrittenWritten by Ruth byGnirk Ruth Gnirk

AA New New Era Era in in Kindness Kindness

Happy Happy Smiles Smiles Foundation Foundation is creating is creating a aIn 2015, Part Carlo of Carlo D. Vitale’s D. Vitale’s personal personal In 2015, CarloCarlo D. received D. received a callafrom call fromPart of new age newofage giving of giving through through technology, technology,his cousin, motivation comes comes fromfrom his own his life own life his cousin, CarloCarlo C. Vitale. C. Vitale. Cousin Cousin motivation education, education, and awareness. and awareness. The The experience of being of being born born with with a rarea rare CarloCarlo C. had C.been had been working working in thein the experience nonprofit nonprofit organization organization teamsteams up with up with subway condition calledcalled bladder bladder exstrophy. exstrophy. subway system system and encountered and encountered dis- dis-condition multiple multiple local local and/or and/or national national charities charitiesplaced It taught It taught him to him beto gentle be gentle and graand graplaced people people on a daily on a daily basis.basis. He recHe receach month each month to help tobring help bring attention attention to to ognized to everyone to everyone because because he knew he knew ognized their their need need for food, for food, warmth, warmth,ciouscious needsneeds and collect and collect resources resources to provide to provide and kindness, allwell too that well struggles that struggles do not do not and kindness, so heso started he started collecting collectingall too relief,relief, allowing allowing spectators spectators to become to become and distributing to beto observable be observable by others by others to to and distributing coats,coats, blankets, blankets, and andhave have participants. participants. Through Through monthly monthly events, events, cleanclean impact one’sone’s life. Carlo life. Carlo D. was D. also was also socks. socks. CarloCarlo C. knew C. knew of Carlo of Carlo impact drives,drives, and networking and networking opportunities, opportunities, D.’s heart inspired inspired by hisbyfather, his father, who started who started D.’s heart for helping for helping and realized and realized that that Happy Happy Smiles Smiles creates creates awareness, awareness, then then as a charitable an Italian club that club still that contributes still contributes as a charitable business business owner, owner, CarloCarloan Italian provides provides ways ways for people for people to puttotheir put their D. might to children’s charities, charities, churches, churches, D. might be connected be connected with with otherother to children’s compassion compassion into action. into action. and local organizations. organizations. smallsmall business business owners owners who would who would and local

