C O N N E C T I N G .
I N S P I R I N G .
EVENT RECAP “Philadelphia Real Producers Magazine Launch Party”
RISING STAR JAMIE QUINN, Keller Williams Philadelphia, Advance Philly SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT JEFF TINNEY, The HOME Team of Freedom Mortgage JUNE 2019
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09 09
MeetMeet the the PhilaPhila Real Real Producers Producers TeamTeam
Publishers Publishers Note Note
Top Top Producer: Producer: Johnny Johnny McDonald McDonald / The/ The McDonald McDonald Group Group
22 22
26 26
Rising Rising Star: Star: JamieJamie Quinn Quinn / / Advance Advance PhillyPhilly
Sponsor Sponsor Spotlight: Spotlight: Jeff Tinney Jeff Tinney / The/ The HOME HOME TeamTeam
EventEvent RecapRecap
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N2 Publishing N2 Publishing – the–company the company behind behind everyevery Real Producers Real Producers magazine magazine – believes – believes in in a future a future where where everyone everyone is free. is free. This year, This year, we donated we donated 2% of2% our ofrevenue, our revenue, or $3or $3 PLOOLRQ WR VXSSRUW QRQSURȴWV WKDW UHVFXH DQG UHKDELOLWDWH YLFWLPV RI VH[ VODYHU\ PLOOLRQ WR VXSSRUW QRQSURȴWV WKDW UHVFXH DQG UHKDELOLWDWH YLFWLPV RI VH[ VODYHU\ and forced and forced labor.labor. And itAnd wasit only was possible only possible because because of theofsupport the support of our ofindustry our industry partners partners and engaged and engaged readers. readers. Because Because of you. of you. TO LEARN TO LEARN MORE, MORE, VISITVISIT N2GIV N2GIV ES.COM ES.COM
4 • June 4 • June 2019 2019
JoshJosh Buchter Buchter Publisher Publisher
Butch Butch Serianni Serianni Ads Manager Ads Manager
Vernon Vernon Ray Ray
Photographer Photographer Creative Creative MindsMinds Productions Productions
Jacob Jacob Cabezudo Cabezudo WriterWriter
If you are If you interested are interested in contributing in contributing or nominating or nominating REALTORS® REALTORS® for certain for certain stories,stories, pleaseplease email us email at us at •5 •5
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GRAPHIC GRAPHIC DESIGN DESIGN & & HOME HOME RENOVATION RENOVATION TAM TAM Lending Lending Center, Center, Inc. Inc. PRINTING PRINTING Curbio Curbio PhilipPhilip Valianti Valianti TwoTwo TwoTwo Creative Creative (240)(240) 406-4616 406-4616 (609)(609) 238-9773 238-9773 Felicia Felicia Lamplugh Lamplugh (856)(856) 740-0468 740-0468 HOME HOME WARRANTY WARRANTY The HOME The HOME TeamTeam of of CLOSING CLOSING GIFTS GIFTS HMS HMS HomeHome Warranty Warranty Freedom Freedom Mortgage Mortgage Legacy Legacy Branding Branding Gifts Gifts / / HVACHVAC SERVICES SERVICES Jonathan Jonathan Stroud Stroud Jeff Tinney Jeff Tinney CutcoCutco Closing Closing Gifts Gifts D’Auria D’Auria & Son&Heating Son Heating and and(267) (267) 303-7225 303-7225 718-483-6421 718-483-6421 Lindsay Lindsay Musser Musser Air Conditioning Air Conditioning jeffrey.tinney@ jeffrey.tinney@ (717) 575-0975 (717) 575-0975 Paul D’Auria Paul D’Auria (856)(856) 448-2380 448-2380 MEDIA MEDIA PRODUCTIONS PRODUCTIONS FINANCIAL FINANCIAL SERVICES SERVICES LockBox LockBox PhillyPhilly / / PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY MB Capital MB Capital Solutions Solutions HOME HOME INSPECTION INSPECTION MyNEWPhilly MyNEWPhilly Creative Creative Mind Mind Productions Productions Unsecured Unsecured LinesLines of Credit of CreditAbundant Abundant HomeHome Inspection Inspection Zack Zack James James Vernon Vernon Ray Ray Eric Mauz Eric Mauz Services Services (215) (215) 668-8498 668-8498 (267) (267) 819-7759 819-7759 (856)(856) 556-0830 556-0830 Simone Simone Cartwright Cartwright www.mbcapitalsolutions. www.mbcapitalsolutions. (215) (215) 849-6671 849-6671 com com www.www. MERCHANT MERCHANT SERVICES/ SERVICES/ PROPERTY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT abundanthomeinspection. abundanthomeinspection. PAYMENT PAYMENT SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS TCS Management TCS Management LLC /LLC / FURNITURE FURNITURE com com DNERO DNERO TCS Investments TCS Investments LLC LLC RoomRoom Service Service 360 360 Jabbar Jabbar Fairweather Fairweather Joseph Joseph PuggiPuggi SteveSteve Shapiro Shapiro CORECORE Inspection Inspection Group Group (267) (267) 975-6801 975-6801 (215) (215) 383-1439 383-1439 (215) (215) 676-6100 676-6100 Corwin Corwin Jackson Jackson www.getsmartmoneyapp. www.getsmartmoneyapp. (215) 987-7547 987-7547 com com www.coreinspectiongroup. www.coreinspectiongroup. TITLETITLE COMPANY COMPANY com com MORTGAGE MORTGAGE LENDER LENDER Surety Surety Abstract Abstract Services Services Firstrust Firstrust BankBank Joe Onorato Joe Onorato Joseph Joseph Scorese Scorese (856)(856) 628-2340 628-2340 (215) (215) 290-5108 290-5108 ADVERTISING ADVERTISING AGENCY AGENCY Paul Catagnus Paul Catagnus (215) (215) 570-2298 570-2298
“First “First ofof all,all, hustle. hustle. Second Second ofof all,all, bebe smart. smart. Pick Pick a segment a segment ofof the the business business and and bebe the the expert." expert." Check Check out Johnny out Johnny McDonald McDonald / The/McDonald The McDonald Group Group at Weichert, at Weichert, Realtors Realtors & COO & COO Onion Onion Flats Flats LLC'sLLC's storystory on page on page 12. 12.
6 • June 6 • June 2019 2019
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publisher’s publisher’s notenote By Josh ByBuchter Josh Buchter
SOMETHING! SOMETHING! Follow Follow onon IG:IG: @wolf_of_broad_street @wolf_of_broad_street Philadelphia Philadelphia / Advance / Advance Philly) Philly) and Jeff andTinney Jeff Tinney (The (The HOME HOME Welcome Welcome to theto2nd theedition 2nd edition of Philadelphia of Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers Maga-Maga-liamsliams of Freedom of Freedom Mortgage). Mortgage). Also,Also, I am filled I am filled with with gratitude gratitude for for zine! zine! I hopeI hope that you thatenjoyed you enjoyed the premier the premier May issue May issue and also andthe also the TeamTeam the support of ourofPreferred our Preferred Partners Partners as none as none of this ofwould this would be be incredible incredible launch launch partyparty that was thathosted was hosted at Chima at Chima Steakhouse Steakhouse on on the support possible without without them.them. So, please So, please be sure be to sure show to show our Preferred our Preferred May 23rd. May 23rd. For those For those who missed who missed the event, the event, you have you have to check to check out outpossible Partners Partners somesome love! love! the awesome the awesome photos photos that were that were captured captured and printed and printed in thisinedition! this edition! In theInmeantime, the meantime, be sure be to sure check to check out (and out “like”) (and “like”) our ‘Philadelphia our ‘Philadelphia Please let uslet know us know if you'd if you'd like to like nominate to nominate an agent an agent or team or team to to Real Producers Real Producers Magazine’ Magazine’ Facebook Facebook page page for photos for photos and exciting and exciting Please be featured, be featured, or if you'd or if you'd like to like recommend to recommend a vendor a vendor who’dwho’d like like updates updates that apply that apply to youtoas you a Top as a500 TopAgent 500 Agent in Philly. in Philly. to discuss to discuss partnership partnership options. options. Feedback Feedback and suggestions and suggestions are alare alwelcome. welcome. EmailEmail us at us at I’m having I’m having a lot of a lot funofwith fun with this whole this whole magazine magazine publisher publisher thing.thing.waysways I get to I get interview to interview the most the most intelligent, intelligent, interesting, interesting, savvysavvy and and you ayou safe, a safe, happyhappy and fun and fun successful successful “power “power players” players” on the onPhilly the Philly Real Real Estate Estate SceneScene and and I wishI wish to your to your Summer! Summer! Thank Thank host exclusive host exclusive events events for the for“cream the “cream of theofcrop”. the crop”. Our mission Our mission start start youreading for reading and keep and keep is to connect is to connect top producing top producing Real Real Estate Estate Agents Agents and affiliates and affiliates in in you for upgreatness! the greatness! Philadelphia Philadelphia County County through through our monthly our monthly high-quality high-quality tradetrade up the publication, publication, mastermind mastermind & social & social events, events, and online and online community. community. Sincerly, We share We share inspiring inspiring and educational and educational stories, stories, local local market market trends trends Sincerly, and other and other relevant relevant content. content. This This publication publication is mailed is mailed for free for to free to JoshJosh Buchter Buchter the top the500 topAgents 500 Agents in theinPhiladelphia the Philadelphia market. market. Publisher Publisher Philadelphia Real Real Thank Thank you to you ourtofeatured, our featured, rockstar rockstar real estate real estate professionals professionals Philadelphia Producers Magazine Magazine of this ofJune this June issue:issue: Johnny Johnny McDonald McDonald (The (The McDonald McDonald Group Group of of Producers @wolf_of_broad_street Weichert Weichert Realtors Realtors / Onion / Onion FlatsFlats LLC),LLC), JamieJamie Quinn Quinn (Keller (Keller Wil- Wil-@wolf_of_broad_street •9 •9
ABOUT ABOUTTHIS THISMAGAZINE MAGAZINE amazing amazing storystory that needs that needs to beto told be–told perhaps – perhaps they they We realize We realize that that RealReal Producers Producers overcame overcame extreme extreme obstacles, obstacles, they are theyan are exceptionan exceptionis a is new a new concept concept herehere in in al leader, al leader, have have the best the customer best customer service, service, or they or they Philadelphia, Philadelphia, and and some some of you of you give back give back to thetocommunity the community in a big in away. big way. The next The next maymay be wondering be wondering whatwhat it's it's step is step an is interview an interview with with us to us ensure to ensure it’s a it’s good a good fit. fit. all about. all about. ThatThat is why is why we have we have If it all If it works all works out, then out, then we put wethe putwheels the wheels in motion in motion created created a “FAQs a “FAQs About About ThisThis Magazine” Magazine” page. page. HereHere for our forwriter our writer to conduct to conduct an interview an interview and for andour for our we will we answer will answer the most the most commonly commonly asked asked questions questionsphotographers photographers to schedule to schedule a photo a photo shoot. shoot. around around the country the country regarding regarding our program. our program. My My Q: WHAT DOESDOES IT COST IT COST A REALTOR/TEAM A REALTOR/TEAM TO TO doordoor is always is always openopen to discuss to discuss anything anything regarding regarding Q: WHAT BE FEATURED? BE FEATURED? this this community community – this – this publication publication is 100 is 100 percent percent A: Zero, A: Zero, zilch,zilch, zippo,zippo, nada,nada, nil. Itnil. costs It costs nothing, nothing, my my designed designed to be toyour be your voice! voice!
friends, friends, so nominate so nominate away!away! We are Wenot areanot pay-to-play a pay-to-play model. model. We share We share real stories real stories of real ofproducers. real producers.