join him joinin him hisinmission his mission of mercy. of mercy. Happy Happy Smiles Smiles helpshelps countless countless local local The Happy The Happy Smiles Smiles team,team, alongalong families families and teams and teams up with up with local local somesome of theofVitale the Vitale Inspection Inspection CarloCarlo D. caught D. caught the vision the vision right right awayawaywith with charities, charities, including including Anchor Anchor House, House, and began Services staff,staff, have have monthly monthly and and and began contributing contributing his time his time and and Services Children’s Children’s HomeHome Society Society of New of New annual annual drives, drives, create create events, events, and and personal personal resources resources to thetosubway the subway gen- genJersey, Jersey, GI GoGI Fund, Go Fund, HopeHope LovesLoves request request grants grants to obtain to obtain program program erosity erosity project. project. He also He started also started donatdonatCompany Company Inc., NAMI Inc., NAMI Mercer, Mercer, The The ing a ing funding. funding. Through Through Happy Happy Smiles, Smiles, they they portion a portion of theofprofits the profits from from everyevery Sunshine Sunshine Foundation Foundation – Mercer – Mercer create awareness awareness and acceptance and acceptance and and job that job Vitale that Vitale Inspection Inspection Services Services create County County Chapter, Chapter, and many and many more.more. gather resources resources for those for those in need. in need. completed. completed. By 2019, By 2019, the Vitale the Vitale cous-cous-gather Happy Happy Smiles Smiles also joined also joined forcesforces connect connect to thetocommunity the community ins and insaand Board a Board of Directors of Directors helped helped TheyThey with with National National charities charities such such as theas the Happy through relationships relationships and broaden and broaden Happy Smiles Smiles Foundation Foundation become become an anthrough Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s Association, Association, Association Associationofficial their their perspective perspective by teaming by teaming up with up with official 501c3. 501c3. for the forBladder the Bladder Exstrophy Exstrophy Community, Community, a newa nonprofit new nonprofit organization organization each each Autism Autism Speaks, Speaks, and the andUnited the United month. This This allows allows Happy Happy Smiles Smiles to to CarloCarlo invited invited his friend his friend Justin Justin to join to joinmonth. Mitochondrial Mitochondrial Disease Disease Foundation. Foundation. the team a bigger, a bigger, yet focused, yet focused, impact impact in in the team because because of hisofshared his shared visionvisionmakemake the community. for intentional for intentional givinggiving and his andskills his skills the community. In 2012 In 2012 CarloCarlo D. Vitale, D. Vitale, founder founder of of in marketing. in marketing. For seven For seven years,years, Justin Justin VitaleVitale Inspection Inspection Services, Services, teamed teamed up uphad helped had helped create create over over 40 programs 40 programs with with his friend his friend JustinJustin Girard, Girard, a digital a digitalfor The forChildren’s The Children’s HomeHome Society Society and and marketing marketing specialist specialist with with yearsyears of of was always was always learning learning and growing. and growing. nonprofit nonprofit experience experience for organizations for organizations WithWith his deep his deep sensesense of community of community such such as The asChildren’s The Children’s HomeHome Society Society of of and belief and belief in caring in caring long-term long-term and and New Jersey. New Jersey. In honor In honor of a friend of a friend who who putting putting intention intention to action, to action, he was heawas a had served had served in theinMarines the Marines and was and was wonderful wonderful addition. addition. CarloCarlo also invited also invited a police a police officer, officer, they started they started a nona non- Joe Rivera, Joe Rivera, his friend his friend and the andco-crethe co-creprofitprofit that would that would care for carechildren for children and andator/co-host ator/co-host of Invest of Invest ThreeThree Sixty,Sixty, to to happysmilesfoundation.com/donate happysmilesfoundation.com/donate families families in need in need of medical of medical fundsfunds and and join the jointeam the team as they as bring they bring the vision the vision a touch a touch of hope of hope in their in their lives.lives. The pair The pairof Happy of Happy Smiles Smiles Foundation Foundation to life. to life. also served also served on theonboard the board together. together. realproducersmag.com realproducersmag.com

BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 27 • 27

agent agent on fire on fire WrittenWritten by Ruth byGnirk Ruth Gnirk Photography Photography by Berridge by Berridge Photography Photography



28 • July 28 • 2022 July 2022

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WhenWhen Bill was Bill in was high in high school, school, his his neighbor neighbor taught taught him about him about car maincar maintenance tenance and home and home repairs. repairs. He also He also taught taught Bill how Bill to how doto electrical do electrical work,work, painting, painting, plumbing, plumbing, and carpentry. and carpentry. ThenThen he offered he offered Bill aBill job ahelping job helping him flip himhouses flip houses afterafter school school and in and in the summers. the summers. AfterAfter graduating graduating with with an associan associate’s ate’s degree degree from from BucksBucks County County Community Community College College and aand marketing a marketing degree degree with with a finance a finance minorminor from from WestWest Chester Chester University, University, Bill and Billhis and his neighbor neighbor joinedjoined forces forces and purchased and purchased a fixer-upper a fixer-upper and then and then flipped flipped it it together. together. Bill used Bill used that money that money to to purchase purchase his first his real firstestate real estate investinvestmentment at theatage theofage 24.ofThen 24. Then he flipped he flipped another another househouse and bought and bought a second a second investment investment property property whenwhen he was he25. was 25. He decided He decided that instead that instead of buying of buying classic classic cars, cars, he was hegoing was going to create to create an achievable an achievable retirement retirement plan.plan. He set He set a goala of goal purchasing of purchasing 10 investment 10 investment properties properties and filling and filling themthem with with good good tenants tenants by age by40. ageTo 40. help To him helpaccomhim accomplishplish his goal, his goal, he became he became a dual-lia dual-licensed censed REALTOR® REALTOR® in Pennsylvania in Pennsylvania and New and New Jersey Jersey in 2005. in 2005.