Q: WHO Q: WHO RECEIVES RECEIVES THIS THIS MAGAZINE? MAGAZINE? Q: WHO ARE THE ARE PREFERRED THE PREFERRED PARTNERS? PARTNERS? A: The A:top The500 topagents 500 agents in BRIGHT in BRIGHT MLS.MLS. We pulled We pulledQ: WHO A: Anyone A: Anyone listed listed as a “preferred as a “preferred partner” partner” in thein the the MLS the MLS numbers numbers (by volume) (by volume) for 2018 for 2018 in Philain Philaof theofmagazine the magazine is a part is a of part this ofcommunity. this community. delphia delphia County. County. We cut Wethe cutlist theoff list atoff #500, at #500, and and frontfront will have will have an adan in ad every in every issueissue of theofmagazine, the magazine, the distribution the distribution was born. was born. For this Foryear’s this year’s list, the list, the TheyThey attend our quarterly our quarterly events, events, and be and a part be a of part ourof our minimum minimum production production level level for our forgroup our group is on is pace on paceattend online online community. community. We don’t We don’t just find just these find these busibusifor 3.7 formillion 3.7 million in 2019 in 2019 total total volume. volume. The list Thewill list will nesses off the offstreet, the street, nor do nor wedowork we work with with all busiall busiresetreset at theatend theofend 2019 of 2019 for next for year next year and continue and continuenesses nesses nesses that approach that approach us. One us. or One many or many of youofhave you have to update to update annually. annually. recommended recommended everyevery singlesingle preferred preferred partner partner you you see in see this in publication. this publication. We won’t We won’t even even meet meet with with a a Q: WHAT Q: WHAT IS THE IS PROCESS THE PROCESS FOR FOR BEING BEING FEATURED FEATURED business business that has thatnot hasbeen not been vetted vetted by one byofone youofand you and IN THIS IN THIS MAGAZINE? MAGAZINE? “stamped “stamped for approval,” for approval,” in a sense. in a sense. Our goal Our is goal to is to A: It’sA:really It’s really simple simple – every – every feature feature you see youhas seefirst has first create a powerhouse a powerhouse network, network, not only not for onlythe forbest the best been been nominated. nominated. You can Younominate can nominate otherother realtors, realtors,create realtors realtors in the in area, the area, but the but best the affiliates, best affiliates, as well, as well, affiliates, affiliates, brokers, brokers, owners, owners, or even or even yourself! yourself! OfficeOffice wegrow can grow stronger stronger together. together. leaders leaders can also can nominate also nominate realtors. realtors. We will Weconwill con- so wesocan sidersider anyone anyone brought brought to ourtoattention, our attention, because because we we Q: HOW CAN CAN I RECOMMEND I RECOMMEND A PREFERRED A PREFERRED don’tdon’t knowknow everyone’s everyone’s story,story, so wesoneed we need your your help helpQ: HOW PARTNER? PARTNER? to learn to learn aboutabout them.them. A nomination A nomination currently currently lookslooks youIfhave you have a recommendation a recommendation for a for local a local like this: like you this:email you email us at us josh.buchter@realproducat josh.buchter@realproduc-A: If A: business that works that works with with top realtors, top realtors, please please with with the subject the subject line, “Nomination: line, “Nomination: business let uslet know! us know! SendSend an email an email to to (Name (Name of Nominee),” of Nominee),” and explain and explain why you whyare younomare inating inating themthem to beto featured. be featured. It could It could be they be have they have an an
10 • June 10 • June 2019 2019
Professional Professional Photography Photography Services Services O n - OS ni t- eS i ot re oI nr - SI nt -u Sdti uo d i o
@mr_cmp_ @mr_cmp_
Vernon Vernon RayRay Photographer Photographer 267-819-7759 267-819-7759 • • • 11 • 11
top producer cover story top producer cover story
and saved and saved for several for several yearsyears until until he was heable was to able buyto buy a house a house with with a vacant a vacant lot that lotran thatstreet ran street to street. to street. He He saw this sawas this hisasfirst hispotential first potential development development opportuopportunity. “It nity. was “Itawas bigger a bigger project project than Ithan knew I knew how to how do,to do, so I pulled so I pulled my brothers my brothers in as in partners. as partners. That’sThat’s how how I became a Reala Estate Real Estate Developer. Developer. I saved, I saved, bought bought Johnny Johnny is theisPrinciple the Principle of The ofMcDonald The McDonald GroupGroup I became something and thankfully and thankfully was smart was smart enough enough to realto realand COO and COO of Onion of Onion Flats Flats LLC. LLC. He’s aHe’s proainpro both in the both thesomething ize I couldn’t ize I couldn’t do it alone. do it alone. Through Through the construction the construction development development and transactional and transactional process process of real ofestate real estate process I figured I figured there’s there’s nobody nobody betterbetter than me thantome to His experience, His experience, expertise, expertise, and ideas and ideas will mold will moldprocess sell them even even though though I hadIno had experience no experience selling selling how Philadelphia how Philadelphia continues continues to develop to develop for decades for decades sell them real estate. real estate. So, I So, enrolled I enrolled in Temple’s in Temple’s real estate real estate to come. to come. program program at night, at night, learned learned a ton,aand ton,got anda got realaestate real estate license in 2004.” in 2004.” A native A native Philadelphian Philadelphian (actually (actually DELCO DELCO baby!!) baby!!) license from from a family a family of seven, of seven, with with a Plumber a Plumber and Attorand AttorIt is Johnny’s humble humble beginnings beginnings to historeal hisestate real estate ney as ney parents, as parents, Johnny Johnny moved moved to California to California in an in an It is Johnny’s career that sets thathim setsapart him apart from from otherother Real Estate Real Estate efforteffort to gettoasget farasaway far away from from a construction a construction career career career Agents. “I am“Ia am different a different REALTOR REALTOR because because I come I come as possible. as possible. WhileWhile studying studying Classics Classics & Humani& Humani- Agents. a background a background starting starting with with an understanding an understanding ties atties SanatDiego San Diego StateState University, University, he created he created an an from from of buildings how buildings are put areon put theonface theof face theofEarth. the Earth. A A artistartist management management firm/record firm/record label,label, and became and became of how foundational approach approach to build to build something something from from the the involved involved in television in television production. production. One of One hisofartists his artistsfoundational bottom-up. This the Thissame the same way we wayhave we have built built The The werewere featured featured on VH1’s on VH1’s BandsBands On The OnRun, The Run, whilewhile he hebottom-up. McDonald GroupGroup insideinside our Brokerage. our Brokerage. I believe I believe toured toured the Country the Country on theonVans the Vans Warped Warped Tour Tour in thein theMcDonald wholeheartedly that, that, basedbased on our onexpertise our expertise & expe& expe‘90s. ‘90s. Despite Despite his best his efforts best efforts to avoid to avoid construction, construction,wholeheartedly rience, rience, we are weable are to able offer to offer greater greater valuevalue to each to each and and Johnny Johnny was drawn was drawn back back in. in. everyevery client,” client,” he said. he said. “My entertainment “My entertainment career career was going was going great,great, albeitalbeit The McDonald GroupGroup is built is built with with a culture a culture of be-of beinsideinside the most the most heartless, heartless, soulless soulless industry industry on theon the The McDonald ingbest the and bestmost and most informed informed REALTORS REALTORS in thein the planet... planet... and right and right then,then, my Father my Father passed passed away.away. I I ing the business, all inside all inside of an of inviting an inviting “family” “family” setting. setting. calledcalled my brothers my brothers and told andthem told them aboutabout my thoughts my thoughtsbusiness, In 2018, The McDonald The McDonald GroupGroup was the was#1the team #1 team at at on moving on moving back back to Philly”. to Philly”. TheyThey said, said, “Great, “Great, we got we gotIn 2018, Weichert Weichert Realtors, Realtors, in theinentire the entire Country. Country. WithWith his his a job afor jobyou.” for you.” extensive extensive experience experience in many in many aspects aspects of theofindustry the industry Johnny has acquired has acquired a massive a massive amount amount of knowledge of knowledge The job Thewas jobback was back in theintrenches, the trenches, literally literally digging digging Johnny on design, legal,legal, zoning, zoning, permitting, permitting, financing, financing, con- conditches. ditches. At theAtsame the same time he time trained he trained on running on running on design, struction, marketing marketing and sales; and sales; a verya deep very deep and well and well heavyheavy equipment, equipment, backhoes, backhoes, excavators, excavators, and dump and dump struction, rounded skill set skillfor setthis forbusiness. this business. trucks. trucks. The pay Thewas paynot wasgreat, not great, but Johnny but Johnny budgeted budgetedrounded
Johnny Johnny McDonald McDonald wouldwould attestattest to thetofact thethat factit’s that noit’s no solo show solo show on theonway thetoway thetotop. theIttop. takes It takes a devoted a devoted group,group, a lot of a lot digging of digging in theindirt, theand dirt,years and years of of experience experience to make to make it in the it inreal theestate real estate industry. industry.
12 • June 12 • June 2019 2019 • 13 • 13
Johnny Johnny values values keeping keeping people people he cares he cares aboutabout and and truststrusts closeclose by, and by,he and takes he takes pridepride in hisinrole hisprovidrole providing his ingteam his team members members and clients and clients high quality high quality opporopportunities. tunities. His success His success is notismeasured not measured by how by much how much money money is made is made with with each each transaction; transaction; it’s allit’s about all about doingdoing the best the possible best possible job. “Ijob. know “I know a heck a heck of a lot of of a lot of REALTORS REALTORS and Developers and Developers makemake way more way more money money than Ithan do, per I do,transaction. per transaction. For us, Forour us,success our success comes comes in theinfact thethat factwe thatdeliver we deliver the highest the highest possible possible level level of service of service to ourtoclients, our clients, in turn in their turn their referrals referrals and and repeat repeat business business is part is of part ourofpayoff. our payoff. Our reputation Our reputation has built has built us a loyal us a loyal base of base awesome of awesome clients. clients. That’sThat’s whatwhat I consider I consider a successful a successful operation!” operation!” The McDonald The McDonald GroupGroup and Onion and Onion Flats Flats operate operate Photographer Photographer Credit:Credit: Kate Raines Kate Raines on what on what he calls he calls a “triple a “triple bottom bottom line”:line”: people, people, planet, planet, and profit and profit (in that (in that order). order). “There “There is an is oldan old saying, saying, first do first good do good then then you will youdo will well,” do well,” he said. he said. FromFrom the time the he time moved he moved back back to Philly, to Philly, Johnny Johnny has been has been involved involved in thein the development development and selland sellthrough through of many of many projects projects focusing focusing on theonconservathe conservation of tion water of water and energy. and energy. Raised Raised in a big in afamily big family he he knewknew to nottolet not anything let anything go to go waste. to waste. In collaboration In collaboration with with his partners his partners at Onion at Onion Flats Flats LLC, LLC, they developed they developed Philadelphia’s Philadelphia’s first ‘Leadership first ‘Leadership in Energy in Energy and Enviand Environmental ronmental Design’ Design’ (LEED) (LEED) Certified Certified projects. projects. Johnny Johnny explained, explained, “we respect “we respect whatwhat it means it means to puttoaput builda building oning theonface theof face theofplanet the planet from from an environmental, an environmental, community, community, and economic and economic standpoint.” standpoint.”
Ariel view Arielofview TheofBattery, The Battery, Northern Northern Liberties. Liberties.
OnionOnion Flats Flats LLC is LLC now is in now theinprocess the process of building of building its its The Battery, The Battery, Northern Northern Liberties. Liberties. The Battery, The Battery, Northern Northern Liberties. Liberties. biggest biggest development development in their in their 21 year 21 history. year history. Possibly Possibly Philadelphia’s Philadelphia’s first “net-zero” first “net-zero” development, development, mean-meanof experience you may you have. may have. He quotes He quotes teer Cub withScouts Cub Scouts of America, of America, play playof experience ing the ingrenewable the renewable energy energy created created on-site on-site offsets offsets teer with Churchill Churchill in saying in saying “Continu“Continuice hockey with his with“old” his “old” buddies, buddies, and isand Winston is Winston the amount the amount of energy of energy the building the building consumes. consumes. The The ice hockey ous effort, not strength not strength or intelligence, or intelligence, the President of theofJohn the John D McDonald D McDonaldous effort, building building envelope, envelope, as Johnny as Johnny explained, explained, is airtight is airtight the President is theiskey thetokey unlocking to unlocking our potential.” our potential.” Memorial Memorial Foundation Foundation whichwhich honors honors his his and wrapped and wrapped with with solarsolar panels, panels, allowing allowing for uncanny for uncanny Father’s Father’s legacylegacy by fundraising by fundraising for youth for youth insulation insulation and efficient and efficient renewable renewable energy energy usage.usage. The The The hustle has been has been a big apart big of part hisof his organizations and families and families in need. in need. The hustle next-gen next-gen ideasideas Johnny Johnny and Onion and Onion Flats Flats have have with with organizations success success in real inestate real estate sales sales and develand develenergy energy usageusage will ultimately will ultimately makemake Philadelphia Philadelphia a a opment, but most but most significant significant are the are the For other For other aspiring aspiring REALTORS REALTORS out out opment, greener greener city for cityyears for years to come. to come. people Johnny Johnny has worked has worked with with and and there,there, Johnny Johnny advises, advises, “First“First of all,of all, people been been helped helped by along by along the way. the way. hustle. hustle. Second Second of all,ofbeall, smart. be smart. Pick Pick have have In hisInpersonal his personal life, Johnny life, Johnny with his withwife his Tiffany, wife Tiffany, have have “This “This would would be a worthless be a worthless article article if it if it a segment of theofbusiness the business and be and be relocated relocated their their familyfamily and rescue and rescue mutt mutt from from Puerto Puerto a segment weren’t abundantly abundantly clearclear that sucthat sucthe expert.” He also Hepushes also pushes that you that you weren’t Rico from Rico from Center Center City to City Merion to Merion Station. Station. In hisInfree his free the expert.” cess comes in teams,” in teams,” he said. he said. “What “What shouldn’t shouldn’t be discouraged be discouraged by any bylack any lack cess comes time,time, he loves he loves to coach to coach local local kids’ sports kids’ sports teams, teams, volun-volun-
14 • June 14 • June 2019 2019
Photographer Photographer Credit:Credit: Peter Lane PeterTaylor Lane Taylor
"The"The buildings buildings we build, we build, we could we could buildbuild themthem cheaper cheaper and faster. and faster. But we Butdon’t we don’t because because we respect we respect whatwhat it means it means to put toaput building a building on the onface the face of the ofplanet the planet fromfrom an environmental an environmental standpoint, standpoint, logical logical standpoint, standpoint, and an andeconomic an economic standpoint.” standpoint.”