Although Although Bill Bill loved loved his parents his parents andand his brother, his brother, in his in teen his teen years, years, he spent he spent a lotaof lottime of time admiring admiring his neighbor’s his neighbor’s collection collection of sports of sports carscars andand classic classic cars.cars. When When Bill Bill found found out out thatthat the the neighbor neighbor waswas just just a “regular a “regular guy”guy” whowho earned earned extra extra money money by flipping by flipping houses, houses, he was he was veryvery drawn drawn to the to idea the idea of having of having an achievable an achievable method method for securing for securing wealth. wealth. Bill’sBill’s mom mom had had occasionally occasionally mentioned mentioned an interest an interest in real in real estate estate investing, investing, but but Bill Bill had had never never known known anyone anyone whowho waswas actively actively doing doing it. it. realproducersmag.com realproducersmag.com

“I get“Isuch get such a thrill a thrill out ofout mentorof mentoring new ing buyers new buyers and investors,” and investors,” Bill Bill shared. shared. “I encourage “I encourage new parents, new parents, and and even even youngyoung couples, couples, to buy toabuy house a house whenwhen they have they have a baby, a baby, rent it rent outitfor out for 18 years, 18 years, and then and then use that use equity that equity to to help their help their childchild follow follow their their dreams dreams whenwhen they’re they’re an adult. an adult. The continuThe continuous highlights ous highlights of myofcareer my career revolve revolve around around sharing sharing my knowledge my knowledge on real on real estateestate investing investing and training and training potential potential buyers, buyers, investors, investors, and rehabbers.” and rehabbers.”

BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 29 • 29

Bill has Billbeen has been inducted inducted into the into the Weichert Weichert Million Million Dollar Dollar SalesSales Club,Club, Ambassador Ambassador Club,Club, and the andExecutive the Executive Club.Club. Last year Last year he and hehis andteam his team helped helped 18 families, 18 families, and he and is he grateis grateful for fulthe forpassion the passion and character and character of of his teammates. his teammates. Jane Jane Taylor Taylor is an is an amazing amazing friendfriend to Billtoand Billhas andbeen has been a REALTOR® a REALTOR® for 18for years. 18 years. She has She has helped helped him locate him locate several several of hisof his rentals rentals and aand fewaof few hisofflips. his flips. Hemal Hemal Shukla Shukla is always is always smiling smiling and keeps and keeps the the officeoffice cheerful cheerful as sheasstays she stays readyready to goto go the extra the extra mile for mileour forclients. our clients. Melanie Melanie Weisel, Weisel, previously previously a TollaBrothers Toll Brothers SalesSales Representative, Representative, is a welcome is a welcome addition addition to thetoteam, the team, and she andbrings she brings a a cheerful cheerful and outgoing and outgoing personality. personality. OverOver time,time, Bill has Billpurchased has purchased moremore than than 10 investment 10 investment properties, properties, but but as heas started he started livingliving out his outlong-term his long-term plan,plan, his priorities his priorities shifted. shifted. He set Hea set a new goal new to goal have to have everything everything paid off paid off by the bytime the time he is he 45,isat45, which at which pointpoint he he will make will make new goals new goals for himself. for himself. He He currently currently ownsowns nine rental nine rental homes, homes, and and mostmost tenants tenants stay with stay with him for hima for mina minimumimum of fiveofyears. five years. He isHe such is such a great a great landlord landlord that one thatofone hisoftenants his tenants has has been been renting renting from from him for him18for years! 18 years!

TheThe continuous continuous HIGHLIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS of of mymy career career revolve revolve around around sharing sharing mymy KNOWLEDGE KNOWLEDGE on real on real estate estate INVESTING INVESTING andand TRAINING TRAINING potential potential buyers, buyers, investors, investors, andand rehabbers. rehabbers.

30 • July 30 • 2022 July 2022

His parents, His parents, Bill Sr. Billand Sr.Nancy, and Nancy, are are priceless priceless supporters supporters and advocates and advocates for him, for him, handing handing out business out business cardscards wherever wherever they go, theyhelping go, helping stuff stuff enve-envelopeslopes for mailings, for mailings, and even and even setting setting up broker up broker opens. opens. His mother His mother is able is to able to live out livesome out some of herofdream her dream by coming by coming with with him to him inspect to inspect everyevery prospective prospective investment investment house, house, combing combing over over everyevery detaildetail in theinway the that way caring that caring mothers mothers do. Nancy do. Nancy also helps also helps with with painting painting and cleaning and cleaning and overseeing and overseeing workers workers on the onjob thesites. job sites. His brother His brother ChrisChris is a is a financial financial advisor, advisor, and Bill andappreciates Bill appreciates his take his and takeadvice and advice whenwhen he is he playing is playing the stock the stock market. market. One of One Bill’s of Bill’s non-real non-real estateestate passions passions is animal is animal advocacy. advocacy. He loves He loves his his 13-year-old 13-year-old rescue rescue dog Sadie. dog Sadie. She and She and the pets the of pets many of many of hisoffamily his family and and friends friends have have comecome from from the Bensalem the Bensalem @realproducers @realproducers