we have we have built built insideinside of The ofMcDonald The McDonald GroupGroup and Onion and Onion Flats Flats organization organization is what is what I am most I am most proudproud of. I’ve of.been I’ve been honored honored to work to work with with amazing amazing people people people people that have that have different different skills,skills, betterbetter skillsskills than Ithan do. Incredible I do. Incredible people people who who makemake a difference a difference everyday everyday for our for our clients.” clients.” At theAtend theofend it all, of itJohnny all, Johnny understands understands beingbeing a success a success in theinreal the real estateestate business business comes comes from from having having a a teamteam mentality mentality and aand servant’s a servant’s heart.heart. Clearly, Clearly, that isthat theislife thehelife is he living is living and and his accomplishments his accomplishments are the areproof. the proof. • 15 • 15
KEEPING KEEPINGIT ITSIMPLE, SIMPLE, DOING DOINGIT ITRIGHT! RIGHT! WE WE ARE ARE COMMITTED COMMITTED TOTO PROTECTING PROTECTING YOUR YOUR CLIENT CLIENT RELATIONSHIPS! RELATIONSHIPS! TCSTCS Management Management is a is full a full service service property property management management company company based based in Philadelphia, in Philadelphia, ;mmv Ѵ -mb- vr;1b-Ѵb bm] bm u;vb7;mঞ-Ѵ ruor;u| l-m-];l;m| bm1Ѵ 7bm] bm ;v|ou o m;7 vbm]Ѵ; ;mmv Ѵ -mb- vr;1b-Ѵb bm] bm u;vb7;mঞ-Ѵ ruor;u| l-m-];l;m| bm1Ѵ 7bm] bm ;v|ou o m;7 vbm]Ѵ; _ol;vķ 1om7olbmb lvķ -r-u|l;m|v -m7 _ol;o m;uv -vvo1b-ঞomvĺ ); ;l0u-1; oѴ7Ŋ=-v_bom;7 _ol;vķ 1om7olbmb lvķ -r-u|l;m|v -m7 _ol;o m;uv -vvo1b-ঞomvĺ ); ;l0u-1; oѴ7Ŋ=-v_bom;7 rubm1br-Ѵv o= v;u b1; _bѴ; vbm] v|-|; o= |_; -u| |ooѴvĺ rubm1br-Ѵv o= v;u b1; _bѴ; vbm] v|-|; o= |_; -u| |ooѴvĺ $ " r- v -m -];m| u;=;uu-Ѵ =;; om -ѴѴ u;=;uubm] l-m-];l;m| v;u b1;vĺ ); -u; 1ollb ;7 |o $ " r- v -m -];m| u;=;uu-Ѵ =;; om -ѴѴ u;=;uubm] l-m-];l;m| v;u b1;vĺ ); -u; 1ollb ;7 |o ruo|;1ঞm] o u 1Ѵb;m| u;Ѵ-ঞomv_brvĺ $ " bѴѴ m; ;u 1olruolbv; o u bm|;]ub| ou 1u;-|; -m ruo|;1ঞm] o u 1Ѵb;m| u;Ѵ-ঞomv_brvĺ $ " bѴѴ m; ;u 1olruolbv; o u bm|;]ub| ou 1u;-|; -m m=- ou-0Ѵ; ;m buoml;m| 0 1olr;ঞm] om -m u;-Ѵ ;v|-|; |u-mv-1ঞom =uol o u u;=;uu-Ѵvĺ m=- ou-0Ѵ; ;m buoml;m| 0 1olr;ঞm] om -m u;-Ѵ ;v|-|; |u-mv-1ঞom =uol o u u;=;uu-Ѵvĺ
TCSTCS MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES SERVICES 107 107 S. 2nd S. 2nd St., Suite St., Suite 300 300 | Philadelphia, | Philadelphia, PA 19106 PA 19106 Tel: Tel: (215) (215) 383-1439 383-1439 | Fax: | Fax: (215) (215) 827-5224 827-5224 | Email: | Email: 16 • June 16 • June 2019 2019
EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE“OFF-MARKET” “OFF-MARKET” REAL REALESTATE ESTATEINVESTMENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES EVERY EVERY TURN TURN KEY KEY INVESTMENT INVESTMENT ISIS BUILT BUILT ON ON AA STRONG STRONG FOUNDATION FOUNDATION OFOF QUALITY QUALITY AND AND CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY $ " bm ;v|l;m|v Cm7v mbt ; orrou| mbঞ;v bm o u l-uh;|v -m7 ruo7 1| 1Ѵ-vv;v o[;m $ " bm ;v|l;m|v Cm7v mbt ; orrou| mbঞ;v bm o u l-uh;|v -m7 ruo7 1| 1Ѵ-vv;v o[;m r-vv;7 o ;u 0 lou; |u-7bঞom-Ѵ bm ;v|ouvĺ ); 1-rb|-Ѵb ; om |_; ob7 0;| ;;m bm7b b7 -Ѵ r-vv;7 o ;u 0 lou; |u-7bঞom-Ѵ bm ;v|ouvĺ ); 1-rb|-Ѵb ; om |_; ob7 0;| ;;m bm7b b7 -Ѵ bm ;v|ouv _o -u; ];o]u-r_b1-ѴѴ 1omv|u-bm;7 -m7 |_ov; _o Ѵ-1h |_; vor_bvঞ1-ঞom bm ;v|ouv _o -u; ];o]u-r_b1-ѴѴ 1omv|u-bm;7 -m7 |_ov; _o Ѵ-1h |_; vor_bvঞ1-ঞom -m7 u;vo u1;v |o -1t bu; -m7 Ѵo1-|; bm ;v|l;m| ruor;uঞ;v om |_;bu o mĺ ); 7; ;Ѵor -m7 u;vo u1;v |o -1t bu; -m7 Ѵo1-|; bm ;v|l;m| ruor;uঞ;v om |_;bu o mĺ ); 7; ;Ѵor |_;v; | umh; -vv;|v |o v|-0Ѵ; ruo7 1|v v b|;7 =ou -m ou oѴbo m ;v|ouv Ѵoohbm] |o |_;v; | umh; -vv;|v |o v|-0Ѵ; ruo7 1|v v b|;7 =ou -m ou oѴbo m ;v|ouv Ѵoohbm] |o expand expand intointo the the single single family family investment investment asset asset class. class.
TCSTCS INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS 107 107 S. 2nd S. 2nd St., Suite St., Suite 300 300 | Philadelphia, | Philadelphia, PA 19106 PA 19106 INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS Tel: Tel: (855) (855) 653-8201 653-8201 | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol • 17 • 17
TheThe majority majority of us ofdon’t us don’t havehave significant significant others, others, children, children, or anything or anything like like that.that. So So we’re we’re available available all day all day andand all night all night andand we we enjoy enjoy what what we do. we If do. If youyou see see us on ussocial on social media media at 11atat11night at night writing writing offers, offers, it’s it’s because because we’re we’re awake awake andand we’re we’re always always doing doing realreal estate.” estate.”
Advancing Advancing Philly Philly One One Home Home atat a Time a Time rising rising starstar WrittenWritten by Jacob by Jacob Cabezudo Cabezudo Photography Photography by Creative by Creative Mind Productions Mind Productions
When When jumping jumping into into the real the real estate estate industry, industry, many many come come in just in just looking looking for that for that big commission big commission check. check. But,But, this this business business is a is lotamore lot more thanthan that,that, Jamie Jamie Quinn Quinn has has proven. proven. “Obviously, “Obviously, the money the money can be can be Currently, Currently, she isshe part is of part theofAdvance the Advance PhillyPhilly TeamTeam reallyreally good,”good,” she said, she said, “but if“but you’re if you’re do- doat Keller at Keller Williams Williams Philadelphia Philadelphia and isand absolutely is absolutely ing iting for itthe formoney, the money, you’reyou’re not going not going to be to successbe success- killingkilling it. This it. year, This year, the six theagents six agents in thisingroup, this group, ful.” With ful.” With the many the many relationships relationships and happy and happy families families including including her best her friend best friend Lawrence Lawrence Resnick, Resnick, created created through through her passion, her passion, JamieJamie Quinn’s Quinn’s success successare onare pace on pace to topto$100 top $100 million million in closed in closed sales sales with with the Advance the Advance PhillyPhilly TeamTeam at Keller at Keller Williams Williams altogether. altogether. In their In their first year, first year, the Advance the Advance PhillyPhilly Philadelphia Philadelphia is a glaring is a glaring example example of what of what happens happens teamteam did $42 didmillion $42 million in closed in closed sales.sales. JamieJamie savors savors whenwhen real estate real estate is done is done for the forright the right reasons. reasons. the dynamic the dynamic of theofteam the team and how and enjoyable how enjoyable her her career career has become has become as part as of part it. of it. PriorPrior to real toestate, real estate, JamieJamie worked worked at DelatFrisco’s Del Frisco’s Steakhouse, Steakhouse, starting starting whenwhen she was she19. wasAt19. that At that “I love “I our loveteam our team because because we allwe have all have so many so many point,point, she already she already knewknew that she thatwanted she wanted to become to becomedifferent different personalities. personalities. We’reWe’re all pretty all pretty muchmuch a Real a Real Estate Estate Agent; Agent; however, however, she felt sheshe feltwas shetoo was too underunder the age theofage 30,ofand 30,we andhave we have nothing nothing else to else to young. young. Fortunately, Fortunately, she wasn’t she wasn’t too young too young to realize to realizedo but doreal butestate… real estate… I really I really like us like because us because we we that she thathad sheahad giftafor giftcreating for creating relationships relationships with with genuinely genuinely all want all want to help to our helpclients. our clients. We enjoy We enjoy people people simply simply through through her service her service at DelatFrisco’s. Del Frisco’s. whatwhat we do, weand do,we andmake we make it fun…The it fun…The majority majority of us of don’t us don’t have have significant significant others, others, children, children, or or anything like that. like that. So we’re So we’re available available all day alland day and “I was “Ivery was very fortunate fortunate to create to create a business a business within within a aanything all night and we andenjoy we enjoy whatwhat we do. weIfdo. youIfsee youussee us business business and aand following, a following, and Iand hadIahad lot of a lot reguof regu- all night on social mediamedia at 11 at night 11 at night writing writing offers, offers, it’s it’s lars. So lars. every So every year,year, I wasIgetting was getting moremore and more and more on social because we’rewe’re awake awake and we’re and we’re always always doingdoing requests requests to have to have people people sit insit myinsection. my section. WordWord because real estate.” of mouth, of mouth, family family friends, friends, they just theyreally just really enjoyed enjoyed real estate.” themselves themselves with with me. Ime. realized I realized from from waitressing waitressing that I’m thatactually I’m actually a natural a natural born born salesperson salesperson and Iand I Not toNot mention to mention the systems the systems and people and people that Adthat Adreallyreally enjoyenjoy taking taking care of care people.” of people.” vancevance PhillyPhilly has inhas place in place allowallow for quick for quick service service and most and most importantly, importantly, lasting lasting relationships relationships with with clients. “The “The level level of service of service that we thatgive webetween give between WhenWhen she was she23, wasshe 23,earned she earned her license her license and after and afterclients. our marketing coordinator coordinator and our anddirector our director of of a fewamore few more yearsyears at theatsteakhouse, the steakhouse, JamieJamie decided decidedour marketing operations is seamless,” is seamless,” JamieJamie said. said. “So it“So really it really to fully to fully focusfocus on selling on selling houses houses instead instead of steaks. of steaks. operations makes the whole the whole process process enjoyable enjoyable and streamand streamStarting Starting out, she out,got shetogot experience to experience a great a great train-train- makes lined…We sponsor sponsor a lot of a lot ourofclient’s our client’s househouse ing program ing program and nearly and nearly five years five years of solid of solid workwork at at lined…We warming warming parties, parties, and we anddevelop we develop relationships relationships Coldwell Coldwell Banker. Banker. with with themthem beyond beyond just selling just selling themthem a house.” a house.” • 19 • 19