boating/floating on hisonprized his prized Women’s Women’s Animal Animal Center. Center. He routinely He routinelyboating/floating “Nauti Reeltor,” Reeltor,” attending attending car car gathers gathers blankets, blankets, towels, towels, and sheets and sheets “Nauti shows, shows, hiking, hiking, skiing, skiing, and snowand snowand donates and donates themthem to thetoWAC. the WAC. mobiling. mobiling. He also He enjoys also enjoys country country musicmusic concerts. concerts. Bill serves Bill serves on the onboard the board of Bucks of Bucks County County Community Community Alumni Alumni Advisory Advisory “I have considered considered Airbnb, Airbnb, but I but I BoardBoard and holds and holds a position a position with with the the “I have like the likelong-term the long-term commitment commitment Stover Stover Mill Homeowner’s Mill Homeowner’s Association, Association, of renters,” of renters,” explained explained Bill, “and Bill, “and if if where where he enjoys he enjoys residing. residing. He isHe is my tenants have have greatgreat creditcredit and and also proud also proud to beto a part be a of part theofBucks the Bucks my tenants income, I encourage I encourage themthem to buy to buy County County Association Association of REALTORS®, of REALTORS®, income, for themselves! for themselves! I file Iproperty file property the Pennsylvania the Pennsylvania Association Association of of tax appeals tax appeals for each for each investment investment REALTORS®, REALTORS®, and the andNational the National property I purchase, I purchase, and Iand pay I pay Association Association of REALTORS®. of REALTORS®. He was He was property so I can so Ido can a cash-out do a cash-out re-fi re-fi previously previously a TollaBrother Toll Brother advisory advisory cash cash after after I addIvalue add value by completing by completing boardboard member. member. the updates. the updates. As Will As Rogers Will Rogers said, said, ‘Don’t‘Don’t wait wait to buy toreal buyestate; real estate; buy buy In hisInfree his time, free time, after after his clients his clients real estate, real estate, and wait.’” and wait.’” and tenants and tenants have have been been caredcared for, for, Bill enjoys Bill enjoys beingbeing outdoors. outdoors. He loves He loves realproducersmag.com realproducersmag.com

BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 31 • 31


agent agent to watch to watch WrittenWritten By: Ruth By:Gnirk Ruth Gnirk Photography Photography By: Kevin By: Kevin York Photography York Photography