Advance Advance PhillyPhilly also makes also makes up foruptimes for times whenwhen inventory inventory is lowiswith low with their their relationrelationshipsships with with builders builders and other and other top agents top agents to offer to offer off-market off-market opportunities opportunities to their to their clients, clients, JamieJamie explained. explained. Creating Creating healthy healthy bondsbonds with with clients clients and other and other players players in thein the industry industry alike alike has proven has proven to beto a major be a major key key in Jamie’s in Jamie’s and Advance and Advance Philly’s Philly’s success. success. JamieJamie is a native is a native of Kensington, of Kensington, moved moved to Port to Richmond Port Richmond at ageat11, age attended 11, attended high high school school at theatGeorge the George School School in Newtown, in Newtown, PA PA and has andstayed has stayed in theinPhilly the Philly area her areawhole her whole life. She life.loves She loves the big thecity, big small city, small towntown at- atmosphere mosphere that itthat has.itThere has. There are areas are areas in thein the city she cityhasn’t she hasn’t explored explored yet and yetthere and there are are streets streets where where she knows she knows everyone, everyone, and she and she lovesloves it. She it.isShe a die-hard is a die-hard Eagles Eagles fan who fan of who of course course criedcried after after they won they the wonbig thegame. big game. In In her free hertime, free time, JamieJamie lovesloves takingtaking her pit her bull pit bull ChloeChloe out for outwalks, for walks, goinggoing out toout eat,toand eat, and staying staying in shape in shape with with kickboxing. kickboxing. For other For other up-and-coming up-and-coming agents agents out there, out there, JamieJamie advises advises that you thatfind youafind team a team with with agents agents that can thatprovide can provide greatgreat advice advice and and support. support. “I joined “I joined the team the team right right awayaway and and surrounded surrounded myself myself with with somesome of theoftop the top agents, agents, and what and what I found I found with with the top theagents top agents is thatis10% thatof 10% people of people do 90% do of 90% theofbusiness. the business. ThoseThose 10% are 10%always are always willing willing to lend to alend helpa help-
ing hand. ing hand. Any questions Any questions I’ve ever I’ve had, ever they’ve had, they’ve been been moremore than happy than happy to help to and helpmore and more than happy than happy to share to share their their experiences. experiences. TheyThey nevernever once once mademade me feel meinferior feel inferior even even whenwhen I wasIawas newa agent.” new agent.” In addition In addition to being to being unafraid unafraid to asktofor askhelp, for help, another another fear to fear relinto relinquishquish whenwhen first starting first starting out isout theisfear the of fear failure. of failure. “Don’t “Don’t be scared be scared to start,” to start,” JamieJamie explained, explained, “because “because everybody everybody startsstarts somewhere. somewhere. I made I made a lot of a lot mistakes of mistakes at theatbeginning the beginning that that werewere completely completely innocent, innocent, and any andnew any agent new agent is probably is probably goinggoing to make to make the same the same ones.ones. But make But make themthem sooner sooner than than later,later, because because you’re you’re just going just going to learn to learn quicker.” quicker.” JamieJamie and Advance and Advance PhillyPhilly are looking are looking toward toward greater greater success success for for the years the years to come. to come. Continuing Continuing to goto above go above and beyond and beyond for the forclient the client is what is what will carry will carry themthem to new to heights. new heights. “Put your “Put your all into all it,” intoJamie it,” Jamie concludes. concludes. “And“And reallyreally stay grounded stay grounded in remembering in remembering why you’re why you’re doingdoing it anditwho and you’re who you’re doingdoing it for.itI for. think I think that’sthat’s whatwhat keepskeeps our our teamteam successful.” successful.” 20 • June 20 • June 2019 2019 • 21 • 21
sponsor sponsor spotlight spotlight WrittenWritten By Jacob By Jacob Cabezudo Cabezudo
Jeff JeffTinney Tinney/ /The TheHOME HOME Team TeamofofFreedom FreedomMortgage Mortgage Fishtown Fishtown Welcomes Welcomes The The HOME HOME Team Team 22 • June 22 • June 2019 2019
The HOME The HOME TeamTeam started started out by out working by working heavily heavily with with refinances, refinances, but then but then the market the market crashed crashed in 2008 in 2008 and their and their focusfocus shifted shifted to to purchase purchase transactions. transactions. Through Through it all,itThe all,HOME The HOME TeamTeam survived survived and has andsince has since ballooned ballooned with with growth. growth. Currently Currently they have they have over over 50 salespeople 50 salespeople with with offices offices in New in New York,York, New New Jersey, Jersey, PennsylPennsylvania,vania, NorthNorth Carolina, Carolina, Maryland Maryland and Florida. and Florida. EachEach month month The The HOME HOME Team,Team, as a whole, as a whole, closescloses over over 100 transactions. 100 transactions. Last month Last month (May(May 2019), 2019), The HOME The HOME TeamTeam opened opened a newa office new office right right in Fishtown. in Fishtown. For Jeff, For who Jeff, has wholived has lived in Bucks in Bucks County County with with his wife his and wifekids and for kidsalmost for almost five years, five years, Fishtown Fishtown was the wasperfect the perfect placeplace to expand to expand the team. the team. “The“The wholewhole vibe of vibe Fishtown of Fishtown is great,” is great,” he said. he said. “Literally, “Literally, everyevery blockblock that you thatwalk you walk down,down, there’s there’s massive massive amounts amounts of new of connew construction struction - knocking - knocking downdown houses, houses, rehabbing rehabbing houses… houses… We feel We feel that there’s that there’s a great a great opportunity opportunity to align to align ourselves ourselves with with builders builders and developers and developers in theinarea the that area really that really couldcould expand expand our reach our reach throughout throughout the whole the whole city and cityinand Fishtown in Fishtown itself.” itself.” Located Located at 629 at 629 East Girard, East Girard, the beautiful the beautiful brand-new brand-new building building will be will thebeperfect the perfect officeoffice for Jeff forto Jeff runtoinrun Philly. in Philly.