RE/MAX RE/MAX Total Total Sunita Sunita worked worked multiple multiple jobsjobs simultaneously simultaneously while while making making a home a home base base for her for her family. family. Her Her passion passion as as a REALTOR® a REALTOR® is toishelp to help others others find find andand create create thatthat same same home home base base for themselves. for themselves. Those Those whowho know know her her bestbest say say thatthat whatwhat makes makes her her a successful a successful realreal estate estate agent agent is that is that she she is memorable, is memorable, gen-genuine,uine, andand thatthat her her joy is joyinfectious. is infectious. Everyone Everyone whowho knows knows Sunita Sunita loves loves her, her, which which is why is why realreal estate estate is is the perfect the perfect profession profession for her. for her. TheThe community community alsoalso knows knows she she is experienced is experienced andand trustworthy, trustworthy, andand thatthat is why is why theythey choose choose her her to help to help them them taketake oneone of the of biggest the biggest steps steps in life. in life. As Allen As Allen and Sunita’s and Sunita’s precious precious children children werewere approaching approaching school school age, the age,Lovinas the Lovinas started started talking talking aboutabout moving moving out ofout Queens, of Queens, NY NY to somewhere to somewhere moremore family-friendly family-friendly and affordable. and affordable. In 1996 In 1996 they they moved moved to Levittown, to Levittown, where where Allen’s Allen’s parents parents lived.lived. One of One hisofcoushis cousins provided ins provided in-home in-home childcare childcare and agreed and agreed to watch to watch Anthony, Anthony, age five, age and five,Stephanie, and Stephanie, age four. age four. She allowed She allowed themthem to drop to drop the the children children off extra off extra earlyearly and pick and them pick them up late, up so late, Allen so Allen and Sunita and Sunita couldcould take atake four-hour a four-hour commute commute to their to their jobs in jobs NY.in NY. The Lovinas The Lovinas realized realized that there that there was no was need no need for both for both of them of them to to commute commute daily,daily, so they so came they came up with up with a plan. a plan. AllenAllen wouldwould stay stay with with Sunita’s Sunita’s parents parents in Queens in Queens during during the work the work week,week, and drive and drive to their to their homehome in PAinonPA Fridays on Fridays after after work.work. Sunita Sunita wouldwould workwork eighteight hourshours each each day, and day,endure and endure the four-hour the four-hour commute commute Monday Monday through through Friday, Friday, so she socould she could tuck Anthony tuck Anthony and Stephanie and Stephanie into into bed each bed each night.night. ThreeThree months months into their into their new routine, new routine, the Lovinas the Lovinas knewknew they needed they needed to find tolocal find local jobs so jobs they so could they could be together be together as a as a full family full family everyevery day. day. AllenAllen continued continued to commute to commute for three for three additional additional months, months, but but Sunita Sunita opened opened her own her daycare. own daycare. She simply She simply put anput adan in ad theinnewsthe newspaperpaper and started and started serving serving the community. the community. Satisfied Satisfied clients clients gave her gave her greatgreat referrals, referrals, and her andin-home her in-home childcare childcare became became a great a great success. success. ThreeThree months months later,later, AllenAllen foundfound a good a good job injob theinarea. the area.

32 • July 32 • 2022 July 2022

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In 2003 Sunita Sunita took atook night a night course course twicetwice a week a week and continued and continued The family The family was together was together in oneinstate. one state. SoonSoon AllenAllen became became a a In 2003 providing childcare childcare during during the day. theShe day.passed She passed her tests her and tests and volunteer volunteer coachcoach for a for little a little league league teamteam and Sunita and Sunita became became the theproviding became a REALTOR® a REALTOR® in May. in May. She became She became part of part a team of a team but realbut real“team“team mom.” mom.” TheirTheir prioritization prioritization of involvement of involvement in their in their chil- chil-became ized she izedstill sheneeded still needed one-on-one one-on-one mentorship. mentorship. She was, She and was,still andis, still is, dren’sdren’s lives lives has continued has continued even even after after their their children children werewere grown grown grateful grateful for her fornetwork her network of friends of friends in theinindustry the industry who continue who continue and has andhelped has helped themthem stay astay verya close-knit very close-knit family. family. to teach to teach and inspire and inspire her. her. In 2003, In 2003, Sunita Sunita was walking was walking up toup thetodeli thecounter deli counter and heard and heard The Lovina’s built built a newa home new home in Langhorne in Langhorne in 2004, in 2004, and and a woman a woman talking talking aboutabout real estate. real estate. She engaged She engaged the stranger the strangerThe Lovina’s Sunita Sunita started started working working as a full-time as a full-time agent.agent. However, However, whenwhen the the in conversation in conversation and aand wonderful a wonderful friendship friendship was formed. was formed. market crashed crashed in 2009, in 2009, she took she on took a full on atime full job timeasjob a direcas a direcNeither Neither knewknew that Connie that Connie Kaminski Kaminski wouldwould someday someday own the own themarket tor intor a retirement in a retirement center. center. She served She served therethere for four for years, four years, and and RE/MAX RE/MAX TotalTotal brokerage brokerage at which at which Sunita Sunita wouldwould work!work! continued continued to help to families help families turn their turn their real estate real estate dreams dreams into ainto a reality on theonside. the side. Sunita Sunita continued continued to work to work tirelessly, tirelessly, and inand in “Connie “Connie and Iand became I became friends, friends, and she andhelped she helped me buy memy buy my reality 2015 2015 she was sheable was to able make to make real estate real estate her full hertime full job timeagain. job again. first investment first investment property,” property,” smiled smiled Sunita. Sunita. “I referred “I referred multiple multiple friends friends to choose to choose her asher their as their REALTOR® REALTOR® and as and ourasfriendour friendShe knows that being that being a REALTOR® a REALTOR® is heriscalling her calling and her and her ship grew, ship grew, Connie Connie saw that saw my thatcharacter my character and personality and personality She knows passion. passion. She truly She truly lovesloves whatwhat she isshe doing, is doing, and she andisshe enjoying is enjoying wouldwould makemake me a me successful a successful agent.” agent.”