WithWith a long, a long, successful successful tracktrack record record of helping of helping people people achieve achieve theirtheir homeownership homeownership dreams, dreams, The The HOME HOME TeamTeam of Freedom of Freedom Mortgage Mortgage has has expanded expanded into into the City the City of Brotherly of Brotherly Love.Love. Branch Branch Manager Manager Jeff Jeff Tinney Tinney is leading is leading the charge the charge in our in great our great city. city. Agents Agents and and families families alikealike can can finally finally experience experience second-to-none second-to-none expertise expertise and and professionalism professionalism of of The The HOME HOME Team. Team.
The HOME The HOME Team’s Team’s success success is largely is largely rooted rooted in their in their emphasis emphasis on on beingbeing the most the most professional professional to their to their clients. clients. “I think “I think the level the level of professionalism of professionalism is paramount. is paramount. WhenWhen The The HOME HOME TeamTeam handles handles your your transaction transaction you become you become part of part ourof our family. family. Your Your loan will loanbe will closed be closed on time on time and the andexperience the experience will will be topbenotch.” top notch.” The HOME The HOME TeamTeam prides prides itselfitself on having on having in-house in-house underwriting underwriting and in-house and in-house processing. processing. Transparency Transparency throughout throughout the entire the entire process process is most is most important important to thetoteam the team and that and comes that comes with with their their • 23 • 23
expertise expertise and skill and in skill every in every officeoffice they have they have alongalong the east the coast. east coast. Jeff explains, Jeff explains, “I think “I think that one thatofone theofthings the things that really that really separates separates us from us from a lot of a lot other of other mortgage mortgage professionals professionals is theisability the ability to doto do things things that many that many of theofother the other companies companies can’t can’t do because do because of theof the level level of expertise of expertise that we thathave. we have. We always We always have have someone someone on staff on staff who is who a complete is a complete expert.” expert.” For example, For example, for any fordeals any deals that may that become may become confusing confusing in thein the pre-submission pre-submission stage,stage, they call theyupon call upon their their “Mortgage “Mortgage Doctor,” Doctor,” Edward Edward Groussman. Groussman. He’s one He’sofone theofmany the many people people on staff on staff at The at The HomeHome TeamTeam with with over over a decade a decade of experience of experience and aand fortune a fortune of of knowledge knowledge to boot. to boot. And the Andservice the service gets even gets even betterbetter whenwhen the the team’s team’s experts experts workwork together together to arrive to arrive at theatbest the solution, best solution, whichwhich oftenoften happens. happens. “We’re “We’re not like notlone like wolves lone wolves where where one guy oneisguy outisthere out there and ifand he if he doesn’t doesn’t knowknow how to how gettothe getdeal the done, deal done, the deal the dies,” deal dies,” Jeff exJeff explained. plained. “It’s alright. “It’s alright. Let me Letgome sitgo down sit down with with Eddy,Eddy, or Brandon, or Brandon, or James, or James, and let’s and figure let’s figure out how out to how gettothis getdeal this done.’” deal done.’” Perhaps Perhaps the part the of part theofbusiness the business that The thatHOME The HOME TeamTeam is most is most passionate passionate aboutabout is giving is giving back back to thetocommunity. the community. EachEach month month the team the team raisesraises money money for various for various charities charities and organizations and organizations in each in each market market they serve. they serve. Recently, Recently, The HOME The HOME TeamTeam donated donated $25,000 $25,000 to a day to acamp day camp in New in New York,York, allowing allowing for many for many kids to kids to have have free summer free summer campcamp this year. this year. TheyThey also support also support JAR of JAR of Hope,Hope, a charity a charity that raises that raises money money and awareness and awareness for Duchenne for Duchenne Muscular Muscular Dystrophy. Dystrophy. Working Working with with The HOME The HOME TeamTeam of Freedom of Freedom Mortgage, Mortgage, not only not only do you doget youanget expert an expert staff staff bent bent on making on making the deal the happen; deal happen; you you also get alsoa get generous a generous teamteam of professionals of professionals making making you sure you your sure your needsneeds are met arefirst. met first.
24 • June 24 • June 2019 2019
Photograph Photograph by: by: Christina Christina Bruce Bruce Photography Photography
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event event recap recap
PhotosPhotos By: Terrance By: Terrance Tazwell Tazwell
MAGAZINE MAGAZINELAUNCH LAUNCHPARTY PARTY 100 of100 Philadelphia’s of Philadelphia’s Top Real Top Real Estate Estate Agents Agents and Preferred and Preferred Affiliates Affiliates enjoyed enjoyed delicious delicious MAY MAY 23RD, 23RD, 2019 2019 AT AT OverOver food,food, greatgreat drinks, drinks, networking networking and live andmusic live music by Gypsy by Gypsy Jazz Jazz band band ‘Manouche ‘Manouche 5” at 5” theatPhilathe PhilaCHIMA CHIMA STEAKHOUSE STEAKHOUSEdelphia delphia Real Real Producers Producers Magazine Magazine Launch Launch PartyParty on 5/23/19 on 5/23/19 at Chima at Chima Steakhouse Steakhouse PhiladelPhiladelphia. phia. The platinum The platinum sponsor sponsor of this of event this event was The was HOME The HOME Team Team of Freedom of Freedom Mortgage Mortgage along along PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA with:with: Curbio, Curbio, Surety Surety Title Title Company Company and TwoTwo and TwoTwo Creative. Creative. If youIfcan’t you can’t tell from tell from he pictures, he pictures, everyone everyone had ahad fantastic a fantastic time!time! Check Check out these out these photos photos captured captured at theatevent. the event.
26 • June 26 • June 2019 2019 • 27 • 27
28 • June 28 • June 2019 2019 • 29 • 29
30 • June 30 • June 2019 2019 • 31 • 31
32 • June 32 • June 2019 2019 • 33 • 33
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Working WorkingFor ForYour YourBest BestInterests Interests Real Realproducers producersNeed NeedREAL REALLoan LoanOfficers! Officers! Residential Residential & Commercial & Commercial Lending Lending • Primary • Primary & Investment & Investment Lending Lending 8YFYJI 34 .SHTRJ ;JWNʧHFYNTS KTW 8JQK *RUQT^JI 'TWWT\JWX 8YFYJI 34 .SHTRJ ;JWNʧHFYNTS KTW 8JQK *RUQT^JI 'TWWT\JWX < 'TWWT\JWX < 'TWWT\JWX +TWJNLS 3FYNTSFQX ɥ 'FSP 8YFYJRJSY QTFSX +TWJNLS 3FYNTSFQX ɥ 'FSP 8YFYJRJSY QTFSX Alisha Alisha Cooper Cooper
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NC_Charlotte Metro Realtor