I pride I pride myself myself onon approaching approaching every every person person I I work work with with NOT NOT ASAS A CLIENT, A CLIENT, BUT BUT ASAS AA PERSON. PERSON.

34 • July 34 • 2022 July 2022

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BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 35 • 35

life along life along the way. the way. EachEach year year she she sees improvement, sees improvement, and she andisshe conis continuously tinuously expanding expanding her outreach her outreach and impact and impact by bringing by bringing buyers buyers and and sellers sellers together together and connecting and connecting with with people people in theincommunity. the community. AllenAllen and Sunita and Sunita have have been been mar- married 32 ried years, 32 years, and she andisshe thankful is thankful for his forfaithfulness his faithfulness and diligence, and diligence, and everything and everything that he that does he does for for their their family. family. She isShe proud is proud of theof the people people her children her children have have grown grown to to be. For be.years, For years, Sundays Sundays have have been been declared declared family family days,days, and even and even though though her children her children are grown are grown and and have have their their own homes, own homes, they still they still comecome “home” “home” to spend to spend Sundays Sundays together. together. Anthony Anthony and his andwife his wife Kim and Kimtheir and their daughter daughter Addison Addison Rose,Rose, and Stephanie and Stephanie and her andboyher boyfriendfriend Dan, Dan, love spending love spending the day the day with with their their parents parents talking, talking, swim-swimming,ming, and watching and watching football. football. The The family family also enjoys also enjoys their their rescue rescue dog dog named named Simba, Simba, who is who theisking the of king of their their home.home. The Lovina The Lovina family family is very is very supportsupportive ofive theoflocal the local animal animal shelters shelters and and the ASPCA. the ASPCA. Sunita Sunita is also is proud also proud to support to support Homeboy Homeboy Industries, Industries, the largest the largest gang gang rehabilitation rehabilitation and and re-entry re-entry program program in theinworld. the world. Stephanie Stephanie spentspent two years two years volunvolunteering teering at Homeboy at Homeboy after after college, college, and their and their mission mission is very is very importimportant toant thetowhole the whole family. family. ManyMany of Sunita’s of Sunita’s referrals referrals comecome from from her friends her friends and clients and clients in in BucksBucks County, County, but Sunita but Sunita has has helped helped clients clients from from all over all over PA. PA. She isShe honored is honored to help to people help people but now I am Ihonored am honored to dotothat do that thankful so thankful that Connie that Connie saw saw but now in herinfamily’s her family’s first hometown, first hometown, “I am“Isoam almost everyevery day! day! I pride I pride myself myself something in meinthat me Ithat didn’t I didn’t recogrecog-almost where where they made they made so many so many family familysomething on approaching on approaching everyevery person person I I nize myself, in myself, and that and she thatinspired she inspired memories memories and life-long and life-long connecconnec- nize in work work with with not as not a client, as a client, but as but a as a me to me get to into get real into estate,” real estate,” shared shared tions.tions. She stays She stays in touch in touch with with person. I invest I invest in their in their family family and and Sunita. “She “She encouraged encouraged me tome earn to earnperson. her clients her clients through through socialsocial media, media, Sunita. vision vision for their for their life and lifetheir and their my license, and then and then she mentored she mentoredtheirtheir newsletters, newsletters, calendars calendars she creshe cre- my license, future home, home, so I can so Ibring can bring the the me. everyone Not everyone can go can upgotoup total to totalfuture ates, ates, and organically and organically as they as see they see me. Not buyer buyer and the and seller the seller together!” together!” stranger stranger and make and make a lifelong a lifelong friend, friend, each each otherother around around town.town.

36 • July 36 • 2022 July 2022

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Jim Sacchetti

Drew Smith



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